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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3829: Nothing to Worry About Edition Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 05:23:32 Id: 28c583 No. 347692
Russian official warns Western nations that arming Ukraine with weapons risks their own destruction and would lead to 'a global catastrophe' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11664121/Russian-official-warns-Western-nations-arming-Ukraine-weapons-risks-destruction.html National Grid to pay households to use less electricity, as coal-fired power generators put on standby https://news.sky.com/story/national-grid-to-pay-households-to-use-less-electricity-as-coal-fired-power-generators-put-on-standby-12793319 WFH workers rush back to the office to stay warm and cut down on energy costs as temperatures plunge to -8C and 'freezing fog' affects visibility this morning - with meteorologists warning another Beast from the East will blast into UK next month https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11664945/Workers-rush-office-temperatures-plunge-8C-Beast-East-way.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:59:40.
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>>347694 smorbious lad
>>347692 >pay households to use less electricity keeek is that what they're calling the fraud-bribery shit between govt and the power companies now then >beast from the east smh putler must have hijacked the darpa weather machine, when will he be stopped >>347695 morbiously a beast to you too
>>347696 >deliver less >government pays you more >call it a public service it's just good business lad
wonder how much my bennies will be cut as punishment for daring to find employment smh i know it's not a direct 1:1 reduction but they really do their best to penalise you for trying to rise above your station smh when you're on bennies you're supposed to stay there for life and vote labor (sic) until you die
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auslad visits united statia
>>347698 over here they strip it down to giving you 25p for every pound you earn over the poverty line or something still don't think the dwp has cancelled my regular bennies even though I have too much in savings, making me a bit nervous tbh >>347699 >please mister nigger I have autism please give phone keeeeeek can't believe so many people are still fucking retarded and think such beasts can be swayed with emotional pleas
>>347699 how the aussies have fallen wouldnt happen to a real aussie
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>>347699 "NIGGERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been to this city before. There could be NIGGERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bespectacled face. "THEY'RE JUST LIKE US" he thought. Green_Hill_Zone.mp3 reverberated his glasses, making them pulsate even as the $1.69 taco bell circulated through his narrow effete veins and washed away his (merited) fear of interacting with strangers. "I can't believe how friendly people in LA are" he said to himself, out loud.
>>347700 >they strip it down to giving you 25p for every pound you earn over the poverty line or something same the world over smh >>347702 keeeeeeeeeek
cannot fathom why this lad would want to go to la tbh thought autistes were supposed to be good at objectively analysing facts without emotional bias smh
>>347706 ben garrison really knows how to ride the line tbh
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>>347708 lad no that gif isn't properly sized you need to use this one
forgot to click "animated gif"
>>347709 >>347710 based retard
going shops wheretofore i shall purchase tinnies >>347711 thanks lad you should reconsider your actions thoughever
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>>347712 wish i could drink a tinnie on the coach
got a squeezy bottle of lime juice to dash in my water and keep the scurvy away
fresh gregpire in the ruins of shartica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu_JAZkDaQY Hatsu 2023 Award Ceremony And Yusho Interview Eng CC by Kohaku nei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54DMMSHsw18
Monday again.
Xenos down! I repeat, xenos down! >Leader of Haringey Council, Cllr Peray Ahmet, wrote on Twitter that she was 'disgusted' the motorist drove away from the scene. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11664675/Six-people-injured-car-ploughs-pedestrians-north-London-hit-run-horror.html
>Lucky you’re not in jail pal
>>347720 >Severus Calling
had three police cars drive past slowly while i was drinking in a dry zone waiting for the bus smh almost cacked my kecks >>347716 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek iktf >>347717 based >>347720 it's true tbh he should do himself a favour and disappear from the public eye forever tbqh just enjoy the nameless millionaire life like countless others do if he pushes his luck he'll get found guilty but before that happens he'll have a tragic accident take the hint and disappear mate
>auslad drinks tinnies in public based..
>>347723 tbqh i mean what the hell else are bus stops for
>>347724 buses...
>>347724 low key fingering birds in >>347725 shut up
>>347727 based
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My favourite lore of Prince Andrew are the teddies he collects, and has set in specific positions. He spergs out if they are in the wrong place and screams at staff.
>>347729 wonder if hes autistic
>>347729 tbh really liked that one that was the article that cemented his position in my mind as the people's prince used to be really particular about that myself tbh but i've mellowed out since
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already ate the pasty i was going to take on the coach
>>347732 that's a sign that you shouldn't go lad
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>>347733 its a sign i should get another pasty
>>347734 lad you're already wearing thin on goodwill smh you're going to be ban on sight soon
kino thunder rn (right now) tbh big kabooms with rolling boom oom shite
>>347735 and for what charge? for eating a pasty, a succulent cornish pasty? GENTLEMEN THIS IS DEMOCRACY MANIFEST
>>347735 Hey lad did you spank Madlad yet for the awful banning he did the other day?
>>347737 lad you bummed jocko and then came here to gloat about it now you're planning to do it again and openly advertising it you don't get two second chances lad stop this now or you're persona non grata >>347738 no, i've been busy give me a second to look at the logs
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Kek. It's like an unruly child with a mother who can't control him. >This is your final warning For the dozenth time
new rule 6. Established personalities who make allusions to committing homosexual activities or who post homosexual material are ban on sight. stop being so gay lads ffs
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>>347741 just don't want to be heavy-handed tbh but i could spend all day banning shite if i really had to just hoping it never comes to that tbh just hoping it never comes to that tbh being an internet janny is honestly pretty shite
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>>347745 have another tinnie take the day off you deserve it
>it's an i'm repeating myself episode
>it's an i'm repeating myself episode
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madlad please (you) this post when you see it to check in neither >>347265 nor >>347267 are breaking any rules as far as i'm aware rein it in a little please lad >>347749 it's not too late to turn back lad all you have to do is turn around and stop >>347750 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek based *nukes megaton*
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>>347739 just get rid of Madlad... WHY does HE have to be a mod? >>347742 I'm against fags as any other self-respecting /brit/izen, but I think this is an overreach of moderator power. if Dorset cannot discuss his foul escapades, then how are we supposed to accurately ridicule him into stopping the behavior? you're actually enabling bumming with this censorship >>347750 keeek
>>347751 keeek i just wont mention it in future i guess
>spig is a pro-bummist
>>347752 >WHY does HE have to be a mod? because (You) didn't volunteer either of the times when i asked for prime time jannies ngl this taught me a lot about society people get the governance that they deserve because they refuse to participate in it and want it to be somebody else's problem on a societal scale this can take centuries but luckily here on /brit/ it only takes weeks jews govern us because we (societally are forefathers) wanted to focus on shite that actually mattered instead of stupid bickering so someone came and did all of are stupid bickering for us and then wow wouldn't you know it suddenly someone else is making decisions for us >>347753 you will though lad we both know you will you can't resist telling us all about it because you crave the reaction you'll get
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>>347755 you know me too well...
>>347756 just want the old hyper-moral dorset back tbh can't you go back to poosting henry sacheverell?
>>347752 >how are we supposed to accurately ridicule him into stopping the behavior? you're actually enabling bumming with this censorship it'll happen whether we want it to or not and we'll hear about it whether we want to or not the bongo troons come here pretty regularly despite being told to fuck off whenever they do they thrive on attention which is why they continually out themselves
>>347758 >the bongo troons come here pretty regularly despite being told to fuck off whenever they do not really true, only really jocko that comes here now and again to shitpost there is no secret troon bongo cabal
>>347759 don't really care tbh stop trooning and stop encouraging trooning
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Already thinking of din dins. Wonder what I'll end up having.
>>347762 sausages mashed potatoes and gravy
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shnight lads my legs are ok
>>347762 the joy of having parents make dinner every day tbh. Then again it can turn out to be a shite dinner too
You're 30 and you don't own a house? >>347764 ni
Well, I'm cooking, I just haven't decided what to make. A trip to get some groceries soon.
Hoping to reach 30st this year. Then I'll probably diet.
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bf is visiting me tomorrow for a bit. cant wait to bum him!
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>>347770 Don't false flag. They're both bad enough without you fanning the flaming faggotry.
Also based new rule, glorious leader. Madlass better start banning Dorshit on sight now. Not me for "dramafagging" suggesting it.
>>347770 Isn't Jocko/Shauna/Gazelle a bottom?
