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Zelda/Link OR Zelink Thread Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 03:13:51 Id: 76a974 No. 924272
This thread is dedicated to the most prolific and wholesome videogame pairing ever, Zelda and Link! Discussion about the Zelda series itself and other girls is completely welcome here, as are other pairings and stuff. Share your cute art, doujins, and other things! The Zelink MEGA (3000+ images of Zelink organized by game) https://mega.nz/file/UUAiVILT#qrE4vrrk8iGRv-JjkTBF4tgyXCUJMFXOglD3g_jMnnA The mega will be updated once per month Rules: 1. Keep it civil. 2. No NTR/cuckold/demoralization culture. 3. Be kind to others Previous: >>910969

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Wow, happy new year to everyone! Thought I might start off by sharing some new art that came out this week. Hope everyone has been doing good.
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Which incarnation of Zelda is your favourite? I like cartoon Zelda the best but I think HW Zelda is the most beautiful. Team Ninja really knows (knew) how to design women.
>>924272 >prolific Possibly >wholesome Incorrect, Jack Cooper and BT are much cuter together thank you very much
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>>924315 How was HW:Breath of the Wild edition anyway?
>>924361 Some say it’s even better than the original but it’s just a matter of opinion. >>924315 ALTTP Zelda, OOT Zelda, OOX Zelda, SS Zelda, ST Zelda. Gosh they are all so great aren’t they. The best part about Zelda is that she is different in every game. Love that. >>924312 Welcome fren.

