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WEBM / MP4 Thread 3 - WTF Happened to the Second One Edition? Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 03:18:08 No. 352013
Fat nigger goes splat in Florida.
Don't laugh the next time a hearse goes by, for you may be the next to die.
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this is what modern 14 year olds look like
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what's wrong /b/ I thought you LOVED hebes
He was literally so fat he broke the safety harness.
>>352047 >ooga booga >where da concrete at?
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I like how the "family photo" they provided for news outlets is from when he was like 9 years old before he became a big chungus
>>352054 He was already a big chungus, even at that earlier age.
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I've been to amusement parks with my fat friend and I know for a fact that this isn't secure enough, they should have forced this fat fuck to get up if the harness couldn't fucking fit him
>>352047 >>352048 Yikes, well that's what happens when you eat nothing but estrogen drenched soy and corn meal plus non organic factory farmed meat. Let this scare you into buying more locally grown organic food instead /b/. Don't allow yourself to be turned into a soyboi by cheap American "food".
>>352063 the sad part about fit smol girls is that they can still be held down and raped by an average fat male because there's just that much of a size discrepancy
>>352057 Did he try to hold onto the handles?
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>>352048 I was going to post about this last night. My favourite part was where the family said he was "athletic", "deciding what school to play football for" and "many scouts were watching him". No, they weren't. There's a big difference between being big/strong (think sumo wrestler) and big/fat fuck. This guy was a fat fuck, so fat he had tiddies to his waist. >>352051 Most likely the harness didn't snap closed due to his fatness. They are not designed for over 300lbs. They didn't list his full weight, just "well over 300". I don't usually go on rides, but the few times I did, I always check the harness snaps closed. This is because those ride operaters are often high on weed and/or burn-outs that don't pay attention. Maybe he broke the whole shit? >>352057 Tell a fat Black guy he's too fat to ride in today's CFKAA and lose your job, possibly get labeled a racist. Notice they already got a "civil rights lawyer" on the case. Now, I'm pretty sure they are not talking about his right to be fat... pic rel is where he hit the concrete. Imagine the AOE splash damage sheeeeeiiiiiiiiittt. Do you think his giblets splattered on other people?
>>352068 >favourite Why are you using British English spellings Kells
(1.61 MB 400x396 03 Nigger Hating Me.webm)

>>352057 A big part of the problem, I think, is that in our society, fat people and niggers are protected classes, and fat niggers are protected doubly so. If you work at an amusement park and you tell a fat person to get off a ride, you are inviting a lawsuit against your employer, inviting a media spectacle that will see your name dragged through the mud, and you are most assuredly losing your job. If you are white and you say anything at all to a nigger that can be misconstrued as anything other than affirmation towards them, you risk getting violently attacked by (a swarm of) them, you are also inviting a lawsuit against your employer, inviting yet another media spectacle that could end up getting you killed or put away in prison on trumped-up charges, and you are still most assuredly losing your job. It's a lose-lose-lose situation. If anything, I feel bad for the white staff member. His hands were tied. >>352066 >Did he try to hold onto the handles? After an 80mph drop straight down, I doubt anyone could hold on strongly enough to save themselves.
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>>352072 >If you work at an amusement park and you tell a fat person to get off a ride, you are inviting a lawsuit against your employer That will probably change now. It may also get to the point where anyone who goes on any kind of high stakes ride like this will have to sign a waiver, or a child's parent will have to sign off for them.
>>352074 oh please, this isn't some major event. Some terminally autistic news site trolling anon posted this here, this isn't ""news"" to anyone else it's just another theme park death and there are hundreds of those a year
>>352076 >it's just another theme park death and there are hundreds of those a year Idk about hundreds lol they'd be bankrupt from the lawsuits
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>>352076 This ain't a news thread, it's a WEBM thread, now getting postin' videos, nigger.
>>352077 I'm counting all the rinky dink state fairs and shit too
>>352064 >the sad part about fit smol girls is that they can still be held down and raped by an average fat male because there's just that much of a size discrepancy Still a lot more of a struggle than if they had no muscle though and you know what they say sometimes the best things in life are things you worked hard to earn. Also in some cases like engaging in combat against a skinny limpwrist soyboi the fit tomgirl will most certainly win. We can fix woman with selective breeding and create modern day Amazonians. Perhaps even reduce the potency of their mood swings too.
>>352081 none of that matters when anyone can use a gun
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>the fit tomgirl will most certainly win. Meant to say the fit tomboy.... >>352083 >none of that matters when anyone can use a gun Yes but there's a difference between shooting a firearm for the first time and actually training regularly with it. There are dozens of videos of people who've never actually handled a firearm before until recently nervously trying to rob a convenience store only to drop the gun and run away or panic shoot only to get one shot off and then causing their pistol to jam because the limp wristed it and have no idea how to clear said jam on a fly and either run away or get shot at back. Of course any smuck can pull a trigger and perhaps even get luck the first or second time, you can also stick someone behind the wheel of a car for the first time with little to no knowledge on how to operate said vehicle but they're more of a threat to themselves if they have no idea WTF they're doing. Training whether it be exercising the body physically or exercising your familiarity with firearms through shooting drills is still very important. So if you've got a GF nag her to taking shooting lessons with you or a professional instructor if your also a newbie. If you don't she'll likely get raped and it will be your fault...Well I guess the rapist is also to blame somewhat but WTF are you gonna do? Politely ask the rapist to stop raping? That's not gonna work he'll laugh at your retarded ass.
I remember at around 10 or so the girls were somewhat bigger than the boys having hit puberty earlier
>>352095 >Yes but there's a difference between shooting a firearm for the first time and actually training regularly with it There's a difference between being a normie who trains with guns and being a cold-hearted psychopath who can actually pull the trigger on another human being without remorse or hesitation
>>352013 It is always nice when shitskins die.
>>352099 Soyfreaks and shitskins aren't human beings and it is ok to kill them all for existing.
>>352099 Psycho or not that doesn't guarantee they'll know what they're doing with it. You wouldn't hand a Roman solder who's trained his whole life with a shield and gladious a long sabre or katana and expect them to just be an expert with it over night right? Of course not. That said yeah there's plenty of psychos who are well trained with firearms but there's also plenty who have barely any idea as to WTF they're doing. Tranny Phantom/Randy Stair is a great example of this, imagine if just one law abiding employee I don't count non violent blue collar crime or in this case was allowed to conceal carry at that grocery store? Welly Randy would have been long dead before he got his second shot off much less the other 50 he'd need to actually kill a single person.
>>352109 if someone has a gun and wants to kill you, you'll probably die you can wax poetic about it all you want
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>>352013 Furry porn.
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>>352118 >if someone has a gun and wants to kill you, you'll probably die Not denying that's very much likely the outcome but wouldn't you want a fighting chance regardless? You have a chance at survival or at least ensure both of you bleed out to death especially if they only bring a pistol to the fight, a rifle is a whole different matter though since those are easier to aim. Of course rifles aren't exactly easy to conceal, even those heavily cut down carbines are still pretty bulky and your gonna look pretty weird wearing a trench coat regardless of the season and have everyone on edge before you've even drawn. Like I said there's plenty of security footage of people who clearly had a plan but fuck up the execution spectacularly. >>352124 Okay, but why?
>>352243 >wouldn't you want a fighting chance regardless? no I just wanna play video games
>>352013 Ah, what a remarkable slice of life.
>>352051 many such cases. you either get killed or die from your own weight.
>>352124 More of it.
>>352013 If you play it back you'll hear some cunt laugh hysterically after he lands, I chuckled.
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>>352057 How did they not notice he couldn't fit in the seat? Honestly the ride operators fault for not checking but then again the kid could've said "ayo this shit don't feel right" before going up.
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>>354851 pic 2 - French? Ok, a joke, I remember this movie.
>>352078 $85k jump
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMMe6djzyfE so, first he is shooting at you with a shotgun, then you call an ambulance for him.
>>358165 birds eating khazarian?
They are admitting that the kid was turned away from other rides that night for being too big. I don't see how that helps their case in the civil suit. You can look at it both ways, that the kid was barking up the wrong tree and finally found a carnie dumb enough to let him ride.
What's everyone's experience like in trying to create highly compressed videos with VP9 that still preserve some semblance of quality? What sorts of presets have you come up with? Here's two of mine: #!/bin/bash for i in *.mkv; do \ ffmpeg -i "$i" -passlogfile "${i%.*}-360p-256k" -an -vf scale=640:-2:flags=bicubic -c:v libvpx-vp9 -maxrate 384k -minrate 128k -b:v 256k -bufsize 512k -max-intra-rate 371k -auto-alt-ref 1 -colorspace bt709 -frame-parallel 1 -g 150 -lag-in-frames 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p -quality good -r 15000/1001 -row-mt 1 -speed 4 -threads 4 -tile-columns 1 -tile-rows 0 -pass 1 -f null /dev/null \ ffmpeg -i "$i" -passlogfile "${i%.*}-360p-256k" -c:a libopus -ac 1 -ar 16k -b:a 24.4k -application voip -vbr 2 -vf scale=640:-2:flags=bicubic -c:v libvpx-vp9 -maxrate 384k -minrate 128k -b:v 256k -bufsize 512k -max-intra-rate 371k -auto-alt-ref 1 -colorspace bt709 -frame-parallel 1 -g 150 -lag-in-frames 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p -quality good -r 15000/1001 -row-mt 1 -speed 1 -threads 4 -tile-columns 1 -tile-rows 0 -pass 2 -f webm -map_metadata -1 -fflags +bitexact -flags:a +bitexact -flags:v +bitexact -y "${i%.*}-360p-256k.webm" \ ffmpeg -i "$i" -passlogfile "${i%.*}-240p-114k" -an -vf scale=426:-2:flags=bicubic -c:v libvpx-vp9 -maxrate 171k -minrate 57k -b:v 114k -bufsize 228k -max-intra-rate 165k -auto-alt-ref 1 -colorspace bt709 -frame-parallel 1 -g 75 -lag-in-frames 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p -quality good -r 7500/1001 -row-mt 1 -speed 4 -threads 4 -tile-columns 0 -tile-rows 0 -pass 1 -f null /dev/null \ ffmpeg -i "$i" -passlogfile "${i%.*}-240p-114k" -c:a libopus -ac 1 -ar 8k -b:a 12.2k -application voip -vbr 2 -vf scale=426:-2:flags=bicubic -c:v libvpx-vp9 -maxrate 171k -minrate 57k -b:v 114k -bufsize 228k -max-intra-rate 165k -auto-alt-ref 1 -colorspace bt709 -frame-parallel 1 -g 75 -lag-in-frames 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p -quality good -r 7500/1001 -row-mt 1 -speed 1 -threads 4 -tile-columns 0 -tile-rows 0 -pass 2 -f webm -map_metadata -1 -fflags +bitexact -flags:a +bitexact -flags:v +bitexact -y "${i%.*}-240p-114k.webm" && \ rm *.log; \ done
>>352046 Anon, I don't laugh at hearses. That's fucked up
>>369421 I just dropped a bucket load to her bangbus video. Thanks anon.
>>369460 bangbus or bangbros? can you link it?
>>369522 Wrong vid but take a look at that one too. https://www.xfreehd.com/video/71281/marianna-teen-blonde
(250.66 KB 720x720 Allright.webm)