>>347762 >JUST Frasier really let himself go
>>347774 He's wearing a fatsuit
>>347752 >you're actually enabling bumming with this censorship tbh, we need a BBK bullydome style moderation style not a madlass shart fart power pooom bollock shite moderation style
>>347771 >They're both bad enough without you fanning the flaming faggotry. >Anti-BBKism Hypocrite that you are, antiBBK is a codeword for "I love bum sex with men"
God save the (Bum Bum) King
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bumming my bf Dorset tomorrow, excited
ironic gayism is still gayism
>>347780 Film it so we can finally have proof of it. No proof and I'll still think Dorset is straight
Just another incel monday
>>347729 for me it's the sex with teenage girls
>>347752 >"i may disagree with faggots and trannies but i will die for their right to post here"
come back, no comfy posting only gay meta drama.
>>347787 the elites are welcome to their fake meat, I'll stick with dead cows, pigs and chickens thank you very much
>>347791 Assuming it's real, both women actually seem quite polite. No expletives. I don't like making other people feel bad, even if I dislike them/what they do.
>>347792 cry about it snowflake
>>347792 tbh, they're already whores it's not like they need people making their lives actively worse.
>>347794 libtard BITCH
>>347795 ah yes, we have consciences and therefore must be libtard snowflakes for not supporting malevolent behaviour towards those who have not wronged you
based snowstorm ending boomer slave toil for the next couple of days
the vietcong shooting has already been memory-holed
>>347790 are they feeding that pig pork? smdh
>that one story about the soviets raping the german girls and then beating their faces in with mosins and throwing them in the pig pen from yidtube
>>347796 triggered??
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>>347778 I love him (no homo) lad. I just like the BBK ACK image.
>when you’re antifa and not even from Georgia They couldn’t do it in the souf tbh
>>347804 Pretty sure there was a law and order episode based off of this but they made the killer white. Keek but also smh.
https://youtu.be/aJhe6z-BYx4 Wessex on his way to Iceland
>>347806 >michigan girl is from posho-ville typical
>>347806 Damn you can fit like 3-4 Nadja heads inside Francis' head
https://youtu.be/uhAQRGAHyFM its so easy to troll this bikemong he replies to all comments
i'd like to fit my head inside of nadja
michigan girl grew up on the richfag island
>>347815 she looks like a mummy gretchen protege
yeah typical spray tanned bimbo she looks fit though
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/69j3fpxhVdY Can someone translate? What's going on?
>>347819 His peddle bike is locked (no idea why) and the lorry driver offered to help him lift it out the way but he's being a cunt (no idea why) and won't move.
No film tonight?
>>347819 now this is what i have blocking me on the road. can not get past. will not move. that's the road i'm on. taking the full length of the road, the man will NOT move. i, offered to lift his bike on, he won't let me. so, i'm sorry, i can't go on to the side of the road. there's nothing more i can do. i'm sorry about that but that's just the way it is here. are you happy enough knowing i can't get on the side of the road? thank you very much
>>347823 Thanks love
>>347822 usually on fridays and in the weekend, lad
nice power dynamic where the bikecuck has an old flip phone and can only tap away impotently at it. where as the lorrychad controls the scenario by filming and decides what is shown and can end the video at will. note the bikecuck trying to get a word in at the end and the video just cuts off
>>347822 something you wanted to watch?
>>347755 >because (You) didn't volunteer either of the times when i asked for prime time jannies so your entire reasoning is "we needed a mod" and "he volunteered". obviously, he has done far more harm than good, and should be removed. we don't need mods and even if we did, the sensible solution would be for you to ask for people to volunteer again instead of enabling the same bad mod to continue his reign of terror >>347759 this
>>347826 Tbh but still can't imagine he's not being a cunt. >>347827 Idk I was going to suggest that Jenna Ortega school sharting film.
>tfw you can't back up with your bike so the truck has to back up
>>347828 Aus is right about society in that post though. Smh.
>>347832 I would volunteer but I actually work for a living.
I might just volunteer next time; every man a mod in his own thread.
just want to be mod so I can unban myself
*remembers when morgoth got blocked by them on twatter for merely asking them to clearly define what they meant by "the far roight"*
>>347836 They had one episode with Peter Hitchens, and it was their only worthwhile episode. Christ, the "comedians" are annoying.
if you are ever in a public incident and someone pulls out their phone and starts filming you should belly-to-belly suplex them
>>347828 varg probably washed his hands like 50 times after touching that swarthoid
>>347839 I think it's a troon lad.
Probably why the troon posted it.
>>347840 >>347841 that's obviously a southern french girl, Varg lives in southern France. she's not a troon, see her breasts and slender arms, definitely female. I am not a troon either
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reading about the land otter man and getting concerned
>>347842 Why does it look like it belongs on the other side of the mediterranean?
>>347842 It’s a lezzer then
will have to watch this. it reminds me of the leafs the other year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd5ZLJWQmss
>>347846 We did watch that film because of the truck protest tbh
the last thing steinchud ever sees
>former groomee's dad died and she and her mum are moving to inside my territory Is this a reward for all that hunting I've done?
>>347848 gunts with guns
>>347848 >Troonio! Troonio! Where art thou!
incels youre on check
>6ft 5 precisely. I measured him when I rugby tackled him to the floor for Wales Alright luv
>>347791 Nah that ain't based
>>347857 >Nah that ain't based
>nah, when even the freaking hell site 8chud dot com is saying you're a pissbaby chud incel then *maybe* you need to step back and think r/amitheassole here? sex work IS work. reported.
So who's the new prime minister of New Zealand?
OK Christian
Wish auslad would stop letting spic and the bongo brigade whisper poison in his ear.
>>347862 Do the Ukrainians have this wonder weapon yet?
Did half the board die while I was on my yearly seclusion? Shigella Anus would have banned me, unbanned me, rebanned me and called me 4 contradictory buzzwords by now for posting that in 2021 smh.
>>347862 >tfw no minigun cock why do i even try
>>347865 bongofags won. A lot of casualties to trannies
>>347865 Loads trooned out tbh
>>347867 >>347868 Seems like it's only a matter of time for the rest of us lad. The lucky ones will die before then, envy them.
Is shartin at least still about? I can't bear the responsibility of being the only grottyposter left.
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https://youtu.be/6RuUKDlV3z4 bun out all battyman bun out all troonman
>>347871 Yeah, just on a VPN that changes my IP all the time
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>>347873 glad to see you'r well, la
>>347874 Likewise, anon
>>347853 I doubt a woman could catch me and the last thing she would want is to wrestle with an incel beast I would be sexing her vegana
wish SA would still poost here at least
>>347877 SA got buck broken by all the innocent lambs
we need a membership drive but it's impossibly to filter out glows
>>347872 good lad
>>347874 D-dad…is that you?
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>>347880 we need to hand pick lads then invite them here when they're ready
>>347885 pick it up janny
>>347873 what about Bins, where has he been? been awhile since he posted >>347880 even if glows weren't a concern, it'd be hard to find people that would fit in. remember newyank? that was rough
>>347699 smh he should have beat the fuck out the nigger when he had his hands full. I would have thrown in for a foreigner like him against some shitskin. but I doubt I would ever go to LA let alone ride the public tram there. even the tram in detoilet is a no go zone. urban shartica is for retards
>>347888 that "canadian" pooster was probably some kind of chink
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>>347893 he cute
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this bulbheaded kween really btfo'd us, fellow q-tips and mayo monsters, I'm not sure we can recover from this
Overbearing furrin thot cunt Fucking hate them lads https://www.twitter.com/healthbyjames/status/1617656862589222912
Of course
had something to say but forgot what it was
>The reason they made Velma black is because it is Scooby Doo cannon that both Shaggy and Scooby are descended from confederate war heroes.
Aaaaaaaaand…..all the top officials are offf home! I suppose once they’re all gone the real war will start between Nato and Russia
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keeeek woman moment
>>347908 keeeeeeeeek smh
ow ow ow the noises are hurty ow!
>>347907 apparently not vandalism
>>347908 Cute lass. *kisses her*
>>347913 keeeeek
>>347853 What a bizarre account. some middle-aged femoid acting like she is rugby tackling men and getting them deported to save the morality of fucking Dubai of all places. keeeeeeeeeeeek.
>get yt video recommended >17 years ago
>>347917 >2006 smh feels like just yesterday
do you think mass incelism is what really killed the dinosaurs?
>ywn go cloacal kiss mode on a dreadnoughtus
>>347919 No such thing as dinosaurs, mong.
*goes for a swim* What's the worst that could happen?
