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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

/b/'s Meta Thread Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:15:49 No. 410765 >>469414
This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You will probably get banned for posting here.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 07:56:40.
This site is still shit you're all niggers
I decided to start banning the ISIS fag for spam, but he made a good point about how he stayed in his containment thread, so I lifted the ban, but then I noticed his thread had been deleted, and checked the logs. It seems Vampyr is back. Vamp, if you're the BO again, de-vol me. I only stuck around to delete spam as a courtesy because there was no BO besides Codexx and there's no option to give up your own volunteer position.
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>>468999 This is absolutely horrible news seeing how Vampyr is the biggest sperg and a legit faggot. This retard should be in a group home with no access to the Internet. Please give as an update to this situation. If he is back I am gone.
>>469005 >If he is back I am gone. Logs are public.
>>469006 He used switch back and forth between several aliases. I suppose it is too much to hope for it is someone else using the old alias. Gotta wait for Ron to resurrect the real 8chan I guess.
>>469007 > I suppose it is too much to hope for it is someone else using the old alias. There is no reason at all to think this >Gotta wait for Ron to resurrect the real 8chan I guess. What the hell are you smoking? At most, they're going to change the site name back if they get a gorillion dollars. It'll still be same Qboomer and bot infest shithole that bans /loli/ and /pol/ boards.
>>469005 I thought he died though.
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>>469017 Yeah, but I got better.
>>469022 Okay, but are you the board owner now? If so, remove me from the vols.
>>469022 Vamp just tell me I'm not good on the lore, you ran zoo before the current zoo runner, right? Because damn you ran zoo good, this new guy runs zoo like a retarded nigger there's not even hot chicks in thigh high boots getting fucked anymore it's all sick fucks and trolls posting videos of dead animals and animal feces and men fucking animals in their pussies and assholes and no normal non abusive womanxdog or womanxhorse porn barely, please take that board back if you're the one who was running it before now.
>>469058 Cloaca here. I made /zoo/ so I could post about snake pussy. Then I think I forgot about it, but it was popular enough that other people took over the board. Don't know if Vamp was one of them. Vamp, do you like animal buggery?
>>469065 You are such a lazy bastard. Okay so july 4th weekend 2021, you said man itd be nice ti have a /zoo/ board, and me and chai locked eyes and both said "then make one" (cuz then animal shit wouldn't be on /b/) and you were all "noooo, its too hard and it will never catch on or get any activity" and then me and chai got increasingly frustrated with you. So then Chai just went ahead and claimed the board, ran it for a month, then gave it to you. Point made. Only it wasn't cuz then it took you three months to realize you were BO, and then you asked if I was still a vol (I was as part of an effort to learn how to moderate from Chai) and made me BO. I ran it begrudgingly for three years. Mostly out of spite to prove a point to you.
>>469058 Lore was blogposted here >>>/zoo/7748 a couple years ago
>>469066 >>469068 Whether this is actually what happened or is revisionism, I don't have the memory to say. More power to you either way and good luck.
>>469058 Anyways, no, sorry. I am busy. Maybe later.
Regardless of whether you unvol me, I am no longer touching /b/.
Can someone to something about W00t? He's obviously underage b& and his third world schizophrenia is stinking up the place
>>469133 Frozen peaches means unless you can prove he's broken a global rule, we cannot do a thing about him.
>>469134 Oh yes frozen peaches for thee but not for me I see how it is WHEN I WANT TO DISCUSS THE PHILOSOPHICAL
>>469135 Are you a pedophile?
>/v/ meta isn't allowed in the /v/ meta thread Lmao.
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>>469154 >He then remade his post that he deleted at my joke suggestion Absolutely fucking astounding!
>>469208 >Soynigger >Calling others new Lmao, go play minecraft, kid.
Hi //b// From where is this saying ? What's its history? "Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."
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this is the /b/ metagame
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>>469406 What is yandex broken?
>>469512 Ok please elaborate. Duckduckgo removes ads and has a decent image search ability Yandex.com mainly is the best img search, but maybe google.com is the best. Bing will block most porn Safari is well enough
>>469546 >startpage bruh
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>>469599 >PAID tributes kiss my ass, goy!
Why did my post get deleted?
>>469772 Violation local rule 1, it was in the meta thread, and finally I felt like it.

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