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Cuhrayzee Vidya Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:33:11 Id: 9acf2a No. 898293
I haven't seen a thread discussing stylish action for a while, let's change that. Honestly I was kinda disappointed with Bayonetta 3, it wasn't nearly as good as the previous two games and I feel basically killed the series seeing as Kamiya left Platinum in order to work at Hamster probably. Still, it's kinda sad that Bayonetta was destined to die a mediocre death. That said as for Bayonetta's twin IP Astral Chain, apparently Nintendo completely owns the rights to that IP now, so hopefully we can see them develop the sequel in house since I would love to see how Nintendo tackles these kinds of games. Other than a few indie games, there's not really much going on with the genre. The Genokids demo was top notch and I highly recommend everyone here give it a chance, but other than that I'm waiting to hear about some surprise hits like Hi-Fi Rush since that was an extremely pleasant surprise and was actually did better than both Microsoft and Bethesda expected it to be. So hopefully we'll see a new Hi-Fi Rush in the future. Other than that, I'm sure Capcom is gonna remake DMC1 or DMC3 at some point in the near future, and like I said before Hi-Fi Rush did surprisingly well. So I strongly doubt the genre is dead, but that it usually takes a bit to get one of these games off the ground since Souls is the hot sauce these days. Still, what cuhrayzee games are you playing right now /v/? I'm going through Ninja Gaiden and God Hand myself, enjoying them as always.
does Sonic Frontiers count?
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>>898293 Play assault spy please I need more people to know this game exists!!!
>>898332 It's kinda shallow, but sure. Fuck it.
>>898293 >Other than a few indie games The real shame is that since it's a niche gerne to begin with, retards can't agree on what it's called and there's plenty of chinkshit that looks like it but plays nothing like it (the mobileshit P2W mash one button to combo trash, you know the ones) and stuff that borders way too close on soulsshit / parkour platformers finding the stuff that might be good is really fucking hard unless it's shilled already like Genokids / HiFi rush, and if you 're looking for 2D / 2.5D stuff it's even worse. Speaking of which sincehte last thread I found a new one to add to the list of "mightbe cool" >Counterclocking https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-ID0TbxjScw Looks unfinished but might have some potential.
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I haven't played these games, but I have heard some good things about them. The first one is Hi-Fi Rush, a Devil May Cry like game that incorporates ryhtm game elements into it's combat, I assume in the same way Metal: Hellsinger did with the FPS genre. The second one, Genokids, has a 4 character switching gimmick, and while it's still not released, you can try out the Demo on Steam.
>>898452 You should, they're really good in my opinion. >>898386 I don't like the stagger meter in the game, that said it has the potential to be something really cool.
>>898293 Action-RPG CRYMACHINA is only a few days away from western release. There's a free demo out if you're interested.
>>898509 This thread is more for full blown high octane action games like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden. Although I am curious if it's more of an ARPG like the Tales of or Final Fantasy 16
>>898509 All I want to know is how much did NISA fuck up the translation localization.
>>898509 >>898523 Yeah, I tried the demo, it's like Nier with a fourth of the budget. I think they should have spent a little more time refining the combat, cause as is it's serviceable and I enjoyed it, but it feels a bit stiff sometimes.
>>898537 >Yeah, I tried the demo, it's like Nier with a fourth of the budget Director Hayashi would probably be happy to hear that, because he looks up to Yoko Taro as an inspiration. In fact, the two of them did a joint interview just the other day.
So how badly are they gonna fuck up the DMC cartoon?
>>898776 >from the same crew as the Castlevania show There's your answer
>>898782 Like the exact same crew? Aren't they supposed to be doing a Rayman and Lara Croft cartoon?
>>898776 It'll depend on whoever Adi Shankar gets to write the show. I don't even think this guy is that bad IRL, I think he was just born into a rich family, and he is getting to do whatever he wants without any real consequences, so there was no one in his life that told him he should have some self awareness and not show up to an interview in KISS make up. Regardless DMC Netflix is appart of his "Bootleg Universe" so weather or not it sucks, it's not gonna be canon. The worst it can do is bring in even more insufferable people who think they're DMC mega fans, because of memes like DMC5 did. If it's written by western writers then they're probably going to miss the entire point that Dante's character is supposed to be cool without Drinking, Swearing, Smoking, or having Sex. He probably won't smoke but those other 3 are on the table.
>>898795 God, they're gonna fuck it up so badly.
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>>898293 I can't find the Cuhrayzee list /v/ made a few years ago, it was a bit outdated even then since it didn't include some games but as of late, the only new ones I can think of are Hi-Fi Rush, Bayo 3 and Ys X surprisingly due to the way the tag mechanics are implemented with the newer combat system. You can do some really awesome shit with it, they lean hard on MGR-styled parries. >>898795 Remember when people gave shit to a fucking bong for havign Donte swear, have sex on screen, smoke and swear? Well now you're gonna see people praising that very same thing just because it's Nigflix and a pajeet is developing it. Some fuckers in this world need more whipping than Dracula ever will.
>>898293 >the only new ones I can think of Kind of a shame iI can't find the list of indieshit that might be decent, I'd rather not have to redo it because the tagging system on steam is absolute trash and games like DMC are spread amongst 3 of those.
Are there curhayzee games where you fight tones of enemies at once? Basically Sparda mode by default. I always found it underwhelming in videogames where you're supposed to be this one man army but you only fight a handful of baddies at once.
>>899130 There was Nelo, but that's very deep in early access limbo so not really.
>>899130 It's an entire series by Capcom, it's called Sengoku Basara. There are english patches by now.
>>899132 Even for the PS4 games? Why was the series held back in the first place? Seems like Capcom set it up for failure.
>>898776 >Why was the series held back in the first place? Seems like Capcom set it up for failure. Same reason the Yakuza series almost stopped being released in the west until Yakuza 0 became a smash hit. Some times japanese games don't click with a western audience right away, so it ends up feeling like it's not worth it the effort of making a western release to the publisher. Sengoku Basara 1 /"Devil Kings" was probably only made in the first place because Dynasty Warriors pretty successful first, but Devil Kings probably sold like shit, so it showed Capcom there was really only room for Dynasty Warriors in the western market. That was the PS2 Era and things might be different nowadays if we got a western release, but some one at Capcom has to convince the higher ups that the series is worth bring to the west again, because "This time it might not be a failure."
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Would an Asterix game work as a Cuhrayzee vidya, or would it be better as a Musou game?
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>>899189 >Would an Asterix game work as a Cuhrayzee vidya, or would it be better as a Musou game? Funny you should ask, the XXL "series" is kind of a very watered down Musou game with light puzzle elements. HOWEVER Asterix and Obelix XXL2: Las Vegum can be considered a truly cuhrazee (if super easy) game, by virtue of being both an actual comedy/parody game (Roman-themed Videogame characters and gimmicks, fucking Mario centurions with FLUDD) and because you get to summon lighting and menhirs from the sky and shit. If you get the chance to, give it a go. It's honestly one of the most fun games I've ever played at least as far as easter egg hunting and exploring goes. As an action game, there's certainly worse.
>>899191 I played it when I was a kid. It was very fun, but I don't feel like it's Cuhrayzee or Musou enough, it's more of its own thing. Grabbing a Roman and using him was a whip was certainly cool, though.
>>899188 Ah, that's probably the same reason the localization is so terrible for niche games since they don't think it'll sell regardless and it'll just look good for the company. Still, I'm thankful machine translations have gotten to the point where it's at least playable with a DEEPL script.
>>899198 All localizations are terrible
>>899200 I meant translations, but you get the idea
>>899125 Wait, Ys X has MGR styled parrys?
How many times (is it gonna take) 'Til someone around you hears what you say? You've tried being cool (you feel like a lie) You've played by their rules, now it's their turn to try
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>>898339 You're not the only one who knows about it. Most people are put off by the cheap asset flip look, but it's got a really solid core to it. Emilia is the only good CIA agent.
>>901086 Yup. Once you switch to "Tag mode" you automatically parry attacks since your mobility tanks and you can't Ninja Run whenever projectiles are fired on you. If you time the activation of the Tag mode you parry any incoming attack and can MGR parry it to a cinematic finisher. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QsOfCeCsJ3Y https://yewtu.be/watch?v=tlDV5XwUcvQ >>901089 Say what you will but listening to Offspring while in school and then going to play Crazy Taxi knowing that it has some of your favourite songs was really good back in the day.
>>901095 >Cheap asset flip look Really? I dont think it looks that bad.
>>898452 I haven't touched HiFi Rush because of Denuvo. The game looks solid gameplay wise but the writing seems like it could get annoying quickly. Genokids is good based off of the demo I played. I don't think I have ever seen the party mechanic, where you can rotate through your characters mid-combat done in an action game like this. That idea alone makes it worth playing. It's like the usual style and weapon change mechanic taken to the next level. >>898795 Shankar was one of the Indians freaking out about Apu. The last good thing he did was a decade ago when he had to answer to Hollywood suits. I have zero hopes and expect another Castlevania.
This seems to be really lesser known news so I'll let you guys know. The Hurricane Packs DLC from Ninja Gaiden 04 have now been preserved and are functional again thanks to the Insignia team. To anyone who doesn't know what the big deal is, while most of the content in the Hurricane packs was integrated into NG Black, the main thing left out was the "Intercept" technique. The is essentially gave Ryu Royal Guard in NG04 and it is totally broke the games balancing so it wasn't brought forward, still after all these years it's sure to be a fresh way to play NG again. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bVoMuZB1qDg
>>909927 Oh neat, thank you anon
>>901099 I wonder if the game is any good though. I loved Ys VIII, but hated Ys IX
>>898795 >he was just born into a rich family WHAT!? Brown people can’t be privileged!