Ching chongs mindfucked by the bizarro world of living in America now going on mass shootings like it's going out of fashion.
>>347924 embarrassing
that's the good stuff
>>347924 >mindy kaling
oh yeah that's the spot
>>347927 The show is full of snarky anti-white lines as well of course.
>>347931 Yeah I've seen some videos on it. In so many shows I've seen lately I have to ask myself if some characters are supposed to be unlikeable, or if the creators of them are just blind to how saying certain things or acting in a certain way makes them look
just read that one of the reasons why the romans came to britain was because are rivers were full of pearls interesting tbh didn't know that pearling was banned in the uk in 1998 because gyppos were driving the river mussels to extinction trying to get rich quick smh also pearl farming was invented in australia by an english marine biologist who passed the knowledge on to two japanese lads >>347931 par for the course these days tbh >>347932 >blind to how saying certain things or acting in a certain way makes them look in their minds and in the minds of their intended audience all the things they do are laudable these people live in a bubble
Watched a show called the rig recently and theres a bit where a nigger from london makes a snarky speech about fascism and climate change to a middle aged scottish cook on an oil rig, and off course theres these bossy lesbians and lisas siding with simps to destroy all the normal men, makes watching TV impossible these days tbh.
You'd have thought that they would've mastered the art of putting out something watchable while being more subtle with their agenda. A trick they often do is lure normies in with a decent first season then ramp up messaging in the second one and so forth.
Belated shmornting lids, got some polski coming to buy one of my old guitar pedals later. Can't wait for him to get to my door and ask me to knock a fifth of the price off for travel because of "le endless fuel shortage"
>>347934 honestly don't know how the average person puts up with it tbh don't they ever get tired of getting preached at and talked down to by their replacements? >>347936 schmorgen lad >"le endless fuel shortage" remind him you're selling a guitar pedal not fuel smh if it's that bad he should get a bicycle
>>347935 >mastered the art of putting out something watchable people keep watching it so apparently they already have at this point subtlety would probably just reduce the effectiveness of their propaganda for no gain
>>347938 Nah, there's still lots of overt shit they put out that flops right from the off. Like this Velma thing. They over play their hand early on still. It's even more obvious to normies when they do it to product with long established characters.
>>347937 Last one that tried it on was an 80 year old Elvis impersonator who lived in Tennerife that was after one of my old multi effects units, last year. He was stood in my hallway for about 20 minutes trying to haggle me down and would not fuck off no matter how many times I told him the price was fixed. He gave me one of his business cards and told me if i was ever in Tennerife to come to his show keeeeek. I might still have it somewhere, will have a look in a bit.
>>347939 yeah tbh true normgroids still never think to check out entirely though smh they just get excited about next product >>347940 keeeeeeeeeek based
I prefer them to just pay and collect it or I'll send it. This isn't a fucking Turkish bazaar, you cheeky nigger.
Reckon I've uncovered a human trafficking circuit tbh lads. Made a blank account on a shite mobile dating app for keeping tabs on the absolute state of local slags and every result for this one little village nearby for the last year has been varieites of SEAmonkey lasses. The village itself is basically just a long street with houses either side, a chinese restaurant and petrol station at one end and an industrial estate at the other end. Definitely something afoot, probably a shipping container colony of them with the men working in the estate and the women in the restaurant.
>>347946 smh another community dies by getting swarmed with endless furriners there's no punishment too severe for the people who let them in and give them permission to stay
>>347923 they can't handle soyberpunk/burgerpunk dystopia
shnight lads >>347945 choons tbh >>347948 they better learn quick tbh it's only going to get worse
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>>347951 https://youtu.be/bvcWEt9wSv4 >yt bears becoming corrupted by society
>>347951 >whole channel of videos like this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JhYJr4Y8BVI
>>347951 horses used to be a tool for war and travel that was the purview of men now its just for whores to show off and richfags to prance about.
>>347952 smh that polar bear probably race mixed with a sexy griz and made pizzly babies
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>>347954 feminism just means turning all of observable reality into irish elk tier uselessness
played through 7 blades yesterday pretty fun when it permitts itself to, bit of a grind though halfway between both characters storylines, since combat never really changes beyond new weapon types(with limited durability), enemy types and the occasional boss fight. only massive amount of fun i had from the latter half was trying not to softlock myself by anally managing my inventory every 60 seconds per level. if i had to choose, it would definately be jigoku'smelee storyline over oyuri'sranged (despite being sexy gun lady with primitive titty physics). most of the levels with oyuri, you have friendly npcs (with nog brained ai) to distract enemies, but when the game takes them away for a period (sometimes because they get stuck on terrain and cant escape), it becomes a headache having to navigate a level without being stunlocked by melee enemies. luckily though the game doesnt give you the game over with some of these npcs, others which you have to protect do jigoku's storyline suffers some of the exact same problems as oyuri's, but i atleast was confortable and not suffering during the hardest parts of his levels. honestly couldnt tell what some of the game's narritive was about, some parts felt so conveluted between each level and cutscene. some events would randomly happen just to forward the story. humor in the game is actually quite funny sometimes, had a giggle or two between each cutscenes, mostly in oyuri's playthrough music was fairly enjoyable half the time, other half it would be overly loud loops of each characters theme. examples : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxC4hIaPIwc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24AiHZkJk80 cool song first time i heard them, after the 12th or so time it gets old smh also never trust japanese game tutorials, read the manual when i was almost soft locked playing oyuri had to restart the game once while playing her, really irritated me and i realised there were unarmed/weapon melee attacks for her that didnt tell you in the opening level. overall it was alright, next ill play ridge racer V 5.5/10
looks white to me
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smh pizzly seems autistic but not nearly as autistic looking as a liger
Another horrific spic post
been reading that one rexist lads memoirs of the ostfront. keeking how the soviets were extremely racist against the meds in the axis forces. they generally respected the waffen SS nords with the soviets doing some cheer to the walloons from a hill top for defending a village in hol hol land but the slavs and cossacks made a point out of humiliating the italians. they made italians strip naked and poured water on them and marched them through snow drifts until they froze
>>347964 Careful lad spic will post poorly sourced pictures at you
>>347964 i only ever read "blood on the snow" and seethed at the ending where he gets let out of soviet prison in 1950-something and his wife had already moved to america with his kids years before.
the typical german soldier in those books always seemd like a boy scout. its insane how freaking cute they were helping ukrainian babushkas and repairing a tartar mosque blow up by the soviets just to be nice to the hecking wholesome untermenschen.
>>347966 leon degrelle just casually notes the racial differences of different europeans its so kino he was a total polface and living the ultimate polface life. ostfront sounded so shit the soviets had better gear in 42 the krauts and especially waffen SS all had fleas and frostbite and russian fever and command didn't have any way of resuppling them and there weren't enough panzers to support across the whole front against soviet counterattacks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SXDwJZpoJU actually seething hard enough to be feeling it irl tbh lads been jerked around by the chain all day between pharmacies and surgeries of stupid fucking cunts who can't just keep the status quo three years I've been using them with no issues and now suddenly every time I've been in for months there's some new complication or retarded decision which makes things harder for me then a retoil place was hiring again so I went in and asked about their 16hrs/week "entry level" part time advertisement and a fat fucking pig woman and her smuckling cohort of fat bitch till warmers said that I couldn't toil for them because I had the audacity to take one saturday a month off to do a different and better toil, and that two days volunteering a week wasn't enough experience for an ENTRY LEVEL SHELF STACKING POSITIONS AND THAT I SHOULD BE TOILING FOR FREE ALL FUCKING WEEK FOR THE MEREST CHANCE OF GETTING AN ENTRY LEVEL JOB INTERVIEW WHERE THE FAT CUNTS WOULD DENY ME ANYWAY FOR NOT BEING A FELLOW PIG BITCH
>>347969 *screams in relatable*
>>347969 omg wessex you should just become a project manager for a yoga pants fitness influencer startup
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>>347973 based bikethot destroyer
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>long line of supercells threatening Houston with quick-spinup whirlywinds
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>>347908 >>347909 keeeeeek wtf >>347910 I hate hohols >>347964 >he's now seething at not only "muh spics" but also "muh wops" as well blatantly obvious cope for having indio shitskin admixture
fuck off spic
>>347975 yeah end of the week should be blizzard and cold again in great lakes area
>>347908 >>347909 luv this programme
>>347969 you really need to find a way to start an online business lad maybe you could copy paste philosophical/motivational quotes to get made by a printing company then sell them on etsy or something, or learn blender and make assets for games or furry porn
Shocked that Steiner is now paying rent tbh, smh, I'm lucky my mummy lets me build up my investments with my imcome
>>347969 think its about time you start think about the coal mines lad
>>347982 theyd have to grease the tunnels with butter to fit him through though smh
I'll beat the shit out of spic if he comes to my house again. My mum was complaining that he smells like old socks. Wanker.
