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Games you are (currently) playing GYAP! #1: Unfinished business Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 15:19:58 Id: 570f84 No. 1073300 >>1073303 >>1077350 >>1077449 >>1078421 >>1078425 >>1078535
There's a thread for F-f-f-friday night, there's another one for games you just finished BUT there is no thread for games we are currently playing.
>>1073300 (OP) I got both AC Ezio collection and Rabbids + Mario 2 as gifts. recently finished AC2 but since this is the collection I have yet to play brotherhood and revelations, Brotherhood was the one I played the most back in the day but never finished it, and as far as I remember Brotherhood is the best AC game that still feels like AC People who liked Black flag have admitted that even if Black flag is their favorite AC, that's the point of the series where it stopped feeling like AC and I agree
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>>1073303 I played Asscreed when it first came out, and finishing it felt like a slog. The story was so convoluted that I stopped giving a shit halfway through. The Animus sections were just awful. When II came along, it built on the first one and improved it—which is what a sequel should do—but getting to the end still felt like a drag. I've always been curious about some of the other games, like the American Revolution one or the pirate one, but I’m worried I’ll just end up disappointed again. So i always end up playing something else.

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Playing through the Tomb Raider IV-VI Remaster and a contra-like porn game called Rhya's Crusade. Never played the original IV-VI TR games, so it's taking me a bit longer to move through the new trilogy since I don't have memories to fall back on. Also started messing around a bit with Links 386 Pro. Not usually into goffin, but I need a change of pace. Also, it's Friday night, so I'll be getting shit hammered drunk and playing American Truck Simulator in convoy. Pretty fun when you have a full racing sim, button boxes, and a run it all through VR.
been playing Baldur's Gate 3 for a month now, I'm nearing the end. Romanced Minthara. She's really the best surprise of the game. She asked me to slaughter a camp of Tieflings and that's exactly what I did. I have terrible taste in women
Playing Final Fantasy 1 on the PSX and Thief Gold for the first time with TFix and a mod to improve the AI. The former lends itself to grinding a little too much for my taste, but I got really close to finishing it once. The latter is fun, but I think the mod and my PC's low specs make the guards freeze sometimes and cause the game to lag when they detect me. However, it was too easy beforehand.
I got... two territories left in chapter 4 of Demons Roots left. To be honest, I'm not really liking this game. I see alot of reviews saying "It has a good story" but so far all I see is that it's unnecessarily grim and kinda stupid with it's drama. Once I thought it was Grimderp, it made perfect sense as to what the tone of the game was. For instance, it has a main plot where all the girls are some kind of slave where you can surrender to a "Bad End" mode where it then proceeds to just be snuff. People who come for snuff won't care about the characters and people who do care won't do the snuff like I am. It's that dichotomy that I don't like, hence the Grimderp. Sarasa is cute though, she deserves all the heatpats.
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I'm 11 hours in Memelands 2. It definitely shows they had a bigger budget for it. Skybox, particles and terrain all look great —way better than the dull brown and grey vibes from the first game. That said, I’m kinda thrown off by how much backtracking you have to do in most missions. The maps are huge compared to the first one, and without a New-U Station for fast travel, you’re stuck running all the way back to the start of the level.
I'm playing Valkyria Chronicles 4. It's much better than 2 and 3, but I don't like it quite as much as 1, at least not so far. I don't like the characters as much and I'm not crazy about the new grenadier class. It's fun to blow stuff up from far away, but it also feels kind of cheap. And letting them do interception fire makes them way too overpowered. They should have just had them stand there when it's not their turn, like they did with the lancers. Speaking of lancers, they're a lot less useful now because mortars were an alternate means of attacking they can't use anymore since they decided to make that into its own class.
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Sons of the Forest, but it's just to build a comfy base in peaceful mode with Kelvin and Virginia
I'm endlessly torturing myself in Dirt Rally because some guy is faster than me and I'm upset about it. Finland can go suck an ocean of dicks, I'd rather be in Sweden.
Gave up on Wartales after a few hours. By all accounts it should be right my alley since it ticks so many of boxes that I feel make a good turn based game. And yet I was bored. I felt no attachment to my units, I didn't care about the world, and the combat was already starting to feel like it would devolve in a cheese fest by using high burst damage characters to abuse turn order. Back to Battle Brothers it is.