Aloha snackbar!
>>359318 >>359321 >>359322 Hm, looks like CRF provides better results with smaller file sizes after all. Lesson learned.
>>352054 Reminds me of the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin, where media made use of his younger photos and not the ones where he is flipping his middle finger. >>352057 > they should have forced this fat fuck to get up if the harness couldn't fucking fit him And risk being accused of prejudice agains blacks or overweight ppl? If they are going to get in trouble anyways, might as well let him die. -1 dindu in the world, great. >>352064 Sadge >>369421 ??? >>386747 Japanese tv shows never let us down
>>394588 That first one looks extremely useful.
>>352088 i need music from fourth webm
(15.74 MB 720x1126 floydies-nft.webm)

>>406765 fuck polish "people'
>>406767 >>406817 remove matzo, make polan stronk again!
>>406826 the cats smell fish ,huh?
>>406954 Lol, he said this bitches pussy stank
>>406765 I've got some more cringe of this bitch.
>>406765 >>407248 has it been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that this creature isn't a tranny?
>>352013 Splat Albert
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Down forces would make people slide right out of the seat, coupled by the size and loose secures. A stupid ride, I won't get in them, look how much energy Americans go through to get attention for a show ride and underpay, didn't check everyone, guts out.
>>352072 go outside
>>408966 No, notice the niggerification anon.
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>>410754 All true statements BTW it's just offensive to her sensibilities for them to be spoken out loud.
Does anyone have that gif of an anime girl flailing her arms fruitlessly in front of a kitchen fire?
What the hell, may as well mirror this here while I'm at it. Part one.
Why have affirmative action if the free market will drive out bad businesses?
>>413316 Oh great, this again. Webms not attaching.
>>413318 >>413319 >>413320 >>413321 Wow, not a single one successfully attached separately. What the fuck causes this? Is it YouTube-DL? I'm using yt-dlp.
>>413322 Try it now.
>>413328 Nope. I'll try again with some re-encodes that I'm batch converting with ffmpeg.
testing this
>>413329 Seems like its your files anon.
>>413334 It only seems to happen with particular files grabbed with youtube-dl. I think it's somethign to do with metadata or the webm container, I can't imagine it's either one of the streams.
>>413335 Try running the youtube-dl video through ffmpeg as a direct-stream copy (won't re-encode) and see if that fixes it. ffmpeg.exe -i "input.mp4" -c copy "output.mp4" Also, youtube-dl is dead. Use the fork yt-dlp instead. Maybe that will even fix it.
>>413336 For now, I'm just attempting a re-encode. Y'know what? Fuck it , let's try this. for i in *\].webm; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:a copy -c:v copy -sn -f webm -map_metadata -1 -fflags +bitexact -flags:a +bitexact -flags:v +bitexact -y ./metadata/${i%.*}.webm; done
>>413336 >Also, youtube-dl is dead. Use the fork yt-dlp instead. Maybe that will even fix it. Aslo, I did use dlp.
>>413336 Let's see if this one breaks when simply downloaded with yt-dlp. This one did it to me months ago.
>>413342 Yep. And now, for i in Alex_Jones_as_the_Doom_Slayer_in_New_Vegas-\[qU4cZVJKg2k\].webm; do ffmpeg -i $i -c copy -f webm -map_metadata -1 -fflags +bitexact -flags:a +bitexact -flags:v +bitexact -y ~/Downloads/.ytdl/$i; done
>>413343 Neat. I have no idea why certain videos do this and not others.
(1.88 MB 1280x720 FreezorgPls video clip.mp4)