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Woww what are they thinking about I wonder?
>>924444 Quads says they're thinking about why haven't you bought Undertale yet.
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This ghost haunts your train at night what do?
>>924816 >there was a spooky ghost
>>924816 she looks adorable; I'd feel compelled to become her just-friend and maybe even find a nice ghost to hook her up with
This is an adorable thread, but shouldn't the discussion part of the Zelda games thread?
Which Zelda game got diddly dick of representation in Super Smash? The ones done by Capcom?
>>924907 Yeah we should delete it and cram the little activity the board gets into a handful of generals, god forbid a thread that hasn't been bumped in months or over a year falls off the catalog.
>>924926 >Which Zelda game got diddly dick of representation in Super Smash Any Zelda before OoT. Also Skyward Sword was basically completely skipped despite Smash IV falling in the spot between it and BotW. Well, I guess two of the items (guest bellows and beetle) were from there but items are fairly deep cuts. Basically OoT, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, Link Between Worlds and BotW got characters or stages. Everything else was basically ignored.
>>924907 >This is an adorable thread, but shouldn't the discussion part of the Zelda games thread? No, there is a sperg there who goes ballistic anytime 'shipping' is posted in a Zelda thread, even though it's literally the two main characters of the series.
>>924977 No, it's that you're an autistic spammer that can't appreciate art and instead has to have it all be about your autistic fetish. I'm not even the guy you're talking about. I'm the guy you've seen agreeing with him in the other thread. I made multiple attempts to wrangle your autism back on topic in that thread, but it fails because you're a retard. By the way, you canonically cannot ship Zelda I Link and Zelda together because Zelda I Link canonically gets with Zelda II Zelda. Your ship is explicitly not canon in the very first game. >>924947 Most of Link's moveset is based on Zelda II, so that game is represented. And the core concepts are all from Zelda I, so that game is represented.
>>924999 >I'm not even the guy you're talking about. I'm the guy you've seen agreeing with him in the other thread. OP got banned in his own thread. That shows what kind of faggot he is. Plus, you and your faggot friend talk about how Link should only settle down with farm girls, say faggy things like 'war is coming'. Yes, that's a real thing >>922085 And then OP has the gall to complain about other people disagreeing with his 1 sided assessment of the game, claims people are 'spamming' zelink when nobody has posted Zelink in the thread. He got banned for a good reason. You should be next too for trying to start shit in other people's threads, if you aren't actually him posting from mobile or something.
>>924999 BTW before you claim that wasn't you who made that post. Look who just gave himself away by making the latest post in the Zelda thread? >>924992 Your opinion on the game is hereby invalidated
Getting thread back on topic.
>>924999 >Most of Link's moveset is based on Zelda II Ehhh >the core concepts are all from Zelda I That's kinda reaching However, I did forget the Zelda stage from Melee was the Great Temple and had Zelda II music, so I was wrong about that. Although you'd be forgiven for not realizing it was supposed to be that location outside of the music.
>>925002 >Plus, you and your faggot friend talk about how Link should only settle down with farm girls, say faggy things like 'war is coming'. Yes, that's a real thing I never said either of those things. I said shippers are fags. That goes for anyone who wants Link to fuck a seagull, too. >>925003 I don't know what you're trying to be mad about with that image. It wasn't me, but it might as well be. He doesn't like that sort of boss. What's the big deal? You guys are all fags. Why would you care if two characters fuck? It makes no sense. It's not about appreciating good storytelling, it's just "I hope this penor goes in this vagoo." Who cares? It adds nothing. And this is a series with very little story anyway. And these are all different characters in the first place. Skyward Sword Zelda has almost nothing in common with, say, Wind Waker Zelda. What the fuck do you get out of this? I do not understand shippers.
>>925020 >saying Zelda and Link is NOT ok! >but Midna/Link Marin/Link and etc etc is completely fine! >clicks a shipping thread to cry further about shipping Literally nobody cares about your opinion. You’re asking why there’s hundreds of thousands of fanfiction and 500,000+ art with 100s coming out every single day of the oldest pairing in video game history? Get a life lol
>No NTR/cuckold/demoralization culture. This isn’t cuckchan, you wouldn’t get anyone posting NTR here except to bother you. What you might get is some gay porn >>924999 >>925020 >heterosexual relationship is a fetish Perhaps you’d prefer some gay shota hentai to be posted?
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>>925027 Let’s keep posting this fetish. That will make him inevitably leave.
>>925027 >This isn’t cuckchan There's people unironically into NTR on Hispachan. I know, Panchitos are too scared of /v/'s board culture and the English language to drop by, but still wanted to point it out, >>924999 >Heterosexual relationship is a fetish Lmao, this is by far the most idiotic shit I've seen here in a long time.
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WARNING ALERT BEWARE (may contain the fetish knows as heterosexuality)
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since zelink is a fetish, is drawing it considered degenerate behavior?
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>>925022 I never said any of those things, fag. >clicks a shipping thread to cry further about shipping I clicked it to correct this post in particular, which was particularly stupid. >>924977 >You’re asking why there’s hundreds of thousands of fanfiction and 500,000+ art with 100s coming out every single day of the oldest pairing in video game history? Get a life lol >lives vicariously by wishing he was a princess getting fucked by a cute boy >tells others to get a life Also, obviously Mario and Peach are older characters than Link and Zelda, and far more famous and influential, too. But frankly I'm more surprised that you've never heard of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man before. At least their plots actually involve them having some romantic tension. At least there it would actually be you caring about the story instead of just being a weird faggot. >>925027 >>heterosexual relationship is a fetish Who said that? Caring about two particular characters like this is though. Because again, it's not about appreciating how well the story is told, or how deep the characters are. So that's why I wonder what exactly it is about. I'd love to hear it, because the most I can figure, from seeing the other 13 year old girls on the internet doing this, is that you self-insert as one and want to fuck the other. Self-inserting like that is for faggots in the first place, but this just makes it double. It would explain why you don't care about storytelling, though. >>925033 >>Heterosexual relationship is a fetish I don't know where this was said in the post you're quoting. I can't find it. The fact that you post exactly the same phrasing of a thing that was never said makes you look like one retard samefagging, though. >>925035 >>925047 Yet another ID outing himself as the same guy, using the same weird phrasing of a thing that was never said. It's a fetish when it's clearly just you getting off and not actually doing any sort of analysis or anything else. But I actually am genuinely curious about your psychology. I understand there are others like you on the internet. They're mostly 13 year old girls, but still. What do you get out of this? Shipping in general? Once you explain that, I'd like to know why these two characters in particular do it for you. Like I don't get the Knuckles and Rouge guy either, but at least those characters interact a lot more. Link and Zelda barely interact in most entries in the series. Zelda in particular only appears at the very end of a lot of games, or only in a couple scenes before the end. And then these aren't even the same characters, but you're acting like they are. Tetra couldn't act or look more different than Skyward Sword Zelda, for example. So please explain the appeal of shipping, and then please explain why these characters in particular. Because it's even more baffling than throwing your mom over Knuckles and Rouge.
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Not replying to troll posts. Take this as my concession, or better yet, my lack of will to continue this pointless conversation with someone who is blatantly schizophrenic.
>>925188 You're not doing yourself any favors, faggot. You could just answer the question. It would actually facilitate discussion. Isn't that part of the fun of being here? Saying not just what you like, but why you like what you like? That's one of the best parts of sharing your passions with others.
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>Why do you enjoy the oldest form of entertainment ever in the history of human entertainment, ROMANCE?
>>925193 No, that's not the question. Why do you care specifically about romances that aren't actually part of the story? Like you just posted a picture of Link from Majora's Mask. Zelda isn't even in that game, and even in Ocarina of Time, Link and Zelda barely interact. So you're not entertained by romance because the romance isn't there. Why does it matter to you that these two characters specifically fuck? What do you get out of it that you wouldn't get out of any other random pairing? This isn't appreciating a romance story, maybe you could say that in Skyward Sword or something, where they have more interactions throughout the game and have an actual relationship (even if not explicitly romantic) between them, and you could say you like how it was written and that the characters were charming and had good interactions, but that's not what you're doing. You're just obsessed with characters, sometimes characters that have barely any interaction whatsoever, fucking each other, and it would be interesting to hear why.
