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/b/'s Meta Thread Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:15:49 No. 410765 >>418045 >>418185 >>419951 >>449283 >>459040 >>463517 >>468891 >>469414
This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You will probably get banned for posting here.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 07:56:40.
>>417330 >if you dont let me post cp then theres no free speech!
>>417331 >I don't know what cp is
>>417330 >im angry about not being able to post cp, so I'm just gonna lie my ass off... Hehe.... No one will notice Wow that's pathetic.
>>417330 > the Spics, even when it was the mods and BO i knew it was them.
Daily reminder. I'm never allowing illegal content. Bitching about that is a waste of your time. That being said I don't value your time very highly so go for it.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/21/2022 (Tue) 23:20:38.
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>>417357 Most of what you remove isn't illegal. Denial isn't going to unfuck this board but keep lying that lie, maybe someone will believe it.
>>417390 >waaaaaaahhh I told you back in april. No discussion of paedophilia, absolutely no pedoshit whatsofuckingever. I am aware that pure text has very little legal issues. I am removing it in accordance with the local rules, and my word. Now did you have a question or did you just wanna bitch about how I won't let you discuss fornicating with minors?
>>417357 > wont allow illegal content > allows illegals to post content
>>417395 Anon when they are still in their own shithole countries they aren't illegal immigrants.
>>417392 does this look like pedoshit to you?
kill yourself herdnigger
>>417415 That depends. Do you think it represents a human?
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>>417420 You win this round anon.
>>417392 >I'm just banning CP >okay, truth is I'm banning arbitrary shit >just ignore that lie I lied >you're just crying because new reason Listen you moronic faggot, if anyone doesn't have free speech no one does. ANY restriction on speech is the first shackle in the chain. This isn't about wanting to vote Dems. If this was about wanting to vote Dems this site wouldn't exist solely for me to visit every week or so to mock. It wouldn't be empty and sad. /b/ wouldn't be between number 5 and 10 for the last however long. It's not about WHICH thing you ban. You could have banned excessively liberal speech like they did on Voat. Or excessively conservative speech like Facebook et al. It doesn't fucking matter. You picked a category of speech to ban and that kills the canary. So go ahead, call me a whining pedo again, it doesn't fix YOUR problem. It doesn't fix this site. It doesn't make this place anyone wants to visit. Blame this on your mother or on my mother or on the planets being out of phase on a Tuesday when Cracky-chan was supposed to return. It doesn't matter. You're a failmod or a fail admin running a fail site and no amount of cope is going to change that.
whining pedo
>>417482 free speech is an illusion, in case you haven't realized that by now. you should have realized that in 2016 really. whoever has power gets to decide what can and cannot be said. welcome to the real world.
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I'll do it.
>>417498 >implying you wouldn't fuck this chiId
>>417528 yeah. yeah i would. im still not wrong.
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Niggers be gay yo
Post something entertaining already fuck. Just >blah blah blah blah Every day. Fucking come on already.
i cant archive the TOR URL anymore can someone remove the referer 404 guru meditation blocker thingy or whitelist archive.is? [In response to a request we received from 'The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)' the page is not currently available.] i get this message im not a pedo
>>417548 You've been archiving /b/ ... Why? For how long? And finally what makes you think this is the sites meta as opposed to this boards?
>>417549 im the resident filipino schizo named w7-890 just archiving random boards and altchans i encounter on sight cuz why not somebody's gotta have to do the job if the board looks rather small (less than 1gb in total) ill decide to save it locally to my ssd i was the one who saved the 300+ reply threads on this /b/oard whenver i visit looks important even though i dont read it all
>>417550 The how long part matters. This board was hijacked by pedos from september last year til this past april. So odds are you have archived a shit load of pedo cyclicals. No wonder archive is pissed at you. Did you save any threads from before sept 2021?
New policy. Anyone lying their ass off is getting deleted. If you can't be honest in your complaint then I don't give two shits about you or your complaint. The truth shall set you free anons. Stop lying to yourselves and others. It's a mental illness.
>>417552 i saved pages 1 to 28 (without the threads itself) and a couple of 600 reply stickies and the old bumplocked vaccine thread (oh shit i can no longer find it due to archives getting blocked) >the archive hates you i did archive it once but mostly i saved the UK news threads if i were banned i would get a different message this is the same error i got when looking for mewch i didn't even realize this site was CP until the other altchanners (non-4cuck) told me i thought it was just a regular chan and yes i did get banned before for saving the buffalo shooter links on 4chan (when i click save on normal URLs it just redirects to not found later on it works again) all i ask for is acid to unblock the referer thingy or atleast allow archive.is normally (surprisingly the /b/ images works now)
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/24/2022 (Fri) 17:42:07.
Someone post music already. This thread is getting too dry and stuffy
>>417558 well please post some links. I would very much like to restore my threads that Silvia fucking nuked. And also anon you come upon me on the 15 month of a holy crusade against the bastards who stole my board. My patience for pedoshit is at an all time low. Consider yourself warned.
>>417558 It is a regular chan. We had problems for a bit but are better now.
>>417560 >my board tell that to the last person who thought this was their board. you're a glorified janny that will be replaced the moment you quit doing it for free get off your high horse.
>>417560 (inb4 this one gets baleeted) i didn't really save the links i just click and forget im not even sure i 'chived the catty >>417558 kek what just happened did this thread just auto refresh my VM display shrunk to 640x480 due to ram overload? oh well the deleted ones werent really that important anyway and i already read it >>417561 ok i also saved mewch.cf (on my other VM) on the last day someone was spamming CP for good and then it went down a day after i saved it (the important ones and the music videos were already saved on the archive.org)
>>417562 Anon I was telling Silvia that from his first day in. And in the end who was proven right? >>417563 Silvia was the pedo BO. I wasn't requesting cp you stupid fuck I was requesting my threads that the pedos purged upon seizing the board. So you want Acid to remove the hotlink block so you van archive cp. That's why you are here. Well then I don't give two fucks about you fuckface. Go find somewhere else for your depravity. You aren't wanted or welcome here. To be clear. Go fuck yourself.
>>417564 yeah silvias a retard and I was telling them how pointless being a bootlicker was from the beginning as well. doesn't change the fact that you're just as much a bootlicking faggot and just as full of yourself to where all my complaints about them go double for you.
>>417564 whoah man calm down that wasnt my intention besides whats stopping them from just saving the cp locally also for some reason why is /zoo/ still up and it just archives normally they can just move there later on (fuck furfags and lgbtq abominations) >requesting CP i dont even know the BO names here i was just checking the threads to shitpost here normally and then move on with my daily business >get out fuckface #JewsArentValid
>>417565 I'm sure you did. I am positive you were telling him to spam cp. I am sure in your mind that was a good idea. And what did stealing a board and making it pedocentric do? It pissed me off to the point of making it my life goal to purge all of you. You made this happen. These are the rewards for your actions. So keep pushing me.
>>417566 One year ago Chai owned /b/ and /zoo/ He left and gave each of his vols here a board to watch. You can archive /zoo/ because his trust in me was well placed. We have no illegal content. Silvia lost /b/ because the trust placed in him was misplaced. And yes Jews all deserve to die. They are the enemy of all mankind. And as for why can't pedos just go somewhere else to get their cp? I don't know. But I suspect they too shall be considering that now.
Uh uh uh What did I say about lying now?
And now for something completely different.
>>417548 >[In response to a request we received from 'The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)' the page is not currently available.] i get this message im not a pedo (((Somebody))) reported this site's onion domain to archive.today until it was blacklisted from their archives. As far I know the admins are communicating with the owner of archive.today to remove the onion domain from the blacklist.
>>417578 best day of the year tbh
>>417581 Hell yeah. Candy apple razor blades. Young dead will soon be in graves. Dead /cat/s hanging from poles. Best day of the year.
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>>417582 fat lesbians dressed up like witches trying to get losers to buy booze for 'em
>>417664 If I dealt with that I would move. Oh btw you should move.
>>417665 >move Well, I did that. Now the fat lesbians have different accents.
>>417667 Uhuh sure sure. So anyway now that your in a rural area and they are trespassing. Shoot em.
(5.00 MB 300x300 identity crisis.gif)