>>407248 Of course its Bryn Mawr
Americans say that the US is the land of the free, but North Koreans also believe that North Korea is a free country.
The elites encourage the 99% to be immoral, but anyone who dares to criticize the ruling class is attacked for being immoral.
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>>411915 >women
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>>352072 Based song
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>>414754 My ideal government is one which is Dictatorial, all people placed under the thumb of God, made to grovel at the sight of me, not unlike Hitler. The only difference is that Hitler's government, while more "country-ish" and less technological, would have no grandiose embellishments created by the state. No forms of idolatry and no symbols except the ones I instate.
>>414779 13 After seven days, I had a dream during the night. 2 I looked and saw a wind rising from the sea and stirring up all its waves. 3 As I watched, this wind made something like the figure of a man come up out of the heart of the sea.[a] That man was flying among the clouds of heaven. Wherever he turned his face to look, everything that fell under his gaze trembled. 4 Wherever an utterance came from his mouth, all who heard his voice melted as wax melts when it feels the fire. 5 I kept watching these things, and an innumerable multitude of people came together from the four winds of heaven to fight against the man who had come up from the sea. 6 I watched as he carved a great mountain for himself and flew onto it. 7 I tried to see the region or place from which the mountain was carved, but I couldn’t. 8 After this I looked and I saw that all who had gathered to do battle against him were sorely afraid, yet they dared to fight. 9 When he saw the rush of the multitude coming, he didn’t raise his hand or hold a spear or any weapon of war. Rather, I saw 10 something like a wave of fire shoot forth from his mouth, and a breath of flame from his lips, and a storm of sparks from his tongue. All these things—the wave of fire, the breath of flame, and the mighty storm—mixed together 11 and fell upon the crowd that was rushing forward, prepared to fight. It burned them all up so that suddenly nothing was seen of the innumerable mob except the dust of ashes and the smell of smoke. I saw this and was amazed.
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4 On the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I was standing on the bank of the great river, the Tigris, 5 I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. 6 His body was like topaz, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude. 7 I, Daniel, was the only one who saw the vision; those who were with me did not see it, but such terror overwhelmed them that they fled and hid themselves. 8 So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision; I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless. 9 Then I heard him speaking, and as I listened to him, I fell into a deep sleep, my face to the ground.
>>414790 Daniel
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Post 'em if you got 'em
Americans said that they hated freedom 100 years ago because the environment was dirty, there were murders, and medicine was dangerous, but the US is now a police state and the environment is still dirty, there are still murders, and medicine is still dangerous.
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>>415690 FUCKING (((JEWS)))
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Hungarians boo England players grovelling around on their knee in submission to BLM The game was played behind closed doors after FIFA & UEFA upheld allegations of racism.
There was a time when Americans believed in freedom. The US is dying from a million cuts. Part of the reason the USA is a nanny police state now is that whenever there is a problem, the kneejerk reaction in the US is to call for a new law. Nanny state laws are not the best solution, however. Nanny state laws lead to more laws, higher fines, and tougher sentences. Thirty years ago, DWI laws were enacted that led to DWI checkpoints and lower DWI levels. Seatbelt laws led to backseat seatbelt laws, childseat laws, and pet seatbelt laws. Car liability insurance laws led to health insurance laws and gun liability laws. Smoking laws that banned smoking in buildings led to laws against smoking in parks and then bans against smoking in entire cities. Sex offender registration laws led to sex offender restriction laws and violent offender registration laws. Nanny state laws don’t make us safer, either. Nanny state laws lead people to be careless since they don’t need to have personal responsibility anymore. People don’t need to be careful crossing the street now because drunk-driving has been outlawed and driving while using a cellphone is illegal. People don’t investigate companies or carry out due diligence because businesses must have business licenses now. The main point of nanny state laws is not safety. The main purposes of more laws are control and revenue generation for the state. Another reason laws are enacted is because corporations give donations to lawmakers to stifle competition or increase sales. Many laws are contradictory, too. Some laws say watering lawns is required, while other laws say watering lawns is illegal. Many nanny state laws that aim to solve a problem can be fixed by using existing laws. If assault is already illegal, why do we need a new law that outlaws hitting umpires? Nanny state laws are not even necessary. If everything was legal would you steal, murder, and use crack cocaine? Aren’t there other ways to solve problems besides calling the police? Couldn’t people educate or talk to people who bother them? Couldn’t people be sued for annoying behavior? Couldn’t people just move away? Even if assault was legal, wouldn’t attackers risk being killed or injured, too? Do people have consciences? Having no laws doesn’t mean actions have no consequences. If there is no victim, there is no crime. We don’t need thousands of laws when we only need 10. Freedom is not just a one way street. You can only have freedom for yourself if you allow others to have it. Should swimming pools be banned because they are dangerous? Hammers? Bottles? Rocks? Energy drinks? Pillows? Control freaks might get angry when a neighbor owns three indoor cats, but what did the neighbor take from them? Why should this be illegal? Is outlawing cats something a free country should do? Doesn’t banning everything sound like the opposite of freedom? Instead of getting mad at people who like freedom, why don’t people realize that freedom is a two way street? If you allow others to paint their house purple then you can, too. If you allow others to own a gun then you can, too. If you allow others to swear then you can, too. If you allow others to gamble then you can, too. Who wants to live in a prison? Think. Question everything.
I wish the Firefox devs would fucking re-implement proper display aspect ratio handling already.
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>>416413 >I wish the Firefox devs would fucking re-implement proper display aspect ratio handling already. Well, It's Free Software. If you really wanted to change it you could. Look through the old commits and see what they've changed.
>>416437 I also don't know how to program, can we have gay sex?
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>>416439 Sure, but I'm not bottoming if it means I have to go on a diet.
I wonder if they'll try to roll the MiniTru into this agency? https://n.actionsack.com/StateDeptDEIA
How many of you niggers own 3D printers for purely recreational purposes?
(7.58 MB 640x360 the man and the rats.webm)

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>>418783 Man, someone's gotta put these fucking (((rats))) in their place before it's too late.
>>412330 Because niggers and faggots are bad for business.
>>418801 mass shooters keep going for the symptoms rather than the cause
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ATF fedpig gets taken down by local PD in Columbus, Ohio.
>>421114 Fucking glorious.
>>352013 Holy shit!
It took time to get to this point since the warning signs started some years ago, but here we are.
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>>421114 Beautiful.
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>>352270 >no I just wanna play video games Then survive and live another day to play vidya, even if it's in a hospital bed.
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What even is a video game.
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klaus schwab is afraid of tiny japanese women lmao what a faggot
>>435980 You can just walk up to this asshole?
>>436088 Those were my thoughts as well, but something like 5000 Swiss police and soldiers were present for secuirty and I guess everyone gets a pat-down. Also, the fullblown biomedical security state was in play, nobody got anywhere without passing through multiple checkpoints requiring negative covid tests and all approved journalists had to have ID badges. Switzerland is a neutral country, my ass.
>>435980 The jew fears the samurai.
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>>435980 >"Vhich outlet is you vith?" >"Independent" >"NO SANKEW!" I guess he only talks to the outlets he owns.
>>436167 But he's such an old fuck you could kill him with a punch.
>>436183 Did you see they had Brian Stelter there chairing a panel on disinformation?
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>>436201 >But he's such an old fuck you could kill him with a punch. What about his unseen protection demons? I'm keeping a weather eye on Klaus. He's charismatic enough to get world leaders' panties wet just by chortling in German. If he gets shot in the head and "miraculously" recovers, he's a pretty good candidate for antichrist.
>>436230 Yes. The irony must be manifesting as a physical object at this point.
>>436355 Leave it to the jews to take something awesome like becoming a cyborg and pervert it into their usual attempts at controlling people.
>>406161 anyone can do that to a dead tree XD
some queer working for pfizer got catfished by project veritas and spilled the beans about pfizer engaging in its own gain of function research, referred to as 'directed evolution', to spur the mutation of further covid19 variants and thus the need for more vaccines. fucking hegelian dialectic shit, create the problem and provide the solution.
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>>436644 Watching elpresador take down dead trees never gets old.
tl;dr sovereign states such as switzerland and thailand are seeking criminal charges against pfizer's executives.
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>>437418 This man is living my childhood dream, one day I will own land and roam the acreage knocking down deadwood with my bulk.
(184.01 KB 675x734 society doesn't care.png)