Here's a new game that looks interesting https://store.steampowered.com/app/2063390/VA_Proxy/
>>917454 Looks like crap! Fuck you.
>>917455 Well fuck you, leather head. Maybe you and I should settle it in a game of Street Fighter 2?
>>917473 I'm sorry I didn't mean nothin'. Just had a rough day that's all.
>>917477 It's okay.
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TEVI bunnygirl metroidvania with bullet hell bosses and cuhrayzee gamplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVNGERohdNw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9Nm0mwQri4
>>917529 >TEVI I really need to give this game a go.
So with Capcom remaking all the Resident Evil games, I wanted to gather /v/'s thoughts on a potential DMC1/DMC2 remake. Personally I don't think DMC3, DMC4, or even DMC1 need a remake since the game mechanics have aged gracefully, although I do believe that DMC2 needs a remake considering how much of a mess that game was. I still want to see DMC2 done right since it was such a black stain on an otherwise top quality franchise that's clearly one of Capcom's biggest franchises despite them not giving it enough love. I think that IF Capcom were to remake a DMC game they'll probably remake DMC1 first just because the original Resident Evil was remade two times, and because the REmakes have been so successful. That being said I hope they give it to a director OTHER than Itsuno since Itsuno isn't immortal and capcom needs another stylish action director when Itsuno wants to make another Rival Schools or Dragon's Dogma like game. I think that Capcom needs more directors because the only ones really worth their salt are basically a handful. That and I would like to see more spin off Megaman X like games for DMC. The reboot was done terribly because they wanted to make it a God of War clone, but I would like to see another spin on the DMC franchise by a developer that actually cares about the source material but with characters not named Dante and Vergil.
>>935682 >I wanted to gather /v/'s thoughts on a potential DMC1/DMC2 remake If you're a shill for these companies, tell Capcom to get fucked. This last generation being almost entirely remakes, remasters, and rereleases has basically told me that there zero reasons to get an Xbone, Bloodborne Machine, Swatch, SexBox, and NoGames5. If you want to know my latest purchases of Capcom games over the past six months, the games that I have most recently bought are: the PS2 version of Okami, the Wii version of RE4, and the PS3 version if RE:OPRC. If you extend it to the past year, then I begin including the PC version of Dark Void (It's the physical edition, I didn't buy it on Steam) and RE: Mercenaries on the 3DS. I see zero reason to remake DMC2 when there's the original on the PS2 and a port of it in every version of the HD Collection (Which is available on almost every system). Capcom, like every other company, is wasting their damn time trying to sell people on games that already exist. However, that doesn't mean they're going to get me as a customer by releasing anything new, either. And that's for two reasons. The first is that the most recent game console that I own is a Wii U and I don't plan on changing that. I haven't seen a single game made in the past decade that justifies all these "more powerful" systems (Like how you're remaking fucking PS2 games). The fact that PS3/360 games were still being made all the way up to 2017 should be evidence of this (Forgetting the Vita and the 3DS). This is also ignoring the clusterfuck that is the PC market. So, if Capcom wants me to start buying their games again, go back to releasing them on systems that was released as far back as 2005. I don't care how "hard" it will be. The second reason has to do with the fact that Capcom doesn't want me, a paying customer, to give them money anymore. This is most evident by how they're censoring their games to remove sexual content, pushing trannies in everyone's faces, and have been telling their biggest fans to "Quit bitching" as early as 2013 with DmC if they see any issues. However, even if Capcom dropped all this political activism and made games for consoles I actually play on, I STILL wouldn't buy anything from them...for at least the next five years. I don't trust companies anymore. They've pulled the "trick" too many times where they do something anti-customer, "apologize" or compensate for it, and then go back to doing the same shit they were ridiculed for in the first place. I'm tired if it. You need to keep your chin clean for half a decade straight before I would even consider supporting ANY company. And it doesn't matter how "small" of a sin you make during that time. The moment you pull even the smallest action, the clock resets to five years again. Deliver that to your masters.
>>935682 At this point I want them to make a DMC1 remake just so people will shut the fuck up about DMC1 needing a remake. I love DMC1 so much and it's painful to see modern players who have no patience, no interest in improving their skills, and no respect for old games blame their failures on DMC1 being "dated" I watched this video of this bitch claiming DMC1 needed a Remake because he Spammed Air Raid through out the entire game, and when he finally got to a point were that didn't work and he got his ass kicked he said it was because it's poorly designed, and they need to remake the game to fix the story not having enough emphasis on Nelo Angleo being Vergil, You desire a remake because of the Fucking Story!? Nightmare is such a unique boss and people straight up just don't have enough brain cells to comprehend how to fight it. People get to the Space Harrier Mundus fight and they shit their pants despite it being designed great. For new people playing DMC1 is like pulling teeth, and i'm sick of it just put out the damn remake so they'll go away. DMC5 was not worth this shit, I miss this franchise being obscure.
Just wondering who the fuck is forcing the 'character action game' title? It's both too wordy and vague at the same time. Even fucking mario could fit under it's description just like the JRPG 'definition' of RPG. That isn't to say Cuhrayzee is definitive choice, as it defining the game on the presentation rather the gameplay itself.
>>935748 >Just wondering who the fuck is forcing the 'character action game' title? I'll take those over the "hack&slash" people.
>>935748 I don't know where it came form but it's been around for possible over 10 years already. Capcom didn't come up with their official term Stylish Action quick enough.
>>935740 I feel like a DMC1 remake would mainly just be the same game but with updated graphics and combat. I don't really see them changing the story that much, maybe adding some content or making some stuff to help it connect with the rest of the series. I don't see them fucking with the story all that much. If anything they might fuck with the movement and see how fans of the series react to that since the movements basically been the same since DMC4, which is fine since it works well enough, although we've reached a point where DMC has basically reached the apex when it comes to the format, so they can either completely redesign the gameplay while keeping it inline with the rest of the series, OR they can just keep adding onto the DMC5 formula. I think a DMC1 remake would be a good place to experiment rather than potentially fucking up a DMC6.
>>935952 >I think a DMC1 remake would be a good place to experiment rather than potentially fucking up a DMC6. Why not make a spin-off or unrelated game, like how the prototype for DMC3 was Nightmare Before Christmas?
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>>935976 Wait, what.
>>935976 Shit, that's a good idea.
>>898526 >All I want to know is how much did NISA fuck up the translation localization. it's nisa if it does not melt your cpu (The Witch and the Hundred Knights) or is nearly impossible to finish because of a bug (Ar tonelico 2) then for those incompetent retards they did good.
I fucking hate how many of these games have dogshit keyboard controls all relating to fucking up camera movement options. Keyboard is keyboard, notice how there is no mouse. Realistically in 90% of the time in action games the only camera movement you'll desire is left / right so them being 4 directions to move the camera is great and fine so you can make adjustments during downtimes or in the middle of an action you're commited to. A lot of devs think it's real funny to make the only way to control the bastard camera is to move the fucking mouse, bro playing this genre with actions on the mouse is just asking for carpal tunnel so I'd rather never touch the thing at all and just dedicate 2 keys to the adjustments I'd actually like to make. Why can I play like any action game from the PS2/3 era on an emulator like KH1/2, DMC3, Nightshade/Shinobi or just DMC4,5 with proper camera controls I like that work and are perfectly fit for purpose. But then try to play Transformers Devastation, British Dante game reboot, Assault Spy & more on keyboard entirely because the camera control sucks and no solution is consistent across all the game like macroing mouse inputs. We can have crack heads in THUGpro doing the most retarded constant high APM execution on keyboard but in general being a keyboard user on action games is like being a second class citizen & asking about or requesting support just spontaniously spawns some mouth breather who'll say "Who even plays on keyboard" when it'd probobly at high level be objectively better like it gets found to be in most genre's on competitive levels that don't just give controllers straight handicaps. >>898452 Genokids is great from the demo, they actually aren't included in the games that have the problems in my original post, it's like if KH2 was actually designed like an action game which might be clear to see when you realise the blue girls stab move is meant to be Sonic Blade over Stinger.
>>936016 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=zWkhXqjrug8 SHOUT OUT TO MARK SPHERE HUNTER!
>>898293 Would Pizza Tower count?
>>953231 I mean it's crazy, but not cuhrayzee
>>936758 >bro playing this genre with actions on the mouse is just asking for carpal tunnel Carpal tunnel is caused by trapping the median nerve in the wrist so if you avoid repetitively flexing your wrist you'll be fine.
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s4 league
>>953753 Shame it doesn't work on Loonix
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>>898293 >Honestly I was kinda disappointed with Bayonetta 3, it wasn't nearly as good as the previous two games and I feel basically killed the series seeing as Kamiya left Platinum in order to work at Hamster probably. Still, it's kinda sad that Bayonetta was destined to die a mediocre death. I was VERY disappointed with Bayo 3. All that wait and all those delays for that short, underwhelming garbage. Kamiya should have made it himself instead of being a lazy fuck and tasking others to do his job. The conclusion of the trilogy should have been the best one in the series and ended up being the worst by a long margin. Also, barely 2 games and those niggers felt the need to replace the main character with the classic lame, dumbed down version of it, that os worse in every aspect from the og. Such a shame how the series ended.