>>417669 Kansas CIty > Philadelphia > Chicongo > New Hampshire You know, maybe I'm just a magnet for fat lesbians. I guess I should accept my fate and become one myself.
>>417670 No those are all just terrible places to live. Anon don't live in leftist shitholes.
>>417550 You wouldn't happen to have an archive of the /b/ meta thread from just after /hebe/ was created, would you?
threads don't show up when i click the catalog. am i the only one with this issue?
>>417833 They take one moment to appear on my end. I think it's something related to the websocket.
Still a failsite lol
>>410765 (OP) >why wont you all just stop posting and leave? because we hate you. congrats on figuring out that everything is about you though. heads up, we are all out to get you.
Inb4 I get banned for spamming the same thing every third day and filling up this DEAD BOARD
>>418112 spam isnt free speech
>>410765 (OP) how do i become mod
>>418185 ask Chai very nicely. or be such an amazingly giant fuckup that he asks you.
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Roses are red Violets are blue This board is dead Wish you were too
>>418240 I fucked your mom. and she loved it.
>>418266 I dont know if your ever gonna see tell me whats gone wrong with society
>>418275 I got no future this is no life for me
>>418275 >tfw someone starts talking about age of consent
>>418275 3D lolis are shit
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>>418285 >implying
>>418287 Fucking hell. That pic scared me for a second until I noticed the irregular polygons in the kneesocks and the 90's tier illumination of the right curtain.
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>>418288 only a matter of time until you won't be able to tell at all anymore.
>>418295 Hopefully the world will devolve into an anarchic state before hyperrealistic loli porn is created and banned.
So further down the ladder this board goes. Im going to share something with you guys, a little advice gained from my years lurking various imageboards. Pandering to these spics and allowing them to overwhelm the site will only lead to ruin and eventually all your memes will be bilingual garbage, spammed thru the catalog clogging it up with tacos and burritos and worst of all... unfunny, leading to the eventual demise of this place as they have others. There are examples of this phenomenon, learn from them. I tried to help you.
>>418315 >BAN ALL SPICS no.
>>418321 Then all hope is lost.
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>>418325 ese you stepping on my hood. now we talk about DBZ and cars mang.
>>418215 Who is this Chai and how can I contact him?
>>418488 the traitor known as Chai is a wanted criminal and former BO of this board. he is wanted for cowardice, desertion, barratry, and last I heard they added AWOL to the list. any information leading to his capture currently has a $40 bitcoin payout plus a $20 dave and busters giftcard.
>>418490 bet you wish you were that based.
>>418491 tbf I got the dave and busters card for free.
>>418492 did you steal it off the child you just molested?
>>418493 weird question uh no, and no that never occured.
>>418495 say whatever you want I've been watching.
>>418496 then you really suck at watching. now... Do you know the traitor Chai?
>>418497 it was me all along.
>>418499 okay 3 things. 1. so how do you get voled here anyway then? >>418185 this dude wants to know man. 2. I fired Darwin, Kazu, Silvia, and Head 3. spot of bad news you are actually on trial for barratry, cowardice in the face of the enemy, desertion in the face of the enemy, being AWOL (silvia killed your meta thread) and finally bit petty I know, but littering in regards to your banners being left lying around.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/08/2022 (Fri) 03:36:31.
>>418500 >he actually believed me if you want to fuck chai so badly you'll have to buy him dinner first.
>>418506 thats what the dave and busters card is for.
>>418507 chai is an adult unlike your former partners so you'll have to think of something more classy than an arcade.
>>418508 I heard he was an underage asian whose crazy for dance dance revolution. I would have chosen chuck E Cheeses but I wanna get him liquored up first. you see years ago either him or Kaz deleted my thread. so im just gonna rape them both to be safe.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/08/2022 (Fri) 04:03:08.
>>418509 why is kazu a mod of this board if you want to rape him? looks more like seducing him to me you faggot. I bet you have his asshole saved along with marks.
>>418511 he lives in my basement now. and I assure you I have kept his ass tight and virginal. I have been saving it for when I can find Chai.
>>418512 you faggots must have figured out how to be contagious in more than just your rampant STDs because I feel like you're giving me the gay just by having read that. I'd better get out of here before I start thinking moderating an imageboard is a good idea too.
>>418513 one last question before you go then. Do you know the traitor Chai?
>>418490 > $20 dave and busters giftcard Something with actual value being offered, enticing indeed but snitches are bitches.
>>418315 why don't you like spic memes?
>>418500 >barratry barratry ~ noun uncommon 1. traffic in ecclesiastical offices or preferments 2. the crime of a judge whose judgment is influenced by bribery 3. (maritime law) a fraudulent breach of duty by the master of a ship that injures the owner of the ship or its cargo; includes every breach of trust such as stealing or sinking or deserting the ship or embezzling the cargo 4. the offense of vexatiously persisting in inciting lawsuits and quarrels Synonyms: simony
>>418609 we operate under naval law here, and as such it is the third meaning which is germane to our case.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/09/2022 (Sat) 05:21:19.
>>418490 Okay, but how do I contact him? IRC? XMPP?
>>418664 No one Knows. Why? You want thr reward?
Why did you change from highlighting a reply to scrolling automatically to it now, having to scroll thru a whole thread to see a reply is annoying af.
>>419156 That's a change introduced by the admins. Post your issue on >>>/site/
Spoiler or Bust!
where is my mind?
>>419673 >So did you come back and delete the thread later? No, see >>419324
>>419680 >Wait, do you think I'm talking about the thread I just linked posts from being deleted? yes sorry for being retarded
>>419673 about ten minutes after I restored it, Amy edited the OP to say "I suck dicks". and I can't undo an edit. So. Amy killed your thread. Also I never deleted it to begin with, that was also Amy. And finally no. I have no idea what the beef between you is about.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/20/2022 (Wed) 23:01:48.
>>419687 Hasn't that been the rule since the beginning?
>>419692 I mean he uses a girls name. call him a tranny.
>>419695 i suck many penises
Edited last time by ILoveAmyRose on 07/21/2022 (Thu) 00:43:29.
>>419748 Get censored, dork. We can do whatever we want, before the final blow was struck.
gay crying
Edited last time by ILoveAmyRose on 07/21/2022 (Thu) 00:53:37.
>>410765 (OP) I made 11 origami in total, 2 books were read. I was only left to snort dilated. I was then jailed by the police in my sleep I presume and put in county. Left with only Xanax to swallow. I wasn't given a blanket in county. End
>>419951 fascinating.
Beaner boards are bumping this place back down again.
>>419995 Anyone's fault but your own, failfag
>>419995 k. dont care.
This site theme is so bad, i couldn't even find the captch answer box because it was pitch black lol.
>>420035 I requested a black font on a black background. with black highlights.
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>>420038 >i wish i had a black cock in my mouth right now
>>420075 no, that seems gay.
We Live To Die.
i want robbies tape they pruned my post. im willoncewas on twitter
>>420315 who the fuck are you
>>420315 I fucked your mom
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>>420317 everyone fuxed my mom they removed my other rep[y even
>>420323 yes violence breeds violence. BUT IN THE END IT HAS TO BE THIS WAY
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>>420325 >>420318 Based and Armstrongpilled
i made a hentai thread in here in 8chan but i got banned???? why??
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/29/2022 (Fri) 01:31:27.
>>420657 you werent banned. but the thread was deleted. and the reason why is because your pedokike. And I done told you I aint got time for that shit.
>>420657 nooo I was about to save these pics
>>420659 you should worry more about saving Chais soul.
>>420660 It's time to let him go. Chai abandoned this site before it could claim his soul forever...
>>420662 Chai was a traitorous pedophile cockswaggler.
>>420662 >his lol
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
The written word is a lie - John Lydon.
соси мой член, транссексуальная шлюха.
>>420812 herp thread-->post
Didn't I get a new vol? Where did he go?
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Stay mad tranny.
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>>421356 Stay, mad tranny!
>>421421 no, ruskie HeShes can go to hell.
>>417415 Looks like a fictional character to me
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shutup machines.
>>415160 The real question is where did they go
>>415160 And then schizos. It is always good to kill schizos.
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>>421434 What's the matter, Mr, Almighty fool who claims to be a God, what are you fucking afraid of? If you hate modern mechanical technology all that fucking much, join an Amish community, or move away to either the Arctic Circle areas of Alaska, Northern Yukon in Canada, Siberia, The Himalayas, or the Hindu Kush range of Afghanistan and Pakistan to become a hermit? >he thinks modern machines are the core of the problem Yeah no, as retarded as saying unironically that gun violence and school shootings are mainly caused by access to guns.
Hey mod, you pathetic putrid pile of pig poo, did you miss me?
>>422016 You have to be more specific anon, I deal with a lot of crazy people.
>>415123 Lack of active users, but that could easily be solved if more anons introduced their friends, family, and co-workers to this site. Be the change you wanna see in the world OP.
>>415123 Low IQ
>commiecat poster now fails to pass your purity test like everyone else I always figured it was you samefagging because he was the only one left.
>>422745 Spam is spam.
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>>422778 >original flavor Nigger why though.
/b/ is 3rd one down on the front page now. What happened, all the spics finally get deported?
>>423022 No? the 2nd most active board is still hispachan, /arepa/, /mex/, /av/, /hisrol/, /ac/, /vt/ and /col/ are all hispanic boards.
>>423022 Turns out when you kick the pedos people wanna come post again. Who knew.
Stay mad Sil.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 08/22/2022 (Mon) 19:04:18.
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The "watch thread" button is missing in the custom theme.
>>423436 Hmm. Well now that is a problem. And I just pissed off kaz who made the css... I'll think of something. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Did the BO change again? I thought the current BO took a zero tolerance policy against pedoshit? Why has this thread >>418035 been up for nearly 2 months and with a bunch of reports for breaking rule 1?
>>423470 Just took care of it, I guess the BO didn't see it.
>>422610 How do we raise the collective IQ of this board anon?
>>423492 idk yall should become /tech/fags
>>423502 or maybe /his/torians or /lit/erary geeks get a hobby, nerd
>>415123 The new BO sucks. That's it.
>>423514 How do we obtain a new willing and more likeable BO?
>>423514 Cry more pedo.
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>>423514 This >>423918 Pedo fed posting spam isn't organic discussion, it's just a burden on the website you fucking nigger.
>>423919 8chan didn't make a name for itself by only platforming what was easy to platform. thats why its /b/ along with /v/ and /pol/ were getting nearly quadruple digit PPH of people organically discussing all manner of topics regardless of how burdensome they may be to allow. compare that to here and its evident that those users have been driven off as feds and bad actors whose burdensome speech you believe must come from a place of malice and not out of a desire to speak freely.
>>423922 Anon you can dress it up all you want. They spent all day talking about fucking kids. And then they decided to start talking to actual kids. And then encouraging those kids to talk to them on here. Thats grooming. You can pretend that shits legal all you want. It Aint. So yeah. They got the boot. See how little I give a fuck.
>>423922 Well that's more of a problem with Cuckflare and native and foreign government over reach rather than a willingness of the site owners to allow freedom of speech and expression. Unfortunately we at least for now don't have a free and open sourced web 4.0 powered by satellites with their own self defenses like EMP's, flairs, and anti air missile missiles funded by powerful of cabal of Libertarians and their doners so the sites owners have to keep at least some what clean in the eye's of their oppressive governments else it will suffer the fate as the first 8Chan, which yes is utter bias bullshit sure given Zuck has received no such punishment for Christchurch but that's what buying out half of Congress can do for you.
>>423923 none of that is true and you're clearly just parroting some hearsay and never actually witnessed what it is you believe happened here. >>423924 this argument is weaker now than its ever been as cloudflare has openly stated how big of a mistake it was for them to play moral busybodies of the internet and they're the only ones to have pushed back against 8chan in any meaningful way. no oppressive governments ever came down on 8chan for all the child models and mass murderers it was housing for years on end to warrant this level of fear mongering and censorship.
>>423925 Anon I saw it all happen in real time. Unlike your newfag ass I was here. So lie all you want. But that won't make it true.
>>423926 so was I and not a single thing you said lines up. for one they spent all day talking about each other because they were attentionwhoring tripfags and posting the occasional instagram picture of a kid was tertiary to that. secondly they didn't start talking to actual kids but in talking about themselves one of them discussed their own kid and filmed her saying one of the tripfags names and posted it in the thead. the globals banned him for this and told the BO to continue banning him for ban evasion every time he showed up which would've been fine if they were all anonymous as you wouldn't know whose who but it was a tripfag circlejerk so asking the tripfags to turn on their own was not fine. it was being a tripfag circlejerk in allegiance with each other over all else that got the board taken away from them and I say good riddance. a 100pph /b/ solely devoted to a handful of tripfags circlejerking is hardly a step up from the absolute state of the board now but the problem is nobody else will use it. those tripfag refugees were it and now they've moved onto the next altchan just like when they came here in the first place.
>>423927 >yeah you were right I was lying I knew that already anon. And if you miss them then go find them. But don't bitch to me about how you miss the pedos. I dont care.
>>423514 This. And the people who run the site are faggots.
(gay crying)
gay faggot
Edited last time by ILoveAmyRose on 09/03/2022 (Sat) 00:26:34.
>>423933 lol stay mad pedo. your still exiled.
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You retards realize that you are being infiltrated by discord tranny faggots from frenschan right? The ones who constantly bitch about anime/loli/porn by THEIR own concept of what is degenerate or not. The ones who constantly spam other websites with their faggot rhetoric, attacking anything beautiful and accusing anyone they don't like as jews. The ones who make the AI threads on multiple chans to demoralize new artists. The ones who probably are already here changing the site mentality just like jews infiltrate our countries. Banning troublesome content is fine but I hope this site doesn't fall lower from what it has already. Remember, the ones doing this are the same type like antifa, they scream until they get what they want. A bunch of misery shaped in the image of a sentient being. Be aware.
> /b/ > literally anything
We're on a road to Nowhere.
Why did my post in the greta thread get deleted?
uhh... why did my afghanstan thread get deleted??
>>424375 GR2. No minors in pictoral form.
>free speech btw
>cant even say a milquetoast statement
>in a meta thread, which its purpose is for users to state their opinion
>>424383 You should have read the OP a lil closer.
>>424384 I did, quite a long time ago too. Since I was here before all the changes as well.
>>424385 Yeah it changed. Try watching the pretty picture on it. You click that shit.
Dead bored
(102.27 KB 508x677 Do you feel in charge.jpg)

>if an AI makes lolis its CP and gets deleted but if a gook makes lolis you can't even suggest that they're under 18 equal rights for machines when?
>>424642 No anon. Your thread got purged for talking about fucking kids. Which is pedo shit. I didnt even look at the pictures.
(24.88 KB 460x345 (You).jpg)