>Pirated Dork Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin back in 2015 two years after beating Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition >Absolutely hated it and thought it was a piece of shit >Went back to it recently >I got better at videogames since then so I put some more effort into it and make a decent build this time >Don't focus on Greatswords which got spin attacks in this game unlike the first >Actually wrecking shit and having fun with early Halberd/Towershield combo It's still the shittiest of all From Soulsshit, but damn, it ain't as bad as I remember, it's actually enjoyable, half of it was me just being a casual faggot. My biggest issues are the godawful copypasted rooms with bad lighting and the item decriptions being absolutely pathetic.
Final Fantasy VII Remake. I only got 20 hours into the OG before losing my save data since I was playing it on a PSP. I was hoping to get into the VII sub series with remake, but it feels more like a sequel than a remake. That and FF16 was a lot better.
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Been looping Inscryption part 1 and this is easily the most retardedly op card I've ever made lol. The card costs nothing to put down, creates a copy of the card in your hand when you do put it down, when killed returns to your hand, and it has a random sigil on top of it. My squirrels are also unkillable as well
Rimworld, only Rimworld. Nothing but Rimworld for the last 10 years. Curious about Paralives and Inzoi when they come out and get some modding. >>1077081 Isn't it the point of the game that those custom cards would eventually turn against you?
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>>1077082 >Isn't it the point of the game that those custom cards would eventually turn against you? No. This is how retardedly op this run is lol.
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Currently playing Henpri. The games a visual novel about people sent to prison for sex offenders. The main protagonist, Shuichiro, got sent to prison for 10 years for indecent exposure but didn't believe he did anything wrong because he thinks he did it out of self expression and not for perverse reasons. This game has a soul and I haven't been this glued to a game in years. It's an awesome game but also pretty fucked up
>>1073568 >The maps are huge compared to the first one, and without a New-U Station for fast travel, you’re stuck running all the way back to the start of the level. You can always mod it. https://bl-sdk.github.io/willow2-mod-db/mods/betterspawnsandbettertravelbsabt/
>>1073568 people love to bash it for its horrid writing but the gunplay itself alongside the coop have always been fun to me. Pre Sequel even more so for how interlocking some abilities are.
>>1077322 currently playing the beta of Synthetik 2 (plenty of bugs still) and trying to shill Abiotic Factors to some friends without much success.
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For some reason I decided to 100% Kingdom Hearts. Wouldn't recommend. It's funny how demonically powerful you become at LVL100 with the Ultima, I've wiped multiple superbosses first try by facetanking them. The game was not remotely balanced around either this weapon or this level, which makes sense as you've have to very intentionally try to get to either of these. There's still a bunch of shit I need to do, I didn't do any of the gummi missions yet and I still have to make Donald and Goofy's unique synthesis weapons (which are both kind of shit?) on top of other miscellaneous things, but this represents most of the journey. I do not intend to do this for the rest of the series, at least not any time soon. A big reason for that is because the next entry is Chain of Memories; infamous for having the worst, most monotonous grind to 100% in the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise. The thought of grinding an already tedious game like Chain of Memories to level 100 on two separate characters is enough to make me dissociative. Another reason is how it's just no fun to 100% these games, it's mostly MMO-esque busywork. I only stuck with this because I always wanted to try obtaining the Ulitma keyblade.
>>1073300 (OP) Tropico 1 has an insane difficulty curve, all the "Easy" missions are taking me like ten attempts to beat The one where you have to grow bananas is so bullshit too, my citizens must be diabetic by the amount of food they require daily
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>>1077315 >>1077322 >>1073568 People still play this normalfag slop?
>>1073300 (OP) I've been playing Gen 3 Pokemon games as of currently after I finished Zelda: Twilight Princess on the GameCube. 'I need to complete Ruby and Sapphire so that I can transfer their exclusives Pokemon to Emerald to finish the Hoenn Pokedex.
>>1077315 Turns out it wasn’t as bad as the beginning of the game made it seem. >>1077322 I knew it had gay pandering in it and i avoided it because of it. The gameplay’s fun, and the world feels more fleshed out than in the previous game. I feel more immersed in the experience than in the story itself. >>1077438 I'm going through some stuff I never bothered playing or missed out on. Back in the 2010s, I had a PS3 (and later got a PS4), but I mostly stuck to obscure games or RPGs.
