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Anon's Bizarre Adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 17:24:56 Id: 4cc003 No. 1031572 >>1033331 >>1056566
What happened to it? I feel like working on it again, but i don't have the latest version. For those that don't know, here’s how it works. Everyone is taking turns downloading the newest version of the game, making contributions before reuploading it for someone else to work on it. Only one person can actively work on it at a time. This is because if two people make overlapping changes to the database, scripts or switches, they will conflict resulting in one person having to redo all their work. Changes to the map and events can be copy-pasted from one version of a project to another so you’re free to work on new maps and new events if its not your turn and add them to the current version of the game once it is your turn. It should work like this. OP posts newest version of the map. The first person (Anon #1) to respond to OP stating that he’s going to work on it becomes the active game dev. Once Anon #1 finishes and re-uploads it, the first person to respond to him gets to work on it. So on and so forth. Additionally, whenever you re-upload a new version, reply to the anchor post, it’ll make things a lot easier. General Rules >Don’t mess with maps, events or anything else you didn’t make. Although, adding minor stuff like a connection between two areas or fixing bugs and typos is all fine. >If you’re ok with others editing your stuff, leave a note saying so. >You’re free to add characters and the like, to the inter-dimensional tavern. >You’re also free to make changes to game settings, unless its something we’ve agreed upon (we’ll probably do this via a poll) >We also have a dedicated board now >>>/bizarre/ come post and check it out! (The exact way we use, and the general purpose of the board in relation to the threads on /v/ will probably change change over time. However there will always be threads maintained on /v/, regardless of what happens on the board.) Current version of the game: UNKNOWN! I HAVE 0.55 BUT I'M NOT SURE IF IT'S THE LATEST ONE. IF YOU HAVE A LATER VERSION AVAILABLE POST IT! RPG Maker VX ACE magnet: This one contains all the DLC 76UC6DG7 Sprites and stuff: Feel free to steal https://rpg-maker-artists.deviantart.com/gallery/25208345/RPG-Maker-Sprites You can also steal more shit from the XV Ace steam workshop using this http://steamworkshopdownloader.com/ Archive of Previous Thread: https://8kun.top/v/res/16890428.html (Threads here aren't archived) FAQ >How do I RPG Maker VX Ace? Here’s a good tutorial series if you want to learn how to use it. inb4 jewtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzqt1PzBxxQ&list=PLzevVXwTX9wipsdJnTsuzUoCLb9v5npat
>What about RPG Maker MV? We decided in the last thread that we’re using VX Ace. We’re not changing this again. Get it out of your head right now. If you made content in MV you’ll have to back port it to VX Ace. It sucks, but we’re not doing any more engine changes. >Why don't you fucks use version control? Like RPG Maker MV, we tried that and the project died. Nobody wanted to learn git. It can't be helped. Plus someone needs a (((premium))) account if we want the project to be private. >Are you guys affiliated with [PUT ANY OTHER /v/ PROJECT HERE] No, the group creating this game is not a stable dev group and is only comprised of random anons who get interested in the project enough to start developing is. >Add X to the Game! Suggestions are fine, but if you want something added to the game. DO IT YOURSELF. Its not that hard. >What should I add? Go nuts, add whatever the hell you like! (However, please keep in mind that if the filesize of this project gets too large it’ll become unruly to work with. So please be somewhat conservative when adding large music or .ogv files.) >Is OP a faggot? Yes. Forever and ever.
>>1031572 (OP) is there a way of achieving a different combat system than the one thats already present in rpg maker ?
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>>1033323 Holy shit, a new version of anon's bizarre adventure.
>>1033331 There are games that assign an attack to the use button and get rid of all the turn based combat. There are games that don't have combat at all. But I'd say we're way too deep in to make sudden changes like this.
>>1033331 The quick answer is yes, but it's hard enough that you're better off using another engine if you want to make an action game. The tl;dr on why - RPG Maker has a lot of hard coded stuff that prevents the system from straying from its Dragon Quest roots. Plugins that radically alter combat and other features are basically full rewrites of large parts of the engine rather than additions to it. This means it's easier to use another engine if you want to do something that's vastly different from standard RPG Maker stuff. Combine that with the fact that the English speaking RPG Maker community puts everything behind thick paywalls for the most basic shit, and it's annoying and expensive to do something that's not vanilla RPG Maker.
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>>1033695 Hasn't anyone called out Yanfly or VisuStella on their kikery yet? I'd say just crack their bullshit bloat code then optimize, copy and pirate the fuck out of them. Like they've got patents on cookie-cutter game gimmicks or some shit?
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>>1033746 >Yanfly The utter kikery. >100+ plugins up for free that enriched the entire RPG maker space for nearly a decade >Takes it all down and stuffs it all behind a fucking paywall >"also buy my friends overpriced plugins for MZ :))))" >Radio silence afterwards You pay for what you had. No bug fixes, no improvements, no new plugins. Pic related is all the plugins. It's a zip file.