>>347969 That's what you deserve, fatty incel buttocks.
>>347969 Retoil hours are a benefits extraction device in the uk
My name's Alan. I like sausage rolls and busses. I collect models of busses and I am a member of a vintage bus restoration society. I am looking for a girl who has had two cocks in her at once. Prefer woman with children, especially if the children are to different dads.
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keep forgetting to take the spoiler off smdh, been gone too long.
>>347991 probably for the best
working on an oil rig would be pretty kino. don't know if you need an engineering degree or something though
>>347993 Would be kino to set up a secret chud base on one where we can post meme raids on various websites
>>347993 Nightmarish image tbh
*keeps adding modules as the /brit/ family grows larger*
>>347995 what gets me is that these giant rigs aren't actually anchored to the ground at all and the "legs" are just really long buoyancy aid things that don't touch the bottom or anything at least the ones not on the continental plates or whatever it's called
>they are being built in my back garden
>>347993 don't like the sea tbh it scares me
We're all fashionably dressed this evening, s something going on?
pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon cat pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon pigeon
I admit it. I have a ploblem. I'm . . . a sneedophile!
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>>347996 kojima had the right idea tbh
>>348004 I made my mercenary group National Action tbh
That fart was fake 'twas a toilet mistake I know by the way the sound did break!
Poo on my feet must have been in the street I didn't even see it 'neath the snow and the sleet
Dogs don't use the tilet neither did Gandhi or his indian mummy
I've made a mistaken incident of the execrable variety!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyNFhthQ97Q deep sea toiling is the worst
>>348012 Imagine a deep sea shart. Would it come out the hole or go back in due to pressure?
>>348013 Your body if you opened your sphincter to outside forces while in a deep sea sub
>>348015 >opened your sphincter to outside forces Dorset be like "that's my schtick!"
>>348016 no video proof tbh he's staight as a fiddle tbh
https://youtu.be/HkpS2Sdu2io >ban finally ended
>>348013 dunno but id think the negative pressure from the shart would be overpowers by the positive pressure entering your sphincter that would explode your intestines and stomach, creating a greater amount of psi than the water surrounding you, forcing out the shart through your mouth
Ozlad reprimanded madlad for the unjust ban but forgot to unban me smh
ie salty watery bloody poo out your mouth and nose
the power of a single chud...
>>348025 is that lad still burning them?
>>348024 She is such a semen demon.
>>348026 he does it every weekend but it gets into the news at random for whatever reason.
>it's yet another 'sit down for din dins and let food go cold by wasting 15 minutes trying to find a yidtube video to drown out the sound of my chewing' episode
https://youtu.be/C7en4GEwQkE god i wish this was me
holy kino
>>348031 smh that hol hol got domed at the end
war seems so fucked that hol hol thought he was operating but he got rekt by vatnik
amazed that there isnt a big enough chud in france to do a quran burning and set the race war off there for good.
>>348034 don't think its legal in france tbh, certainly isn't here
funny how they never burn any jewish holy books though
>Gang members in #Chicago allegedly made an ‘opp’ drink urine out of a toilet at gunpoint. They then proceed to beat him. The man’s girlfriend is also hit. https://mobile.twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1617938414774681601 a heckin niggerino got bullied lads
full version
>>348038 there are so many cringy posts on 4chud quarterbacking this video. war looks so utterly fucked
Remembered the Syrian RT lass with the painted on eyebrows the other day. Guess she's a vegetable, it's been 3 years.
>>348039 >going on 4cuck There's your problem
yeah thats where you got the webm lass
22st's grand fadder
nah, telegram.
>>348044 high cuc/k/, how's life treatin' ya?
>>348038 isn't this old?
>>348045 >high cuc/k/, how's life treatin' ya? ??? I got it from the telegram of an RT reporter.
Internet exists outside of 4cuck
>>348047 I know, cuc/k/, we know how you operate. I have to say I understaund thee a lot moor now. The thrill of banning NEETs . . . delectable . . .
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CHARLS GETS HIS HAIRCUT IN KUWAIT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqQVLQuoOMg
>>348053 They must be masters of working with thinning hair.
>>348053 Charls does have a bit of that mysterious 'displaced Albanian among Arabs' look going on, like Izzi Al-Douri.
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Armenian, not Albanian smh
just found out in the original script of Taxi Driver the pimp and everyone Travis kills at the end are meant to be black. it was meant to be a more overtly racist movie but Paul Schrader felt it wouldn't be allowed or would cause riots at movie theatres so he made the guys at the end white/italian and removed travis's overt racism but left in the scenes of him staring aggressively at blacks that get near him.
I liked when the barber tries to give him a high five at 5:50 and he no sells it.
fresh dutty professor Why Do the Woke Dislike the Spiteful Mutant Theory? Refuting the Criticisms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8xREFUu4Mk
A song came to me in a dream. Might write it out and play it for you lads, maybe become a famous rapist
>>348057 based tbh
>>348055 Galatian phenotype tbh.
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Love wasabi snacks with beer.
https://youtu.be/-crgQGdpZR0 TAKE A CHAUNCE ON ME!
'My boyfriend raped me and thought he would get away with his horrific crimes until I secretly recorded his confession': Woman, 25, reveals how she bravely confronted sex attacker who ordered her to 'stop drinking, going out and doing things wh***s do' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11670829/Rape-victim-Ellie-Wilson-reveals-got-abuser-confess.html#comments >One on occasion, the 'evil' predator continued to violate her as she wept and begged him to stop before he chillingly told her 'his temporary pleasure was worth more than [her] temporary pain'.
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>>348065 kek mong torpedoed his life over some 5/10 swarthoid who thinks she is le sexy olympics meme thot
>>348066 >(((Scottish)))
>>348068 ayy we wuz tuatha de dannans n shit
had sex with my ex when she was asleep and she played with my cock while i slept simple as
Fantasising about beating niggers to death again
It's about time women bucked up their attitudes, gave their men's willies a firm handshake, pulled themselves up by their cuntflaps and learned to get over rape, like we did back in our day. Don't even know you're raped these days, I tell you.
https://youtu.be/73CPANjLins butthurt belter brigade footage
Fun little thread tonight, dead gear. Love it. It won't make the hall of fame but proper gear!
https://youtu.be/lWlk_OHJQ3Q more reddit squad videos
smh nevermind same video
>>348080 finnish state soldiers are fighting in jewkraine, ie the nation is openly at war with russia?
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>international legion then they're not "finnish jaegers" fucking larpers smh
Mummy's response to me getting a new job? "Well done, don't walk to work you'll get stabbed to death".It's ten minutes walk from my house but she wants me to buy a fucking bus pass. Fucking aspergers cunt.
>filming and uploading a video of you getting owned and crying like a bitch why do people do this so often nowadays smh
>>348082 no they are reddit battalion they all have to cuck out and get rescued by burgerclap mercs
kek in typical burgerican fashion the burger medic stalls the manual in reverse
>>348087 yeah getting shot in the foot or anywhere is fucked.
reminds me of 2016 drumpftards uploading videos of them getting beat up by blm for holding up a "donald trump hates racism aswell actually" signs.
>>348089 What is it with Yanks driving automatic?
mexico is retvrning to AZTLAN after the police arrested el chapos son
>>348093 >random pepperoni pizza keeeeeek
>>348094 wonder what the pizzas mean? perhaps in mexican mythology they transfer the souls of their defeated enemies into a za? or are the za's a means of paying your ones passage to the afterlife? a daring anthropological expedition is needed to uncover the ways of these strange savages.
>>348092 idk just probably preference I can drive stick but generally alot of fags don't do it unless they are into cars especially race cars or specialty trucks
>>348093 Utterly grotesque subhuman race of people tbh
>>348093 damn that 'za looks pleb tier I fucking hate mexicans and all their edgelord crap.