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I've been trying to get back to doing Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask combo randomizer runs and de-rusting on that but got sucked back into Kenshi trying to create an army of qt ninja girls or playing rimworld
>>1073300 (OP) I missed out on a bunch of console classics in the 90s and early 2000s. I was more into PC RPGs, strategy, and Looking Glass Studios games back then. I've been playing some of the games I missed out on lately. I am currently on Resident Evil (finished 1 - 3) and MGS (finished the 1st one so far). They were all fun even though some of them had quirks due to their age. I am currently playing through Resident Evil 4 with HD project and it's very enjoyable on every level. I especially like all the extra care and attention to detail that went into that game. AAA titles do not have that anymore and haven't for about decade and a half by now. And I don't get why people complain about not being able to run and shoot at the same time. Tension due to the trade off between offense and retreat/repositioning works in game's favor. >>1073307 I was on the same boat when it comes to AC1 and AC2, to the point I did not bother with anything until Black Flag came out. I only picked it up because I wanted a pirate game and this was the only one relatively recent and looked better than most. It's pretty fun overall and not as much of a slog as AC1 and AC2. Desmond's boring story is ignored. When sailing seas gets boring, you get to do assassin nonsense. When that gets boring, you can go back to sailing and piracy. The game even has your sailors sing shanties when out in the sea.
>>1073300 (OP) Yakuza Kiwami 2, modded minecraft. Still at the start of Kiwami 2 (finished 0 and 1), waiting for Majima Construction to show up. Bit disappointed there isn't a Kiwami 3, since the graphics this time around are real purdy. But Yakuza 3 Remastered looks about the same (graphically) as 0 and 1 so it'll really just be back to the usual. Combat has its pluses and minuses. I think its overall a downgrade from 0 and 1, simply because each Style had a lot to it, you know? It felt more like a 3d fighter than a brawler sometimes which was really neat. That being the case, it's still fun ragdolling enemies around with your throws and shit. Every once in awhile I'll get a hankering for modded minecraft. Nearly the latest version (1.21.1) with the recently updated Create mod. Decided to add Cobblemon to it so I'd have a 'minigame' to do on the side. Pokemon can also kill mobs around you so another incentive to level them up (pretty weak early on, but they're probably monsters later on.) Wish they could light furnances, give power or materials, carry shit, etc like Pixelmon did. Only thing from that dogshit mod I'm missing. Otherwise Cobblemon is basically better in every other way. >>1078421 Black Flag is a fun as fuck pirate game. Helps that the ocean physics are stellar to this day. (I can't think of many games that also do it, and do it well.) Part of the reason why I'm going through the Yakuza games is to get to Like a Pirate. I want to try it, but I know the plot can be real fun and I want to approach it from that angle. Though, it definitely does feel like Black Flag is essentially the black sheep (heh) of the series pre-Unity. Not in the "everyone hates this entry" regard, but "its a fun entry but not for the reasons that made the previous entries fun."
Played some of Dark Law — Meaning of Death, an unexported SNES game from past the end-of-life for the system. Combat works kinda like Live a Live, where you control characters on 2d plane, and positioning is important. But instead of interesting attacks with a lot of buffs and debuffs, you just try to position yourself to first-hit the enemy. Maybe it gets better later; I don't know. The plot itself is okay: there are two nations, one had a famine and its king was so angry at God that the god of the underworld started turning his people into monsters. The prologue goes on about this at some length, and up to a point it feels like a good setup for what you would naturally expect the game will be about: >humanity is at its nadir >everyone lives in hellish peril >our very existence stands on the edge of a knife >not even God will listen to our prayers >GOOD LUCK, FUCKO! But no, the prologue just rolls on by: >a pure-hearted maiden prayed so hard that God nuked the evil and everything was fine. Yeah, alright, but why am I here, then? Why are you telling this to me? >the maiden disappeared! And now, 300 years later, MONSTER ARE INCLEASING again! That's not nearly as compelling as what you just bait-and-switched, you silly bastard. But oh well. You pick your MC and do some minor character customization, then wake up in a field. It feels very much like an adventure game, with text that works like visual novels of the time, where you have to exhaust your options to continue. I say "of the time" but I have no idea if modern visual novels are any less tedious. I was mostly on board with this, but the story apparently progresses mainly by an NPC sitting you down at a table and yammering endlessly at you. The first time, I tolerated it because I was curious. The second time, it dawned on me that this is probably how the rest of the game proceeds. Seriously. As the story begins, a farmer takes you in and explains things to you. Then, because this is a JRPG, the farm burns down, giving you an impetus to hunt down the perpetrator. But instead you go to town and start doing fetch-quests that have nothing to do with anything. To make matters worse, when you're not enduring another lecture about shit that doesn't matter, you're doing incredibly obtuse pixel hunts. I could have played, for the first time, any of MGS, SotN, RE4, Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy X— but no, I had to go scrape the bottom of the SNES barrel, lmao.