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>>925196 >Zelda isn't even in that game, and even in Ocarina of Time, Link and Zelda barely interact. Troll post. Link and Zelda interact 15 x in OOT (Zelda is Sheik) and then they have a massive scene and end credits together that is extremely sad. Zelda also appears in Majora's Mask in a heartfelt scene as Link is about to be crushed by the moon, and the heirloom that she gave him saved his life. By the way you're talking, it would seem you have never even played these games. It's worthless to talk to you. Zelda and Link's relationship is irreplaceable in the series. You're the odd one out fella, not me. The story of the hero and princess is as old as time, and is inherently romantic. This is my last reply to you.
>>924947 Couldn't they give Toon Link his own moveset now that Young Link was brought back? Pretty sure the games that take place on his era gave him unique trinkets.
>>925198 You got me that I forgot a single scene in Majora's Mask. So that's really what does it for you? But why is it this one specific element? It's a very, very small part of the overall game, and overall series. Like you said in the other thread that "any Link and any Zelda are perfect together," but that makes no sense. Were you just being hyperbolic? Surely you don't actually think that, because most of them never interact with each other, and sometimes they aren't even love interests for each other. How do you feel about Zelda I? Do you not like it because that pairing isn't canon? Do you dislike Zelda II because it makes the pairing in Zelda I explicitly not canon? How can you act like Tetra is the same character as other Zeldas? How do you feel about Mipha, an explicit love interest for Link that isn't Zelda (and gets more romantic tension with him than Zelda does)? Do you also not find it weird when other people do what you do, but with other characters? Do you get the Knuckles and Rouge guy? What precisely causes this one thing to just hook you so hard? Is it because you self-insert as one of the characters? I've found that seems to be the case in a lot of shippers, they also self-insert as one of them. Come on. Share your love with us all. If you wanna be autistic, be autistic and spill your guts.
>>925202 You are joyless to talk to. I rather not. I take it you would not understand me, either, if you think that 'single scene' in Majora's Mask is irrelevant or insignificant. It's quite a substantial and powerful scene in my opinion.
>>925203 How is it joyless to explain your love for something? Explain what it is that hooks you so. Is that not why we're all here? We come here to talk about video games. Why we love them, or why we don't love others. Why we like specific things in some games and dislike how similar things are perhaps bungled in other games. So what is it here? It would be fascinating to know. Like let's just start with one thing. How do you feel about Zelda I and II? Do you not like Zelda I because the pairing is explicitly not canon? Do you not like Zelda II because it made the pairing in Zelda I not canon? But it gave you a whole new Zelda, so that must be good, right?
>>925209 I fancy them both together with Link. There is actually a manga adaptation from 1989 that shows this ending.
>>925196 Tell me, do you have an aversion to romance, or do you only dislike non-canon shipping?
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>>925201 I still wish Young Link had Fierce Deity as his final smash, even if it were functionally identical to the triforce slash one it'd still be neat. Smash 64 Remix missed the opportunity to incorporate the masks but at least they gave him his MM sword and shield, though his hookshot and bow (and voice sound effects) are still the OOT ones
>>925364 I haven't played smash bros since melee. Is it any good?
>>925192 You're not allowed to question this behavior in any form. You get all your posts deleted if you do.
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We don't pay attention to trolls around here. Sorry your posts get ignored, shitposter-san.
>>925196 Because they’re fun.
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Why is there so much art of TP Link and Zelda? They barely interact in that game! HURR DURR
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Holy shit who cares about your slapfight. >>925410 Because they're attractive, adult/female male and female "leads"(TP is the Midna game more than anything) and sheer franchise inertia. There's people trying to follow up after feeling blueballed from OoT's ending in an age where the internet is increasingly widely available. TP Zelda is a symbol moreso than a character and one moment is with Midna rather than Link himself and Midna is attached to Link and has a whole game for their relationship Compare it to WW and how it uses Tetra, where the whole final fight is you working together for the first time in the franchise and ST tops that by having the whole game together and ending it on handholding.
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>>925422 TP Link and Zelda would have made too much of a splash as a series breaking power couple. There could be no way Nintendo would ever confirm them as anything other than friends in that game. It would have made the gaming world explode.
>>925426 The real reason is that TP Link's taken by Midna, they even have a star-crossed lovers split as the main emotional beat of the ending. Even ignoring that Link has more going on with the amnesiac used goods due to childhood friend setup.
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>>925431 To me there's a lot of stuff that could happen AFTER TP takes place. Midna is gone forever, seemingly. Link has to move on. It's Ilia, or Zelda. But would Zelda let Link go like that? She's a woman (and queen) who gets what she wants, so it's ultimately up to her.
>>925410 Before BotW Twilight Princess was the highest selling Zelda game of all time. Zelda and Link's designs from that game were very popular (and were the basis for their Smash Brawl and Smash 4 designs) and Link and Zelda is a popular ship. Not surprising.
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>>925443 I want to clarify my post there. I was making fun of the guy above asking why I was interested in shipping Link and Zelda together when sometimes they don't interact or show romance together. What the autist doesn't understand, is that Zelda and Link are essentially two souls who were in love with each other infinitely reincarnating to find each other again and again and again, uniting as one to stop evil. It's just the way it is. The picture that I thought symbolizes this the best is pic related. They don't always end up together, that is true, but their souls are forever bound as one.
>>925389 >>925192 On that note, if you happen to still have the thread open and still SEE the comment of mine that was deleted, would you be so kind as to repost its text so I can save it for elsewhere? I'm somewhat upset fucking livid that the subhuman piece of shit kike moderator deleted the post for no reason. I shouldn't be surprised since this has happened for nearly 10 years now, but it's so foreign a behavior that I can't seem to internalize it.
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>He's now replying to himself. Guy has actually lost it. Zelda and Link live rent free in this man's head, tormenting him like a ghost would.
Get down on it
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But, wait boy and girls, it gets better! This autist: >>924999 Is making Zelda threads over on Sleepy/v/, and guess what one of the things he posted in the OP are: https://archive.ph/eAeFO >and no Zelink.
>>925481 Just post the ones with hidden coinslots that will scare him away hopefully
>>925481 Funny how sleepyniggers didn't call him out for the multiple-repeated cuckchan terminologies. Makes you think.
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>>925481 What kind of person gets so upset over a literally cannon hetrosexual couple?
>>925481 That guy is a confirmed tranny. Only trannies hate Zelink.
>>925488 Some people just have an irrational hatred for generals or theme threads.
>>925494 They can do this revolutionary thing. Two things actually. Ignore the thread. Hide the thread. >neo woah.gif
>>925481 The funniest part of that thread is the first posts is Zelink shit from the Super Mario Super Show. Literally the best iteration of Zelink in my opinion. Sleepy niggers have supreme taste.
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>>925500 It's true
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Lol get a life. Imagine being upset at pic(s) related
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>canon pairings only
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I know my European Zelinkers are almost awake. For those of you wondering, a (mysterious ID) started flooding the thread with nikocado's ass and other soyjak /qa/ memes. He was dealt with. The OP of the other Zelda general on here has also made a seethe thread on sleepy chan. Strange fella in all honesty. I hope he finds peace and happiness in his heart.
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some new stuffs!
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>>925644 It’s really immature and gross. Not sure why zoomers are obsessed with this guy.
>>925648 >>925644 It's some disgusting guy who pretends to be a lolcow. Being a fake retard on the internet these days is more profitable than making good content.
>>925648 >>925673 Not my fault his ass is a WMD
>>925687 >anti-zelink fag is underage autismo obsessed with the zelink faggot and zelda wew
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>The Sleepy Zelda thread has now become a Zelink thread BASED SLEEPYNIGGERS
>he's apparently doing this on multiple imageboards oh my god, make your own board or something OP this is autism >>925695 >/cow/ >a board that's 100% completely fucking dead for years anon you made those posts I know it
>>925762 That’s not what happened.
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What is everyone's favorite incarnation of Zelink? I'm sure opinions may vary heavily here, but I think OOT is just so great, for a ton of reasons. I could sit here and list them but I want to hear other's opinions.
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>>925829 I have always been partial to darker hair so I really TP Zelda.
>>925874 Cute family. Thanks for sharing anon.
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Some new stuff posted today!
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>>926798 >>926792 Very cute anon. Thanks for bumping the thread! I might be going away until next month next week, so I will miss you guys. I hope everyone has been doing well.
(69.30 KB 500x389 12 years old.png)