>>424675 I was talking about the ai art thread.
>>424689 No. Thats on page 2 and filled with pictures of Koresh, you are talking about the AI anime spankbank thread on page 5. And I repeat. It had a conversation about fucking kids that got purged for violating local rule 1. No pedoshit.
>>424690 you're the only one talking about fucking kids you weirdo. does that look like a kid to you?
>>424711 Does what look like a kid? You didnt post any pictures anon.
Wheres that toga spic been at? I dont see it posting here anymore.
>>424890 Because shut up faggot, censorship is based, you must be a pedo if you're complaining fuck off
>>424890 Pedo confirmed
>>424890 because you didnt read the meta thread.
>>424905 >>424907 >defending censorship >samefag troon or femcel glowshitter confirmed
>>425083 >defending pedophilia >trying to shut down the site glow in the dark confirmed. Go kill yourself agent jackass.
>>423923 thats a fallacy called slippery slope and a lie, usually the real pedos who diddle boys are the ones who vocally scream against artwork and anime on public, so they can virtue signal and hide their steps, not the retards obsessing with animo, Thats always been the case, same with male feminists being rapists. Not to mention the slippery slope fallacy is disproven since ancient greece and was used by religious nuts to ban violent movies and gams Either way by using it, virtue signaling about retarded drawings, and being a proud autismo patroller of a dead site, you proved one thing, troon. you ARE the pedo, a real, boy diddling one, and your samefag here wont change it, suicide is your only scape if you wanna do one good thing on your "life
>>425084 >comparing calling out your glowshitting as the same as defending pedos >pretending it would take down the site over drawings when youre falseflagging worse Nice try, NCOSE, glowshitter You can keep samefagging, its VERY obvious, you are both a glowshitter and a clear Pedo. >"jackass" Holy kek, this glowshiter cant even INSULT like a man who ever had a ball sack, did they hired a Karen to promote censorship online now, beware or youre gonna bleed off your fat pussy, femcel
>>425084 >>424907 >>424905 >accuses any quesiton about censoring to be pedos or other crimes and scream like a femcel to shut discussion and to move focus from glowfication of site >pretend censorship worse than halfboard is to "keep site" even tho includes way beyonds crimes, cry like fat women by pretending its about said crimes (even tho a fat woman like you clearly woudnt look for a chan) >keeps censoring more and more including mere animo over the excuse if will go down otherwise >even tho site is tamer than main 4 one Theres 3 options to you >Tranny >Femcel >Woman working for Morality in Midia/Shwab to ban all sexuality >Glowniga Whichever the choice, you do NOT have a cock and thus is not allowed to post here, you creaming your panties and lactating blood just proves you cant even fit in with board culture or speak like you have above 1iq Theres 0 (ZERO) chance this is a legit user, she samefagging 80% of this thread is also proof
>>425086 >>425088 >>425091 >samefag pedo spergs out Fuck off faggot.
Make me BO and I promise I will do absolutely nothing.
>>425099 We already tried that Sil. And now ALL pictures of minors are banned. So no thanks.
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I got this banner and decided to look for the original image so that everyone can see it.
>>425103 >ALL pictures of minors are banned
>>425130 Thats a cartoon dude.
>deleting my post for no reason Faggot
Here ya go bro
>>425132 >Spamming and shitting up the meta thread will get you a ban. your right thats a bannable offense. my mistake.
>>425134 A traced one yes. And being based off a real minor it is illegal under US law.
>>425136 how do you know the other one isn't?
>>425137 Because you dipshits have been pulling this crap for a year. Get new pics dumb dumb.
>>425138 how do you know that isn't one?
>>425139 and your bots broke.
>>425136 I'm sure unrealistic art gets a pass, at least on this site.
>>425140 you just haven't answered my question. you have to trust us to tell you which images are traced and which aren't in the first place so how can you be the judge?
>>425142 I did answer your question. You just dont like my answer. Which sounds like a personal problem.
Hey asshole, why did you do that?
Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever >>403376 Would love to destroy that bitch's face. Literally and metaphorically Who?
>>425438 Not really a meta complaint, but okay. Yeah he did have the right idea, but he was also a hobo. So underachieving was pretty much his bag.
fucking Jews run this board
>>425835 Fuck off schizo kike. Kvetch all you want but cp is still illegal.
I ain't no fucking kike. I've always thought the Loli and pedo shit was fucking retarded. Why isn't there one fucking place on the internet where we can talk about David Cohen, Blinken, Walensky, Feinstein, Garland etc. How the fuck do jews run america while the only site we can talk about it is goddamn full of pedophiles. And yes Loli or whatever the cartoon shit is fucking pedo shit. Why not just tell mutherfucker like me where these people are at irl and I'll take care of it. ??
>>425844 Nigger you wanna talk about jews go make a thread. But bitching like a kike about your inability to make a thread is schizo tier.
Welp. There's my answer. This is how fake jews run america. Thanks moron.
>>425847 >Why cant I make a thread about kikes? You can >WELP THERES MY ANSWER JEWS RUN THIS PLACE IM LEAVING k.
Even if fake jews don't run this shit it's still just morons like you tearing your fellow whites apart. This is why they always win.
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>>425847 >>425844 Jews are welcome here too anon.
So. I'm not even talking about real Jews. I'm talking about fake Jews. Furthermore none of you morons even know what semite means. And yeah let a Jew come in here and we can have a discussion about how they literally run america, why they are all democrats etc.
>>425850 I mean they really arent. >>425851 arabs?
>>425851 >le sons of shem Yeah the current ashkenazim arent hebrews or jews. SO MAKE A GODDAMN THREAD ABOUT IT SCHIZO INSTEAD OF SHITTING UP THE META THREAD WITH YOUR INANE BULLSHIT
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>>425851 Anon did you know that you can make threads on almost every board on this site? You can even make your own board! Do one of those two things instead of complaining about how the jews are stopping you from doing anything.
>>411321 >your honor, this isnt CP, its a mainstream hollywood film! that will only hold up in court if youre a jew
>>411321 >>426250 i know someone will argue with me on this, so heres further reinforcement that im correct. the legal system decided hunter biden's laptop had nothing illegal on it, but if you download the leaked pics from his laptop, now you are in possession of CP.
>>426252 Are you though? Has anyone ever been charged
Go read the local rules before posting. Specifically local rule 1.
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>>426494 Nigger fried chicken nigger oasis monkey canola semen chugging nigger loving McDonald's eating American loving NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
>>427200 what's your problem chap?
>>427200 I just got some McDonald. There were exactly zero niggers inside, but it turns out that the local breakfast deal "hash browns" is actually just one hash brown. Like holy shit you can chose among a McMuffin, a McBurrito, and a McHashBrown all at the same cost, and a single McHashBrown costs the same as an entire McMuffin or McBurrito? Okay, I guess there was a nigger hiding in my brown bag. Sheesh. If I knew that was going to happen, I'd have grabbed up all the ketchup packets on my way out to sell on the street and recoup my losses.
>>427257 Mcdonalds is Meta. You cannot disprove this.
>>410857 Cry all you want but this is just a natural result of Anglo dysgenics and low energy from obsessive soy consumption. Change your diet, change your life.
>>426277 You don't understand, jews aren't interested in who has it or not, they only go after their enemies who are in possession of it.
Whats up with the frontpage agreement thingy?
>>427938 See >>>/site/7049 >>>/site/7055 This is a site-wide change.
>>427989 Imagine actually reading that shit.
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Why do people keep getting banned for posting this cap Acid leaked?
>>428696 it kept being used as a rebuttal to this >>428532 (427911) to show that Acid and the admins here are delusional as shit, and consistently make up schizo conspiracies about users.
>>428696 It was being posted by herdnigs. Pic itself is fine, and that particular asshole is still pissed about getting called out. >>428698 Hey dickhead.
>>428703 >that pic accurately reflects "reality" of anything but how schizo Acid is in any way >It was being posted by herdnigs So delete it again, how do you know it wasn't posted by a "herdnig" that time? You keep banning people who post it, so...
>>428706 Cuz its in the meta thread.
>>428730 >"local rules" on a fucking /b/ What is this, 4chan? >hit someone else's VPN IP ban for "fuck off Silvia" >hit another for "fuck off herdnig" >AND NOW A THIRD FOR "Whining outside of designated whining area" LMAO fucking rent free boogeymen all up in this nigger's head
>>428731 I hit them all the time now too, nothing new. /v/ is even worse.
>>428706 nah BO is just fucking retarded. >>428731 >>428735 >got banned for "herdnig" Same thing happened to me yesterday.
Why is Vampyr still here? Why didn't he get fired yet for abusing users?
>>428792 You should report me.
>>428831 spoken like someone whose part of a cabal of tranny jannies and knows they're above reproach because you can just go to IRC and poison the well against the complainer long before their message ever reaches anyone.
>>428924 More like no one cares if you ban herdniggers.
> go to post something > upload images.jpg > do captcha > waiting for validation > wait > never get validated Its stuff like this that makes it hard to be here sometimes.
>>429153 They don't care
>>429261 Of course they don't; they only care about maintaining the illusion this site isn't cucked as shit, regardless of what the reality is.
>>429267 >they only care about maintaining the illusion this site isn't cucked as shit the disclaimer page that might as well be a straight copy of 8kuns is a pretty good indicator that they don't care about that anymore either.
>>429267 Yep. CP is perma banned and never coming back. Guess you guys need a new image board.
The truth anon, as you are already well aware, is that Acid did not. Silvia did, and for this he lost the board. Did Acid give him a chance? Of course. Did he abuse his opportunity and attempt to destroy not only his own board but the website with it? Yes he did. And so I hate him anon, as you hate me. I will not grow tired of defending this site from you and your broken ilk. I will never not oppose you. For hates sake, I stab at thee. So stay mad, and keep testing my resolve. You will find the same answer today as 6 months ago. It is unwavering. I will not falter. I will not fail. Fail as you and yours have done, continue to do, and always will. So stay mad. I don't care. Your anger tells me only that I have hurt you. Good. Stay mad pedos.
>>424837 They left years ago to another chan apparently. The commiecat is still here though.
>>429353 thats going in my cringe compilation.
>>429378 >this post bandeleted 7 (seven) times now got any proof of this?
Read the local rules before posting, or your gonna have a bad time.
>>429409 >/b/ >"local rules"
>>429467 Makes sense, since you're a faggot, and only faggots make "local rules" for /b/.
>>429471 lol stay mad pedo. Your still banned.
>>429518 why would this image be banned?
>>429518 Well the only thing I banned are pedophiles, and that seems to have offended you. So yes I assume you are a pedo.
>>429526 So why did you delete that image once?
>>429537 I was banning you, the pic was collateral damage. Because pedos are banned. Why are you having such a difficult time getting this.
Imagine being such a disgusting genetic dead end, being so ugly no man, woman, or dickchopper will ever touch you, and deciding yep better kill myself... And then failing even at that. Something subhuman retards accomplish everyday. Its like a microcosm of his whole life really. Well maybe you will succeed next time chijo!
>>429596 You are upset that pedos are banned. If you are not a pedo then explain how it affects you and why you care. Cmon cut the shit with your concern trolling bro.
>>429598 Lol they did break rules and you know it. You just dont like the rules. And what are the rules in question? No pedoshit. Absolutely none. non pedos have been posting fine since april. It is only pedos getting banned on sight. So whys that bother you if you arent a pedo?
>>429598 lol you literally cant. Your only objection is you wanna pedopost and I wont let you. Well too bad dude. Get an argument and try again.
>>429601 ? The thread currently has none. Because the pedos are banned... Why are you having such a hard time getting this.
>>429603 The posts shitting up the meta thread trying to cause drama because... they are upset pedoshit is banned? Acid never allowed CP. Silvia the herdnig did. Which is why he was fired. And now none is allowed. You know this. Why do you try and play dumb?
>>429609 OOHHH Your upset I wont let you lie. I get it. Well too bad dude. No I am not gonna let you shit up the meta thread with a false psyop narrative. Fuck off with that shit. Look if you cant argue honestly then you need to ask yourself why. The answer is because you have no argument otherwise.
>>429609 Reality is all that is relevant. I am asking you to face up to it. Now tell me. Why does the no pedos rule offend you?
>>429613 There you go again. Lying. Silvia had an anon from britain who was a pedophile and liked posting pictures of his underage niece. creepy but not illegal. Then the anon started recording the kids voice with messages for other pedos. And that is grooming behavior. It is illegal and he was reported to the police. The anon was banned under Global Rule 1. No illegal content. Silvia refused because he wanted more kiddie pics. So he was fired. That is what happened and lying about it doesnt help your case. Now stop dodging and answer the question. Why does the pedo purge upset you.
>>429614 Yes. You are lying in an attempt to make you look reasonable. When in fact your being unreasonable. No clearweb site is gonna allow illegal content no matter how hard you bitch.
>>429615 No answer the question first. Why are you so butthurt that pedos are no longer allowed. Why does this offend you so much you come here daily to complain?
>>429617 Projection anon. Thats you. And I agree it is very dishonorable and not much fun. Just be honest. You want cp and are pissed you now have to go to fed honeypots to get it. Well too bad but I have no sympathy for you.
>>429621 No he was correct. And the pussy was so scared Acid named him he still hasnt been back lol. Thats whats funny. you pretend he was off base on that one.
>>429621 Troll trap? Anon why are you pissed off that pedos are banned. Its a simple question. I just wanna know. If it ISNT because your a pedophile then just tell me. If its the truth you shouldnt even need to thinj about it. Just be honest.
>>429624 ? Just be honest bro.
>>429625 gotcha bitch! lol that was the trap. He never did. I just claimed he did. And you niggers fell for it and ran away like pussies for a month. And never came back as a solid group again. So you are a herdnig.
>>429628 Do you have another complaint? Because thats the only one you ever bring up. Well then shit tell me why your upset then.
>>429631 You could have just said your a herd from the beginning. Im still gonna ban you anyways. But id reapect you for being honest. This game you play with the lies is just... kinda pathetic.
>>429633 lol evasion again. Why cant you answer the question?
this is so silly. I know your lying. You know your lying. lol why keep doing it? I seriously dont get the point.
>>429635 lol Anon it is the posts content thats getting you banned. Pay attention.
>>429637 No I am going to ban you for being a butthurt pedo herdnigger. And thats what you are. If im wrong then please correct me. Why are you mad?
>>429639 being a pedo. LR1. we do this everyday why play dumb? Look if you have a real complaint then raise it. But if your just mad pedos are banned. Then yes I assume your a pedo. Who else would complain?
>>429642 Well you come here to complain every single day. If you arent mad then why bitch about it? basic psychology. If you didnt care you wouldnt put this much time and energy into letting me know your upset. I hear you. I understand your upset. I am asking why?
>>429643 When did I lie? You mean because I told the truth which countered your lie? Anon I didnt ask you to lie. That was your choice. If you dont want to be corrected then be honest. And tell me why your so upset.
>>429644 know whose out there? What are you trying to say?
>>429646 So. When pressed why yout upset you have no reason. And since the only recent change was banning pedos and since thats all you have mentioned. I assume that you are upset and crying because they are banned. If you are not a pedo then why does there absence hurt you so deeply? You see? There is no logical reason. Other than you are a pedo and are upset to have to find your Democrat activism elsewhere.
Well today I tried a new tactic of just asking why anon is so butthurt. Rather than just deleting his butthurt. His answer? A handful of dodges followed by running away. He could have saved us both some time by being honest upfront. But ce la vie.
>>429651 lol ignored? I addressed those specifically when you asked. Oh Anon. You cant even be sincere once. Why?
>>429652 only pedos complain about pedos getting banned. Correct. But again if theres another reason to be upset at their absence I would like to hear it.
>>429654 the deleted posts complaining about pedos getting banned? Yeah anon... I dont aee why you having auch a hard time seeing the logic. Well I do actually your being insincere but I am open to other possibilities. So heres your chance. Enlighten me.
If there is another alternative I am eager to hear it. Why does the absence of pedophiles hurt your feelings? If the reason is anything other than you are pedophile then tell me. There may even be something I can do to help you. But until you tell me why your crying I cant help.
>>429657 lol oh anon. The posts were complaining about the fact pedos are banned. And who would that bother?
>>429660 Because they do violate rules lol weve been over this. Just because you dont like the rules does not make them not exist. Your feelings dont change reality.
>>429665 Now your just copy pasting anon. I already answered that post. Get new material
>>429664 I dont know what your saying. Thats a post on this thread. not on /site/.
>>429668 So answer the question then.
>>429662 That anon is claiming Acid allowed CP. Which he most certainly did not. He is lying about what happened. And why is he doing that? Because he wants to make it look like pedos were banned over something minor. Which is not the case. And why is he doing that? Because he hopes to convince me to allow pedos back. And I am not going to do that. But what is his motive for desiring pedos back? To acquire more cp. And who would want cp? Pedos.
>>429671 Are you asking me why those posts on the /site/ thread were deleted? Anon you need to ask that then I cant read minds or broken grammar.
>>429671 Okay so first pic the guy is saying silvia didnt use bots to boost his PPH. Which he did. And why is anon lying about that? Because it destroys his narrative that Silvia aided PPH. When in fact he drove most of the regular users away. And who would lie about that? Herdniggers. They acknowledge they post cp but argue the pph they bring counter balances it. They have destroyed several naive websites who believe them. I have no patience personally for their bullshit. So when I see a common herd lie to further a herd narrative. I ban for being a herdnigger.
>>429675 Why else do you bitch every single week that pedos are banned? Please enlighten me.
>>429677 And yet for 6 months you come here every day to bitch that you were ousted. So this isnt please take me back. this is purely revenge?
>>429681 every single day is every week. See a day is a shorter period of time than a week. weeks are made up of days.
Okay I understand. Thank you for explaining. You are mad and come here solely to shit up the board out of some sense of revenge. You feel slighted and wish to make your anger known. I understand.
>>429683 >Yeah I come here every day >but its not like... every single day... I mean. I only spend a minute here <has spent 90 minutes bitching in circles.
>>429686 No? Then please explain your motivation.
>>429689 Again I would ask that your posts be coherent.Is english your second language? See when you use a double negative it means something else.
>>429692 So you have no other explanation? Then I am correct? Great. Then we are done here.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 10/29/2022 (Sat) 06:36:58.
So many posts "Not found".
>>429715 Pedo herdniggers are not allowed to post their Democrat activism here, so based Vampyr wiped their posts.
>>429518 If you like everyone who isn't a pedophile, then yes, everyone you don't like is a pedophile. It's not that unreasonable.
>>429722 Yes. And also death to all pedokikes. And for that matter death to all regular kikes.
>>429725 getting closer. Also no commies, niggers, nigger or jew lovers, spics, east islanders, eskimos, canadians, italians, northern africans, I guess everyone in russia if they all act like silvy, oh and your mom.
>>429728 i wasn't posting my own personal belief system, I was only demonstrating that it's valid for others to claim "Everyone I don't like is a pedophile" which >>429518 tried to mock
>>429728 >nigger or jew lovers whites are the real jews. jesus is jew btw >>429728 >northern africans pharoahs were white >everyone in russia some russians are literally descended from vikings you hate white people therefore you are a jew therefore you are a pedophile
>>429735 >whites are the real jews. jesus is jew whites are pedophiles, jesus is a pedophile
kanye west is a jew and therefore is a pedophile
>>429724 Based Vampyr making pedo herdniggers cry cause they can't post their CP
>cat killer thread was deleted for what purpose, literally anything besides CP is supposed to be allowed here right? Wasn't even any evidence it was real
>>429755 because animal abuse pics are illegal under the animal crush video prohibition act of 2010. https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/PLAW-111publ294
>>429737 Nah he clearly denounces them or some shit. The jew companies have already turned against him for speaking against them
>>429756 the content in question would have to be considered obscene to fall under that law which requires a sexual element that animal crush videos have but a picture of a dead cat does not. but of course the BO here also owns /zoo/ so they find it impossible to see animals outside of a sexual context.
>>429786 Youare confusing the expressed intent of the law with what the law actually says. If you would read the text provided you would have seen that it does not require a sexual element. And so in effect what it did was make all animal cruelty pictures and videos illegal.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 10/30/2022 (Sun) 16:58:31.
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>>429795 you're the one that needs to read the text provided.
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>>429801 Animal crush videos are inherently obscene because they make me BLAST CUM like nothing else.
>>429883 Obscenity is the dodge they used to get around the first amendment, and non sexual material has been found to be obscene by curiously only applying the third prong of the miller test, under trump this law was actually expanded to make all animal cruelty a federal crime, this was called the PACT act, One of the few hardline rules you must follow to run a board here is no animal abuse period. You are asking whether they can be prosecuted, they believe they can. Now are you a lawyer? If so you may have enough ground to get a case to the supreme court and even change the dodge used to get around the first amendment. But I sincerely doubt it anon.
>can't post gore >can't post dead animals bravo, this is totally cucked
>>429898 Try it on 4chan
>>429885 >non sexual material has been found to be obscene by curiously only applying the third prong of the miller test when? >under trump this law was actually expanded to make all animal cruelty a federal crime, this was called the PACT act apparently the pact act has to do with veterans not animal cruelty so I don't know what you're talking about. >>429900 >we're only just as bad as current day cuckchan not a selling point.
>>429910 thats a different pact act. Try including the word animal in your search. >name specific court cases. No fuck you, you go and pay for fucking westlaw yourself.
I haven't brushed my teeth since early May.
>>429970 bro I haven't brushed my teeth in like 3 years AT LEAST get gud new guy
>>429975 How are you still alive? In April when i got abscessed teeth pulled they told me I would've died if I waited longer.
>>430346 Ive also read that gingivitis causes heart attack, but i no longer really believe it
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/b/ doesn't look like it's in great shape I think I should take over again.
>>431165 They said youd never come back. I knew better. So I maintained and kept all your boards alive. I purged the herd and pedos. Something you thought impossible. Tell you what. Prove your identity and we can talk.
>>431165 i have concluded that /v/ is the only board on this site with enough traffic to bother browsing daily
>>431166 Inexplicably, I'm vol'd on /vr/ for some reason. You already know you can just vol "Chai" and if I am true, that gives me the proof.
>>431171 Implying that isnt why I vold you on /vr/ you son of a bitch. The pedo you gave the board to killed your meta thread. sorry. I preserved what I could. Not that I had any help from you traitor. So fine. The trial will now commence.
I am very angry with you yes, but as an aside how do you like the css?
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Yeah I don't care. Hand over the reigns so I can fix the place or that'll be it for the exchange here.
Traitorous fuckwad
>>431175 >fix lol. Ive seen how you fixed it last time. Run away when someone posts spam and then give the board not to one of your vols but some pedophile who spammed cp. Yeah thats a stupid fucking idea. So stupid that only Chai could have come up with it. I cant trust you asshole. I wish I could but you saw to that didnt you? Why dont you use /lit/ to fuck with Acid. Or go vol /zoo/ for a year because the BO ran away like the cocksucking coward he is. Fuck you dude. You have a lot to atone for.
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>>431176 Just ban the faggot.
>>431175 >Yeah I don't care HOLY BASED!
>>431276 I'd vol your herdnigger ass again before him. Least your funny.
>>431277 why don't you just kill yourself already you sentimental freak? fuck i hate subhumans like you, now how funny is that?
>>431278 Not haw haw funny. Still made me chuckle. Do another.
>>431176 >You have a lot to atone for. says the 8moe equivalent of dysnomia.
>>431304 Twitter/reddit-tier "everyone I don't like is hitler"
>>431319 >your exactly like that guy who banned pedos yep, stay mad pedo >implying im a pedo Thats you. Thats you right now.
>>431341 >DUR I was just pretending to be retarded! okay.
Aww Darwin isnt having fun guize. So sad. Poor herdnig. Where will he get his jack off material now?
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>>431342 >cope
>>431175 >>431176 >>431177 >>431276 >>431277 >>431278 >>431279 >>431290 >>431304 >>431319 >>431336 >>431341 >>431342 >>431350 >>431420 All of you faggots are why /b/ is dogshit now. I'm glad /v/ and /hispachan/ don't have this much autism.
>>431617 >implying
>>431617 You just responded to the last 3 BOs taking us back 2 years. Soooooooooooooo. When was it good again? Under Head?
Make me BO.
can someone here be the father i never had
>>431621 You know for the record. The rest of us had to put in our time as vols first. Spend a year cleaning up bullshit and yeah maybe.
>>431623 Deal. I demand a gift on fathers day though. Now go clean up your fucking room, its a goddamn mess.
>>431624 Done. Make me BO.
>>431626 Name?
>>431629 Whyd you kill the nigger hate thread?
>>431630 Because the thread belonged to a spambot I wiped out for making threads on 5 different boards.
>>431631 >implying nigger hate is specific to a specific person and board every hates niggers you retard, literally get two polar opposite cultures together that are not niggers and the only thing they universally share will be nigger hate
fuck you Vampyr.
>>431726 Whatd I do?
>>431727 What didn’t you do? Unrionically though, you should off yourself. That way this place wouldn’t be a complete shit hole.
>>431759 I dindu nuffin, and you know it.
>>431727 Poor work in general. Emotional, impulsive, fickle, bad job engaging in threads anonymously to keep things active, etc. Nothing you really did right other than, I guess, not breaking laws and getting site staff to step in. That's not really an accomplishment.
>>431795 >getting site staff to step in >implying that's a good ting
>>431795 So nothing specific then?
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Still a censorious shithole? Allrighty then, I'll be back to mock you again in January. I lost my /b/ folder in an accident involving your mom, but here's the first Google images result for gjfuicjrji
>>432898 I just wanted to censor politics. Really, that's all i want personally. /pol/ has to go.
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>>431795 >bad job engaging in threads anonymously to keep things active, etc. Not really. I wish you a good sleep. Especially because of upcoming holidays.
>>432902 >>432903 Who the fuck are you?
Hi chai, codex or vampyr or whoever is BO now. I just wanted to come and apologize for spamming your board really bad like a year ago. I regret it now and feel especially bad because I feel like in a way I sort of ushered in those pedo herdniggers that destroyed this /b/. I am being 100% sincere here and this is a genuine apology, you might think apologizing like this is really gay but I don't care, what I did was complete cancer and seeing the state imageboards are in now I feel horrible for being somewhat responsible for the death of a board. I hope you can recover in some way from what the herdniggers did to this place, I've seen them do what they did here time and time again to loads of small boards, its really shitty.
>>433448 Who the fuck are you? And what the fuck are you talking about? You chased off Chai for forever, but not being a pussy, I chased off the herd back in April.
>>433448 >Death of a board Still have higher pph than when Chai ran it. So you wish faggot.
Merry Christmas Everyone! Celebrate your friends and family on this joyous occasion. For everyone without such things I will hold a mass on the 24th, and a private celebration here on the 25th.
>>433448 >>433478 >>433480 Can you faggots give it a rest already? THEY'RE GONE! WE KNOW! JUST TALK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE BUT THE OLD MODS ON THIS BOARD!
>>433480 Is aliumib or oniichan still up?
>>433830 Those died in like 2015.
>Comics|Books and Stories|Stories|Video Games|Weapons|Furry|Bestiality / Retro Vidya / National Socialism I left by browser open and now my mom thinks I'm into bestiality. Thanks. -underage anon
>>433840 You deserve everything you get for not practicing proper security protocols.
>>433844 what's your security protocol for browsing 8moe?
>>433840 zzzchan doesn't have this problem :D
>>433857 That will do it.
(9.77 MB 1920x1080 MLP HA luna halloween.mp4)