>>1078425 There are firearms mods for newer minecraft version? I want to play modded minecraft too but I have no idea what kind of mods I should install tbh, definitely not one of those *blocks games again that shit is truly awfully bad. I tried modding a older minecraft version and I only ended up with not having a working minecraft version because I have no idea how the fuck I am supposed to debug it.
>>1073300 (OP) Does trolling the internet count as a video game at this point with the amount of shills and bots?
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I'm trying out Vortex, a third-person/first-person mecha shooter/space shooter hybrid on the SNES. You play as a mech that can transform between different vehicles for different movement and attack options. The game is extremely technically impressive, looking more like an early PS1 game than a late SNES release. And it used one of the earlier versions of the Super FX chip, the GSU-1. The problem is the game is terrible to actually play, the movement feels as if you're moving along a semicircle and it runs at a snail's pace. It feels difficult to actually attack or do anything. The game struggles against the limited controls of the SNES and loses that struggle badly. The levels are all very basic; either fields where you shoot stuff, hallways where you shoot stuff, or space lanes were you shoot stuff. Sometimes you enter simplistic geometric spaces where you do terrible 3D platforming. The game was developed by Argonaut themselves, and it's a big miss in their catalogue. Vortex is a cool idea that the SNES wasn't capable of handling and the studio didn't know how to design. If you want a good shooter from Argonaut, play Star Fox or Buck Bumble. If you want a good retro mecha title, play Armored Core. Argonaut would go back to a lot of ideas in Vortex with Star Fox 2 and improve upon them massively, but that game was sabotaged by Nintendo for being too impressive with the N64 rolling around.
>>1078535 >Trolling is an vidya Trolling is a art
>>1078506 Start with a modpack, using a instance manager. Cracked version of PolyLauncher or something should do. I'm a goy who moved to a microsoft account a long time ago, meaning I'm able to use the regular non-cracked shit, so I'm not familiar with cracked launchers. The minecraft thread has more info. These days an instance manager is basically required even if mods are drag and drop, simply because some mods don't even state if they've got a library required except in metadata, and the instance manager keeps track of that. (Even then, some mods don't even configure their required libraries correctly so you occasionally still end up in library hell. It's not as bad to deal with though.) Anyway, reason why I point towards a modpack (sort by popularity) is entirely because there's just so many mods nowadays. That install (it's 1.21.1) is already over 300 mods (probably half is just libraries alone.) It's got shit like Aether and touhou maid mod, alongside that gun mod. (TaCZ is still the best, simply because its also compatible with the maid mod. It just needs to be updated, the one pictured is a different but similar gun mod.) There are tools that help with compat, but even with the custom pack I've got, I had to do a little configuration to get the oritech nickel to drop right, using KubeJS. You can also add mods to most modpacks without difficulty, and Touhou maid mod covers every major version from 1.12.2 to 1.21.1 now.
I mean, it's a good game and all. But it just makes me wish I was playing Ace Combat instead.
>>1078506 >I want to play modded minecraft too but I have no idea what kind of mods I should install tbh Just b urself. Do you want something that's based around exploration and maybe has RPG elements? Industrial autism? Industrial-grade industrial autism that includes not only the kitchen sink but the factory where kitchen sinks are mde? Virtual legos, with thousands of different building blocks? Do you just want vanilla with shaders and maybe a backpack? Do you want "we have Minecraft 2 at home" where everything is completely overhauled? There are mods for all of that. Download PollyMC (note the spelling) and you can easily dip your toe into tons of plug-and-play modpacks through the built-in downloader without paying a cent or signing up for anything.
>>1078683 I tried playing that game way back but for some reason I couldn't control it as well as I'm used to with Ace Combat.
