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>>1048893 >12% Black >17 Hispanic >50% obese Yeah, fucking wonderful...
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>>1048072 >27% Muslim (27%) >30% Jewish (57%) >27% Native American (84%) >29% Asian (113%) >41% Black (154%) >39% Hispanic (193%)
>>1048898 Those aren't mutually exclusive retard
>>1048900 Were you one of the people polled for this survey?
>>1048886 I'm straight and think Blaire White's attractive, because females are attractive and Blaire white looks female.
>>1048901 If someone has a Black Muslim as a father, and a Hispanic as a mother, then he qualifies as a Black Hispanic Muslim who might also be obese.
>>1048641 Man, transparent plastic hardware needs to come back.
>>1048958 Transparent plastic hardware mods have.
>>1048881 "I'm only kind of a faggot!" is not a real statement that anyone will believe. If you like dicks in any amount, you 100% like dicks. "Bisexuality" doesn't exist. Faggotry also doesn't exist–it's a mental illness caused by either a parasite, a disease, or from conditioned trauma–but to claim that a "halfway" marker is a valid category is to acquiesce to the claims of faggotry in the first place.
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/v/ is 80% bi or gay and the remaining 20% really wants to pretend the first group doesn't exist
>>1048969 What's wrong with 80% of /v/ being bi or gay? Doesn't affect you if I fuck a man or a woman.
>>1048969 life long lack of pussy leads to this.
>>1048974 >Implying I, as a gay man, want pussy Are you retarded?
>>1048989 The spider robot who's obviously female will be subjected to reproduction attempts.
>>1048969 90% of people are some level of bi.
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Ya'll talking about nostalgia for transparent plastic on electronics and being gay? Are you all ex-cons or something? Do you have at least one orange jumpsuit in your closet? Can you teach me how to light a cigarette with a brillo pad and a AA battery?
>>1049026 I'll teach you whatever you want, but it's gonna cost ya baby. Whaddya got to trade?
>>1049023 Yeah... The first level... #gamerhumor
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>>1048964 >If you like dicks in any amount, you 100% like dicks Does that include if the dick is attached to a girl? >>1049026 >Ya'll talking about nostalgia for transparent plastic Yes because we're not fags who like plain solid colors.
>>1049061 Yeah what IF a girl has a penis attached to her, or a beard?, an adams apple?, a Y chromosome? Does that make her less of a girl? NO! Trans rights are human rights!
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>>1049063 You're trying too hard you fucking fruitcake.
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>>1048964 >If you like dicks in any amount, you 100% like dicks. Explain pure shotacons and trap aficionados then. Just cuz you like willy doesn't mean you fat bara faggots and goony beard lefty breadtube dick garglers.
All of you kill yourselves holy shit
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>>1049080 Anon if I was going to kill myself then I would have done so more than two decades ago.
>>1049079 The video has been out a while. How long until Destiny cuts his dick off, calls himself a woman, and goes to fight for Ukraine?
>>1049098 I don't know but hopefully he livestreams the whole thing from beginning to end.
I'm waiting to see who the next ceo is
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>>1049115 >I'm waiting to see who the next ceo is Of Racism?
>>1048989 Wanting to fuck a horrible fake titted and plastic faced tranny bimbo is less of a concern about sexuality at this point and more of a concern of your abhorrent taste which should absolutely get you bullied. The least you can do is not conflate 2D and 3D tranny shit. 2D is as idyllic as the artist wants it to be, a perfect woman with a dong, but 3D is a mentally ill man that pumps drugs into his body daily (drugs that in a twist of irony chemically castrate him in his sexual pursuit), has freakish surgery to cheaply mimic the female form, has an insane STD rate and still has to rely on photography tricks and photo editing to actually trick your brain into believing he's a woman. And let's not get started on the butchery that these mental patients are likely to do with their genitals. 3D tranny is a horror show, leave it alone.
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>>1049141 >horrible fake titted and plastic faced tranny bimbo Think of all the resources spent on trans pride and pushing media narratives and other Trans "support" effort which could have gone into R&D on improving tranny titties. Not that I really give a flying fuck about transgender "care", but I do care about titties and those things are a goddamned crime against breasts. Most of them end up looking like they're trying to smuggle bags of drugs under their skin, the nipples are plainly anemic man-nipples, and they can't even get them to point the same fucking direction. It's like they had Jack Elam or Marty Feldman as their plastic surgeon. And that's not to mention the giant fucking Frankenstein scars underneath them - which completely ruins any underboob even if the surgeon was skilled enough to actually have any sag to them at all. There's gotta be a way to just grow some titties on the back of a hog or something for transplants. Shit, you'd get extra grant money for that because they can be used for mastectomy patients too.
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>>1048618 >Both men and women have "code" to produce eggs and sperm though? The definition is more or less "which organs you will have" but with two qualifiers on top of that, both important. One is the "in the phenotype" qualifier (it applies to all four sexes, even if I haven't written it explicitly more than once): it means only organs that will be actually built count, and blueprints that are stored but suppressed from actually being used aren't. >It's about what organs you actually have. And the other qualifier is requiring it to be in the DNA. See, if I lose my hand in an accident, my children are not at increased risk on being born without a hand. If my hand is lacking from birth as a result of genetic defect, it's different. If I lacked balls, I couldn't have children normally of course, but there's still a difference whether my hypothetical newly-grown clone would have them or not. In other words, this part is included in the definition so that losing your balls in an accident does not change your sex. Think of it as "what organs your hypothetical undamaged clone would have" And yes, some are born with both organs or neither, and true hermaphrodite humans are not exactly excluded by this definition. Just vanishingly rare, and susceptible to testicle cancer and hormonal problems, and a lot of other shit.
>>1049061 >Does that include if the dick is attached to a girl? Self-evidently. >>1049079 >explain people who are gay They are mentally ill.
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Talking about faggotry and stitching arm meat onto your groin, the French HAS ("High Authority on Health" - a powerful "independent" public consulting agency which gives recommendations to physicians) wants all medical transition support to be free for every teenager starting at 16, which includes hormones and surgery. They also want trans pride associations to be included in the processes and get funding, and for the parents to get councelling to accept their kid's transidentity.
whenever i see the introduction if genetic mishaps into the consideration of what sex is, im reminded both of #notyourshield & of the following question: from the shape of this man's skull, would you say that he belongs to the homo sapiens species, or not?, oh & this all is without even getting into hyper-chromosome'd fucks
>>1050107 some mans "not lol" is another man's fap-fuel
>>1050108 Fap fuel isnt funny tho...
>>1050197 though the dick does seem happy
>>1050108 >some mans "not lol" is another man's fap-fuel Merrick's case of Proteus syndrome you've posted above reminds me or elephantiasis - Lymphatic Filariasis (not the same disease) which, coming from a parasite present in mosquito bites leading to fluid retention, can occur in many different parts of the body (not just the sack as it's often seen) See also https://casereports.bmj.com/content/2015/bcr-2015-212254
>>1050225 >elephantiasis yeah, the point im trying to make(& which you might have gotten) is that the body fucks up, but it fucking up doesn't let """you"""(here understood as some fucker that does this shit) completely servicible body & try to pass it up as a misprinted bottle cap(nor that said misprinted bottle caps ain't human, but neither are they superhuman) oh & the fap-fuel thing was me responding to 095c8c in a vacuum about thing that ain't lol, not about elephantiasis... as a fetish, which is one of those thought i don't like having, like how i once thought about nasal cavity cream pie though cleft palate, like i only made that shit palatable tome thought making up a vague alien race that gives birth thought egg laying& their reproductive organs are in their head, with the females having their vagina in the roof of their mouth, & the males have basically a dick-tongue
>>1050235 i don't like thinking*
>>1050235 Idk what the fuck your smoking lcp, but at least you have other hobbies.
>>1050237 i ain't him, i've been thought of as im purely out to capitalizing, it irks me each time, specially the whoefuly unearned bans, 3 i think, id honestly love to bash that faggot's knuckles in with a car door
>>1050235 >a vague alien race that gives birth thought egg laying& their reproductive organs are in their head, with the females having their vagina in the roof of their mouth, & the males have basically a dick-tongue I've seen that somewhere actually. The design is much too gay though, that's a shame
>>1050239 oh, hadn't seen that before, yeah i see what you mean, i mostly thinking of it like this but the hole moved to the palate, looking at the tag they used for this thing, zanburg, sheesh, i really didn't like the dick eating one