(2.48 MB 380x470 smack down.webm)

(1.15 MB 480x852 livestream.webm)

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(591.56 KB 576x1024 hina.webm)

>>412325 lmfao and they wonder why society celebrates white male suicide. White males are the only demographic to see an INCREASE in suicidal ideation as they get older. This climb in attempts / thoughts doesn't stop until the white male reaches the age of 85. KEK Imagine seething so hard at minorities that you sterilize yourselves and squash any chances of reproducing. The modern racist white "male" is just a larper that hides in his hugbox. Nothing more nothing less. Racist post are made by white "males" that are mad that nobody cares about white male suicide. I'd say it's sad but the fact that they're killing themselves in droves is just too funny White males make up 70% of all daily suicides despite being only 32% of the population. This means that out of all the people killing themselves EVERYDAY white males make up 70% of them. In fact white males are the ONLY demographic that will suffer from an INCREASE in suicidal thoughts/attempts as they get older. All other demographics including white females see a sharp decrease after they enter their late 20's. White males will not see this decrease until their late 80's White males are the only demographic that has a DNA series that closely equates to a chimpanzees'. (A chimpanzee has 3 DNA series. A white male only has 5. All other races have 20+ lmaoo https://www.brgeneral.org/news-blog/2021/july/men-and-suicide-why-are-white-men-most-at-risk-/ https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/ https://www.prb.org/resources/elderly-white-men-afflicted-by-high-suicide-rates/ https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics Global Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium at the CD4 Locus and Modern Human Origins https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.271.5254.1380 https://www.eva.mpg.de/documents/AAAS/Tishkoff_Global_Science_1996_2109918.pdf
a throwback
(250.66 KB 720x720 ItsAwwwright.webm)

(27.02 MB 640x480 Nu Video Game Site.mp4)

(7.81 MB 1280x720 MY CORONA (2020).webm)

>>413333 Checked
(653.94 KB 854x640 3zCmLWC.mp4)

Does anyone still has that clip from the og 8chan of a girl about 10 years old streaming her suicide on periscope? Is nothing grafic, you just hear her faint scream and a thud because the camera was just facing her in a balcony.
weeeeeeeeeeeeee my gay-ass thread is still going have some hitler content
>>440861 I put so much effort into this and got zero replies after months while some idiot posting a soyjak will get loads, fuck all of you don't make me spam niggercock.
(5.71 MB 720x576 2001 A Waifu Odyssey.webm)

(4.64 MB 480x270 Get Fired Up.webm)

(591.33 KB 176x144 Dilbert1.mp4)

(213.06 KB 1280x720 josie-says-nigger.mp4)

>>444921 Go back to (((social media))) with the rest of the niggercattle where you belong if you miss the updoots so much, faggot.
(99.70 KB 1200x1018 trannypol.jpg)

>>440861 Dilate.
>>414206 >Scambo, Charles and co invest in Bitcoin early on. >sell after being in the right place at the right time >do wisdom writing shit for Zoomers with faux profundity grifters
I'm looking forward to seeing how advancements in solid state battery technology could end up improving the performance and runtime of these types of robots in the future.
>>447128 put a screen, a piston, and flesh-light on that we got ourselves something, maybe make it more curvy too
>>447128 That's a cool robot. The only problem it has is that it needs enough room to balance itself. Throw it up against a wall and it will fall over. How to stop Daleks: stairs How to stop these things: a hedge maze
>>352048 I can't tell if you can hear his skull crack in the video, or if it was his fat slapping against the concrete.
(7.31 MB 576x1024 Coffee Autism.mp4)

>>448433 >it is the jews >it isn't your shit pedigree if a white woman isn't disgusted by the musk of men of other ethic groups, then her genes are the problem, the jews don't help it, fuck all they do make them not hide it, and I think that is is a good thing because it allows for easier identification, they would be like this even without jews, they don't have healthy brains
(5.34 MB 512x282 josh.webm)

does anyone have any of the rest of these?
(5.92 MB 320x576 extinguish.mp4)

Angry hotel guest gets woken up by group of noisy lads, leaves room (naked) and shouts at lads, threatening violence if they don't keep the noise down. Walks back to room, but door has closed and locked him out. Fun ensues.
>>352013 This video never fails to cheer me up! Shame they tore down the ride afterward because the family somehow blames the ride for a retarded carney not realizing that fat nigger was too fat of a nigger to be on that ride. He probably would have become a street rapist down the road, so this was crime prevention.
(14.58 MB 1280x424 Obushes.webm)

A throwback circa 2018.
(4.52 MB 1280x720 pusheen-cats-gaza.webm)

(6.79 MB 480x852 earth.webm)

>>453658 Bro it would all have to be burnt to ash and then something else built in its place for the corruption to be taken out There is no fixing this dying system, corruption is the beating heart of it
>>453664 first thing we do post-collapse is explicitly forbid women from voting
>>453845 You are on the right path and have the correct idea
Don't believe the Jews and their lies.
>>453877 >first thing he says is that jesus is a jew AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>453888 ay yo hol up we be da real jews an sheeeeeit anon
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(3.92 MB 960x540 1703346812639650 (1).webm)

>>447319 WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOIG TO THE DOG!?!?!!!!?????? human centipede type shit
>>454251 they didn't anything to do the dog that nigger was letting the dog ass fuck him, and if you didn't know this dog's 'lock' when mating (it is what the knot is for) until they are done cumming, and sometimes the male dog will dismount but still be locked, so they'll be ass kissing until the male dog becomes nu-aroused usually is it is painful for them, imagine trying to point your cock down when it is hard, and dogs have a bone in their dicks
>>454253 It's not painful for them unless abuse occurs, they naturally turn around like that
(866.18 KB 352x224 1449103961562-2.gif)

>>454254 well i'm not learned on this subject
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.
>>455338 Fucking down syndrome pilot Kek
>>352046 Pretty good rule of thumb I suppose
I meant to get around to doing this sooner but whatever.
>>359318 did u try to use -preset medium/fast?
(1.29 MB 516x360 gay_danger.mp4)

(3.26 MB 320x240 meme-wtf02.webm)

(3.86 MB 640x360 cars.webm)

Here's the video of Aaron Bushnell's act of self-immolation.
>>456286 Forgot to include the catbox link to the mp4. https://files.catbox.moe/rez1vs.mp4
>>456286 The way his pants fell is quite comic
>>352082 i was waiting for a jewish bug the whole time
>>353244 >has an extra set of hands to play on his phone >puts it down to stare at his dick anyway
>>386747 this is some hard hitting reporting
>>456286 lol @ that coward fed pointing his gun at a charred corpse. like yeah retard, he definitely could've been planning to pull out his gun *after* burning himself to a crisp
>>456344 >coward fed was israeli security of some sort, so probably trained to prepare for golem, cyborgs, and charred reanimated corpses playing possum. it's tradition. that's what they teach you in yeshiva.
>>352057 He might have also been too tall. I've had to slouch down in some of those so they'd go down enough.
>>456334 He skipped leg day for sure. I was hoping the top half of his body would detach, leaving his skinny legs as flaming stilts looking like lit matches.
(5.76 MB 480x848 wS7oKacoKiBbwJC3.webm)