>>348098 cant wait for them to start doing that to nigger kneeling libtard american police.
all the "based conservative" mexicans try to flex about the cartel medieval injun shit. they will say that "my people will go cartel on you gringo, etc." meanwhile injuns did the exact same shit to frontier families like skinning white children alive, etc. and they no longer exist as a race
>>348098 tbh, reminds me of those cheap cheese and tomato 'zas you'd get from ICeland back when I was a child
>>348099 actually think that once globoshart collapses the first major conflict will be shartica (either nationalist or globalist) doing a bit of border fixing down there and it will devolve into a racewar. pretty much as soon as cartels start doing poncho villa shit the race war will start and it will cause the whole wignat mythic ethnostate to form. shitskins have been living too easy off us gringos for too long no cap
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>>348101 the real pleb 'zas here are called Tonys 'za tony's is pleb'za and real piglets only feast on the proper king tier 'zas like buddies, cottage in or torminos
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>>348104 >>348103 viva la ra 'za!
>>348104 if it was china they'd dip the 'za in the dead guys brain
>>348105 Whitest yorkshireman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQeptLFfAPE we used to be so fricking based my germanic brothers
NOS DA, FFRINDIAU! https://voca.ro/14kqRgDpxYJl
>During the medieval period, a self-designation of "Germani" was virtually never used; the name was only revived in 1471, inspired by the rediscovered text of Germania, to invoke the warlike qualities of the ancient Germans in a crusade against the Turks. Ever since its discovery, treatment of the text regarding the culture of the early Germanic peoples in ancient Germany remains strong, especially in German history, philology, and ethnology studies, and to a lesser degree in Scandinavian countries, as well. Beginning in 16th-century German humanism, German interest in Germanic antiquity remained acute throughout the period of Romanticism and nationalism. A scientific angle was introduced with the development of Germanic philology by Jacob Grimm. Because of its influence on the ideologies of Pan-Germanism and Nordicism, Jewish-Italian historian Arnaldo Momigliano in 1956 described Germania and the Iliad as "among the most dangerous books ever written".[9][10]
>>348093 based atavistic horrors proving us all completely correct
auslad please put mosley back in the corner okay thank you
my latest stellaris empire is simply called nigger.
nobody puts ozzy in a corner
>>348093 Made a mistake opening the first one. Not looking at the others. At least you spoilered. Smh.
>>348100 >and they no longer exist as a race Based.
>>348114 we tried ages ago newfag SA had a whole arc about it
>>348122 sa is a mong
>>348123 >that (tiny) bulge on display Pathetic. Rapechads, it's ogre...
Germany to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine
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AMERICA MAY GIVE M1 ABRAMS TO UKRAINE Putin needs to hurry up and end this shit before we actually put boots on the ground
>>348131 should really be a kike.
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>anime avatar >space elevators
>>348102 you're delusional if you think America will ever be based (or ever was, for that matter). the reality is, Americans have no identity, they are not a part of a nation, so they have no stake in the future and no reason to care about anything. at least Europeans are a part of a nation with which they share a common heritage, ancestry, history, and culture, so they can conceivably care about their collective future as an ethnic group. Americans do not belong to any group beyond their extended family the best possible thing that could happen with regards to America would simply for it to be swept into the dustbin of history. this could be achieved via nuclear war, or it could also happen as the inevitable result of the browning policy. if it becomes basically another triracial Latin American country like Columbia/Venezeula, then it will begin to lose its unique properties (Jevvish globalist world enforcer), instead being a relatively harmless third world shithole. with the US out of the picture, it at least becomes theoretically possible for European countries to begin to address their problems, since they will not have the US holding a knife at their throat. Israel would also be doomed in the long-term without American backing the silver lining to the US specifically getting flooded with shitskins is that its power is derived from the productivity of the whites and with the whites out of the picture it will just become a dump. a dump is frankly better than an evil jevvish golem that uses its overwhelming power to make the whole rest of the world worse. I don't see any scenario where anything based comes out of the US as realistic because Americans are dumb fat retards that again are not part of a nation so they don't have a reason to give a damn about anything other than themselves and their extended family
>US becomes irrelevant third world shithole >China becomes world hegemon >Israel gets wiped out by Moslems >ethnonationalism becomes popular in eastern Europe, as a reaction to browning policies of the EU, and slowly spreads to southern Europe and eventually northwestern Europe MAYBE that could happen? who tf knows
>>348133 1000 year mikka reich
*filters the rootless mutt*
deracinated =/= without nation spicoid
>>348143 Americans left their European nation for a mutt colony where they then breed with those from other nations and lose all connections they had with their ancestral nation over a couple generations. if an American is say, 100% German, they could learn Germany and return to Germany and try to assimilate and be accepted as a German. but if they're 50% German, 50% French? it's over, they will never be part of a people ever again
Hey Spic there's a whole country full of Mexicans it's called United States of America you should go there
>>348144 >but if they're 50% German, 50% French? it's over, they will never be part of a people ever again keeeeeeeeeeek lad, life isn't like this board where you are rejected for being part Portuguese. There are loads of 50/50 frog/germs irl that happily settle into those respective nations. wtf is Strasbourg?
>>348145 keeek
NAU inbound tbh.
proud of my country just a bit, not for any real reason just the kino bit of boomerism where the kikes and hol hols demanded m1 abrams and the n shartica said sure but then did the boomer toil skill of saying yeah we can build them for you, we won't give you any but well build them say for 10 percent interest but it will take a couple of years so if you start making payments on it we can get to work. kek but then cuckmany just gave away their leopards keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>348150 wha- kohlface would NEVER say this!
>>348133 >ersatz traditionalism of the 1930s >great depression, worldwide socialist programs, futurism in art, political third way fascism fag is just using big words to incel rant in text form and thinks it is coherent. and its just some zoomer materialist who thinks that building the most dragon dildos means you win.
this is going to be so bad
>>348130 I love her lads >>348131 kek muttmerican empire should have been kino but instead its just a shitty retcon of ottoman empire but less aesthetic
>>348153 yeah that guy left twitter permanently for some reason. i agree with him on planning permission tho. if we just remove londons green zone and let it be a tokyo style megacity the rest of the country would be comfy affordable trad small towns with 90% of the countries wogs.
>>348156 yeah the whole polface autism of coming up with cool solutions that would never ever ever win in legislature of the westoid shylockracies is a waste of time tbh might as well just say kill all niggers and kikes
>>348146 >There are loads of 50/50 frog/germs irl that happily settle into those respective nations if their ancestry is mixed then they are not a member of either nation >wtf is Strasbourg? Straßburg, German city stolen by France >>348149 >>348150 I think that's Grappa from kohlchan /int/, he's a half thai hapa in Sweden
>>348158 Simply restating your claim doesn't make it truer, especially with tribes so racially close on the border. Discrete autism isn't reality. >cocu d'allemagne figures >knowing this kohlchan /int/ hapa disgusting
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>>348159 >Simply restating your claim doesn't make it truer it was true the first time
are there any anti-vaxchuds still here? any of you want to apologise for being wrong about the mass die offs????
>>348162 No it wasn't. People at the joins of two tribes, where they are in fact of the same super race or nation, if you will, i.e. separated by higher order cultural or national cleavage do not magically become dispossessed, as they literally genetically belong to the same two groups. Populations/races are clinial and based around population/geographic poles not discrete blocs. Am I saying that anyone should be let in willy-nilly? Should nigs be allowed to mix with whites? Absolutely not, rigorous naturalisation etc. should be applied with edge/border cases, however, to say that a German-French hybrid is magically dispossessed of nationhood or belonging when both are of the same Germanic heritage, and comprised of the genetic/cultural heritage of the two nations is absurd gibberish. It's simply your own arbitrary retardation to say people of German-French heritage are magically dispossessed and excluded racial or alienated upon mixture and just vanish. I suspect it is more likely your own broken nature that is the issue. If you cannot manage border cases intellectually, then you do not have the fluid intelligence to survive, and have no future whatsoever. >>348163 still an antivaxx chud and never predicted anything kys agg tbh
>oh noes I'm a mixed Eurochud, bullied by people online, can't get laid, and have no future because my autistic thinking patterns preclude me from solving actual problems because I cannot resolve issues qualitatively and I am stuck in a world of autistic germanic beancounter fetishism.