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>>1050237 >Thinking he's LCP Oh shit ESL What Are you Doing
>>1050239 >dedicated headussy Nice.
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>>1050103 >from the shape of this man's skull, would you say that he belongs to the homo sapiens species If I had only his skull to judge, I'd say that there is not enough data. Next question.
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>>1050268 You have no problem with teenage transitioning? Well, i guess you won't have a problem with increased suicides too.
>>1050269 Look at the ID, it's a gay furry
>>1048816 i want that mousegirl on my dick so bad right now, lord forgive me, im gonna commit a crime in my dreams (bestality/being a furry)
I can only hope you boys don't try to purchase modern dogshit, but more especially if this is a narrative they're wanting to push too.
lol More layoffs incoming!
>>1051287 Video games are an unpredictable market! it's impossible to know how the wind will blow on these things.
>>1051286 >Purchasing >The Bitcher: Wild Cunt Fuck no.
>In a world where monster live( evil is tangible) >A village need to sacrifice a girl every 20 years t >The dad of the girl pay a witcher >The witcher arrives, and it's not welcome well naturally because it's break the safe spot of the village of sacrifice a girl to stay alive >Instead of explaining she is being instantly rude towards people that don't know any better >Follow the girl to the sacrifice spot >Tell her to go back to the village( ??? for the people back here if she come back they are all doomed) >She respond that she need to save her village( her family, her friends) >The witcher respond "save yourself"( individualism, self-centered) >The based female witcher kill the monster >Come back to the village >Found the girl killed by frightened villager( dosen't make anysense, why not tie her and bring her back?) >The villager talk" she is the choosen one"( religion) " "is tradition" "she should had been sacrifice to the gods" The narrative of the trailer is clearly implying that tradition and religion are bullshit >The based female witcher with evil eye and intentions say that gods don't exist but only monster, referring to the villager so the male of it who have authority And what a witcher do? kill monster lel Worst trailer ever made.
Niggerpill thread.
>>1051291 Kike detected
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>>1051286 >Fragile Masculinity Been a while since I heard that one.
Cuckchan is here.
>>1051295 What does that mean? Cuckchan is here, I don't even know what the hell that means.
They're drinking blue cum. They're drinking the blue pill in liquid form from all the dick-sucking taking a break from all the dick sucking though non-hot DEI lesbian sex from drinking blue cum incompatible sexuality. DELesbian DEIndigenous DECum blue cum from incel tears boba tea balls full of blue cum from incels, drinking all large amounts of cum boba balls get lesbians anger from testosterone milk bluepill cold gets directly into their lesbian brain
>>1051300 >we're we cuck fuck we're shit chan up and a ding dong nip nong to you too.
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Am i the only looking at this like some kind of wind of disinterest passing me by? Like random witch being burned right now on the streets and me not caring. By the time this shit will be released russians will be in poland. Well witcher 4 may be will be successful, because its a fucking witcher. Reading mental propaganda while ignoring that gameplay of witcher 3 is quite decent is going to be difficult, its not ubisoft where you know gameplay will be shit also. While her looks on her monkey face may be improved in just a couple more trailers, i know witcher 1, 2 and 3 all have facial changes, they always have physiognomy of protagonist changed. While that bald asian woman ain't gonna be no buddha.
>>1051309 >Am i the only looking at this like some kind of wind of disinterest passing me by No, it really does not matter unless you're a fan of the series/nu-Naughty Dog >By the time this shit will be released russians will be in poland. They couldn't even get to Kiev/Kyiv and it's all fucking flatland, what makes you think for even a minute that a country employing Norks for logistics and support can even make it past their own border?
>here's what some faggot on twitter did <killing a thread for this This belongs on either the lol thread or the gg thread.
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>>1051310 >past their own border What's a russian border?
>>1051290 This guy gets it. The problem is not with Ciri being the main character, it's the framing if what is going on. You could easily rewrite the trailer keeping the plot but remove the woke signalling.
>>1051286 >that pic Imagine being so mad you make that pic. Also why should I care about this guy? >>1051289 >1st pic Holy shit the nigger looks like she has a dent in skull, am I the only one noticing this? >>1051290 Amazing good to know that hitler was right. Józef Piłsudski is crying right now.
>>1051312 Yeah, this is a shit thread/10 for sure. And didn't we already have a thread discussing the new Witcher game? Or I might just be thinking of some schizopost on /vb/. Actually, why not merge this thread with that one?
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>more culture war bullshit >random nobody from shitter get off my board
>>1051286 I like how they drew that picture like anybody actually gave a single fuck. Six years ago, maybe - when people still had hope that the game industry could produce anything of value if they just came to their senses and turned things around. But now? Entirely irrelevant, except in the case of a massive failure (which you know they will be) and then they're only good for a chuckle as the entire studio goes up in flames and everyone gets laid off. They keep trying to showboat, as if "trolling the chuds" had any sort of correlation to reality, but it only ever ends in the franchises failing spectacularly. You'd think they'd learn by now that Gay/Trans/Nigger/Female pride cometh before the fall, but they just keep on diving head-first off of that cliff over and over again hoping that maybe this time there will be different results.
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>>1051288 >hmm, this group of people doesn't play our games… >what should we do? >make a game for them and them alone? <*game doesn't get played* >THIS IS THE FAULT OF WHITE MEEEEEEEEN! Every single time.
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>>1051342 o heck yeah
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>>1051340 It's easy engagement farming. You're right about it being outdated though.
>>1051358 >POV kissing My heart exploded and I am now dead.
>>1051358 >>1051360 POV Kissing is absolutely supreme content and there needs to be a lot more of it.
>>1051371 I was promised a car kiss. Where can I kiss the car?
An old 8ch post I found. ... Buts sportsball is even moreso the 800lb gorilla in the room. Imagine a dystopia, where the bread and circuses of the Romans have returned. Now imagine a gladiatorial sport made up of 80% roided up giant africans, cheered on by a bunch of white cheerleaders. Now imagine tens of thousands of rowdy white faces in the stands, wearing the jerseys of these foreigners as if they were the armor and spears of a proud and healthy people, guzzling down on estrogen-hops while these musclebound africans sweat and pounce each other to the screams of the audience and the sexual mating dances of the white cheerleaders. Now imagine millions of overweight, impotent white men sitting on a couch, their gaze transfixed on the television, their emotions tied up on whether Jamal will get the touchdown. They all live vicariously through these negroids that have been elevated to demi-god status by popular culture. TOUCHDOWN! Joe cheers with pride as Jamal does a victory dance; his favorite player scored for the team! The camera pans on Jamal's wife, Brittney, a blonde beauty who met him in college when he was a budding college football player, loved by his college and community. Later that night is a press interview with Jamal; his wife by his side, with what looks to be a black eye. "I'd like to give props to da owner Levi Morowitz for giving me this opportunity!"
>>1051464 And a good 8ch post it is, fuck sportsball.
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>>1048523 >Nootropics You gonna tell me to use homeopathy next?
>>1051358 >>1051360 >>1051367 >Male moaning Faggots.
>>1051646 this is the third time this has been posted in the thread, i think
>>1051650 You're thinking of /co/, I think.
>>1051655 you're right, i think
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>>1051664 You're just digging yourself in deeper.
>>1051667 >it's gay to have sex with a woman
>>1051669 Nobody who makes that kind of face is straight.
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>>1051679 Even the paneling is the same, so yes. The only worrying thing, is for her to reference it as if it was a good thing that she wishes for it to happen to her.
