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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3993: No Bigots Allowed Edition Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 19:59:19 Id: 2c68c4 No. 476577
>>476577 Paid, coward or retarded?
>>476566 luv nippon
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Rewatching The Hobbit/LotR trilogies. Remember being fairly disappointed by Hobbit trilogy and that it got progressively worse film by film tbh and 20 mins in to the first one I'm not hopeful.
>>476581 I remember the book as short ant whimsical. The film adaptation should've been the same. There are fan edits out there which cut out some of the extraneous scenes.
Hobbit 2 was appalling in that it barely progressed the plot despite being nearly 3 hours long.
>>476579 Potato
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>>476582 Definitely shouldn't have gone beyond 2 films tbh. Amazing to hear that they're trying to squeeze another trilogy out of the hunt for Gollum >>476583 Martin Freeman was a terrible casting choice in my opinion
>>476587 >Martin Freeman was a terrible casting choice in my opinion People kept saying he was great. Finally I found someone likeminded
>>476587 Never seen it but there's the "Tolkein version" which cuts out loads especially that dwarf elf romance subplot.
>>476587 >Martin Freeman was a terrible casting choice in my opinion he's just a terrible person generally
>>476552 >>476553 goodlad i keeek >>476591 >watching some slop about being pozzed or whatever instead of based brendankinos
>>476593 brendankino? where?
>>476594 I suggested watching the mummy series last night
>>476595 that's old
>the Azog sequence KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK I can't take this seriously fucking slow-mo and the dramatic "noooooooooooo" who thought this was a good idea
[Expand Post] *except to british values
>ywn be whipping tom
does anyone have that old pic of rupert bear hanging paddington?
southern brazil should Portugal
Sneedvening lids. Went to the car boot, mets the lads for a pint afterwards and played some dice in the pub. Ended up attracting a group of other lads who were enthralled and ended up playing at dice and cards and talking about warhammer with us the whole evening keek. Based ÞVNORIC thunderstorm kino the meaty urologists kept harping on about never actually happened smh, red hot all day then a bit of rain for an hour.
>>476605 cool, almost like tropical weather
Currently bingeing on yakuza films from the late 90's/early 00's.
>>476608 any good ones lad?
Squirting high pressure brown grease from my ring piece smh shnight lads
well i guess this was it, the saturday night graveyard shift. i will drink some more tinnies and go to aus/neets/ instead
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>>476611 try poosting more
>>476613 fair, but i am trying to work my way through numerous 3+ hour vaporwave mixes but es it is partially my fault
>>476614 tbh i can't really think of much to poost about that isn't seethium
>opened mystery tinnie from back of the fridge >it's IPA
https://youtube.com/shorts/3MpxH2vtTHw?si=Ymoo3Xi46TnfXSdw The Autistic lad won, the black supremacist lad lost
>>476609 Fudoh: New Generation
>shorts >si= >(1) yikes no thanks lol
I am so exhausted with seeing niggers in everything
the anglosphere is now just the nigger worship empire
whats with this new soygame where they have a nigger samurai? its so fucking shite, he is wearing like the armour of a high level retainer or like shogun instead of poorfag ashigaru armor its like if a nigger was walking around in king henry tudors plate armor.
>>476622 Unrelenting, 24/7 nigger worship. Assassin's Creed. It's just more ubisoft shite that they've been pumping out for years now.
>>476622 kek yeah don't know what to say
This nigger merely existing is enough for them to just make the rest up.
I mean he is wearing like gilded shogun armor its beyond retarded and there are loads of leftists and soyniggers trying to repivot the nips online back onto their leftoid meme phalanx like the nips are their pets. its so fucking disgusting what has become of our civilization that these retarded brainlet children are at control and just spewing this trash everywhere. it makes no sense why they would have a nigger samurai.
its kind of based though because common nips trying to banter using google translate are being called "white men" by the leftoids
>>476628 they like to pretend japan doesn't have a large number of polface chudcels
I doubt many in japan will even know about it tbh. It's only mobile and then switch games that have any relevance in japan.
