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Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 20:56:26 No. 465228
let me work
The definition of "trolling" should be "the act of intentionally attempting to cause others to feel emotions other than happiness (surprise/confusion ("shock" the "freeze" response), anger/rage (the "fight" response), fear/terror (the "flight" response), or sadness/misery ("grief", or psychological pain, the punishment and recovery emotion, the "fucked" or "fubar: or "fail" response)), for the purpose of causing oneself to feel happiness/joy (psychological pleasure, the reward and incentive emotion, the "fun" or "favor" response)."
>>465298 or "i try to cause you emotional pain (which comes from 4 emotions, maybe 5 if we add disgust) because it causes me emotional pleasure to do so"
>>465298 >The definition of "trolling" should be "the act of intentionally lying to cause others to feel emotions other than happiness (surprise/confusion ("shock" the "freeze" response), anger/rage (the "fight" response), fear/terror (the "flight" response), or sadness/misery ("grief", or psychological pain, the punishment and recovery emotion, the "fucked" or "fubar: or "fail" response)), for the purpose of causing oneself to laugh." Fix'd

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