>>1051679 I'm pretty sure this was exactly the experience of salarymen hiring underage prostitutes in 1992 Japan. Or US troops in Korea soon after its liberation, where syphilis-ridden whore houses were still mandatory for a good long while, but a US apology is not forthcoming. South Korea is the one, proposed to pay reparations to itself and with it a transaction tax in US petrodollar. It's just localized to actual americans, and not to arcane dead languages like that used by Charles Dickens and Jonathan Swift in their time. The current creole literally, LITERALLY, has in its grammatical rules that you must lie as easy as you breathe, to speak fluent American. "That's just how language works", when the literal fact said there, is describing your language breaking down, under the weight of your stupidity as a culture. It's like the corpse of a Buick rolling downhill and described as "that's how car engines work". The entire foundation of "western values liberal democracy" and it's "free" market universities, predicates that prescriptivism CANNOT be an academic standard: and therefore "should of " NOW IS the correct spelling of shoud've, as per popular polling by "academic rigor". Just like contraction with 've, was before. Because your academics is a scam and your populism is degenerate, this of course doesn't extend to in equal measure say that AAVE dialects for example can be written wrong. Entire literate tradition is a hypocritical afterthought, in the USA: you can't enshrine the correct SPELLING nor can you the correct PRONUNCIATION, in any domain either written or said. Just flip flop endlessly, and don't commit to SIMPLE barbaric rules like "should of is just vocalization of the CORRECTLY SPELLED should have". Because you can't in a million years hold the mothers in your society accountable to such basic degree, as even to teach their own children what the actual sound they make is MEANT to be. When they slur it like mumble rap and can't even write it down as grown adults correctly. You can't bring yourself to prescribe that "even though you can say 'should of', should have ARE still those actual words" because jotting douwn a Should Have "is not lazy, it's just how langauge works". Because every "English" word is as english as the word pizza: it's only CALLED American by you, in order to look and sound as sophisticated as Kim Jong-un and say "our great leader invented every word in the world, and all countries use "our English" as lingua franca. When in actual fact, my lexicon is mostly memorized through latin grammar and root word conjugation, and hollywood media didn't do me much more than a disservice in learning this level of "English." this on the topic of a wordless comic strip, targeted at gaymers, like it's some avant-garde cinema.
this truly is a fresh hell of having no mouth and musting scream
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<<1051733 <<1051734
>>1051733 Stopped reading at avant-garde
>>1051733 Genii thoughts're shortened.
>>1051733 Shizo or bot? You decide!
>>1051743 The kind of person who thinks hope was the greatest evil in pandora's box.
>>1051743 Can't decide, didn't read. Why does 8chan attract such serious autism?
>>1051742 Words? Word.
>>1051758 Slower post speed means higher chance someone reads it.
>>1051664 >Just like, shut your ears and pretend the gay part isn't there, and also sacrifice all the other audio I'd rather just not consume porn made for women and homos. >>1051679 YES >>1051686 >Even the paneling is the same The 4koma format is incredibly common. >>1051736 I'm not sure if this is a joke or not. Do you mean you read the whole thing because it's at the end, or did you just skim it, notice the term at the end, and decide not to read it?
>>1051825 >The 4koma format is incredibly common. That's not a 4kmoa format, and I meant more in the sense, that in the first panel there is just one guy, second panel one guy taller than the other, third panel they are at the same height, and in the last one there is one guy standing next to another who is laying on bed, basically the LOL comic.
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>>1051989 >>1051825 >>1051686 I think you all failed your perception check.
I learned some women have a fetish of getting fucked when period blood is oozing out of their vaginas and making a mess
>>1052000 (checked)
>>1051996 It was the first thing I noticed, I just didn't think it was worth mentioning, since I assumed everyone else had already seen it as well.
>>1052000 As long as they don't call it "unborn baby juice" or something
>>1051989 >That's not a 4kmoa format Yes it is. They can be vertical or square.
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which friend are you, anon?
>>1052000 If you can play in the mud, you can play in the blood anon.
>>1052016 Anal is also disgusting.
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>>1052016 I'd rather play in blood than in shit, because of the smell, and because you can cook with blood (you can also cook with shit if you're Indian though)
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>>1052031 >It's hard to tell whether or not he's being factious the entire time He's got photos, and the Indians' culinary and bowelary habits are well-documented; I wouldn't be surprised if that were true.
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>>1052000 Bloodplay is one of those fetish that women have more then men. Though I prefer fresh blood from cuts and not dark clotty dead skin laden period blood and simply refuse if a girl asks me.
>>1052046 I'm not surprised. I once saw a woman insert a needle into her partner's dick and drinking the dripping penis blood from below. Very interesting stuff. I think she was wearing those fake plastic vampire teeth
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>>1052077 How do you not get flaccid from that? If a woman intentionally did that to me I'd throw her out immediately.
>>1052125 Its not for the sane or squeamish, its part of extreme bdsm and "i want his seed and his blood and his everything inside me" kind of thing. Blood is scary, blood belongs to oneself, and having it from someone you love is most intimate. Plus for girls its a monthly thing so they're more used to it.
>>1052031 >At last I truly see But apparently you don't hear the heavy breathing of a man in your ears.
<<1052077 <<1052171 I get you're into weird shit but this is just morose and unpleasant.
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>>1052173 >>1052172 >3DPD Don't insult me by suggesting I could be into that
>>1052177 It's extremely interesting and related to the bloodplay discussion. Blame >>1052000's trips
>>1052125 Sometimes I see a thumbnail and I think "it cannot possibly be what I think it is", so I click on it out of morbid curiosity. Usually it is precisely what I think it is. It doesn't even turn me on or anything, I am just too perplexed. For my own sanity I have to assume that it's all fake. It just cannot be real. although it probably is real and some fucked up mafia shit where the person is drugged to keep them pacified One video was of a woman getting her boobs nailed to a wooden block. I cannot even imagine what sicko would get off to that, even if it were fake with prosthetic boobs slipped her real ones.
>>1052174 No need to be so modest, you're into the same crap.
>>1052046 I used to joke about cold placenta sandwiches the next day being the best part of having a kid, but apparently mixing period blood/uteran sheddings into food is a thing a lot of women do either out of revenge, artistic whimsy, the edgier forms of witchcraft, etc. So if they're going to make ice cream out of breast milk, do you think they've made blood pudding or blood sausages from menstrual discharges? They would have had to, right?
>>1052000 I mean its also when they have a 0% chance of pregnancy.
>>1052193 I'm not so sure whether the type of women who'd put their period excretions into their cooking for fetish purposes are the type that would actually know how to cook with blood.
Garbage about period excretions isn't very "LOL," fuck is going on in this thread?
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>>1052200 The usual
>>1052189 >I cannot even imagine what sicko would get off to that, even if it were fake with prosthetic boobs slipped her real ones. I take you are not aware of gurochan. Or seen all the other fucked up shit people have done on the net.
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>>1052238 I don't want to believe.
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>>1052242 Every time I look in my flash folder I miss the old days.
>>1052217 The usual isn't "garbage about period excretions," the "LOL" thread isn't usually this fucked.
>>1052276 Before that it was bloodplay, a woman inserting a needle into her partner's dick, spirit cooking, and dry dung. He's right it's the usual.
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I am starting to think that Foxford comics, are not making fun of nazis, but are made by actual nazis.
>>1052757 >I am starting to think that Foxford comics, are not making fun of nazis, but are made by actual nazis. Your post is the real LOL.
>>1052758 I am sorry, but I don't see your account having a green checkmark, so your opinion is discarded.
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>>1053093 Free based Ezio Auditore!
>>1053093 Luigi's Mansion, I'm CIA.
>>1053093 Thanks D.O.C.
>>1053093 lotta loyalty for a hired gun
>>1053093 Has he started the fire?
>>1052757 Nonsense.
>>1052276 The thread has gone from shit to shittier after Game Dude comics stopped being posted
>>1052760 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, one-check no-name? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class with an MBA, and I've been involved in numerous YouTube collaborations, and I have Silver Play and Reddit Gold. I am trained in gorilla marketing and the top tweeter in the entire state of Montana. You are nothing to me but unpopular garbage. I will wipe you the fuck out with cancel cults the likes of which neve never been seen before on this Web, mark my fucking checks. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, no-friends. As we speak I am contacting my real big network of subs across the internet and your full dox are being traced right now so you better prepare for tweetstorms, nameless. The storms that wipe out the pathetic small nothing you call your rep. You're so canceled, kid. I can reach everyone, everywhere, and can cancel you on over seventeen platforms, and that's just with one account. Not only am I extensively trained in deplatforming, but I have contact with the entire staff (in full) of Facebook and Twitch Trust & Safety teams and will use them to every last mod to wipe your teeny-sub ass off the face of the internet, you lonely cunt. If only you could have known what popular retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're getting the ban, you goddamn deadender. I will shit my fans all over you and you will drown in them. You're fucking doxed, outcast.
>>1053259 I can't be canceled, fool. I'm a nigger!
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>>1054143 I don't know what this is
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(398.15 KB 849x1200 BASED BASED BASED BASED.jpg)

