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Dragon's Dogma 2: CapJews Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 21:26:06 Id: b4efaa No. 953404
So it seems that the launch of this game was piss poor due to the bad performance issues and normalfags waking up to the DRM/Microtransactions shit. Still there's a good game to be found, and I hope everyone is enjoying the game as much as I am. Just recently capcom released a new patch where they added a New Game function in addition to a FPS Lock for console fags. In addition to being able to get your own house earlier in the game, and changing Art of Metamorphosis to 99 instead of 2 in the Pawn Guild, thus eliminating the need for microtransactions altogether. Sadly it seems the performance issues won't be release until later this year since it seems capcom needs some more time to cook the game and have it working with DLSS3 and other techniques to make the game actually run at a bearable framerate. Still with all of the complaints they got, hopefully they can have some options to fix the performance issues by using the GPU a bit more in towns. Still, have you been enjoying the game /v/?
>>953404 >Still, have you been enjoying the game /v/? I've been having a great time. I've actually stopped playing it at a few points to make it last longer. Is there any way to break the landslide that blocks off the Nameless Village?
>>953419 Yeah, you have to meet with the true Thief maiser and then complete the story mission.
>>953404 >I hope everyone is enjoying the game as much as I am. THE VIDYA REQUIREMENT PIPELINE HAS GONE TOO FAR. MY 1060 and Intel I3 8100 CANT FUCKING RUN THE GAME. IT STRUGGLES EVEN WITH THE CHARACTER CREATOR DEMO. I WILL NEVER GET TO EMBRACE MY TOMBOY WAIFU UNTIL THEY FIX THE FUCKING GAME OR LEARN TO FUCKING OPTIMIZE IT. Shit man I played Batman Arkham City a few weeks back and despite it looking beautiful the game ran like a dream but now if you were to play a similar looking game that came out today it would run like pigs piss mixed with dogshit baking in the hot sun.
I think the only thing Crapcom added is catapults
The game is fucking shit regardless of microtransactions and performance. They deliberately cut off loli pawns.
The new vocations are so terrible, we really lost Mystic Knight and Assassin for Mystic Spearhand and Trickster. Spearhand is busted as fuck because of the shield spell but it's also boring as shit, and Trickster just feels like shit to play.
>>953404 >Have you been enjoying the game /v/? Its generally a good game and theres no fundamental glaring flaws other than the short and dumb plot. Still, my advice hasn't changed. Pirate this one, and wait a month regardless. >>953263 >>953419 >blockade/landslide that leads to the Nameless Village? Might be timegated. Doesn't exist in my world, but you can get around that by taking the forest route past the abandoned village east of Vernworth. (Take the bridge just south of the main road bridge to the Village.) Every 'gated' area has at least two methods of gaining access, the main plot method and a sekrit method that takes some work to do. >The little urchin boy that asked for the vase has disappeared from my game. Progress in the main story a bit. Not a bug, the little urchin boy has more to him. A lot of quests are time gated (they'll stop/start based on your story quest progression, in addition to sometimes having time limits. Some include main story quests, too.) >>953423 The performance issues are really bad. It must be somewhat of a cache issue because after awhile of play it smooths out a lot, even in cities. >>953442 Apparently fags are getting mileage out of being able to bamboozle enemies.
The oxcart fast travel system seems like an improvement, one retard on twitter quit the game because after using the oxcart to fast travel and fending off an attack he wouldn't get back on but WALK the rest of the way to wherever, like as if the oxcart wasn't waiting there for him to get back on and just fucking vanished in his head? People told him that he can simply get back on but simple explanations can't cure retardation. I want more games to be purposely kinda cryptic and not handholdey so that it filters own pea brained retard normalcattle. I want them to expose themselves more so I can laugh at them. >>953455 Is the plot worse than the first game? >Pirate this one I'm never paying $70 for a game ever again, especially after Final Fantasy 16. Not even Tears of the Kingdom was worth it so thank got I pirated that game. >The performance issues are really bad. Whats your specs?
>>953462 graphics 6700 xt, cpu 5600X, ram 16 gigs. Performance is weird. It's not pumped to max settings, but even at max settings the game won't actually utilize my resources. I had to turn down the graphics setting because it just wouldn't use my GPU at all. It has a internal 'processing load' metric to tell you how much settings will use system resources but its either wrong or the developers forgot to implement it properly. Ripe area for a talented modder to fix Capcom's shit if they're not willing to do it themselves. Alternatively, the performance problems is Denuvo. Since if the game is saying it'd be a light load, that only leaves the outside DRM. And the game apparently runs at a consistent 30 fps on the PS5. In other words, piratefags win again. >Is the plot worse than the first game? Yes and no. Much shorter than the previous game, but more shit will tear you off the main plot. Haven't gotten to the act 1 ending yet, but other than the scientist guy's plans (seemingly) the antagonists are retarded in general. >using the oxcart to fast travel and fending off an attack he wouldn't get back on Retard is retarded. Unless the oxcart gets destroyed in a fight you can always just get back on. Otherwise the oxcart driver will get it out of the way as fast as it can. Ogres and Griffons really like breaking them. >purposely kinda cryptic and not handholdey Games got that in spades. Plenty of shit that'll fuck up retards that retard. With the difficulty increase (still not hard) I'm surprised it wasn't written off by journos and casuals as 'the dark souls of Capcom games.'
>>953404 >Still shilling this "divershitty" infested turd Shameful
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>>953483 Man I really need to sell a kindey for that PC money so I can "defeat" the Sphinx already.
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>dat blush Why are elves always massive sluts?
>>953492 It's a fantasy world in an original setting. Not like they made the guy a trans elf nigger.
>>953440 Not just that. You can't make flat chested/A cup girls in general. You can't make them narrow shouldered, and the muscle definition settings barely do anything due to being shitty overlays and not model swaps/manips. I can't make half the pawn ideas I had cuz they're all Touhou chars or other flat chested/small tiddy ladies.
>>953509 I can't make what I wanted to make either, it's a huge black mark on the game and takes a ton of the charm right out of it. They were in the game but they were cut out last minute, you have to mod them back in Some anon posted this in the last thread if you want to use it https://mega.nz/file/7jxjyZ7K#tCY5KPwpGa2fP-Xx2HGgdXSXc9YutK5YGAYR_S94KD8
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>>953513 But Anon, modding the game is basically cheating and pirating and hacking all rolled into one. Pete and Capcom said as much. You don't want to get sued, do you? Legit, from what I hear, PrayDog won't release his RE4Remake VR mod because of the goofball exclusivity deal between Sony and Capcom. He embarrassed them with the RE7VR on PC mod, and it very much looks like his "courtesy" towards Capcom is under threat of legal action. Even if they have zero legal standing to even bring a case, the process is the punishment. They can afford to shut him down, but he can't afford to defend himself in court.
>>953501 Go fuck his sister, it's what I did.
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>>953423 >Already mods for bridal carry and scale I'll embrace my pawn doublely for you.
