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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
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>>1060622 -Wreckfest -BeamNG Drive -The Quest -Dying Light 1 -Vanquish -Mount&Blade Bannerlord
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>>1060608 The whole thing can be boiled down to >The nose fears the katana give who's running and will keep running Russia for centuries. Communism was the logical step for a race as tribal as them, only matched by the ""han chinese"".
>>1060622 Happy birthday faggot, go play Deep Rock Galactic >Don't like walking sims If you can stomach pirate to try Outer Wilds (not Worlds), it's what every walking sim wishes it was.
>>1060622 >>Dragon's Dogma Monster Hunter >>Mirror's Edge Ghostrunner >Burnout Paradise FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage >Dungeon Keeper What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord
>>1060622 I've been playing Yakuza 0, first time playing a Yakuza game in general (I want to finish up to 2 before Yakuza Black Flag comes out) and I've been having a blast. >Combat system is solid. Still not sure how 2 execute special moves in the Rush state >Fuck Mr. Shakedown. Once I figure out how to equip weapons he's done. >Rather solid crime drama. <Controller is 8bitdo Pro 2 switch orientation so button prompts fuck me right up. I might change around settings in steam so I can rely more on muscle memory.
>>1060626 >>1060627 >>1060628 >>1060638 >>1060654 >>1060667 >>1060673 Thanks anons, added to my wishlist. Starting with Ace combat. Always seemed like a series I'd like, but never tried it.
I got the paypig edition.
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>>1060695 You'd gift an anon a game too, I bet.
>>1060727 I'd do it if I could know for a fact that it wont be some bot to claim it.
>>1060691 >>1060695 Nice, although I'd recommend playing the tutorial in Ace Combat 4, that is if you haven't played an Ace Combat like game before.
>>1060730 There won't be some bot to claim it or >>1056707 would all be claimed.
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Fun times at Myouren Temple.
>missile >missile >missile >missile >missile >missile >missile >missile >SPARE 15, MISHAIRU DA!!! Wtf, I love Ace Combat.
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Ace Combat 7 was pretty fun, I did a new playthrough when the Switch port came out last year in July. As for the 5c0ef2 anon asking for recommendations, there is a bunch of games I've played on the hybrid console that he can play on PC >Kingdom Come Deliverance (down-to-earth medieval RPG with a little bit of jank, combat can be rough at first since you start with low stats and fighting more than one enemy at once put you quickly at disadvantage) >Dying Light 1 (decent zombie parkour that gets unnerving whenever you go out at night) >Earth Defense Force 4.1 (I consider it to be the best entry for newcomers essentially because of the pacing of levels) >Xmorph Defense (mashup between tower defense and shmup where you play as the alien invader trying to defend your harvest base from the puny humans, with entirely destructible environments too. Often on sale, just saw it's the case on GoG right now)
>>1061134 wish they ported the ps vr missions to pc
>>1060622 You played Evil Genius?
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phoebe says: don't eat too many nachos or you'll get a tummy ache!
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>>1061153 I once destroyed 2 bags of chips would do it against
>>1061154 >I once destroyed 2 bags of chips You monster.
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>>1061207 I am a gluttonous beast
>>1061207 I once destroyed 3 bags of Doritos and a 6 pack of Mountain Dew. I am Gamer Supreme.
>>1061333 I love that smug kot
>>1061397 Oligarch
>>1061414 I wish I own this cat instead, I like her puffy face.
I was watching the replay of Chauncey’s latest KingCobraJFS vid the other night, and at one point he showed off this piece of Cobra/Garbage Pail Kids fanart someone had posted on the old subreddit back in the day – anyone got the original? Also, at one point, during the 360° pan of the first Cobra lair Chauncey commented on a poster hanging on the wall, and I recognised it right away as this poster from Vampire: The Masquerade. If anyone frequents his chat, be sure to let him know where it comes from. I don’t do Twitch.
>>1061779 It comes from Terry Bradstreet, and appears in I believe the second edition of the corebook.
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>>1061793 You can see the poster clearly at about one hour and fifty mins into Chauncey’s vid: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2353393650 I very much doubt Josh is actually into VtM, he probably only had it there because he is thirsty as fuck and into anything even remotely “Goth”. Or one of his crackhead buddies gave it to him. The only vidya I know he has been into is GTA, and his dad gave him a stern talking to about respecting women after Josh was caught killing hookers.
>>1061798 I don't care, and I'm not gonna remember any of these stupid eceleb names in an hour. I told you the artist and where the picture appears. Now leave me alone.
>>1061779 >>1061798 This isn't Kiwifarms, anon
>>1061779 >>1061798 Who is this fagot, and why should I care about him?
>>1060608 Didn't help that the retarded Rusfags kept murdering anyone who even tried to reform (Alexander II, Pyotr Stolypin) Making it even sadder than China in how a few key reforms could have saved a lot of blood and death, but history is written by fools and madmen so they are relegated firmly to the camp of "what could have been".
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Looks like I am clearly doing something wrong and I don't know what, people enjoy the furdoom mod more and the gardevoir has a gun mod then the furry mod I have made for doom, meh.
>use proton mail for years >suddenly wont send verification link to log in to gitlab >"please give us your phone number to get this email" Fucking jews and their rug pulls. Are there any email services I can use that won't hold my other accounts hostage and actually respect my privacy?
Thinkin of making a mosaic thread. Got any suggestions for a cover? Here are the three I'm debating on at the moment.
>>1063399 Halo CE?

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