>>348164 you're fixated on the fact that the two nationalities I chose in my example happen to be bordering nations. I should have said something like 50% Greek 50% Swedish to better illustrate my point. that person is not Greek nor Swedish and neither can any of their descendants ever be, the entire genetic line has been excluded from belonging to a nation >>348163 the vaxx complications have been coming out to the point where they are not smug about it anymore, the system also appears to have given up on force vaxxing everybody with passport system and lockdowns, seems the vaxx was more deadly than intended so now they're sweeping it under the rug >>348165 >oh noes I'm a mixed Eurochud, bullied by people online if you're going the ad hominem route, it's not that, it's more that I don't like the influence that the british phenotypical features have on my face. british people are, for the most part, not particularly good looking compared to other western european ethnic groups, and for this reason among others, I would prefer not to have this ancestry tbh. and more relevant to what I was talking about, because I have this ancestry, I could not for example make a bunch of money and learn portuguese and go retire in the azores or something, because that would make me an invader, it would do harm, and I don't want to do that. so I am unfortunately stuck in this situation where there is nowhere where I can go and be welcome, I am imprisoned in this cursed north american continent with all of the fat retard mutts that I hate
>national cleavage vgh are slags
>>348166 >>348166 > 50% Greek 50% Swedish Even this is wrong, as they're still broadly European. Not ideal in the slightest, however, if they were to go to Greece they'd look like an upper or upper-middle class Greek and would easily be able to assimilate. Especially if they were forced. I'm pro genocidal levels of bleaching so you're not going to convince me lad. >I would prefer not to have this ancestry tbh Why? Portugal and Britain were both great nations and contributed to the sum of human endeavour, and you cannot change what you were born into. > that would make me an invader, it would do harm, and I don't want to do that you sound gay I'm not even remotely French, but I'm moving to the south of France. > I am imprisoned in this cursed north american continent with all of the fat retard mutts that I hate keeek Christ you're as bad as Steiner for the inferiority complex rubbish. Sort yourself out.
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>>348170 >blanda upp, it's harmless
>>348171 You have a shrivelled manlet penis, and both your British & Portuguese ancestors are laughing at you.
>>348172 I may be a manlet, but my benin is 6.5" idk what cultivar of foid would be most appropriate for me to breed tbh. a half portuguese half some other western european would be optimal but that's very specific and just kicks the can down the road anyway. any pretty thicc unvaxxed western euro girl with big tits would do I guess. one time I saw this big 5'11 thicc german girl, wanted to breed her so bad- not too many with german ancestry here, it's not the midwest. lot of italian girls but they have the eyes close together thing, I like the spanish ladies better but 99% of them here are mestizoids
spiglet ate a chocolate cake infront of the whole school!
i've noticed that people with long philtrums are usually libtards.
>>348173 You should go to South America with all the other jerrycucks of mixed heritage.
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I looked for a torrent but it doesn't exist I think it will after the US release in february
>>348177 here you go lad AB54A47D
>>348180 >Kaguya-Sama+Love+Is+War+Final+2021 I mean the new movie that came out December 2022. appreciate the effort though lad
>>348156 If we get rid of the wogs the population of London reduces to 40% it's present number.
>>348160 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>348185 keeeeek >>348186 bit grim how out of control it's gotten smh
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Nothing like a good old yid psy-op
>>348193 >to educate them
>>348190 so weird how he can understand how the word anti-semitism works but at the same time be seemingly blind to how racist works the same way
https://www.youtube.com/@SudokuGuy/videos >making Sudoku videos for 8 years
>>348195 Yeah I wouldn't direct anybody to him with regards to the subject of race realism. But he's good in other areas.
>>348196 >Now then now then
>>348196 that's based though
Probably keeps his brain in good working order.
>>348199 yeah I looked him up for a reason. Been failing at some sudokus lately smh
>>348200 tbh doubt he'll ever have to worry about dementia >>348201 nothing wrong with failing then studying to improve tbh that's admirable
Can't even buy some jeans without being harassed by the sight of hideous negro 'models'.
>>348203 smh they're everywhere when it comes to fashion marketing
more hohols dying smh
>>348206 not a fan of seeing that lad
>>348206 smh. the media in this country is very sly about mentioning figures of Ukrainians dying. But they will report it incessantly whenever an incident involves civilians or Russians however.
sick people.
good morning fine young gentlemen
>>348210 hello sir
>>348210 that's a very exclusionary statement lad smh not very tolerant of you
the best part of the boston bombing was that the older brother murdered three american stoners in their home and beheaded them and got away with it because his dad was an anti russian agent hired by the CIA.
>>348213 >boston bombing now that's a blast from the past
>>348213 They were all jewish, so there was a silver lining.
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shnight lads
>>348216 shhnight.
*pokes a hole in steiner and burns off all his incel sneethe*
>>348218 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
the King of Saudi Arabia who did the oil embargo to make the west not support Israel anymore was assassinated by his nephew who had been studying in the USA only a year before and was arrested for selling LSD to an undercover ATF agent. Though it was claimed he did so as revenge for a crackdown of Islamists that killed his brother in 1965 a year before he moved to America. His American gf claims he spoke about how King Faisals opposition to Israel would be detrimental for Saudi Arabia "incessantly". Dont think a guy like this was a committed Islamist tbh.
>>348154 Are they basing it around Fallout 4
>>348222 smh this homer always brings the mood down
>Column 88 was a neo-Nazi paramilitary organisation based in the United Kingdom. It was formed in the early 1970s, and disbanded in the early 1980s. The members of Column 88 undertook military training under the supervision of a former Royal Marine Commando, and also held regular gatherings attended by neo-nazis from all over Europe. >According to one report, "Column 88, was connected with the Gladio networks. These networks were set up after the Second World War, with the support of the US Central Intelligence Agency, by a number of powers, both within and outside NATO as anti-communist resistance bodies".[6] According to another report, Major Ian Souter Clarence, a former Special Forces Officer, "helped set up Column 88 in the 1960s as the British section of Gladio".[7] >The group's military commander was Major Ian Souter Clarence[2][8] who had served in the Black Watch during the Second World War before becoming active as a supporter of Arnold Leese. Stories about him stockpiling weapons had been known to MI5 from as early as 1946.[9] He organised a number of camps to provide combat training to Column 88 members.[10] >Other leading members included Joe Short, who had been involved in the National Democratic Freedom Movement,[14] Graham Gillmore, a mercenary and NF member[15] and David Myatt.[16][17][18] >David Myatt joined Colin Jordan's British Movement, a neo-Nazi group, in 1968, where he sometimes acted as Jordan's bodyguard at meetings and rallies.[56] Myatt would later become Leeds Branch Secretary and a member of British Movement's National Council.[57] From the 1970s until the 1990s, he remained involved with paramilitary and neo-Nazi organisations such as Column 88 and Combat 18. >In the late 1970s, the organisation allegedly carried out several bomb attacks on left-wing British organisations, including the Socialist Workers Party, the Anti-Nazi League and the left-wing Housmans bookshop, where the pacifist and anti-racist magazine Peace News was published.[20] Other bomb attacks that it was reported to have carried out included those against targets as diverse as the homes of Conservative Party members and transmission towers whilst the group also claimed a series of arson attacks on Jewish-owned businesses.[2] >Column 88 was also said to have been involved in the establishment of a number of other far-right groups, including the exclusive League of St. George and the National Party.[2] National Party leader John Kingsley Read claimed that he received funds from Column 88 both for his own party and during his time as chairman of the National Front.[25] In 1983 Column 88 hit the headlines again when the press reported that Clarence had been "safe-housing" three German neo-Nazis terrorists Odfried Hepp, Ulrich Tillmann and Walter Kexel, who were wanted for bomb attacks on US Army bases in Germany.[26] >In 1982, the neo-Nazi gang robbed five banks in Germany to finance later actions and captured 630,000 D-Mark. Internally, the group called itself after their leaders Walther Kexel and Odfried Hepp. According to Hepp, the group wanted to attract political attention with large terrostic attack, modeled on the IRA. >The Hepp-Kexel group published a paper titled Farewell to Hitlerism. They called for an "anti-imperialist liberation struggle" against the US and Israel. The group rented apartments and set up weapons depots. Following the call, three car bomb attacks on US military personnel followed in Frankfurt, Butzbach and Darmstadt. >All members, except for Odfried Hepp, were arrested in February 1983.[2] Three members surrender to the police in Frankfurt, Kexel and another member were arrested in the same month in England. Only Hepp, who had previously moved to West Berlin, and was working for the Stasi,[3] was able to escape the planned for February 19, 1983 arrest by the Berlin police by fleeing to East Berlin.[4] He was taken to Syria and given a new identity.[3] weird, that.
