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RTS/Strategy thread Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 18:06:04 Id: 7bce6d No. 787703
Post your favorite quotes, talk about your favorite or old games, shitpost, discuss upcoming stuff. Upcoming stuff: >Company of Heroes 3 >Homeworld 3 >Sins of a Solar Empire 2 >Ratten Reich >The Great War Western Front >WarNo >Broken Arrow >Xenonauts 2 >Touhou Empires >Men of War 2 >Tempest Rising >SeaPower A remaster of Tiberian Sun/Red Alert 2 much like the OG would be nice, though I doubt they wouldn't fuck up the spritework on them since that has way higher definition and small details than the original.
>>787703 Fire Emblem 7 or Path of Radiance
I was playing Kane's Wrath recently. I never enjoyed the game in the past, but I was trying out the One Vision mod for it and having fun this time around. I still wish skirmish options were better though. Not having the option to toggle super weapons/support powers is lame. I also got back into Supreme Commander and saw that FAF has a random map generator now which is pretty cool. Gives a lot more life to my comp stomping matches even if my friends only ever want to play on Seton's Clutch and it's derivatives. >>787703 >Tiberian Sun/Red Alert 2 I remember hearing fags talking about the reason they have gone neglected was due to having lost the source code for them. Was there ever any truth to that or was it just rumors and little else.
>>787703 the first Company of Heroes is the one I keep coming back to. The 2nd one felt like a cheap copy. The 3rd feels like a joke.
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>>787925 CoH1 was made by passionate people with actual grandfathers who fought in the war. CoH2 and CoH3 are hastily made carbon copies for retards. You're better off with CoH Total Conversions than with CoH2 or CoH3. CoH 3 plays better than CoH2 but it looks and sounds even worse than CoH2 did.
>>787770 I should really get into a Kanes Wrath map coloring mode, I loved it in Battle for Middle Earth 2. >Chokepoint maps At least Supreme Commander has air and naval units, imagine playing that but with ground only units. That's half of private servers in CoH1
>>787964 Damn is it really that ugly? I haven't been following it much since I went through a pretty heavy burn out from CoH2 that put me off the series ever since. >>787966 (checked) I don't mind Setons, I just hate how overplayed it is. At least it can have a bit of variety in the sense of whether you are the rear air player, one of the navy spots, or the point man in the middle. >CoH1 chokepoint maps I remembering playing one of those way back in the day with some random online. We had a nearly 2 hour long meat grinder that kept bouncing back and forth like a tug of war match. Shit was brutal.
>>787987 >Damn is it really that ugly? Yeah, it's an abomination, the effects are even worse. The smoke particles coming out of where the shell hits after hitting a tank was one the best thing about CoH1, and it was barely visible and CoH2. They outright removed it in this one, explosions also look way worse, especially arty and Nebel rockets. Explosion decals are also barely thing, likely to pander to consolecuckery and poorfags. It's a fucking mess
>>787996 Sorry for the potato res, filesize limits, it's still visible though But check the video at a higher res to see just how bad it gets. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=f5eqaTHtdN4
>>787996 fuck I remember CoH1 even had an active comp scene and people posting hour long matches on youtube I would watch in their entirety just because how good it was, this was like 2011. Then the 2nd piece of shit came out and with it everything fucking died, lmao!
>>788003 There are still people posting videos anon Plus, you still have lads posting here daily https://www.gamereplays.org/companyofheroes/replays.php?game=25 >Then the 2nd piece of shit came out and with it everything fucking died, lmao! Worse, their latest updates borked a ton of shit so balance got pretty fucked without mods Brits and PE become pure cancer with the right strat, forcing you to play in a really shit way
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>>787703 Holy shit I completly forgot about men of war 2? How's aoe4 doing even?
>>788243 >How's aoe4 doing even? Like shit
>>788243 >>788246 I am waiting for an atleast 50% sale, it was fun for a while when I pirated it on release. I like that you can station soldiers on top of walls hehe
Just checking on how it is going so far. CoH3 is out to mixed reviews. Disappointing, but relic seems to have lost too much of their talent over the years. The quality of their games keeps on dropping. >>788243 >How's aoe4 doing even Pretty mediocre from what I heard.
>>788319 To be fair, seems to be mostly CoH2 autists review bombing it. Which is hilariously ironic
>>788319 The campaign for all intents and purposes seems pretty pozzed as well. A lot of historical revisionistic bullshit going on with it.
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Don't hate me because I don't play Call of Duty. Love me because I play Starcraft. In the world of vidja games, the RTS is king!
literally kill yourself, you fucking retard
I genuinely have troubles to play any RTS other than Warcraft 3 and Dawn of War. Maybe C&C Generals and that's it. If you don't know the game you tremble at what units you make and what buildings to place in what order.
I like to watch pro matches to get the jist of build orders and whatnot. Company of Heroes 3 just came out, be a noob with everyone else and learn a new game! $70 from G2A seems a bit steep though.
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>Starcraft kys
What a strange thread. Anyways yes RTS are great.
>>788319 Imo they could've gone for a reboot instead of a sequel. It feels stupid to be returning to middle ages. Also ofcourse it's crap. Not suprised. Also also >CoH3 is out to mixed reviews. Disappointing, but relic seems to have lost too much of their talent over the years. The quality of their games keeps on dropping. Damn what were they thinking?
>>788974 >$70 from G2A seems a bit steep though >a bit >>789363 Same thing that happens everywhere else. The people who made the studio what it is today slowly leave for whatever reason and the replacement hires continue to wear the skinsuit of a successful dev studio. Despite the fact that they lack the passion/skill/ingenuity of the originals they continue to make games that feel more like discount brand vidya from some third rate dev rather than what the company was known for.
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I miss when Total War wasn't ass
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>>789391 I can't fucking understand how retards eat up nu-TW, it drives me fucking mad. Any criticism agains newer games gets deflected by "nostalgia", never you fucking mind if you're comparing M2 to something like Attila while playing them back to back, or retards moaning about muh quality of life, muh controls, nigger all you need is right fucking there. Need to move in formation? Create a group and move everyone or just fucking right click while selecting your units, need to reorder your units cards? Do it while forming your army on the strategic map, NO WASD CONTROLS? FUCKING REBIND THEM YOU NORMALNIGGER PIECE OF TRASH. Don't even get me started on general-only armies, the province system or how graphics look even worse than fucking Medieval 2, most of the time I can't tell what the fuck is going on since all units look the same, fucking blobs of people.
>>789633 warhammer fans are a special kind of stupid thats how
>>789633 At least Warhammer doesn't pretend to be authentic.
>>789633 There's like one total conversion for R2 which makes it a "fun game". It's called divide et impera.
>>789791 Though much better than vanilla R2, I'd much rather just play Europa Barbarorum again.
>>789791 Problem is there's just too much annoying shit mods can't fix, you'd basically have to re-develop the game. Meanwhile M2 has a good base and mods just enhance that instead of trying to fix the whole game. It's like modding Bethesda games, you can't just fucking polish a turd into a gem.
Are there any good games in the Men of War series? I played the first one and the mechanics are mindblowing, but the game falls apart because of atrocious AI.
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What the fuck
>>790024 I don't get it.
>>790039 Assuming doctrine is like the older games, it basically tells you what that opposing player is likely going for or going to field later.
>>790039 It tells you the doctrine the other player picked, defeating the purpose of setting up ambushes and mind games.
>>790123 >>790040 Are they retarded?
>>790350 They're releasing this on consoles Take a guess.
>>790369 Why would you make a rts for consoles? No wonder the whole rts gaming is in shit.
>>790430 clueless niggers that listen to retarded subhumans that studied economy and le market trends and other useless service sector bullshit, nobody thinks anymore, just looks at lines go up and down, wishing for AI to replace that too
>>790350 It might just be a bug/oops given their recent track record. It might only be intended to show for allies but they had it ticked for all players. I'll have to check what their reaction to hearing about it is to see just how actually retarded they are. >>790369 >They're releasing this on consoles That actually explains a great deal. >>790430 >reminded how they killed Supreme Commander making a consolized sequel Still angry.
>>790430 >>790480 Still can't believe C&C 3 came out as good as it did honestly.
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>>787703 I've been replaying rome total war and today I played some R2TW. Might even continue my RTW game as julii. Has anyone else been playing total war games? My game as the julii faction in rome 1 has been going swell. So far only one defeat and that was a pseudo victory for me. Even if one my family members died during the fight. I love the fact that AI sends diplomats everywhere they can lol. R2 campaign was doing alright so far. Defeated estruscans. I'm unsure to attack syracuse first or carthage to fully control magna graeca. Mods I would reccomend: R1 >Terrae expugnindae >Europa barbarorum R2 >Divide et impera Attila >Ancient empires (a remake is being made from the ground up as of right now.)
