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Super Mario /v/orld Thread Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 05:05:23 Id: a2cd4e No. 1006448
>What's this? A SMW romhack filled with player-made levels. >This is a cuckchan ROMhack, isn't it? Yes, but it's fun. SOURCE: >Sites with fan arts and game files https://longc.at/vhacks.html >SNES Emulator [Use to play .smc games] https://www.emulator-zone.com/snes/ >Super Mario World - Short4Sure.sfc [Ayamari's short game] https://files.catbox.moe/clsq99.smc >Super Mario /v/orld.sfc https://files.catbox.moe/6369aw.zip (v. 1.33) https://longc.at/vorld1.html >Super Mario /v/orld 2 - Moot Point.sfc https://files.catbox.moe/pf3trm.zip (v. 1.1) https://longc.at/vorld2.html >Super Mario /v/orld 3 - New Vegas with fan art from site included https://files.catbox.moe/gk3ctj.zip without fan art included (much smaller download) https://files.catbox.moe/qjn6xc.zip (v. 1.09) https://longc.at/vorld3.html Super Mario /v/orld New Vegas : Attempts to make Vivian James sprite playable for 8moe https://files.catbox.moe/74ytlm.rar >End of /v/orld [Browser game, not ROMhack] https://notvhack.itch.io/vhack --- >[Mostly] Finished and Ready To Use Sprites [Part one].zip https://files.catbox.moe/b4qqx9.zip >WIP SMV3 CHARACTERS [Part two of the file].zip https://files.catbox.moe/79c431.zip
Direct doomposting to >>937850.
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>>1007244 Weird, but I appreciate it.
>>1007419 "/v/-inspired" doesn't persuade me enough so, no. A game has to be good. Market's got enough shitty games already, hacks are worse. My last SNES hack played was a good hack, SMK Horizons.
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>>1007455 I looked up SMKH on NeoROMhacking.net and may give the patch a go. The racetrack designs avoid hairpin turns that plague other amateur hacks in the racing genre and the graphics don't clash where others make me want to tear my eyes out.
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Any comments or ideas about this N8 sprite re-design or..Its good enough? [Spoiler is not pic related. Just creating/posting OC for >us that would otherwise be too spammish for drawthreads and LOL threads since I want to post too much.]
>>1007727 Maybe make his eyeshadow a little darker, he needs the racoon mask after all. >>1007787 Agreed.
>>1007727 >>1007787 >>1007789 Yeah C is the best. >>1008279 N8 is board culture.
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>>1007727 Here's my proposal.
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>>1008382 It looks wonderful. There may be tiny adjustments to it tho.
>>1008590 Stop being a fucking faggot.
>>1008590 To be fair, the post was pretty low effort. Nothing more than "KYS furfag". With that said, bullying furfags is board culture, and trying to imply that its cuckchan is kinda silly.
>>1007727 >>1008382 Makes me want to play a N8 game. N8 needs to have a game.
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>>1008622 I thought bullying Mark is a board culture because of gondola merchandise situations. There’s even /fur/ that pretty much makes bullying furfag less welcome. Unless it’s because of Hotwheels becoming a furry that led to that happening.
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>>1008586 Reworked it a bit and made a version with colored eyes. >>1008708 But what would it play like? >>1008733 Bullying furfags was unquestionably board culture on the old site. But /v/ isn't one person, threads with furbait OPs regularly turned into porn dumps. Switch dog made the board shit itself. >bullying Mark is a board culture because of gondola merchandise situations Bullying Mark is tradition because of many, many reasons.

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I managed to put N8 in back and front side with some modification of your sprite proposal. Does it look good? >>1008752 >Bullying Mark is tradition because of many, many reasons. Oh really?! Care to tell me of these many, many reasons?
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>>1008733 >implying Gondola is a furry How dare you. >There’s even /fur/ And there was /leftypol/ among others hated boards with sizeable usernames none the less. Not that /fir/ was hated like them or “not truly 8chan”; I’m just saying the logic that having a presence on 8chan = board culture is flimsy. In any case, the KYS guy is autistic in a bad way. Your sprites are fine even though furries should be funnelled through a wood chipper feet first.
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>>1008943 >implying Gondola is a furry No, Gondola is pretty much Ayamari's only genuine unironic best friend forever on 8chan that he follows her anywhere she goes/wants. He's like a great team for her. Also, he's there for her whenever she felt hurt or sad any time, while Ayamari is there for him when he need companion, which majority of 8moe recently abandoned him in favor of being angry all the time for unknown reasons [KYS guy being example] >Your sprites are fine Thanks for heads-up if there needs edit or not. Reason I chose N8 is because of incorrect headcanon of him being archrival to Moot at newfag perspective of him being mascot of 8moe and not only /fur/
>>1008943 > I’m just saying the logic that having a presence on 8chan = board culture is flimsy. Also, I'm confused on what you mean by that.