>>1054144 >>1054146 it's some westaboo jap i think https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/99912906 man, i sure do love the global zoomer monoculture!
>>1054147 He sounds like a rad dude.
>>1054147 >hates faggots >knows about feds >says every month is white history month <draws like the guy who draws Girls' Last Tour, which was psychologically disturbing Eh, I'll give him a follow for a bit. Thanks, anon.
>>1054147 Wew. My guess is it's not an actual Jap though (or at best, a Japanese American), they know too much about certain aspects of American culture that would be extremely difficult for a foreigner to understand.
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(736.95 KB 849x1200 kilometer.jpg)

>>1054261 I think it's a legit Jap that's terminally online and has a good grasp on English somehow. A good chunk of the ESL crowd is just like this. The way he words his twitter posts is what I've seen a lot of other Japanese users that have a non-Japanese audience do: https://nitter.poast.org/OWOUWUWOW The topics that he puts in his comics are a lot of the times related to the foreign "anime-sphere" itself or "asian" memes.
(302.50 KB 1627x2048 In the armpit maybe.jpeg)

Gentlemen, I have stumbled across something amazing
>>1055893 What am I looking at and why is it green?
>>1055893 You can't fool me, this is just shitting dick nipples.
(116.13 KB 1280x720 0.jpg)

>>1055942 It's worse
>>1055893 >shitting pit vaginas What a way to cap off the year. Truly wonderful.
>>1055893 Imagine some hidradenitis suppurativa to top it all off
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(112.63 KB 1920x1080 Sundowner.jpg)

>>1054261 >they know too much about certain aspects of American culture that would be extremely difficult for a foreigner to understand. Is this what burgers actually believe in? lmao, they truly cannot grasp the influence they have overseas.
>>1056332 >thinks TV, video games, and movies are American culture Way to prove his point, jackass. There is no such thing as American culture.
>>1056954 >spoiler Nigger worship culture :^)
>>1056954 >American culture Big things
>>1056965 For you
(707.25 KB 2500x1406 riobravo.jpg)

>>1056965 Rugged outdoorsmanship.
>>1053259 Why is this pasta still so popular? It wasn't even that funny to begin with.
>>1057705 t. navy seal
>>1057705 When my brother was like 11 he actually believed the Navy Seal copypasta and had a nervous breakdown. He refused to leave his room and wouldn't even go on the internet. He lost dangerous amounts of weight after completely losing his appetite because he was afraid for like 2 months that a Navy Seal was going to kill him. My parents thought he had been molested or something. Eventually he told a doctor that he needed protection from a guy online, and when I heard some of the details from my parents, I told them it was an internet meme. And that's why it's a good meme. Because it works. My brother is now a massive faggot, falling for all the rest of the internet bullshit out there. Didn't learn a thing.
>>1057881 >Disparaging family OK boomer
>>1057899 >you have to keep killing yourself with the dead weight of people who would turn you in to death squads because the television told them to! I'm seeing this behavior around a lot recently. I'm becoming convinced of my hypothesis that it actually is a concentrated shilling effort…
(133.83 KB 1200x800 1200x0.jpg)

>>1057593 >Rugged outdoorsmanship. Some would say that America still has a strong spirit of rugged outdoorsmanship. Moreso in some states than others
>>1057930 Homelessness is like cancer, it could be solved tomorrow if there wasn't more (((profit))) to be made in treating the symptoms that providing a cure.
>>1057930 That pic was taken in the US? Damn... that's brutal.
>>1057933 The only cure for homelessness is mass incarceration.
>>1057933 Anon, homelessness isn't about profit. It's about control.
>>1057933 It was solved when winnie the poo visited san francisco.
>>1057947 You say that but look at the money laundering between government and "Non-profits" whenever it comes to "solving the homelessness crisis"
(5.11 MB 3840x2160 うぃーぶ共よ0.png)

>>1054143 >>1054144 >>1054147 I like his comics, so I made fanart. I can't wait to see more of his stuff.
>>1047168 Underrated comment right here
(9.37 MB 852x480 Full Closet.mp4)