>>348224 Sounds like Hepp was the inside man for the intelligence agencies. I doubt they would have allowed the proliferation of these groups without a pre-prepared method of collapsing the orgs.
*hits pipe*
Strange how nobody talks about a genuine far-right terrorist group that successfully pulled off numerous bomb attacks with no members being arrested. All the organisations they and David Myatt were involved in (National Party, League of St George, British Democratic Party) were splinter groups that spent 99% of their energy attacking the larger far-right electorally driven parties. John Kingsley Read, funded by Column 88 set up his own splinter group from the National Front called the National Party in 1976. After a few years of smearing the NF he then handed over the entire membership list to spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) and retired from politics. It's pretty obvious David Myatt was and is a state-asset to cause FUD in the far-right.
>>348224 hate all these larping faggots, nearly a century of failure from the right in europe, fuck them.
It's a boringly obvious trick of bad actors to create performatively radical and ideologically pure groups focused on "ACTION" as fronts to attack their real targets. AWD, NA, le Base, Faggotkrieg division, they all follow the same modus operandi. "We are epic and edgy and hardcore join our LARP or we'll attack you, only you, and never anybody we proclaim to be against. Thats just how hardcore about racism we are" Combat 18 was also one of these, but thats a longer story.
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>>348230 this is a fake article you vaxxchud retard. god damn anti vaxxers are all nigger brained monkey cattle.
who's this autist that uses the full sentences with punctuation?
>>348232 agg, he's a bit testy because his blood keeps clotting.
Might stab him with my pig-sticker tbh
>>348234 Do you think he escaped conscription by pretending to be a woman?
>>348235 kind of want to ask him things like that but it'll get me banned smh
>>348234 report him to the hol hol secret police
>4/pol/ whipping themselves into a frenzy over another wite girl who got blacked and killed
Didn't Russia watch Dinosaur? https://youtu.be/CLba6l1dHcY
>>348240 that looks like a butthurt belter cope comic to me
>the ukies lost 500 tanks 1500-2000 IFVs and 30k men in their summer offensive >what they are asking for from the west is just so they can do it all again to try and beat russia interesting how all that shit is happening just 1k miles away in europe and its basically had zero effect on us yet beyond slight price increases and insufferable propaganda, war is such a memi.
really fucking vile... dont think i can look at madlad the same way now that i know he posts on reddit.
>>348244 felt that level of shame when I fucked a fat lass tbh
>>348244 kek so many people get gas lighted by pron and our society to doing fucked up shite.
smh sometimes I am glad I am a nosex king
>>348244 >tfw having a post rape wank thinking about how the whore will never be able to wash away the thoughts of your grotty penis
chores done and I'm bored of reading and gooming so I'm just staring at goodscreen doing nothing and waiting for the next toilday again is this all there is in life for incels?
>>348249 I think that's life for most people fullstop tbh.
https://youtu.be/GqQAEGjxfHY >12 episodes in I finally learn a new treeck
>>348249 Seems like you're missing something
That didn't take long. What rule did he break?
>>348249 yeah this time period makes it so hard to do anything meaningful
Current status of tank deliveries Great Britain: 14 Challenger 2 Poland: 14 Leopard 2A4 Germany: 14 Leopard 2A6 Portugal: 4 Leopard 2A6 Spain: 20-53 Leopard 2A4s USA: 30 Abrams M1 Norway: 8 Leopard 2A4 Finland: 14 Leopard 2A4/6 Netherlands: 18 Leopard 2A6 Denmark: 6 Leopard 2A5/7 So that would be 98-131 Leopards in different variants, 30 Abrams from the USA and 14 Challenger 2s from the UK.
>>348250 normoids have friend groups they go out and do things with at least >>348252 need a job that lets me support a family first which will never happen >>348254 spiritual malaise can't even think of anything I would like to do except shoot lots of foreigners on the highstreet maybe I'll get lucky and the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) will pick me to do the next false flag
holding in a piss for the sheer thrill of it
https://youtu.be/XC2d91TjMBc >>348256 yeah I just end up gooming on my days off there is no community or anything
don't even want to wank the time away last week I only woke up for about 3 hours in the morning each day and slept until I couldn't sleep any more >>348258 what communities there are, are all private and hostile to outsiders, or inappropriate went along to try and join the local wargaming and rpg groups and they were all teenagers who didn't want me around I guess normals go and drink overpriced beer and watch sports at pub every evening if they don't do the same thing at home
that twitter sperg screencap for earlier is right in one respect, all of the artificial efforts at fostering some kind of community and spirit always fail because it doesn't address the root cause of our problems and why people aren't naturally forming these things in the first place
>>348259 yeah plus in places that are public spaces like gyms femoids and others all just wear headphones all the time and anytime femoids are involved there is a whole ritual that you have to go through in order to be able to talk to them without upsetting other femoids in the area then you might make some friends or whatever but 2 years later they move away and you have to start from scratch
>>348248 >tfw it's your own mother/sister/wife/gf/daughter who you just raped
>>348261 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK 22st is my favourite shartist tbh
>>348262 keksmh reminded me that one time on the way t'shops an old granny stopped me for a chat and her segue was that I was the only person she'd seen around without headphones or a smartphone 'ate techno dystopia me >still participates in it being slaved to goodscreen almost every waking moment
>>348264 22st(me) didn't mke that though
that happened in the same town that gypsies came by and lost a horse which turned up in my neighbourhood and they lied unnecessarily to take it back and the next time I walked out of the urban areas they'd left and left behind a bunch of starving disease ridden equines which were getting stuck trying to drink from a stream and nearly died because nobody wanted to deal with them
>>348266 Then I take it back and now despise you tbh *unsheathes dragon dildo in preparation for battle*
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>>348267 I'll be back for dose harses in a bit
>>348269 Room not showing idiot fool
BREAKING NEWS Daily Stormer deplatformed from Vanwatech. literally just happened, I was reading articles and then this came up https://vanwa.tech/suspended
Nick Fuentes and Ali Alexander, both associated with Kanye West, were banned from twitter. then Daily Stormer got kicked off DDOS protection again. seems like another coordinated shuttening downening. Kiwifarms is still up
>>348273 isn't that owned by Qjim
>>348273 Good, the chuds need stopping.
Chud. What a gay fucking insult.
Shut it down
>>348275 I don't think so, but it is what 8kun uses
you can continue to access daily stormer via tor at http://stormer5v52vjsw66jmds7ndeecudq444woadhzr2plxlaayexnh6eqd.onion/
>>348280 I'm certain its jims company
>>348280 luckily we're just a NOT Democrat activism website
>>348284 So when are Catholics going to storm the vatican?
*misquotes the Pope and misrepresents Church doctrine* Gotcha Cathchuds!
my balls are itching smh
>>348285 according to catholicism, isn't the pope supposed to be a direct channel to god? so whatever the pope says is the word of god and all must obey. if the pope says to 'shove your dicks up eachother's bums', then that is the official mandate of god, according to catholicism
>>348288 he must have christ and anti-christ muddled
>>348288 No, that's not true at all. Retard.
>>348288 wrong again retard, don't start, you mongs get btfo everytime you spew these lies
smh it's over for the catshits
presumably el poop is merely exemplifying the concept of earthly corruption
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>>348293 Your death is imminent, Wessex, best start learning to respect Christ and his Church.
Wow calm down there Rowling
>>348295 disrespecting poop francis the six millionth is not the same thing as disrespecting god or a temporal institution
>>348297 He is the head of the Church Christ set up on Earth. You disrespect both God (capital G) and the institution he founded by disrespecting the Pope.
>>348299 keeeek
so what I'm getting from this is that BBK supports faggot rights and mass immigration
and also the desecration of two thousand years of tradition and direct commandment from the god he claims to worship
>>348303 WEW joomer being useful for once that's spicy
>>348303 Genuinely didn't know this
>>348304 Sometimes I think he's what u might become if u live a long life lad >>348305 Neither did i
>348301 >348302 You aren't even speaking coherently, it's starting to show that you only have nine months until you meet the LORD. You already have a bad account with him, don't damage it further on the final stretch.
>has no rebuttal save for personal attacks okay BBK you cope however you like won't change that the temporal institution of the church is as corrupt as any other organisation in this benighted age >>348306 but more BASED I would hope
found a really cool discord link on 4chan.com's /pol/ board. everyone there is really nice and friendly and encourages me to be who can be.
keeek >Sometimes there is such a perceived threat that some collateral damage to innocent members of the public is considered acceptable, so long as the overall mission is achieved. >I'm so glad nothing like that could happen in our more enlightened, modern era. >Booster shot, anyone?