I played some more. Vocation reviews: Fighter got a massive upgrade overall with the new threat system. And it got a massive overall downgrade with one of the the 4 skill slots being wasted on Shield Summons. Hindsight Slash and the new shield counter skill are both great in terms of defensive, offensive, and knockdown. Their ultimate skill is a downgrade from Dragon's Maw, but it's still solid. They now get a climbing skill which makes a massive difference against large enemies. Warrior feels a lot better to play. It gets a laughably bad parry skill that's pretty much mandatory to run. Their innate knockdown resist and passive damage reduction + knockdown resist while charging feels great. The new Arc of Deliverance skill replacement is god awful past the mid game once you deal enough damage to overcome enemy defences. Thief gets god mode. They have a literal invincibility skill that very slowly drains stamina. I gave up on it after learning that fact. Archer is a better Ranger. Drenching Shot combined with a Mage's Ice Boon a Sorcerer's ice skill will freeze big enemies every few seconds, which feels wonderful. Applying poison twice in a row causes the poison to be removed and deal a large amount of direct damage, making the poison arrow skill pretty good. Mage is the big winner: they lose Spellscreen but gain a skill that increases defenses and keeps stamina topped off for a few seconds. Anodyne being a core skill is fantastic. Their offensive spells also scale decently well into the late game. Sorcerer is the big loser. They lose all of their debilitation skills (Miasma, Lassitude, Blearing, Silentium, Exequy, Petrifaction), they lose Necromancy, Brontide, Comestion, and all of their affinities. In exchange they get Salamander, a joke replacement for Comestion, Thundermine which is PBAoE defensive skill that knocks up small enemies, and Hagol which is a great AoE cold skill which reliably slows/freezes enemies and deals acceptable damage past the mid 30s. The Bolide replacement skill is a big downgrade: twice the damage for twice the cast time for all of your stamina for half the meteors and half the clearing potential. And if you overkill a large enemy with it, it fries the corpse into a crisp and you're left with no loot. Maelstrom is also downgraded and doesn't do a whole lot of damage. About a bar or 1½ bar of a big monster's health. On the positive side, Mages and Sorcerers get a new passive skill which lets them greatly increase their cast speed for non-ultimate skill in exchange for stamina; Sorcerers also get a core skill which lets them quickly recover stamina. And now for the worst, dumbest part of the DD2 Sorcerer: Flare. Flare is a quick casting, low stamina skill which applies a mark to an enemy (or body part for large enemies) which lasts for a few seconds. The mark's duration is refreshed when hit by any source, up to a maximum amount of hits. Once the duration runs out, the mark explodes for massive damage for each hit it took while it was active. A Bolide or Maelstrom cast will usually take 1 or 1½ bars off of a big enemy. A Flare on a drake's heart + High Levin will 1 shot that drake. Flare does 5-6 times more damage than your ultimate skills, it takes about a tenth of the cast time and stamina cost, and your allies can trigger it for you. My go-to strategy for post game enemies was to cast Maelstrom, pop a stamina consumable and then immediately cast Flare. It deleted everything with no effort. Trickster is just awful. The gist of it is: summon a clone, cast AoE smoke skill and your clone has maximum aggro on everything. Problem #1: close has shit all for health. Problem #2: healing the clone is done by putting it on your back. Problem #3: if you get hit, the clone vanishes. Problem #4: casting the clone mid fight with enemies hitting you and AoEs going off sucks. Aside from that, Trickster only gets two other worthwhile skills. One is their ultimate which is good for staggering large enemies. And the other is a buff which applies to pawns to buff their damage but quickly drain their health. Problem #1: Arisen is usually 50-60% of the party's damage, but the Trickster buff skill is nowhere near potent enough to offset the damage loss. Problem #2: The quick health drain means you need a mage in the party to constantly heal your other pawns, further upsetting the poor arisen/pawn damage balance that Trickster introduces. Problem #3: Pawn AI is fucking garbage against some enemy types. Trickster rating: Fighters and Warriors hold aggro better, stagger bosses easier, are less of a headache to play, and deal way more damage than an optimized Trickster party ever could.
>>953646 >I gave up on it after learning that fact Even without that skill it's massively overpowered. Ensnare 2.0 can topple any small enemy and pulls it towards you for a one-shot finisher. Dodge means you never get hit. Masterful kill give you a perfect counter to pretty much anything.
Just got bodied by the golem in the cave that runs between Vermund and Battahl. Had to go camp and rest up so I wasn't getting 1-shot with my reduced max HP. I'm one rank away from maxing Fighter, after that I think I'll do Warrior. I'll save the dragoon class as a treat for later because I'm always a sucker for those. >>953652 >Ensnare 2.0 can topple any small enemy and pulls it towards you for a one-shot finisher. It can also topple larger enemies once they're off balance. It worked on a minotaur and a cyclops for me earlier. I'm working on maxing out the other vocations but I just want to go back to Thief and play as a glass cannon again. Archer is pretty boring IMO, but then I usually don't play shooters with a controller anyway.
As a long-time DD1 player and someone hyped for DD2 pre-launch, I waited for it to release and for non-critic reviews to come in. Having done so, it absolutely seems to me as if Itsuno was screwed over by Capcom again, in exactly the same way as he was with DD1, in that DD2 was pushed out before being finished. Biggest evidence is the fact it was released barely within their Q1 financial window, but more than that is the short length of the game and apparently missing content -- Itsuno saying in interviews there's more when there actually isn't at all. It's safe to say I'm going to wait for the inevitable expansion and sale before buying it myself.
>>953646 Did you manage to unlock that all-rounder class yet?
>>953680 Not yet. From what I understand it only has 3 skill slots in exchange for the weapon swap. It's mainly there for fashion. Maybe you could play it with the Trickster damage buff, Mage for healing your pawns, and 1h+shield to tank. Get 2 Warriors and a Thief/Archer or 3 Sorcerers and go to town on monsters while tanking/healing/buffing your pawns. Also it can wear all types of armour, so it's Fashion's Dogma at its best.
Another failure from JewCom.
>>953646 I'm glad others can see how horrible Trickster is. >>953673 It's clear to me that some Capcom suits just don't want Itsuno to do anything other than DMC so they kneecapped DD for the second time.
>>953423 Take the reflection of the dickface in the 2024 panel and that should be more accurate.
>>953673 >>953787 I've said that multiple times already, and makes sense given the cynical and retarded mind of island chinks after all: I would do everything posible in My power to fuck up the passion project of the man who makes one of My important and profitable franchises, so he could have límited power and saying thanks to that "Little and singular fuckup", which in turn, condemns he to the DMC mines. After all, people are excited for a DMC VI, and getting over already with DD2 (Which he only got to make because his terms and contract for making DMC V was to make DD2), accelerates and put to work him already in the 6th game. And of course, if DD2 is a Niche game only greenlit because contract shit, why would our Best engineers be working in that, if we need support for SF6 and other franchises? Better to put the freshmen and retards in line working in DD2, fucking it up BUT gaining experience with the engine so they can work in the future with the important IPs! And given that only Itsuno and 3 retards in all the World care about that franchise, nobody will get too mad, compared to the same fuck up with Another franchise! :^). Overall, is a really messed up situation, and kinda remembers me of the Itagaki days with Tecmo, but Itsuno doesn't have the same character as Itagaki, so probable he will just nod like an obedient dog and accept his Destiny as a DMC Slave from here on, if not, he'll quit altogether or start working in Another place
>>953811 Do you have more than just conjecture to back this up? Genuinely curious. Like, something we can cross reference from interviews compared to release or similar behaviors with Capcom regarding other directors and games? I just want something a little more concrete than "dude trust me bro." Also I thought Itsuno was retiring after DD2 gets finished. Probably after that leaked "Dragon Princess" DLC. >>953513 Already found a mod that lets me reduce the minimum height to 150cm and other players can still recruit the pawn and see the proper height. Guess I can make a shota/teen bro duo now at least since the breast slider thing and other issues will still get in the way. Still don't know if I should even bother with the game though, as my rig is beefy enough to run it but the game itself doesn't seem like $70 worth of game. Would give me a game to work on though since I'm in a lull RN in that regard, and I do have an idea brewing for a comparison analysis in my mind between DD2, DDDA, and some other games from recent years to show how it's genuinely not a "masterpiece" by any measure despite all the wankery around it.
>>953855 The loss of so many classes, largely due to how they've reduced the number of weapons (and overall gear) each class can equip combined with the changes in the character creator preventing you from making players and pawns that have the best stamina regen and the reduction in the number of overall active skills available to characters allows us to objectively say that Dragon's dogma 2 is a step back from the original. You will be doing fewer things less often for smaller amounts of rewards. This game is worse even than Dragon's Dogma Online because while that game suffered from many of the same bad game design decisions you could at least actively play with other people. This game's success is predicated not upon it being very good, but upon all other options being bad or nonexistent. Why did things have to turn out this way?
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>>953911 >Why did things have to turn out this way? Capjew executives being up their own ass and management focusing everything on MH and Resident Evil. That's what DD2 is, a fucking MH Wilds Beta Test
>>953911 I do miss longbows, there is just something about having a massive bigger than you bow I find neat. Tried archer the other day, what piece of shit that was; >if you have the correct arrow You went through the trouble to make tomes nobody uses and weight too much, why couldn't arrers do the same fucking thing. I said so in the survey, removal of secondary weapons hurts ranged classes. Also magic, does anyone ever slot empyrean unless you absolutely know you're gonna fight undead, if the enemy isnt undead all it does is light up the room. You could easily do the quickcast ability by holding in the button and leave rb for secondary skillset.