>>1057949 >It was solved when winnie the poo visited san francisco. It wasn't solved, so much as it was just pushed into adjacent neighborhoods which surged with homeless they couldn't keep locked up until Xi went home and they could stop pretending. It's like that anime cliche of the slovenly protagonist cleaning up his room to impress the cute new maid, only he really didn't and just shoved everything into the closet which explodes into a shower of dirty underwear and nudie magazines at the most inopportune moment. Only instead of dirty underwear, it was drug addled hobos, and Newsome managed to pull it off.
>>1058175 >It's like that anime cliche of the slovenly protagonist cleaning up his room to impress the cute new maid only he really didn't and just shoved everything into the closet which explodes Minus the maid part, I think I saw some old western cartoons that also did this, that or the character would shove everything under the carpet, even if it protracted from the carpet.
>>841008 (OP) Unintentional hilarity from lefties
>>1058314 >third image "just one more drawing, ill escape my debts with one more drawing"
>>1058175 That Gainax gem reminded me of the days of watching garbage like this straight out of Youtube at 144p Studio who made Maid Team also made Shiki.
>>1058175 >1:30 Video >5.6MB >Decide to be lazy, use Clip Champ >0:20 clip from the video, lowest settings >10MB Great job Microsoft. Really, spectacular. Never change.
>>1058329 >ah my goddess >ah my buddha Where's the last chapter of trilogy "ah my YHWH" staring old jewish farts in japanese getto?
(66.28 KB 375x500 Oy Vey My Son is Gay.jpg)

New year new LOL. Except not really "new".
>>1058858 This is the flattest and least visually interesting shit I have ever seen, it makes Buckley look like Rembrandt.
(508.66 KB 640x360 I went to Gamestop story.mp4)

>>1058962 What the fuck is that thing
>>1058882 That's just anime in general
>>1059114 Anime is better when it's flatter.
>>1059394 And worse when it's fatter.
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>>1059114 >>1059394 To be fair this thing incessantly calls itself "#anime" and "#manga" on Tapas. Probably due to it being black and white. Except when it's not.
>>1059428 When it's kaniiiiiiii~
NEW COMIC Nothing like a good ol' gamer bath!
>>1060009 Rad Dude and Rad Dudette incest nakadashi sex
>>1060009 Before opening the thumbnail I thought she pissed in the bath
(514.02 KB 2048x2048 Gape, gaped, and gapey.jpeg)

>>1057957 Do you mind showing me? Because I'm not terribly sure where to start searching for that.
(133.56 KB 249x234 pull hand skin man.png)

>>1060492 >Do you mind showing me?
Posting here in case it gets deleted, not worth watching in its entirety
>>1055893 After decades of internet desensitization, this just makes me crack a slight wince.
(960.13 KB 512x704 1736749840639.mp4)

Animated AI porn has hit the streets and it's as horrible as you'd expect.
>>1060595 pretty funny kek
>>1060595 Oh fuck.
>>1060595 > penis wasnt even attached to him Heh.
(8.51 KB 342x342 confused screaming.jpg)

>>1060595 AI GF videocalls when?
>>1060832 Oh shit the human race ain't gonna survive this.
>>1060595 >>1060832 >animated AI furry porn looks better than normal animated AI porn Count on the furfags to master any kind of tech.
>>1060847 The furries have been doing this for ages now, since at least 2022. I don't know what anon is talking about when he says AI smut is only starting to "hit the streets".
(13.49 KB 480x360 1463969486727.jpg)

>>1060858 >first one looks perfectly fine <but then the second is just inflatable bimbo territory <the third one is extremely fat
(1002.92 KB 1280x720 Awaken my boner.png)

>>1060858 >>1060858 >first one
(33.75 KB 201x160 Despair.png)

>>1060858 >that first one
>>1060858 dear god, I better start praying no furfag starts making ai-gens of my fetish, otherwise my cock will break like paul walkers neck, and at the same velocity
>>1060896 >starts making ai-gens of my fetish What fetish is that?
>>1060901 Backpacks and tiles?
>>1060901 I would divulge for the funny but now it's a matter of self preservation
(408.25 KB 785x525 a_grief_omelette.png)

>>1060918 It's not the omelette one is it?
>>1060858 >first two im not gonna fuckign make it
>>1060933 once this finds its way into a vr headset with realtime rendering humanity will go extinct in 40 years
>>1060935 only the furfags.
On second thought, it's no wonder AI video is progressing this fast. A suspiciously large amount of tech workers are furries, fags and trannies. The probably want to make their gay furry porn real as soon as possible so that they can plug themselves into the matrix and put themselves in a constant state of cooming.
>>1060939 >cooming cuckchan leave.
>>1060941 Would you have preferred me using "perpetual hedonistic ecstacy" instead?
>>1060948 Would've been less gay if you did
(2.31 MB 640x360 go_back_to_4chan.webm)

>>1060832 >First pic what a dicklet, lamo
>>1060865 <the third one is extremely fat Well she is a landwhale!
(114.75 KB 500x684 Á„‡„.jpg)

(331.85 KB 441x2992 But then I was dog. - Imgur.jpg)

>>1060994 HYUCK
>>1060994 2nd pic ain't real, right?
(27.92 KB 391x320 1693686924775638.jpg)

>>1060896 >I better start praying no furfag starts making ai-gens of my fetish Same. I must admit I willl be defeated if I ever see a very good AI generated image of my fetish, furry or not. I mean, it's not out there like backpacks and tiles and technically natural, so it's gonna be done eventually, I just didn't see an AI animated furry version of that yet.
>>1060896 >>1061080 I feel like my autistic fetish has only a 50/50 chance at best of having good animated AI content made of it, because most people who are into it have such godawful taste, at least half the man-made art of it just turns me off.
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>>1060858 Genuinely laughed out loud at the last one.
>>1061088 You must be retarded.
(171.00 KB 512x478 sad.png)

>>1061098 Because it was the opposite of funny, board is clearly under attack and you celebrate it.
(165.38 KB 1256x1053 ughhhseus.jpg)

>>1061100 >Because it was the opposite of funny, Fat big tittied land whale(orca/dolphin) running is quite comical. >board is clearly under attack You schizophrenia is attacking, that is sure.
(32.33 KB 474x474 WDYTWA.jpg)

>>1061102 A furry porn board for niggers and fags?
(856.92 KB 1143x1241 Jensen BlackWell shield.png)

>>1061103 Sir this is the LOL thread
>>1061106 Then where is the funny?
(56.45 KB 462x582 newfags.jpg)

>>1061109 Where is the funny, jew? Show me where you hid it!
You're gonna get more mega mammaries
>>1061100 The board's been under attack so long by people celebrating it that they are the board now.
>>1061112 Rule 63 titty monster Legoshi from Beastars? that's cool.
>>1061112 Baywatch if she anthro.
>>1061130 >spoiler That's Juno. Legoshi fur is bluish gray, Juno fur is brown
(20.99 KB 1475x253 lmao.PNG)

(706.75 KB 480x360 JESUUUUuuuUUUU.webm)