>>927903 the innocence of Link has been lost, I bet the designers of nuZelda browsed /v/ to attain this level of faggotry
>>927922 What's going on in here?
Malon > Zelda
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>>927903 Young Link best Link.
(250.09 KB 995x1280 97249333_p0.jpg)

The doujin was alright until it devolved into male pregnancy and vore.
>>927955 He's probably asking himself, why would you impregnate a man, before eating him?
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>>927922 I blame Link's BOTW design. He looks like a girl
Cute thread
Good to see you're still around, Zelink bouya.
They look like siblings.

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>>928848 I am the OP and the fag also known commonly as 'zelinkop'. I have actually been aware due to work but others have kept the thread going. love u guys >>928851 soooo?
>>928851 >anon is so deluded by jewish racemix propaganda that two people of the same race in a relationship looks like incest to him
Any minish cap representation?
You should storytime the Zelda manga. It does look cute.
>>928868 >soooo? ? >>928871 Malon-Link doesn't bother me like this.
>>928924 Red heads are disgusting in real life. You got some issues with two blonde people getting together? Also Link isn’t always blonde. Keep your strange opinion to yourself.
(308.07 KB 1216x832 zelda calm your tits 4.jpg)

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(937.72 KB 2432x1664 zelda calm your tits 1.jpg)

Someone I follow on X who goes by elf_anon (they post semi-lewd AI generated elves most of the time) just posted some pics of Zelda with her huge sloppers flopping around. Which incarnation of Zelda had the biggest hooters, do you think?
>>929167 You mean twitter
>>929071 >You got some issues with two blonde people getting together? Not really, unless they look related. >Red heads are disgusting in real life Be kind to others.
>>929071 >Red heads are disgusting in real life. KYS yourself, ginger girls are cute.
(59.35 KB 1280x720 angry man of pureness.jpg)

>>925445 >reincarnating I'm not really into it, it's introduced from a contentious game and it removes agency from a lot of characters when you try inserting the (should be) invisible strings of fate into everything. Or at least WW itself should be left out of it, due to him being an island kid picking a fight with the fucker that tried fuck with his town and family being a lot more engaging. He wasn't destined and basically demanded that he take the place of the tunic wearer so he can kick Ganon's ass, he chose to step up when no one else would is important to WW's point of moving on from Hyrule.
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>>930226 Where is he
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>>930265 h-hey wait a minute. didnt I just post these on...?
>>930275 I just made a Zelink thread. It's time. You know where to find it.
>>930276 my 4chan pass ran out and im trying to kick my habit of posting on there, and im not taking me vpn off, ur on ur own bro sorry
(476.01 KB 1448x2048 GDoFQEXb0AAC_VK.jpg)

>>930277 It's over... I've been abandoned...
(1.82 MB 9069x6414 1705191635653415.jpg)

>>930279 Thanks for keeping the thread alive while I have been gone anon. Love you.
(155.09 KB 749x1024 GE0882TaYAAxz4p.jpg)

holy shit four sword zelink.... THE RAREST OF ALL ZELINK
>>931171 The gangbang would be legendary. Ever wished you could run a train by yourself?! Doesn't count as cuckolding just elaborate masturbation I think.
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I want to go to the convention in Japan to buy physical Zelink...
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>>924272 Needs more Linkle
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how is everyone doing?
(185.74 KB 460x276 icolarge.png)

The next Zelda game should include a hand-holding mechanic like Ico. >>955977 I'm doing well.
>>956032 >Zelda 20XX >Back to linear-ish form (more like TP) >Wacky shit happens to the kingdom when Link arrives at the castle for plot (like getting a loicense in spirit tracks) >Zelda and Link are stuck together for adventure. Maybe she's got a curse or something, maybe they both do >Co-op game, can control both (link p1 zelda p2), but a pretty good singleplayer AI for Zelda >Zelda can be asked to do things by grabbing her and dragging her by the hand to a location >Can be escalated into a bridal carry if you need to skedaddle and the AI isn't cooperating >Maybe she has the gimmick of the game: spells and excellent range for gimmicky gimmicks >general plot has her open up over the course of the game again like Spirit Tracks and Twilight Princess. You know, come to think of it, if I had a nickel for every time we had a sassy female deuteragonist princess in a Zelda game... I guess Zelda does those well so I don't mind it for a third time. Just don't fuck it up Aonuma.
This thread is so pleasant, so much love between Link and Zelda.
>>956035 They could even manage it with an open world again. Have Link be the athletic one climbing around to get to places. Handholding Zelda as needed, catching her as she jumps over small gaps, etc. But Link can't climb with her on his back… until you get the Hookshot later in the game.
>>956035 Carrying mechanic needs to apply to Link as well for maximum cute
>>956082 >BotW could have been an Ico/Shadow of the Colossus style adventure where Link and Zelda are stuck in a ruined Hyrule together, hunting down massive Divine Beasts and finding refuge in the few villages and cities left after the Calamity on their journey to destroy Ganon and reclaim Hyrule Castle
(468.34 KB 2048x2048 GKf3X1FaYAAd4__.jpg)

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China is always dropping Zelink art that looks like it belongs in a museum. The talent over there is insane.
>>956097 Wow that one is incredible I love it, who is the artist?
(88.57 KB 1024x856 FzOqJA6aYAAIFIT.jpg)

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(340.28 KB 1752x2526 FvByZphakAUwS7X.jpg)