>>800946 Update. It's not going well. Greeks are suprisingly doing well for themselfs. Riots everywhere. One city rebelled and ofcourse the brutii AI had to attack it instead of helping my sieged city.
>>800946 >pic >Republican Cohort Why didn't the modders just call it "Marian Cohort" to avoid confusion? "Republican" implies that this unit has existed since the Punic Wars. >R2 More like the only way and reason to play Rome 2. Vanilla Rome 2 is dull garbage without mods. Hell the base game is so shit, that I even needed to install a couple of sub-mods for DEI to prevent conquest from being so damn easy. DEI can't fix the core flaws wrong with nu-TW Rome.
>>789391 I just want them to fix the AI in the warhammer games, but for some reason the ecelebs that play on legendary that CA listens to think exploiting the cheating AI's retardation is a fun skill.
>>801180 Always annoys me how devs usually listen to the worst of the playerbase for 100% of their feedback.
>>801095 >it "Marian Cohort" to avoid confusion? "Republican" implies that this unit has existed since the Punic Wars. From what I remember EB just calls them "Cohors Reformata (Post Marian Legionary Cohort)"
>>801095 >More like the only way and reason to play Rome 2. True, even though I'm not playing fully vanilla R2 I do have some mods that remove the feminist bullshit and one that adds units. I'm playing vanilla like R2, because I want to get a hold of the games mechanics and gameplay before going to DEI.
>>790430 R.U.S.E. turned out to be a pretty great RTS by having to design around the limits of console players giving it a larger macro focus than micro. Still only worth playing on PC though and Eugen forgot all those lessons and moved on to making micro-heavy RTT instead which is a shame.
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Kane's Wrath was the peak for RTS. It was all downhill afterwards.
>>802837 Wouldn't say it was peak, but it was one of the last good ones yeah. Battle of Middle Earth 2 was pretty good too though.
I fucking miss Relic
>>802844 (checked) >>802837 It was better than it had any right to be. >battle of middle earth 2 I never got around to trying that one. >>803497 What you don't like all their great recent games? Seriously though, it is sad watching that zombie of a company shamble along shitting out mediocre to outright trash games now.
>>803512 >I never got around to trying that one. It has more stuff, and gets more creative as it goes outside the movies. It's really unique as it's probably the first squad based melee RTS. >What you don't like all their great recent games? I don't know what's worse, their corpse being paraded around or Chris Taylor doing everything but a good game since Supreme Commander.
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>Just found out a tool released last year that tunes 60 FPS to SAGE engine games Holy fuck my dick! https://github.com/MetaIdea/SageMetaTool
Bonus by the same guy
>>803607 Any fps/rts games out there that are still alive?
>>803612 This one is a TPS/RTS but Men of War II is having a free playtest. It is a series of WW2 rts that lets you manually control/take over units. People seem pretty conflicted about the changes in the sequel. I haven't tested it yet, so I have no clue how potentially fugged it is.
>>803883 After trying it, it definitely seems a lot more arcadey. I still had a fun first match, but I can see why a lot of people are pissed and or disappointed. Not shocking to see people are suggesting sticking to assault squad 2 or gates of hell. Seems like this game still has potential if the devs can strike a better balance to things though. I'll have to watch it to see how they react to all the player feedback.
Remember Grey Goo?
>>803921 The developer still makes games, they actually have a new out coming out in a few days.
>>803922 Played the demo and it's actually pretty good All they need to do is fix some pathfinding for units.
>>787996 The Panzer was probably the least degraded judging by that clip but my god they've completely neutered the way the infantry move between the games. Probably because they counted it as one of those things that takes a lot of time and goes unnoticed by 99% of players.
>>787770 Tell them one of the back air positions has more reclaim than the other, the map isn't actually mirrored
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Anyone else here play Starcraft 2 Co-op? Probably the most fun I've had playing RTS with friends, aside from the co-op campaigns.
>>805069 >Gookclickers No
>>805069 My buddy enjoyed it. I swore off blizzard products a while ago though so I never bothered though. Co-op rts games are usually pretty fun.
>>804065 Wait seriously? How have I never noticed that.
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Have any of you anons played 5th legacy mod for aoe1? Its really good I would recommend you anons to try it out.
>>789391 >>789633 I forget his name but there was some scottish youtuber guy who would go on hours long tirades dissecting every aspect of Total War games up to Napoleon and Empire and how all of them even in the worst versions of the titles were objectively better than nuTW. There was one about slings that I never thought of that was just so ON POINT.
>>805091 the co-op mode makes gookclicking unnecessary, and instead makes it a strategy-less A-move/Top bar video game
>>813266 I like the dakka fortress building. Not fan of the art style though as it looks really generic. I will however keep an eye on it. Have a webm for everyone who has no interest in jewtube links.
>>813751 >>813266 I think the Bohemia game will be better, it also looks to be influenced by C&C Renegade/Renegade X from the unedited gameplay footage they showed.
>>788003 im an og coh1 player and i think coh2 was alright in a lot of aspects. i havent played it since it came out though and when i look at it now i see that the same type of trannies as the warthunder playerbase have infested it
>>813755 I am ok with having more options. They both look interesting enough, so I hope they turn out well. >renegade x How is that Tiberium Sun edition going. I kinda lost track of it.
>>813771 >Tiberium The shame of misspelling is upon me.
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>>813771 >>813774 Firestorm got canned because of UE3 limitations. They're working with UE5 now They used the assets to make a Battlefield clone instead of just doing a Renegade X clone for some god forsaken reason. I don't have much faith since the project lead left some months back to work full time on vidya.
>>813823 Ah that blows. RiP to that then.
>>814157 Top tier spritework
>>814159 Fun fact aoe and aok sprites are actually renders or atleast the aoes.
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>>814163 Some proof
>>803512 How is aoe4 actually Ive heard mixed stuff about it. The new stuff sounds intresting. But still why couldn't they've made it into a reboot or take place again in the ancient times? I find it intresting that they are porting aoe1:de in aoe2:de
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>>813755 That trailer looks like a parody of what bland videogame trailers have looked like for the past twenty years. Everything from the generic orchestral music to the Starship Troopers setting. Even the vehicles and gear are copypasted from IRL, I'm probably not the only person on this board to own the kind of field pack that the devs copied. When did Bohemia turn to shit?
>>814198 Kind of reminds me of their previous SciFi game, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
>>822048 That one is already out in Early Access
>>813755 I'm impressed with the gameplay trailer as well. https://invidious.tiekoetter.com/watch?v=zjdi_xmoC8w
Sanctuary: Shattered Sun got a pretty long interview breaking down their progress plus they answered some questions. If you were not aware, it is a spiritual successor to Supreme Commander the devs plan to do a kickstarter for. I really hope they can deliver on it. https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=ljaR4WFm0wc
>>825854 >spiritual successor to Supreme Commander I would really like to see that, because the only one who tried was Planetary Annihilation, and that was 10 years ago...
>>825872 Yeah I have been playing sup com for so god damn long that it would be great to have something new finally. Only major complaints I have so far is how heavily they are pushing their discord community. I hate that shit. That and the campaign mode is going to be a stretch goal. They plan to do a demo on the same day as the kickstarter launches so I guess I will at least get to see how that goes before it comes out.
>>825854 >The Chosen Oy Vey, I'm reporting this to the Patreon authorities and to the ADL right now!
Random rts news >CoH3 pimping their console version of the game >top comments are all pissed and saying the game feels like it is in early access I noticed them mention a feature I liked that they called tactical pausing. It let you pause and issue orders to play at your own speed. I always liked that when it was in other rts games. Nothing beats being able to speed up or slow down the game on command. >Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition released an expansion today called Return of Rome Mixed reviews so far. MS seem to have left it intentionally vague in terms of what to expect up until release day so people are pissed about missing features/campaigns. Also general bitching about long running issues, design laziness, and AI bugs.
So a new dlc for vic3 released... It's worse then expected
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Hey dudes, if you want to help out in archiving a cool page HQ COH is essentially an archive of COH stats. The site is wholly dedicated to COH1 stats and strategies/tactics and it goes really in depth. It's also pretty much the only alternative to garbage like Fandom and IGN and I don't know how long it will last as it's pretty old. If you want to help out save its pages to archive.is https://www.hq-coh.com/stats/coh-stats.com/Main_Page.html https://archive.is
>>828447 >Relic Entertainment faces major layoffs as Sega restructures https://archive.is/oXmH0 They are fucked.
>>832298 This is the future they chose. Devs lost touch with their fanbase and got burned for it.
>>832298 Wow. How much did they fuck it up?
>>831552 >DLC from paradox is worse then expected That's impressive
>>832302 Bad enough that CoH2 has more players, and CoH1 is not far behind it. Their dev team was way too large to be selling/performing that poorly.