>>954382 I've heard a lot of people shitting on Bayo 3 but I haven't heard a lot of actual criticisms, what was wrong with it?
The problem with story’s that “pass the torch” is the fact that the replacement protagonist almost always sucks. I don’t get writers trying to replace older (and cooler) protagonists when it almost always falls flat.
>>954419 Bayonetta 3 has one of those stories where the writers try to replace the protagonist with the unlikable sidekicks.
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I liked Bayo 3, it's more interesting than 2 as a sequel and the demon slave system was a good gameplay addition. >>954419 Gameplay wise it's mostly fine, though it trades weapon set customization for demon control and too much of the climaxes are with minigames rather than actual fights, drawing away from the climaxes of Bayonetta 1 which had you pummel them yourself. Weaker enemy design overall hurts it and the less fun tone makes the writing issues harder to write off. >>954420 People compare it with DMCV when it's closer to DMCIV, what with the troubled development(Platinum were aiming for something like Super Mario 64 before the hardware limitations of the switch forced them to pull it back) and the more lukewarm response to the "new lead".
TAMEEM IS GONE FROM NINJA THEORY https://archive.is/Dlw9k
Now hear me out: I think Capcom might save Devil May Cry 6 for the PlayStation 6 since its been shown that Xbox Series S|X and PS5 can't run Dragon's Dogma 2 at a framerate of 60FPS. I know this will be disappointing for many, but I think the greater generational jump from the PS5 CPU to say Zen 6 will make a huge difference compared to what we have with the current generation of consoles. The reason I'm talking about consoles specifically is because we both know DMC6 won't be abandoning the PlayStation brand, even if we want Capcom to focus on PC. That's just a fact of the situation since the PS5 and the PS5 Pro will mainly be using the same GPU, and I think that Capcom will wanna go balls out with the next Devil May Cry game considering how well the new Monster Hunter and Resident Evil games go. I think we can use Dragon's Dogma 2 as a sort of gateway into what a Devil May Cry 6 might look like in terms of gameplay structure since like Dragon's Dogma 2. It'll have a lot of side content and a large map, although I think Itsuno will add a Bike or a Van for Dante, Nero and Vergil to travel around with since the game is more action focused than a D&D influenced ARPG. I think generally we'll see a playtime of 30-40 hours in the main campaign which is extremely large considering the runtime of the genre, although I also believe this is because DMC6 will be one of Capcom's main pillars going into the future considering the success of DMC5, Dragon's Dogma 2 and the potential success of the upcoming open world Monster Hunter game. While I believe Itsuno might be working on this massive action game, I also believe we might see a DMC1 remake by a younger development team within Capcom that might release around the time of the new Devil May Cry Cartoon which is probably planned for 2025 or 2026. I don't think Capcom will risk letting the brand grow stagnant considering how much they put into it. So expect the next Devil May Cry game to be a remake of one of their older games, or a spin off that's hopefully made by a studio who gives a shit about the series this time around. Although judging by Peak of Combat, Capcom will probably give the IP to any third party studio who's willing to bid high enough. Still I think that Capcom was expecting Devil May Cry 5 to fail, which is why they're starting to put serious money into Devil May Cry 6 since it's left a lasting impact with everyone who's played it from start to finish. I don't think we'll see Kamiya returning to the franchise even IF he returns to Capcom since the series is pretty much Itsuno's at this point in time with a lot of Itsuno's DNA within characters like Nero, Lady and Vergil. Even with the lore of the novels, I think that Kamiya is better working on Viewtiful Joe 3 or some new IP for Capcom, IF he moves back there. Personally I think he's more likely to work for Hamster Corporation since he loves traditionally arcade like games and would like to make more of those types of games, which I think everyone is perfectly happy with.
>>954764 I'm not reading half of that shit, because the topic of DMC6 and Capcom's output of DMC isn't complected at all. There is no secret big plans. If DMC6 is ever getting made it's going to only be because Itsuno chooses to make it. Sure DMC5 might be Capcom's 10th best selling game on their Platinum Titles list but that doesn't actually mean shit when Resident Evil 3 remake which was rushed out in a year is above it at number 9. Devil May Cry Take more effort and money then All of Capcom's other current titles, business wise it straight up isn't a smart investment to make a new DMC game when you could make just pump out another Resident Evil or Monster Hunter and make ore money faster for less cost. They only let Itsuno do what he wants and make DMC or Dragons Dogma because if they didn't he'd jump ship the exact same way Hediki Kamiya and Clover studio did.
>>954770 That's a very good point, although I'd like to believe that Capcom knows better than to have only three major IPs alone and that's mainly because of developer recruiting and merchandising. Capcom is sitting on bucket loads of money when it comes to merchandising, and I believe they already know this since they're starting to make new IPs and reviving older ones in the form of smaller projects and remakes in the future. That being said, I also believe Capcom has seen DMC as a potential company pillar like Megaman and Street Fighter where they're not quite at Resident Evil or Monster Hunter levels, but they're high enough that they feel like Dante should be in 99% of cross promotional material. I'd probably put Devil May Cry between Street Fighter and Megaman when it comes to brand relevance. That being said, I also think what you're saying is 100% valid since Devil May Cry requires more thought and effort into its core gameplay because of the high bar DMC 3-5 set for the series. I'd like to think that Devil May Cry is one of those "special" titles like whereas Nintendo has 3D Mario and Zelda where it's only once a platform generations, Capcom has Street Fighter and Devil May Cry. Either way don't mind me, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the potential future of the series and where it might lead going forward.
>>954764 >>954809 Why are you insistent upon supporting Capcom? After they shoved microtransactions into DMC5 and DD2, added DRM to games released years ago like REvelations and MH Rise, shoved trannies into SF6, and keep butching the REmakes with more and more "modern sensibilities".
>>954811 Because I like video games, now fuck off.
>>954813 >Because I like video games So why are you supporting Capcom when they pursue practices that make games worse?
>>954814 Because they have one of the best development studios in the business, that enough for you? Or are you gonna go full autismo now?
>>954823 >Because they have one of the best development studios in the business Two questions: <First, how when they intentionally make the games worse? <Second, why does it matter if they're "The best in the business" when they intentionally make the games worse?
>>954826 This isn't the thread for this, if you wanna argue about capcom then make a seperate thread for it. Otherwise fuck off.
>>954840 The "dedicated" DMC thread isn't for talking about Capcom? Right...
>>954840 No he's got a good point. What makes you think DMC6 will be any good when DD2 is such a shitfest and downgrade compared to the original in almost every front.
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>>955089 Because DD2 was in fact better than vanilla DD. calling it a "shitfest" and a "downgrade", is just flat out disingenuous and really shows off your capcom hate boner rather than any legitimate grievance.
>>955089 Also I can switch to a phone as well faggot
>>955203 >Because DD2 was in fact better than vanilla DD <CPU crippling performance problems <Save slots tied to DRM activations <Day one microtransactions and DLC <Gimped character creation <Fewer classes/weapons/gear <Worse plot than the previous game <Ecelebs pushed into the game <Content so shoddily cut that you can clip right into it
>>955203 On top of what >>955221 mentions. >Floaty GTA/RDR controls with momentum and other retarded shit. Game expects you to platform and have fine controls with this. >Several elements from the first game missing for mage. >Sorcerer lost almost all of its debilitation spells. >Bolide and Maelstrom neutered, no more Gicel. Dark element spells missing in general. >Armor slots cut in half and thus customization options cut in half. >Capes do barely anything and can't be upgraded now. >Sprint speed reduced compared to first game yet stamina cost is roughly the same. >Everything stunlocks much worse now. >Moves have next to no impact and the sound design is hot garbage compared to DD1 >Can't break free of moves on your own making solo runs basically impossible. >Itsuno and/or influencers lied about classes inheriting missing skills from first game, tons of skills missing outright. >"17 Vocations, including the one you start with that you'll switch off of shortly afterward" was a lie. >Balance is even more fucked than the first game. >Eceleb pawns in game that you can't turn off. >pawns constantly whoring themselves to you on roads. >Most staff/CAPCOM pawns are ugly as shit for "muh diversity" crap. >Pawns are even more repetitive than the first game, despite Itsuno promising otherwise. <No really if I hear one more line about Ladders or my formation lacking a mage I'm going to lose my shit. >Fewer voice options. >Half the male Arise voice options are an AI modulated she-nigger. >Stupid high-five/wristbump anim dropped on player involuntarily when combat ends. >Camera is practically in your ass by default, have to max out distance in settings to get DD1 camera. >M+KB controls are leagues worse than the first game despite coming out years after the first PC port and Capcom doing tons of PC ports since then. >Worse earlygame enemy variety spread over a far larger area. >6/10 of the vocations are locked away from you. Including Warrior and Sorcerer. Compared to first game where you got all 9 Vocations available to get as soon as you get to the major city. And that's all just from my first 12h of play. You also forget, wiseass. DRAGON'S DOGMA 2 CAME OUT AFTER DARK ARISEN. It has every right to be compared to Dark Arisen and not the fucking base game, and it should be better than the Dark Arisen version. Which I doubt just from these misgivings I have already, much less what I'll think after the story's over. The game also gives me crippling headaches due to the disconnected and laggy camera combined with the graphics acting up despite running the game at max settings on a machine that holds a steady 60fps outside of towns.