>>1008752 >But what would it play like? Possibilities >Adventure Island/Wonder Boy >Monster World >Little Nemo >La Mulana >The Maze of Galious Anubis and the Buried Bone >Spelunky (the little sprite would work well for that) >
>>1008954 >anons abandoned Gondola to be angry They abandoned him because they have jobs now masturbating and shitposting in their mother’s basement. >>1008955 Was /tot/ board culture? Was /leftypol/? Is /zoo/? You get the idea. Although at least leftypol used 8chan as more than a glorified image dump.
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>>1008978 < masturbating and shitposting in their mother’s basement. >>1008978 So, 8moe forgotten many of its cultures now because of newfags or whatever happened with Jim or such?
>>1008981 The point wasn’t that N8 or /fur/ aren’t board culture, it was that something being a part of board culture requires more than just having a board with a notable userbase. This is getting too autistic though. If you want to say that diaper zoophilia is board culture then be my guest, but I won’t.
>>1009002 >being a part of board culture requires more than just having a board with a notable userbase I'd ask what requires more than just that, but I can't blame you if you're tired of talking to me, so I thank you for the information.
>>1009005 If soyjak.party made a bunker here, and it got a million users who then started posting soyjaks everywhere, would that make skyjack.party board culture? I mean, they’d eclipse the original user base thousands of time over, and their posts would far exceed the rest. So would it be board culture?
>>1009011 <would that make skyjack.party board culture? Hell no. That is literally awful idea all the fucking way... >So would it be board culture? From lurking, I'm guessing have fun with Anons and make OCs?
>>1008967 >>1008752 Or like Chip 'n Dale with N8 and Bushy.
https://files.catbox.moe/89vy6n.aseprite In case any friends wants to help out.
>>1009056 Adjust eyes on 5 to match others
>>1009058 But he's looking up as he jumps
>>1009059 That's 4, 1 over
>>1009061 Oh, that's supposed to be his "shocked/scared/surprised" reaction when he's turning around after running.
>>1009062 Doesn't fit the mood
>>1009066 How do you make it fit the mood to give "live/soul/personality" to his movements then? Not to be rude, I want to understand or learn
>>1009067 The original has always felt more like a pitcher ready to turn and throw a ball, or just trying to stop sliding in a comical way. To that end, nate's whole body is facing the wrong way, at least without seeing it in action.
>>1009098 https://files.catbox.moe/ckaub6.aseprite A checkpoint in case I disappeared for retarded reasons.
The arms and legs look too stiff except for the jumping and falling poses.
>>1009132 Spriting with the heavy limitations of 16x32 and the forced SMW Mario palette made it hard to avoid stiffness.
https://files.catbox.moe/xncpqf.aseprite Another checkpoint, as I'm struggling to figure out other ways of spriting N8 all by myself, like his swim and duck pose.
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Who is N8? You should add Kasha.
>>1018908 >Who is N8? He's the little guy that's got a birthday tomorrow!
>>1018908 N8 is a mascot of /fur/ board; for long time, I thought N8 was the true mascot of 8chan because of headcanon rivalry with Moot Kasha is "less priority" to be sprite because of negativities around her. The next could be Gondola, Mark, or others. >>1018915 Happy Birthday, N8
>>1018908 make your own sprite sheet and hack you attention whore.
>>1018926 >Kasha is "less priority" to be sprite because of negativities around her <The next could be Mark Pic unrelated
Do you have a playable demo?
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>>1018935 That is what I mean by much less priority; It feels like Kasha is 8moe’s MarielX while cuckchan’s MarielX is 4chan’s Kasha. MarielX always ask for her OC to be drawn in cuckchan’s drawthread, GaryC thread, and has /i/ thread. >>1018937 The idea of using Mark Mann for a sprite/flash animations (like what NG did like SMBZ) to make fun of Mark has more of an ironic deserving of the slot. https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=5jZzMyjkdGs https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=ce28u304niY >>1019215 What do you mean
>>1019244 I mean a game I can run in an emulator.
>>1019244 >what do you mean You can use yy-chr to edit exported graphics from lunar magic and reimport them into a rom for him, followed by any palette changes in the latter.
>>1019267 Ah, the N8 gameplay demo https://files.catbox.moe/steagb.rar >>1019260 <SNES Emulator [Use to play .smc games] https://www.emulator-zone.com/snes/ <Super Mario /v/orld.sfc https://files.catbox.moe/6369aw.zip (v. 1.33) https://longc.at/vorld1.html <Super Mario /v/orld 2 - Moot Point.sfc https://files.catbox.moe/pf3trm.zip (v. 1.1) https://longc.at/vorld2.html <Super Mario /v/orld 3 - New Vegas with fan art from site included https://files.catbox.moe/gk3ctj.zip

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