>>476622 it's rather clownish they justified the nigger using three "historian"s one is a guy who's sole claim to fame is being a baizuo and writing a book about the nigger samurai then spending nearly 20 years slowly editing wikipedia to bolster the legitimacy of his book (which is shit and lies) one is an actual nip but a member of the jap communist party, marxist and globalist and one is a rainbow haired bitch with a bullshit degree in ancient japanese homosexuality who's main agenda is promoting how paedophilic sodomy is good, actually the niggurai did exist but he wasn't a samurai just a pet for known xenophile nobunaga and the closest he probably got to being a warrior was probably being allowed to hold a ceremonial prop sword a few times during events he was sold to nobunaga by jesuits and appears in official records maybe twice also ubishit makes him a zesty nigger allegedly too and the theme used in trailers for him is a shitty asian riff with trap beats or whatever the stereotypical thug nigger music is kek the ubishit team is just after the DEI blackrock money and haven't bothered to put in even the bare minimum of authenticity work, resulting in things like; the architectural style of the game being chinese not japanese (they may even have just told an AI generator to produce "asian buildings") the clothing, armour and weapons being from all periods of japanese history and wildly inaccurate in any case on top of the usual shoddy "AAA" game shit where they graphicsfag but then have massive clipping issues and moonwalking horses and the PC phasing through people they attack etc they tried to pass off cheap replica memorabilia from a jap franchise as official asscrap merchandise for preordertards the historical accuracy is so bad and offensive to nip autists that at least one jap chud MP has brought up the case in their government and the entire nation of japan might end up sharting on the company >>476626 some nipcel pointed out that parts of the armour are from the kamakura period too which is like a thousand years before the sengoku jidai or whatever as well we're in the decadent empire period still smh just keep coping for the collapse
oh yeah the first "historian" used his manufactured prestige to get a job at a nip university and when he was found out he fled the country keeeeeeek
>>476634 >the historical accuracy is so bad and offensive to nip autists that at least one jap chud MP has brought up the case in their government and the entire nation of japan might end up sharting on the company hope this happens tbh about time someone with actual influence stood up against blackwashing
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>>476638 Those funbags are far too bulbous to be genuine compared to her small torso.
>>476642 choon that
>>476644 Is that Loomer's mumberg good lord
>>476645 Dios mio
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KEEEEEEEEEK they played the Saudi national anthem at Wembley before a boxing match between two "English" niggers last night. Sportscucks will still crave their slop though dumb niggercattle
Israel and Turkey, not in that order, Turkey first, Israel after. or China trip. Wish israel would stop trying fight lebanon smh
>>476649 Tyson killed boxing as a competetive sport tbh
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Shnafternoon lads, comfy Tartar Steppe-esque post beero dreams about being in a battalion of lazy soldier-postmen quartered a little island out in the middle of nowhere with a pet goldfish. FINAL DAY OF 2024 AKI BASHO https://dood.li/d/zb13qv8dx4kn https://dood.li/d/rou4jorgbxbk https://dood.li/d/tdk4mpkc8nas Will poost the awards ceremony if/when I find it
hai guys. Spreading this :D Who is your propaganda designed to appeal to? Is it to people who don't believe what you believe? Or are you searching for people who agree with you? Are you actually convinced that a poster will change their mind? We are not the vanguard of radicalisation. We are the radicalised. It will only benefit us to act as such. The System is completely against us. Naturally, antithesis will only develop itself via anti-system action -- I'm sure you're well aware of what I mean. The problem of IM-wave accelerationism is that, for as much as it boasted that it was decentralised, it wasn't. It was quite literally based around a single website, and book. The original -waffen movement is long dead. Its infiltration -- AWD's infiltration and eventual demise -- is something we will greatly benefit from . Cells do not need to be linked to a greater macrocosm. We know what we are fighting for. True National Socialists far outnumber foreign ideologues that wish to make cells dedicated to their niche, unrelated ideologies -- these ideologies include, but are not limited to, their personal religion, outright patriotism, incel theory. While these are not necessarily malevolent forces in and of themselves -- they are but neurotic distractions from our real aim -- yes, aim. We have one aim, and that is Total Aryan Victory, and a beautiful, serene, plentiful new world for our people's future. That being said, remember