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Minor News Thread Anonymous 08/23/2021 (Mon) 22:32:02 Id: 9cb4c9 No. 396559
Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.
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>>1075792 >mfw this means nuts & bolts on PC
>>1075891 I just want Ninja Gaiden 2
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>>1075792 >The work behind this Unleashed port now seems to have now opened the door for more 360 games to get the same treatment. Besides Ninja Gaiden 2 already being mentioned, these 5 other games on Xbox 360 would IMO benefit from a recompiled project (also not mentioned are DOA Xtreme 2 & Im@s Live For You)
>>1075792 >>1076089 So Suda51 wasted his time doing PC remasters of Lollipop Chainsaw and Shadows of the Damned?
>>1075983 I want everything, xbox one translation layer, decompilations, bloodborne emulation, put it all on the table baby. We next gen now.
>>1076096 Don't know. The game engine change from the original Lollipop Chainsaw's Unreal Engine 3 to RePop's Unreal Engine 5 caused the jiggle physics to get butchered.
>>1076096 In terms of what would be the better release, possibly, but in terms of business not at all. Only a small fraction of people will ever know these Re-compilation projects exist, despite how good the Sonic Unleashed one is, if Sega announced a Mediocre port of Unleashed tomorrow far more people who will ever play the Re-comp would buy it. There is also the clear benefit of Console sales, not just PC ones.
>>1076152 I'm personally looking forward to inFamous 3 being emulatable, having never picked up a PS4 I never played that one. From a quick glance, I see the game already runs and gets in-game, albeit without sound and very visually broken. I've talked to some people into shadPS4 and they've said not to expect it anytime soon, but the great thing about PS4 emulation is there are so few games worth playing they'll all get a lot of attention quickly. In no order, I think the PS4 "main" exclusive list is >Bloodborne >inFamous 3 >Ratchet 2016 >Dreams (this would be a big one, lots of archiving required) >Shadow of the Colossus remake >Gravity Rush 2 >Uncharted 4 >The Last Guardian Then there are a couple of lesser known/mediocre titles Killzone Shadow Fall, Tearaway, Matterfall, The Order: 1886, Knack, etc. Writing it out, the PS4 had more games than I remember.
PlayStation 2 is now 25 years old in Japan Time >>1076012
>>1076420 Uncharted 4 is on PC, a code for a free copy of it actually came with my most recent CPU. I still haven't played tho since Uncharted 4 is when Amy Hennig got booted from Naughty Dog. Another Exclusive the PS4 has is the 2014 Godzilla game, I think it's a neat game, but it got Terrible reviews and I can understand why since it's a janky game, that seems like it belongs more in the PS2 era rather than PS4. Although because the game getting those bad reviews, and it also being a Licensed game with a limited release, it's now one of the rarest PS4 games out there, and it sells for Hundreds now.
>>1076420 You could also add Hokuto no Ken developed by RGG Studo and Kyoei Toshi (although the crossover concept looks neat, it's probably as bad and janky as Disaster Report 4)
>>1076433 Isn't this the Godzilla game with no local multiplayer? Any Godzilla game that doesn't let me and my buddy sit next to each other on the couch and beat the shit out of each other as two giant monsters is a bad Godzilla game. Yes, I know there are a lot of older ones that don't let you do that. Yes, those are bad Godzilla games. >>1076438 Ratchet & Clank PS4 isn't incredibly soy. But it is basically a remake with almost every change from the original just making it worse. But it's okay, I guess. Honestly the only PS4 exclusives I really liked were Gravity Rush 2, Tearaway: Unfolded, InFamous 3, and Ratchet & Clank. And yeah, Ratchet & Clank is pretty far down the list. Also, InFamous 3 has standalone DLC where you literally play as a neon-powered girl, with the neon hair and all that. The game is more soy than Ratchet. It's tolerable by today's standards, and the gameplay is good, but it's got its dose of soy. And if we're gonna count remakes like Shadow of the Colossus, then we should count Gravity Rush Remastered, which would instantly be the second-best game on the console, behind only Gravity Rush 2. But leave anon alone. He was clearly reaching to try to find PS4 games worth even mentioning.
>>1076433 Not exclusive Godzilla was on the PS3 as well
>>1075792 I wonder how would this work for game with multiple discs like Lost Odyssey that never got ported
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>>1076420 Personally, I want to play Housemarque's games. I've been a fan of them since Stardust and most their PS4 games never got ported over, Nex Machina did and I loved that. I can't stand how they've become one of those "one game every decade" studios goddamn it, they were releasing games basically every year from the early 90s until 2017. Why did they have to go Triple GAY?
>>1077104 I imagine it would take a bit of rewriting the code asking for you to swap discs, to just have it load the content from the next disc automatically to make it seamless. Not that i'm an expert but in the grand scheme of making these Recompilations, that multiple discs part seems like it would be a minor issue compared to getting the game in general working.
>>1077104 Does the game save at the end of the disc? That would make it trivial.
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According to some users in Eastasiasoft's Discord, GOG has rejected the uncensor patch for Tokyo Clanpool. Yes, GOG. If true, that's three different storefronts that have rejected or censored this Japanese console game from less than a decade ago. Fucking H-games apparently have less obstacles to release than unneutered Japanese console games now! GOG has on-site patches for most of the H-games they sell. That this console game had to have its patch off-site is basically confirmation that GOG refused to carry it.
>>1077378 Really bizarre, is there a provided reason for it?
>>1077378 Is it a loli game? If so that's why. I recently discovered this is often the reason VNs get rejected on Steam, Valve is apparently very no-no about lolishota even in non-eroge.
>>1077378 Anything with loli gets barred outside Japan, Visa and Mastercard are super anal about it while blatantly supporting CP.
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>>1077423 I'll bet it's the real reason why GOG rejected it & why they don't bat an eye over most H-games.
>>1077378 inb4 EastAsiaSoft itself censored the game, or got caught pulling a stupid move with rating boards, before shifting the blame on various platforms.
>>1077434 I doubt that. All these western platforms have bad histories with censorship, they deserve the benefit of the doubt until proof showing otherwise crops up.
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>>1077436 They're bound by credit providers either they like it or not. They don't give a shit about what goes in there as long as people are buying.
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>>1075649 >>1075792 >sonic unleashed at a good framerate, the last reason to buy an XSeX, is now on PC wew, i hope this leads to some breakthrough in original xbox emulation soon
>>1077661 Xbox HUEG emulation has been decent for awhile, actually.
>>1077400 Steam have eroges with explicit lolisex so it's bullshit either way >>1077396 They just hate japanese media
Expansion for RoboCop: Rogue City, titled Unfinished Business. Releases Summer this year.
>>1077769 >Not even 10 seconds in and there's already a nigger Dropped
>>1077774 >Nigger in Detroit No way!
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>>1077777 >77777 JACKPOT
New Styx game, Styx: Blades of Greed. Releases fall this year.
>>1077781 Need more goblinoids in games
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>>1077781 first two games were janky as fuck, but they scratched my stealth itch

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