the foundation of all human organization - nay, the organizarion of all species that live upon thia earth - ia violence, the everpresent threat of force is the glue that holds the social fabric of every variety of living thing together.
verily, it underlies every intraspecies interaction and it even serves a major role in the relationships that occur across species as well, for the largest reason why humans lack creatures that will prey upon us anymore is because of how well we are known to retaliate against any being that harms one of our kind.
not only is it true the violence and intimidation work for the purposes of social organization and conflict resolution, but it is the only thing that is known to work in these causes, there is no replacement, all that has been claimed to serve as a substitute has been shown to be merely a layer above the supremacy of force which exists at the atomic level of all interactions.
everything that approaches perfection or an ideal is darwinian, operating on the basis of eliminatory competition, there is nothing that will simply give us the apex of anything, but the principles of selective pressures upon successive iterations with some limited variability between descended instances cutting the lineage of failures whilst keeping around those which pass the bar set for future viability.
basically, let there be freedom, but also a metric for failure, and permit those who fail to meet the baeline standards to cull themselves and die off whilst allowing those who do meet the minimum requirements to advance to the future and produce the next generation that is like them in most ways, but with small differences that could be seen to demonstrate themselves as either improvements to or downgrades from the previous model of their line.
the scientific method is darwinian, the selective criteria is empirical predictive power.
Evolution uses the number of copies within other organisms as the basis for advancement when selecting which genes or gene combinations get eliminated from the pool.
culture selects the ideas and opinions that are best at propagating themselves into the heads of the greatest number of people that would share - or at the very least express - them.
a shame that in the culture of today, one that is curated for us by the kikes, we have the toxic meme that pursuing a gain at the expense of another partys loss is somehow something to feel guilty about or ashamed of, rather than being the definition of victory and success.
the "dark" personality traits, when coupled with high intelligence and proper strategic planning, are actually the traits of the gigachad ubermenschen.
one should not feel afraid or self conscious about trying to win, the world is a game with net zero sum, your every acheivement comes at the cost of someone or something else suffering or dying. this is the way of the world, the jews have lied to you in every work of fiction that they have produced, make no mistake, winning is not losing, and nothing to feel ashamed of. embrace it.
we live in a digused kratocracy, civilized society is an illusion, the only truth about power is that it is nothing more than the relative superiority in the amount of capacity for violence that you have at your command.