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What got you into this Unknownguy 10/18/2024 (Fri) 02:17:21 No. 20051
Hello, as the subject says what made you guys get into this? And at what age? I'm genuinely curious as to how it works out? Is it by accident? Teenage hormones or just by experimentation? For me, I was about 15 or so when I saw a TV showed called Martha speaks and honestly it aroused me, I mean at first I was like going for the human characters but then... I was looking Martha in a different way. I mean, it was a dog that could talk! Like the possibilities! And of course as all teenagers do, I searched up porn of it and... never looked back. And the thought of being able to fuck a talking dog must be amazing as you could actually hear it moan, get its consent and even more, possibly get better blowjobs? Now it's just me rambling, but do tell me your guys experience on how you guys got into this. I'd like to know as well. That's it and have some of Martha speaks porn.
>>20488 No way he used an anime reaction pic lol kill yourself
>>20493 I don't know what happened but there was a sudden uptick in faggotry and degeneracy in the last few months. Everytime i come here, the top threads are usually necro or some kind of fag thread. The straight threads get action sometimes but not as frequently as the degenerate ones. It's so tiresome >>20494 Nigga
>crying about sub-fetishes of something already so degenerate you could never come out to your family >says shit like "faggy" and "nigga" unironically >avatarfagging on 8chan The insults write themselves folks.
>>20504 Nigga
>>20504 >complaining about fagzoo I don't like necro either but wanted to suck dog dick is about as "bad" as wanting to creampie dog pussy.
I'll post mine especially since a heated gentlemen wanted more straight tales. >was daily chan user >one day there's a dog pussy staring me straight in the face >digustedyetaroused.jpg >Click on it, people expended more on it. Saying what it's like, gifs of the holes winking. >Still thought the pussies looked weird but sounded really fucking fun to fuck, even their postures were sort of doing it for me. >I interact with the thread and learn about Beastforum and have the obvious rabbithole there. >One day make friends with an owner in my state and get to "mind" a retriever bitch. It went as expected, maybe better. (I tried to look for a pic of the girl but can't find it, gahhh) The rest is history, I meant I only heard about this board from a bitch Telegram a year or so ago, so.. >>20516 Yeah I don't get it, as a follow necro hater. But even then necro zoos don't live rent free in my head, I just avoid at any opportunity. But let's simmer down, I think it's so dumb I gotta read politics even in niche zoophile forums, this is what I do to goon- I mean for escapism.
>>20537 dog pussies don’t wink tho are you thinking of horses
>>20471 FAGGOT Well yes actually I am. I like taking dicks. I like sucking them and I like them fucking me and especially both at the same time again and again. My only regret is there isn't a cure for herpes but at least prep keeps me from getting hiv.
Was around 17 before I tried getting my dog to lick my dick. I was a desperate kid addicted to porn and all the e621 4chan shit stopped doing it, so I turned to my dog. Lost my virginity to him at 18 and fucked his ass on the couch. Its been almost 11 years later and it's been history since.
>>20695 no more interest in animals?
I was maybe 14? I was in the truck with my step-dad driving idk where. But we passed by a farm and he said that he knew the farmer and the guy has been caught multiple times getting sucked off by the cows. He said that he would put powdered calf milk on his cock and let the calves suck on him. I thought that was really hot... I also saw a bunch of zoo porn on 4chan and sought it out at some point. As an adult, I find it a little weird that he was so graphic with what the farmer did. I wonder if he secretly got turned on by it.
>>20695 I notice more people being forthcoming about anal & male experiences
>>20725 He was trying to drop you a hint, (to help you with your teenage hormones) in an attempt to let you in on an amazing experience he had himself without admitting it as such. Your stepfather was a farm boy, no? I could easily be wrong about his upbringing, but I bet you he's had his cock in a calf's mouth. I've done it only once and wow, would do that every day if I could.
I like bitches but my first time was with a boy dog and it was all an intrussive thought I followed. I was in class and just mentally said to myself 'I'm going to fuck my brother's dog's mouth' and when I was back home and by myself I did that. He was surprinsingly cooperative and even allowed me to cum inside, since then I kept doing it until my sister brough a girl dog and she secretely became my dog girlfriend
>>20923 Good choice. Funnily the only part I doubt is willingness to cum inside, unless held or trained they often avoid or spit, then lap it up. I'm not necessarily doubting though. I hope you keep boy dogs in mind, they're a lot of fun in bed. (and the same goes for people who believe they're exclusively into male, too.)