our one goal, and links are completely unnecessary -- I'd like to reiterate our position as concepts in an abstract "political" landscape. We are aware it is all an Ouroboros of Systemic intellectualism and decay. We musn't worship the ashes. It is a waste of our resources -- we honour, venerate, and respect those who pathed the way for us, absolutely, but was their sacrifice worthwhile if their legacy was doomed to manifest as crude reinstatement, cosplay, nostalgia, and more of an aesthetic than an optimistic, future-thinking, radical worldview? We are the common men. We are everywhere, and should act like it -- our uniform is our skin, not historical militaria nor aesthetically-pleasing TikTok-edit Bundeswehr. Playing fancy dress-up also means putting our clandestinity on the line -- this coupled with the fact that it doesn't impress anyone, only cause discord. Even worse, it makes us LARPers -- precisely because it is just that -- LARPing. The simple answer that has been right under our noses this whole time is to ditch the idea of a single movement, or even an organisation -- be honest, how many failed, dissolved National Socialist mass movements can you name? I bet it's more than you can count on one hand. This is not only fine, but a lesson -- we cannot win if we're open to infiltration from the inside. We cannot win if we're asking for members. We cannot win if we design cool-looking flags with Totenkopfs on them, put phonk music over a heavily-filtered video of us waving them around, and then upload videos saying "hey! Feds! Come bankroll an informant in our awesome Telegram group! t.me/LARPenwaffen_division2". The way to win, the way forward that has been attempted and yet has failed for empirical reasons I will get into, is local. There's a saying that goes something along the lines of "everything starts at home". Well, there has never been anything so true! I'm simply here to offer a few suggestions. As the great Brenton Tarrant said, "take what you think is true from this, and leave what you don't". I think that is a great encapsulation of the pursuit of National Socialist truth. I digress: # SIEGE is boring as fuck. It is an extremely off-putting, TL;DR collection of obselete rants. I won't say it doesn't have some truth in it, because that would be a lie. But worshipping oldfags that killed coal burners in the 80s, or schizos like Charles Manson, will only put off potential recruits, and endear us to weirdos. AN: if anything, tell people to read the American Futurist publication. It can be pretty wise, learnt, and sane. The Atomwaffen guys have a lot to teach us from where they failed so greatly. # We need a short, simple message, one that I hope the likes of this essay, when finished, will convey succintly. The kind that can be summed up almost entirely in a single sentence "MAKE YOUR OWN LOCAL NATIONAL SOCIALIST CELL AND BE CLANDESTINE ABOUT IT!" # YOUR POLITICS ARE BORING AS FUCK TOO! No one cares about your plan to m'heckin balkanise the US with "based tradcath repatriation chad wojack white ethnostates". Literally no one. They're all thinking of their own inane variation. A timely adage from our opponents -- "YOU WON'T DO SHIT". You have no power. You have nothing but resistance. A silent goy that's heckin' thinking about his ideology in his head is as good a goy as one loudly professing his unwavering support for Israel, and that's because YOU NEVER HAD ANY SAY IN THE MATTER ANYWAY. # Esotericism is spiritual materialism. It's a desperate punchline to a joke. It's private, ultimately. If you believe in esoteric babble, that's fine, but you should realise that you will get nowhere in this deeply materialistic world with your thoughts. As such, please don't include any books that contain the words "Kali Yuga" in reading lists or cellular book clubs. # Buy durable clothing. Don't have a uniform. Seriously. Don't wear armbands, don't buy SIEGE masks -- cover your face with all-black. You should be able to blend into the crowd. # Five is the upper limit. Once you have five members, immediately take down all recruitment posters/stickers, and get to know your comrades. They must be your friends, ideally before recruitment but acceptably after. You should trust them with your life. # Strength through joy! Have fun with them -- now that there is no burden of lame propaganda, don't waste your time on optic antics such as storming through empty buildings. Train for things you'll actually have to do, develop skills you'll actually need. In the meantime, and generally, I say again, have fun! Play games, if that's your thing, play music together, have sleepovers, all these things. # Accept recruits only in your age range. The least trustworthy recruit is one above 35, with kids. If you're under 30, only accept under-30-year-olds. We are, first and foremost, a youth movement, however, if you are actually on the older side of things, only accept older people. It is a very bad idea to get involved at all if you are under 16. With applying these things to your cellular creation, likewise if you're joining a cell have the same standards and scrutiny.