>>348311 come on lad you dont actually believe that do you?
>>348312 he wrote it on the internet so it must be true
>>348311 I wish he'd said his grandfather started singing Erika then passed away.
>>348311 I'm pretty sure most of these "allied" scumbags died with a smug grin on their face, happy with the doom they've inflicted upon us
daily stormer back up, maybe it was just a glitch https://dailystormer.in/
my gran's last words were "hail our people, hail woes, hail victory".... only now do i come to understand why.... the redpill
>>348316 Thanks, lass. Love a bit of Stormer me.
Trolls say I’ll have a heart attack — but my 55-inch butt makes big bucks >A plus size model raking in ample cash from her curves says internet trolls are the real butt of the joke. >Steph Oshiri, 28, claims she’s making $45,000 a month modeling her natural shape on OnlyFans after quitting her job as a makeup artist. >The Canadian model says she weighs 220 pounds and boasts 36DDD breasts, a 55-inch bottom and a 35-inch waist. She joined the site in 2020 and reportedly reeled in $2,000 to $3,000 a month all without showing her face. When she finally revealed her identity, she saw her income skyrocket, thanks to her voluptuous frame. ... >“Some are positive and happy to see a plus-size creator thrive in the porn industry. Others, shame me for my body and career choice,” she lamented. >She finds it “funny” that the mastur-haters who visit her page are likely consumers of pornography themselves, yet they still tell her to “get a real job.” >“They are contributing to the demand for sex workers and I’m simply cashing in on it,” she explained. ... >Oshiri isn’t the only plus-sized model bringing in the big bucks from social media. One woman who was bullied for her belly now makes $12,000 a month by eating for her admirers on OnlyFans. And now women are also getting plastic surgery like butt-lifts to increase the size of their derrieres. https://nypost.com/2022/11/24/onlyfans-model-makes-45k-monthly-from-her-curves/
>>348319 never been on the site tbh I assume anglin mostly posts reviews of gook prozzies on it
>>348320 Not sure if spic who loves nasty shit like this, or an anon posting it because it's gross
>348320 could have done without this post tbh hate being reminded of foids on easymode
>>348323 thinking about that ftm who detransitioned and 9 months later is a preg housewife tbh
>>348324 Can't imagine Jocko or Poombs ever getting a wife after detransing. No wonder they double down. Smh.
>>348325 Well Poombs did laser his facial hair off... so
>>348326 wow a 13 day old video talking about an article that was posted before people started making videos on them
>>348328 It's seethe on multiple levels because of the anti incelism of the foid presenting and I've only just seen it.
https://youtu.be/UCxepRJ4q7o TBBK, the goblin is telling you a location and when he'll be there
>>348331 keeeek bbk better turn up and finish him off once and for all
>>348334 Based. Will definitely join for sat.
>still hasn't put on bullseye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIMVrX9CaVw
>>348316 gone again add it to the list
>£20 of leccy didn't even last three days
>>348336 we did but you weren't there
https://youtu.be/eT4-7213G6g Oh my God he's reacting to the article as if it is a real thing
>>348340 it wasn't real?
>>348341 No. Try finding the real thing
>daddy trying to shame me for having a supperza despite having only one pancake for dindins
>>348341 >>348342 It is absolutely real https://iqfy.com/unvaccinated-silence/ RAMZPAUL changed the website name and reposted it as a screenshot on twitter. Because he lied about the source snopes was able to claim it was false within 5 minutes of him doing that bit of well poisoning. Dont fall for obvious jewish tactics.
>>348344 the whole website seems like parody
>>348345 Yeah most articles seem like satire. This one might be too. Idk. Never even heard of the website before today. weird drama idk.
>>348344 >>348344 More likely he just saw this pic on /pol/ and reposted it without thinking smh
>>348321 Daily Stormer is an excellent source of news. I don't always agree with Anglin's take, although I usually do, but nonetheless his reporting is good. how else do you keep up on what's going on? >>348322 it was I, spic, that posted it. but do I "love nasty shit like this?" I hate that women can make money so easily like that, it's beyond retarded, that's obscene income for doing nothing but being a pig slut. would I harpoon the whale? yeah, but she's not the kind of thicc I prefer- too obese, too much cellulite, fucked up proportions, etc. I posted it mainly to evoke seethe >>348337 it's up
>>348344 why did RamZPaul change the website name?
>>348349 whomst?
>>348349 nice vagina wall
>>348351 some kurwa
>>348353 why are you posting it?
>>348354 because her tits look nice
>>348349 looks slavoid
>>348356 good eye, she's pole
>>348311 kek my grandpa used to wake up and put on his japanese imperial marine headscarf he took off a dead jap and make a big pot of coffee and go walk on on his dock with a newspaper and a fishing pole out onto lake huron and just sit there all day yelling at the fish
he only wore it sometimes. smh wish he still had the japanese sniper boots and japanese nambu when I was alive
>>348357 nothing wrong with being a slavoid tbh as long as they don't race replace you lads
seeing lots of vids of ukies dragging men in a forced draft again, they are getting desperate, gayto must be too since they are ramping up support
>>348361 extensive conscription seems to be the order of the day.
>>348361 Ukranian people are being genocided by their own side, that refuses to surrender that's what happens when your country is corrupted and lead by Jews
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According to joomer, the (rejects of) the British army killed at least as many British civilians as the Germans did in 1940, because anti-aircraft heavy artillery over civilian areas was retarded to begin with, and loads of unfit, low iq, criminal and/or mentally ill rejects were in anti aircraft units. I can believe it tbh. Makes me wonder which really killed great-great grandmummy in the blitzocaust.
>>348363 Unironically this.
>>348363 they refuse to accept it, they just post gore videos of fallen Russian soldiers and say "fried roosters" to cope >>348364 oh nooo won't somebody please think of the poor brits that declared war on based Hitler for no reason but to serve the jevvs
>>348366 Ban this freak
>>348364 >According to joomer, the (rejects of) the British army killed at least as many British civilians as the Germans did in 1940, because anti-aircraft heavy artillery over civilian areas was retarded to begin with, and loads of unfit, low iq, criminal and/or mentally ill rejects were in anti aircraft units. I can believe it tbh. Makes me wonder which really killed great-great grandmummy in the blitzocaust. Churchill encouraged the blitz in order to justify attacking civilian targets in Germany "in retaliation", according to some historians
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>>348370 what a good lass
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my large-breasted mexican girlfriend released another ASMR video https://youtu.be/kKW5XhILEgI
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>>348370 they blatantly fucking said it as well before recording. hate pakis me.
imagine being the lad that has to sift through hours of sanicbraps to see if there are any far shite codes
>>348374 >sentenced to nine years and three months in prison at fucking hell
smorbing lads australia day today
>>348377 how many lebbos have you clubbed to death in celebration?
QRD: it's because they've been taught to hate their ancestors and themselves
>>348378 none yet but the day's still young >>348379 tbh every year i hear retards parroting the words invasion day
>>348377 rise and shine
>>348380 > invasion day yeah the day we took a stoneage people forward 10 thousand years in one day.
>>348376 "this is a high stakes game arthur"
>>348383 They're creating hardcore adherents.
>>348374 sickening how these people act like heroes for arresting teenages over downloading some pdfs everyone involved deserves the rope >>348382 and they havesn't stopped complaining about it since
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auslad can you change the board css to this and see if it works
>>348386 yeah it works lad nice one
there he is!
(229.00 B Brit css.txt)

actually change it to this one pls
>>348389 okay lad they're exactly the same though
ah mosley is back
>>348390 it's a different link. the first one links to the mosley in this thread and he will disappear when it eventually dies. the second one links to a board that's specifically for board resources so he should never disappear
>>348393 fuuuck it didn't need changing. it's because it's the same pic. it should be fine as long as it's hosted somewhere on moe.
noseley had keet woods on
>>348394 can always change it again if the picture disappears tbh not like it's set in stone >>348395 tbh it really shocked me when i first noticed just how much they seethe they're always looking for opportunities to tell everyone no matter how unrelated it might be to the topic at hand
staying up to fix my sleeping pattern for a day
>>348398 Hang tight friend, you're almost through
>>348398 Holy based
smorbolous day lads going back to second voluntoil tbh
>>348401 keeeeeeeeeeek smorbing lad have fun
>>348402 can already feel a poo coming saving it for when I get there tbh

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