>>955255 Also, posture meter fucking sucks as a system for the small mobs and only makes the combat feel a ton worse. It's invisible to the player but it's basically the same as those stupid stagger systems you see in quite a few ARPGs now. It makes sense for the bigger dudes because of how it's tied into the topple system, but it just makes combat with shitty gobs, bandits, and endless lizards feel so much worse than it actually is. And the music is just outright garbage wannabe-Monster Hunter crap instead of its own thing and the incredible compositions of the original.
>>955221 >>955255 A lot of the things you're saying are valid, however some of them are also false. With vocations I DO agree that it's bullshit that some of the skills shouldn't be locked, however I also think they expanded the detail of the world be eliminating loading screens and focusing you to really go through the world rather than just fast traveling everywhere like with most games like Elden Ring, Asscreed, etc. I think what they wanted you to do with Dragon's Dogma is actually explore the world like the Vanilla game, although I'd also argue that the stamina system brings down the whole experience rather than having a horse mount like with Elden Ring. That being said it's nowhere near GTA/RDR2 levels of bad and I just find that to be untrue. However I do agree that some areas of the game are downgraded VS the original game. I'd go as far as to say that DD2 is basically what DD should've been rather than a proper sequel. That being said the complaints about the retard tax, performance, and DRM are 100% valid. Although I think I know what itsuno's team was going for with DD2, even if I don't agree with some of the design decisions like making Mystic Archer and the Arisen class very hard to find. They really wanted you to look for and explore the world rather than just going from point A to B. That being said I can't really compare the AI systems since I only have about 40 hours with the game, and haven't really tried the new Trickster class. That being said I greatly enjoyed the Mystic Spearhand class and look forward to seeing people fuck around with that some more. I also didn't unlock Mystic Archer and the Arisen Class on my first playthrough. So I'll update you on the game as I progress forward with it. That being said while your concerns are 100% valid, I don't think it's fair to hate on Dragon's Dogma 2 for being crap because it's a great game with a few major flaws. I think we should move this to the DD2 thread, since this is the Cuhrayzee thread and I don't think DD2 is about crazy combos and spectacle but rather a more D&D styled ARPG game.
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>>955286 >A lot of the things you're saying are valid, however... In other words, everything being stated is correct, you just don't like the way Anons are boiling it down to the fact that DD2 is an very inferior product in contrast to the original game, and even the much ridiculed DDO. >I don't think it's fair to hate on Dragon's Dogma 2 for being crap <It's "Not fair" to hate on a game for being inferior to it's predecessors >I think we should move this to the DD2 thread There's no reason to because we're talking about the future of a series relevant to this thread (Devil May Cry) and talking about the future outcome of that series based upon what's happened to other game (DD, RE, SF, DMC5) released by it's publisher (Capcom). You just don't like seeing it because then you cannot gaslight people who are pointing out that there's very relevant issues at play.
>>955390 Yeah. Can't believe that fag is trying to dismiss not having full control over your character as "some minor thing and the game ain't as bad as GTA or RDR". Man, if I stop pressing the W key, it means to stop, not keep running for half a second and go careening off some ledge. When I press WASDW it means spin, not do some half stop jitter jig thing because the game can't register that input sequence properly due to "muh realistic momentum". Honestly, just that kind of movement alone would kill a "Cuhrayzee" style game dead in the water. And it being in DD2 is an ill portend for DMC as well as Monster Hunter by extension (precise positioning is key to quite a few weapons and having shitty movement physics crap would just interfere with that, especially with weapons like lance and GS which are about maintaining specific positioning around a moving target. Not saying DMC wouldn't be wrecked worse by that though, positioning and quick repositioning and turning being kind of a big deal in a high action game like that.
>>955390 Not necessarily, I don't agree that the character creator is gimped, that there are fewer classes since the arisen class makes up for that nor do I agree that the plot is necessarily worse than the original game. I'd say that the story is pretty good all things considered, and that there's a lot of little things that make the plot stand out to me That said while you and 5e8bad keep jacking each other off, I do believe the game will probably be the best of the year since I don't see anything better coming out in the next few months. >>955431 Maybe M&KB controls are fucked, I didn't have any of the movement issues you're talking about when using a controller.
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XEMU has come a long way. Ninja Gaiden Black used to have slowdown on the Steam Deck, but now I'v done a full playthough in one sitting and it ran full speed 99% of the time, slowdown was few and far between and never anything unplayable.
>>955645 Wouldn't the PC port be better at this point or is Sigma that much of a downgrade.
>>955879 Sigma might as well be called "Ninja Gaiden Remix for all intents and purposes as it isn't directly inferior to Black (Or even the original NG) but does stand in it's shadow. In regards to Sigma 2 however, it's absolute trash that cannot be fixed no matter how much work is done because the problems with that game exist on a technical level.
>>955879 The option for both is never a bad thing, personally I like how NG Black looks more then the how the visuals in Sigma are changed, and there are many people who would much rather skip the Rachel Chapters. I actually like playing as Rachel, but Sigma's survival mode with her is more fun then Playing her chapters that are just awkward pace breakers. There are also other changes like the Dual Katana being OP in the early game, The Nunchuks are just entirely missing on some difficulty levels in Sigma, and the Berserk are trivial to beat in Sigma as you can just Counter them repeatedly, that doesn't work in Black. Still which one you prefer can be up to personal preference. Also as mentioned in my previous post >>909927 you can even play NG 04 now and get the Hurricane Packs once again to have access to the Intercept Technique now. for a game as great as Ninja Gaiden all these differences can add allot to a playthough
>>955221 You forgot the worst: <Niggers going we wuz knightz n'shit
>>958129 Quit being a nigger
>>958129 Just like the first game.
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Completed a full playthough of Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xenia Canary, the latest build when I downloaded it not any special one. The game for the most part worked just fine, I did get some slowdown in very large open areas, it wasn't related to high enemy counts. Anyone who's played NG2 on a real 360 would be used to the occasional slowdown anyway, it's playable just fine. For most of the playthough I was using the Title update, but I ended up needing to remove it because that update causes cutscenes near the end of the game to cause crashes, even on real 360 hardware. The base game is fine for the main campaign anyway, you only need the title update for mission mode. I had the game not load the next chapter after the result screen, but it still saved the chapter being complete, so a quit and restart still let me load into the next chapter. In order to get past Chapter 12 you need this patch, since right before the Zendoius rematch the game just crashes without it. The patch also causes the game to crash when underwater in some stages so you need to turn on the patch only on Chapter 12. You make a notepad file with this name >544307D5 - Ninja Gaiden II (World).patch.toml And then paste this in, and put it in Xenia's patches folder. If done right the emulator will state you have patches loaded. title_name = "Ninja Gaiden II" # 2 title_id = "544307D5" # TC-2005 hash = "AFF931BFF00F8A0A" # default.xex media_id = [ "69F555CB", # Disc (World): http://redump.org/disc/13299 "0E6FB1CE", # Disc (Japan): http://redump.org/disc/93943 ] [[patch]] name = "Skip Chapter 12 crash" desc = "None" author = "Gliniak" is_enabled = true [[patch.be32]] address = 0x82834C78 value = 0x3BC00000 desc = "None" author = "Gliniak" is_enabled = true [[patch.be32]] address = 0x82834C78 value = 0x3BC00000
>>958487 Also in Xenia's config settings file you need to set this to true to fix character models. clear_memory_page_state = true
>>958131 >justifying that shit How about you stop being a faggot, nigger lover?
>>958487 Okay so one more strange thing I pinned down about the emulation, I did not have any problem playing form chapter to chapter when I was playing with the Title update, but when you play without the update that seems to cause the game to hang at the end of chapters, after saving and not load into the next one, requiring a restart. Now if you were starting a new save, you'd need to play Chapters 10 the the end of the game without the title update, since the title update causes Cutscene crashing, but after beating the game you can then skip all cutscenes before issues happen. So if you were to be playing with a save that can skip cutscenes you can play up until Chapter 12 fine using the title update, then you'd need to quit remove the title update and turn on the patch just so you can get past the Zedonius rematch, and then you can turn back on the Title update, and things should be fine. The process once set up is really as simple as Moving the files the title update files are in to a different folder, which will load the game with no update turning on the patch automatically, and then restarting with the title update files back in place when desired.
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Boy I sure to love VIDEO GAMES!
>>959216 kill yourself you circumsized faggot
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>>959188 Well it all depends on the time period in which Dragons Dogma takes place. By the time the ivory trade ramped up, Europe was obviously in closer contact with subsaharan Africa. But I'm still having trouble putting a timestamp on lightning whips and summoned meteors. >>959216 Reported for vidyaphilia.
>>959216 I arso rike bideogays!
If any of you guys are interested in Mega Man X DiVE Offline, the DMC Collab characters are pretty easy to mod back in the game, it took me like 5 mins. There is a guide with everything to know here, but it's as simple as downloading the files extracting them into the games folder, and then running Patch.exe https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3039108098
>>961288 Oh neat. Thanks anon
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Finally got around to trying out the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Black mod. Impressive stuff from the creator, going through all that effort to try and fix Sigma 2.
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God I really wish we could have had a Soul Edge Soul Calibre situation with DMC as a franchise, where DMC1 could have been called one name, and DMC3, 4, and 5 could be called something else, because it is fucking nausea inducing hearing people who only care about DMC3 and onward, talk about how "Bad" and "poorly aged" DMC1 is. when it's challenge is just straight up better designed then all the others games in the series. Like DMC1 is designed with the assumption that the player is going to learn how to fucking play it correctly, and that seems to be a too tall of an order for some people.
