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Fae & fay Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 19:38:24 Id: abf5d1 No. 997567
Videogames either all about fairy tales or just have a lot of fairy tale creatures such as satyrs, changelings, trolls and faeries. I have been in a weird mood all day thinking about the fae. but reading about the dreaming changeling isn't quenching my thirst for fay. I want more. Now I know of a few games that has fairies. Quite a few of them. Legend of zelda has multiple different types. Dragons crown has a tinkerbell look alike following you all around. I think one of the other vanillaware games has you playing a fairy as well. Was it odin sphere or grim grimoire? Unicorn overlord does have elves with their fairy companions but I barely noticed the fairies during my playthrough. Fairies were a pretty big part of FFXIVs shadowbringer expansion but I am really burned out on that game. Total warhammer does have a lot of fey creatures spread throughout the beastmen and the wood elves. Preferably I would want something like a role playing game set in a feywild type world. I am willing to try other things though. I know there is one fairy RPG on XBLA but I only played the demo for it years ago and I don't think its even available anymore.
>>997567 Check out Folklore for the PS3
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>>997570 Holy shit I am stupid. How the fuck did I just completely forget about that game it is perfect in everyway! Thank you anon. Going to go play it now.
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>>997567 FGO's Lostbelt 6
If you don't mind some unusual genres, then I'd suggest Sacrifice for PC. It's a "hero-RTS" with a focus on magic. (Mandalore did a review of it).
>>997567 Pathfinder Kingmaker is all about Fey and their bullshit. Also obligatory mention of Persona's Pixie. There was another one I found while reading the CRPG book. Zanzarah. Apparently it's a Quake like shooter when you collect faries like Pokemon to use in battle? I have no idea if it's good or not. Age of Wonders 4 has an option to build along a nature line.
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>>997632 Sacrifice looks interesting but I am dogshit at RTS games. I really should try it anyway though one day. Earthworm jim stand in looks like he would be a fun dude. >>997644 >Quake shooter where you collect fairies like pokemon. This sounds too bizarre to be real. I need to look it up.
>>997650 It's like an rpg crossed with a Quake shooter. You are a woman who goes into a fantasy world and collects fairies, has battles with them, does quests and so on.
>>997567 Legend of Mana has an entire faerie main story arc. As an over all I prefer the Steven Universe arc and the furries vs. Draculasatan arc, but all three are nice..
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>>997657 Looking at screenshots, it looks pretty good. For some reason it reminds me of American mcgees alice.
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>>997826 Also the main character is pretty hot. She even has jiggle physics in the opening cutscene.
Not really what the OP is looking for but still has fairies and since OP brought upo Odin Sphere I figure it's close enough, Fairy Bloom Freesia, which is a sort of spin on a PvE Smash lone with a fairly decent customizable moveset system and enough challenge to actually force you to get good if you want >>997567 >I think one of the other vanillaware games has you playing a fairy as well That'd be Odin Sphere, starts up being the least fun to play character sadly but with a bit of training and a few new moves unlocked that changes a lot. >>997826 Was gonna says it's because they run on the same engine but apparently not, that's renderware
Folklore's been mentioned already, but given how broad the OP examples go, why not Dominions. Among the other mythologies, there are whole Tir'Na'Nog and Fomoria factions with appropriate summonables, and many variations: Pangea has satyrs, dryads, maenads, Pans (Panii, whatever), the Aesir of Norse myth are viking elves, and probably more. Of course, all the lore is mostly in descriptions, the actual game is all about everything quivering as the gods fighting for ultimate power wreck horrible destruction against each other with the whole world in the crossfire.
>>997900 >Fairy Bloom Freesia Looks pretty fun. The name though, it reminds me of something. Years ago back on halfchan there was this one game being described as a DMC like with a fairy character. Cannot for the life of me remember what it was.
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>>998197 Kameo?
>>998201 Was Kameo a DMC like? It wasn't that though, I distinctly remember the protag being 2.5D. Kameo is another game I should look into though, Thanks for reminding me about it.
In King's Bounty: The Legend and King's Bounty: Armored Princess the Elven faction has a lot of fairy units. The other games in the series probably have fairies as well, but I haven't played them. I was not able to find any screenshots of fairy units, so you'll have to take my word for it.
>>998197 >>99820 I think it might just be Fairy Bloom Freesia Not exactly many "2.5D DMC like with a fairy protag" around
>>998234 I think I found it. Chantelise! https://store.steampowered.com/app/70420/Chantelise__A_Tale_of_Two_Sisters/ I could have sworn it was a sidescroller or like a beat em up though. but no I am pretty certain chantelise is the game I was thinking about. The sprite (pixel art) and the fairy looks like I remembered them doing.
>>998216 >look up the games on steam. >Reviews says not to buy armoured princess. Buy the stand alone expansion instead. >Expansion contains the base game. Kinda weird. I will definitely check it out when I can. I have seen the chick on the cover for years but never bothered playing the game.