>>1061179 Can't wait for the next Eternal September Spring Break
>>1061179 I forgot, how does this site even get funding? From what I remember even Mark doesn't actually work for free.
>>1061198 It doesn't, it's why 8chan.se is still down.
>>1061261 iirc: removes the captcha, allows to post using vpn, bypass ISP, IP range, and country blocks, you can add a clover icon on all of your posts and access to the /vip/ board.
>>1061261 Nothing of value.
>>1061261 Direct personal banking information sent straight to Israel.
>>1061269 >allows to post using vpn What's the point if they know who you are?
>>1061370 Paid samefagging
>>1061261 >paying to post on cuckchan the eternal 4cuck
NEW COMIC Early to bed, early to rise., makes gamers epic, awesome and wise.
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>>1061261 Less bans
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>>1062052 >that bed
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>>1063495 Not all monsters are girls. Not all monster girls are cute. - Albert "pussy wrangler" Wesker
(1.41 MB 1920x1080 CelineHeil.mp4)

I could not resist. Though, I think the 8chan version should have more Celine.
>>1063803 he's saving the west by 'porting 'jeets
>>1063889 Unironically I think spergy double heil bit was an attempt to win back his le ebin 4chan friends who he lost over the H1B fiasco.
>>1063889 Someone wished on the monkey paw for the US to be filled with Aryans.
>>1062065 That's the first time I've seen this reposted.
>>1063968 That's old as fuck
>>1063968 why is she talking like a nigger
I think this fits the theme of a LOL thread… a teen nigger has just committed a school shooting, offed himself, and left a manifesto in which he calls himself an "involuntary niggercell" and uses "The West has fallen, billions must die" language throughout. PDFs aren't allowed here, so have a link to a news article that uploaded the whole thing. https://channel2now.com/2025/01/22/article/news/crime/solomon-henderson-antioch-high-school-shooters-manifesto-leaked-female-student-josselin-corea-escalante-dead-and-two-others-injured-nashville-tennessee/ It's… a fucking trip.
>>1064009 Learn to archive newfag
(373.02 KB 1169x1830 20250122_220913.jpg)

>>1064009 Here's a snippet
>>1064013 >you're a newfag because I didn't read An archive wouldn't preserve the PDF, you subhuman piece of shit. Fuck off.
>>1064014 Wonder how many websites will be shut down and gun models will be banned because of this nigger.
>>1064017 >>1064009 >>1064014 >Nog that hates himself and his race >Goes crazy and starts shooting people over it The memes buck broke him
(158.14 KB 817x720 Quest failed.jpg)

>>1064009 He was one of the good ones. Godspeed to Valhallah, son. We won't let you in, but we'll leave some food by the door.
>>1063733 (1057295) So the sharty finally got a high score list rep
>>1064017 Did he actually have soyjaks in his manifesto?
(91.25 KB 854x595 d1zVmpR.jpg)

>>1064009 If soyjaks were this insane to begin with, I would honestly welcome their presence. True /b/-tard shit >involuntary niggercel I'm crying laughing
>>1064009 Thank god we don't have to deal with this shit anymore.
(290.79 KB 489x345 Street Fighter literally.png)

>>1064009 Found in related stories.
>>1064078 More?
>>1064124 I'm a man of many tastes, sometimes I fap to well defined nigger ass, other times I jack it to cunny.
>>1064126 FUKKIN AI
>>1064712 >>1064714 This looks extremely 2004, I was whiplashed opening to see the dog with a MAGA hat. >Adam Lafferty is autistic I never knew that but it really explains a lot about Nachos Con Carne.
(202.61 KB 816x1056 Kingdom Hearst II cutscene.jpg)

Just went to the NCC website to see the most recent comic and was greeted with whatever the hell this is, baffling out of context. I was also unaware Lafferty apparently went into a "serious" serialized narrative direction à la Tim Buckley. I have no idea why hack webtoonists do this, I've never seen it done in a way that didn't turn out brutally cringe.
>>1064712 >>1064714 My man, post it on >>>/fur/ already
>>1064720 >that filename Yeah I wish. Supposedly a homage to Duran Duran's Ordinary World. Not a music buff or even a casual so context won't help. >>1064715 Something something autism isn't immune to propaganda. >>1064722 Why the fuck does that of all places have a LOL thread? Since when can furries laugh at themselves?
>>1064714 >Alright pussy calm down
>>1064772 What is she on about?
>>1064772 Reminds me of when Sam Harris said the 2020 election was a conspiracy, but a justified conspiracy because Trump is a threat to "our sacred Democracy". I think Our Democracy™ is something different from democracy.
>>1064797 I don't know. The kind of people who use the phrase "our democracy" think that China and Russia are exemplary examples of democracy. (No one opposes Xi or Putin, so they must be the real candidates of the people, right?)
>>1064712 >>1064714 Why would the wolves be mad at the democat, /v/?
>>1064772 Did it kill itself 30 minutes later? If not, no one cares.
>>1064772 >Democracy is dead >Because the people chose the option I don't like Must have learned the definition of democracy from the EU.
>>1064772 Reminds me of this thing that made the rounds a few years ago. Also I find it humorous that on inaguration day everyone decided to throw an extra hissy fit, as if they didn't have two months for it to mentally sink in. >>1064797 In addition to being perpetually assblasted about the president, she thinks that 2 minutes of normal human interaction at her wageslave job is miserable because she's a miserable faggot.
>>1064980 I can relate
>>1064958 The purple haired "chick" is a MtF transexual.
>>1064032 He finally realized these oldschool leftwing heros despised his black ass >>1064715 Yeah, apparently Trump is willing to gas the spergs by just revoking welfare checks.
>>1065181 extremely based, so many frivolous lawsuits are by schizophrenics harassing a normal person and having the state pay for their attourney and legal fees
(354.35 KB 600x1042 heaven hell TES.png)

>>1065503 shiftless fucking dunmer
>>1064714 >I personally had good outcomes despite my disability therefore no bad behavior can ever be explained through a lifetime intrinsic shortcomings Now ask them to apply this logic to niggers and poverty and watch their heads explode.
>>1065503 There are dunmer farmers out there they just don't want to work for the (((hlaalu))).
(212.82 KB 1135x1200 racist elf.jpg)

ey triple dubs in a row
>>1065634 and two of them are dubdubs! god, I love this retarded knife ear
(52.76 KB 832x249 Zerohedge.png)

IS THAT... WOJACK!?! I mean seriously, Zerohedge is a serious publication, for the most part, not some shitposter's blog.
>>1065914 It's just a blog by tyler durdan, everything is an editorial.
>>1065914 >Zerohedge is a serious publication, It's a literally jew-owned propaganda website, what the fuck are you talking about.
(161.21 KB 331x295 unknown-2 (8).png)

>>1066246 /v/ is also jew owned, you still use it.
>>1066250 Nobody called /v/ a serious publication.
>>1066246 >>1065916 yes, and? Better journalism than most others. >>1065633 That elf face looks familiar, is it copied from a real pose?
(682.66 KB 466x360 osaka speech.mp4)

I love Osaker!
>>1066427 Ironically when Microsoft and Sony had size limits to games on their online stores with Xbox arcade and the PSN developers actually had to figure out how to fit within those limits and still make games worth playing. That's another problem with the loss of physical media as well, developers had to make sure their games fit on at least a single or double layered Blu-ray, (do these idiots just think we all have unlimited hard drive space and bandwidth?)
(1.11 MB 1240x1754 05.png)