>>956113 This reply was meant for >>928760 sorry
>https://8chan.tv/images/stickers/Zelink.jpg Codex put in a sticker for you. >>956097 If its two players then people can pick each other up like in modern mario games. >>956114 The alternate versions of Link/Zelda was a neat idea. Wish they kept that idea going.
>>957576 >>https://8chan.tv/images/stickers/Zelink.jpg >Codex put in a sticker for you. the troons won't like that
(85.93 KB 1280x720 CIA.jpg)

This thread is garbage. Delete it immediately.
(164.05 KB 945x1181 Fx24UeFaAAAxzCj.jpg)

(199.69 KB 288x270 p3iQW_Y6U8bdxqxM.webm)

they r so fucking canon
>>957828 This isn't the meta thread tho...
IS anyone awake? It's lonely to post by myself.
>>957834 BEWARE I LIVE
(228.29 KB 1860x992 97407138_p1.jpg)

we need cyberpunk zelda >>957836 oh noes
>>957838 I'm awake but I don't really wanna talk about Zelda getting her ass fucked hard by link. Actually I don't wanna talk about Vidya at all. Honestly I shouldn't even be on this board.
(415.17 KB 1401x1608 GJ8wilqaMAEXTm9.jpg)

hi guys. im lonely tonight. anyone wanna talk?
(56.36 KB 718x960 1695999144835.jpg)

>>959001 zelda posters and loneliness, the only combination more eternal than zelda and link
>>959001 I'll shitpost with you anon if you're still around.
>>959001 This really isn't the website for whatever you're trying to do, OP. You should try halfchan's /trash/, they have a bunch of weird threads like this with people who want to blogpost.
(138.22 KB 1365x1600 FRWrRwzagAAZC_v.jpg)

>>959023 >he doesn't know I've been here and Zelink has been here for like, more than half a year now. uhhh
(372.73 KB 2048x1448 GL8ewlkbMAE5kSB.jpg)

Zelink is so ungodly beautiful and the dedicated fans drawing this art are talented
>>962004 How many attractive blonde couples are still shipped in current media anyway?
>>962077 At least one more.
(553.60 KB 748x610 marcille feet.png)

>>962081 based. Both of them have delicious feet
>>962112 What exactly makes feet erotic? I don't quite get it.
>>962134 There is the online urban legend that footfags literally have their brains wired wrong, and all the attraction that's usually supposed to go to tits and ass gets rewired to feet.
>>962112 I'd say it was a case of people adapting to "safe horny" but there were footfags like Quinton Tarantino before "safe horny" was a thing. I do think safe horny has increased the number of footfags, though, likely first through ironic shitposting that turned genuine once other avenues of eroticism were slowly closed off and deemed "verboten."
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got a half translated work by _Saiba_/CybeR, if anyone here is able to translate the first half that would be greatly appreciated
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>>962136 >attraction that's usually supposed to go to tits and ass gets rewired to feet It's the vagina, not tits and ass.
>>963408 Vaginas are almost always hidden and not visible, anon. Breasts and ass can be seen even through clothing.
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(952.78 KB 486x220 Cuddle.gif)

This thread is still incredibly weird to me and out of place of 8chan, but I might as well play along. Are there any other pairings you anons find cute, canon or not, vidya or not? The most middle aged girl, 2010 Tumblr shit I like is Wall-E and Eve. I'm a sucker for super cloyingly adorable characters, I'm a sucker for robots, and I'm a sucker for cutesy romances. These two are like pure sugar, and I have a mean sweet tooth. My test just decreased by 800dL from writing this post.
>most middle aged girl <I got caught out by a wordfilter You know what that's completely fair, I don't imagine Mark or Codex ever expected anybody to use the original phrase as apart of natural conversation.
>>963515 It's a good out of place, as the least degenerate of these kinds of threads.
>>963375 >>963374 >>963373 >>963372 >>963371 is that panel anon? hi there
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>>965533 aye it's me, whilst I'm at it here's another work from my "waiting for translation" stockpile "Date" by Usushira there's a small series of these, I'll post them when I have the time
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>>966435 "Feast"
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>>966697 "Your Country 1"
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>>966702 "Your Country 2"
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>>966705 "Your Country 3"
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>>966713 "Your Country 4"
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>>966723 "New World 1"
(295.18 KB 562x1274 73230740_p1.jpg)

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>>967570 This meme is so fucking funny if not for the insane face that woman makes. I didn't know it was possible for a human being to look so demonically furious while experiencing such joy.
(155.45 KB 1096x1438 splash woman serenata.jpg)

(555.32 KB 2160x2870 dinner is ready.jpg)

(201.49 KB 1206x1608 cheering on your favourite clone.jpg)

(226.48 KB 1478x1974 THE HUNTER.jpg)

(113.82 KB 905x1207 CLANK CLANK CLANK.jpg)

>>967573 The template its really funny to me.
(1.01 MB 1512x2688 1715500848336713.jpg)

LETS FUCKING GO TOTK 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY WALLPAPER! https://twitter.com/ZeldaOfficialJP/status/1789491081387880567
(183.66 KB 382x516 BNUUY!!!.png)

>>967973 Beautiful wallpaper.
Who's it's twitter, isn't it responsible for the new trend of drawing Zelda with a dyke haircut? It's bad enough they made it very short in TOTK; this new one is literally just a boycut.
(981.39 KB 1080x2280 zel.jpg)

>>968596 new masterwork book had some alt designs
(602.17 KB 754x520 Cell Calls You Stupid.webm)

>>968710 >anon thinks a pixie cut is a dyke cut
>>968710 Ah, that makes sense, then. >>968712 >I made myself look like the opposite sex >this is TOTALLY normal and not indicative of a mental illness! Women are women. Men are men.
>>968746 So Rebecca Chambers and Sakura are dykes according to you?
(36.31 KB 770x559 1533038089.jpg)

>>968746 >short hair is enough to make her look like a man <with an ass like that
Please be nice to the anon with a hair fetish Please understand
>>968747 Why should a woman have short hair? Why pretend to be a man? Why dress like a man? It speaks to a broken psychology, yes. >>968748 >you're gay because you want women to be less gay Seek psychiatric help from someone trained in the Jungian school, please.
>>968787 >Why should a woman have short hair? Some of them look cute with short hair.
>>968787 >projecting
(452.37 KB 393x556 rebecca 1.png)

>>968787 I diagnose you with gay.
(401.86 KB 389x602 i diagnose you with gay.png)

(43.15 KB 500x491 RebeccaAntiFag.jpg)

>>968850 I do trust her medical expertise.
>>968801 Yes, that's what you're doing. Cry about it, faggot. >>968838 >you're gay because you want women to be less gay Seek psychiatric help from someone trained in the Jungian school, please.
>>968852 It's not gay if its a woman.
>This autism is still going months later
>>968883 As it should.
(56.20 KB 632x932 Looking_for_(you).jpg)

>>968883 You wouldn't happen to be the guy who made that anti zelink zelda thread now would you?
think I might have a decent solution to my translation issues, chatgpt *appears* to work pretty well, at least better than lens, so it might make do for finishing my typeset
>>969226 Literally just use DeepL
(3.09 MB 3508x2480 GNud9LLbsAIIhND.jpg)