>>953306 How about I don't want to use the mouse at all & the controls I can get in any action game with an emulater (British Dante game on RPCS3, I can have mouse camera movement but this is Illegal on the actual native PC port) It's very simple to understand.
>>966162 Nah, DMC1 is bad and poorly aged.
>>966170 You are dumb nigger, you are the dumbest blackest most retarded gorilla nigger I've seen all week.
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>>966170 >Nah, DMC1 is bad Leave
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>>966162 I rate your post grenade rolling / 10
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>>966178 >>966183 >>966192 Guy's you're reacting to the most low effort bait imaginable. He didn't complain about the fixed camera, despite the fact that's something you should get over in like 5 mins. Didn't complain about how Dante's controls are bad and clunky, despite the fact Dante practically controls exactly the same still in DMC5, save for the additions of styles. Didn't complain about the platforming, when the mandatory platforming is such basic shit, you just push at the edge of what you are standing on toward the direction of what you want to jump at, and do a full Jump. Any of the optional platforming is supposed to be a little tricky, and it can even be fun trying to learn how to pull it off consistently without the need of Air Hike or Air Raid Didn't complain about the Underwater segments that last a total of like 5 mins in the entire game and gives you the most overpowered gun in the game for easy enemies, or the Space Harrier segment which actually has Great controls, and is designed very well. people don't bother to push every button on the controller to learn the D-Pad is un-inverted. Didn't complain about how hard Shadow is to fight when you have to just not be a retard, or Complain about the camera in the Griffon Boss fights which I'v never struggled with enough to even find it noteworthy, since you just Lock on to Griffon and Dante will point exactly where he is. Truly awful DMC1 criticism is something else, I decided to torture myself and watched a video called "Devil May Cry needs a Remake", and the guy's main points were the fucking "Story isn't good enough" because it doesn't acknowledge the context of DMC3 now. Which is hard to comprehend, that is a thing people genuinely give a shit about nowadays. He somehow said the game was too easy, and the challenge was unfair at the same time. Since you could see from his gameplay that he did nothing but Spam Air Raid Lightning, so you can easily infer then as soon as he got to a point where that didn't work he got his ass kicked, and couldn't figure out he had to try something else besides Air Raid and then blamed the game for his lack of skill. The kind of people who bitch about DMC1 are mouth breathers, and so much time has past since 2001 that it's possible they weren't even born when DMC1 released, and it's a little sad that there are people who just can't function when they're playing an older game that doesn't conform to homogenization of modern game design.
>>966170 It really isn't. It's a great game that stands the test of time and basically solved the issue of melee combat in action games. I highly recommend you replay to from start to finish and understand why people love DMC1 so much. I prefer the direction Itsuno went with the series with DMC3 onward, however DMC1 has its own magic not really found anywhere else since Kamiya wanted to do something different with Bayonetta. Either way DMC1 aged really well, and I really encourage to give it another playthrough. Just keep in mind that you're not gonna get the balls to the wall CUHRAYZEE action like in DMC3.
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>>966254 I didn't say DMC1 “is better than” DMC3 even though DMC1 is my favourite. I understand that Kamiya's design style for DMC1 is quite different to Itsuno style for his DMC games. What I did say is, “it's challenge” is better designed. DMC3 may give you tons of freedom in how you choose to play it, and that is very commendable, but to me the game as a whole just isn't as finely tuned as DMC1 is, and neither are DMC4 or DMC5. They are still great games, but DMC4 and DMC5 you're a bit too overpowered, Nero's buster while fun to let loose with, is the correct choice to use practically every time you're given the opportunity to use it, and DMC4 Dante well he has Distorted Real Impact, which admittedly probably isn't an intended mechanic, but without that DMC4 Dante doesn't feel polished or refined enough for DMC4. DMC5 it's super easy to pull off Overpowered stuff, Nero's Breakers all let him pull off super strong moves when using them up, V can call in Nightmare, pump DT into Shadow and Griffon and just Read to extend them doing all the work, Dante would feel better in how it challenges him if I was worse at the game, but I can pull off Quadruaple S pretty much whenever I want and use the full power of Sin DT to my Leisure, making DMD not too big of a deal, the most fun I had in DMC5 was beating Urizen on Mission 8 because you aren't supposed to reasonably win that fight. That brings us to DMC3 and let's just face the facts here, DMC1's Enemy roster Dwarfs DMC3's. Half of DMC3's enemies really aren't that fun to fight, and DMD doesn't really feel like it's the intended difficulty to play the game at, when Enemies DT which they do unavoidably they become a hassle to actually simple kill, and you have to come up with strange strategies of lowering every enemies' health at the same time, so when one DT's it doesn't take forever to kill them. Very Hard feels like the intended difficulty, and that wasn't even in the Original Release of DMC3. Sure Combo Players enjoy DT'd enemies but they also only ever combo off of the Juggleable enemies. This is where my point of DMC1 better designed challenge comes from. Everything about DMC1's new game Normal, and lead into Hard mode is there to eventually prepair you for facing Dante Must Die mode, the intended difficulty DMC1 was truly designed for. Enemies don't DT automatically on DMD it's a punishment for not being efferent enough in your damage output, and even when they do DT you're still capable of handing it quite well, since by the point you reach DMD you should be fully upgraded or at least quite close to maxed out, so you'll always have access to anything you'll need to counter an enemy with. Even if you actually decide to do a NG DMD run the game is still finely tuned so that you have the tools you need to defeat what it throws at you without it being unreasonable if you've studied the enemies and bosses properly, which is encouraged by the Enemy File system that tells the player more information about enemies as they experiment and in fights as if they are researching them like the actual Devil Hunter Dante is. DMC3 I feels goes in the wrong direction with it's DMC3, it gives decides to crank up the health on the enemies and bosses, on top of cranking up the damage, for DMC1 Cranking up the Damage was enough, and the health increases were reasonable. The deal with DMC1 DMD is that it took away the crutch of Devil Trigger Healing. So now DT was only to be used as a proper tool and resource for your stronger abilities in battle, The mastery of DMC1 DMD is proving you knew the enemies and bosses well enough that you could consistently avoid their attacks and exploit their opening properly, since the punishment for slipping up was a quick death after 3 or so hits. DMC4 and DMC5's Hell and Hell mode is closer to how DMC1 balances difficulty. What I enjoy about DMC1's DMD and what make it my favourite is that the Danger is absolutely there, but Dante still feels as powerful as he should. to me DMC1's Devil Trigger is still the best implementation in the series. You feel as powerful as the story states Dante is, and I feel tightly refined balance was kind of lost in the Itsuno style of DMC games where things became more focused on Free Form combos, instead of developing efferent Strategy against enemies.
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>>966275 I see you deleted your post 0264ef so I guess you understood what I meant, but regardless I'll leave this up, since I still stand by what i'v written. DMC1 is my favourite Video game of all time right beside Ninja Gaiden Black for a reason, and it's a pity that some people have a hard time clicking with such a fantastic game nowadays. >>966258 But again, that guy's clearly bait, if he was really as dumb as the DMC1 criticizers i'v seen the post would be much worse then that.
>>966280 Yeah, I misread your post since I'm basically just waking up. I get what you're saying and I mostly agree with you.
>>966280 Is there a way to tell if a poster or moderator deleted a post?
>>966333 If a vol deletes a post it shows up in the log.
>>966333 I deleted my own post since the other anon was mostly correct and I misunderstood his post.
>>966333 >>966812 Yeah, he essentially misinterpreted my previous post here >>966162 as saying DMC1 is better than DMC3 and all the other games as well. In which I made this post here >>966275 stating why I specifically mean that the design of DMC1's challenge is the best, not necessarily it's combat complexity.
I know it's my own fault for going on Reddit, (I just enjoy giving new players advice and answering questions anyone has about DMC) but you can't make this shit up. The average Redditor would be at better use in society with a fucking Lobotomy.
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>>954764 I always did feel like the DMC4 teaser Dante looked like Clancy Brown.
>>968212 They made good designs up until 4
>>968212 Makes me think of Jeff Goldblum with a wig.
>>967440 Yeah, redditors are fucking retarded. They drag down the rest of the internet, additionally water is wet and the sky is blue. >>968212 Yeah, I kinda see that.
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I just had a stupid ordeal. About 2 weeks ago I thought >Hey, I'v got this new PC recently, it would be neat to see how Vanilla DMC4 runs the benchmark test. So started up Vanilla DMC, and it crashed on start up. Which is really odd because I was playing DMC4 on this very PC just fine not that long ago. Upon further testing, DMC4SE didn't work properly either. Nearther did DMC5, Resident Evil 4 didn't work RE5 didn't work properly. Not even fucking Bayonetta worked, and that wasn't even a god damn Capcom game. I felt maybe some kind of AMD driver update fucked up, and I waited until a new driver update happened and update the driver to refresh shit. That didn't work. Turns out I'm just retarded, I got a VR headset recently, and I left the display port plugged without the VR headset, since the main cord from the headset detaches for the end of the display port. All these Capcom games were trying to default their display to the display port and essentially display the game on nothing. I finally figure to try unplugging the thing, and now everything works again. I went through all that just to see that my PC can run Vanilla DMC4 at 400fps during the benchmark test.
>>968966 Why would you need a VR headset to play video games? Were you using it as a monitor or something?