>>1067673 >(do these idiots just think we all have unlimited hard drive space and bandwidth?) Literally yes. Southern California is where all these companies are, and they're so mentally defective that they can't comprehend anyone, anywhere on Earth doesn't have the same infrastructure that they–the literal global hub of technology development–have. Thus they only test things within their little bubble and act dumbfounded when we don't all have 2 gigabit fiber-to-the-home available to achieve the performance they do on their computers bought with their seven figure salaries.
(3.29 MB 1080x1772 Azumanga Cascade.png)

>>1067777 Just admiring those digits because I have no idea wtf I just watched.
(89.46 KB 400x250 what_the_fuck.mp4)

>>1067777 what a waste of digits
>>1067782 That man looks tired.
>>1067777 are those women or trannies or both
>>1067921 Trannies, the creator is that tranny who made BloodborneKart.
>>1067777 Is this that tranny cult that I keep hearing about?
>>1067777 they're trying to copy the femoid/sillypoo aesthetic
>>1067673 I was under the impression the the belief that bloated games deter piracy is the excuse they use to never optimize their shit. But >>1067710 has a point too.
(9.48 MB 960x720 melon bread.webm)

>>1067672 >>1067724 I love her so much
>>1067956 I doubt that bloating games has anything to do with piracy. They're still bloated while they're console exclusives and software as a service that can't even be pirated in the first place. It's just lazy terrible developers and any benefit they reap from their incompetence is a coincidence.
>>1067777 Is "retro PS1 style" just a dogwhistle for "the creators of this media are faggots/trannies/communists/subhuman nonwhites"? Are there any instances of this done by people who aren't mentally ill?
>>1068030 Most indie devs just are lefty faggots/trannies/communists. Or else they have their own cliques that indoctrinate up and coming devs into being that way. See the situation with Austin Jorgenson/Dingaling the Lisa dev after his dad died or the Finnish guy who made Fear and Hunger after his first game started picking up steam.
>>1067928 And got awarded by the douche Stuttering Craig in his mediocre G4 wannabe GOTY awards
>>1068117 He really isn't ready for the modern state of the internet
(26.40 KB 292x271 assburgers triggered.jpg)

>>1065524 >the smiths are Nords <from Morrowind's manual "The citizens of Skyrim are aggressive and fearless in war, industrious and enterprising in trade and exploration. Strong, stubborn, and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold, even magical frost. Violence is an accepted and comfortable aspect of Nord culture; Nords of all classes are skilled with a variety of weapon and armor styles, and they cheerfully face battle with an ecstatic ferocity that shocks and appalls their enemies. " >the warriors are Orcs <from oblivion's character creation "The people of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains, Orcish armorers are prized for their craftsmanship. Orc troops in heavy armor are among the finest in the Empire, and are fearsome when using their berserker rage."
>>1068030 Was this game actually comfy? I saw many threads about it in 4/v/ but probably were fags gayrping in the game.
>>1068167 I saw a video of some YouTubers playing it. It's exactly what it looks like–just the fishing from Animal Crossing. Seems like a "chill" place to hang out with friends online, but there's not really any game to it other than "catch fish." And it clearly panders to mental illness and communism, claiming that straight people don't exist at all.
(443.35 KB 541x718 furry_enters_lol_thread.png)

>>1068169 Not straight people so much as straight furries, which is a lot more reasonable.
>>1064772 This but "Does he realize I'm black?" would be funny. >>1065914 >Zerohedge >Serious Maybe 12 years ago. >>1067777 Troons want to make Cruelty Squad so badly. >>1068030 There probably are some, but most of them are likely made by thirdies.
>>1068030 faux retro PS1 is just the faux retro pixelshit for the 2020's and was predicted over 10 years ago. makes you wonder if the next hipster transcore is going to be something like low effort Unity Assets but done "ironically"
>>1068210 Nah they'll probably skip straight to ironic ai garbo.
>>1068210 The logical next step is making PS2/Dreamcast/Gamecube type stuff. So instead of a million horror games that look like shitty Silent Hill knockoffs, there'll be a million horror games that look like shitty Silent Hill 2&3 knockoffs.
(46.21 KB 356x339 Raymoo is disgust.jpg)

>>1067777 >>1067782 ArmA 2 my beloved...
(1.07 MB 240x320 Angery chihuahua.webm)

>>1067777 I really liked that video, I think it was actually good and could have been funny if not tainted by muh politicks & muh morals. I found it weird that women could achieve this level of funny. Then >>1067928
>>1067777 >they all want us gone well the troons are removing themselves anyway
>>1067947 The what aesthetic?
(15.90 MB 640x360 CYBERGIRLZ.mp4)

>>1068610 A BASED and REDPILLED chan-esque youtuber duo who do 2000's girl on the internet stuff. Apparently they're legit women. Personally I don't like any nightcore stuff or the aesthetic in general so it's not really my cup of tea i think the tranny ripoff duo did a better job. maybe because they're actually men
(144.59 KB 328x352 faggot shit.png)

>>1068613 >chan-esque The term is imageboard, and do not associate this CrystalCringe shit with IB culture. Begone
(886.74 KB 1877x2048 Does he realize.jpg)

(875.63 KB 1877x2048 I need to fart.jpg)

>>1068613 >i think the tranny ripoff duo did a better job. Fuck no, they did a bad copy sillypoo did something on par with that era because they actually lived and made internet animations during that time.
>>1068615 i know. i was joking >>1068626 Eh. I guess.
(84.15 KB 474x796 vo.jpg)

>>1067777 >>1067782 >>1068030 Was i supposed to be afraid of Sega Saturn after that video? Fucking little shit ruined my enjoyment of Virtual On. Now i have to play the PS2 Marz one just to forget this.
(434.99 KB 1393x806 Futarina Yaoi backpack.png)