[Expand Post] # Feds will apply if you leave invitations up for more than two weeks. Interview every applicant via an actually secure app such as Wire or Matrix. # Put up stickers/posters within walking distance of your house. Don't put up more than 50. Don't put them in obstructive places, and don't stain the environment with them. # When you put them up, go with the successful Atomwaffen "join your local Nazis!" approach, but tone it down as much as possible. Nothing provactive. Just put up small stickers with little swastikettes on them that say "Are you National Socialist? Get active today! (WIRE ADDRESS)". Take note of the location of all of them so you can take them down when necessary. # DON'T USE THE INTERNET FOR ANYTHING! Anything at all! Don't use TELEGRAM either, it has been compromised. It might help to not even give your group a name, because YOU DON'T WANT PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT YOU UNTIL YOU'VE ACTUALLY ACHIEVE ANYTHING! # In the very, very rare case that you're a rev. NatSoc woman, only accept women into your cell. Likewise, don't accept women into your cell if you're male. This is to avoid sexual dynamics which will distract everyone and their comradery. Sorry Andrew Anglin and your imaginary friends, but the white sharia brainrot is counterproductive at best and pathetic at worst. Our Aryan women share our courage, though they are of course women, a completely different type of man. That being said, as Rockwell is quoted, "TO HELL WITH THE RIGHT-WING"; TO HELL WITH THE ALT-RIGHT! # DON'T TELL ANYONE. DON'T SAY ANYTHING ONLINE, DON'T INVITE A NEW MEMBER LATER ON, EVEN IF YOU HAVE A FRIEND WHO IS A KEEN REV. NATSOC, DON'T EVEN TELL HIM ABOUT YOUR GROUP. SERIOUSLY. DON'T TELL YOUR GIRLFRIEND, YOUR MOM OR YOUR OLDER BROTHER. IT'S THAT SIMPLE. # In the case of, say, a family member interrupting a meetup, make it out like you're actually a weak movementarian book club-like affair, that is only getting together because of the objective and noticed-by-normies oppression of albeit cringy moderate right-wing movements. Don't ever concede. Even if they agree, they're just another liability on your back. Likewise, do not allow motormouths, that will prance around in SA cosplay, singing Horst-Wessel Lied, and get talked to by deradicalisation police, into your cell. It is a duty of yours to never let them into your cell at all. # If a member leaves the cell over discord, the whole cell is immediately put at great risk. A member that becomes unaffiliated is instantly a liability to report your (as far as the System is concerned: conspiracy) to police. Keep things like this in mind at all times, and aim to profilerate amongst yourselves the healthiest suspicion and cautiousness possible without edging into paranoia/delusion. # Remember what you're fighting for. # Never lose your smile. # If you do not do anything, do not despair. Despair is death of the soul. # Use the judgement your ancestors passed down to you. If you believe so dearly in the Aryan spirit, then prove it to others. # Your words ultimately mean nothing at all to anyone. Only your actions. # Learn from the failure of others, do not shy away from tales of it because of biased accounts, study successful revolutions, the conditions, etc. # Check out the American Futurist. Sorry for all the shilling, but, it's worth it. # The best time to act is now, of course. # If you disagree with this, just ignore it. It's that simple. Don't embarrass yourself, now. # You know the rest. I end this with a quote, once again, from Tarrant in his manifesto, that, to me, is the perfect antidote to cowardice, inaction, and paranoia. "I had seen many pictures and heard many people discuss the cemeteries, but even knowing about these cemeteries in advance, I was still not prepared for the sight. Simple, white, wooden crosses stretching from the fields beside the roadway, seemingly without end, into the horizon. Their number uncountable, the representation of their loss unfathomable. I pulled my rental car over, and sat, staring at these crosses and contemplating how it was that despite these men and womens sacrifice, despite their bravery, we had still fallen so far.I broke into tears, sobbing alone in the car, staring at the crosses, at the forgotten dead. Why were we allowing these soldiers deaths to be in vain? Why were we allowing the invaders to conquer us? Overcome us? Without a single shot fired in response? WHY WON’T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? In front of those endless crosses, in front of those dead soldiers lost in forgotten wars, my despair turned to shame, my shame to guilt, my guilt to anger and my anger to rage. WHY WON’T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? WHY WON’T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? WHY DON’T I DO SOMETHING? The spell broke, why don’t I do something? Why not me? If not me, then who? Why them when I could do it myself?" TL;DR: MAKE YOUR OWN LOCAL NATIONAL SOCIALIST CELL AND BE CLANDESTINE ABOUT IT, FAGGOT!
