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GamerGate Radio

SHITPOSTING MEGATHREAD: Unlimited Butthurt Works edition Veteran Leader 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:22:47 Id: 8bf42c No. 328623
Previous thread >>323167 This thread is a special sticky thread for the purpose of keeping the board catalog tidy by containing gossip, drama, and shitposting. What goes in this thread: >Minor SJW news or stories that don't have national impact >SJW issues that aren't games industry related and that are not operations or digging. >Twitter gossip that doesn't materially affect #GG >E-celeb or board drama of a personal nature Warning: This thread may have content that is Not Safe For Work! If you feel a thread has extraordinary merit that should be granted an exception from above, you can request a pass by posting it here and reporting the post for mod attention. All other #GG related content is free to post on the rest of the board. Welcome, and have fun!
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Posting for 602ca6
Looks like Godfrey is back.
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What the hell is going on with the KiA mods?
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>>332704 Funny, if I go to the original link right now Twitter shows me no comments under it. > Jonathan Weisman > deputy Washington editor of @nytimes Ah yes, the newspaper that the corruption we found led right into the board of. "Bin Laden is a Hero" Crackintosh -> Mimi -> Joi -> NYT doing favors for a friend in the fake feminism business. > author of (((SEMITISM))): BEING JEWISH IN AMERICA IN THE AGE OF TRUMP This guy wrote a book to spread FUD about Trump, the most pro-Jewish American President in 30 years. > This American Jew Was Baited by White Supremacists. He Sees Israel as Part of the Problem https://www.haaretz.com/life/books/.premium-being-a-confused-american-jew-in-the-age-of-trump-1.5917828 https://archive.is/fC9xa It's an Asajew? > his most explicit suggestion is for U.S. Jewish organizations to stop spending all their time defending Israel and devote more attention to domestic problems (more about that below). > What’s more, argues Weisman, the mainstream institutions that presume to represent or lead America’s Jews have instead made the mistake of centering Jewish identity around the Holocaust and of making a fetish of knee-jerk support for Israel. Should all Jews be massacred by Arafat's fascists whose forefathers were literal Nazis who advised the Germans to conduct the Holocaust? Gee, I don't know, that's a very controversial topic around my dinner parties with my libtard friends, as a Jew I think Jews should shut up about not wanting to be massacred by Muslims… Mr. Weisman, YOU ARE FAKE JEWS
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> Like Wars > Millions of harassing tweets were sent under the hashtag #gamergate > Alt-Right > Grand international far right conspiracy theory > Semitism > Mentioning gamergate 16 times. "declaration of culture war"… Last pick is from this book.
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>>332707 This gonna be back and forth still in 2027, I tell ya! We are here fore ever.
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>>332707 More quotes from Semitism.
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>>332709 More Quotes.
Here have plus 50 titles which talk shit about Gamergate: https://pastebin.com/wwytugbF
>>332711 Thanks for the research
> Mediating Misogyny: Gender, Technology, and Harassment edited by Jacqueline Ryan Vickery A member of Mimi Ito's DMLHub https://archive.is/gEPB9 > Gendertrolling: How Misogyny Went Viral: How Misogyny Went Viral Game Changers By Dan Golding, Leena van Deventer Dan Golding was the original* Gamers Are Dead author and Leena van Deventer is part of his Freeplay Australia group https://archive.is/ct0iU > Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself By Amanda Marcotte of the UN's RH Reality Check and Daily Kos > Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming By T.L. Taylor of DiGRA > Devil's Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Nationalist Uprising By Joshua Green of the Berkman Center > Woke Gaming: Digital Challenges to Oppression and Social Injustice edited by Kishonna L. Gray, David J. Leonard of Model View Culture > Death by Video Game: Tales of obsession from the virtual frontline By Simon Parkin of EDGE Magazine > Queer Game Studies edited by Bonnie Ruberg, Adrienne Shaw a friend of Leigh Alexander and the person Dan Golding cited in his Gamers Are Dead article > You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir By Felicia Day Of that time when A Man In Black "found" the "Gamergate" harassment within ten minutes of it happening > Fun, Taste, & Games: An Aesthetics of the Idle, Unproductive, and Otherwise Playful By John Sharp, David Thomas An associate professor at the New School (Frankfurt School) and co-chair of Indiecade, and the founder of IGJA which overlaps with DiGRA > The State of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture By Daniel Goldberg featuring: Anna Anthropy, Leigh Alexander, Ian Bogost, Dan Golding, Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian > Trainwreck: The Women We Love to Hate, Mock, and Fear . . . and Why By Sady Doyle who attacked Jonathan Chait for supporting free speech https://archive.is/S2vtj > Uncovering Online Commenting Culture: Trolls, Fanboys and Lurkers By Renee Barnes By Yasmin B. Kafai, Gabriela T. Richard, Brendesha M. Tynes Kafai was at the conference "Diversifying Barbie and Mortal Kombat" with Adrienne Shaw and Jen Jenson https://archive.is/C0Hsz Half of these writers are the same corrupt clique writing in praise of themselves and their buddies!
https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1110676477769465856 > When Smollett’s story was reported to be a #HateHoax, I started gathering together stories of other fake hate crimes in America. Was shocked at how MANY there were in just the past few years.
Stopping by to say hi. Also probably slowpoking: when did /meadhall/ get nuked?
>>332742 I don't know about meadhall but it's good to see another user.
Is this board an archive or a ghost town?
>>332745 > Is this board an archive or a ghost town? A little of both. Don't know why everyone disappeared.
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Happy Easter! >>332743 >it's good to see another user. I check in occasionally, mainly just lurk though. >>332746 >Don't know why everyone disappeared. Change of scenery, or passing of time maybe.
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Hey Acid, are you still friends with the FBI?
>>332751 Sort of. The head field agent I was friends with has retired, but I still know his old partner. It's not like I know any of the head honchos that cover stuff in Washington.
"in 48 hrs @washingtonpost has published no less than four articles/commentaries attacking Republicans for @RashidaTlaib perversions of the history of Israel and the Holocaust. Not a single one noted Tlaib's comments were inaccurate." https://twitter.com/SeanDurns/status/1128293539459293185 Is anyone working on confirming this? I don't have the time.
Can't say I didn't try. One of the law firms that investigated 9/11 has refused to take on Gamergate as a RICO case. Has anyone else tried to talk to a lawyer?
Does anyone have any more reports like this one?
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The QAnon people have this, uh, great guerilla marketing campaign. I hope they take it nationwide.
Did you know that 8chan has an archiving service? Take any thread that timed out and the pictures are going blank… > https://8ch.net/gamergatehq/res/330332.html and add a v in front of it. < https://v.8ch.net/gamergatehq/res/330332.html
Next month will be the 5th anniversary of GamerGate. How will we celebrate? And will there be lots of whining from beta journalists and Literally Whos?
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anyone else excited for winter
>>332815 I'm just happy to see anyone here at all. Everyone seems to have fucked off and/or was baited into infighting and it's been impossible to pick up the pieces. Any news from down under?
>>332816 Everyone is still around, just not around here. Which is kinda sad. /v/ is still active, and KiA is big enough that a mild schism resulted in the creation of a new hub with 7000 subscribers at r/KotakuinAction2. Apart from /v/ it seems the imageboard front either went full /pol/ or left to social media and other places. I still encounter butthurt over our 2016 war with the IRC trolls from time to time, so people remember us. An absolutely shitload of #GG supporters found their way to The_Donald as Trump supporters too. Its pretty mindblowing.
Ah, the real GG board. Not that one on 8cucked.moe

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