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(1.00 MB 1920x1728 Climate-Model-Comparison.png)

(129.24 KB 1089x940 climate_deaths.jpg)

(76.25 KB 800x450 eclipse_the_truth.jpg)

(104.65 KB 620x445 artic_sea_cap.jpg)

Climate Fraud Anonymous 08/07/2021 (Sat) 23:03:54 Id: 166663 No. 749
Post content pertaining to the climate change scam, the elites pushing the agenda, and information debunking it.
(292.68 KB 825x802 gmo-humans.png)

(329.50 KB 560x930 MI6 Green Spying.png)

(61.81 KB 750x680 nasa.jpg)

(132.87 KB 888x499 satellites.jpg)

(682.53 KB 1102x873 belgium and netherlands.png)

(70.39 KB 750x821 mt etna.jpg)

(208.39 KB 602x509 adjustments.png)

(495.78 KB 1024x758 last 11000 years.png)

(668.27 KB 500x376 two to five.gif)

(104.96 KB 506x900 climate alarmism recap.jpg)

(73.40 KB 960x534 sea_ice.jpg)

(195.31 KB 756x514 history_of_settled_science.jpg)

(221.03 KB 1200x748 GISP 2.jpg)

(180.49 KB 1200x533 saskatchewan.jpg)

(41.37 KB 474x494 kilimanjaro.jpg)

(41.12 KB 680x229 200-year-drought.jpg)

(60.86 KB 480x364 sunspots_vs_temperature.jpg)

(1.11 MB 11901x3600 polar bears.jpg)

(63.39 KB 823x615 landfalling hurricanes.jpg)

(42.59 KB 1370x533 GSM-and-Sunspots.png)

(57.45 KB 480x854 canadian trees.jpg)

(147.75 KB 1122x912 windmill.jpg)

(277.67 KB 548x531 greta cooling.png)

(367.37 KB 1501x569 sea ice extent.png)

(54.38 KB 794x587 north_pole_temps_2021.png)

(114.33 KB 408x592 look at the big picture.png)

(24.65 KB 474x264 cosmic rays.jpg)

(6.55 MB 2700x1962 Agenda-21-Map.png)

(61.55 KB 960x809 iceberg.jpg)

(40.64 KB 500x371 sunspots.jpg)

>>1203 4th image: doesn't this assume that the icebergs float?
>>1205 The artic sea ice floats.
(71.13 KB 720x520 controlling you.jpg)

(17.88 KB 400x158 greenhouse_sources3.gif)

(165.83 KB 640x360 hockey stick.png)

(490.25 KB 1500x843 love trees love co2.jpg)

(166.06 KB 1280x720 biocapacity.jpg)

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(243.12 KB 792x773 1573669645399.jpg)

(45.93 KB 472x309 1573670759064.jpg)

(75.43 KB 1200x900 1573671142469.jpg)

Apologies if OP has already posted these.
(782.26 KB 950x938 1573672690217.png)

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(1.35 MB 1280x717 1573683545124.png)

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(244.20 KB 513x745 1577704503935.png)

(59.16 KB 640x372 1577727003840.jpg)

(305.15 KB 640x554 1577726850599.png)

(96.94 KB 863x960 1577734954919.jpg)

(1.07 MB 2442x3164 Average Commute Time.jpg)

(722.70 KB 1800x1000 niggers p2.jpg)

(961.62 KB 705x1202 niggers.png)

(65.18 KB 786x744 envirotards.png)

(249.91 KB 1843x1290 bullies.png)

>>1863 some stuff from my /o/tist folder
>>1916 The first video could have had some salient points if it didn't devolve into the typical pseudointellectual r/fuckcars drivel around 2 minutes in. Unless you live in New York (which was specifically designed around a one-way grid system), you physically cannot design a public transport system that covers everyone, everywhere. Otherwise you either end up with buses that take 2 hours to reach their destination due to all the detours they need to take, or unfathomably large gridlock as they go their separate ways and meet each other along the route. I'm surprised (since the video author seems to be Czech), that he's focusing so hard on US suburban infrastructure, which simply does not apply to the rest of the world. In the UK for instance, each major city is built up in a series of layers, with their own style of infrastructure. You have the inner city, 1000+ years old with all sorts of developments dating back to the Roman times You have 5 - 800 year old towns and villages, some of the larger ones having cityesque elements You have 2 - 300 year old outer cities, designed as workhouse accommodation, which are typically connected to the inner cities via ring roads And finally, you have <100 year old housing estates, many of which are connected to towns, villages, and outer cities through just one or two major roads. Without demolishing the whole lot and redesigning a new city from scratch, there is no feasible way of creating a public transport system to cover all these different types of infrastructure, especially when you consider a lot of it was rebuilt on the cheap after the Blitz.
(13.61 MB 1280x720 Animal Rebellion Pouring Milk.mp4)

(225.07 KB 492x680 florida hurricanes.png)

(94.28 KB 888x1031 nothing happened.jpg)

(61.41 KB 960x788 sydney_harbor.jpg)

(76.50 KB 578x351 CO2 plant life.jpg)

(52.07 KB 480x523 lighthouse 120 years.jpg)

(74.90 KB 680x564 CO2 Australia.jpg)

(147.00 KB 1500x843 more co2 in 10 seconds.jpg)

(93.36 KB 576x553 al gore mansion.jpg)

(235.28 KB 538x680 CO2 Richard Lindzen.png)

(113.03 KB 1280x720 ice age high co2.jpg)

(47.19 KB 598x647 paper plastic.jpg)

(307.73 KB 1440x1407 okay for the environment.jpg)

(5.53 MB 720x900 climate science.mp4)

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