>>998722 >>Expansion contains the base game. Yeah, Crossroads includes a campaign editor, two short standalone campaigns, and a somewhat expanded version of the Princess' game. I'm told some of the new units were sufficient to win it as a mage, on highest difficulty, with zero losses throughout, without ever using the spellbook (not sure if this included scrolls).
>>997567 changeling the dreaming and changeling the lost were two books that got me interested in faeries. the idea from the dreaming is that faeries are beings that humans had created with their minds, like tulpas. in that universe something like the slender man would technically be counted as a fae spirit. the fae are thus strongly affected by how humans imagine them, and whether or not humans beleive in them at all. this makes them very similar in their struggles to the mages of their setting, as magic also works on a basis of human beleif and imagination. it made crossover games between mage and changeling lines work well as the protagonists and antagonists had similar x concerns that they were fighting over, and the powers system was also very compatible, i think these two lines were desgined to work together particularly well. the lost took the setting in another direction, here the changelings were humans who got abducted by faeries to be their slaves, and escaped at the cost of losing their humanity, identity, and past. t heir captor left behind an impostor to replace them and they had transformed them into monsters, but hey, now they got magic powers that they can use to diaguise themselves as human and use to build a new life with. the four factions are the ones who want to get rich and seize power in the human world, the ones who want to fight the faeries, the ones who want to embrace being monsters and delve into optimizing their supernatural powers, and the last who want to lay low and take up a life as joe/jane ordinary (and silence anyone who threatens r their masquerade). the first and last focus on the mortal world, the second and third like to focus more of their time in the otherworld.
>>997671 the elementals were well done in the mana series, looking forwards to the release of the newest installment. the four classic elements of fire (hot/dry/upward/plasma), air(hot/wet/outward and upward/gas), water (cold/wet//outward and downward/liquid), and earth (cold/dry/downward/solid). the two additional chinese alchemic elements of wood/plant/biological and gold/metal/abiological. then the elements of aether/light/physical and void/darkness/spiritual that are inspired from japanese alchemy. would be interesting to see the addition of representations of other alchemic elements like salt or sulfur or mercury.
>>1003144 Can you explain changeling for me? I do not get it. I have read the 1d4chan article of it and I do not understand at all. I have even been trying to find a copy of the 20th anniversary edition to read it myself and figure out what the fuck this game is. The other WoD games don't have the same problem. In vampire, you're a vampire. Suck blood and try not to get backstabbed by whatever faction you are with. In werewolf, you're an asshole but pentex is a bigger asshole. Go kill them. In changeling I am not seeing what goal you are supposed to have.
>>997567 Kingdoms of Amalur. The Fae are gae in it and annoying enemies.
>>998216 I just replayed it and yeah it does have a few fairy units, and since every game in that sub series share the unit roster with additions you can play whichever you want, though I wouldn't recommend game past the first one. The big issue is that it becomes a logistics nightmare the farther you get into the game, in the first one it's less of an issue because fights are geared towards a normal army without an optimized build unless you tackle impossible mode meaning you can more or less make do with whatever is on hand near you unit wise and gold isn't really tight at any point Games after that on the other hand specifically think you're playing a well specced char with an ideal army at all times (and it gets worse with every iteration culminating in Dark Side) so you make a 5 minute trip every single fight to make your army complete again because unless you luck out and make yourself a broken build early you're gonna take losses every single fight and generally the fights are tight enough that anything short of a fully stocked army is too little, Impossible makes that even worse with the very serious possibility of soft locking your run 10-40+hr in because one of three things (you ran out of gold / you ran out of good units to buy / you picked the wrong spec and the next place hard counters your build and units), the only saving grace is they add more shit that can break the game potentially, but since it's random whether you get any of it that might not help much At the very least I wouldn't attempt playing anything past the first game before playing the first game as it can sorta act like a tutorial.
>>1004408 >dota Nigger it's Warlords Battlecry 3
Fae Tactics
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>>1004447 Never played it. That second guy really does sound like prophet.
>>997567 You might like this. It's a short game though so probably pirate it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2357910/Home_Safety_Hotline/ Basically you're a support line agent who helps people troubleshoot the animals and anomalies in their homes and they get weirder and stranger as the game goes on, with lots of fae pixie forest cryptid stuff. It's pretty good and a short silly game.
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Summon Night has plenty of fairies for your FeMC to summon and occasionally marry.
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>>997644 Tried it out and it's better than I expected. It's this weird mix of walking around like Gothic, getting jumped by random faeries or finding trainers and the battling in a quake style arena where your faeries fire bolts at each other. The game was popular in Eastern Europe because it came from Germany and some Russian is remaking the game. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=JAtLnj1Npa0 https://boosty.to/zanzarah_by_jw Magnet to the torrent I used. It's Russian but installs and runs in english. You can't Alt Tab though, as it'll quit the game. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2A9595A5982AE3126160DF0F02BD1B5E0879DE9D&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt.t-ru.org%2Fann%3Fmagnet Soundtrack is also very good.

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