>>953646 trickster really feels like it was originally intended as a DDO vocation they never got a chance to add, but someone was so proud of it they insisted it be put in DD2 even though it's a weird as fuck design choice for a single player game. I really wish we could have gotten a retooled alchemist instead
>>953811 >And of course, if DD2 is a Niche game only greenlit because contract shit maybe he'd have better luck if instead of his own OC setting he'd propose a true open world Monster Hunter spinoff project (with some new "Artificer's Staff" weapon that's clearly just a barely disguised mage class) I suspect Capcom would be slightly more open to that concept than they are to DD.
round two, what do you guys think of this ogre woman instead
>>954294 Looks like a frog
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>>954303 He just wants this, chill the fuck out
>>954294 Yeah she looks better this time around. Best you're probably going to get in this Character Creator.
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I based my waifu on the quintessential tomboy archetype (that example is louis lane from that dogshit recent superman cartoon) although I gave her longer hair because I didn't want her to look like some kind of lesbian dyke in the slightest, but if there was a short hair option that looks rather wild then I probably would have chose that. TOO BAD I STILL CANT FUCKING PLAY THE GAME THOUGH. One thing I dislike about the character creator is that you can't make any characters eyebrows shorter, so making someone like Frieren with those dot kinda eyebrows would be impossible.
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>>954317 Cute personal pet peeve of mine is the red eyes, but you do you anon
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Mods are reaching that point.
>>954324 I think red eyes are fuckin badass anon. I considered making the areas around her pupils light orange so her eyes pop more but maybe I'll get around to it if I ever am able to upgrade my PC. I'm surprised more anons didn't make and show off waifu's considering the character creator demo is free, probably because it has Denuvo I guess? Or they're afraid of accidentally making an abomination like how the ogrefag is doing Who the fuck would pirate a character creator though? >>954326 Is there a mod to shrink a females tits in the character creator yet? So far I never seen one of those out there in the wild. One day I will have my loli, and she will be absolutely adorable.
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>>954336 You can make them smaller without fucking the proportions now
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>>954338 >Nigger >That hair
>>954338 Mods or base game?
>>954294 That's the bitch from Baldur's Gate.
>>954370 >Nosering Why do whores do this shit?
>>954297 >>954303 >>954312 >>954313 Another attempt to fix her, I think I'm getting closer but I can't quite figure it out.
Has anyone found the Comforting Neck Wrap? Shit seems to just not exist as a legit drop.
>>954399 cheekbone need to be fixed
>>954399 My suggestion would be to find someone with roughly the face you want for your character and then try to replicate it with adjustments.
>>954690 >>954689 Last minor change before I send her into the metamorphosis book, but looking between her and the last one I can't really tell if I changed much at all.
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Please for the love of god just stop posting her she is fucking ugly regardless of whatever you do now please stop uglifying this thread and just quit it already. No one want to see that abomination anymore.
>>954858 She's leagues better than any of the female CAPCOM pawns I've seen. That's for sure.
>>954784 Better but still offputting
>>954399 >>954784 I think you're doing this on purpose. It's the nose.
>>954973 I want the nose to be upturned so it's orcish but if I gotta I'll try flattening it forward.
>>955001 Got the same dilemma with my gobber, ended up looking more like a githyanki in the end.
>>954326 Is she meant to look like she's plastered with cum? I like it
>>954399 >>954784 SOMEBODY JUST TOLD ME
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I'm kind of disappointed the world isn't more "alive" and interactive like BOTW/TOTK was. Fire ignites bushes and does small damage over time but doesn't spread. Rain falls but doesn't pool and create puddles that make thunder magic more deadly. Environmental interactions like that are missing and lacking. At first I hated the game because it ran like shit and had microtransactions, then I got over that and enjoyed the game, and now I'm finally settling in to a kind of ambivalence about it really. It's more DD but I wouldn't necessarily say it's better DD than DD:DA. Does that make sense?
>>955169 It's just disappointing, even without the DRM, performance issues and microtransactions. Capcom fucked Itsuno again and just made this into a testbed for their Monster Hunter game. No Moon either, just a really safe release with better combat.
>>955169 >BOTW/TOTK Those are some of the worst games I've ever played. It has some interesting physics mechanics, but that's all there is. It's a big empty world with uninteresting terrain that fells like it was lazily slapped together in a topography editor. 10,000 bokoblins that maybe do the same swing attack every 30 seconds and your only rewards for exploring are weapons that will break after using them a few times anyway. Worst part is normalfags love these games so we're never getting classic Zelda again.
>>955173 Personally I don't give a shit about the performance and micro transactions, I'm more upset that Capcom clearly released the game early and unfinished to have a big game in the first quarter. So many signs that the game had a lot more planned, like that countless doorways filled with dirt (some of which had some scrapped content if you clip through them) and characters talking about dwarves as much as they do and then only having three of them in the entire game.
>>955195 >Worst part is normalfags love these games so we're never getting classic Zelda again. No, they don't: https://archive.ph/KfDZ4 >It's interesting to hear you say that because one of the discussions that I've seen among Zelda fans is, "Gosh, I miss the more traditional linear Zelda of the past." And I'm wondering, how do you feel about that given the direction of the series toward a very free-form, open-ended kind of design? <Aonuma: Well, I do think we as people have a tendency to want the thing that we don't currently have, and there's a bit of a grass is greener mentality. But I also think that with the freedom players have in the more recent games in the series...there still is a set path, it just happens to be the path that they chose. So I think that that is one thing I kind of like to remind myself about the current games that we're making. <But also, it's interesting when I hear people say those things because I am wondering, "Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?" But I do understand that desire that we have for nostalgia, and so I can also understand it from that aspect.
>>955001 Orcs noses aren't upturned.... Unless you're going for a p'orc but then you'd make her pink.
>>955195 >BOTW/TOTK are some of the worst games I've ever played They're some of the most beloved games to have ever released. >big empty world BOTW has a big world but not an empty one. BOTW has about 3 medals, 4 Great Fairies plus Malanya the god of horses, 5-7 dungeons (4 divine beasts plus Hyrule Castle, and the DLC has a 5th beast and Trial of the Sword), 8 pieces of horse gear, 14 towns and settlements, 15 main quests, 15 Sheikah towers, 18 memories, 29 greaves, 31 tunics, 36 materials, 42 shrine quests, 47 helms, 76 side quests, 77 monsters, 83 creatures, 120 shrines, 121 primary weapons, 226 locations, 385 Hyrule Compendium entries, 573 characters, 900 Korok seeds, and 1125 treasure chests. TOTK has even more than this. >uninteresting terrain, fells like it was lazily slapped together in a topography editor Remake it in one then. Not possible, and if you tried remaking it with no restrictions you'd die of old age first. Climbing, abilities like Ascend, and the building in TOTK make terrain more interesting to engage than ever. TOTK has more than 10,000 YouTUbe videos of people just having fun building stuff to engage with terrain. >10,000 bokoblins Not that many but also 159 other creatures and monsters. >that maybe do the same swing attack every 30 seconds Bokoblin AI has more possible interactions with you than any enemy in any Zelda game. >your only rewards for exploring are weapons BOTW has about 3 medals, 4 Great Fairies + Malanya the god of horses, 5-7 dungeons (4 divine beasts + Hyrule Castle, and the DLC has a 5th beast and Trial of the Sword), 8 pieces of horse gear, 14 towns and settlements, 15 main quests, 15 Sheikah towers, 18 memories, 29 greaves, 31 tunics, 36 materials, 42 shrine quests, 47 helms, 76 side quests, 77 monsters, 83 creatures, 120 shrines, 121 primary weapons, 226 locations, 385 Hyrule Compendium entries, 573 characters, 900 Korok seeds, and 1125 treasure chests. TOTK has even more than this. >Worst part is normalfags love these games Will you stop breathing air because normalfags like it? BOTW/TOTK are beloved by close to everyone besides oppositionally defiant grumps who bait (You)s and usually didn't play them. >we're never getting classic Zelda again. Dungeons returned to a more classic Zelda style in TOTK. An interview linked in this thread proves Aonuma and his team listen to fans who want classic Zelda. He says in that interview they went back to more classic Zelda dungeons in TOTK because they heard the desire from fans for a bit more designed dungeons like in Ocarina of Time and games like that. >Speaking personally, I really enjoyed Tears of the Kingdom's design, and I think a lot of people were grateful for the much more intricate dungeons. I think why a lot of fans valued Ocarina of Time and games like that were the clever dungeons that felt like a very crafted, very deliberate experience. And with Breath of the Wild, especially initially, the dungeons felt quite a bit simpler by comparison...but I think there's sort of a hunger for those very classic dungeons like the Water Temple and things like that. That was kind of our intention with Tears of the Kingdom, as you mentioned, which was to put a bit more density or thoughtfulness into the design of the dungeons in the game. I mean, when we think of Breath of the Wild, one of our guiding principles was to rethink the conventions of the series, and that applied to our thinking about dungeons as well. So we kind of broke apart our previous assumptions about the way we've made dungeons so far with that game. And I think the result was simpler approach that you saw in dungeons in that game.But then we did hear the desire from fans for a bit more of a designed dungeon, and that led to our approach to dungeons for Tears of the Kingdom. And so as we proceed, whenever we're making a game, we look back at our past and then consider where we are now with the freedom that we give to the player in these games. One of my favorite dungeons was the Wind Temple in which you climb steadily into a storm and eventually make your way into the actual dungeon, and then the boss. I was flying and diving onto it, and I don't think I ever actually landed. It was a thrilling proof of Tears of the Kingdom's sky theme, and it felt very connected to the world, and it felt far more elaborate compared to Breath of the Wild. I thought it was a really magnificent accomplishment. Tell me a little bit about making it.