>>832299 >Lost touch They're literally not there anymore
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Do you guys think grey emminence will be continued on?
>>837555 Whats that?
>>837555 It looks really good so i hope so
>>837556 Grey emminence a gsg that takes place from 1356 to 1956. Shamefully the devs have problems right now with money.
Front Mission 1st: Remake is coming out on the 30th. Not sure it's worth borthering with as it's just a port of the DS game.
>>846886 Nice. >it is on PC too I could have sworn I remembered reading it was a switch exclusive. I'm glad it is not. Hopefully it does well enough for the series to make a bit of a comeback.
>>846972 It got some months of exclusivity on Switch before being announced on other platforms. It's not like you couldn't emulate it if that wasn't the case though, thankfully, there's no need.
>>846886 It's out now on GOG, steam, and egs. >18 GB install for a DS port using the unity engine I think I'll stick to emulating the DS version. >>846972 >Hopefully it does well enough for the series to make a bit of a comeback. The devs have stated that they have already acquired the license to remake 1, 2, and 3. A new FM game seems unlikely though.
Xenonauts 2 started early access today on GOG and steam. EA will last for at least 9 months according to dev posts in steam forum.
>>859840 I'll end up getting it, I loved the demo
>>859840 How does it compare to classic Xcom and nuXcom?
>>859879 It is basically classic Xcom with higher resolution graphics and a better UI. The only significant gameplay difference is the addition of shields. Those weren't in vanilla Xcom, right?
>>859858 >demo I'll have to give that a try.
>>859879 It's UFO Defense with less micromanagement and an Air combat minigame.
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Jagged Alliance 3 has been out for almost two weeks.
>>863004 And it's pretty awful. I just went back to playing 7.62.
>>863004 Played and finished it. It's pretty good mechanics wise. Could use some mods like no merc chatter for some of the annoying ones (livewire).
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>>863632 The core mechanics were indeed quite good, but everything around them was weak as all hell. Single shot rifles trump all other weapons because of ammunition efficiency. There's no shop in the traditional sense, so you can't spend that million bucks on ammo or anything else useful. My squad consisted of one machine gunner, the rest being single shot riflemen, and I was always out of ammo. I am not even going to start on the other issues, such as burst fire magically lowering the damage of individual bullets.
What is the officer(?) saying at the beginning of the Hell March soundtrack from Command and Conquer? I can never make it out in any of the versions of the song. >>864007 >not even going to start on the other issues, such as burst fire magically lowering the damage of individual bullets That bothers me and I haven't even played it.
>>864576 Reform line, quick march.
>>864577 (lucky) Oh really? I always thought it was some other language. I remember my friend really thinking it was German because Frank said it was at one point, but I remember when I looked it up way back then, even Frank seemed lost on what was said in the interviews I watched. Glad people figured that one out for him.
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>>864581 Might be different for different games but I think anon is correct.
A question to those more familiar with the genre than myself. You know how adventure games largely faded away in the early 2000s as gamers grew tired of the moon logic that infested almost all of them? In a similar vein, did micro help kill RTS as a mainstream genre? It feels like every game was trying to copy and outdo Warcraft III and Starcraft 2, two already rather micro-heavy games. The problem? Most people didn't touch the online for those games, they played custom games and the campaign, nothing else. This meant the genre was awash with technically complex games inaccessible to a general audience. As an outsider, it looks like WC3 was the last RTS to be a real phenomenon, a few big releases after that then over a decade where the only major release was SC2. After WC3 it's like RTS went for another 2-3 years before it fell off a cliff. It appears the genre has just started recovering over the last few years with the newer stuff being nowhere near as heavy on the micro from what I've seen. Am I wrong in my read of this? People always say MOBAs are what killed RTS, but they didn't get popular as standalone games until the early 2010s and they seem too different to real RTS to take that much of the audience away. The games becoming too awkward and cumbersome to pickup seems far more likely to me. I'd like to hear what RTS veterans think, this isn't a genre I'm very knowledgeable of.
>>864576 >>864577 Frank admitted that the song is in German. So what he's actually saying is "Die Waffen, legt an!". There's no proof that the guy within the song is saying "reform line, quick march!" outside of interpretation. https://archive.is/Cm5KK
>>864741 >WC3 was the last RTS to be a real phenomenon In no particular order: CnC Generals and CnC3, Supreme Commander, Dawn of War; one especially, Company of Heroes. All acclaimed and all sold fairly well as far as I know. That's not mentioning say Battle for Middle Earth, Rise of Nations, Empire at War or some of the others. >It appears the genre has just started recovering over the last few years With what exactly? >The games becoming too awkward and cumbersome to pickup seems far more likely to me I would say quite the opposite. Dawn of War for example has gotten more and more streamlined and simple with each iteration. Same goes for Command and Conquer. RA3 was just about a slap in the face to everyone who enjoyed either the older games or Generals. CnC4 was a slap in the face and a solid kick in the balls. There's also the trend that all of those series share where they discarded more and more core mechanics of the genre. Base building for example. There's a reason why something like Age of Empires 2 is selling despite it being the same game but with a fresh coat of paint. I personally enjoyed Starcraft 2 very much despite never playing online. It was fairly well done and obviously considered as a core part of the game and not something tacked on top of what reeks of a freemium game, something that's made for casual coop or at the very least competitive e-sports in mind. My 2c is that greed screwed the formula. Trying to dumb down and streamline some of the staples to try and attract other types of consumers while alienating the core audience. Focusing on multiplayer with minimal if any investment for laying the groundwork for a "proper" e-sports scene and then being disappointed with the sales when it didn't become the next korean mastubatory aid. Well, no shit it didn't sell when those people that want to compete do so for the massive prizes and shekels offered by Riot or Blizzard, those people that want to watch those fags have no content creators for your game, and those that just want to play a comfy singleplayer game have some lobotomized monstrosity that generally plays like ass.
>>864796 Frank didn't create the sample, so that's just his interpretation.
>>864802 Frank was the composer of Red Alert 2 soundtrack, retard. If you're not going to provide an argument that it says reform march, then do some research and be enlightened.
>>864805 A real drill sergeant or whatever the fuck was recorded to make that sample and there's no conclusive proof about what he says. If you want Frank's idea of the line, you have it. If you want the actual thing that was said, it's inconclusive, Frank has no bearing on what was actually said from the sample's perspective.
>>864807 >A real drill sergeant or whatever the fuck was recorded to make that sample There's no proof of this. Frank already stated that he doesn't know what the line says, so it was taken randomly. If it is a drill sergeant, then clearly German. "Die Waffen" means weapons ready, so it wouldn't be inconsistent. >If you want the actual thing that was said, it's inconclusive It's inconvlusive according to you, a nigger with no proof of anything. >Frank has no bearing on what was actually said from the sample's perspective. <Composer has no say in what he helped developed You're a dumb nigger.
>>864741 Yeah a lot of RTS games seem too have the wrong target audience in mind, focusing on the wrong content, and just not understanding who the average rts player is. >>864799 >I would say quite the opposite Both are true in my opinion. In one devs hyper fixate on fleshing out pvp/esports type shit that only a fraction of the playerbase (hardcore) will ever interact with in a meaningful way. The other option throws away the hardcore playerbase for an even bigger fuckup as they have now designed a multiplayer for the larger but more casual side of the playerbase that is also the most unlikely to ever touch that multiplayer. Both approaches have the added fuckup of being vs multiplayer focused to begin with when from what I have read/heard about, the overwhelming majority will never touch multiplayer outside of custom game modes and co-op. I'm not against pvp btw, I just don't think it should be the primary focus for every rts game that gets made. Making a good rts is not fucking rocket science. >Have an engine that works well with decent pathing and responsive units >Have some kind of spectacle for players to see (make it fun and interesting to watch, and get new players interested) >Have a healthy amount of single player content/campaigns >Have dev tools for the playerbase to tweak the game for customs or at the very least make custom maps to keep things fresh
>>864808 You're just being a disingenuous nigger Looked into it a bit more and Frank has repeatedly said in interviews that he actually doesn't know what the guy is saying, but here's the sample for anyone interested https://www.stockmusic.com/track/22761763 Sounds like >reform line, quick march then >on the center
>>864815 You know could of just linked fucking proof by that he stated that he doesn't know contradicting what he said in the 2012 plebbit interview along with the the mp4 within one post. That would of shut down this whole debate. https://inv.zzls.xyz/watch?v=6t4rd1D2GhM >>864808 >It's German No it's either an American or Canadian Drill Sergeant. Most likely Canadian. Drill Sergeants sometimes speak in a manner that sounds a bit vague and gibberish whether it is due to accent or on purpose to test their soldiers' ability to understand communication at all times. Do better research and then you'll actually know what enlightenment fills like for once.