>>1068617 Dude, Nice!
>>1064772 >>1064806 >>1064807 "Our Democracy" is a cult. Simple as.
>>1047435 >I don't get it. Doesn't everyone want to beat the shit out of developers who pull cheap-ass shit in order to make a game harder? Does that double when the dev is/was 13 and talks like...well, see for yourself.
>>1069171 "Mi nombre es Íñigo Montoya, y te follaste a mi padre. Prepárate a morir."
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>>1069171 >"Reality" TV Even the beach is fake
>>1069179 That still exists? Though to be fair I almost forgot the Super Bowl was a thing, so have some superlol instead.
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>>1068613 Even the most progs who refuse to leave their nigthcore phase hate trannies. has anyone made a gif of the diaper wearing tranny typing, that part was a lot of funnier than anticipated >>1069171 The only thing missing is showing a giant card saying "Francisco Franco remains dead ahuaaaa!" >>1069961 I only watch the superior football hwite boi
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>>1069171 >spanish You know how they say Argentina is the most cucked hispanic country? Lies, it's Spain, all the men there looks like a soyjak with the same beard and beer belly.
>>1069961 I wish the NFL had sixty minutes of actual action instead of twenty total minutes of action presented in seven-second increments and about three hours of commercials and talking heads giving hot takes.
>>1070164 >Hue muttcaco shit talking about spics Ironic isn't it?
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>>1070150 >outran by an ozzie Looks like those superior Emu-genes are finally taking root.
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>>1070164 >posts a red-circled GSV screenshot of a random brown guy based schizopost
>>1070164 doesn't google street view censor faces?
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>>1070299 Only for humans.
>>1071201 God what a shitshow.
>>1071201 Gay bashing should come back at full force
>>1071201 These people should be more aware about going out looking like this. The general public already associates blue hair with mental illness.
>>1071201 >I speak as someone who is misgendered, like all the time I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact you look like Buffalo Bill.
>>1071221 What you saw was the real thing, here is someone pretending to be a liberal. Can you spot the difference?
>>1071225 Literally "shalom fellow niggers" tier.
>>1071225 The hillary shirt reveal was good.
>>1069961 >Kitschensyngk using the anti-AI oil filter now He really is overselling himself.
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>>1071276 The what? >now #20 implies this is from over a year ago. That dreck resumes this Spring. Until then...
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>>1071292 That is weird, and yeah the comic says 2019 so way before AI stuff. But recently a lot of jap artists I follow have been using a filter that apparently prevents AI training on pictures. It looks like Adam went back and put it over that old comic.
NEW COMIC Girls just don't understand! (because they're gay)
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she's breaking
>>1071392 Johnny knows what life is all about!
>>1072458 Fuck that little brat
>>1072458 The witch isn't cute, but I'd throw her a pity fuck just for being such a nice person.
>>1072458 Now THIS is LOL
>>1072458 The kid is in the right.
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>>1071225 He needs to study (((them))) a bit more: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=6XvAJO-qoWk A great example has to be gen xitter, the kings (or should I refer them as queens) of safe edgy, they curse like middle-schoolers but despise fascism and never stick to their guns only switching the script for their convenience.
>>1072476 What did you expect from the generation raised by single mothers and ex hippies?
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LOOK WHAT YOUR APATHY CAUSED https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=4eq4oqKKEEk >How dare you mock the attention seeking whore >This is not 911 memes you chuds <wimminz are always the victim
>>1072681 >wants to see what happened >looks inside >its a dead topic about a random twiter "artist" >the jewtuber, a cub rabbit starts speaking >close the video Why are lefties like this?, So obsessed with their kinks they have to show everyone. It wouldn't surprise me that this guy ExtraDoven has a closet full of skeletons.
>>1063982 Looks more like Gamer Leg

>>1072696 Rabbit furfags are genuinely the worst kind of furfags
>>1072755 I thought the wolfaboos had them beat?
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>>1072696 Quite hilarious how all of the sudden he's using a repulsive CalArts fursona and changed his username after the accusations of him being a manipulative snake, his real face is the embodiment of an angsty redditor breathing onto your neck for not falling in line with his leftwing ideologies.
NEW COMIC ♫~We are FAMILY I got all my baggage with ME~♫
>>1073066 >japanese dad has red hair and a bow Is that a reference to Mymy?
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>>1064714 And here we LOL.
>>1072992 Wolfs are normalfags. Rabbits are in to gross shit like diapers and ageplay, but instead of staying in their little retard corner like all the other ones into their kinks they try to pretend to be normal and act obnoxious trying to fit in to every social circle. Every rabbit furfag I have met on for faggoty anonymous ERP or at cons has been a wackjob and borderline rapist and that is saying something considering furfags. I mean look at the picture >>1072696 whoever this faggot is is probably a MAP activist. You can just tell if you're deep enough into the furfaggotry.
WOW! That's funny! HAHA! xD
>>1073761 Yeah it would be funny if you choked and threw up on my cock, sissy
>>1073761 >xD Stop this at once
>>1073761 >Every rabbit furfag I have met on for faggoty anonymous ERP or at cons
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>>1073975 Remember to say your rabbits
>>1074034 >Dobson is back OMG, here we go again!
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>>1074034 This... can't be real. After what I assume to have been, a colossal effort from his family to keep that retard out of public eye, I simply assumed he got a cushy job somewhere, made some friends and graduated to the rank of a normalfag, and yet somehow... Dobson returned. is this Trump's fault? Did his TDS win over, or maybe his brother got kicked out by Elon Musk, and Dobson MUST vent on Twitter BlueSky.
>>1074034 I can already tell his art didn't improve a single bit during his time away. What a waste.
>>1074034 Shieeeet. This like when the chosen one returns when the world needed him the most
>>1074034 I should have made the Dobson comic idea I had while I still had the chance.
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>>1074034 Trump really is bringing the good times back.
>>1074034 that hat looks like shit
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>>1074034 What if it is a fake Dobson?, I feel a Liquid Bodson Arc incoming. Imagine if he went full anti-sjw mode. That would be epic. Also made some bad edits kek.
>>1074034 Finally, some good fucking LOL
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>>1074245 I'll bring the giraffe.
>>1074034 OTHER GAME!!!
>>1074034 This can't be real. He was supposed to be jailed in his family basement with the most complex spells etched on his arms and legs to immobilize him for all eternity, and then jailed in a cell where each bar was blessed by the most powerful priests who gave their lives to imbue those bars with the absolute power to repel all evil and keep him confined, and then that basement was heavily guarded by 200 immortal soldiers to prevent anything to get in or out... What kind of demonic sorcery managed to get him out?! It has to be a fake, because otherwise it would mean the beginning of a new era that would start with the words "Tom Preston did it again".
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles skins for CowaDoots cost $100. https://archive.ph/7OsIg That's it. That's the lol.
>>1073741 any other stereotypery to be aware of?, cats, deers, dragons, bears, sharks & such?
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>>1073299 How has no one edited that first pic from "bros" to "niggers"
>>1074495 Rad Lass Ass
>>1074495 Abs, Ass and sexual innuendo. Things are really shaping up for Rad dude.
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posting at least one pic so this isn't just a text post >>1074034 his art looks still looks the same way it ALWAYS did >>1074495 I wonder how big I would need to make a dataset for AI to imitate the current art style of this, it shouldn't be hard, right?
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i dont get it
>>1074735 yes you do
>>1074735 At first i thought they were talking about their ears lel.
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>>1074735 Oh wait. TITTIES. The blue one's talking about FUCKING TITTIES. It took me an entire day to figure that out holy fuck I'm retarded
>>1074578 I was told that you need at least 100 images to put through AI and I haven't made enough, although you could crop out my comics, since I'm tolld making AI learn through comics is a bad ideas. I'm too dumb and lazy to figure out ai images, I just want to see some Lewdette or whatever horrors people will come up with.
>>1074735 Blue one is talking about tits, the green one is talking about the heart
>>1074785 The triangle shades blinking into eyes and the Dorito physics are nice.
>>1074495 I want to kiss, lick and suck on dudette's thighs until I leave hickey marks all over them
>>1074785 >blinks her sunglasses away Nice. >and her nipples Not nice.
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>>1073975 Speak English!!! >w<
>>1075117 who's this lil' faggot?
>>1075149 See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup? Yeah buddy, that's his own hair. That little faggot got his own jet airplane. That little faggot, he's a millionaire.
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>>1074564 >>1074563 Neat. Do it again.
Oh and an "origin story" for >>1069961, apparently. I'm assuming Bluesky is still unarchiveable.
>>1075188 I wonder what point is this person trying to make.
>>1075199 The guy fell for the "nerds vs jocks" propaganda from the last 40 years and thinks he's one of the self aware "nice guys" that can see behind the curtain, yet doesn't realize all the negative "bro" behavior he's calling out is mostly nigger behavior. Considering that he grew up in Kansas, I'm going to assume he never was actually around many minorities growing up.
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>>1075151 damn.... he's like sam altman from open ai....

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