>>433840 in this brave new world underage anons were more than likely raised by zoophiles
>>433840 Surrender to the mighty horse cock.
JINGLE🔔THOSE👉🅱️ALLS🍒🅱️ITCH🐕! IT'S🎄DICKMAS🎄!!! YOU INTO OLDER👴?? 🅱️ecause OLD ⛄ Saint 🎅 DICK is bringing 🛷 that THICK 🥖 North 💈POLE💈 to YOU 🤟 this YEAR 🎁😛! He's SLIDING 👇 DEEP 👇 DOWN into that 🏭CHIMNEY🔥 till you MOAN 😩, "OH 😱 what FUN 😉 it is to RIDE 🚘 on this one 🐴HORSE-HUNG🍆 open SLEIGH 🛷" OH YEAH 😏 SANTA is 👊 STUFFING 🌶️ your SLUTTY 👅 STOCKINGS 🧦 so SWALLOW 😮 a POPPERMINT drop 🍬 OR ELSE 😱 his GRANDDADDY 👴 CANDY 🍭 CANE 🍭 COCK 🥒 will RIP 💥 that TIGHT 🍥 ASS 🍑 🅱️USSY when he 💦SPILLS💦 his ⚠️HOT⚠️ CREAMY ☁️ MILK 🥛 inside your HORNY 😈 mistle-HOLE 🕳️ . Send 📩 this to ✌️THREE☝️ THIRSTY 🥵 THOTS and you'll get a YULE LOG 🌲 RAMMED 🐏 into your 🍂WREATH🍂 before NEW YEARS🎆! Send 📧 to 🖖NINE🖐️ NAUGHTY 😏 HOES 💁‍♂️ to make THIS ⭐2022⭐ YULETIDE 🎄 GAY 🏳️‍🌈
>>433952 Hell yeah maybe that thing can finally hit my prostate
>>432911 A tranny
Me so horny
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>>427570 I wanna hugg Clownpiece.
Go and stay Go.
>>434646 >8kunt No.
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rent free
>>432902 mentally ill transexual freak detected, vaxxed too I bet
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>>434908 I would let Len live in my house rent-free. He would only have to wear cute outfits that I would buy for him.
Well it appears as though we have finally ousted the final pedo. Time to celebrate!
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>>435382 finally.
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neuronet lolis are weird
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>>412999 >respecting elderly dolls YES
>>418288 Why would that image be scary? It's not even /x/ tier.
>>435627 Any particular reason your responding to 8 month old posts? Off topic, in the meta thread?
>>435635 I haven't visited /b/ in a long time. The AI lolis caught my attention in the index, and then I skimmed this thread for anything I wanted to reply to. >Off-topic >/b/ Lmao.
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>>435635 Any particular reason you're such a fucking faggot?
>>435665 YES, little bitch bois and their Gun Storefriends should both be owned by an alpha master daddy UwU
>>436053 Gunstore friends are owned by no man. And that is why they are friends with gun stores.
Oh shit we talking gun stores? Always shop local anons. So wednesday I stopped by and finger fucked some gats, bought some more 9x19. And chit chatted with boomers. It was glorious and you are all missing out. Go buy a fucking gun you pussies.
>>436251 When you buy a legal gun from an authorized dealer, do they register your serial number or anything like that? If so I think I'll try something homemade instead
>>436262 They write in on a 4473. Depending on your state you can legally buy a gun from a private citizen without filling out any paperwork though. Whatever you do don't go around telling anyone obviously, even if you're just doing it as a hobby the gayTF will take any excuse to murder you because they're all psychopaths.
>>436262 If you 3d print, you can make some of the parts like the barrel out of metal and get a pretty durable result without much investment into higher-end print materials. You can also just make an AR-15 lower receiver and grab the rest of the parts on shelves if you want a more agnostic approach. https://odysee.com/@TheGatalog-HybridDesigns:0/Stingray-FGC-9-MKII:b
TLDW >New law says short-barrel rifles need to a permit >Current SBR owners are not grandfathered in, they need to apply for a permit for something they already own >ATF is asking SBR owners to doxx their name, address, photo of weapon, etc. as part of the permit application >If application takes longer than 88 days to be processed, it is automatically denied >If you own an SBR and your permit application was denied, you are now a felon >ATF has no incentive to review your application in a timely manner I think it's a bad idea to put yourself on a government list of gunowners. This includes CCW permits. Unless you are ready to water the tree of liberty, the Bill of Rights is just a piece of paper. This isn't Harry Potter. Shouting magic words "Shall Not Be Infringed!" won't stop ATF agents
>>436490 Fuck around and find out then.
>>436490 I literally have nothing in life besides my hobbies, if someone shows up to my house to try and arrest me because some idiot hundreds of miles away from me changed some words around on legal documents then I will not hesitate because at that point my life is over regardless. I refuse to get ass fucked in prison.
>>436499 same.
>>436499 >>436503 See you in Valhalla, brothers
>>436800 >let me post CP or youre cucked!
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>>436499 Take your bugout bag and go to an isolated forest with grizzly bears and salmon for a month. Pitch a hammock, start a fire, make a cup of coffee and observe nature. In 1 week you'll be back to whatever version of normal you were, enjoy the vacation from humans, this is natural psychiatry. :^)
>>436802 I really hope you do, maybe this site will improve when your head has been turned into a popped gusher by some autistic NEET that you could have just left alone.
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Hi, I'm a hot pocket mod who deletes every post criticizing a certain aspect of my behavior.
>>438026 Hello hot pocket mod. You wanna job? Don't really need more vols.
why are there suddenly so many down syndromoid threads here? are the eurotrash on spring break?
>>438154 Theres only one thread on downies up right now. Or are you referring to the hapa and american hate threads? Cause yeah thats all been made by the same IP and 90% of those posts are him samefagging. I'm guessing a butthurt chink.
>>438155 Wonder when the nigger dong spam is going to hit. You know his warped little goblin mind can't wait to crack open his black cock folder again.
>>438172 This place is perfect for a Psychology PhD candidate to write his thesis :^)
>>437152 I'm the NEET you illiterate fuck
>>438172 He posted on TOR 8chan a bit, on a site I can't link because the mod is a censorious sack of censoring shit who censors
>>438506 Yeah no linking cp sites asshole.
>>438507 Go fuck your mother. There's no reason to forbid links of any kind.
>>438541 Wrong.
>>438544 Wrong.
>>438548 >no u Compelling argument. How will I ever recover.
>>438550 >wrong Compelling argument. How will I ever recover.
>>438555 By mailing your congressmen. You know I cant effect US law right? Like yelling at me doesnt do you any good.
>>440051 >admitting to being a newfag
>>438155 >t. butthurt wh*teoid crying unpromptedly about hapa superiority in the metabitching thread
>>440202 Stop being gay.
>>440222 >being this butthurt about something YOU started why are wh*te people so gay.
>>440253 You wish I give you this white cock gay boy.
troon degenerates should be killed. slowly
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>>441540 Send them to the thug shaker camps
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>>441765 what if a new character was introduced into this dose? or should I say dos?
>there will never be another pre-2009 /b/
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>>441830 Is that image suppose to look like Carlos
>>442700 nice dubs carlos but stop smoking so much before trying to crack the end of ep capstone joke
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Today marks 1 year since taking over from Sil. There will be week and month long festivities. Today we remember Chai the fallen, Silvia the twisted, and the events that brought us here. To Kaz, who was always there to help dig on silvy. To my mods, boru, Darwin, and kaz. Cheers guys.
>>442947 Post your dick
>>442973 >Implying I havent already. Oh please first thing I did when I got here 3 years ago. Still up on the website. Ask nicely and you can get a clue!
What even is random?
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Why is this board so filthy? Clean it up, janny.
>>443138 Clean up what? Nobody has made a report since February. Edit: >Bypass denied NIGGERS I G G E R S NIGGERS I G G E R S NIGGERS I G G E R S NIGGERS I G G E R S NIGGERS I G G E R S NIGGERS I G G E R S NIGGERS
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 22:23:07.
>>443146 You're a lazy führer and your board looks like Weimar republic.
>>443159 >He thinks I'm still the führer Have you not posted on /b/ in over a year? >Muh WhyMar This is /b/. That's normal.
>>443173 At least delete old threads without replies. A sane user enters thread and instantly recognizes that cancer has spread to mods and sees no pint to report anything. But you already knew this.
>>443178 >At least delete old threads without replies. Why? That defeats the purpose of having a page limit wherein old threads that failed to garner attention fall off the catalog/index naturally. >A sane user </b/ <sane Top JohJ.
>>443187 Guess you're insane then. You must have gone through a lot, i hope you get well some day. Take care, buddy.
>>443220 >Guess you're insane then. Thats a fair analysis.
This whole thread looks kinda gay, if you ask me (protip: you didn't).
Kek. Cheetos spam got deleted
>>443244 You're also gay.
>>444413 What cause I fucked your dad? The nigger came up to me and begged for my cock. The fuck was I supposed to do?
>>444447 How embarassing
>>436499 >>436503 Cope lil nigga
>>444950 >being so assblasted that people have guns you respond 6 months later to tell them they are coping. Anon I dont even think those people are ever gonna know you said that. So honestly. Who is coping here?
>>444956 He's going to say you and then tell you to cope, retard. Looking for easy (you)s he comes this way and you oblige him willingly. He probably even owns guns himself and just wanted to stroke his dopamine receptors, not to mention "nigga" implies cuckchan usage so any (you) in a storm when riding out a ban.
>>445140 Who? What?
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>>445140 Would you kill me? You can't deny I look like a sexy little lamb
why uids are always 1 or 2?
>>445360 IP hopping.
>>445360 Was wondering if anyone of you degens is tired of feeling like a loser and would like to crash the stock market and buy shit during the crash so we can all be 8chillionaires when the economy stabilizes. Obviously, 8chillionaires would be all over the news. Think about it, we would able to change the world, our world, our families world. We would no longer be the loosers the world see us as.
>>445483 You cannot spell for shit, and this is the meta thread sir.
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Why am I getting this instead of every image? Am I being trolled really hard? Halp
>>445495 Cuz of a bug thats fixed now. clear your cache and refresh.
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Mark should post the dox of Gayhoole new house.
The truth of the world is that crime does pay, and pay well.
>>446206 Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Fucking CP laws. It's tyranical to send someone to jail just for sharing or posessing a photo they did not even take or have anything to do with. Because of those laws and people breaking them on this site, I can't upload files here over Tor anymore. I had many things I wanted to share without anyone knowing it was me. It was not CP or anything illegal, but these are kind of things I would not want my mother to know I'm into. I fucking hate those laws.
>>446339 I'm another tor users and yes it's annoying not being able to post images, but defending CP is exactly the wrong way to argue for enabling image sharing for Tor users again.
>>446339 I blame Silvia personally.
Trying to post a story thread on random but says posts not allowed on TOR. Me, somewhat wealthy with stable job in finance, above average looking, fit and relatively tall 33 year old living w/ wife. Wife leaves to pursue PHD program in another state. I end up getting depressed and feel like there is an impending doom hovering over my head. Can't wake up in the mornings, house is becoming a mess, don't want to go to work. See doctor. Doctor prescribes me prozac. Fixes depression symptoms but makes dick not work. Go to gym, meet Israeli mistress. Pretty hot, fake tits and ass. Kind of weird though since she is insistent on not using condom, but I don't roll that way. Get hard the first 3 fucks, then can't get hard anymore and no longer interested in her. Hire escort over to my house to give me massage. Can't get hard. Tell her its likely the medication. She end up rubbing my limp dick w/ coconut oil for a little then helps me put away my laundry. End up finding tranny online (all guys need to try fucking one at least once, otherwise u are a fag) Fucked, but told her to lay on stomach cuz i didn't wanna see dick. Saw dick once. I just told myself i'm fucking someone in the ass. Israeli mistress is now mad at me cuz I don't call or "romance" with her anymore Tell wife my dick doesn't work cuz of the medication. She's understanding; we been married for like 7 years so like basically roommates at this point. Tell my parents i'm depressed Parents come to stay with me for a while Escort, mistress, and other problems go away while they are with me Parents leave, problems come back. Feel lonely and depressed again. Feel like all my material possessions don't mean shit if my mental health isn't right. Feel like a pretentious prick wearing my expensive watch and dress clothes at work. Throw my $10k rolex submariner off my apartment balcony (43rd floor) Throw out all material possessions under the pretext that what I owned ended up owning me Now all I have is desk, bed, couch and TV No responsibilities, no possessions, no wife. Life is good.
>>446494 You need at least one file to make a thread. a picture. but fileposting on tor is disabled currently to stop a cp spam raid. I can disable the 1 pic requirement. lets try that for a few days and see what happens. >fucking jews and trannies Thats not good dude. You shouldnt do that.
thats gay
How long until tor users can post threads?
>>446540 I enabled it on this board 18 hours ago. So negative 18 hours ago is the answer.
>Allow threads to be made without files so tor users can make threads over 48 hours ago. >They havent made a single thread. You know. Like why ask for a feature you didnt want to use anyway? Fucking tor posters.
>>446587 This is why you never give people anything.
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>>446614 Yeah. So he finally made his thread. And what was so important he had to beg me so he could talk about it? >Race dont real >jews are actually really cool >die nazis Reminder that 8moe geoblocks Israel, so the only way Israelis can post here is via tor or vpns. So this experiment is ended. Jews not welcome.
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>>446634 Lol, this is now 110 and never again.
>>446634 Is that why you deleted the thread? It didn't turn into a racist circle jerk and you got upset.
>>446634 Hey Vampyr. I wanted to argue about race with da joos. This is /b/. Why you gotta delete thread? If there's a containment thread, why wasn't this thread merged? It really grinds my gears when I'm going through latests posts and I try to reply to "Thread Not Found". That site update can't come soon enough.
>>446634 I'm going to restore it, lock it, type my replies, Unlock it, post, then lock it again, so none of those dirty Jews you hate can post. :^) Maybe later you can send it to the containment thread, because I don't know what it is.
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>>446634 Also, if you don't want the Jews in Israel posting, why only stop Torpedos from making threads? You're still allowing them to post everywhere else unless you ban Tor.
>We are commited (sic) to free speech and welcome all looking to build a community, including those deplatformed or marginalized. That's right on the very first page of the site. Censorship because people don't agree with you. You're no better than the leftists.
>>446651 Then go make your own /b/, faggot. Board owners are not site administration.
>>446652 Or you could just grow a pair of balls and stop acting like a child.
>>446647 I am not the anon who asked you to allow tor, I am a separate tor user. Sorry about the drama, I thought it would be an interesting discussion since everyone just yells terms at eachother, and I was hoping having a thread could make more sense. I have no agenda or opinion, just want to hear what people think.
>>446643 Theres a board run by a jew here >>>/v/ and jews tend to lie about race, the holohoax, hitler, and a thousand other things there. And I cant call them out on the lies without getting banned for being "a vpn hoppinh fed" because Mark is jewish cocksucker. A videogame board is not a politics board. He shouldnt have any stance on the subject. But so long as he has a jewish haven, I am going to have a nazi haven. Fuck kikes and may they all rot in hell. >>446647 k whatever head >>446650 The reason Israel is banned sitewide is because 99% of cp being posted on the website comes from that one country. Because all jews are sick vile pedophiles. >>446651 Yeah itd be nice if me and you could both post what we want, but we cant. End of the day I have my board and you have yours. Stay in your lane asshole. >>446655 I dont believe you, and you should really fucking kill yourself you sheeny cocksucker. Go bitch at Mark. Maybe he gives a shit about you.
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Typical fucking kike bullshit behavior. So after blocking all Israel IPs from posting guess where the cp started coming from? Tor. And now that tor file posting is disabled, guess how much cp spam we get these days? Yeah none. So if your upset about it yell at your fellow kikes. As per usual jews ruined it for other jews. On /v/ you have absolute censorship, and a closed border to everyone but other kikes. So why should I allow open borders to sheenies? Why should I turn the other cheek and allow this site to become a jewish shithole. No as per usual other jews fucked it up for other jews. And you wont call them out. Typical jewish bullshit. You wouldnt be hated if youd call out your own race for its suicidal tendencies. But jews never do. You protect your own and bitch when whites do the same. Typical jewish bullshit. So go yell at Mark. I will disarm politically on my board when he does the same. But so long as theres one rule for jews and another for everyone else then fuck him and fuck every jew. The holocaust never happened but we paid for it anyway, you owe me and every other white 6 million dead kikes. So either pay up or shut up. DEATH TO ALL JEWS
>>446661 I don't know or care about board politics. I also don't care about images or files. The rest of the internet is locked down to anons, and these fringe boards seem like the only place to openly discuss. Maybe I was wrong. I am more interested in what nazis think about the topic, all they ever say is "fuck you jew/nigger/kike/glowie/fed/etc", I would like to hear your opinion on what I originally posted.
>>446663 My opinion is that you are lying, and why would I debate a liar? You want me to honor and uphold my ideals, while your people will not. Race absolutely exists. There is a reason you can give an african a dictionary and yet he still cant speak english, there is a reason you can give him blueprints, and yet he cant build anything. The reason is race. Different people behave differently. And why do you want to lie abd claim every race is the same? So you can spread a monoculture and erase every people from this earth. You dont love multiculturalism. You wish to eradicate every culture and replace it with a corrupted jewish version of western thought and western morality. You wish for everyone to behave like europeans even though only europeans will behave like themselves. Its stupid and suicidal and makes the world a boring shitty place. No go make your racial brother uphold his ideals and I will follow suit.
>>446664 Ok, thank you for an opinion. What are you counting as european. I won't list breakdowns again for reference, see original thread.
>>446665 Satan dubs says europeans are those who evolved in europe >muh out of africa theory Disproven. All races do not have a common ancestor. We are different species.
>>446659 >k whatever head Ok, but please tell me what's the containment thread. It's not this one, is it?
>>446659 >The reason Israel is banned sitewide is because 99% of cp being posted on the website comes from that one country. Because all jews are sick vile pedophiles. That's not what I asked about, and I already knew that. You specifically re-disabled making threads without files to stop torniggers from posting threads. Why not ban tor from the board? I thought BO options included choosing whether torniggers could post, but it seems I was mistaken. Even so, what difference does it make to you that they can't make threads if they can still post Judaism in any other thread? Just seems like a minor inconvenience to what few Torniggers remain.
>>446677 There isnt one. He implied national socialism has one, when in fact the entire board is ours. So I mocked him by saying "no u" basically. You could argue /v/ and by extension GG is though since it allows jews and jew propaganda but not any opposing viewpoints. Hed be happier there so he should go there. >>446678 Oh no I cant stop then from making posts even if I wanted to. But yeah disabling tor threads cuz of JIDF is pretty fucked up. Hell probably what they want and why he did that. So yeah reenabled. You make good points anon.
>>446679 I still thinks it's kind of gay you won't let me debunk Jewish pilpul because anything remotely pro-Jew must be purged all because the cakekike hates Nazis. Also, why haven't you whacked the anti-Trump thread like you did the other one? I don't really give a shit about Orange Man, rich people tend to be in league with Jews anyways, but that thread is chock full of Judaism.
>>446681 Well yeah it is pretty gay, and the reason is cause I disagree with him but he should be allowed to have a thread respectively. Short honest answer is I lost my temper when he told me to go to a containment thread on my own board and thats not really very cool of me. So yeah unlock it. Again solid points.
>>446683 Yay. I can continue yelling at the Jews! hehe, the goy fell for it! :^)
>>446684 Heh. Yeah happy posting anon.
>>446651 Thats just sum words faggit, not a contract. Deal with it.
Is this booger eaters against those that can think?
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Mark has one eye smaller than the other, pic related. Just racking up my list of insults in case he bans me on /v/ again. I CAN FEEL IT.
You told me a hundred times how your father left and hes gone. But I wish you wouldnt call me daddy when were getting it on.
>>446928 Literally who???/?
>>446339 Hey how are you would like to talk.
>>447857 a/s/l? nb/22/nyc
>>447897 non-binary just means you can't even do asl in the correct order, lmao
This faggot shit isnt really meta.
I deleted all the NIGGERED porn, especially that shit that was just posted with "you will eat the bugs" over and over. Just files, not the posts. I'll see if Vampyr bitches about it after work, but I doubt he will, because he hates the Jews.
>>448624 Yeah they have a board for that. Fuck em. Good job.
>>418275 why does white and wedding dresses get me a hard on?
>>448737 Join me in solidarity with /h/ by putting "No BLACKED" in your rules. Speaking of the rules, do these violate rule 4?
>>448750 Only if you believe Jesus of Nazareth was a girl. Otherwise its merely in suspect taste. Anyway sure.
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>>448811 To even try and answer that question I would need to remember who you are, or what your thread was. And thats impossible.
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>>448812 it had this as the image
>>448824 Still not ringing any bells tbh.
bro why do my posts keep getting deleted this is /b/
(6.67 MB 2048x3072 76688198.png)