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>>1078757 >>1078647 I am fucking retarded at making aesthetically pleasing houses so a mod that is like lego is not for me. If anything I'd would just like to build a small-ish house to store my junk at, play with some monster pet mods (something like pokemon and digimon if there is any), having bunch of guns that feel good to use and being able to fight off monsters that actually put up some fight instead of the lame bow/swords skeleton, the bullshit creeper and zombies and infinite resources (for ores at least), I guess that means I'd go for a mod that introduces industrial autism then. I can handle already Vintage Story production autism for example which took me a bit while to figure out but I stopped playing it because I find it bullshit I could never find the ore I am needing and the ore crystal mod for that game seems to be broken (ore crystal are not growing) and Vintage Story has also no good weapon/firearms mod well there are some but its balanced towards realism so it means it is going to be a pain in the ass to kill mobs that are strong as fuck like those stone golems and pack of wolfes because of how those mod weapon works in the first place. So yeah I'd prefer going modded minecraft then. I already bought Minecraft for 15 euro on those key reseller sites so its at least 10 euro cheaper than what Pajeetsoft charges for this stupid block game. Minecraft has no right to cost fucking 25 euro when its not even graphical impressive because it's just a stupid block game. I used UltimMC before to play pirated Minecraft but with the latest version, the 2024 one I think I couldn't play the game so I decided to buy it instead and have it legit instead, ah well I am not buying games that often so it's okay for me. So TL;DR: I want a mod with infinite resource, good weapon mod, pokemon/digimon style mod, mobs that don't suck mod and industrial autism.
I just beat Echoes of Wisdom. Good game. I like that it was ostensibly a bit more puzzle oriented than the average Zelda game. Using enemies to combat for you wasn't very fun, but I liked that the actual combat form was quite limited. I think they should have gone further with it, and made combat even more limited, so you really needed to use wits to avoid or beat enemies. Overall I'd say the game's biggest problem was its lack of difficulty, but it wasn't too bad in that department. It was okay, but I would have liked if it was a lot harder and even more puzzle focused. But as yet another Zelda game? It was still better than several others. I'd say I liked it better than Link Between Worlds, at least.
>>1079132 Create has methods of producing infinite common materials for buildan autism. (Including iron.) Immersive Engineering plus Create probably has the best industrial autism for later versions. I think Immersive Engineering has a core drill which produces resources? And create has addons that introduces ocean spouts which have to be fed lava, and give infinite ores in response. A recent mod that helps a lot with automation that I've been loving is Just Dire Things. Problem is, it's only for Nu-Neoforge (Neoforge did a rewrite after 1.20.4 and direwolf20 doesn't want to port the code backwards.) Still though, you can get all these mods for 1.21.1. Alternatively, just install ProjectE, but ProjectE is 1.20.1. Or Replicator for 1.21.1, but it's not quite tech ProjectE as it has a kind of essence system like Thaumcraft. (ProjectE is very overpowered, especially with ProjectEX.) >good weapon mod Other than TaCZ or Vic's Point Blank there's not much for gun mods. You have to be careful, because many mods powerscale well beyond vanilla/other mods, plus they usually add nothing to fight against. Even these gun mods are a bit strong as is. >mobs that dont suck Ender Zoology, L_Ender's Cataclysm, debate on adding DivineRPG which adds mobs but also a bunch of other shit. There actually isn't much of these, and the challenge is usually at a lower end since if you know what you're doing (or even if you dont after enough time) you'll become overpowered as hell well before fighting even the Ender Dragon. It's actually my gripe with Just Dire Things' armorset. It's got a shitload of utility but you can't use Blazegold armor because its armor value is just a bit worse than Diamond, and the gamestage in which you use Blazegold is exactly the one in which you want high armor value ASAP. And if there is any other mod that adds armor of higher powerscale, you're forced to ignore the armor (with its conveniences) entirely. You're not going to find a mob mod that properly scales shit. Not unless you do gamestage kubejs magic and scale them yourself, like the modpack Meatballcraft did. >pokemon/digimon Not many digimon mods. Only good pokemon mod is cobblemon. Pixelmon sucks dick. (Not performant, ugly models, its structural additions cant really be modified and its an eyesore on the world.)