The girl died. >>352072 >>414778
>>456786 One less coal burner
>>456786 God, I hate niggers
>>456786 Whites need to stop tolerating babboons no matter how big their babboon troop is.
>>456786 >>456793 >>456798 >>456804 Correction: She lived, but she's in the hospital in critical condition with a brain bleed and damage to her frontal lobe. New video unrelated.
>>456863 dang it do do do
(2.21 MB 240x360 gamer-ass.webm)

(3.12 MB 768x432 7VrrMLcIsOtT1Da7.webm)

>>456873 that was funny, she got fucking wreked by an incel
>>456939 other way around
>>456884 They afraid of something? Kekle
>>456786 >>456793 >>456798 >>456804 https://archive.ph/95zdR Parents of Missouri teen left convulsing after shocking school beatdown break their silence: ‘Remain hopeful’ >The parents of the 16-year-old Missouri girl who was viciously beaten and left convulsing on the pavement last week said they “remain hopeful” for a full recovery and thanked the public for the outpouring of support. >Kaylee Gain is still in critical condition and possibly suffering brain damage after her head was smashed into concrete during the sickening, caught-on-camera brawl near Hazelwood East High School on Friday. >“We are so grateful for the amazing medical staff who have been working tirelessly to give her the best possible chance at a full recovery,” the girl’s parents wrote in a statement appended to a GoFundMe started by a relative. >“We know she has a very long road ahead of her but we remain hopeful. We are so overwhelmed by all the support and love,” they added. >As of Thursday morning, the fundraiser had raked in nearly $3,400 of its $10,000 goal. >A second GoFundMe started by a family friend had also raised over $100,000 after increasing its initial $40,000 goal. >Gain’s parents’ update comes after the family friend, Sarah Hall, explained that they will not know the extent of the teen’s brain damage until she wakes up. >“The path to recovery will be extremely hard on the family,” Hall added. >The vicious fight broke out just blocks from the high school on Friday afternoon. >The disturbing clip shows Gain and another girl, who has not been identified, hitting each other before the girl shoved Gain to the ground and started pummeling her. >The girl repeatedly called Gain a “bitch” before smashing her head into the ground several times. >Gain was eventually left twitching on the pavement while the brawl continued around her. >The other girl, who is believed to be 15 years old, was later taken into custody. >Gain’s grandmother, Terry Nordstrom Thompson, called the attack “unforgivable” in an emotional Facebook post. >“We are beyond devastated for her. Senseless act of violence,” Thompson added in a reply to a comment on the post. >Just a few months ago, on December 14, the grandmother had wished Gain a happy 16th birthday with a carousel of photos from happier times. >Gain has a brother and a stepsister, the concerned grandmother responded to a commenter. >Her injuries prompted some lawmakers to call for the other girl involved in the fight to be charged as an adult and face maximum penalties. >“The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult. If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide,” Attorney General Andrew Bailey wrote on X. >The other teen “must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law,” Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe added.
[Expand Post] https://archive.ph/8pyX5 Kaylee Gain’s ‘devastated’ grandma says family statement on her condition after vicious beating is forthcoming: report >An update on the condition of the Missouri teen viciously beaten in a twisted caught-on-camera brawl earlier this month is “imminent,” her agonized grandmother said Saturday. >Kaylee Gain, 16, was seriously injured during a fight with another girl a few blocks from Hazelwood East High School in Spanish Lake on March 8. Her family plans to provide an update on her condition shortly, grandmother Terry Nordstrom Thompson told the Daily Mail. >“That’s all I can say right now,” she added. >Thompson wrote that she was “devastated” on Facebook Friday night with a meme that read, “Have you ever just said ‘I’m fine’ when you weren’t because some people wouldn’t understand?” >She previously posted that Gain “may not recover” from the fight that led to brain bleeding and a skull fracture. >Shocking footage showed the teen being pinned down and having her head slammed on the concrete several times by an unidentified teen. The other girl is believed to be 15 and was later taken into custody. >Shocking footage of the brawl showed the teen being pinned down and having her head slammed on the concrete several times by an unidentified teen, leaving Gain convulsing on the pavement. >The other girl is believed to be 15 and was later taken into custody. >“Kaylee is fighting hard to stay alive and heal but this is only the beginning of a very uphill battle for Kaylee and her family,” read an online fundraiser for the teen organized by a family friend, which has raised over $322,000 as of Saturday. >Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey demanded that the 15-year-old facing assault charges in juvenile court be tried as an adult and hit with homicide charges if Gain dies. >“This evil and complete disregard for human life has no place in Missouri, or anywhere. I am praying for the victim,” Bailey said. >The Hazelwood School District also bears an “enormous amount of culpability” over Gain’s critical condition in part because it had pushed diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives over student safety, the state’s Republican AG claimed. >Bailey said the district booted uniform officers from its schools after the police agencies refused to have cops undergo its requisite DEI training. >“In other words, [the schools] are more in favor of racial divisiveness than in having school resource officers on their campuses,” Bailey insisted. >“So, what role did this radical divisive DEI indoctrination program play in preventing a police officer from being present and detecting this and/or from causing the racial divisiveness that may have motivated this fight?” he added.
>>456953 >police agencies refused to have cops undergo its requisite DEI training Based cops
>>456954 Cops have only two good traits. They admit niggers do crime, and also shoot niggers.
>>456955 But in some areas almost the whole department is black, makes me even more nervous than with regular vanilla jackboots
(10.92 MB 854x480 5vQBF7zO3NOQLzl-.webm)

>>457051 so cool to see
>>457051 Remember, no Russian.
(11.70 MB 1280x720 pvBXa9mkGwu-KAiU.webm)

>>457051 >>457055 Whoever those fucks were who shot up the concert hall in russia, they recorded gopro footage of it.
>>457084 Oh it's filthy sandniggers. I haven't been watching the news (I have gone news free it's too depressing) but I heard about this and was expecting Ukrainians.
>>457055 based
>>457084 yeah, apparently one of them were in a beheading video a while ago. you should check out the video of them in court. russia clearly had a field day on these sand monkeys
>>457093 funny thing is the kremlin was warned about islamic radicals planning an attack by western intelligence and wrote it off as scaremongering, and then after it happens they try to blame ukraine, going so far as to literally air a deepfake of some ukrainian official alluding to having done it. it's not even a good deepfake it's like will smith eating spaghetti deep fake
>>454345 Agreed on all counts apart from: >Eat niggers That's gross, I'd grind them into meal for some animal we don't eat.
>>456286 Could have bombed the shit out of a depot Could have merc'd a room full of higher echelon officers Could have stolen a fighter/tank/flatbed full of fun and gone apeshit Instead the dumb faggot committed gay social media suicide for the sake of screaming 5 times about a group of mudfags who'd also set fire to him if they saw his ass in their shithole country. What a mook.
(1.30 MB 1280x720 UISAxFJiIH60zyRb.webm)

>>457742 Lmao It is pretty gud
>>456786 She fought and lost. This isn't some random innocent. Dumb bitch shouldn't associate with niggers and try to act like them. Leave war to white dudes.
(3.31 MB 320x240 mirdeorbit.webm)