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>>968971 Well I thought it would have been self explanatory, but I didn't get only the headset I got the sensors and the controllers, so I could do VR stuff, and play VR games. Why else would you get a VR headset,
>>968966 Old Capcom ports are sometimes fucked up. Some games crash if there's Japanese characters in the file path, or if they're not on the C:\ drive. But yeah, they run like butter at least.
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Okay, I just learned that Capcom changed a canonical event from DMC1's and just never fucking told anyone. I got into an argument over this and they needed proof to actually convince me. Now when you play DMC1 you naturally see that the Perfect Amulet and Devil Sword Sparda exist separately. I got into this argument because people were insisting that Sparda absorbed the Perfect Amulet. Which is clearly didn't in DMC1 as Dante gives them to Trish separately, this is doubled down by Kamiya in Viewtful Joe. If Kamiya kept making DMC games, then Trish would likely always ware the Amulet. That's how he envisioned Trish's look post DMC1. Fast Forward to Itsuno's DMC when we get to DMC4 we no longer see the Amulet. That's not a case to believe anything changed. Trish just doesn't ware the Amulet, that doesn't me she no longer has it, nor that it was absorbed by Sparda, but then we get to DMC5, and this is were I had proof given to me, from the English Translation of the DMC5 Artbook. >On page 158 of "Devil May Cry 5 Official Art Works" there's commentary by artist Daigo Ikeno at the bottom of the page. >"When you look at the just one edge of the blade, it feels vaguely reminiscent of Devil Sword Sparda, but when the two sides split open, they reveal a bladed embodiment of irrepressible power. The handle is decorated with the amulet jewel, a combined expression of father and mother. That's how I imagine it, anyway." So it seems Capcom either didn't pay attention to DMC1, or they don't give a shit about Kamiya's vision at all. Since this implies, we never see the Perfect Amulet again because it did get Absorbed by the Sparda Sword, and in turn it is now in the Jewel handle of Devil Sword Dante. I'm fine with Capcom making whatever creative changes they want. But they didn't fucking tell us this happens. And we're just supposed to "Know" some how that this changed. I'v been a DMC fan for 15 years and had no reason to believe this was the case until I was given this text from the DMC5 artbook. There is nothing from the games themselves that states this happened, and just from looking at DMC1 there is no reason to think it did. This is some clumsy shit.
>>968991 Ah, I thought you possibly using it for the bigger screen experience or whatever people are hyping XR for these days. Personally I have a Quest 3 and I think it needs some work. Especially on Linux. >>969324 Maybe there was something in the DMC4 book about it? We know that in Kamiya's vision that Dante and Trish stay together as a couple and work together, but in DMC4 and the DMC Anime, we know that they went their separate ways at one point and Trish even asked Dante to rename the office back to Devil May Cry from the new name Devils Never Cry. Personally I wish we would get a game that goes over all the side series like the novels and such that really paint a better picture for all of us not in Japan or don't have an e-reader to read the books on. I say this for two reasons with one of the reasons being a good excuse to make a DMC spin off series by a new younger team within Capcom, and another excuse is because I don't like reading digital books on my phone as I prefer the experience of flipping through pages and being able to give it away when I'm done with it.
>>969368 >We know that they went their separate ways at one point and Trish even asked Dante to rename the office back to Devil May Cry from the new name Devils Never Cry. That was elaborated on in the Japanese CD audio drama. Essentially the Enzo of DMC universe gets a demonic weapon attached to him, and the only thing Dante can do to help is cut his arm off. Trish decides she's going to travel the world to find dangerous demonic artifacts like that weapon to make sure nobody is put in danger by them again. Since she has to stop being Dante's partner at DNC, she says for him to change the business name back to DMC, since DNC is meant to represent it's both of their business. You can read the English summary here. https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/DMC_DRAMA_EN_sum.html
Man the DLC Capcom wants people to buy for DMC games is straight up a Detriment to the intended experience. I encountered someone struggling to beat Berial for the first time in DMC4, and I could infer based on the fact they had DT, and full Blue Orbs, and Purple Orbs on mission 2. They were probably playing on LDK mode, which needed to be unlocked in the PC port of DMC4 originally. So this player was way too far a head of where they should have been. They didn't even know how to play the game yet, and they had all this shit they didn't know hot to use.
>>969790 I never bought DLC for any game and never will.
>>955889 >n regards to Sigma 2 however, it's absolute trash that cannot be fixed no matter how much work is done because the problems with that game exist on a technical level. It's not stopping people from trying apparently https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=6Ft0N5oLfCc https://www.nexusmods.com/ninjagaidenmastercollection/mods/292?tab=description
>>970513 god speed
Trish is now voiced by a tranny in Peak of Combat https://x.com/TheSphereHunter/status/1792994010920890535 https://archive.is/TKMNr On one hand. I want to be Absolutely fucking infuriated, because my god this fuck keeps Weaseling their way into shit I like, despite my best effort to avoid their existence. On the other hand, at least this crap is quarantined to a shitty mobile game. But it's over, it's decided. Ninja Gaiden is definitively better than Devil May Cry it's done. Capcom is a fucking mess infected by this shit. Thank god we're still years off from another full DMC game getting made, hopefully there is NEVER a new DMC game. Just end it.
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>>970769 You think?
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>>970769 This is nowhere near anything getting mad over. Reminder, the ESG/DEI/BRIDGE corps use the pretense of hiring "diverse" influencers as cover for underpaying bad zero-value talent, because why pay somebody actually talented and who is actually "woke" as in he was willing to sink his career to recognize the innocence of the January 6th protesters, dumbfuck ayylien shit aside what he's worth when you can pay $1k max to some stupid fanboy or fangirl to "live the dream" that he or she can use as clout on sociopathic media? Peak of Combat is actually on its way to end of service really fast from how its revenue is tracking. Given how Crapcom decided to bend the knee about three to four years after Kusony did, expect to see them panic in a few years when the cancer fully metastasizes. also what the fuck you play PoC? Then again I also play mobile gacha games. To study them of course.
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>>970791 >also what the fuck you play PoC? No, I don't play PoC, my issue is that I fucking Love Devil May Cry period, and I hate that this will forever be a footnote in it's history. I also just hate "Suzi SphereHunter" in particular it's not even a tranny thing really. I just think they make the most mediocre videos ever, and they're such a blatent Capcom shill, yet they've gotten this huge spotlight in the gaming community as if they've done anything to Deserve it. Like I don't care that Suzi is a Tranny, but I hate that they are popular only because they are a tranny, If that makes sense. Like I watched their DMC1 and DMC2 videos, and the most cringe shit happens when they go, "And look at my new Devil Trigger" and a drawing of them as a "Sexy Demon" shows up on screen, it's fucking pathetic. I just hate that this person is given any respect whatsoever, because why the fuck would anyone praise this shit? And the answer is because they're a tranny, and nothing else. If they weren't a tranny and was still a proper guy this shit would get laughed at, and they'd be a lolcow, if they were actually a chick then they'd just show their cleavage or something like all the other wanna be famous E-girls. But they're a tranny so they're cringe as fuck and not called out for it. I just don't like this person, and It's Obnoxious that I can't avoid them.
>>970769 Peak of Combat already doesn't have Langdon right? It doesn't even count. Also pretty sure it's dying. Now if they make DMC 6 and the tranny is in it I'd be right there with you.
>>970769 >more tranny shit Business as usual for crapcom. >>970795 >I also just hate "Suzi SphereHunter" You are not alone in that one. Most fags I talk to can't stand that tranny, and were pissed when they put him in cyberpunk too.
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>>970795 >>970827 The most hilarious fact about that tranny is when Anthony Cumia fucked him for cash so that he can get breast implants lmao.
>>970769 >eceleb voicing trish in the worst DMC game since DMC2 They didn't even pay the Dante actor, he's probably doing it for free lmao.
>>970769 >On one hand. I want to be Absolutely fucking infuriated, because my god this fuck keeps Weaseling their way into shit I like, despite my best effort to avoid their existence. As others have pointed out it's not worth getting mad over sicne it's a footnote, however I feel this is some prime bootyblasting material for the other side, if someone were to use an AI generated voice trained on the voice from the previous games and mod that into the game you can be sure to make a lot of people very mad over nothing.
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Onechanbara 2 is fun. >>970938 That would be funny to see, but it's not worth doing on a shitty mobage. I'm waiting for the mod that does exactly that for nuRE4 Ada.
>>970941 >Onechanbara 2 is fun. I remember having to get a full "cool attack" combo in the first game once per level and it was just pure pain, the timing is absolutely unreal near the end of the combo
>>970769 >>971143 >Bitches about nude mods ruining the brand >Hires porn actors to do their voice work What the actual fuck.
>>971148 Well, at least they're not trotting Sphere Hunter out naked or doing anal live on stream. Like you know artists have done porn and video games both, right? Like Raita for example.
>>971148 Doublethink.
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>>971143 Yet, crapcucks wonder why everyone with a functional brain shit on their games. SEE THE LIGHT
>>971143 >>971291 >>973182 (((GOYEM YET YE GONE)))
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Found these pictures of the Peak of Combat model for Trish. It's dumb how they seemed perfectly capable of making Trish look good in the Mobile game, by just sticking to that DMC4 Design and graphical style, but when they tried to make a Realistic Trish in DMC5 from most angles and random screenshots you take, she just doesn't look good.
>>971143 Golem get ye gone.
>>973485 Well, at least she has big boobs and she does not look like a tranny.