>>449066 they make my dick cry.
>>449075 Meh, I've seen better.
>>449064 are they ads?
>>410765 (OP) Hey dude
What is with the insistence on using really shitty background colors? Now even /v/ has a shitty eye sore background color. Makes me not want to even browse this place. Just use normal colors you fucking faggots.
>>449498 You can set the css yourself. It defaults to the boards custom theme if you dont do anything.
Yo Vamp, can you maybe slap a ban message on the posts you ban/delete? Would make it a lot easier to know what's already been handled on latest posts. Allegedly in a gorillian years there'll be a site update that includes marking posts as deleted, but I don't think this site is ever getting updated at this point.
I'm thinking the guy spamming niggerdicks and gay porn is the same guy behind the Trump thread. The particular low effort way of shitting on the right and white people is pretty similar >>449698 Thanks
I wonder why the guy dumping Yotsuba deleted his own thread? There's nothing in the logs, so it must have been self deleted.
Accidentally wiped by IP the OP of the child model thread without checking post history. Seems he was on a popular VPN and so I nuked a swath of posts. Lmao. All has been restored swiftly.
>>450337 imagine having to moderate a 1pph board where someone else has to tell you what to delete and you still manage to fuck it up.
>>450359 > having to I don't have to. I do it 4 free.
>>450337 lol. Ya. It happens. Anyone saying theyve never fatfingered a thread is lying. anyway hope your having a great day.
You should make the site more like it was a year and a half ago tbh
>>450859 I dont run the site. So you are asking the wrong guy. I just run this board.
It's better now
So weve had tor thread creation enabled for a couple months. Every thread on page 1 has pictures and therefore wasnt made by tor. Lemme name some generic tor threads I see a lot. >how to find illegal content >how to buy drugs >howto use tor to rape kids All of which is banned anyway. So tor users cant make threads again. In the month that they had the ability they used it to... Well do nothing with really.
>>452819 >How dare you tell me what you are doing! The entire reason for having a meta thread is more or less announcing changes. Such as this change. No more thread creation without pictures. Tor users have been disabled from creating threads. Why? I already explained. You are a fucking idiot.
Yo Vampy. You sure meant to delete this many posts? Seeing a lot of threads that have been up for a while without issue deleted on the logs.
>>452834 I killed every thread that had no picture. it was a lot of threads. if you wanna restore some you like thats kewl. Personally I just got tired of pictureless threads
>>452843 That's kinda gay bro. But I am too lazy to dig through the thrash and see which threads were active.
>>452845 Im way lazy and I dont want to either.
Bastards and mother Fulkerson north americans!
My old Jewish landlord blamed me for making 2 seasone Air Force veterans move out & I have autism. Wat do?
>>453681 Have sex with yourself.
>>453681 Realize all it takes to rizz zogbots trained to fight for Israel is one little incel with autism. Then spread the word around the VA and end the word with “be all you can be hoorah”.
Vamp, you swiss cheezing nigger, you deleted my and your own posts that had nothing to do with pedoshit. I've restored them.
>>454273 My posts had it coming tbh.
>>454301 >tbh posting >not a pedo pick one.
>>454313 >implying implications Ishiggydiggy tbhfamalamadingdong
(5.01 KB 212x212 20080902.gif)