Just had an experience in Helldivers 2 I think is worth sharing, or just budding schizophrenia. >Sabotaging air bases on Vog-Sojoth >Random I was with times out >Cool, whatever, just complete the objectives solo >Call down hellbomb on gunship fabricator >Combination is ↓↓↓↓↓↓ >huh, that's weird, whatever >Find SAM site just outside <Feeling_lucky.mp4 >Blizzard blows in and obstructs my view, >Mark next outpost on my map >See a question mark on my compass <I_better_investigate.avi >See penis rock with Super Samples >No fucking way >Remember interview about a game master functionality where devs could join matches and fuck around with the player >Fuck it, might as well play along >say thank you through Q-wheel Anon: thanks spirit of liberty >Quickly clear out the next outpost >Make my way to an illegal broadcast >Odds seem stacked in my favor >Decide to pull a Terry and entertain Mr. God for a bit >Gonna stealth this bitch and NOT take it out easily with my autocannon >It doesn't work >Flare goes out >Dropships come in >Shooting Hulk charging me >SAM I activated earlier shoots one of the dropships >Dropship careens down towards me and the Hulk >Dropship takes me out >Explosion takes out the broadcast tower >It doesn't take out the Hulk <quark_laugh.flac Anon: hilarious >Drop in >Take down Hulk >Salute dead body to show respect for the dead before pilfering my equipment and continuing >Fight at extraction felt way more cinematic than usual >Make it out successfully Anon: praise the spirit of liberty >Next mission is a blitz >As soon as I drop in see a gunship fabricator, a strat jammer, and hear an anti-aircraft <Mama_didn't_raise_no_bitch.tiff >throw orbital laser anti-aircraft >Completely runs out before taking out the anti-air
[Expand Post]>Die Anon: spirit of liberty help me >ANTI-AIR FUCKING EXPLODES FOR NO DISCERNIBLE REASON >I DROP IN NEXT TO THE GUNSHIP FABRICATOR >FUCKING SKELLOTRON TERMINATOR PHASES OUT OF THE FABRICATOR AND JUMP SCARES ME >Convinced entirely that it's a dev fucking with me >Q-wheel thank again >Forgot and too far away to salute the dead >Spirit of Liberty is pissed >About to call in hellbomb >In range of strategem jammer <Motherfucker.wad >Beeline to the jammer >Don't have my autocannon and it's too far away to retrieve on limited time >Manage to disable it but can't get the bomb off >Over run with Hulks and pinned down by gunships >Die again >Don't salute the dead once more >Really pissed off the Spirit of Liberty that time >Cooldown on new autocannon still not ready yet >Still have stratagems for taking out fabricators >6 minutes left >Run and just use stratagems to take out remaining fabricators on the way to extraction >Gunships still chasing me >Dodging fire while dropping 110mm's on every fabricator in sight >Eventually can call in another autocannon >Q-wheel thank you >Quickly take out the last outpost >Hold extraction successfully while just barely shooting bots about to shoot up a flare >Pelican arrives >Hug emote in front of open doors Anon: praise the spirit of liberty >My faith was tested >But by liberty's grace I perservered Anon: praise be to liberty, who foresees my completed operations
AM2R. Its neato.
>>1079216 Alright well that's not really looking good on the combat side of things when those mob mods don't provide enough of a challenge where having to get better armor/gear would be necessary, the industrial side of things looks a bit messy too, seeing how those mods availability differs between Minecraft version and the modding API but that doesn't really surprise me since Minecraft has like what 4-5 different modding API? Just because those modders can't agree on one thing at least, really dumb. I will setup soon my Minecraft launcher and install one of those mods and some few others that I can find and hoping I can get the game to launch this time, god Minecraft modding is a mess.
>>1077081 >>1077083 >that name ManlyBadassHero?
>>1079433 >Alright well that's not really looking good on the combat side of things when those mob mods don't provide enough of a challenge where having to get better armor/gear would be necessary, You're not looking at it in the right way - the vast majority of those various small mods that add mobs and add equipment were designed to be functional as either small stand-alone mods or as minor additions to larger mods that you may or may not have or want. Many of them have compatibility with other popular mods but it's up to (you) to integrate them into your preferred mod list if they won't play nice or just give in and get an all-in-one modpack if you can't or don't want to put the work in. the industrial side of things looks a bit messy too, As far as polished and integrated industrial modpacks that have been maintained and documented at some point in the last decade goes you basically have a couple flavors of Create and a bunch of different flavors of Gregtech. There are plenty of other industrial and industrial-adjacent mods out there (ProjectRed, Thermal, Mekanism, AE2, etc.) that generally play nice with each other to varying degrees but at this point and for a long time now most of those are generally experienced while folded into a larger modpack. >seeing how those mods availability differs between Minecraft version and the modding API but that doesn't really surprise me since Minecraft has like what 4-5 different modding API? Just because those modders can't agree on one thing at least, really dumb. You have Forge and you have Fabric and a couple of functionally irrelevant "I'll make my own mod loader, with blackjack, and hookers" forks of each and that's it. More realistically, Forge is going to be the option 90%+ of the time so just use Forge. >god Minecraft modding is a mess. It really isn't. You pick the mod or modpack with the least compatibility (generally the one that changes the most about the game) and then that determines the mod loader you use and the version of Minecraft you use and then you look for other mods you want that play nice with that "main" mod. Getting a modded game going in Minecraft is easier than doing it for pretty much anything else, especially given that you can download many mods and modpacks directly from the launcher these days.