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sharing some new thigns from today
>>969253 I tried it but it just gave me lens tier gibberish
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right finally gotten a chance to typeset some of it, here's the first 4 pages I'm having an issue with the 5th one however, translations give me different results, zelda is either saying "we saved your future?" or asking about the future
>>972719 Can you type the characters from the 5th one?
>>972852 well it's either giving me >...救えて...いたのですか >貴方達の未来を...... or >…教えて…いたのですか >貴方達の未来を……
>>972965 >...救えて...いたのですか >貴方達の未来を...... Maybe "Did you save us in your future?"
>>963515 >This thread is still incredibly weird to me and out of place of 8chan, but I might as well play along. Nah, this is the kind of shit that keeps me here. People clown on blogposting but I love it, tell me more about your favorite ships. Right now I'm living for Dimileth.
>>972719 Ah, I loved Age of Calamity, as it was basically "Biff DIDN'T get the Sports Almanac". Also your weapons never break. I still have yet to beat the hardest missions to get the last few bits required to get the perfect ending, as my crunched hand makes it hard for me to beat three lynels at once.
>>981686 Honestly I think it looks ok. I hear sjw's are seething that she doesn't use a sword.
>>981688 >sjws want to make zeldo a carbon copy of link Most boring route possible. This game took a far more interesting route with her explicitly not being a real combatant and using her wisdom (i see what you did there Aonuma you fuck) to fight instead. I would've liked there to be a more magicky element because Zelda typically has access to "fuck you" levels of light magic but Aonuma does retarded things like that all the time. Game looks very fun. Won't buy because its Nintendo but I am curious on how it will play. One thing I'm seeing of more modern Zelda titles is the tendency to introduce sandbox elements as the titles' gimmick. I am not against this. We'll see if dungeon design improves here or stays retarded. (ALBW had some good dungeons.)
>>967695 >doom slayer freaking out over samus It should be crocomire.
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>>969226 >>969253 >>969346 >>972719 Any translators willing to translate >>988817 Not Zelda, but Monolith Soft works on Zelda
>>987297 last image begs there to be made some kind of WWE joke
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This is a good thread and I am glad it is still here.
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>>988888 QUINTS
>>988888 Agreed quintsman
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>>988888 Holy quints
>>988888 Checked
>>988990 Is it really that weird that I've seen so many of these in my local news reports?
>>988888 Checked dem quints, what a legend.
posting some new stuff.
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>>997074 Some good shit anon, >>956111 was right
>>956097 >4. >carrying him home to have abortion stew and anal sex
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I have returned, unfortunately I'm still trying to wrangle the AI to translate "each future", in the mean time I've been working on "New Hyrule Kingdom" (part 1) by Riku Akira which seems to be more useable, I'm only limited by the upload limit on ChatGPT so it should be done within the next day or two
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>>1003279 here's the rest of what I've got so far, there's 7 more pages to go I apologies if the translation is a bit iffy
Oh, these pictures remind me a picture I've seen long ago on Pinterest... It was weird. Toon link from WW is drown by Zelda, and under the water starts a weird spiritual bullshit, and Zelda is suddenly joined by two other waifus... I don't remember who... must be the bird waifu and... I don't remember who. >>988888 Fascist quints checked >>988990 kek, it's actually so well made? how did he do? animating the lips and all, the expressions. >>972719 kino. you make me wanna play botw and totk. (yeah I never played them, I'm a old hag who stopped after TP) >>997071 what is she doing in the 1st one? checking his fat percentage and fantasizing about it? I'd be as confused as him. Good thread. What's your favorite Zelink? I'm probably biased, but mine is OoT. Not that they're particularly close, on the contrary but I find their relationship very cold, almost sad. He saves and that bitch put in back in his time so he goes to fuck that ginger farm girl to heal his sadness lol. I just love it. It's not wholesome or anything but idc, wholesome is gay. What I like in it is how mature it is. Sounds like a story written by adults, for once. The whole OoT sounds mature actually tbh.
>>968596 Anon, associating tomboy haircut with dykes is so cringe. I won't post pics because it would derail this thread but if a tomboy haircut is some troon shit to you, you're beyond salvation... and I'm a fucking nazi.
>>1003289 >>1003290 You're either a woman or underage
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New rule if you don't post source you're gay https://x.com/LOLI_Samurai/status/1824664470762950754
>>1003290 You're objectively incorrect. Next you'll claim women dressing in three piece men's suits is "totally fine."
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Tomboy erasure of any kind is spreading the enemy's propaganda.
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>>1003294 And you're either a gay nigger or a homo coon.
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>>1003280 back again
Women must be removed.
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>>1004677 and done, also here's a link to my MEGA where I stash everything I've done https://mega.nz/folder/JnVDGAZL#27buh-qU9biAOzvIunJQ8A
>>1004679 Faggot >>1004680 Basedo
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got some more pages done for part 2 of New Hyrule Kingdom, hopefully can have it down by the end of this week or the next
>>1006141 also a preview of things to come
New Zelda timeline places Breath of the Wild & Tears of the Kingdom seperate from older games https://archive.md/78doe Zelda fans might appreciate to know that Nintendo considers the two newest Zelda games to be in a brand-new separate timeline. A reboot, if you will.
>>1007650 >The Hero is defeated Why are they still parading this around? Does anyone at Nintendo even play their own games? The perfectly logical excuse for the "Era of Decline" is that OoT created, not two but, THREE timelines. The first happens as a result of Link needing to revert back to his child form in the first place. That Hyrule, since Link was unable to access the Gerudo Temple as an adult, was taken over by Ganondorf due to Link "disappearing" in that timeline.
>>1007650 This is stupid and I will be disregarding it. Breath of the Wild takes place 100 years after Age of Calamity, which is 10,000 years since the last time Ganon appeared. So okay, it's at least 10,000 years in the future of Hyrule Warriors, which conveniently involves the timelines merging, which would explain how Rito and Zora can both exist in this world. Tears of the Kingdom says it's about the original Ganon and the founding of Hyrule, so okay, that backstory takes place after Skyward Sword and before Minish Cap. Not as complicated as some people like to say. >>1007653 I would much prefer this explanation, but the problem I've seen people point out is that Ganondorf gets the Triforce of Courage from Link when they fight, so he can't get it if they never meet. I figure it would be simpler to say that the Triforce of Courage simply keeps existing even if the hero disappears from the timeline, because otherwise the Triforce of Courage shouldn't exist in Twilight Princess. So I agree with you, but there is the logic behind the "official" explanation. Taking things outside the games, not even in story form, as canon over the actual info given in the games, is silly. The games each explain how they relate to each other. People act like the Hyrule Historia explained new stuff, but it didn't. It was all there if you just played the games. Also, the cartoon, Game & Watch, Game Watch, and CDi games all take place after Zelda II. I'm counting them.
>>1007735 >all those South Park DVDs >Shrek right next to Robot Carnival >mosaic censorship over the CRT manufacturer's logo I struggle to gauge the purpose of this image.
mostly from weibo
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>>1007650 No other explanation makes sense since BotW only ties into SS to any meaningful extent and said connection is roughshod by SS establishing it's own world-building in a way that cuts it off from SS. Vague references are there but the Triforce of is completely trashed as a driving force of the story in favor of divine bloodlines and magic rocks.
>>1008549 Your post makes no sense. BotW not referencing many other games very thoroughly is not the same as contradicting them. It takes place in the far future. Simple enough. Tears of the Kingdom makes things more complicated by talking about the original Ganondorf and first King of Hyrule, but even then that's simple, and just places those events between Skyward Sword and Minish Cap. I do prefer thinking there is only one Ganondorf who keeps resurrecting rather than reincarnating, but Four Swords Adventures did away with that a long time ago. No reason Ocarina of Time Ganondorf has to be the very first one. The closest something gets to really bugging me isn't with Breath of the Wild, but Tears of the Kingdom. It's a bit weird that the original Ganondorf wakes up if there have been others in between, but then that's established even if you only consider Breath of the Wild and ignore the rest, since that one already talks about Ganon incarnating other times before becoming the version you see in that game. So fine, his soul or whatever just went back to his first Ganondorf body. Again, simple enough. Note that Link to the Past makes no explicit references to Zelda I or II beyond character names. The game doesn't even say it's a prequel in the game itself, and instead only says it on the box and in the manual (and the Japanese title doesn't even imply its a prequel, like the English title does). But nobody acts confused over that and pretends its a reboot.
>>1008539 Source for 4? I like the style.
>>1008935 I think the source is in the corner after @. If you can't read the language, the resolution means the characters can get detected by software.
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>>1006141 the rest is done
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>>1009655 and done, apologies is the AI translation is a bit janky and as always it'll be stashed in my MEGA with the rest of the stuff I've done
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Since this is the closest thing we've got to a Zelda thread, Echoes of Wisdom is available online if you want to play. Runs pretty smooth on Ryujinx. It definitely has some of the BotW/TotK problems like the gameplay style inherently not allowing for many things to be rewards (a lot of chests and quests just reward you with rupees) but pieces of heart are back and there are a few other resources too. Often times caves and mini-dungeons and the like will have a unique echo for you to get. Another problem carried over from TotK specifically is there's no good way to select which echo you want to use. Just like selecting items in TotK it's just a big fat list and you eventually get a lot of these things. Still, It's nice to have proper dungeons back and the game isn't dead set on throwing the entire world at you at the start and telling you to go anywhere. As far as Zelink is concerned, interestingly the two don't even know each other in this game. When he shows up to save her at the start of the game it's the first time they've met. Finding out who Link is from Zelda's perspective once he's gone is actually part of the story. This Link even has an in-story reason why he's mute. Anyway, I'm still pretty early so I might write in with more thoughts once I play more.
>>1017441 When did Echoes of Wisdom leak? I searched the news and found articles from September 12 but it leaked to fewer people then and leaked to more now or something?