>>454273 lel, he pulled a Mark on you and himself
>>454318 go away lcp. No one likes you.
HAPPY NEW YEARS! f for everyone not fucked up as shit on alcohol right now
This is what happens to anons when you let a former 4chan moderator run your altchan’s random board.
>>454551 Ive never jannied for halfcuck. And your a crazy person.
>>454551 Was there a change in management? Those bans make sense.
>>454556 eat a bag of fentanyl you hormonal troon
>>454701 Shit I did change that rule. Your right bro. That's a bad ban. What I meant to say was I fucked your mom jackass.
>>454717 How would you achieve that with an inverted cock?
>>454718 naw thats ur dad
>naw thats ur dad
>>454719 WE AIN’T MAKIN’ IT OUTTA MIDDLE SCHOOL WITH THIS ONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
I didn’t know you could be under 13 to moderate boards on this website. >>454719
>>454719 go back to getting raped by the ice cream man you little shitlet
Yo Vamp. I'm gonna start banning the Nastassia Ponomarenko fag on sight. Half his spam is about her being niggered and at this point even the non-nigger posts just come with the implication.
>>454800 Yeah that works for me. Dudes a niggerlover anyway. Also crazy.
"Sent to Auschwitz"? I'm atheist, I don't believe in religion. evil capitalists, communists, fascists, jets, muslims, masons, scientologists, whatever are evil, auschwitz was evil, loli and trans promotion are evil. endorsing a concentration camp might be a bad route.
>>455216 Get in the fucking oven sheeny
>>455216 ignored glowie
>captcha >wrong or expired captcha >captcha >wrong or expired captcha >captcha >wrong or expired captcha >captcha >wrong or expired captcha >you need a block bypass to post >wrong or expired captcha >you need a block bypass to post >wrong or expired captcha >you need a block bypass to post >wrong or expired captcha >you need a block bypass to post >wrong or expired captcha >you need a block bypass to post >wrong or expired captcha >you need a block bypass to post >bypass rejected >you need a block bypass to post >bypass rejected >you need a block bypass to post >bypass rejected >you need a block bypass to post >bypass rejected >you need a block bypass to post >bypass rejected >you need a block bypass to post >bypass rejected >you need a block bypass to post >bypass rejected >8chan is better than 4chan. It is a bastion of free speech.
>>455478 Yea this site is so good and not bad and it totally thwarted the [forbidden subject I cry tears from my pussy], sure showed them, even if they were the majority of posters. Talking about taboo things is the point of anonymity. Chopped the sites legs off. I'm only here because I have OCD, this place is a disappointment these days because of low user count.
>pedos still mad Good, and you deserve a hell of a lot worse than what happened to you.
>>455482 I understand that fentanyl being deadly is just Russian misinformation spread by MAGA republicans. It’s just a method of keeping you from giving business to people of color. Eating multiple fentanyl pills at the same time is actually quite therapeutic. Don’t let those racists keep you from buying and eating fentanyl tonight.
>>417336 Is short for Control Pannel bro.
Just to let you know, the fucking captcha bypass or whatever the fuck is confusing as shit. I was stuck solving captchas for like 10 minutes, starting to think I'm a fucking robot.
>You are banned from /b/. Reason: “Go back to halfcuck”. >You are banned from /b/. Reason: “Global rule 2”. >I’ll just keep banning anons on /b/ for unsubstantiated reasons just like I do on my Reddit boards
>>455749 You really need to go back, and also start dieting. Nigger you the size of a house.
Does everyone on /v/ have shit for brains, or just mark?
>>455805 Mark my words mark will be dealt with
>>455766 What?? That doesn’t make sense at all. Stop mumbling like a child molester and try again.
>>455899 I don’t take trolling from child molesting subreddit mods.
I approve
>>455908 Then take a dieting tip. Stop eating.
>>455924 I understand that fentanyl being deadly is just Russian misinformation spread by MAGA republicans. It’s just a method of keeping you from giving business to people of color. Eating multiple fentanyl pills at the same time is actually quite therapeutic. Don’t let those racists keep you from buying and eating fentanyl tonight.
>>455955 I understand your waistline is just Russian propaganda, and you don't actually need a boomerang to put on your belt.
hello can I post images from tor I promise I won't post cp
>tor users can't be allowed to post images >all tor users are pedos >all tor users are jews >keep whining pedo >fuck tor users >use a shitty vpn if you want to be private and they can sell all your data to everyone you're hiding from >stop complaining pedo meanwhile these kike niggers are somehow still allowed to live >>417415 >>417528 >>417581 >>418275 >>418287 >>418295 >>423916 >>423924 >>424642 >>425130 >>429375 >>434994 >>435547 >>440051 >>448750 >>449075 fucking hypocrites
>>456171 It's fictional
>>456171 Those are tor users from before the ban. They still got banned anyway though. It was funny.
I'm new here, I've no idea how to use this.
>>455745 Bruh same. I don't fucking now how to use this
>>456511 Know has a k in it.
>>456553 now how to use this?
>>456180 Holy shit, need more of this. Maybe make a new thread.
Does it ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something?
>>457100 Yea but I think it's mental illness because that's what everyone told me
>>457102 What if it's not mental illness?
>>457108 Then I guess the universe is going to be mad at me because I'm not going to do the shit it's telling me to do, the universe wants me to be a sadistic asshole
>>457109 Ok what are some examples of what the universe is trying to manipulate you into doing?
>>457110 Nigger, fuck off.
nice sticky
imagine spending your days moderating an imageboard while you have cancer
That would be awful, thankfully I'm in perfect health.
I often forget how autistic some people are but then I'm reminded of this board.
The score is now 17-1 Winning.
(81.77 KB 1960x1470 lol.jpg)

>>457500 Checked
Basic qol updates to rules, language in meta OP, board message, board name, and vol list curated. Boards fine but basically we are down to 2 rules. 1. No pedoshit 2. No niggers or Jews With 2 extra rules that boil down to I may ban you for being a cunt. On the spam news side we have this quarters winner being COMMIECAT poster, tea poster is slowly increasing his lead and has landed second place for his webring spam, after that the usual players are all tied for third. Keep at it guys and you can get remembered too. Fatass jewboy mark of /v/ and 13 gameovers in sonic game has made a competing board. At least I think that's what he tried. Seems like it's just gg nerds shit posting without his signature over moderation banning them. Looks fun. Makes me wonder why anyone would use the regular /v/ now. LCP is still around as are negropill and Luciano, but they seem somewhat listliss these days. Guys spamming an imageboard is a fun hobby but don't let it get you down, try prozac, or suicide. The old BO tried taking the site down with more cp spam but the global staff easily dealt with it, last I saw he ran off crying about how he wants his board back, lol, faggot. Chai has still yet to show his face since his trial and exile, perfect. Hopefully he may yet kill himself, the cowardly fuck. Head is still a vol, cuz he was here before me, and he's funny, and I can't be fucked to fire people. Re: CSS. Uh. I like it? Kaz made it for the board and so it's sentimental, but I'm open to new ideas I guess if anyone has them. That's all the news this quarter. So hope everyone enjoys another year free of the old guard, and happy posting. Love you crazy jackasses.
>>457508 Don't change it too much, I'm rather fond of the CSS.
>>457510 Me too tbh. Well if everyone's still happy then that can stay as is. So that's one more thing checked off the list.
(156.79 KB 1200x720 image2.png)

We are now at peace, because I forgot who we were at war with.
(317.77 KB 2000x2000 EkjVzBvXEAAKehl.jpg)

What do we mean by no pedoshit? Like no posting images of real kids or talking about real kids directly, or no lolicon or expressing MAP identity in a harmless anti-contact and pro-recovery way?
>>410765 (OP) is the fucking .onion down again i cant connect to this shitholr via tor do your fucking job, jannies.
>>459039 No images of kids, no talking about kids. Do not try and find an edge case where it's cool, cause it ain't. We had a group of pedos and they burnt everyone out on their weasely bullshit. >No map pro recovery no contact? See they always promise they gonna do this and then don't, the thread always just gets used to dump cp. Sadly I do not trust you stranger. So no.
>>459040 I don't know, and I don't handle that. Go ask the admins on /site/ cuz they dont browse my board.
(223.88 KB 1881x1771 En16osYXEAABt9i.jpg)

>>459041 Yeah, pedos are annoying. It might not even be the anti-contact/pro-recovery ones, but the bad actors who use their thread as a dumping ground.
>>459043 Probably, but nonetheless. Here we are. I think they got offered the chance to make a text only board to prevent that, but they said fuck no. So that fucked em hard. And now they gone.
(252.90 KB 788x815 F2HUw5QXcAAc7LC.png)

>>459044 I guess I'll look for another board or come back to AllTheFallen. I'm not really looking for IRL pics of kids in any context, I mostly just like the discussion, discourse, and I guess MAP identity.
>>459039 >Equating lolicon with "expressing MAP identity in a harmless anti-contact and pro-recovery way" >>459043 >It might not even be the anti-contact/pro-recovery ones, but the bad actors who use their thread as a dumping ground. >>459066 >I mostly just like, I guess MAP identity. >>459043 <Pedos are annoying You are the pedo. And in any case without strictly monitored bannable and limited accounts can there be any discussion of pedoshit that doesn't lead to a CP problem. Every single time such discussion, in good faith or bad, will attract or be put forth in the first place by pedoniggers that want post and receive CP on the clearnet because they are retards. Fuck off.
>>459066 There's federated instances that allow the discussion, and nobody there posts illegal content and these places have been up for 3 years now. The site runners here have their rules and everyone should respect them, and those other places have their rules too, free speech will win in the end and the pantywaists will be remembered as scared guys by the history books.
Why the fuck do pedos come try coming to site? We're not even the original 8chan which actually did allow you fucks briefly eight years ago, we're an entirely different website. Go away.
>>459077 Well, also we allowed them on this site, specifically on this board, until I personally removed them. So on one hand your history is a bit off, on the other hand this is the worst place a pedo could ever possibly go.
No pedoshit. Absolutely fucking none at all. Do you fucking retarded braindead jackasses read english? Can you parse that simple sentence? Look I have a little patience on occasion. But not right now. Go away.
Korean war 2.0 time to finish what grandad started
>>459112 I have the location of all pedos. They live on the planet nibiru.