>>864741 I'd argue that RTS kinda peaked with Red Alert 2 with its balance between Base building management and army micro. Seems like the any new iteration based on RA2 is going to fail just because oldfags dont want to play another clone of it and the kiddies are too dumb for it. Rts seems to either go between 2 extremes of gookclick micro and strategic level macro like with Starcraft 2 and SupCom:FA respectively. While Basebuilding focused RTSes became a new genre with the likes of Rimworld/Dorf fort, They are Billions, and Anno. Also >>864799 is right and i will also add that experimentation with the genre stopped with AA studios dying and indie devs having a hard time
>>864854 You're not being fair. >seems like the any new iteration based on RA2 is going to fail just because oldfags dont want to play another clone of it and the kiddies are too dumb for it. And yet you have people enjoying openRA, age of empires 1 and 2 REreleases and such. Personally I have a very young nephew that's become possessed with the Julius mod of Caesar 3. >gookclick micro Minesweeper can be gookclick micro. People that treat playing a game, any game, as a competitive day job will presumably find a routine to drill certain actions and habits. That doesn't mean you can't have a casual match of starcraft or a comfy singleplayer session. Why? Because the creators recognized the importance of each part and the dev had the resources and experience to give due attention to each. I agree in part with the idea that moba helped kill the genre but not as a straight up replacement or organic evolution. Rather the design and delivery model is more suited to extra monetization and bottom line is that bottom line usually trumps everything else. >While Basebuilding focused RTSes became a new genre with the likes of Rimworld/Dorf fort, They are Billions, and Anno. That's silly. Two of those games have their own thing primarily citybuilder and subgenre that makes it stand on their own right. Anno has a legacy of nearly dozen games by now and DF which has been around for well over a decade and doesn't feature any RTS mechanics to speak off. TAB is personally more reminiscent of horde games such as creeper world and ai wars for me, a concept that's arguably been around since the DOS era.
>>864901 >And yet you have people enjoying openRA, age of empires 1 and 2 REreleases and such. See thats the problem, those games are solid old games ported and retouched for the new generation. Maybe i'll be proven wrong when Dorf RTS and Tempest Rising releases with success. I really hope /agdg/ Dorf is a success. >That doesn't mean you can't have a casual match of starcraft or a comfy singleplayer session. Why? Because the creators recognized the importance of each part and the dev had the resources and experience to give due attention to each. True. But Post LoTV Starcraft 2 is more balanced around "expand or die" with your main base running out of resources around 8-10 minutes
I hope Relic is taken out of their misery.
>>864931 >Dawn of War 3 was a bomb >Company of Heroes 3 was a disappointment that led to massive layoffs >Homeworld 3 is their last bet Three for three failures, you can kill yourself Relic.
>>864936 Homeworld 3 isn't Relic/Sega It's Blackbird Entertainment/Gearbox Gearbox bought the Homeworld IP back when THQ went bankrupt. Age of Empires 4 was only decently successful because AoE plebs will buy literally anything with the brand name on it.
>>803921 The soundtrack was nice. The game itself I didn't care much for.
>>864943 Don't be an ass. I absolutely love aoe2 and even 3 had some fun moments even though Cossacks beat it with gun mechanics in all ways but I'm not even pirating 4 again. Just, garbage gameplay. But the landmark mechanic was interesting. Reminds me of Age of Mythology.
>>865238 Don't be a retard. AoE is a garbage series for garbage "people".
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>>865245 Hey, I like my RTS games and you like sucking cock but you don't see me shitting on your hobby.
>>865245 How about you explain your point? And it better not be "i like this other, more obscure RTS better therefore AoE is shit!"
>>865245 >AoE is a garbage series for garbage "people". Age of Empires is a great representation of historical medieval culture for white people. I assume you are some kind of a nonwhite subhuman spic, or heaven forbid, an american or british subhuman, those kikes hate colourful european culture
>>865238 The AoE community is filled with retarded casuals that will buy anything with the AoE logo, all I'm saying. >>865467 >Age of Empires is a great representation of historical medieval culture for white people. DAS RITE
>>865469 >portugal >spain >italy >france to a certain point >white kek get real, the northern, prosperous parts, maybe.
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>>865472 Mudhuts
>>865467 >>865469 >>865472 >>865480 And there we go again, no videogame discussion for /v/.
>>865487 I am sick and fucking tired of imageboards in general because of shit like this. You can't have a fun discussion without shit derailing to a set of largely political topics. >THEN GO TO TWIT- I'm not interested in shitholes like those either.
>>865490 Blame the industry for polarizing the players and inserting politics in their every move.
>>865492 What does that have to do with derails like the one above, nigger?
>>865492 This is entirely on anons, there was no politics here, we could have had a nice argument over wheter age of empires is a good series of RTS or not. >>865490 I completely agree, ive gotten better vidya discussion in literal porn game forums.
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>>865487 >>865490 >>865492 >>865493 >>865495 >Can't handle basic bitch /int/ banter >Going full on meta retard You're the cancer killing the board, not everyone else.
>>865496 >basic bitch /int/ banter Eat shit, faggot.
>>865496 Nigger, its this with everything every fuking day.
>>865493 People are mind broken because of it. They cannot "unsee" politics everywhere. Be it an old or new video game and they have to tell you about it. Derailing everything with walls of autism. >>865496 I don't care but i can see why some people are fed up with autism walls of text.
>>865500 You know. Not for nothing, but the normal response to seeing shit you dont like. Is to ignore it. only NOW is the thread derailed into meta discussion, and the reason why is because once again someone said something you thin skinned faggots didnt like, and now your begging mods to ban and delete and swiss cheese. Grow some fucking balls. This isnt your personal safe space. Its a fucking image board.
>>865502 >and now your begging mods to ban and delete and swiss cheese. Except noone is doing that, mr (1), we are calling you a retard and to fuck off.
>>865502 >now your begging mods to ban and delete and swiss cheese Did the spic migrations lower reading comprehension across the board?
>>865504 No. You are telling some other anon to get banned. I just woke up. Your only issue with me is calling you out for being a pussy. And to be clear. You are a pussy. Stop being such a thin skinned faggot and discuss the video game. You know you dont have to respond to everything you dont like right? Again not your personal safe space. Its a free speech board were anyone can say what they want about video games, and if you dont like what they say then you ignore them.
>>865507 >You are telling some other anon to get banned Point out where i did that.
>>865507 >You are telling some other anon to get banned So what South American country do you originate from? >You know you dont have to respond to everything you dont like right? Imagine trannies were to infest the board, derailing along the way. Would "just ignoring" be the correct response?
I'm just making it worse at this point anyway.
>>865504 >>865506 >>865508 >>865509 Okay be disingenuous then. Spam your derail to get more attention and ensure moderation occurs. We all know perfectly well what the mods here do, and how to bait them into doing it. You guys claiming your done with image boards and "THIS IS KILLING TEH BORT!" are comments calculated to get some dipshit like Mark or Fel to step in and ban the things you dont like. Again play dumb but we all know how this shit works. Now enjoy your meta derail faggots. I gotta make breakfast and go to work.
>>865511 This is entirely on you, and you know it, youre getting called an annoying retard.
>>865480 Unfortunately, all the stuff you're pointing to the medditerranian for is thousands of years ago. Italy had a brief resurgence like 500 years ago, but that's about it. The rest of the time, the whole region has been a practically arab shithole. >>865487 You know you could just say something on a sub-topic you like instead of getting mad at people saying things you don't like. If you don't think these posts are close enough to being video game discussion, then you can make posts you think are close enough to being video game discussion.
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>>865513 >Unfortunately, all the stuff you're pointing to the medditerranian for is thousands of years ago. German land locked butthurt was so great they created the 1884 Berlin Conference to get a piece of the African pie while pushing other European countries to brutalize Africa tribes instead of forming diplomatic relations. Literally bigger savages than niggers.
>>865514 European colonization was good for Africa. They brought technology and medicine and actual functional systems of government. Look at what happened when they left.
>>865509 >imagine trannies were to infest the board, derailing along the way No need to imagine anything.
>>865523 >European colonization was good for Africa. >>865524 >Bringing in niggers and mudshits to European countries was good These two posts don't say the same thing. Why are you acting like they do?
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>>865523 >>865591 Colonization being good for africa is exactly why they shouldn't have done it.
>>865593 Well sure, but the post I was replying to was saying that it was savage and brutal. It was an improvement.
>>865593 Now show the "after" pic where Britain ends up like the blacked meme
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>>865514 But anon, niggers aren't human.
>>865764 Neither are Germans.
my favourite games are tf2 and osrs and they are like the only games i play
>>865593 The only thing the European colonial powers did wrong was leave anyone alive in the lands they conquered. It should have been done worldwide as it was in North America: wipe out the natives (not in the way that commies claim it was done– that's a proven hoax–but rather incidentally as a result of outcompetition) and replace them with your own stock.