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>>955440 Anon, the guy played the game and made up his mind. You can't convince someone to like something even if it's objectively good and well made. It's impossible to convince someone who doesn't like pickles to like pickles by explaining to them why you like the taste of pickles, and thus somehow rewriting their brain to like pickles as well. Even Elden Ring is one of the most loved games out there and is undisputedly the most awarded game in HISTORY yet theres a fair amount of anons who hated it as well.
>>955472 >the guy played the game It may surprise you how many people flame games they don't play. >You can't convince someone to like something even if it's objectively good and well made. It's impossible to convince someone who doesn't like pickles to like pickles by explaining to them why you like the taste of pickles, and thus somehow rewriting their brain to like pickles as well You're right of course. I don't expect I'll convince him of anything, I'm just explaining for the audience.
>>955472 >Anon, the guy played the game and made up his mind. I think this may be the same poster from the DMC thread and the FF16 thread that declares that Anons must be absolutely mistaken for ridiculing modern games.
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>>955486 >I'm a boogeyman now wew
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>>955472 Silly anon, my taste in vidya is objectively correct.
>>955440 I played both of them. BOTW until doing two shrines-except-animal-shaped and TOTK until the arab hebe tulpa. Can't say I didn't give them a chance.
Since you guys are being niggers about actually talking about the game, post arisen I won't post pawn again since you've seen enough of her.
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>>956632 Does your game also have 10second delay followed by 5second freeze when taking a screenie?
>>956710 >europoor >complaining about others having fun unthinkable
>>956710 Nigga never played the initial console release. There's actually less dlc than the first game.
>>956739 Okey, then don't.
>>956739 Reddit behavior
Reminder to fill out the survey and complain about "body type", lack of lolis, drm, shit performance, 80 bucks, and everything else. You get a much bigger form to complain if you say you might buy DLC. https://www.enqform.capcom. com/form/pub/form1/dd2_en2
Minor update, I found the hat and bought the set, I think I'm in love. >>956777 >80 bucks delux edition is only 80 bucks for items you can find in game easily, stop spreading nigger lies.
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>>956784 >unironicly defending 80 bucks for no lolis
>>956794 >paying the most you possibly could for a game just because that's what's listed on the store page retard behavior.
I'm finally through to the post-game/real game, just saw the title card for Dragon's Dogma 2. How long does this go for? Is it another game's worth of content or is just a few hours worth of adventuring?
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>>956632 Installed a mod for 150cm min height after buying the game due to seeing it in a dream. Worst game of 2024 but I'm hellbound to finish it at this point. Game gives me a fucking headache due to the laggy camera and such. Also on max graphics and the game still looks mediocre. At this point I'm just convinced the game is just a training and tech demo/tech test for monster hunter wilds. I think the most annoying things are the gear restrictions and the laggy-ass GTA5-style movement. I'll also let you guess which one is which, though it should be obvious.
>>956849 few hours, technically way more probably, but the time limit makes it much shorter. though you keep the expanded landmass in ng+ >>956903 >Male pawn
>>956903 >Male main pawn >gave him a goofy ass mustache damn dude, why did you wake up with shit taste?
>>956909 >goofy ass mustache >not top tier I didn't know you were such a fan of being a peasant.
That reminds me, what happened with the DDO revival?
>>956964 Still in the works. Core gameplay is working though quests and NPCs aren't fully functional. Gits been updated in the last 48 hours.
>>956968 That's good to hear.
>>956964 Bear in mind it has many of the same class issues DD2 has so don't expect much, though at least it lets people actually play together. >>956909 Really got no room to talk about shit taste Pablo.
>>957010 >at least it lets people actually play together. And play as female lolis. That's what matters.
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>>956794 >>957030 I hope they make lolicon illegal so you go to prison, not out of any legitmate moralfagging but so I don't have to hear you fucking complain constantly.
>>957034 He does a great job at showing people how to be an insufferable faggot.
>>957041 Any info if they are going to remove Denuvo yet?
>>957046 >telling lolifags to shut up >the same as wanting pronouns in everything this isn't about "Making the terfs mad" or "telling sweaty gaymers to grow up" Lolifags are one of the most insufferable archetypes of online personalities because of how much you bitch about a cosmetic feature. I've been informed some of you faggots are complaining about how you can't make dwarves either, which I have not seen, but even still, you have so many other cosmetic features to potentially make as close to a dwarf as possible, and the modding community has already created shorter sliders. I wouldn't fucking care if you were complaining about the gameplay Let's fucking talk about the gameplay that you clearly don't fucking care about >leveling is now a bit more homogeneous; >it doesn't matter what class you play, you will gain a random spread of stats that "tends" to favor one set based on the vocation you've chosen >Warfarer is extremely limited, only 3 skills between all the weapons you can swap from >if you pick 4 skills you can't swap weapons, meaning warfarer is just a worse version of a class you were already playing >you can equip all armors on warfarer, which is the only upside >armors have extremely confusing standards for what is considered for being restricted to certain vocations >the difference between a mage and a sorcerer robe is incomprehensible >the difference between trickster gear distinct from either of those two is indistinguishable >mystic spearhand has a new set of "medium" armors that put it between archer and warrior in terms of flexibility and protection >there is a set of armor designed after landsknecht, typically knights with two hand swords and long rifles, that has so many different vocational differences between each piece of gear that it is designed to puzzle the mind >the most confusing part is the only martial vocation to be able to touch them besides warfarer is mystic spearhand and theif, who can only wear the pants and a different colored top if they so choose in similar style >in relation to this, there is a warrior and trickster helmet that they created by putting a warrior helmet on top of a trickster helmet >tricksters are incredibly strange and seem to be for a summoner archetype while doing as little summoning as possible >you are giving up damage output for creating buffs and barriers, skills that should have gone to the mage potentially >there are rings to potentially play monk, but nothing is concrete >the number of romance options that have their own cutscene are still very few >one of the characters on the box has hardly any weight in the story >the second of the two women on the box is a random bitch who for some reason has her own quest and a full romance scene
>>957046 Cuckchan likes Fallout 76.
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>>957064 I'm not even a loli fag and I'm gonna post one out of sheer fucking spite.
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>>957093 Same. Only reason i have lolis is to get faggots mad.
>>957095 Some of the faggots in this thread are simply reddit tier insufferable.
>>957093 >>957095 -> >>957046 >reminds me of actman saying he wants pronouns injected into every game just to spite the people complaining about it in starfield. You just exemplified his point, lmao.