fuck off mong
>>476652 good sumo poost lad
this is a pro dafty board
>>476649 Wewlad
>>476634 Yes exactly he was a SLAVE and a mallet nigcel pet of the BIG samurai not some hulking nigger walking around feudal Japan in noble armor having nips bow to him. Fuck the kikes and fuck niggers
>>476658 No lad we still live in a democracy with rights and accountability. There's no need for [redacted] tyrants representatives in their [redacted] and [redacted] through the woodchipper.
>>476661 They all look like total neeks that wern't bullycided enough in school
>>476663 Carpetbagging lolberg southerners that shouldn't be in Derbyshire anyway. Ought to fuck off back to Oxfordshire or wherever they filled with niggers and fled from.
>>476663 I know you still have to let them be out of order because fighting back will ruin your life if you're white, but the fat bastard who doesn't seem to know how to use his police breakin tools is the only one remotely intimidating. Adds to the indignity of sending these mongs to harrass the law abiding.
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>>476668 they'll be back
>>476669 and in greater numbers too.
>476653 spy retard WORDSWORDSWORDS don't bother posting this kind of shit here this board is for neet philosophers to discuss politics not for larping as nazis >Put up stickers/posters within walking distance of your house > successful >Atomwaffen >swastikettes >idolising fucking tarrant >>476652 based and BIG thanks lad >>476664 it's standard policy to move police around since their having any local connections might make them have a moment of conscience and not be a golem faggot occasionally
>476671 >spy retard >larping as nazis One of the SAists detected.
>>476672 there's a difference between larping as nazis (cringe, retarded) and appreciating nazis (based, sensible)
Nazis were unironically no more evil than modern liberals but it wasn't in BRITISH interests to go to war with them, and the boomer meme of X is Hitler so we have to throw British lads through a meat grinder again needs dispelling tbphwy lads.
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>jerrycuck retards still worshipping the mongs who caused all the problems because they chimped out and wiped half the healthy young men of Europe out
when spic awakens he will tell us why we are wrong
https://youtu.be/9m4685liWb0 >when she asks what she should do with my bollocks
Woes hitting Nige with a classic
>>476679 he'll always stand against the enemies of the white race no matter how big they are
>>476656 thank you
>>476680 I love him
does anybody have the wews rape webm?
>born just in time to take a bullet for Woes when he becomes a target after finally finishing his revolutionary white race work
nigcels on suicide watch nips are taking the gloves off > @SylvainOfGandahar 1 month ago Yasuke was at best a retainer and oddity and had no family which shows that he was not really integrated much. The final historical account was a statement of the enemy of Oda: "He is just a stupid animal, give him back to the Jesuits." As a Samurai he would have been killed or demanded to commit suicide. Especially the final entry of his story shows that he was not treated with dignity, honor nor anywhere close to a Samurai. The English teacher Thomas Lockley made up a bunch of stories and also believed one impoverished Japanese family who claim to be descendants of Oda Nobunaga - they live in some rural shithole and have a discredited Oda museum running there. There is zero proof that they descended from Oda nor that anything they said is true in the least. Yasuke spent 15 months in Japan and was likely an oddity by Oda. His Japanese language skills were likely minimal after that time and he was given back to the slave-trading Jesuits who might as well have sold him off to some colonies for all we know. This African was likely only talked about because he was the only African man in Japan and Oda elevated him to a glorified mascot and servant status. There was never enough time to do any sword training or even learn Japanese decently. That Lockley guy is clearly politically motivated and his account of hte history borders on insanity.
>>476685 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek thanks lad
smh failed my greentexted
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Lockley was he a jew or just a sassanach?