>>865947 american indians were all almost exterminated and the united states are the #1 colony, coincidence? But I think a bigger mistake was not guarding scientific inventions, instead we gave the entire world, every shit stained continent all our greatest inventions, for free, without a fight, just to make their lives easier, which ofcourse was very profitable, but look at the world now. All europeans going to school, working in science, just to be given scraps while their Elites buy a new yacht every year and Jamal from Africa or Rajeesh from India shitposts online ruining everyones mood
>>865957 This would be the real reason why star trek federation would adopt the 'prime directive'.
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>>865958 Its only logical. I only ever watched Red Dwarf though, a vastly more realistic depiction of how space travel might look like in the grimdark future
>>865962 The inspiration behind the show was darkstar by john carpenter. According to doug grant and ronb naylor. Also smoke me a kipper... I'll be back for breakfast.
>>865469 >>865472 >>865480 >>865496 >Now that all the niggers are gone, this is a place for the hwait race! <Who said that you are hwait, faggot? Ah yes. That's what I want to see in an RTS thread. Hwait faggots complaining instead of posting about gayms. A shame I don't see D.O.R.F. anywhere here.
>>866002 >Hwait subhuman detected opinion discarted, were it not for "hwaits" you would be beating two rocks together instead of posting on the internet
>>866076 Oh mighty hwait faggot tell me the subhuman how you are not being rode by kikes and being used to spread degeneracy worldwide as golems. At least my rocks would hurt no one.
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This thread really went places
>>866002 >A shame I don't see D.O.R.F. anywhere here Yeah it was mentioned once by >>864921 . I really love the aesthetics of it so I hope it ends up being fun.
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How's mental omega? I heard from some that it was overrated, but at the same time I'm seeing praise of it. I have a suspicion that it's shit due to its sizable chink fanbase. >>864854 >Rts seems to either go between 2 extremes of gookclick micro and strategic level macro like with Starcraft 2 and SupCom:FA respectively. One of the most common signs of low intelligence is how fags will claim that every RTS is a gookclicker not realizing that the love for shit like RA2 and AOE was due to its single-player modes or playing skirmish and creating your own little castle/fort. I doubt anyone ever enjoyed RTS games being competitive even back in the day. >>866126 >Oh mighty hwait faggot tell me the subhuman how you are not being rode by kikes Pablo your country is literally filled with filthy catholic rodents, and your people enjoy tranny porn highest per capita. Your country is a shit-hole no matter what you say.
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The best rts in the last 10 years hasnt been posted here yet
>>868242 Can't play as skeletons, shit game.
>>868229 >How's mental omega? I didn't enjoy it when I gave it a go years ago. I couldn't tell you more details though as I remember very little of it beyond disliking it and dropping it fairly quickly. >was due to its single-player modes or playing skirmish and creating your own little castle/fort Yeah most people don't touch pvp in rts games. A shame too as most are nowhere near as stressful as some people believe. >I doubt anyone ever enjoyed RTS games being competitive even back in the day They absolutely did. Those players were just not the majority of rts players who played shit far more casually. That was a big problem for devs to design around, and most of them struggle with it. Yeah they were only 20%ish of the playerbase on average, but most of the long term game time came from that hardcore minority. Where as the 80%ish had their fun and moved on (and only randomly came back for another playthrough from time to time), but they account for most of the sales. You need the casuals to survive, but you also need the hardcore fags for the game's longevity. >>868247 This is true.
>>868242 >webp >mobilaids le kys
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Oh no... >EA has announced new CnC game >CnC: legions >It's mobileshit base builder
>>868582 You didn't have to tell me this was mobileshit. Just by looking at the character design was enough
>>868582 I'll always blame this kind of shit to americans
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>>868582 I couldn't give less of a shit, anything EA releases I will pirate or give no fucks about. I have lost the ability to get angry, apathy and spite, that's where I am at. They will burn and I will laugh when it happens.
>>868588 Nice hitler dubs and based
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>>868588 >I will laugh when it happens You won't. You'll remember there never will be another proper westwood CnC game.
>>868629 >You won 't Believe me, I will >You'll remember there never will be another proper westwood CnC game. EA killed way more than Westwood >Renderware >Pandemic >Bullfrog >Maxis And the list goes on Plus D.O.R.F comes close and so do mods.
>>868663 >And the list goes on You listed just about everything worth listing
>>868673 No I didn't >Origin Systems >RedShores/Visceral >DreamWorks Interactive/EALA >DICE >Blackbox Games >Popcap EA is a septic tank on top of a graveyard
>>868663 Isn't DORF developed by a guy that frequents /agdg/? (I forgot the acronym)
>>868914 Yeah, we lost a ton of guys after the site went down unfortunately. http://8agdg.wikidot.com/dorf-rts
>>868921 I miss the days before 2019.
>>868921 I think he used zzzchan for a while.
>>868229 >Pablo your country is literally filled with filthy catholic rodents, and your people enjoy tranny porn highest per capita. Your country is a shit-hole no matter what you say. I mean, I didn't deny it is a shithole. I just don't see where you come from with your high horse when kike dick is filling your asshole. You might think that the great hwait man is free, but all what he is free is to take bankers' dicks up the ass and die for the chosen people.
>>868663 I am super hyped for DORF. I might go play modded TA while waiting. What are the best mods? I think there was escalation which gave it a map like SupCom
Tempest Rising put out a preview build you can play now. Hopefully ends up fun when I try it later.
>>871073 I just tried it. It is just a single mission and is over in not too long. Probably about 10ish minutes. For your time you get a few cutscenes, an introduction to infantry gameplay, lots of exploding barrels, and very limited building options. Not really enough to form an opinion on it yet. Hopefully more gets revealed soon.
Nice, just when I check back on TA the escalation mod releases! Gonna have fun with that.
>playing C&C3 for the first time since I played it back when it released >notice how off it feels >read about how they balanced the single player using the multiplayer nerfs and such I really wish more devs would do multiplayer balance as its own thing. It hurts the singleplayer side a fair bit since missions were not designed with that balance in mind. Still doable sure, but not as fun.
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>>859879 >>859858 >>859840 I really liked the first one. how does the new one look? haven't tried it. also, XComFiles
>>868582 >EA has announced That sentence alone ensures that whatever it is, it will be shit.
>>872308 There's a mod for that It's still a good game and you can still beat it, but the later stages are just more difficult.
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>>802844 Can I even pirate Battle of Middle Earth or is it only on-disc for sale by scalpers
>>875904 It's on abandonware websites
>>875237 Yeah I still beat it on hard. Just took me a few more extra tries than I would have wanted. >mod Yeah I should have looked it up before I played. Oh well.
>>875915 Kanes Wrath doesn't have that issue,so go for that one. It's much better in a variety of ways, though the art design takes a big tumble, you can tell all the red flags that gave way to Red Alerts 3 Saturday Morning cartoon art design bullshit with units like the MARV.
Have any of you anons played kingdom rush?
>>875928 I don't play movile games
>>875928 Played all 4 games, they're up on GOG.
>>875936 Good thing it's not a mobile game then. Retard.
Generals's Contra Beta 10 is out. Among the new things is a split tech tree to Superweapons General, now it's Patriot battery, ICBM, Scudstorm for missile tree or Cryo lance, Particle Cannon, Weather device for cryo tech.
>>875964 >starts out as a flash game series >has it out on steam and gog.com So it's a mobile game because has some games on mobile. I guess world of tanks is mobile, so world of warships and even command and conquer
>>871073 >>871146 The pathfinding sucks dick, so hopefully it's not close to release. I fear not though, and overall the game feels like it adds gimmicks to try to break away from "just a C&C clone". See the Drone Operator vs Rocket Soldier. Also would it really cost too much to hire some theater fags to act in FMVs instead of an uncanny valley CGI talking head.
>>876024 >I guess world of tanks is mobile That's a real shit example. Having played both the original and blitz, the difference is massive between the two.
>>876024 First result I got was Google Play and I saw the cartoonish visuals so I just assumed.
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>Playing vanilla Empire at War again >Try to give the game a whirl on hard <A.I can build 100 times faster than you <80% damage boost <30% damage reduction <Can see through fog of war <Spam artillery constantly on land battles <Techs up sooner so you can't even go aggressive and try to stop them from stacking 300 Capital ships while you're still stuck on frigates <Constantly spams low tier units and suicides them on you like a fucking terrorist before you can even fall back <To win you require constant gook tier micro except the pathfinding in this game is so ass and the AI damage values so big that half your units will be destroyed anyway Jesus fucking Christ what were they thinking? They had to be rushed out the ass and didn't even playtest this shit, this is Halo 2 Legendary tier broken.