>>1017445 I downloaded it yesterday. It might have been out the day before but really late? I had been checking rutorrents daily for the past week or so because it was about time for a leak to happen.
Tri looks really derpy. So far, new Zelda is at least more engaging than the Princess Peach game. My expectations are on the floor. >>1017445 It's out in the usual places.
echoes of wisdom discussion is now banned on /v/ gonna post here now.
>>1017641 banned on/v/? since when?
>>1017658 since now they 404 and ban you for posting anything about it unless it's a snoytranny erica bait thread
>>1017641 >ban GG discussion and BS people by saying its because its not vidya >now they're just banning regular vidya discussion Wew, fitting if true. Got any archives?
>>1017673 oh you mean it's banned on cuck chan /v/ I'm not surprised, they're a bunch of corpo bootlickers over there
>>1017641 God damn that's faggy. They banning it on /vg/ too?
>>1017641 >>1017673 >can't talk about video games on the video game board Why do you people still use 4meme? I genuinely don't understand. I went there for porn awhile ago and it was all BNWO and sissyhypno shit. Terrible fucking website.
>>1017706 Sometimes people want to experience PPH above the single digits, anon.
>>1017706 Brand recognition.
>>1017641 Did they say why?
>>1017708 all the more reason its necessary to post here. Similarity to wind waker aside, it looks like a collectathon with little to no combat
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>>1017718 because the game was "leaked" one day before release and entirety of v mod team panicked to delete all leaks to protect their precious zelda.
Crashes every few minutes in Ryujinx for me.
>>1017733 >Vulkan displays the title screen and file select properly, but only displays solid black save for the HUD and a few effects in the southern ruins >OpenGL renders the 3D graphics properly, but can't into text
>>1017735 I get in-game, Ryujinx just kills itself every few minutes on both graphics renderers. I only progress due to auto-save.
>>1017737 At least the game isn't suing the emulator.
>>1017733 >>1017735 >>1017737 Game just came out did you expect flawless emulation already
>>1017743 It uses the same engine as the Link's Awakening remake so anticipating a mostly playable state out of the box wasn't uncalled for, but eh. At least the bugs in Ryujinx indicate the devs weren't sharing leaked copies on Shitscord.
>>1017743 I didn't expect anything, just reporting it crashes every few minutes in Ryujinx for me. OpenGL frame rate is also like repeatedly slamming brakes then accelerating in a car.
Here's teh game's ending
>>1017743 Game just works on the Deck with opengl.
>>1017677 >>1017679 He's just retarded. Ignore him. There's a thread up. Some of those fags already beat the game before street date.
Are you using Ryujinx or Yuzu?
>>1017757 I mean
Doesn't work for me on Linux, might be hardware specific
>>1017766 Specs? It'd also help if you described the problem.
>>1017441 Runs smooth for me. In his last moment from the intro, Link thinks of Zelda, not himself. While falling to his doom, he fires an arrow to free her from her crystal, which Zelink femanons may like. >>1017515 Peach Showtime was a girl's game. As a man I gave it a chance and found it... okay? "Okay" won't keep me if I can play better games, so I stopped after the second boss. I'm early in Echoes but can tell it's leagues above Showtime. >>1017766 I'm on Windows, with newer hardware. No problems (yet). Might take screenshot requests from anons.
>>1017790 It just looks like they slapped a basic platformer into Unreal Engine, the ds game from Tose looked more competent.
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>>1017791 Having played, Peach Showtime had custom aesthetics, unlike Unreal asset flips. Sets look decent, but bones have no meat. Little "game" there. Platforming and combat's too simple since it's for girls. It's just... okay. Minigames like this Dashing Thief Rehearsal entertained me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGrApHcHv24 They are just too far apart. The game's "theater plays with a princess," mostly. It's a Barbie game starring Peach. Has an audience, I'm not it. Most men aren't. I opted out of theater classes in high school.
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Back to Zelda from that derail. Since a Zelink thread probably has femanons here's a cute screenshot from Echoes for them. Zelda, in her bedroom from Hyrule Castle, pokes her chibi head out of a big pot while her cat sleeps near the light from the window.
>>1017790 >Might take screenshot requests from anons. Sure, we're an imageboard after all. I don't have requests but I welcome screenshots from anyone.
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Does Nintendo actually remember the Three Goddesses exist?
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>>1017887 Early in Echoes you're thrown in jail by an impostor king and his impostor advisors, then you echo objects and distract guards with smashed pots to escape Hyrule Castle in a stealth section like the castle courtyard in Ocarina, a fun tutorial from Zelda tradition. So far Echoes is like Link Between Worlds and Link's Awakening.
>>1017790 It's hard to think of requests when I haven't played. A town maybe?
>>1017979 This game is comfy. The music is so good.
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>>1017790 Screenshot of the nicest place. Also if possible some audio of best BGM.
>>1017790 >Zelink femanons >>1017808 >Zelink thread probably has femanons You won't find your Zelda cosplay girlfriend here dawg. https://x.com/yukki_20/status/1838224992829640942
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>>1017911 They really did remember.
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>>1017979 Suthorn Village, Link's hometown and the second settlement after Hyrule Castle Town. >>1018000 As comfy as a Soft Bed. >>1018008 I'm early in Echoes but I'll keep you in mind if I see something spectacular. >>1018133 Already married to a Zelda enthusiast, though Zelink shipping always had women. I don't use 8chan much and just stopped by for Echoes, so I'm being polite as a guest to the thread.
normalfags kys
>>1017807 Makes me think of how a Princess Zelda Showtime game could be more fun. A Korok stage production would be adorable. >>1018133 Zelink or Linzel? Linzel sounds right since L comes before Z.
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>>1017719 >little to no combat Does anyone ever play Zelda for the combat after WW/TP these days? Sure it's a part of the equation but it's mostly a minor one beyond the boss fights. SS was the most engaging moment-to-moment sword combat of the lot that demanded you to pay attention to your actual swings but people complained over it being wagglan.I know people do crazy shit with TotK/BotW and Twilight Princess gave you tons of moves to mess around with, but you're never demanded anything besides avoiding to be hit and using better stat-sticks. >>1017728 Reminds me of the TLOU2 defense force shit back when it leaked.
>>1018279 Wazzat?
>>1018223 Well do people even play zelda anymore than nostalgia and "story moving forward"? Gameplay, mechanics all come second to immersion in the zelda world and new character to world build. Its not dismissing the series, but now its becoming just another rpg series
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>>1018305 The actual device is a old head massager. The character is a fusion of dragon Zelda and human Zelda.
>>1018306 >Well do people even play zelda anymore than nostalgia and "story moving forward"? For me the games are interesting and there's enough polish to make most of the games worth looking into at least. Even if the sandbox shit is not my cup of tea there was some stuff to enjoy in TotK and BotW and the physics prodding aspects allow them to stand out from other rpg open world games. TotK capitalizes on these aspects more since the weapon fusion allows proper integration of the looting to the fighting and physics. Storywise BotW had a somewhat desolate feel in comparison to the rest of the franchise that made it stand out even if it abandoned the Triforce paradigm that gave Zelda, Link and Ganon their roles and Hyrule most of it's flavor. The very unfortunate part is that part of the franchise had no new races or places until TotK that hamstrung a sense of discovery that would've been perfect for the type of game it was. TotK had it's own issues in that it simultaneously pretends that BotW happened and it didn't, it's story was on the more generic end even if the general boss design was fixed.
Some Images to keep the thread on topic. >>1017807 Even as a theatre guy it's quite boring. It just feels like a collection of half-assed games with three levels each. Still bought a physical copy for the novelty of it and because I don't expect PPS to get a sequel ever due to bad sales. I hope this Zelda game will be better, mostly by virtue of it not being designed explicitly for girls. Don't get why cuckchan is running defense for it though since it seems at minimum just another 2D Zelda game. >>1018306 I like them for the adventure of such, and there are games with a similar balance of puzzles, combat, and exploration like Okami, Blue Fire, or Tunic. I just wish people would make more based off the 3D games. >>1018223 The combat is a big reason why I consider Skyward Sword to be my favorite. That and the characters. I wish people didn't bitch so hard about it as I'd love to see that combat style expanded upon or at least continued in another Zelda game.
>>1017728 >because the game was "leaked" one day before release Download link? And on that note, what Tinfoil shops has everyone migrated to today? https://x.com/angelmilk_913/status/1838190770723164321
>>1018306 Zelda isn't an RPG, though. It never has been. And the gameplay has changed significantly in recent games. Breath of the Wild is basically a climbing-focused exploration game, and Tears of the Kingdom is obviously somewhat similar. I'd say that's gameplay. The rest of the series has heavier focus on puzzles, generally. The one thing that's never a particularly large focus is story. Sure, it's there, but it's never particularly deep or important.
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Echoes of Wisdom confirms Zelda is made for BIG LINK COCK.
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>>1018184 Okay, I killed myself. But I had a Fairy Bottle, so I came back to life. You're stuck with me until I finish Echoes. >>1018000 I'm having a comfy time so far. The first dungeon, Suthorn Ruins, is like an Oracle of Ages dungeon, but longer and better. Puzzles have normal solutions and "think outside the box" solutions. An example in Suthorn Forest is a cave with a Piece of Heart you can circumnavigate the cave to get, or you can stack two trees off the ladder, build a tower, and bypass circumnavigation. An example in Suthorn Ruins is a boulder you can move to access a switch, or you can construct a platform then glide over the pit to that switch by holding a Keese to slow your descent. "Drawing outside the lines" enriches the gameplay, and many approaches to a problem makes my approach feel "mine."
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In the Gerudo Oasis, north of Zelda here is the Tough Mango Plant Lab, hosting the vibrant seeds minigame. Each try takes a minute, with dialogs, if skipped with B. It costs 10 rupees and yields 8 tough mangoes per win. You can carry 99 and each sells for 8 rupees at the Gerudo Shop in Gerudo Town, a quarter minute by warp. You profit 8*8-10=54 rupees per win. Play 12 times then warp for a 12*8*8-10*12=648 profit below 13 minutes. Faster grinds may work, but the minigame's not boring and below 3 minutes I made the difference from my rupees to buy Gerudo Sandals, useful at the region boss.
>>1018530 If Link fucks Zelda, is Link royally fucked?
>>1018668 As the man, he does the fucking. So no.
>>1018610 Yummy water. How are you getting text to render at all?
>>1018670 If Zelda pegs Link, is Link royally fucked?
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>>1018873 That post was a joke but you can absolutely do that in a consensual, mutual way. No forced feminization or cheating.