>>957103 >You just exemplified his point Yes yes we get it his strawman is trying to compare two different moments as his gotcha!
Also the game's movement is fucking ass compared to 1.
>>957112 I didn't have any issue with movement, have you tried playing with a controller?
Every lolifag here needs to go back to Reddit.
>>957118 Where do you think you are?
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>>957118 >capitalizing reddit There's a good chance you like taking dildoes up you ass, making everything you say and do irrelevant.
>>957123 Alien probably studied human nature before contacting the man and learned "twerking" was very popular among humans. He wanted to please the human and make him at ease "i come in peace" as he starts twerking and contorting
>>957113 The movement is clunky in 2 to the point it reminds me of modern GTA at times, the fact they removed double jump as a viable mobility move-set is a fucking crime. This game has it's moments of fun, but fucks it up with it's >DRM >ESG shit >Micro transactions > Many classes feel like a downgrade of the original >Made range classes fucking useless due to having no melee >Game is slower then 1 >No double jump >Enemy variety is fucking ass >Endgame is ass >Capcom has no idea what the fuck it wants to do with the RPG mechanics to the point where I wonder why is this an RPG even? >Open world meh I guess Elden Meme spoiled me >NPC quests are forgettable >Game is kinda easy >Price I've been playing with my friend on his rig and the game is just whatever, I really wanted this game to be good, but it's kinda of a MH:Wilds beta test. I guess I'll wait for Elden Meme's DLC or Metaphor or another RPG.
>>957126 Hello Alien-san, please destroy San Francisco. t. the population of this planet.
>>957113 Spin. No, I'm not joking, rotate the control stick really fast as if you're trying to spin or like it's a mario party minigame. Your character will start spazzing out like they're having a seizure because the game's momentum shit doesn't know how to account for rapidly changing directions so your char will keep pivoting randomly. That's the best way to show you since the simple point that WHEN YOU STOP MOVING YOU DON'T STOP MOVING like GTA5 or Read Dead Redemption doesn't seem to be getting through your thick skull. This jerky movement also carries over into trying to precise platform or climb certain cliff faces. Hell, I've sent myself careening to my death by complete accident several times due to precisely this momentum crap. >>956926 Someone gets it. I was trying to make a noble-ish knight that would stand out from all the waifu pawns. Gentlemanly mustache was a must have for that as soon as I saw that option. Basically went with a noble kid and his older bro kind of vibes for the arisen and pawn. Don't get why faggots in this thread have a stick up their ass about male pawns. I made an adventuring bro duo for the first game so I'm doing it again here so I can get a more direct comparison. >>957127 Forgot to mention the terrible monster-hunter-at-home music, the seemingly complete absence of hitstop entirely, the wimpy SFX, and how the former two combine to make moves feel weak as shit compared to the original. >>957064 There I am, with a fuckin "shota" pawn actively disproving your arguments about not seeing people use these things before you even made your post bitching about lolis, lmao. And a quick question to others in the thread playing the game. Do minotaurs die like bitches to you guys as well? If they get hit in the head at all while charging they instantly topple and tend to die shortly afterward, and my fighter pawn just counter slashes them every time so they always die in about a minute or two. Hell, first time I encountered a Goreminotaur in the coal cave near Bakbattahl it literally died in less than 60 seconds due to exactly that. And then I get a mace that deals bonus damage to minotaurs from that same chamber to boot so now my fighter wrecks the poor bastards even harder.
>>957150 Yeah, I see what you're talking about now. The movement seems to be a downgrade, although at the same time It hasn't hurt my experience with the game. I still think people are being unfair towards the game since the corporate side of capcom is exploitive as fuck, that being said some of the best devs in Japan also work at capcom and I would like to see them succeed despite DD2's poor launch.
>>957150 Are you really incapable of accounting for momentum?
>>957187 It wasn't a thing in the first game. And it feels awful. There was no reason to add it in this game. Controls that hinder your ability to control your character should stay in shitpost viral meme games and rage games where they belong.
>>957157 People are being harsh because the game is steps back to the original or barely improves the existing mechanics, the game was rushed as Capjew gives more of a fuck about MH.
So Dragon's Dogma 2 has multiplayer now or is it a mod?
>>957259 Probably a mod
>>957259 You got a video? Might actually make the game worth pirating.
>>957481 I do, but it is in spanish. Can't find anything else.
>>957481 Every game is worth pirating none of them is worth spending money on - Anon. E. Moose.
The faggots on nexus took this down for some reason, this lets you play warfarer with skills unhindered. Just drop it into your mod folder and give it a spin. https://litter.catbox.moe/okrzr7.zip
>>957520 Yeah I don't know what he's going on about either considering I found this after some brief research. Maybe he's talking about a mod that let you equip master skills as Warfarer?
>>957485 Anons were too lazy to finish an rpgmaker game
>>957527 to be fair, half of that was because anons were too lazy to use git and collab rpg maker is a pain in the ass
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At this point I'm in the unmoored world, evacuating settlements and closing portals, and I just want it to be over so I can play something else. I didn't feel like this with the OG DD.
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>>957527 I want my game exciting, not an e-book like the bible for the Gameboy.
I closed all the portals and evacuated all the settlements. I did the end-credits thing and got the true ending. I think I'm done with the game. First DD I went straight to NG+ but I'm burnt out on this one. I'm going to play some Helldivers 2 instead I think. I might go back and get all the DD2 achievements later if I feel like it.
>>957611 >slain-dragon.webp >not lain dragon
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>>957611 >webp
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>>957560 >At this point I'm in the unmoored world Disgusting
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>>957643 How dare you. Mods, execute this man.
>>957483 Post it
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>>957662 There
>>958401 Now make it a webp.
>>958401 Disgusting.
>>958401 >just get a new haircut and go to the gym bro
>>958401 It's been years since I've seen this, such a otherwise disturbing image turned to farce by that godly filename
>mods to make the game harder >encounters are now 3x more packed with large and small monsters >buffed defense against magic so you can't just blast most things with lightning >heavy nerf to Augural Flare so you can't just one tap drakes >armor and weapons are now even more fashion's dogma than they were in vanilla >made martial classes much easier to play >for some reason they nerfed the fuck out of mystic spearhand but barely touched magic archer >nobody knows what to do with trickster Mods is mods I guess.
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>>958739 To paraphrase something I saw another anon say: good modders aren't the necessarily good game designers. Ever play Doom wads? A lot of them are focused more on looking cool than playing well.
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>>958780 Never heard this phrase before, but yeah it's pretty correct. Modding in general is a mixed bag but mod design won't always line up with dev philosophies for better or worse. For some reason the Someguy Series for Fallout NV comes to mind where the first mod the author made for it, New Vegas Bounties 1, completely fucked up the early game economy by giving massive cap payouts that were mostly build-agnostic (unlike casino raiding which is luck dependent) and the mod being geared to be played early game. Something he swiftly corrected with Part 2 and any future mods while also making them a fair bit more difficult. Also remember a ton of Skyrim mods like Darkend where the mod author says it's made for lv20/30 chars but the actual difficulty is scaled to lv50/60 characters and the rewards are equivalent to materials around those levels. Like modders think people are going to go into their shit min-maxing out the ass. >>958821 She a cute, who's she supposed to be? If not just someone's knightess OC?
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>>958821 Izzat fucking Jean D'Arc?
>>958933 I dunno lol
>>958821 careful now, french autists don't like it when one portrays joan as a blonde
>>958954 If you don’t like race swaps but are fine with hair swaps you are a hypocrite
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>>958954 >>958983 c'mon now, blonde jeanne is perfectly fine. a cute, even.
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>>959125 That's not even the best blonde Jeanne that also appears in a gatcha.

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>>959129 Only serves to make my point even further. blonde jeanne a cute!!!
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>>958401 You know what's even more disturbing?
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>>959289 I haven't seen him shave since World Peace, it's weird to see that old Sam look on his current body. He looks like such shit now, what is it HGH or something? Why did his face get like that.