>>872308 I don't know why devs do this considering how few people actually play MP RTS. I bet you over 80% of Warcraft 3's fanbase never played an online match in their life.
>>872308 >>893487 It was an honest mistake apparently, I don't believe they had unique stats for units in SIngleplayer and Multiplayer.
>>892395 AI in rts games is always a crapshoot. Too many devs just give you varying levels of cheating AI instead of actually more intelligent AI for higher difficulties. At least some games are nice enough to tell you how much they cheat. Also for a second I thought you were talking about the Empire Earth cheating AI and its silly levels of bs that nearly drove me mad back in the day. On the topic of Empire at War, I think there was an xml file you can make/edit to tweak the ai values to whatever you want. Been a while since I fucked with that so I can't recall it exactly. >Halo 2 Legendary tier broken I can hear the jackal snipers as I read this.
>>893508 Jackal snipers aren't even the worst part of it, the Brutes sponginess and the swarm enemies making it impossible to run and gun just make it a crapshoot.
>>893509 Been ages since I played gaylo so forgive me for forgetting parts. I just remember the jackals since the game had a habit of giving you a checkpoint right as those niggers were about to fire, so you get caught in a deathloop until it reverts to another checkpoint.
>>893510 Yeah, it's just broken due to how rushed it was. I figure it was the same with Empire at War, you either rush early and reinforce every single planet with a land reserve and have 300 land battles with the A.I or it will just demolish you offworld in the space battles with the cheating. It's insane
hey this isn't the eff pee ess thread
>>893518 Just an analogy because I never played an RTS with that broken of an A.I.
Star Wars Empire at War got a nice update out of nowhere and an upgrade from 32 to 64Bit. I really wasn't expecting that. Downside is that some people are reporting it fugged the game for them and turned the performance to shit. Only issue I saw after doing a quick space skirmish test was a stutter that happened every 45ish seconds for a very brief moment.
>>909521 pretty rad
>>909521 Nice, I really hope the leaked RTS in develoent is real and actually good.
>>875964 Yes, retard.
>>787703 Is there any RTS that isn't strictly about killing and expanding an empire?
>>923680 >>923679 >>923678 >>923676 >>923672 >>923670 why are you doing this please stop
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>>923685 Only one of those is me you fucking schizophrenic nigger.
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>>923686 Why are you talking to yourself anon
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Should post something on-topic so Cakelord doesn't get mad at me.
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>>813759 I absolutely fucking hate CoH2, I win every match and still feel empty because the game is such an ugly casual piece of shit where every faction and doctrine plays the same and has no identity with unit models that look and feel like plastic. CoH1 has 300 options to win, CoH2 is the same fucking tactics and maps every time even with microtransactions commanders. The fanbase is even worse, and despite how much they bitch and moan about CoH3 they still bought it en masse, some even justify it with "they'll fix it later". I have more fun playing the unbalanced mess that is vanilla CoH and TC mods for it than I'll ever have with CoH2, CoH2 is the peak of mediocrity.
>>926888 (nice) I went back to CoH1 after 2 kinda burnt me out. Though I've been playing Gates of Hell lately for my WW2 rts fix. The game has its issues, but overall I have a lot of fun with it. Being able to manually take control the units like a TPS is pretty cool even if janky at times. I also hope they figure out the bug that keeps randomly freezing all units across the map. Shit is ruining my dynamic campaign. >>923680 >non-violent rts There probably is, but I have never gone looking for something like that. >>923689 I always appreciate it when RTS games have that cinematic camera button that sweeps around the battlefield so you can just watch shit unfold. Sadly most of those same games also require your frequent attention so you never get to use that feature.
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AI genned VA for a mod am working on
>>926896 Give Blitzkrieg mod for CoH1 a try anon >>928555 Generals?
>>931894 Nice! In a way I'm glad C&C is dead, I hope it stays that way.
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Played Terminator Dark Fate: Defiance It has all the elements to be a great game but it's completely broken, it legit wasn't playtested, to the point a ton of the games mechanics are completely broken and the RNG will fuck your ass to the point you have to save scum to even be able to progress. Not only that but the game is limited to a single core. The tactical campaign map with a limited supply is great but again, it's just completely broken, your strike force of 12 units will consume so many supplies you'd think you were using a whole army. Goddamned shame, it starts great and then just completely shits itself and becomes completely unplayable, reminds me of Starship Troopers Terran Command.
Happy threadiversary, I've been playing AoE4 as nips, order of the dragon, and china. It's good fun and I like the increased divergence between factions compared to AoE2.
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>>939227 Nevermind, this faggot post, finally got good at the game and I'm having fun it's still hard as balls and it's still bound to one core. But holy fuck, it's pure military scifi autism, if you liked Syrian Warfare, you'll like this.
>>940018 >holy fuck, it's pure military scifi autism I'll have to give it a pirate demo. >me of Starship Troopers Terran Command How was that one? I completely forgot about it.
>>940059 The first 2 missions don't really reflect the rest of the gamebythe way, very mellow and defensive. Most of the game is spent making a small veteran strike force and scavenging the map. And don't play on Hare unless you hate yourself, this game will chew you up and spit you out, it makes you work for every victory screen.
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>>939227 > your strike force of 12 units will consume so many supplies you'd think you were using a whole army. That makes sense though, everything was just nuked to shit by skynet a couple decades back, mustering any forces should be difficult.
>>940128 True, but it's really strict and you have no idea what you're doing initially, so it can fuck you in the ass hard and become unmanageable since the game does not hold your hand in any capacity, its is fundamental that you tow and scavenge everything and I mean EVERYTHING in the map with any unit that can drive a vehicle especially early on, it gets better when you understand the system and with the optional (even harder) side missions since they give you a shitton of bonus supplies. This game does not fuck around with it's difficulty. My main issue now is how fucking unnacurate your units are compared to the A.I, even after a ton of vet.
>>940018 Funny you should mention that, Rimmy in his vid had a comment that the Russian studio was working on this game before the invasion and had to give it up to another developer. So that's why they feel similar.
>>940146 They didn't give up, Slitherine let them dev, still gave them a paycheck, but kept PR on the down low and removed the devs name. They're still advergising the game on russian social media.
>>940146 >>940231 Fuck, forgot link.
Are there any RTS where the goal is not just pure violence?
>>940277 Black&White
How hard is it for the faggots at Relic to make a DoW game that had the scale of Ultimate Apocalypse/Unification, the cover and gear system of DoW 2, and the customizable army of DoW 3 which along the Titan-units were it's only redeeming feature. SEGA PLEASE KILL RELIC ALONG WITH CREATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR WASTING EVERYONE'S TIME!
>>940372 >How hard is it for the faggots at Relic to make a DoW game I feel like after reading/watching the interviews and such, that they definitely had a clue of what the winning recipe was. The problem was that they were completely ignorant of the amounts for each ingredient so you ended up with this foul tasting abomination that pleased no one. By the time they realized what went so wrong, it was too late in development and they were stuck finishing something that they knew missed the mark. >SEGA PLEASE KILL RELIC ALONG WITH CREATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR WASTING EVERYONE'S TIME! How is CA doing these days after all the drama from not too long ago? Have people forgotten already, or is it still ongoing.
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>>940469 That reminds me, that Company of Heroes Star Wars mod got updated and they finally added AT-ATs
>>940449 >How is CA doing these days after all the drama from not too long ago? Have people forgotten already, or is it still ongoing. Gutted along with Relic for fucking up with that retarded as shit idea "Hyenas" and wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on a fucking trend-following tranny FPS Battle Royale Extraction Looter Shooter. JAPANESE COMPANIES CANNOT TARD-WRANGLE THEIR WESTERN STUDIOS.
>>940552 Honestly Sega is fucking up eveey studio under them with awful management.
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After 20 hours of game and lots of save scumming I finally feel like I'm not going to die just by having the enemy looking at me.
God, the music in this game is so fucking good
The C&C Ultimate Collection bundle is on steam now. Including titles that were stuck only on Origin before. Now have an interesting line from the news announcement: >I realize many of you have been wondering about the status of Command & Conquer over the past several years. After the launch of the first C&C Remastered Collection, I told our Community Council I would continue to try and find opportunities to support the C&C community and franchise wherever possible It mentions after the launch of their first remastered collection, implying another is in the works. The guy who made the announcement was also the same dude who broke the news on the first C&C Remastered. So I wonder what games are up next for them to remaster. >>940804 Everyone I spoke to about it seems to have this love-hate relationship with that game. I've been giving it time for them to patch it more and hopefully get it in a better state before I try it out. I'm not a huge fan of save scumming.