This is what attempting to talk to a Reddit tranny is actually like, if anyone was wondering.
>>974647 And if I came off as rude here, it's because they made the exact same kind of post an hour and a half earlier, and it was completely ignored, by the others in the server. Then they tried the exact same thing again.
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>>974647 I realize this is just me blogposting, so Sorry for that. It's just that it's fucking impossible to find anywhere to talk about Devil May Cry outside this server I'm in. DMC5 making the series go mainstream just ruined the fucking community. It became unbearable due to modern internet reddit meme shit. And the Server I'm in is the last bastion for me and the small community we've made. It's the only place where people who sincerely love the series can just talk without it being fucking retarded. There was one time were out of nowhere someone I'v never seen once just goes "I Started HRT!" Like we were supposed to clap for them, and trannies trying to make everything about them is just fucking annoying.
>>974669 You always have us anon-kun.
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>>974697 If the price of reasonable discussion is free use of the word Nigger, then I'll accept that.
>>974699 Yeah, reddit ruined the internet for a lot of online communities. I don't even blame DMC5 for being popular, I more so blame Reddit, Twitter and Discord for fostering these circlejerk like communities where you can't discuss the things you love and criticize certain aspects of it without getting banned
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>>974647 >>974650 >>974669 Your response was necessary. They need to be told this shit more often. If you're an admin just ban the fuckers on sight. I'm sick of these fags coming into someone elses space and expect everyone else to conform to what they want while they contribute less than nothing. As much as I like DMC5, the community that formed post DMC4 (and especially during reboot) was great. And that lasted over a decade only to be overwhelmed by normalfags who killed it in a matter of weeks. Unrelated but what's Bluecord and Redcord? >>974701 Social media in general has ruined online discussions. Everything is in service to others, to be part of a "community" or to farm validation points rather than someone just sharing their thoughts and opinions. Doesn't help that politics leaks into everything nowadays.
>>974770 >Unrelated but what's Bluecord and Redcord? To give the quick run down of the lore, Despite it being a Subreddit. r/DevilMayCry was a super chill place in the years before DMC5's announcement. The only ones there were the DMC fans that stuck it out during all those years after DMC4, so the only ones that would post were true blue DMC fans, who liked the series not because it was popular but genuinely still wanted to talk about it after Years of there not being a new game. Bluecord, was the r/devilmaycry subreddit discord server. That's were we would hang out outside of making post on the subreddit, once DMC5 was annoncened and garbage memes flooded the subreddit, we basically took shelter in bluecord, but the gate to bluecord was a simple link away on the subreddit, so any reddit fag could enter Bluecord. Eventually some bullshit happened with the mods of the server, the main owner who never actually did anything or cared about the server was using a hidden channel as his own private porn stash. We couldn't Wrestle control from him easily, so we just abandoned Bluecord and Started Redcord. So in essence, Bluecord was the Filter for Reddit, and Redcord is the Filter for Bluecord. And that original community that was on the Subreddit pre-DMC5 hangs out in Redcord.
>>974802 Also I said "We couldn't Wrestle control from him easily" but I'm not a mod or anything. I just heard what happened and went along to redcord, and never looked back, since I trust the members that I know.
>>974647 >>974802 >>974807 >using Discord and Reddit for what purpose
>>974809 I don't like those platforms myself, but from my understanding some people form smaller communities on discord and reddit, think of them as private circlejerks if you will. I could go full elitist mode and say GO BACK TO CUCKCHAN AND REDDIT, but these days I'm just happy to find any knowledgeable anons who aren't obsessed with political bullshit like most people on those platforms.
>>974809 I used to post on a forum called devilmaycry org, but the forum was heavily biased towards DmC Reboot fans. They were allowed to shit on the classic DMC fans as much as they wanted, but if you criticized the reboot the same way, you got warnings, and they didn't. The DMC Subreddit was the only other reasonable place to find where people talked about DMC regularly. I understand the gut reaction to Reddit and Discord being negative, that is a justified reaction to have, but when the communities are small then people get to actually be friends with one another, and it's a comfy place to hang out with names that you know. But when a Reddit or discord starts having members in the tens or hundreds of thousands, that's when it becomes shit, because that's just too many people, and it just turns into people trying to get attention in any way they can by making shitty memes. Real Discussion goes out the window, because it gets flooded out by garbage.
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>>974802 >Pride shit on the DMC discord Fucking why? I hate these fuckers more day by day and they only have themselves to blame. Thanks the explanation anyway, it's a shame discord is a closed community, I'd probably lurk Redcord if it was on an actual website.
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>>974857 You can log into and use Discord from your browser if you so desired, but I understand if you don't want to make an account or have anything to do with it. They are absolutely selling your data and shit.
>>974859 I only use discord for friends, don't want to go beyond that. Honestly, that's all it should be used for imo. I fucking hate modders hosting their shit on their discord server. And I think a closed community like discord is really bad in general but that's a whole other topic.
>>974865 Aside from my IRL firends, I pretty much exclusively most in Redcord for the most part I know exactly what you mean. Aside from looking up an obscure Emulation issue now and again, I don't have the capacity of keeping up with multiple discord servers. And aside from that, and calmly and politely explaining to people on Reddit why they're retarded, and have no media literacy, I post here.
So true!
>liquid less dense than gas I hate it.
>>975194 DW the original edit still had it correct. Just edited to hate No More Heroes 3 because it fucking sucked.
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I don't get it. It is fun to do gardening and not so fun to do pushing of heavy block unless you are a Strongman of training in the Strongman competition and pushing heavy block for fun and many people also find a fun in flying kite or rubber balloon in the air the most useful of activities is ranked in gardening then pushing of heavy block then flying of rubber balloon which also coincides with the amount of fun gained from playing of these various activities which is why I don't get the ranking of an activities in your picture, OP
>>975203 It's not about activities, but about density of materials, air(represented by the balloon) is the least dense, then you have water and lastly the ice block. Water is usually used in these examples, as it's relatively easy to bring it into all 3 states and yes I do know there is a fourth state called plasma.
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Great thread, OP!
>>975265 Meant for >>975188 , didn't notice the thread got merged.
>>975265 >>975275 It's okay, I don't think you're that dense, you used digital image software and everything.
>>975310 I am 'but the humblest of (you) farmers.
Some people just really suck at Devil May Cry, I'm telling you. Some guy was asking for advice on how to deal with Webm related, so I gave him these to videos as examples he could learn from. I showed him exactly what he can do, and he still required further instructions. Then he replies back to me in 3 days later, asking for more help on mission 9, but that's not even a platforming segment or anything annoying, it's just a regular fight. I told him I wasn't going to hold his hand every time he struggles in this game, and that he should be able to improve on his own, and then he starts being Sarcastic and treating me like an elitist. When really he's on fucking normal difficulty, he shouldn't need any hand holding. And now he replied again, asking me how to use Items. This fucking guy doesn't know how to pause the game and look at his inventory. I also recall that back in the day before his passing, Totalbiscuit said he gave up on DMC4 because of the 3rd webm, he gave up on Mission 3 because if you fail that task you need to re-fight a simple wave of enemies as punishment. HE COULDN'T DO THIS! and keep in mind that webm is on DMD mode, it's even simpler on Normal mode. I don't understand how some people can suck so fucking bad, and then blame the game instead of their own incompetence.
>>975428 >Some people just really suck at Devil May Cry, I'm telling you. Some people are just wired different, my own playstyle seriously resemble more someone banging his head against a brick wall until the wall gives up than anything skillful or graceful, though I usually tend to not ask for advice or blame anyone but myself about it.
>>975428 That platforming fight taught me how broken Nero's charge shot is. From that point on I used and abused it in every Nero section in the game. I'm guessing he needed help on doing the aerial boost move, the one where you need to flick the control stick back and forward? I went through Hard without ever mastering that move. Thinking about it now, that's probably why I sucked at the Sanctus fights as much as I did. I looked up mission 9 and ...it's the one where you fight Agnus as Nero? I don't even remember anything about that mission except the Agnus fight and how it revolved around stunning the boss with all-out offense like a blind retard. >Totalbiscuit said he gave up on DMC4 because of the 3rd webm Wow, really? That's just bizarre. >you need to re-fight a simple wave of enemies as punishment Honestly, fighting some enemies in a DMC game is as much punishment as driving half a lap in a racing game. But yeah, I've had some encounters over the internet myself, where people got really pissy over some mild criticism. I guess that's just part of the current zeitgeist.
>>975453 >I don't even remember anything about that mission except the Agnus fight He wanted me to record another example, this time fighting in that room where you get the Quick Silver item, the fight was some Angelos, and a few Gladius. I just gave him a hint about reflecting the Alto Angelo's Black Hole back at the group. If he can't figure out how to win on his own then he's hopeless. The fact he had to try and google how to use healing items and still couldn't figure out their just in the pause menu says allot already, But given I told him how to use items, and DMC4SE already doubles the amount of red orbs you get, to which you have basically no use for them besides items, since Proud Souls are for abilities. He should be able to manage now. I hope at least, not being able to figure out the fucking pause menu is just Embarrassing, I really had to hold back just asking him if he was dropped on his head as an Infant or something. Finding the item menu should not be a challenge.