>>959289 HGH vs HRT
Well, finished DD2. Final verdict is that it's mediocre, not at all what was promised, and I want my money back. Game feels outright incomplete and it feels like the writers just stopped giving a shit after first reaching Battahl and suddenly gave a shit again in the Unmoored World, giving the actual "ending" a very hollow and rushed feeling like a story not done, which runs counter to the big thing about the first game being a mostly complete three-act story by the time you're facing the dragon. This Dragon is also a big chump and died like a bitch with no setpiece fight or anything. Fucker just monologues to you and then puts up a wimpy ass effort to defend himself as he crumples like a tin can with his massive weakspot he doesn't even try to put out of reach. Sphinx quest felt like the one good sidequest out of a sea of mediocre sidequests and even then it had its BS like the urn riddle and the first seeker token riddle. The quest where you raid the scarlet snakes hideout and get that one guy to become a vendor if the other dude killed his family was good too. Most every other sidquest was either boring, generic, forgettable, or a mix of those. But to put it in a long list now that I've finished the game. >Fashion variety sucks. >Story ends like shit and like it had no third act if you don't include the Unmoored World. <They intended Unmoored World to be the third act but it just feels like a tacked-on bonus chapter storywise despite being the best part of the game for exploration and fights. >Exploration sucks due to constant fights >More enemy variety on paper doesn't help when you fight something every fifteen fucking steps >The combat itself is a huge downgrade from the original with the focus on the stagger system against small foes and everything stunlocking you. >Dullahans with their instant-teleporting bs and Arisen-heavy targeting made them the worst thing to fight repeatedly come the unmoored world where they're everywhere. >Sound effects and spell are a huge downgrade from the original. >Sprint heavily nerfed compared to the original despite larger world >Sorcerer felt like shit to play despite putting out good damage because of how anemic the sfx and vfx were. >Magick archer completely outclasses mage and Sorcerer, and breaks the game in half even without the one-shot-but-lose-your-health master skill. >Tons of skills missing from the game despite being promised returning skills from first game and the skills from missing classes to be added to the new ones >Only one extra vocation that's a fucking joke vocation in the form of the super-gimped wayfarer class (that's only good for true freedom of fashion and nerfing your stats so magick archer doesn't break the game so hard). >Trickster is a gimmick and a waste of a roster slot that could've gone to LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE instead of a deadweight class that relies on braindead AI to do anything. >Fighter and Warrior feel like ass because there's barely any (if any at all) hitstop on your moves anymore. >Music sucks dick and is just generic MonHun music with some tracks leaning more toward skyrim and Fallout 4 ripoffs (like the drake theme). >game runs like ass and the graphics DO NOT justify how demanding the game is to run. >Armor system is heavily downgraded from the original and the new upgrade system does not make up for the gearing depth nor the missing fashion variety. >Capcom pawns are ugly as fuck across the board compared to the good variety DD1 had. >Game was censored and doesn't let you make lolis/shotas anymore. <It was even double censored because they raised the height to 160cm despite 150 being perfectly functional and even working for online pawns if you mod them to be such (even if you lack the mod). >They killed twintails for the shitty kilmonger cut that they also shoved on a ton of NPCs including a prominent Mercenary dude. (No really what's the modern designer's obsession with this shitty cut that no real nigger wears). >Really easy to become overleveled due to quest saturation and excessive amounts of combat plus the lack of fast travel options. >Less weapons than the original >even with the gutted armor system there's less armor than the original and less overall variety in pawns because there's only one best in slot armor per vocation and the second-best ones are the same skimpy corset and not-frame-plate. >Due to character creator changes from presets to slider hell based on presets, online human pawns have a very bad case of sameface. >Beastren NPCs and CAPCOM beastren pawns have a bad case of sameface despite the variety the sliders let you have for some reason. I could probably list more and be more coherent about my points but this game isn't worth my time further. At most I might dick around with a loli or shortstack char in NG+ and see if I can actually make a good looking lass. Hell, even my dude and pawn turned out kind of dumb looking despite my best efforts.
>>959520 This sure was a massive disappointment.
>>959989 That's the general consensus from fans of the original, it doesn't remotely come close to the game DD1 was trying to be. It's not that huge sprawling RPG planned out in the original design documents.
>>959992 I wonder if the obligatory expansion would fix this or will if it will even come
>>959992 Yeah the honeymoon period was extremely short. I'm not seeing much positivity on it anymore.
>>959992 >it doesn't remotely come close to the game DD1 was trying to be That's a good way to put it. DD1 was trying to be something more than it was, but DD2 is just trying to be DD1 (and somehow failing).
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>>959520 >He trusted Capcom
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>>960154 SF6 and RE4R was my line in the sand. The remake was a wet fart compared to the OG version and SF6 clearly had SBI/ESG/DSi/[alphabet agency] hands all over it during its production. I'm just glad the blue bomber is so fucking dead and xover that crapcum doesn't even bother. It's a cold comfort.
>>960163 You'll still buy MonHun you little whore
>>960150 >>960136 >>959993 >>959520 I'm starting to believe those discord leaked about this game being targeted by a small group to dictate the flow of discussion for the sake of being disingenuous. The issue with DD2 is that it's basically more of the same game, but doesn't include the amount of content in the expansion. It's not a bad game by any means, although it doesn't have as much content as DD1+DA, which it absolutely should be called out for. That said playing it as a Bethesda game rather than focusing on the story makes the game 100x better since there's not a loading screen in sight, which I feel more people should call out considering how much of the game just loads instantaneously. That being said there are absolutely issues with the game like the movement being slightly worse and having less skills in the move tree. Although making shit up like that the exploration is bad because you're actively engaging in shit is just retarded grasping for straws kinda shit. I know the game has its flaws, especially when it comes to performance and how there's no mount to explore the world with, but to outright mix up talking point where the game is somehow bad because there's more enemy variants and then less variants the next day is just some Jewish cult shit. Stick to the facts rather than blindly hating the game.
>>960165 Capcom doesn't do as much anymore. Seems it's rare they produce a game that isn't MonHun, Street Fighter, or some resident evil shitshow. I guess DMC5 managed to exist, but wasn't that Itsuno basically pulling teeth with them? >>960218 >The issue with DD2 is that it's basically more of the same game, but doesn't include the amount of content in the expansion. Half and half. Combat is 10/10. And many of my complaints stem from it being flatly incomplete. However, performance problems and the shit story don't really fall into that boat. Most of what >>959520 said I completely agree with, though I haven't finished the game so I can't speak to the Unmoored World. >movement being slightly worse Other than the sprint meme being the same between two games, I honestly think that the base mechanics are just flatly better all around. Movement feels better in the game. >more enemy variants and then less variants the next day There's more minor enemy variants, but overall variants is tiny. You've got a few versions of each enemy to fight, and some have their own class variations too. If the overall enemy variety wasn't small, it'd feel amazing and one could appreciate the attention to detail there. When all you fight are Goblins, Saurians, Harpies, Skeletons, Wolves for regular enemies (and thats it) it gets old very, very quickly. (I guess Bandits too, but they're generally pretty limited and don't have real level variants like the other enemies do.) Especially when they managed to make the game feel like DQ2 with the frequency of fights happening every other step. With the volume of fights in the game, it needs more enemy types that are completely different to fight, not only minor variations of enemies that are basically just higher level versions of ones you already fought.
>>960218 Since you clearly didn't get my point about lacking enemy variety. There's more on paper due to slimes existing and there being an additional saurian variant (Normal+rattler+poison+magma+thunderscale vs normal+sulfur+magma+sage). In practice it feels like a lot less variety because the combat encounters are significantly less spaced apart and the map is significantly bigger than the original, so you fight magnitudes more mobs over a playthrough of DD2 than you do in DD1. One extra saurian variant and some blobs that show up rarely aren't enough to make up for having to fight those same enemies four times as much. Also, if we add the BBI enemy variants to the mix DD2 has less than DD1 period. Some people count it some don't. Also take your faggot-ass conspiracy theory and shove it where the sun don't shine you damn queer. My thoughts are my own, devised from my own gameplay and experiences, and scum like you claiming I don't have original thoughts in my head because I happen to be shitting on some game you like piss me off more than anything else. >>960228 >movement feels better No it fucking doesn't lmao. Your sprint runs out sooner than DD1 by a notable margin, your movement is slower when sprinting compared to DD1, and the movement is much less precise because Itsuno got a boner for GTA/RDR movement physics since DD1 came out and tacked on a shitty momentum system to your movement that prevents precise movements and turning. Shit's infuriating to me and is easily my least favorite part of DD2, and was especially annoying during the thieves challenge quest and the many, MANY times I threw myself to severe damage or death when trying to climb mountain paths and the game decided I wasn't in control anymore and made the arisen listen to the intrusive thoughts over my actual inputs.