>>944300 I'm sure they won't fix save scumming but I'm just waiting for them to improve performance. It's really bad, like slideshow tier at times. It really is enjoyable though, think C&C/Men of War/S.T.A.L.K.E.R all rolled into one with a bit of Jagged Alliance all rolled into one. It's fucking insane
>>790430 Every game has to be multiplat now except for a few indies. Wouldn't be surprised if that's the real reason RTS is considered dead, because enough AAA devs know better than to try RTS on console.
>>948041 That makes literally zero sense.
>>948042 Makes plenty of sense. Multiplat = More sales No funding if genre is exclusive
>>948047 Platforms have (historically) routinely provided incentives for exclusives, especially if its a large developer.
>>948052 Console manufacturers used to provide those incentives, usually monetary and more info and help with developing for their platform. Not the same with PC which is why most exclusives for it are niche. Multiplat = More money so it's hard to find funding for bigger games Latest PC exclusive by a big publisher was C&C Remastered by EA.
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>>789633 look at me replying to a post from over a year ago > muh controls Speaking of which, why aren't KB+M "controllers" more common with console gamers? I know they exist, but they're really niche. It doesn't even have to be full keyboards, it can be those condensed gaming layouts you see AULA and Razor make. PC gamers game with console controllers a lot, that's pretty normal, so why don't console gamers do the same? There are a lot of genres that just don't mesh well with a controller, way more than RTS. It took years before FPS didn't feel janky and that was largely achieved by giving people an aimbot.
Anyone looking for a reason to replay some DoW1 again, the Unification mod just updated. New factions, maps, modes, and some overhauls of old content too.
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>>955405 just saw it myself, fuckin' A
>>955405 >>955427 What's your favorite IG faction?
>>955454 >>955427 >>955405 *DoW faction But yeah, mines the IG
I only play DoW2 The Last Stand, 15 years and over 200 hours of fun. At this point I can solo that shit. And theres always a game going on too
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>>955454 >>955457 Everyone loves the IG.
>>955463 It's DoW2 at it's best honestly They should have just cloned CoH1 and added some heroes with a wargear progression system. But what's done is done, I doubt we'll ever see another good CoH or DoW ever. >>955522 It's my favorite faction but I won't say I love it, too much micro since the infantry units are super squishy and there are a ton of upgrades. CoH1 improved massively over DoW in that regard, way less busy work.
>>955457 In Vanilla, I usually go IG as well. Orks are a close second. Modded faction however? I have no idea yet. Playing and figuring them all out when there are so many factions makes it take a while. I am looking forward to it though. I genuinely love the variety. >>955463 Last Stand was a lot of fun. I wish it would have seen more support. I feel like it had a lot more potential they left unfulfilled. There was a mod called Forgotten Emerald that added onto it, but I never found players for it back when I gave a shit.
I have been addicted to Beyond All Reason. I am surprised no one brought it up yet. It is basically Total Annihilation modded, and plays very well on my potato laptop that can't possibly handle supreme commander. The community is very nice, with people actually having mentor roles willing to look at your replays and giving feedback.
>>955617 Last time I played it, the launcher was all kinds of fugged which made it a pain to even start a game. I should give it a go again, but at the same time, I remember it just making me want to play supcom again instead.
>>955405 Kriegers crash on picking them. Steel Legion have some nice armor, get a map that has a critical location to use. Praetorans are a meme factions, no decent artillery and armor costs seem weird. A Killer Khan, Shadowsword and Lemon Russ Vanquisher take up 18. I do notice that the Witch Hunters and SoB both got new units, looking forward to them.
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>>955847 Check add-ons, Angry Marines for 7.0 is something you can add. The Speeder has a plow on the front, because they're not stopping for anyone.
>>955538 >too much micro since the infantry units are super squishy and there are a ton of upgrades That was definitely something I wished it did like CoH or DoW2. I like the idea of gearing up my squads, but I wish it remembered the weapon choices when reinforcing. >>955847 >Kriegers crash on picking them Just checked and they worked fine. Maybe play with your settings or check if it installed correctly. >>955863 >angry marines add-on That is good to know.
Some old and recent news for Relic. >Sega sells off Relic Entertainment alongside laying off 200+ staff in Europe https://nichegamer.com/sega-sells-off-relic-entertainment-alongside-laying-off-200-staff-in-europe/ JUST DIE ALREADY! >Relic Entertainment lay off 41 employees shortly after split from Sega https://nichegamer.com/relic-entertainment-lay-off-41-after-sega/ DIE! RELEASE ANOTHER SHIT GAME AND THEN DIE!
>>956076 I'm sure it won't take long now unless some other company buys them out, which I seriously doubt.
>>956076 Considering the state of the company, a mercy killing might be just what they need. Reality is they are just likely downsizing to fit their current capabilities and will continue to persist. >>956088 (checked) >which I seriously doubt I could see it. The Relic name alone carries value even if everything recently done by them has been subpar.
>>956090 What value? They haven't put out anything decent in years Age of Empires 4 sold due to Microsoft marketing and brand loyalty alone as it's a mediocre game that looks worse than 3 somehow. Company of Heroes 3 flopped and more are playing the subpar game filled with reddit cancer that is Company of Heroes 2. With some luck Microsoft might acquire them but I doubt it.
Homeworld 3 came out not too long ago. Mixed to negative reviews from what I am seeing. All the fags I used to watch for the old games are tearing into it currently. Story is shit, gameplay is also shit, and the only positives I consistently see are to do with the graphics and sounds/soundtracks. This is disappointing. Not shocking obviously after the demo, but still disappointing to see.
>>969527 The cutscenes are hilarious, how do you fuck up that hard? No fucking way it wasn't done by some Pajeets

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Stealing this stuff from Sleepy/v/
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>>969527 Why did they make a Homeworld 3? The series was better off retired. And I say "retired" because Deserts of Kharak came out like 8 years ago and while it wasn't great it was still an alright game as far prequels made more than a decade after the original go.
>>969568 Because Randy Pitchford thought he was buying Homefront and the dev team behind that game, but instead bought Homeworld from the THQ auction. This is basically a way to get his money back.
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CA is making a new star wars vidya game. Also mildly curious what the other 2 games will be. How bad will the coming train wreck be, or can triple gAAAy learn their lesson and actually improve on the recent line of fuckups. I personally look forward to them doubling down. <Total War: Star Wars Game Reportedly in the Works at Creative Assembly >DualShockers reports Total War: Star Wars is one of three new Total War games in development at the Sega-owned studio. IGN has asked Sega for comment https://archive.is/fh9Zc
>>969729 >Dualcuckers It's fake
>>969729 I dont really see how ou can translate the total war formula unto star wars. What are you gonna do, huge squares of blaster infantry going at it like if it was space napoleonic warfare?
>>969731 Yeah I'm not sure how they would adopt it in a way that wasn't silly looking. Then again, devs pulled off a star wars variant for age of empires and that worked somehow. >>969730 That is definitely possible.
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>>969740 > devs pulled off a star wars variant for age of empires and that worked somehow. Yeah but the age of empires formula can lend itself better, total war is supposed to have this huge, army vs army battles with units and such. And while that would work for the CIS, it would look ridicoulous for anyone else.
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>>969743 But I don't want to kill B1s in mass, I want to smooch them all over
>>969746 Revan, fuck off with your droids and tend to your wife.
>>969729 I don't see this being true. They're already allegedly working on a WW1 game and a 40k game. Along with working on content for Warhammer 3, I call BS. >>969731 Would Disney Star Wars even have enough stuff for a TW game? I don't follow it but they gutted the EU, I just don't see CA having enough to work with.
>>969755 >Would Disney Star Wars even have enough stuff for a TW game? Doubt it, but CA has proved to have the creatie people to create content for their games just fine. I mean, look at total wawa, half of Kislev's shit is OC by them, and the entirety of Cathay and Vampire Coast are pretty much their creation as factions, and they work just fine.
>>969567 You can see that here: https://youtu.be/6LKWAZsGx-U?si=3llk6M2CyCYFws0e&t=8953 Suffice to say Homeworld fans are disappointed.
>>969731 >I dont really see how ou can translate the total war formula unto star wars. The issue I find is line troops having automatic weapons so they'll have to add a new mechanic around that, but Star Wars battles in film were usually depicted as straightforward masses against masses with no squad based stuff so it is doable, moreso than something like 40K, I have no idea how they can manage that outside of making it IG focused with Spess Muhreens being Hero Units.
>>969782 This is marvel tier acting and writing. Why is this in Homeworld? https://youtu.be/6LKWAZsGx-U?si=BrECTUPzy8z6wJdk&t=5184
>>969784 >making it IG focused with Spess Muhreens being Hero Units Unacceptable. Think of all the other faction DLC possibilities you could be selling at overinflated prices! >>969788 (checked) It wouldn't shock me if the writer for this never touched a Homeworld game before doing this one. Especially when >>969565 makes it look like she is both a self insert writer and a danger hair at that. Add in the bit about writing borderlands 3 and this game never had a chance. >marvel tier acting and writing Marvel tier writing is all most of these hacks know.