>>20944 I noticed that with my dog girlfriend, I thought she was weird for not allowing me to cum in her mouth at first but after I discovered this place I learned the needle in the hay stack was my brother's dog
>>20819 Hmm, I hope that I would have caught on. I saw his condoms and his bulge, a little bit, and he had a biiiig dick. It would have been nice to have fun with that. I also jerked off right in the same room as him, after he fell asleep and he was basically faced right towards me with my dick in my hand. I wonder if he ever woke up and saw me jerking off.
20697 absolutely not I'm findinfg roadkill deer and stretching their asses for hours in my free time.
I remember seeing a mainstream magazine with some actress and her dog, they were kissing. (early 80's I think) And in suggestive poses. I couldn't stop thinking about it. And then it became a fantasy. I really wanted to see women with dogs. This was in the 90's. Long story short, I was in the middle of puberty. I didn't start masturbating, so when i was horny, it was a lasting torment. I tried messing around with a male dog. I didn't like blowing him, when i tried. And i got scared when i tried letting him mount me. He was a big Rottweiler and we did kiss. He really liked that and would bull me over, deeply kissing me. Then nothing... I did try with a female dog. Letting her lick me, and then giving her oral. She REALLY liked that. And even though she was fixed, she would want me to do it. Never tried anything more. I realized I prefer the fantasy and I like watching, mostly women with dogs.
>>21190 Speaking of actresses. Wasn’t it a running joke/concern on the flipper set that the dolphins raped Jessica alba? I remember those rumors back in the late 90s when I was discovering zoo. I can only find the quotes about her talking about how “long, long” their dicks are, and about how they were always poking her. I remember her also saying something about if you’re in the water you need help since you can’t fight one off on your own. I remember other cast or staff saying something like you could tell if the handlers got there in time by the sounds everyone could hear her and the dolphin make. Her friends would jokingly bully her by making the same sounds they would hear the dolphins make. I remember there was a vid of her getting humped by one too which is why I looked into it. Does anyone else remember this?
>>20454 bro you want to bang dogs and youre mad about fags? learn perspective
i used to get inexplicably hard when i used to bring my dog to the shower when i had to bathe her. i initially tried to deny it or have cognitive dissonance about it but it got the better of me and i had intercourse with her by licking her cookie. she was too loud about it (im absolutely sure i never hurt her she was just really loud) so it never worked out. i ended up cumming in her face too. never lost my virginity becuase technically my penis never entered any of her holes.
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seeing this vid and the other (both are the same dog on a tire) randomly changed my mind. Like why didnt shes try to move away if it hurt or was bad? From there i just wanted to try a cookie once but i never got to own an intact dog because relationship. i totally would if a divorce happened.
>>24739 This video's hot and should be used as a study for pro zoophilia. The way she leans back into him as he tries to penetrate her screams "I'M CONSENTING". And when she follows him after he pulls out without cooming is the cherry on top. She wants that human coom so bad >this vid and the other Can i have the other?
>>24727 Maybe "faggots" are simply more open into admitting their zoosexuality... Just my guess
>>24727 lol is this the guy in every thread asking for dickpics from 'faggots' Your kink is legal bro you can satisfy 90% of what you're into on Reddit.
>>24739 >i never got to own an intact dog because relationship >i totally would if a divorce happened weird way to think about your marriage lol get a fully registered AKC purebred and say you want to breed her vs. fixing her
Horny as shit as a teen, and decided to experiment with fingering the family's GSD girl while jacking off and she didn't mind, saw the videos linked and deiced to try and give her an orgasm one sesh, and after a bit of rubbing inside her cooking I distinctly remember finding and rubbing under the clitoral hood and had her humping my hand, the rest was history (never outright fucked cuz didn't know if it would hurt her or give either of us an infection or something) https://katitube.com/video/german-shepard-fingered-orgasm-gay-beast-com-bestiality-porn-tube-8776.html https://www.zoo.zone/video/the-husky-climax/
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>>24743 found it.
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>>24824 BASADOOO!! THANKS ANON, although i'm kinda disapppinted that there'a no breeding
>>24739 Goddamn she takes it all
>>24739 >>24824 Like hes not holding her down against her will. Shes not tied up. She even leans back and pushes back as if she wanted it. Gets me hard everytime
>>24786 I’d like to add I also did the same with our neighbor’s Labrador (they were family and we all had houses on one ranch and we frequently let each others dogs hang out in all of the houses) I remember one time on my bed I was rubbing both of their cookies and our gsd girl got jealous and kept trying to push the lab girl away from me
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it's innately wired into my brain but I don't want to do it for real

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