(19.47 MB 480x360 steamboat.willie.360p.mp4)

>>458013 >She fought and lost. This isn't some random innocent. Dumb bitch shouldn't associate with niggers and try to act like them. Leave war to white dudes. Scrawny white boy trailer trash hands typed this post.
(374.52 KB 600x450 Fjb3l6lUoAAAQ-j.png)

>>456793 >One less coal burner
>>458273 Really bitch boi? You know the male niggers get off on seeing the coal burners cry too? The nigger, stupid he may be, can pick up on the fact that the coal burner really only considers him on the level of a dog
>>456786 and nothing of value was lost. Who cares.
>and nothing of value was lost. Who cares.
>>458510 Wasn't defending niggers simply saying that everyone hates coal burners, even niggers And no one from this point of time is important and after the whites dies off and "humanity" dies off after as a result, no one will ever be important again
(1.56 MB 960x720 mwa96W3x5csMza6-.webm)

LOL! Jewish Businessman Gunned Down In Egypt In Suspected Terror Killing https://archive.ph/3OYhr
(7.19 MB 1280x720 niVJGNpsVaQjSp14.webm)

>>459059 What's the context of that webm?
>>459069 "AI" is here Personally i don't know why everyone gives a shit We would know if AGI was a thing, because it would improve itself to ASI in short order and then something would actually happen
(28.10 MB 540x360 Goad-WhiteGirlTwitchALot.webm)

>>456786 >>456953 Apparently she was a coalburner.
(21.93 MB 540x360 Goad-TheLastBoyScout.webm)

(4.90 MB 480x480 Goad-TheNiggaTheyAre.webm)

>>459466 Wow i was right
>>421114 What a fucking asshole, if he's ATF he knows procedure and how trigger happy the average pig is, anyone else would have gotten a clip dumped in him if he'd not planted that seed of doubt in the cop early on. >immediately screaming about a eppie pen like it's urgent >totally fine to bitch loudly 3 seconds later >'call an ambulance' >nothing at all wrong with him other than a panic attack he's just induced in himself
>>459521 The fact he says "fuck yall" and immediately domes himself zero hesitation gives me some pause, his finger isn't on the trigger until right before the gun fires. I'm still unsure if this was a really an accident or a give-no-fucks suicide, according to his cousin even the police/coroners aren't sure yet.
>>459542 He has no social media history to examine? People need to step up. This is 2024, not 1974.
(58.47 KB 360x358 1716530064923768.webm)

>>459718 White liberals need to have their specific phenotype sequence so they can be identified and dealt with when the "Gatherings" happen
(18.61 MB 1280x720 30hByxbgoGCZ7WaL.webm)

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>>459791 Why did the cop only shoot ONCE. Kill him! Also kids, if you're going to confront a guy with a knife, attack, you're going to get stabbed, best chance of survival and minimal damage is to fuck him up and get control of his knife arm.
>>459791 >>459793 >>459804 the pig died lol
>>459793 Because they have a Death cult to die for
>>459816 At least he died a hero!
>>459791 >A man stabbed several members of a group that describes itself as opposing “political Islam” Sounds like he deserves a medal.
>>459791 >all those cute femcops What am I going to do with all this boner?
>>459866 Your boner won't be a problem because all of your blood will be out your body
(17.06 MB 1280x720 IlxPw24tn3PU15aH.webm)

>>460118 I always hate it when this kind of shit is posted with zero context, so fuck you I'm posting backstory. This happened at a restaurant in Atlanta. Dude shot was named Nygil Cullins, despite looking older he's actually 22. Had mental issues. Cullins went into the restaurant and was acting "unruly", had a gun and went behind the bar to fuck around with the bottles. Previously worked there. You can see the gun in his belt at the beginning of the video. Staff tells him to leave and he refuses, they call 911, Reportedly his own mother also called 911 earlier that day because he was having a psychotic episode. It's not that obvious from the video but when he falls to the ground he tries to get his gun out. At first he's being tased, not shot, that weapon the officer holds at the start isn't a pistol. Only after he runs and shoots the person tackling him is when he's shot. Guy shot was actually a staff security guard, not a cop. Everything after that is what you'd expect, family saying it was unfair, calling for justice, filing a lawsuit and the cops saying they did nothing wrong. It's the same as every other police shooting from that point.
>>460135 That was an execution by a pissed off pig, every shot fired after he hesitated was wrong and he knew it, but he felt he could get away with it.
>>460141 Meh, was a nigger
>>460141 You can't "execute" or "murder" an animal, sorry anon. The proper term is "put down".
>>460135 >I always hate it when this kind of shit is posted with zero context, so fuck you I'm posting backstory. Who the fuck cares? Just enjoy the shitshow lmao
(8.54 MB 854x480 0x3F0mLaHHSvLAJx.webm)

(340.93 KB 964x702 cory fucking snapped.png)

<racism caused your son's tumor lol
>>460280 Im tumor with a body a attached to it
(71.24 KB 528x384 spidercancer.jpg)

>>460280 >making an episode out of this but unironically
(756.77 KB 464x466 homer_laughs.webm)

Let's see what Stacy is up to...
>>460352 Onlyfans?
(54.27 KB 250x268 mongler no longer.png)

>>460352 I've tried to type something witty and sarcastic five times and erased it five times. There's nothing funny about women living like this. We are in the End Times.
(2.14 MB 640x360 blk chinese railroads.webm)

>>460356 A end, not the end Unless whites die off
>>460373 >Unless whites die off Speaking of...
>>460382 Some jews just have a death wish. "Lol bring it whitey! Gas me again! Let's go! Race war part 2!"
(13.20 MB 1920x1080 counter strike 1.7.mp4)

(8.76 MB 720x1018 touched by gyaru male.mp4)

(3.82 MB 1280x720 PrincessPoot.webm)

>>460445 this is the best thing i've ever seen
(4.90 MB 1280x720 Y63ezE1FYvjg9mdj.webm)

(10.58 MB 480x854 woYMjF75ETUlOEtC.webm)

>>460562 Until they come out with something the fucks with your dna to repair itself frome age, caring about your health this much is stupid
>>460562 Is taking X rays and blood tests really that expensive in USA? half of what she mentioned costs like 40$ here, and that's without counting state's life Insurance because adding that it's pretty much free.
>>460352 Her accent is so repugnant.
>>460568 speak for yourself, nigga. i'm staying in shape to avoid diversity hires in the medical system as i age.
>>460562 Meh, that's just an ad
>>460609 Get and stay fit, our bodies evolved to use physical activity and nutritional deficits calibrate itself however, unless you have symptoms of something, going and getting tested for shit that is mostly a 65+ problem is stupid and bad cope Cope with Dealth via God, not the insignificant dents humans have made in entropy
I got nothing, but I'm postin a video cos you niggers are just yammering on like womenfolk do.
>>460762 why would i watch that old crap when i can watch full hd videos of whores squirting anal milk enemas into each others' mouths?
(3.13 MB 640x368 68824.mp4)

>>460778 Maybe you could show up in a webm/mp4 thread and bitch like a retarded cunt instead of posting a video.
(22.27 MB 320x240 4iivM4gcdOZQl1FR.webm)

(2.43 MB 320x240 AXJeEYFUSwf8ftZv.webm)

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>>460610 That's what I thought as well. Especially at the end where she talks about rather spending 700 dollars by taking a whole vacation in Turkey rather than doing it in the US. She also spelled Turkey: "Turkiye", so she absolutely got paid for this.
(18.17 MB 720x480 EJDb3-x_uyfiz_vw.webm)