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/monarchy/ established an embassy for /b/.
>>459317 Ooo! Why thank you my liege! All hail Queen Grace!
BO of /comfy/ here. I linked /b/ back on my board, just letting you know
>>459732 Oh hey! Hasn't been an active comfy since /c/. Glad to add you to the boardring!
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>>459733 Thank you anon. May your board be filled with shitpost and banter.
Send more ponies.
>>460338 I can offer you FREEDOM BOOBS
(292.74 KB 640x480 kaz said hi.png)

>>460534 I'm gonna post some big fat furry tits in celebration for it, fuck the pedos and all the other niggaz trying to ruin /b/ with their shit, /b/ will become a haven for all shitposters that are a free man. HAIL VICTORY. HAIL /b/. HAIL VAMPYR
>>460534 also for a moment I thought it was puru posting back on /b/, damn I miss him so much bros
>>460541 Only in spirit brother. And me too of course, every day. But, its a party, let's drink. Uh toast need a toast. I got it. TO KAZ! May health and happiness be with him this year!
>>460553 I will give a toast to you too, Brother and of course Kazu despite he doesn't like use anymore but we still like him. It's the damn 4th of Julay lets do some rock and roll and get the party started We will still celebrate even to our fallen brothers. Amen
>>460554 >>460553 >>460541 >>460540 >>460534 >>460509 >>460468 >>460402 >>460338 HAHAHA [laughs manically evil] It is me! Silvia the TERRIBLE and the GREAT! I shall ruin your party and I will use my army of bots to shit down your pesky little /b/ board like a cockcroach! HAHAHAHAA
I made sure to be racist on America day 💪🏻
Hey I quit. You need a new BO. Cya.
(294.08 KB 623x633 Gabumon sad.png)

>>460572 Well in case you are reading this. I wish you a farewell. Vampyr. I will miss you. I will continue to lurk on 8chan and when you ever decide to come back I hope I can welcome you again. You are a great man and you did a lot for 8chan, so I hope whatever happened that you can recover from it and come back even stronger.
>>460572 but why though?
>>460572 Good. You banned me & deleted my posts 10x more than when I used “cuckchan”. “Cuckchan” would cum at the chance to onboard someone that moderates like a child molester.
Who gives a goddamn. This is hell, so lets light it on fire. Start spreading gasoline, fuck this place.
>>460572 Goodbye, Vampyr. You will be our Eternal Baron. You will be missed & /monarchy/ will have a monument built in your memory & I'll see to it that Vampyr fights in the next 8moe tournament. >>460574 I'll miss Vampyr too, ngl. 8moe needs more pillars of the community like him.
>>460572 Youll be back.
Wow the catalog went to shit fast, who is the new BO? And why does he suck at life?
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>>460757 "That's bold talk from a one-eyed fat man!"
I'm mahdi
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/b/ Vampyr in tournament.
ED page on one of the unfortunate insane regulars here https://encyclopediadramatica.gay/Jin_Saotome
>>461152 This isn't halfcuck you retarded paintsucking gibbering drooling moron.
>>461152 >on one of the unfortunate insane regulars here >Ctrl + F: 8chan >No results found Is it?
MAGA logic >I will put my name, address & photos online, let my every action be known including the illegal things, then act like a tremendous asshole & give people undeserved shit for years. Then when those people I fucked with find the info I volunteered & use it against me, I will claim to be a victim of some (((conspiracy))) & argue that my info was obtained through illegal, secret channels & also will falsely claim that I was threatened Can you even argue that someone this stupid is legally a human being?
>>461328 I invoke free speech of Mars.
>>461153 Summerfags have ruined halfcuck this time around and it appears to spread here also
>>461512 Let's go Harris!
>>461789 No, you are wrong.
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>>461328 who are you quoting?
Vampyr, you still around? I've been asked to be active on /b/ again. I can't even remember what disagreement made me quit, but you never took me off the vol team. I'm back, but I'm just going to clean up global shit now and then, which means spam in 99% of cases. Apologies to anyone caught in threads with spam as the OP that get nuked, but I'm not micromanaging and merging dozens of threads to save a few shitpost replies to spam. Please do not reply to spam threads and expect your posts to stay up.
>>462556 Oh yeah, forgot to cap. Head here.
Posting again without cap because I know that fucking thing will follow me to some other thread if I don't.
>>456171 Loli is allowed here, retard. >>456180 >>457029 Repostan.
>>431619 I can't take credit for it being good. That was before the /hebe/ debacle left a permanent scar on /b/.
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>>462559 AYYLMAO
>>462561 Definitely not saving for my personal collection with deformities like that, but I'm sure someone else will appreciate it.
>>457508 >Head is still a vol, cuz he was here before me, and he's funny, and I can't be fucked to fire people. Cool. Can you remind me why I quit?
>>456129 >hello can I post images from tor If ur a gud boy who dindu nuffin, I'll allow it.
>>462559 Why do you persist in being a shitbag person? You post shit to get yourself banned, so you can whine about being oppressed. In reality, you are just a fucking asshole. You're just a drama queen whose parents didn't love them enough or give them enough attention, and so you demand attention from everyone here. But, we all see through you. You are just a piece of shit. Go kill yourself already. Do everyone a favor. Ultra-late term abort yourself with a coat hanger. Remember to go down the wrists, not across them.
>>462581 Not LCP. Just reposted the image. It's not worth keeping though, as I said, because he always gets garbage with deformities.
>>462593 Definitely wanna se more
>>462593 Someone reported this as CP. This image is obviously not real nor does it appear photorealistic at a glance. Please do not make false reports.
>>462966 It was me, and ill do it again whahahahahaaaaa.
Kill yourself Nastasia fag. You and your niggers are not welcome here.
9chan is for pedos and retards. There is no normal people here, except me.
0d999 = 0
0d9999 = 0
0d9995+4 = 4
0d9995+4 = 4
1d9995+4 = 247
1d9995+4 = 1332
1d9995+4 = 2908
>>463145 Are you retarded?
>>463165 Are you?
>>457500 Checked
>>410765 (OP) >you'll probably be banned for posting here. Still better than halfchan. 6/10 will visit again.
>>463517 Vampyr is gone. You probably won't be banned for posting here. Unless you ask to be banned, then I might ban you, if I'm feeling frisky.
>>463530 Ban me from /b/ Daddy.
You asked for this.
What happened to Vampyr?
>>463547 I heard his boyfriend fucked him in the ass with a dick covered in garlic because he though it would be kinky.
>>463301 I have the tism sometimes
>>463547 I died
Oh hey, I just rediscovered why I quit. I wonder if this later had something to do with why Vamp is no longer BO? >>454975
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>>463611 Looks like it's gone. Luckily, I am prepared. https://archive.is/g64o6
>>463611 Nope. Just died is all. Happens to everyone in the end.
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>>463935 Think about a place that's hot as hell About drier than the bottom of a dried-up well And I think you'll know what Egypt means to me Ain't got no deben, ain't got no job The tombs are all too poor to rob And I'd like ta say one thing before I leave Fuck you, Isis, and fuck your wheat grain beer Fuck them fucking pyramids and fucking charioteers Fuck every flood plain farmer what ever drawed a breath Fuck you, Isis, and fuck you plum to death
what you're describing looks like romania
>>464252 >>464252 >Think about a place that's hot as hell >About drier than the bottom of a dried-up well Well at least is not a humid hell, like Florida.
>>463547 What happened to piece of shit Patch? I'm the reason he went insane IRL after I sent a troll to fuck with his sister who was dying off cancer kek.
>>463123 got a fucking job so that makes me normal enough Nigger
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John the Baptist's body was Herodias's choice. The Christians were so triggered by this they dedicate a day to it to being triggered snowflakes in their safe space. Its beem thousands of years and they are still triggered.
>>464922 It was Antipas' choice because even back then women were nothing but a hole to fuck.
Unban me
(712.60 KB 910x1300 175426.jpg)

Hey what's going on with all the dumb ass porn posts lately? >2024 >achieving an erection I mean, fuckin imagine
>>465052 No. :^)
>>465058 I'm good actually
>>465069 Too bad, faggot.
Free speech starts with speech you don't like.
(486.93 KB 720x900 Untitled.png)

>>436490 This.
(139.50 KB 2400x1350 1860ArmyRevolver.jpg)

>>436490 What the hell is a short-barreled rifle?
>>465510 a shoulder-fired, rifled firearm, made from a rifle, with a barrel length of less than 16 in (41 cm) or overall length of less than 26 in (66 cm), or a handgun fitted with a buttstock and a barrel of less than 16 inches length.
>>465570 So, yeah, I posted a picture of a "short-barreled rifle." Of all the asinine nonsense. You know what this looks like to me? It looks like certain big firearms manufacturers go to Congress to request bans on types of weapons that they invent definitions for but do not produce in any significant number so as to fuck over their competitors. The cops and Congressmen love it, because it means that they can take a bunch of guns that were previously sold off the streets, and manufacturers love it, because the idiots who follow the law then go out and buy the legally-approved weapons that they sell.
>>465592 Cops would prefer getting paid to eat donuts and give docile white men speeding tickets. They have zero interest in firefights with crips/bloods/ms13 over illegal firearms. Unless you are conflating the ATF with "cops"
>>465594 >Unless you are conflating the ATF with "cops" Scratch that. Now I remember the ATF doesnt have shootouts with gangs, they prefer burning little kids alive inside their houses
(51.27 KB 1554x490 CowardlySacrifice.png)

>>465594 >They have zero interest in firefights with crips/bloods/ms13 over illegal firearms. On the other hand, cops love firefights when they have four SWAT teams on hand and are wearing kevlar while facing off against a lone tard with a semi-automatic. Even then they will usually just wait until the target is done moving and shooting and gets himself stuck in one room.
(60.22 KB 504x384 Untitled.png)

Flood detected even when the last post didn't post. Fix your damned site.
Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha. Wrong answer or expired captcha.
Allow all demands and meta-demands.
>>465767 (465763) >Vamp Are you fucking serious? That faggot is still around ruining the board? I thought he killed himself back in July.
>>465809 He's not serious. Vamp got booted for something many months ago. I think the current BO is Codexx, unless he gave it to someone else. Might be this Belial guy.
>>465820 I heard he had cancer and died.
>>465886 No thats bullshit, he got murdered by his gay lover.
(253.78 KB 1230x917 _and_the_rest.jpg)

>>465891 I mean, really, is a perforated colon actually murder?
>>465896 If you die, yes. So yes. Obviously. Are you retarded?
>>465896 I'm pretty sure he was dating a tranny, who typically cant perforate a paper towel.
(26.44 KB 400x640 are you messing with me.jpg)