Playing through Voices of the Void, again. An unstable version of 8.2 because I hit the wrong download. But outside of my FPS shitting the bed once and cameras flipping 180 degrees on placement it's been going fine. Finished cleaning up the base and got past the first Ariral visit and gave them an assload of shrimp. Always love decorating my base and think I'm going to try and make a small living room on the second floor at the top of the stairs. Shame video players also seem to be broken in this version. Not getting too attached to the base though, in case things have a catastrophic breakdown and I have to switch versions. Something about having a little base to maintain in such a hostile place appeases my 'tism in a special way I can't quite describe. Even when it's something as simple as cleaning up the base's walls with my hard-earned mop. Helps having a radio with whatever I want to put on it, too.
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>>1079518 I guess I am IQ89 retarded then, I didn't modded minecraft that much and the last time I played it modded was the grind heavy skybees 2 modpack. Well I setup my modded minecraft instance later in a few days or so and going over to the post again and looking over myself what kind of mods I can install this time around, hopefully the game will launch this time with the different mods setup. I just finished Doomed urbex map pack with project malice monster mod and my weapon mod. Well I thought this map pack is going to go for some interesting Urban designs, well it's just doom so there is nothing too fancy detailed looking since the majority of doom mappers always use something like DSDA or MBF and whatever the fuck source ports to make their maps for and not really for ZDoom. It comes with some story telling where the player is stuck in a city where yellow corruption infests and that the god of pain is behind it while the goddess of the star guides the player towards the final location but the player often finds himself wasting a lot of time going to the wrong location because the teleporter to the next section got corrupted, the army is also involved and was trying to distribute food and shelter to the affected people from the corruption and the player himself wanted to get the help of the army for some food and for his family but the plan backfired as his car got affected by the corruption and he himself slowly turning crazy due to the corruption affecting the player too. Honestly the first few maps were good to play but later on it got too annoying and I often have to force myself using the flamethrower weapon, plasma cannon and the machine gun weapon a lot because tons of monsters are being thrown at me at close range which is annoying as hell, giving for me as good as no room to dodge, it is using a weird method to tell the story of this map where texts are drawn over a wall and sometimes floating too instead of having text being displayed on the HUD as some other maps did but then again for some stupid reason a lot of doom mappers refuses to make a map that uses exclusively GZDoom features. Seeing custom textures on this map is some welcome change too since I am getting tired of seeing the exact same textures that Doom 2 comes with over and over again for the last 25 fucking years.
Trying out Yoiyami Dancers: Twilight Danmaku Dancers. It's pretty good and it has great music but damn do I suck at rhythm games, at least when mixed with bullet hell like this. Still, I'm having fun with it, and the game is incredibly cute. The OST I got with it also comes with FLAC files, so that's neat. Less and less devs bothering with that nowadays. Too fat to upload so have an MP3 ver of this good remix of Crazy Backup Dancers the game has.