(369.52 KB 480x360 I'm Repulsed, Yet Attracted.mp4)

(774.44 KB 640x360 IM TURNIN INTO A FURRY.webm)

(779.51 KB 720x404 imenglish.webm)

(733.15 KB 480x360 I'm Retarded.mp4)

(1.16 MB 640x480 im going to get my gun.webm)

>>460352 Why would you save this?
>>460418 >Nigger complaining about immigrants as if his otherwise stereotypical black ass wasn't part of the problem. >They only blur out the nigger's face, let all the other white people interviewed suffer the consequences of their "hatespeech". Lmao.
>>461264 He worried that there going to be in white people pie left for him
>>461279 Try typing that in English next time, friend-o.
(29.46 MB 540x360 Goad-EatingWatermelons.webm)

>>461257 >Why would you save this? Just to share the misery with everyone else.
>>461301 Worried there aint going to be no white people warfare for him
>>461303 Welfare
>>461525 >>461526 >>461527 Fuck Pete Thiel. His only gripe with totalitarian government is that he's not the one in absolute authority. Fucking Randian dickwipe.
(140.61 KB 250x250 pixel smug.png)

>>352013 >>352047 KEK that "Ay dios mio" at 4:10 my fucking sides, man. That fat nog got mashed against the floor.
>>461527 I wish things were as simple as 'the powerful want more power" but it is like (and I hate to use it) but the world's pop is going up, and I don't think most whites are going to come around to the idea that niggers can only be let lived away from you, your kin, and kith, so you're going to have a tiny minority of whites that gets less and less world wide until the only whites left are the ones that lived away from this civilization, or those that got into a type of gene cult with enough genetics and forethought to be viable to start their own civ don't worry tho, they will all die when agriculture collapses anyway these individual freedoms aren't worth survival, nor are populations, besides from certain European ethnic groups, adapted to having freedoms (talking about the warlords, Khans, and nobles they live under) not living as slaves
(7.75 MB 1278x720 qmeZjCI_NEYMoS0S.mp4)

How fucking dead is this board? 2 years ago the same fucking thread.
>>461712 You have no idea how happy I am that my thread has lasted this long :^3
>>461729 I remeber when there was 10 to 50 anons that would maintain a webm thread, and they would post the same vids over and over and HW and mods considered banning it due to there being like 6 webm threads at a time
(5.38 MB 480x720 4Z30Bbra0qgdvNQv.webm)

>>461752 I'm glad. Elon and all those right leaning faggot cocksuckers lied to us, they LIED, they said they were for free speech and decency and all they do now is say that certain people shouldn't be able to share their opinions no matter how respectfully or that some people shouldn't share certain feelings no matter how kindly they do it. Fuck them all I fucking HOPE they face penalties for their bullshit.
>>461758 You reap what you sow, faggot.
(80.06 KB 320x320 pattern wash.mp4)

>>460352 I'm saving this to share the misery to others.
(8.03 MB 1280x720 NfN8VAYl9pImKcBq.webm)

>>461817 So he got shot due to him not putting his hands behind his back?
>>461894 The guy being arrested shot the cop first.
(1.76 MB 1280x720 aFy2wmQBYk1EFwFk.mp4)

>>462185 Nice view.
(25.44 MB 360x240 6crtKJ7uQx-x19NF.webm)

(5.61 MB 720x1280 uTK2Lc7a6K7El4k7.mp4)

>female cops lol
>>462723 I was so relieved when they shot the nigger I was worried for a second
>>462723 Women, should not be Police in areas where there is a majority black population, or high crime areas. They can't handle the physicality of the job, nor can they handle the mental or emotional strain of the job in these areas.
(5.55 MB 444x480 goadlifesupport.webm)