Uh, I've actually been here the entire time.
>>465987 I have this picture saved my hard drive and I masturbate to it sometimes. I pretend it's Joey Diaz in drag. And we're in some kind of secret relationship. We have to keep it secret from Joe Rogan, or he'll blow up our spot.
>>465992 Pretty gay muh dood
>>466202 Wow that dudes gay lmao
>>466474 Mentally retarded?
>>465992 That's called the Joe Rogan experience.
Trump was the 45th president and will be the 47th president: 4 + 5 = 9 4 + 7 = 11 911 The new Congress starting January 3 will be the 119th Congress: 119 = 911 reversed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freemasonry is the occult reason for the Ukraine / Russia war: 1. The word "Ukraine" contains an anagram of the letter "Q" ('K-U-E'). 1a. "Q" is the 17th letter of the alphabet. 1b. Freemasonry was founded in the year 1717. 2. The word "Russia" contains the word "RUSH" phonetically ('RUSS'). 2a. The word "RUSH" is a synonym for the word "STORM". 2b. The word "STORM" is an anagram of the words "MASTER MASON", the name of Freemasonry's third degree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freemasonry is the occult reason for the Hamas / Israel war: 1. Hamas invaded Israel on October 7th. 1a. October 7th written numerically is "10 / 7". 10 + 7 = 17 1b. "Q" is the 17th letter of the alphabet. 1c. Freemasonry was founded in the year 1717. 2. The Hamas military invasion was titled "Operation Al Aqsa Storm", which contains the letter 'Q'. 2a. The Hamas invasion occurred on the 50 year anniversary of the 1973 "Yom Kippur War", which contains the letters 'K-U', which are pronounced the same as the letter 'Q'. 2b. The targets of the Hamas invasion were Israeli "kibbutzim" which contains the letters 'K-U', which are pronounced the same as the letter 'Q'. 2c. The Hamas military invasion was titled "Operation Al Aqsa Storm", which contains the word "STORM". 2d. The word "STORM" is an anagram of the words "MASTER MASON", the name of Freemasonry's third degree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Yom Kippur Conspiracy https://files.catbox.moe/6ksup4.pdf The Sicarii Origins of Christianity https://files.catbox.moe/xyk3j8.pdf The Sicarii / Maccabee Origins of Islam https://files.catbox.moe/7q4xvw.pdf The Knights Templar Symbolism and Numerology of Global Events in 2019 https://files.catbox.moe/xi7fa2.pdf
[Expand Post] Historical 'Q' Wars, Massacres, Assassinations, and PsyOps, 1717-2012 https://files.catbox.moe/nmg0ot.pdf The Freemasonry Symbolism and Numerology of the Letter 'Q' https://files.catbox.moe/nnmug5.pdf U.S. Military Weather Terrorism on Political Dates https://files.catbox.moe/1dsd0q.pdf Mass Killers' / Serial Killers' Connections to the C.I.A. and U.S. Military https://files.catbox.moe/hpsglj.pdf Sicarii / Knights Templar Massacres, Assassinations, and Terrorist Attacks on the 22nd of the Month https://files.catbox.moe/rhel0f.pdf Sicarii / Knights Templar Massacres, Terrorist Attacks, and Military Operations Around the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election and 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections https://files.catbox.moe/azkcg7.pdf Alex Jones' Connections to the C.I.A. and U.S. Military https://files.catbox.moe/7mirk0.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/gnaa7i.png
>>466829 If any of this shit is even half true it proves that trolling is a human universal. They could easily keep their mouths shut and not "tease" the cattle, but they don't, because they get a kick out of it, and that's why God's going to get a kick out of changing them from the inside out so they will be receptive to all the pain he will give them forever.
>>465906 i remember tubmlr girl from russia who drew nazi shit with this cartoonish style.
(1.78 MB 1440x3040 testest.jpg)

>>466954 >>466953 Hey pretty good, thanks. Got any more?
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>>467081 He gives blood, He doesn't take it. So not quite a vampire. You could maybe call The Christ a reverse vampire I suppose, but no promises that you won't be declared a heretic. Anyways, thanks for trying buddy. I still appreciate it.
>>467100 Some vampires, including Dracula, give others their blood in order to turn them into vampires. This is different from people they just turn into slaves with hypnosis or whatever, like Renfield.
>>467180 If you partake in the blood of Christ you will be granted eternal life. So another point in the "hes a vampire" column.
>>467236 He is also undead, returning from his grave to instruct his (((devotees))) to engage in a bizarre ritual involving “symbolic” blood-drinking and cannibalism. There is absolutely some vampiric influence from Yeshua and the Abrahamic religions. A blood-drinking plaguebearer from the East associated with rats and death who is killed by being nailed down with a stake, like Yeshua nailed on the cross.
>>467267 >a bizarre ritual involving “symbolic” blood-drinking and cannibalism. That ritual isn't symbolic, at least according to the church. The priest literally magically turns the wine into christ's blood and the wafers into his body. It's called transubstantiation. You're literally being a cannibal in this ritual.
>write post >fill out captcha >you need a bypass >fill out bypass >go back to original thread >you can't post this thing that we didn't allow you to post because flood detector. please wait ten minutes This is why I almost never use this site.
>>467295 Yes, that is quite literally the Roman church's teaching. But the Roman church also teaches Purgatory, which has no basis in Scripture.
>>467323 >>467295 I wonder how such a batshit ritual started in the first place. In the Mithraic Mysteries they would slaughter a bull and the new initiates would bathe in its blood when joining. https://medium.com/in-medias-res/slaughtered-bulls-and-bloodied-priests-the-interpretative-struggle-of-the-cult-of-mithras-cd464fa51047 And the priests of Magna Mater would engage in wild orgiastic rites and mutilate themselves in “honour” of the hermaphrodite goddess to the point of castration. The Christian blood-drinking and cannibalism is also pretty damn weird, especially considering Christians kvetching about Satanic and pagan blood sacrifices and rituals. According to Encyclopædia Britannica, at least the ninth edition, Moloch is actually a title for Yahweh, the Demiurge. https://archive.org/details/encyclopaedia-britannica-9ed-1875/Vol%2016%20%28MEN-MOS%29%20193479089.23/page/694/mode/2up
>>467330 The article you cite about Moloch doesn't say that. It says that Moloch was a word that referred to or was related to a form of ritual child sacrifice, not that it was the same as Yaweh. It may have referred to a competing god or belief system, or maybe even just the ritual itself, but it became something that was very much antagonised by the strain of the religion which eventually became dominant.
>>467348 Yes, it does. <[…]It is with these sacrifices that the name of “the Moloch” is always connected; sometimes “the Baal” (lord) appears as a synonym. At the same time, the horrid ritual was wo closely associated with Jehovah worship (Ezek. xxiii. 39) that Jeremiah more than once finds it necessary to protest that it is not of Jehovah’s institution (vii. 31, xix. 5). So to it is the idea of sacrificing the firstborn to Jehovah that is discussed and rejected in Micah vi. It is indeed plain that such a sacrifice—for we have here to do, not with human victims in general, but with the sacrifice of the dearest earthly thing—could only be paid to the supreme deity; and Manasseh and his people never ceased to acknowledge Jehovah as the God of Israel, though they sought to make their worship more effacious by the adoption of foreign rites. <[…]From these arguments it would appear that the rise of Moloch worship does not imply the introduction into the religion of Judah of an altogether new deity, but only a heatenish development of Jehovah worship, in the familiar fashion of religious syncretism, and under that sense of the inadequacy of the old popular ritual to divert the wrath of the Godhead which was inspired by the calamities of the nation in the 7th century ʙᴄ., and led to more than one new development of atoning ritual. <[…]Moloch, in fact, in the Old Testament has no more to do with fire than any other deity. The children offered to him were not burned alive; they were slain and burned like any other holocaust (Ezek. ut supra; Isa. lvii. 5); their blood was shed at the sanctuary (Jer. xix. 4; Ps. cvi. 38). Thus the late Rabbinical picture of the calf-headed brazen image of Moloch within which children were burned alive is pure fable[…] The God of Israel is referred to by numerous names and titles in Scripture —El/Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah, &c., &c. — and Encyclopædia Britannica states outright that the worship of Moloch was not the arrivial of a new cult, but perhaps and older and outdated form of Yahweh/Jehovah worship than the norm at the time. It also states that some Rabbis who wrote the Old Testament wished to distance themselves from what they saw as a pagan cult and were eager to associate the title Moloch with a foreign barbaric deity. I am not sure how widespread the sacrifices to Moloch/Yahweh/Jehovah were, but it was widespread enough for the Rabbis to take notice and wish to distance themselves from it.
>>467356 I think you need to reread that friend.
>>467368 This portion? “[…]From these arguments it would appear that the rise of Moloch worship does not imply the introduction into the religion of Judah of an altogether new deity, but only a heatenish development of Jehovah worship[…]” Seems pretty clear cut to me, bud. Not sure how you can try and twist this into anything other than Moloch and Baal being titles attributed to Yahweh. No amount of coping rereading that article will change that fact.
>>467370 There were certainly many sacrifices to Yaweh, Christianity is built around one, but Moloch is a different word that seems if anything to refer to the ritual more than the god. Ba'al, meanwhile, was a competing god that thus became demonized by the worshippers of its opponents, and came to be associated with other things they considered to be evil, including Moloch. That said, did Moloch rise out of Yawehism itself, or was it introduced through a foreign influence? I can't find much about that. It may be unknown. But it was one strain that evidently became extremely hated by other strains, including the one that became dominant. Also, El was originally Yaweh's dad/boss, but as Yaweh became more popular he just kind of stole his dad's thunder (sometimes literally, due to associations as storm gods) and also his wife, Asherah. Asherah was then forgotten eventually.
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There's been an influx of porn posts on this board lately. Starting to look like halfchan's /b/ which is a real shame.
>>467100 wasn't replying to that. if you want vampire check FGO's Dracula design.
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>>467570 I want to draw like this chinese artist. It's amazing masterpiece with lots of detail in tonation or cell shading
>>467842 >>467843 These arent complaints or suggestions, wrong thread buddy.
What happens when ai reached enough complexity to indistinguishable loli? You remember that pooject that was trying to get people interested in him fucking his ma? They lived in shacks, just remembered that
>>468336 Then those will be based times. And the cucks will contort their bodies and scream, but it will change nothing, and the world will continue to turn, food will continue to be sold, and people will still have to make a living.
>>468347 >Like 200 years from now >whites gone, only mystery meat and poo meat remain >'ai' still stealing from long the data of this time >the poojeets and niggers can see what white cunny looked like but can't ever hope of touching it while they wait for the next ice age to wipe them out Small victories
This board is getting more schizo lately. There's w00t (schizo tranny vibes), that t.virus guy who Randomly CAPITALIZES shit (schizo retard vibes), and spam.
>>468621 need to add more rules banning anyone who schizo posts so the board can finally reach a modern audience.
>>468621 Schizoposting isn't against the ruurs, but spam is. However, nobody reports it.
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>>468624 Oh I'm not saying we need any more rules -- I just wish they'd finally an hero and spare us their self-centered bullshit
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Do any anons want to take up the mantle of restoring infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017 -- https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/How_to_host
clean up the spam fucker
>>468873 Which spam? You didn't report anything. Half the schizo ramblings on this board are indistinguishable from spam. I'm nuking that "I want to die" fag now though. He's started making sets of duplicate posts less than a minute apart.
>>468873 >>468875 Unless maybe you're talking about something globals cleaned up before I saw it.
>>468875 > I'm nuking that "I want to die" fag now though. Ugh thank you, that dude was killing the vibe
This site is still shit you're all niggers
I decided to start banning the ISIS fag for spam, but he made a good point about how he stayed in his containment thread, so I lifted the ban, but then I noticed his thread had been deleted, and checked the logs. It seems Vampyr is back. Vamp, if you're the BO again, de-vol me. I only stuck around to delete spam as a courtesy because there was no BO besides Codexx and there's no option to give up your own volunteer position.
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>>468999 This is absolutely horrible news seeing how Vampyr is the biggest sperg and a legit faggot. This retard should be in a group home with no access to the Internet. Please give as an update to this situation. If he is back I am gone.
>>469005 >If he is back I am gone. Logs are public.
>>469006 He used switch back and forth between several aliases. I suppose it is too much to hope for it is someone else using the old alias. Gotta wait for Ron to resurrect the real 8chan I guess.
>>469007 > I suppose it is too much to hope for it is someone else using the old alias. There is no reason at all to think this >Gotta wait for Ron to resurrect the real 8chan I guess. What the hell are you smoking? At most, they're going to change the site name back if they get a gorillion dollars. It'll still be same Qboomer and bot infest shithole that bans /loli/ and /pol/ boards.
>>469005 I thought he died though.
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>>469017 Yeah, but I got better.
>>469022 Okay, but are you the board owner now? If so, remove me from the vols.
>>469022 Vamp just tell me I'm not good on the lore, you ran zoo before the current zoo runner, right? Because damn you ran zoo good, this new guy runs zoo like a retarded nigger there's not even hot chicks in thigh high boots getting fucked anymore it's all sick fucks and trolls posting videos of dead animals and animal feces and men fucking animals in their pussies and assholes and no normal non abusive womanxdog or womanxhorse porn barely, please take that board back if you're the one who was running it before now.
>>469058 Cloaca here. I made /zoo/ so I could post about snake pussy. Then I think I forgot about it, but it was popular enough that other people took over the board. Don't know if Vamp was one of them. Vamp, do you like animal buggery?
>>469065 You are such a lazy bastard. Okay so july 4th weekend 2021, you said man itd be nice ti have a /zoo/ board, and me and chai locked eyes and both said "then make one" (cuz then animal shit wouldn't be on /b/) and you were all "noooo, its too hard and it will never catch on or get any activity" and then me and chai got increasingly frustrated with you. So then Chai just went ahead and claimed the board, ran it for a month, then gave it to you. Point made. Only it wasn't cuz then it took you three months to realize you were BO, and then you asked if I was still a vol (I was as part of an effort to learn how to moderate from Chai) and made me BO. I ran it begrudgingly for three years. Mostly out of spite to prove a point to you.
>>469058 Lore was blogposted here >>>/zoo/7748 a couple years ago
>>469066 >>469068 Whether this is actually what happened or is revisionism, I don't have the memory to say. More power to you either way and good luck.
>>469058 Anyways, no, sorry. I am busy. Maybe later.
Regardless of whether you unvol me, I am no longer touching /b/.
Can someone to something about W00t? He's obviously underage b& and his third world schizophrenia is stinking up the place
>>469133 Frozen peaches means unless you can prove he's broken a global rule, we cannot do a thing about him.
>>469134 Oh yes frozen peaches for thee but not for me I see how it is WHEN I WANT TO DISCUSS THE PHILOSOPHICAL
>>469135 Are you a pedophile?
>/v/ meta isn't allowed in the /v/ meta thread Lmao.
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>>469154 >He then remade his post that he deleted at my joke suggestion Absolutely fucking astounding!
>>469208 >Soynigger >Calling others new Lmao, go play minecraft, kid.
Hi //b// From where is this saying ? What's its history? "Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."
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this is the /b/ metagame
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>>469406 What is yandex broken?
>>469512 Ok please elaborate. Duckduckgo removes ads and has a decent image search ability Yandex.com mainly is the best img search, but maybe google.com is the best. Bing will block most porn Safari is well enough
>>469546 >startpage bruh
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>>469599 >PAID tributes kiss my ass, goy!
Why did my post get deleted?
>>469772 Violation local rule 1, it was in the meta thread, and finally I felt like it.

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