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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/po/ #3754: Big Commonwealth BVLL Edition Anonymous 08/08/2022 (Mon) 14:04:20 Id: b35c12 No. 291850
Anti-abortion Gen Z-ers see cause as social justice https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-62273461 Men have a higher risk of cancer because of 'intrinsic biological differences' NOT because they eat, drink and smoke more, major study claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11091367/Men-greater-cancer-risk-biology-NOT-drink-smoke-study-claims.html 'Apocalyptic' blaze that destroyed 15 gardens and saw 40 people evacuated in Essex was started by CHIMINEA amid barbecue ban warnings – as firefighters probe cause of Feltham inferno https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11091471/Apocalyptic-blaze-destroyed-15-gardens-Essex-started-CHIMINEA.html 'The stuff of nightmares!': 'Creepy' child-shape bollards designed to alert drivers to school crossing are branded 'terrifying' and have turned village into 'an 80s horror film' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11091701/Creepy-child-shape-bollards-designed-alert-drivers-school-crossing-branded-terrifying.html Blow for Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss as new poll shows the public think NEITHER would be a better prime minister than Keir Starmer - and fare no better against Labour leader than Boris Johnson https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11091277/Blow-Sunak-Truss-poll-shows-public-think-NEITHER-better-PM-Starmer.html And other shite
>>292549 bet it's the jewesses and homosexuals that run the fashion industry that gaslit people against cargo shorts. they don't want white men keeping their goyphones in a cargo pocket a foot and a half away from the testicles, they want that phone in the right pocket nuking the nuts
>>292550 good lad
https://youtu.be/FNhDRXALDig fresh cleaning mummy
in the ethnostate incels will go and brap huge massive shites and make a mess and then women will have to clean it up
>>292555 facts
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I'd put a tool up her crevice corrr PPHWWOOAAR
incel freaks
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>>292558 there was this thicc spicc 'Amy Delgado' on yt in the last that had a perfect bubble butt and made such videos. then she took them all down and directed people to patreon/onlyfans, but there are no leaks available, what a bitch actually there do seem to be leaks now that I checked, hmm
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it's too hot for cooming
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>>292559 >We may nnot have it all together, but together we have it all
>its going to get even hotter in the next few days and I'll just be being an incel inside as per usual
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>>292563 >>292565 I don't get why you lads don't just make this, assuming you already have a fan that'd be 20 pounds and an hour of labor for the means to cool down the room every summer
whats his game with constantly shilling that shite
>>292567 >every summer angloids complain about the heat >I offer a practical solution >nobody ever does it >repeat I made one of those things before when my AC broke down for a few days and it works great. just spits the condensation at you, so don't point it towards electronics and maybe put a towel down
just keep your back wet says spic
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Snight snids.
>tfw fuel bill going to be through the roof this winter because brandon and the sodomites with gayto wanted to btfo russia >we are just going to suffer through it though because we are in libtard version of 1920s soviet despotism
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why did Q abandon us lads?
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>>292576 all part of the plan
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bit worried about the state of things lads
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>>292579 can't believe they only get that tiny little space
>>292576 he chose a more righteous fight
sick of women tbh lads i know thats nothing new but it's the endless scrutiny from them that gets me. are you masculine enough? but not too masculine thats scary. are you tall enough? lol is your dick small? your dick must be small. are you broke? are you balding? are you creepy? are you into hobbies i approve of? it drives me fucking insane and you can't escape it. this is why we need male only spaces but theyve all been destroyed
>>292576 He's a goddamn hothouse flower, that's his problem
>>292580 wait till you see what 20something neets who live with their parents have to cram their whole lives into
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>>292582 Just stop caring what women think of you so much, they aren't the only form of validation.
>>292582 the best thing about boomer toil is being all grotty and filthy and then just grotting in public in your toil clothes and ruining the feminized perfumed spaces with the smell of sawdust and BO and dirty boots and femoids try to act like workmen are invisible but if there are enough of them they have to hide in their phones and the place becomes conquered by boomer toilers

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