I just remembered Men of War 2 came out too. Anyone try it yet? At a quick glance I see a lot of people saying it is fucked. Sad to see they didn't listen to any feedback people gave them after they did those tests before launch.
>>970006 Seems to be focused mostly on multiplayer content with the singeplayer being barebones.
>>970020 That was a huge mistake on their part. I was watching some gameplay, and shit is rough. I saw one player couldn't steal equipment on the field because of his pop cap being near max. Unforgivable in a game like this. Then they decided to make it online only so it fugging lags in singleplayer. They promised to patch that, but still wtf were they thinking.
>>970086 Ruskie executives don't think This shit is selling worse than fucking Gates of Hell
>>970090 >Gates of Hell Pretty much giving those guys free sales. Negative reviews on Men of War 2 all usually suggest players buy that game instead. >Ruskie executives don't think Clearly. A lot of the design choices in this game are nonsensical.
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>Gearbox was shilling Homeworld 3 hard for years on end >game comes out >it's shit I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. >>969746 Stay out of the way, meatbag.
lol Wait, this isn't the lol thread.
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>>970093 >boyfriends.png
>>970106 umm WTF I'm no adept in these things, so tell me are those @(name)(number) addresses realistic, or is that just badly disguised bot shilling?
>>970122 Extremely badly disguised bot shilling, given the avatars don't even bother to match the names and there are several repeat avatars.
>>970106 I mean fags have been saying twitter is mostly bots for years now. Really pathetic that they think this sort of thing works.
>>970123 And the names are all [normal first name] [normal last name], and most obviously several of them just repeat the exact same thing. >>970124 I don't know why they bothered, it just makes them look even more desperate.
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>>787703 I'd keep away from broken arrow. Publisher will ban you if they find any politically incorrect things from you, even on other platforms. Slitherine is a shit company.
>>972262 Old rule of not buying games applies here. Especially for bri'ish companies, that includes Tempest Rising.
>>972262 They're on thin ice due to working with ruskie companies.
>>955617 If they would just add ZK-style unit AI and fix the UI this would be literally the perfect RTS game. Sadly, the devs are retards who actually believe the "ZK is a game that plays itself" memes. Oh well, maybe it'll inspire the equally-retarded-but-in-a-different-way ZK team to finally upgrade their fucking graphics a bit.
Are any of you enjoying Dawn of the Tiberium Age? They released a new campaign a couple of days ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onofd_4rf74 . Apparently, there are 30 missions, with branching paths. I haven't played RTS games in a while, I've only made it to the third mission thus far.
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>>996913 Looks like a grand time!
So Stormgate turned out to be a trashfire. Lots of people are disappointed by the looks of it. >>996913 Never heard of that mod, but I will have to give it a go. I like the idea of branching missions, as it gives me a reason to replay shit. I feel like you don't see that often in an RTS.
>>996924 Yeah I saw, what a shame.
>>996924 They shouldn't have released it into early access in that state.
>>996924 I've seen the first three missions of the campaign from some youtuber, I think it was Grant. Looks like a rehash of WC3 human campaign, but worse and not polished.
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>>996924 >Starcraft F2P clone >It sucks >Starcraft fags go back to playing Starcraft Totally unexpected!
>>996968 What are those white lines? Is that a mod?
>>996983 Rally Lines. This is a mod.
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>>996968 Will be honest, my unit control leaves much to be desired.
>>996983 This is a mod called Cosmonarchy. I tried installing it, but the launcher crashed my computer. From what Ive seen, it is Starcraft, but larger scale. You can find it here: http://fraudsclub.com/cosmonarchy/ . I might try installing it again.
>>996990 better off downloading the mod off the github if the launcher's fucky. issue then becomes keeping track of updates.
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>>996924 They left Blizztard but brought and spread the infection.
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Bumpin to say that AoM:Retold is out. Some thoughts. >God powers can now be recast per race at stacking cosbot linkaning the first one is free, then 12 > 25 > 41 in terms of favor cost. >Myth units now have some vocals, Nemean Lion and Cyclops for instance. >Hippolyta has a greek sounding voice that's very pleasant. <That modern UI is fucking atrocious. Even after half a dozen maps I'm still confused as to what some of the buttons do. Why is there a giant Age up symbol in the middle of the screen? <The voice acting is 10 shades of awful. Once again Forgotten Empires has chosen Authenticity over Actual acting experience. These are the types of people who'll cast a greek in a greek role, not someone who can do a good performance. Kastor sounds like a winey kid, Ajax isn't manly and Arkantos sounds tired. <Why is there an automated economy function for the game? Is this an AoE 4 thing? It really shouldn't be here. <The way units engage in combat is very AoE 4. They'll blob together and surge forth. <The Major gods don't feel unique anymore. Zeus > Hades > Posiden were Infantry and 200 God power > Archers and a good economy > Horses and strong myth units. Since favor isn't capped anymore, the only difference between Hades and Zeus is what minor gods you have access to and if you want Myrmidons and Gastraphetes. <Minor changes to races. Atlantians now generate favor through Oracles instead of TC, which is as bad as it sounds. <No blood and skeletons because China. <Bugs and glitches all over the place. Technically functional but I had the UI flash multiple times. Verdict, same with AoE 3. I'll play the original with the expanded mod. I do not like this one. That UI especially.
>>1006814 >stacking cosbot linkaning Stacking cost with the first one free then increasing favor costs.
>>1006814 >That UI especially Modern devs really love that kind of UI for whatever reason. I miss the older stylized approaches they used to do. Especially when it changed depending on the faction you played. I always thought that was a nice touch.

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>>1006978 It's not an RTS but I'll always bring up how Oblivion's UI, despite not being very good to actually use, was artistically brilliant. Compare it to the later TES games which look absolutely soulless, and it's particularly better in a functional sense either.
>>1006984 How is that oblivion screenshot in 5:4?
>>1006984 >artistically brilliant Are you insulting me? Oblivon single handedly ruined the TES series! The reason why we stuck with shit like Skyrim! Mother fucking Xbox UI, for motherfucking braindead consol niggers! Get the fuck out here!
>>1007034 Morrowind is great, but what we're not going to do is pretend its UI wasn't a fucking mess.
⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⢡⡾⠋⠉⠀⠄⢈⣿⠸⠿⠿⢿⣿⡏⢸⣿⣷⡌⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⣯⣀⠈⣀⢠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣾⠙⠛⠇⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠀⣿⣿⣧⣶⣾⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢻⣿⣿⡇⠀⠁⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⡀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢸⣿⣿⣷⣆⡀⣅⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠇⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠋⡌⣿⡟⡄⠃⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⡇⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⣤⣛⡿⠿⣿⢿⣀⠃⠻⠇⠃⣠⠿⠿⢿⣛⣩⣄⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢰⠸⢿⣿⣷⣶⣦⣬⣓⣒⣒⣫⣥⣶⣾⣿⠿⠿⠟⠀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠔⠀⠒⠂⠈⠙⠛⠿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠋⠉⠀⠈⠉⠈⠂⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⣄⡇⠀⠀⢅⢂⡄⠀⠀⢛⠃⠀⠀⠄⢁⠄⠀⠀⣧⡆⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢻⡇⣦⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⣠⠀⢰⣀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣤⡆⡟⠁⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠠⣷⣬⣭⣭⣶⣶⣿⠋⠀⠀⠻⣿⠿⢶⣶⣶⣾⡷⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠉⠉⡉⠀⠀⢈⣧⡀⠀⣀⣠⣿⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⡄⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⡄⢸⣏⣹⣿⣿⣉⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⢉⢈⡉⡁⡀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢀⠀⠂⠀⢠⡀⠂⠌⠠⠁⠐⢀⠴⠀⠠⠠⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢸⢀⠱⡀⡀⠌⠇⣶⣶⣾⠋⠃⡄⠠⠐⢡⡇⡇⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⢋⣥⠀⢀⠠⠁⠐⢀⣾⣬⣭⣭⣼⡀⠅⠀⠐⠿⠇⡇⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⣋⣤⣴⣾⣿⡇⠀⡼⠀⢀⠀⠉⢹⣿⣿⣯⢩⣭⡄⠞⢠⣿⡆⠇⢠⣬⡍⣙⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⡿⠿⠋⣥⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠃⣤⠀⠀⣸⣿⣦⠀⠠⣤⣉⢀⡉⠁⢰⡆⢿⢿⡆⢸⣿⣇⣿⢰⣶⣶⣬⣍⡙⠛⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ PLAY TERMINATOR DEFIANCE NOW!!!

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