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>>975453 <Totalbiscuit said he gave up on DMC4 because of the 3rd webm >Wow, really? That's just bizarre. I'v was able to get this Clip, where the only thing he has to say about DMC4 is that it has timed jumping puzzles. I recall him mentioning dropping the game because of what I stated more or less, but i'd need to find the video where he said that specifically. Which will be harder to track down. The Co-Optional Podcast Ep. 71 - Mar 12, 2015
I found out something that could be useful to someone other than myself. When it comes to the DMC HD collection on Steam the disabled Cloud Saving, The reason for this is that the HD collection is janky and Could Saving doesn't actually work correctly. If you install the HD collection on a new computer your imported cloud saves aren't going to work. Thus they disabled Cloud Saving. But you CAN get them to work. it's actually simple to do so, it just can't be done by steam cloud's automatic process. What you need to do is create new saves for the HD collection first, and then you can replace them with your old saves. They disabled steam Cloud at some point after 2022. If you go to this link logged into your steam, you can still download your DMC HD collection cloud save. https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage
>>975555 It might just be a thing of getting older. I dropped plenty of games for way less
I want to give some attention to this Guide by BossCollection on Youtube. I have never seen a DMC1 Guide with such Comprehensive knowledge all in a single video. This would be very useful for anyone new to DMC1, or rusty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyh0YZwZlts
>>976485 Yeah, I understand that feeling myself. >>976500 Oh cool, thanks anon.
So I tried out the Original Japanese release of DMC3 for the sake of comparison. I can not stress enough just how drastic of an experience these few changes can make. Turns out the whole game has English support. For one thing, Gold Orbs are in the Japanese release, yellow orbs were only in the Western release. That alone makes DMC3 way more forgiving. But Japanese DMC3 doesn't have "Easy Mode is now selectable" so there is no calling you a bitch for wanting to play on Easy, that's without the fact that Normal mode in this version is actually the Easy mode in the Western version. I was fighting Cerberus on Easy, and you can just DMC2 him and beat him with only E&I without any trouble. The Western Release of Vanilla DMC3 changed so much of how the game could have been perceived by the public. Japanese DMC3 is a perfectly reasonable to beat until you reach harder difficulties. Western DMC3 made it on to hardest games of all time lists.
>>980993 So wait, how does Japanese DMD compare to its western counterpart?
>>981004 DMD is always the same regardless of region, it's just the lower difficulties that are tweaked in DMC1 and DMC3. DMC1's Normal mode was also easier in Japan compared to the west, but when it comes to DMC3 DMD Given you can have Gold Orbs in the Japanese version, vs Yellow orbs in the western version. Having unlimited continues alone can make beating DMD allot more manageable.
>>981006 Ah, I see. Just cause I know you need spreadsheets for an optimal run of DMD in DMC3 or so the memes say.
>>981019 If you go optimal enough, spreadsheets help runs for any game.
>>980993 >Western DMC3 made it on to hardest games of all time lists. Really? My first normal mode playthrough didn't have any significant trouble (I mean I died a bunch but the deaths were my fault) until chapters 18/19 (Mostly because my controller kept dying from how long I was taking to beat them), harder difficulties might change my tune when I start them, but is DMD seriously SPREADSHEETS levels of bad?
>>981103 >Game Trailers Top 10 Most Difficult Games (2008) I think it was Granted, it's not like Gametrailers was a real authority or anything beyond having a lot of people visit their website and watch their content, and you can still find it in some articles. But this was the video where I heard about how hard DMC3 was, which lead me to getting Vanilla DMC3 myself to see just how hard it was, and I got my ass kicked plenty, DMC1 also kicked my ass, but DMC3 felt harder, and given it was actually Hard mode I was playing that only makes sense. There is also the clip here >>975555 where TotalBiscuit describes DMC1 as "A Nightmare" and DMC3 as "Even Worse" There was certainly the reputation that DMC was a very hard series for a while, but that's become less Prevalent over time. >harder difficulties might change my tune when I start them, but is DMD seriously SPREADSHEETS levels of bad? DMC3's DMD is absolutely up there with one of the hardest challenges in gaming, at least if you are talking about Vanilla DMC3 since you are limited to Yellow orbs, and No super costume until you beat it. DMC3SE makes the task of beating DMD much more manageable since for one thing you get Gold Orbs, so that's unlimited continues, and if you beat Very Hard you get to use a Super Costume to make DMD more manageable. Without a Super Costume DMC3's DMD is some serious shit, granted this is me remembering my experiences from over a decade ago, since I'v still never attempted it without a Super Costume, I'v been slowly getting around to S ranking DMC3 now and then, so maybe once I get to going for SS ranks I'll try and do DMD with no Super Costume, since I know i'v improved allot over time, I just still remember everything I went through back then. The main thing that makes DMC3 DMD such a challenge is the enemy DT, in DMC1 Enemies would DT if you took too long in a fight, but in DMC3 it's unavoidable, and enemies will always eventually DT, they activate after you thin their numbers enough, so the optimal method of play would be to whittle. all enemies health down to low, so when some DT you're not dealing with as much of the consequences of their extra defense. People make spreadsheets in relation to pulling off Combos, DMC Combo players aren't really the same as S rank players, it's not the same kind of mindset the spreadsheets are for knowing the exact amount of attacks and which ones you need to break a DT'd enemy Super Armor and get them hit stunned and Launched, and there are all kinds of shit that they calculate when forming their combos.
>>981123 >since I'v still never attempted it without a Super Costume Never Attempted it “again” I mean.
>>981103 >>981123 Oh yeah, It's not just Super Armor, when an Enemy DT's it's a 7 times health multiplier. So yeah getting their health down as much as possible before DT is a necessity, and some enemies in DMC3 are already a pain to fight with normal health values. Vid related by BeeG on youtube goes into more detail in about just how insane DMC3 Combo players are. I respect their efforts, but that kind of combos for the sake of combos isn't my thing, and if you ever look at DMC3 Combo's you'll find they're basiclly never fighting any enemies that can't be juggled. So they're playing a different game entirely with what they get out of DMC.
Any new cuhrayzee games on the radar?
>>976485 >>976503 >>975555 >DMC 1 and 3 >Hard Nigger what?
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>>982984 Phantom Blade Zero might be worth keeping an eye on, The combat looks like it might be interesting, the game looks like a bend of Action and Souls. From what i'v heard the director is apparently a big fan of games like MGR and Ninja Gaiden, but he's wanted to get that fast action combat, but give it the thoughtful level design, Souls game. >>982985 It's easy to think they're not that bad on lower difficulties when you have a lot of experience with them now, but it's important to understand everyone starts somewhere with action games, and if DMC 1 or DMC3 are the first games in the gerne you play then it's going to be very likely you'll have your ass kicked. When I first played DMC1 and Vanilla DMC3 on PS2 I died tons of times, they are quite challenging games if it's your first time playing them and aren't used to them, once you Git Gud then anything blow Dante Must Die isn't that bad sure, but it takes time and pratice to reach the level of taking on DMD. If you take any just about any random person who's never played a DMC game before and give them DMC1 or that vanilla DMC3 game before, they're going to get their ass kicked, the difference between a more casual player and a hardcore player is Whether they enjoy that they are being challenged at all. I'v seen a lot of cases where people want to give up on DMC1 because it's way harder than they're expecting it to be, and they might blame the fact the game is old and janky rather then the fact it's actually that challenging on intentionally.
>>982984 For right now? Just Genokids
>>982985 Yeah, they are hard, Even if you are playing them since 20 years ago friendly reminder DMC1 rn has 23 years, and DMC3, IIRC, it's 20 years old, or near 20 years old
>>988821 very good video
Lost Soul Aside emerged from purgatory at a Chinese gaming convention, looking the same as ever. People are pointing out it's been almost a decade since this game caught the wider audience's attention for being a Final Fantasy knockoff, to the point that FFXVI actually released and beat it to the punch. In a perverse sense LSA encapsulates how little gaming has actually advanced since its UE4 proof of concept. Also the webm is soundless because do you really want to hear a Chinese pig oink for 8 minute straight?
>>994300 I wonder if they'll attempt to be a better version of FF16, I doubt it'll happen but it'd be cool if it did.
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Looks like this game isn't dead after all Has potential but currently it's way too barebone to bother, I really like the way faster feel the combat has compared to other games.
A guy named The Styleman just released this in-depth Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge Tutorial. It's an impressive effort, and it'll be quite useful for people who are interested in NG3:RE. There is stuff in here I didn't know about at all. NG3:RE can be fundamentally different to NG1 and NG2, and that has thrown a lot of players off over the years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Aa7iQKrdK4
>>997094 I'll take a look later. Thank you anon
>>901095 I have good news for you, the dev has a new game being made
Will Link: The Unleashed Nexus RH release before the PS6 goes end-of-life? I want to find out whether not-Blue Archive tights grill is going to wear thigh highs in-game.
>>997500 PlayStation 6 probably
>>997436 > Link: The Unleashed Nexus That game any good?
>>898293 Devil May Cry Netflix'd just got a new trailer if anyone is interested.
>>1016344 Action looks decent, mostly reminds me of RWBY.
>>1016358 Yeah, I'm fine with it since it's not fucking with the established lore. I'll probably give it a watch and then laugh at the Lady rape scene.
>>1016344 >Netflix "anime" >Adi Shankar No
>>1016344 Dentyne and Gerbil will kiss.
New Like A Dragon/Yakuza is Piarte themed. Combat has some aerial combos now. They've been inching closer and closer to a DMC style with every new game, but also not that far from a Musou either with the high number of enemies they've started putting.
>>1016344 >hardcoded subs

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