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>>463108 thanks, can't forgot, they will eat my cat in the open
>>352078 the news reporter doesnt want to remark on what her expert interviewee is saying when he speaks in his professional capacity on his subject of specialty because she doesnt want to beleive that something terrible is happening when he says it is about to go down. Is that bitch a reporter or an ostrich? her job is to keep people informed about disasters like an economic crisis, not keep herself in denial about it! another reason why i say women are unfit even for the jobs we men thought theyd be fit for. women are detatched from reality whatever is inconvenient for their feelings gets ignored. id much rather have a male nurse for this reason, better a fag doing the job of keeping me alive than a foid cumtoilet.
>>462539 getting rid of democracy is an extreme good in itself. having to permit abortions is a meager price to pay in order to achieve that. id prefer either we have an autocracy (such as a classic absolute monarchy, where the entire country - including its people, lands, and all else that exists within its boundaries - is the inherited property of the royal family), or a direct democracy (all government actions decided by a vote of the electorate - composed of anyone who is considered capable of voting), or the libertarian solution of a night-watchman state (a minarchistic government without legislative power - one who just exists to run the national forces of defense, offense, and intelligence; to do what is necessary to enforce the minimalistic laws derived from the principle of non-aggression; and to do what is necessary to collect the minimum amount of taxes needed to pay for the services they are providing).
>>461987 whats actually in project 2025? has anybody got a copy lying around that i can read?
>>461752 elon musk is far from the richest man in the world. anyone who claims he is immediately diacredits themselves as a retarded stooge.
>>460393 yo! gal-o-sengan!
>>460389 rehabilitation has always just been a polite expression for "state endorsed brainwashing", all thats changed are the tools employed to acheive the desires ends.
>>460280 racism didnt cause the tumor, according to his explanation, it was the perception that he was being persecuted for his race that caused the tumor. fear. paranoia. and the stress from thinking that every white guy might be out to get him. if we are to accept that he is correct, then the solution isnt to immediately assume his claims of racial persecution are true, but to seek the source of these ideas and see whether or not they are true. if his claims that constant fear of racial persecution could cause a tumor are true, than racist whites should be riddled with tumors since they to a number beleive that they are not only being diacriminated against for their race, but that there is an ongoing plan in execution by the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet to eradicate them and all whites from existence, forever. and if we want to solve the issue causing thia black boys tumors? the best solution by far is to give the white racists what they want: a white ethnostate. then all the racists can leave the melting pot americe or multiculti canada behind to join the aryan nation, and black boy can finally know he is at peace. im sure the racists wouldnt mind agreeing not to fuck up the best chance the white race had been given to save itself by breaking whatever agreement against war-waging theyd sign to establish their whiteopia.
>>462723 This is why police end up shooting unarmed men. Because when they lose the fight, they lose their gun and get shot with it.
>>463472 A fag would have the same response as a bitch in that professional environment
>>463479 >im sure the racists wouldnt mind agreeing not to fuck up the best chance the white race had been given to save itself by breaking whatever agreement against war-waging theyd sign to establish their whiteopia. You mean an agreement that would be meaningless because they would intend to exterminate, not assimilate, the negro nation they wage war against?
>>463502 False dichotomy. The whiteopians could simply leave the negro nation alone and focus on themselves, prepping a massive war machine armed with the latest in technologies, then when the nigras break the treaty, the whites can simply use that as a pretext for their complete destruction.
>>463595 Tranny literally thinks yelling 'pressing charges' makes it happen. Sorry sweetie, you assaulted the dude first. Fuck around, find out.
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Shit's gotten pretty bad in NC.
>>463654 Points of order: *N'awlens is a national port city, gateway to the entire Mississippi River system. Of course it would be a bigger priority than most-all other places. Biloxi got slammed as well, and it did not receive the attention N'awlens did *The catastrophe in the Big Easy could have easily been mitigated better, if the Army Corps of Engineers had maintained the flood control pumps they way they were supposed to, but GWB said screw those niggers, they vote Dem. *NC is a big old blood-red Southern state, who have already firmly asserted that any government help from anyone is SOH-SHUL-IZZUM!!!!!! And therefore ungodly and sinful and communist and wrong. Asheville has two rivers flowing through it. In mountainous terrain. The effects of historic flood could have been forseen and addressed. But that would be Big Government Interference, which means taxes and that's SOH-SHUL-IZZUM!!!!!! Perhaps we could airlift in some crates of bootstraps?
>>463659 >gateway to the entire Mississippi River system Yeah, real impressive there, Tom Sawyer. Whatever would the Midwest do without the paddle boats plying the muddy waters?
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>>463679 No, no, no. Too dopey. Too obvious. Rotten bait is worthless bait. Dare you try again?
>>463682 >the Mississippi River is really important for stuff other than dumping agricultural waste into Fly-Over Country, ladies and gentlemen.
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>>463682 Oo! No, now you've gone too far the other way. Sarcasm that reveals ignorance is just another bullet in your foot.
>>463659 Also, apparently there had been regs proposed to limit development along flood-risky rivers, but since property developers needed to make more money those proposals were quashed by the GOP legislature. What happens when the force of nature corrects the free market?
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>>463684 >we're important! https://www.freightwaves.com/news/mississippi-river-shipping-faces-potential-crisis-for-third-straight-year >Shipping via barges along the Mississippi River is vital not only to the transportation industry but also to the broader U.S. economy. In 2019, for instance, more than 60% of soybeans grown in the U.S. were shipped along the Mississippi. The U.S. is the world’s largest producer of soybeans as well as its second-largest exporter. >60% of soybeans Kek, you are in the business of giving the world bitch tits.
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>>463691 Soy Boy argument? How retro. The point is that New Orleans is more important in terms of national priority than Asheville. Deal with it.
>>463690 Lol this is the scene from American history X but with niggers
>>461687 Lol fucking classic
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>>463815 If anyone was still on the fence about its existence, this vid proves Trump Derangement Syndrome is real
>>461987 those girls in the first video just need a strong man and dicking and they'll snap out of their 'queerness'
>>463815 imagine a fight between two men. one is the strongest man in the world. the other isnt the weakest, but he is cettainly.as weak as they come while still poyentially capable enough to do some damage. the fight begins but the strongest man is sure to lose. why? because he refuses to fight, he doesnt swing his fist even once, instead he seems determined only to guard or dodge, and to try and debate his opponent. the weakling meanwhile is not hearing a single word from his opponent, and is constantly striking at the strongest man with all that he has. it takes a long time, like as long as it takes to take out a boss with 9999 health using only an attack that does 1 damage on hit, which it has only .001 percent chance to land. but with enough time it is an eventuallity that the strongest man will lose. unless he attacks. but he wont, not even once. in the modern era of psychological warfare, battles are won on the field of the mind. weve been conditioned not to strike ones foes, to regard violence, victory, conquest, and domination as shameful. if you are too guilty to fight because.you think its a crime, you are destined to live only as long as others without such comolucations consider you to be useful enough to justify keeping around.
>>463927 Learn to capitalize
>>463927 >reddit spacing
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>>464449 that kid is like a caricature of an annoying little victorian street urchin character from a charles dickens story.
>>464449 too bad that kid didn't get murdered
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>>463836 lmao that is just liberals, man
>>461987 >muh cia bases Interesting video but i knew something was off. Zigger garbage.
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>>352078 >The Hentai Song Higher quality version
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>>465376 >They made it up for money Seems right
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>>460352 Following up with more from Stacy.
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You know the fat nigger in the OP? His family got 310 million for his death. https://archive.ph/NFCya
>>465769 This is just the family asking because you don't know how to have a conversation. So when you come over, it has to be like a TV interview. Maybe learn to talk and respond like a person who has something interesting to say, instead of responding. "Nothing. Same ole ole." When you act like a NPC, you get treated like one.
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>>465771 I can see that happening If bar can't lock, they should have told him to get off
>>465782 I'm sure they love your generic rehashing of previous family gathering conversations.
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>>352057 > they should have forced this fat fuck to get up if the harness couldn't fucking fit him I started imagining if I was the ride attendant and some fat nigger chimped because I kicked him off the ride. My tactic would be to agree and amplify. >Yo dawg what chew mean I don fit, you're raycis bro, frfr <You're right! This ride is fatphobic! Eveeryone, this ride is now closed permanently because it discriminates against people of fatness. Please exit your seats and leave the ride. Also, I can't work for this fatshaming company anymore. I quit. Please join me in protesting against the management. They need to tear this ride down and rebuild it to accept fat niggers I mean BIPOCs.
>>462155 holy fucking shit americans are just retarded children. look at that dudes estrogen puppy fat chin; "you are a white woman disrespecting a black woman, that is problematic" lol stfu nigga yous the one with the problem.
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"Swedish" rapper gets gunned down in a car park.
>>466488 >Tally Hall Pretty weird seeing that used with anime
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>>466353 any context?
>>466896 He just fucking said. Swedish rapper got shot in a car park. Stupid retard. Every fucking time there's some literal NPC asking for the story/context.
>>466908 like, was there a reason they found for him doing it? or was a snow shovel incident
What do you say, anon? Are you ready to come back to Facebook?
>>467128 plutocrats <):^)
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Too bad this absolute banger was taken down by the faggots over at YT. 720p version: https://mega.nz/file/65NwVIgT#Fnivti4IBFkAK9SoOrwfarsbTq9vpAj_xrl2Ptip4ro
>>467440 Why did everyone hate on his hoe all of a sudden? I have been a Melonie detractor for a long time now, so it is nice to see some simps wake the fuck up, but I am curious to find out why now, why not months ago.
>>467445 I don't know anything about her, I just like the FAGGOTS video.
>>467449 These ones are certain to tickle your fancy then.
>>467440 She has tattoos. She goes in the rape pens, opinion discarded.
>>467450 She will make a good wife when it comes to forced rimjobs and piss drinking, she will regularly drain my snake of piss.
>>467450 There's another one of her's here: >>441170
>>467369 Here's the best one.
>>467450 I can't trust women
>>467478 Exactly. The very second you start going along with her shit she'll claim irony and call yoi a terrible piece of racist shit that fell for her trap.
>>467478 Well thats just being intelligent. Women can't be trusted.
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>>467478 Trust issues, paranoid delusions, refusal to accept responsibility… Now, if you please, tell me a little about your mother?
>>467445 Because she used to be a woke bitch herself no more than 4 years ago and even promoted homoshit. It got found out that her ex-bf was a faggot so many are speculating she's just a bitter bitch her boyfriend fagged out and left her for a dude. All the bible thumping is a huge larp.
>>467483 She is great, and I have actually felt bad when I had to make her see that I'm not ever going to date, marry, or have children
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>>467631 What the fuck is this schizo boomer shit?
>>467450 >White Lmao more like mutt. Besides that, I need to be her kid (in a terasu mc/rat74 like hentai)
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>>467919 Ashley is white >_<
>>467924 I like her. I'm going to stalk her. Not donate like a cuck.
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>>467924 Not her hair or eyes or bone structure.
>>467978 this is fucking gold (asmongoldius)
>>467992 I remember seeing that way back when it was first published in 2007 or so. Does anyone still have the original .flv file without the watermark in the top-left?
>>467992 I need a palate cleanser, post us fagman with half his face blown off but still alive or some shit now thanks
>>466908 go back to reddit
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