>>960234 >Your sprint runs out sooner than DD1 by a notable margin Sure, if you're running between places, but I have a stamina ring for that. It is annoying though. Sprint shouldn't consume stamina out of combat, and travel options between two points is a major problem. Mounts (even just basic ass horses) would've been good to have in this game. >movement is much less precise Other than climbing mechanics being messy when the boss is jerking about, I'm usually able to position myself quite well. I do see that some gameplay videos people have problems with momentum in movement and the like. But I have not had these issues. Are you playing with a controller? >climb mountain paths and the game decided I wasn't in control anymore Yeah, never had this problem. I find it easy to traverse them and sometimes I end up hitting a invisible wall because I climbed out of the play area with sorcerer/mage's hover ability. I only ended up using said hover ability late in the game after unlocking Warfarer, for added context.
>>960234 I really think you're trying to hate the game rather than giving it a fair shake. One one hand you're right about DD1 having more general content than DD2, and it's performance/MTX issues should absolutely be called out since it was rushed in some areas rather than being delayed to sometime later in the year. Although the games movement is nowhere NEAR Rockstar bad considering you can still move your character with ease and can have a lot of fun with the classes that exist despite the balance issues. >>960228 I'm half and half on >>959520's post since while I believe he makes a lot of good points, another chunk of his posts are also either wrong or some kinda skill issue >Tons of skills missing from the game despite being promised returning skills from first game and the skills from missing classes to be added to the new ones >Capcom pawns are ugly as fuck across the board compared to the good variety DD1 had. >Due to character creator changes from presets to slider hell based on presets, online human pawns have a very bad case of sameface. >Beastren NPCs and CAPCOM beastren pawns have a bad case of sameface despite the variety the sliders let you have for some reason. >Fashion variety sucks. >Exploration sucks due to constant fights >More enemy variety on paper doesn't help when you fight something every fifteen fucking steps >The combat itself is a huge downgrade from the original with the focus on the stagger system against small foes and everything stunlocking you. I think a lot of people don't realize that technically speaking this is the first sandbox game that Capcom has made since DD1 Basically took place mostly on the same road with the game heavily punishing you for going too far away from the main town. I think the game is absolutely troubled by Capcom's signature executive greed, but at the same time it's a great game that when the issues are fixed is a game people should experience.
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>>960218 >I'm starting to believe those discord leaked about this game being targeted by a small group to dictate the flow of discussion for the sake of being disingenuous. <People had an opinion I didn't like REEEEEEEE God fucking forbid that people have different opinion then you do.
>>960228 >Movement feels better in the game. The movement is a downgrade to DD1 and feels clunky, yes DD1 did definitely have some fucking jank to it's movements. But you still had a lot more mobility then you do in DD2, there are so many design choices in DD2 that make me question if the devs playtested.
>>960218 It's telegraphed at times when games are targeted by people to dictate the flow of discussion for the sake of being disingenuous. Targeters don't know shit, can't go deep, and rehash memes. DD2 critique I saw hasn't went like this. It's elaborate, aware, and indistinguishable from original thought. The critique's probably ingenuous, your tastes just differ.
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>>960218 >>960267 >>960376 There is some Discord group targeting 4/v/ over the game, but I really don't think that's what is happening here. There is that one autist who's chronically asshurt over Capcom, but the posts ITT don't fit his MO at all. It seems more like people are genuinely disappointed with DD2, as >>960136 said there was a honeymoon period but that lasted even less time than Starfield's, though I haven't seen discussion of the game get anywhere as negative as that.
>>960379 >honeymoon period My first impressions were severely impacted by the performance issues. I think if it didn't have performance issues and crashes I would've contributed to the 'honeymoon period' instead of being sour from the get-go. Seriously, as first impressions go DD2 could do quite well in its first hour, assuming perfect performance/no bugs. Sadly, crapcom has decided to ignore doing anything for this game post launch. Maybe one more minor bugfix will be granted after the launch of the DLC.
>>960379 >even less time than Starfield's I'm the anon that made that post and I think Starfield's was shorter. DD2 probably got three good weeks. Starfield at best got two if not a single week.
A new survey https://jp.research .net/r/P_DD2?lang=en This one gives a big free field, but only if you choose you've played it. Just say you refunded it. Be sure to choose lowest possible score for text clarity/localization field and complain about the tranny body type shit lack of lolis, and shit performance for $80.
The fact this thread has been dead for 3 months after a literal decade of waiting for a sequel is a fucking testament to how badly Capcom fucked it up. Has there been any word on expansions or DLC or anything new coming for the game? >>982540 Thanks anon.
What still get's me is how many tried to shill for the worst reasons for this game, yea there was disinfo regarding shit. But the sheer amount of flimsily excuses was too much.
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I played all of DDDA and having finished DD2, and seen almost everything there is to do, the game does feel unfinished. Still no moon, the ending feels even more rushed than the first game. Lots of changes to things like movement, vocations, items for the worse. Your beloved has even less of a role than the first game. An inferior story than the first game despite the fact the first game's story was already very laidback. The ending was very rushed, before you touch the pillar of light that leads to the end I thought it was going to be a final boss fight, but it turned out to be mostly a playable cutscene with lore dump/dialogue that only makes a little sense if you played the first game and know about the translation issues. The post dragon world is a downgrade compared to the first game. You get a small extra expansion of land to walk around and explore with more of the same enemies. Compared to the first where you got new enemy variants in place of old ones, some replacing weaker ones in certain places, and new loot. And you got the Everfall to explore. The first game, despite the story being not as typically told as others, did have you learn more about the world as long as you didn't miss quests and talked to certain NPCs. The second game's plot fools you into thinking it's about one thing and then dropping it halfway through. It dumps the deeper hidden lore/workings of the world with even less build up than the first game did. I wonder what good a DLC/Expansion might do for DD2. Whether it would make the whole game better or just be more of the same. The game's map does seem it is designed to be added on to or at least they had things in mind for the worldspace you can't get to but didn't/couldn't implement in the final game.
>>982566 (checked) >testament to how badly Capcom fucked it up I ended up replaying the first one and my interest in the second died after that. Maybe I'll try it in the future when it gets more patches/dlc. >>982682 Thanks for the writeup anon. Shame it wasn't what everyone hoped. Hopefully they can flesh it out more as time goes on.
>>982682 I see. I actually liked the first game's story where the only thing that made people have a soul is developing the will to live and that by default everyone was no better than a pawn. Any idea if there is going to be an expansion? I liked the first game too much and I still want to have useless hope and delusions of control.
>>982715 Apparently there was rumors that one is coming in October. Unlikely now though. Dead game because of Capcoms' incompetence.
>>982716 So Dragon's Dogma became just the usual dump and forget about it consumerism trash? I guess there a no more good games.
>>982715 game devs tend to repeat themselves. so, like the first game, i would expect some kind of DLC or expansion in the next year or two for DD2, based on how long it took for Dark Arisen to come out. It seems that's just how video games are these days, getting the rest of it released in DLC after it comes out.
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>>982716 >>982719 All they had to do is give is lolis and it would have been successful. You remember the lolis dontcha Capcom?
>>982847 Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 were both considerable financial failures.
>>982719 That's how a AAA life's cycle works. >Old ip with dedicated fanbase? <Alienate said fanbase <Hire streamers and e-celebs with no backbone to do the bidding for your game <Pit the original, conservative fanbase with the newcomers, mostly niggercattle eager to censor and remove anything "problematic" from th egame <Don't improve on the game and build on the foundations laid by the original game and the playerbase familiarity with it <Release said game I am forgotten Some of you faggots supported this, and are also supporting Elden ring. Just don't come here bitching about it.
>>982865 > and are also supporting Elden ring. Why are you so asshurt over Elden Meme? They've made the DLC so hard that normies are crying and took a lot of the complaints about the openworld to heart with the new map.