Was supposed to only be in this shithole of a country for a week, but things never go quite to plan, do they. Boss heard rumors of gang wars picking up, bioweapons being smuggled, all sorts of great stuff. The start of a war, and we’d be the ones to get the best coverage, boots on the ground and all. Who were we to know those damn Macacos would cause an outbreak, like something straight out of those shitty horror flicks. Only, this is no horror, I’m fucking living it, in Brazil, a third-world shithole, surrounded by subhumans turned walking, rotting, subhumans. A short trip to Rio, turned into a much longer nightmare when our escape vessel got sunk. I’m the only survivor, as far as I know, and as far as I care to search. My survival is a greater priority, though, that, and a scoop far greater than anything I’ve ever covered before. My name’s not too important, but you can call me Joe, Joe Griffith, Freelance Journalist. Try to remember my face from the neck of my rotting corpse you took this recorder from… or when I become famous for escaping this hellhole with the story of the century, I know which is more likely at this point but I would give my left nut not to die in this shithole. A man can dream, eh? So, I’ll be doing these recordings to keep myself sane in this awful place, and to pass the time. Plus, I’ll need a record of my bullshit, now won’t I? Memory is good and all, but sketches and words do better. After washing up on that shore… some tiny place, I don’t remember the name but I think we traveled through it at some point before everything went to shit? These small towns end up blending together. Anyway, after washing ashore on that beach I wandered into that small town, searching through abandoned houses turned temporary fortresses, rank with the stench of death and stains of fights past. Failed barricades, or maybe these bastards just tore each other apart. Had to take care of a few shambling corpses, but thankfully I still have my old knuckle dusters… that and some worthless BB pistol I found, you think these thugs would be more well armed. I searched through some buildings, houses, a general store, all for something better to defend myself with. Damn locals took all the knives and other sharp objects it seems, all I could find was this long-drained mosquito swatter, but it’ll do. Raided a clinic for some medical supplies as well and went on my way, taking some of the more well-preserved soda and juices I found, with a few bags of chips. Re-killed some businessman and took his briefcase, only useless corporate documents and paper and such, but it’s something to store shit in. Raided some old clothing store too and a few other places, only had an intact backpack and a mango to show for it. Only have some light bruisings and the messy remains of the dead and damned on my clothes too, hope this… disease… or whatever the hell it is… hope it isn’t contagious in that way… however the fuck that works. I can’t read Portuguese all that well, but I remember seeing some signage about a farm to the… North… yeah based on the sun direction at the time, North. Well I got to that farm, and guess what? More damned undead. More punching and shooting later that damn gun gave out. Cheap-ass piece served it’s purpose, got a better gun now. Found a double barrel that’s not worn to dust lying around which will serve my purposes nicely. Alongside a rubber duck. I think I’ll call him Roger. Found an axe and a Pitchfork to help me out too. A long reach is better for these fucks anyway, I’d prefer to keep out of Arm’s reach. Those farmers were growing some kind of peculiar berry, thought I could just eat some but those things were psychedelic or something. Nearly got killed over it too, made so much noise while the world was spinning and shifting that it lured over one of those crawling corpses. Regardless, I found a car and some basic maintenance supplies, enough to get it up and running, though it took a while. Some workhorse truck, it’ll get the job done, but no windshield so I need to mind my speed. Don’t want to break my fucking sunglasses again because some bird decided to get uppity and fly really low. Took my truck and hit the road, making sure to fill up the truck with the fuel I found on the farm, took a spare jerrycan with me for easier fuel transfer in the future if I can’t get the truck somewhere, or get stranded. You never know. So I took that truck and traveled east, I think, only to find a police barricade… And a god-damned collapsed tunnel. Seems whatever road goes that way is, frankly, not an option. Guess I’ll have to go back through that town, better than going back to that damned farm. The shambling cops here didn’t prove much of a fight, being no more than walking corpses after all. Found a good bulletproof vest here, shame the radio and such is busted, same with all the other tech here, looted perhaps? Fucking monkeys tear everything apart it seems. Maybe I’ll find something in that little town if I go and take a second look, now that I’m better armed. Think I need to rest a bit first, sun isn't quite up yet despite that long night, and slumming it in a truck is better than napping in the damned dirt.
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Path of Titans Playing as the Rhamphorhynchus and being a flying nimble agent of chaos is great. Stealing trophies and giving them to new players, annoying anyone who gets on my nerve just out of their reach, and doing aerial tricks. Genuinely the only species I like in that game. All of the land ones suck ass because every other player is always kill on sight, there's nobody in the water, and Ramph is the best flier. Tried its competitor The Isle too and that was fuckin miserable because the dev apparently nerfed its single flier straight into the ground making it have almost zero stamina to do anything without long idle breaks.
>>1075935 Update I've gotten to Drangleic, and I'm now doing the Sunken King DLC. I take back everything I said, dogshit hitboxes, absolutely shit level and game design and doesn't even clue you in where you need to go or where to get some items and most late game stuff is absolutely awful unless you're using Faith/Magic.

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