>>1033754 >image data gets fucked. I wanted to be clever but I guess I'm just an idiot. https://files.catbox.moe/7l9pie.zip
>>1033746 >Hasn't anyone called out Yanfly or VisuStella on their kikery yet? In a way, yes. The entire Japanese RPG Maker community stood up in one voice and told Visustella to fuck off. Everything they do, there's a Japanese plugin that does it and without obfuscating the code, paywalling it, or purposefully conflicting with other people's plugins. In fact, JP plugin creators frequently work together to fix conflicts when they happen. >>1033754 Honestly, I feel like you just touched the tip of the iceberg with those points. There's three huge ones you missed. 1 - their code is obfuscated so that people can't fix the purposefully created conflicts with every free plugin that exists. This is big because I had to bugfix several of Yanfly's scripts when I still used VX Ace. Can't do that with Visustella. 2 - they don't respond to requests to fix conflicts with other people's code. Why? Because... 3 - instead of fixing a conflict with Plugin A, Visustella magically releases their own new product with Plugin A's functionality. What a coincidence!
>>1033323 Ghost Skeleton for that magic power Conquistador so I can bribe and seduce people magnetic bones and ultimate form so that I can always come back together Museum for the modern amenities and access to that sweet t-rex skeleton to fuse with for my ultimate form Kelly Goldstein
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Bump of LIVE
>>1033746 Shouldn't the one who owns their code is Kadokawa aka RPG Maker
>>1033323 Gofile nuked the files after 10 days of inactivity. Are there better upload alternatives that keep the links alive for longer?
>>1043758 Isn't Sony buying them?
>>1043853 How does that matter?
>>1043860 Sony gonna shut it down :^)
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>>1043834 I will upload it to archive.org when I get around to it. Maybe tomorrow.
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>>1031787 GET v0.591 HERE https://mega.nz/file/itd1mCTJ#pgEQ3oQQWOgDCO_VLZGs8m1p_OQABjTj8tZ4YNobvlo Very small update with stuff i forgot to implement. A good excuse to upload it on MEGA i'd say. >Codec calls for Gravelands. >Changed the location of Metal Skeleton slightly. >Added some small interactions with other non-quest related skeletons when you have the Gravelands quest ongoing. >Added a secret tunnel to Mt. Waifu to prevent softlocking. >Added a total of one new manga in Weebanon's shop.
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>>1043977 I've updated the listing on archive.org https://archive.org/details/anon-bizarre-adventure
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>>1033323 Is this real life?
For anyone who has the time to spare, what kind of work would be needed to help finish this project? Spriting, art, map design, coding, music?
>>1045196 this is eggplantasy
>>1045196 >>1048820 Eggplant got pan-fried, no escape from finality.
It's been said numerous times that balance is not an issue until the game is completely finished, but after watching today's stream and laughing at UTanon missing very obvious cues i think some tuning at the very least is necessary. Some bosses heavily rely on spamming aoe attacks and some status effects are just instant game over. Compared to the enemies, your main party members Teagan, Gondola and CIA have very little options at the start. Van's great as a tank, and Masao's a solid all-rounder. Too bad most of the story requires you to bench them. Teagan in particular just sucks. Most enemies don't give exp or money on kill, and the skill shop has absurd prices. Whoever's working on the game next should also spare some time to tinker on these issues.
>>1048253 We steal almosy every asset so not much is needed from an artistic point. If anything, we need to actually finish some unfinished content like quests and zones. Especially the main quest (/r9k/ zone). >>1051281 I was watching the stream too. I have a general idea of what to tone down but I won't be home until very late.
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>>1031572 (OP) I have RPG Maker now. Later I might look into this project once I have thoroughly learned how to use RPG Maker.
>>1056566 Or you could just make some area filled with random bullshit to teach yourself and then add that to the game. That's what I did. t. winterchan-anon
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>>1056574 I'm watching tutorial videos. Experimenting in my own RPG maker project. Currently using RPG Maker MV, but I do have RPG Maker VX Ace & the previous versions of RPG Maker (like XP & 2003). The main reason I'm in MV is because of the character generator. I made a villain character, for example.
I'm still surprise how little the amount of RPG Maker games have a more customized gameplay like Nocturne Rebirth have
>>1056576 Bane?
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>>1056622 he looks like a baby in chibi form, give him some shaved grey buzz on top. You can even go buzzed mohawk for that villanous look
>>1056636 >>1056576 also the eyeliner doesn't look evil at all. Go for bigger, darker eyebrows instead
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>>1056636 >>1056637 >>1056638 I'll report back in a few days, maybe. >>1056635 The fire rises.
>>1056566 Speaking of that, VX Ace is literally free to own until the 11th. I know it's easy to pirate and all, but convenience. are you a fellow >>>/rwby/ refugee making your way here?
>>1067686 Some RPG Makers are a pain in the ass to pirate, thanks for the heads up
>>1067686 >free on steam So this means I can official release my home made kusoge and Kadokawa wouldn't care?

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