>>1018882 No, >>1018668's was the joke (and funny). Your post just plagiarized >>1018668's and added sissy feminization and female on male pegging to it. Your plagiarism made it less funny and unoriginally added nothing of value, it's just subverting.
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>>1018675 Want more water screenshots? And text just renders. I encounter enough emulation glitches that Switch tops emulation, but none break my game, unlike >>1017733, >>1017735, >>1017737, >>1017744, >>1017747, >>1017766, and >>1018675. You're on Ryujinx per >>1017761 and OpenGL on Steam Deck (Linux) per >>1017754. EuphoricBaZ reported to Ryujinx "when using Vulcan I can't see the main game, its all black and only the icons are showing. When using OpenGL everything is fine apart from dialogue not showing in the boxes." >>1017766 reported "doesn't work for me on Linux." If "when using Vulcan I can't see the main game, its all black and only the icons are showing" happens to you, Echoes may break on Linux or Deck. Register on https://github.com/signup then report details to https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx-Games-List/issues/5070 with hardware specs, screenshots, and logs for a faster bugfix. >>1017979 Gerudo Town, far west in Gerudo Desert. The middle door's to a pantry, the others to residences. Zelda's idle animation swelters in implied heat.
What's with the autistic post formatting?
>>1019000 Look at what thread you're in. It's for a very particular type of autist. Lower functioning than even the average autist on this site.
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>>1019108 nobody cares bud you clicked the thread. imagine not loving zelink
>>1019359 CIA is best girl. Link should have just fucked her. Would have saved everybody a lot of trouble. How do you feel about Zelda I Zelda getting cucked by Zelda II Zelda? And I'm pretty sure Ocarina of Time Link ends up with Malon. She clearly had the hots for him, and if he is the ancestor of Twilight Princess Link, then Malon being his ancestor would make sense. But Zelda I Zelda totally got cucked by her own ancestor. That's canon.
>>1019385 Link was not an Ordon native in Twilight Princess though.
>>1019385 >And I'm pretty sure Ocarina of Time Link ends up with Malon. We know. https://x.com/Hiyukee/status/1839346284622434426
And oh yeah, Breath of the Wild Zelda is a cunt, and Mipha is definitely best girl in that game. Meanwhile, Zelda stole Link's fucking house in Tears of the Kingdom. Does that bitch understand how hard I worked to buy that house in the previous game?! Of course she doesn't. Spoiled cunt. Mipha's also a princess, but not spoiled. Nice and humble. Good girl.
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>>1019359 It's a nice ship. It's not interracial, both are blond Hylians. It's self-insertable, girls wish to be fairy-tale princesses with a handsome and courageous protector. It's most canon. Link saves her in most games. The end of Adventure implies she kissed him. The Oracles show she did. In Spirit Tracks she hugged Link and was his companion. In Skyward they were intimate. In Breath, Kass said the princess loved her knight, and only had eyes for him. She moved into his house in Hateno between Breath and Tears, implying they lived together and shared a bed. As a homesteader, for me it's Malink, but Zelink's a nice couple. >>1018675 Water's most spectacular in motion. Waves and reflections morph between shapes that dance and merge together and apart as they float across a living surface that casts a gleam on submerged terrain. Fish swim and waterfalls splash while powder-blue highlights, where water meets rock or shore, reshape themselves to the tides. Echoes has River and Sea Zora settlements, whose squabbling chiefs Zelda helps reconcile. Here's the watery River Zora village. It's in Jabul Waters, overlapping Zora's Falls from Link to the Past, and is wrecked later by a rampaging decoy of Lord Jabu-Jabu. Zelda must defeat him to enter a rift then rescue the real deal from the Still World.
>>1020381 Is the hut on the bottom a potion shop? The basket outside has two bottles with colored substances in them.
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>>1017887 Mere words cannot hope to convey how infuriated I am that the player-as-Zelda game wasn't called The Legend of Link
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>>1020715 >The Legend of Link Fuck now I'm mad too
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>>1020726 That's not the pic I meant to post
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>>1018675 Another water screenshot, from the dungeon Jabul Ruins. It's the Water Temple of Echoes, where Zelda changes water height to progress. >>1018610 I realized the quarter minute warp to Gerudo Shop in Gerudo Town is unnecessary, just sell tough mangoes for 8 rupees per mango to the business scrub in the Gerudo Oasis. >>1020400 The shop sells blue, red, and purple potions. Blue recovers energy for the energy bar that powers Swordfighter Form, where Zelda turns into an echo of Link in a "play Link" mode. Red recovers hearts, and purple recovers both. The shop also sells Riverhorses, which when used in a drink, enables the drinker to swim faster than usual.
>>1020726 Still The Legend of Zelda for Branding reasons, I figure.
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River Zora chief Dradd and Sea Zora chief Kushara, optimistic, as their people applaud their musical duet for the whale god Lord Jabu-Jabu. The duet symbolizes the cooperation they develop after Zelda helps reconcile their squabbles. >>1018610 Rupee farmer update to get rich quick. When Mango Rush gets Ultimate Seeds the harvest's 12 a win. I finally mixed mangoes with each ingredient into smoothies then wrote results. 75, Golden Tough Smoothie (Golden Egg) 50, Mixed Tough Smoothie (Bubble Kelp, Electro Apple, Chilly Cactus, Radiant Butter) 50, Mango Climbing Smoothie (Rocktato) 50, Mango Twisty Smoothie (Twisted Pumpkin) 50, Milky Tough Smoothie (Fresh Milk) 50, Salted Tough Smoothie (Rock Salt) 50, Sweet Tough Smoothie (Floral Nectar) 35, Tough Potion (Monster Guts) 35, Warm Mixed Special (Warm Pepper) 30, Rapid Smoothie (Riverhorse) 25, Refreshing Mixed Smoothie (Refreshing Grapes) 25, Tough Smoothie (Tough Mango) 5, Unfortunate Smoothie (Monster Fang) That's refund price, smoothie name, and mixed ingredient. Eggs are rare and wasted by selling smoothies when eggs and fangs are the sole ingredients priced higher when raw. All smoothies only mango blend with 1 ingredient except Mixed Tough Smoothie's 4, all bountiful. To farm rupees fast, repeat Mango Rush until near 99 mangoes, have the Business Scrub outside make up to 20 Mixed Tough Smoothies, then refund each. He charges 10 rupees a smoothie, you profit 40 each refund to 800 from 20 mangoes when each is mixed with an ingredient.
Is there Zelink art for Echoes of Wisdom yet?
>>1022077 Yes, but it's porn.
>>1022077 I guess this sort of counts, though.
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>>1017979 In the tropical jungle of the southeastern Faron Wetlands is the town of Scrubton, settled by Deku Scrubs. The region boss is known to Scrubs as the "Great Spider," a Tolkien reference to Shelob of Cirith Ungol from Lord of the Rings. The "Great Spider" lives in the Still World and spins webs grateful Scrubs eat as "cotton candy." When Zelda mends a rift that consumed Blossu's house, livid Scrubs deprived of edible webs jail Zelda and confiscate her belongings, who must bust out of jail without her echoes while stealthing past guards like Deku Palace from Majora.
Any advice for these water puzzles? I feel like I'm missing an Echo that would really help get through the bubble jets. I can't think of any way to reach the Might Stone on the right.
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>>1022245 Those sidescrolling sections are terrific. Their undeveloped form dates to Zelda 1's item chambers which its sequel developed into fights, towns, and temples. Awakening entwined them with overhead dungeons which the Oracles continued and which Echoes expanded and perfected. My hints for your puzzle. For each hint that isn't sufficient, reveal the next hint. You can solve this without backtracking to adventure for more echoes. Think beyond "spawn echo." What other actions can you do beside Echo? Remember Bind with X? Remember Bind with X and Follow with R? Solution: There's many approaches to the problem. Piranhas swim upstream and Sparks ride walls. You can Echo one beside you with Y, Bind with X, then Follow with R. The middle pit has no current, you can echo floaters there like your boxes or beds then XR their flotation when under a current. Without XR you can ride Platboom.
>>1022245 >Any advice for these water puzzles? I placed a floating box further away and used bind with it and floated up.
>>1022245 >>1022264 >>1022336 That's a new "LoZ box puzzle." Guessing EoW doesn't do the traditional versions? If Zelda can make boxes and a means to jump over them.
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>>1022344 Echoes has puzzles to place objects on switches. An object may be jailed, which Zelda binds through bars to move to a switch using her echoes and wisdom. Some puzzles need objects to land on all switches at once, so sequential echoes on each switch don't work. There's another boxes and currents puzzle upriver, in a cave southeast of the >>1020381 settlement, where 2 jailed boxes can float along a current in a pool shaped like the outline of a rectangle. For a silver rupee, Zelda's meant to salvage 1 box to a switch. The game's "Echoes of Wisdom," so you use echoes with wisdom to solve many puzzles. Echoes resembles Link to the Past, Awakening, and the Oracles, but more Ages than Seasons, being puzzling. I value the depth to classic box puzzles, but welcome innovation too.
>>1022742 That a proper ice dungeon? OoT's Ice Cavern felt short, wish it was longer.
>>1022264 >>1022336 Thanks, I did try riding the boxes but I didn't think to use the R function to follow it floating to the top. I can't believe I've brute-forced alternate solutions to these puzzles so far...
>>1020381 >The end of Adventure implies she kissed him. The Oracles show she did.
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The Great Deku Tree. You meet him late, shrouded in a secret woodland in the northernmost reaches of the Eternal Forest. It's like the Lost Woods from Link to the Past, a game set in a Hyrule like Echoes. Explorers of the Nintendo data leak found protoype art for a great tree among the assets for Link to the Past. It nearly got in then, and the Deku Tree's in now. >>1022896 It is a proper ice dungeon called Lanayru Temple. After enduring swirling snowstorms to climb Hebra Mountain, Zelda scales the summit of Holy Mount Lanayru and crosses into the Still World to find it. The dungeon design is at its peak. Pun intended, but it is cohesive, where your actions in rooms frequently change the states of other rooms. It's frozen solid with a "fire and ice" motif where Zelda freezes and heats things to progress. It's my frontrunner from the dungeons so far. In Ocarina, some locations for Adult Link, like Zora's Fountain, its nearby Ice Cavern, and Zora's Domain, probably went unfinished so Ocarina could ship. After the Forest Temple, monsters evacuate Kokiri Forest and the Deku Tree Sprout grows. After the Fire Temple, the Gorons are unjailed. But after the Ice Cavern, the Domain remains frozen. There's a dead-end passage under the Domain's ice, only reachable with glitches. If Ocarina was developed longer and the ice unfroze, it may have led somewhere. >>1023072 Bind with X and Follow with R gets creative. It's funny for Zelda to echo Caromadillo Lv. 2, jump on his back, then ride him like a circus ball.
Legend of Zelda players discovered a glitch in Echoes of Wisdom to play as Link. https://www.gamesradar.com/games/the-legend-of-zelda/after-just-8-days-zelda-echoes-of-wisdom-players-have-already-found-a-way-to-play-as-link-instead-of-the-titular-princess/ Start a new game, save in Suthorn Ruins, then complete the first dungeon. Head to Kakariko, obtain the Sign, pass the east gate beside the Eternal Forest, and enter the fog. Place and read a Sign while opening the menu. Kill Zelda with a glitched menu then load your Suthorn Ruins save while pressing A and Up.

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