>>982868 Just saw an e-celeb get up for his shitty Elden ring stream. I'm mad ad this people. I avoid them like cancer and i still get a glimpse of them every now and then.
>>982881 nigger thats your fucking problem, literally rent free like a stupid retard
>>982883 If you don't think fromsoft games haven gotten progressively worse thanks to the niggercattle influence surrounding it, you are delusional. Remember 40k and how they could never fuck around with that IP?
>>982886 Fromsoft games also ruined the discussion and design of ARPGs and Action games since everyone expects these games to be a soulslike.
>>982886 >If you don't think fromsoft games haven gotten progressively worse thanks to the niggercattle influence surrounding it, you are delusional. Are you just butthurt over Fromsoft? What has gotten worse? People are having meltdowns over the new DLC being hard. >>982951 That's not really From's fault as whenever something becomes popular others tend to copy it and you saw this with >Doom >COD >BF >FF >Halo >Diablo >Elder Scrolls So blaming From for shit that's been happening for decades is silly.
>>982989 You're right, but it's still frustrating considering that soulsdrones were basically shitting on this game for not being a soulslike.
>>983041 I don't remember seeing any criticism like that. Closest was people asking for dodges to be a universal mechanic but that's a thing for a lot of action games, not just soulslikes. Most of the shitting on the game was due to the performance being so ass, the gameplay being a downgrade from the original in a lot of was, the reduced skill numbers, the microstransactions, the enemy spam, and the lack of lolis or dwarves and other odd character creator limitations. Where the hell were you seeing people demand it become a soulslike?
>>982881 Sekiro and Elden Ring were great though
This is the Dragon Dogma thread why all of you talking about another game
So it has been a few months now, is it safe to say the game was fucking garbage? I was a huge DD1 fan, it was a console exclusive though so I had to wait a few years. I did not buy DD2. I honestly wanna keep pretending dragons dogma is a game that will never get a sequel. Thoughts?
>>983534 A thinking man's approach.
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>>983514 >Elden Ring >great It's the complete bastardization of the souls formula >Bosses are endless combos with no gaps to attack, blocking is not the most optimal route so you'll end up rollspamming endlessly, or cheesing the game with ranged weapons >Recycled enemies through the whole game, that boss that was interesting? You're gonna fight him again 5+ times at best >Variety in the combat is non-existent and most enemies are approached in the same way, which is related to- >All locations feel the same gameplay wise (compare the differences between the undead burg, blighttown, sen's fortress and anor londo, with the differences between leyndell, limgrave, mountaintops and caelid) >the story is basically non-existent, the very few NPCs you might stumble upon are irrelevant given the size of the game, meaning you might not stumble upon them, and even if you did they add nothing to the story of it. >it's all shit that i've played before but worse >let's not get into the instant 2-shotting that becomes the norm afterwards, even with the buffs the flasks can give Sekiro is a good game though, I can give you that. Elden Ring is all that the From Software games should've never been, which is a parody of itself.
Here's a survey, let capcom know what you think about how they fucked up the localization, performance and polish. https://jp.research.net/r/p_dd2?lang=en https://archive.ph/7wVGr
>>982716 What the fuck are you talking about? The game sold about three million units in the first month alone, capcom is probably gonna continue making the expansion and then get Itsuno to work on DMC6.
>>983570 >the story is basically non-existent Have you ever fucking played a souls game?
>>983041 See below >>983512 >Most of the shitting on the game was due to the performance being so ass, the gameplay being a downgrade from the original in a lot of was, the reduced skill numbers, the microstransactions, the enemy spam, and the lack of lolis or dwarves and other odd character creator limitations. Where the hell were you seeing people demand it become a soulslike?
Dogma 2 was just a piss poor game but I find the ass hurt over FromSoftware that pops up in every Dogma thread hilarious.
>>983628 If I didn't play a Souls game I wouldn't be making the point I'm bringing up here. You meet the NPCs in Dark Souls 1 on various occasions and they're not as easy to miss as in elden ring. And because of how the game is set you're going to see how everything progresses. Not a single drop of that in Elden Ring. You get a quest for some NPC in the round table at best, or playing Where's Waldo trying to find where they appear next at worst. I had 110 hours and was already in Snowlake by then, and apparently I didn't even stumble upon Blaidd, who I don't even know if it's relevant to the game or not. This game is all sorts of fucked and pretending it's not is ridiculous
>>983638 It's been the same vague shit for every souls game, why are you pretending otherwise?
>>983641 No it's not, and no I'm not. Elden Ring is too poorly structured compared to the previous games, I understand you being redundant is to deflect from this, but the only thing accepting these changes does is making the future games worse than they already are now. I hope you understand what you're doing here.
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>>983570 >the souls formula I don't give a shit about that
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Why the hell did the DD2 thread devolve into some fag or two bitching about Elden Ring when there's a souls thread RIGHT THERE? >>982682 Damn shame. I've heard theories that Capcom fucked this game like they did the first one so they can they can have an excuse to send Itsuno back to the DMC mines and it's looking more and more like that's the case. >I wonder what good a DLC/Expansion might do for DD2. Whether it would make the whole game better or just be more of the same. The game's map does seem it is designed to be added on to or at least they had things in mind for the worldspace you can't get to but didn't/couldn't implement in the final game. I would not be surprised if Capcom ripped out content from the base game just to sell it back to you for like $30 USD at the cheapest, it would be on-brand for them at this point. Sadly, it might end up being the best thing about the game, even if it turns out to be just a reskinned Bitterblack Isle.
DD2 is a total fucking mess and is given way too much slack for things other games would be hung for. This game manages to be several steps backwards compared to the original DD. They had 10 years to do this right and fucked it up.
>>984138 B-but Itsuno told me this was his dream game!
>>984155 He was forced into saying that most likely.
You've got till the end of the month to fill out this survey and tell Capcom you hated >tranny shit in character creation >lack of female animations >160cm minimum height >skill limits >denuvo and engima protector making game run like shit >lack of layered armor >$70 >microtransactions >tranny as "official pawn" You have to say you bought and played it, but just say you refunded it. https://jp.research .net/r/P_DD2?lang=en
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>>984294 >I-it wasn't my fault >They made me do it I hope his next project is a failure and he is forced into retirement. >>1003270 Done. I've wasted 5 minutes and all i got was this stupid wallpaper
A whole lot of nothing...DD2 was some experiment for MonHunt Wild.
>>1007628 I'm thankful for DD2 it has convinced me to never buy another Capcom game.
>blackpill is active >suddenly the DD2 thread is active again to shit on capcom Oh my fuck is blackpill the crapcom guy too
>>1007632 This and the fucking Dead Rising living dead corpse rape along with their Fighting Collection censorship made it quite fucking easy to tell them to fuck off. >>1007635 Good thing your retarded paranoia can't stop DD2 from being a fucking disappointment and a halfassed game that Capcom allowed to placate Itsuno.
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>>1007635 That...makes an awfull lot of sense actually, specially if you recall that this all started with the DmC2 faggot sperging out jsut to annoy mark.
>>1007635 >>1007638 Are you trying to say anyone who hates modern Capcom is blackpillfag?
>>1007677 No, just a very particular one.
>>1007635 remember when there was a desperate attempt to control the narrative around this game prior to release by deleting the posts of anyone pointing to all the indicators that it was going to be shit in order to preserve the hype train? its almost like your boogeymen are just the streisand effect incarnate that you manifest yourself by trying to dictate what is and isn't allowed to be said and they wouldn't exist at all if you weren't such a little bitch.
>>1007677 The thread was dead until a very recent niggerpill spamming spree on the board, so it's a pretty logical assumption that he bumped this thread.
>>1007628 If you mean Dragon's Dogma 2 being a no show in Gamescom while the animations in Monster Hunter Wilds are eerily similar to some vocations from DD2, then yes, it was all a fucking joke.
>>1009425 The announcement is that the Dragon's Dogma Guy is being added to Smash Ultimate. Soccerguy lied again. Oh, and an anime is being announced, with a loli and a few cute girls as part of the main cast. By the end of the year, it'll be heralded as "actually a hidden gem" and "it was just the performance issues that made it bad."

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