>>476686 >"He is just a stupid animal, give him back to the Jesuits." nigcel losers and their coddlers will ignore this like they always do
all of history must be either erased or rewritten to make fragile pooskin manchildren feel comfortable
>>476683 amazing how every race in every time understands that niggers are subhuman except the modern white liberal >>476689 probably just a traitor and part of the midwit crab parade found his nice comfy easy grift and sat on it until forced out
>demand to commit suicide keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>476684 He'll only need you to take a pozload.
>But supposing it to be true that 100,000 liberated negroes have shown a disposition to labor, or have actually labored for hire in Colombia, still I contend that that circumstance affords no proof whatever that the same results would follow from the liberation of 700,000 or 800,000 negroes in the British possessions. But I by no means concur with the noble Earl as to the sufficiency of the case of Colombia as a case in point. I have the authority of a very intelligent person who was resident in Colombia at the time that the trans-action took place, and who, in writing upon the subject, states positively that the experiment was a most dangerous one; and that, although the liberated negroes labored for a while, yet that a few years afterwards they could not be got to work at all. This is further proved by the fact, that in the course of four or five years it was found necessary to introduce a measure for the promotion of agriculture, which measure, it was admitted, was called for in consequence of the great difficulty that was found in getting the free negroes to work.
>>476675 >>476676 >>476677 you're wrong because all of the problems are caused by the fact that Jevvs control our governments and other institutions. WWII determined whether Jevvs or white men would control the destiny of Europe, the Jevvs won, so now we are being genocided with maximum efficiency, maximum effort- they are speedrunning it. everybody that died on the Allied side deserved it, and many many more of them should have died with them. Hitler should have used chemical weapons to poison British crops and cause mass poisoning/starvation among the British population and therefore as much death as possible, even if that didn't make a difference in the end it would have been worth it to put more race traitors in the dirt where they belong. we're all doomed to extinction because of the actions of those subhuman gammon pigskin retards
Oh look spicposter posted more of his retarded opinions
>>476699 the Dirlewanger Brigade should have played bayonet catch with your infant grandmother
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keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he gets so triggered
white women are the enemy, they all need to be lobotomized and forced to give birth repeatedly as soon as it's biologically possible
aaaaaaand yet another retarded idea brought to you by the spicnigger thinkhole
>>476705 every city in England should have looked like that the countryside too
if they had, that would have meant bringing in even more migrant labour from overseas, which you are supposed to be against, not advocating for, you utter clod *throws another kraut on the barbie*
>>476704 keeeeeeeeeek
Steinhog will be pleased
>>476707 >that would have meant bringing in even more migrant labour from overseas it's not about labor you mong, literally the entire reason the shitskins are imported is to genocide whites. nobody thinks some brown retard is capable of labor I'm telling you, the only thing that matters is WHO CONTROLS SOCIETAL INSTUTUTIONS. it's about POWER. WWII was a violent struggle over who would have the POWER and the control of SOCIETAL INSTITUTIONS in Europe such as government, media, finance, culture... and the Brits fought for the Jevvs to have those things, so they made their bed and are laying in it. but other Europeans that are not guilty of fighting for the (((Allies))) don't deserve this genocide that the (((Allies)))-supporters enabled
yes lad in the 1950s if there hadn't been mass economic ruin and destruction of housing, infrastructure and agriculture we would have still imported hundreds of thousands of unskilled foreigners for literally no reason whatsoever and the populace would have been 100% okay with that happening
>>476711 >destruction of housing >imported hundreds of thousands of unskilled foreigners ??? what happened is this >Germany says, 'no, Jevvs, you cannot control and ruin our nation' >WWII is fought over this >Jevvs collectively decide, 'well if 100 IQ cumskin goyim can potentially decide that they don't want us to rule them, then we have to exterminate them all' >initiate global white genocide agenda- take every measure possible to minimize white births and maximize non-white immigration into white lands that's it. if you unironically think 'dem raciss ass krauts dun dropped bawms on us n sheeeit so now we'ze gots 'ta bring in mo niggaz 'ta help out'... I don't know what to say, you're just retarded >and the populace would have been 100% okay with that happening it was never 100% okay but the percentage of not-okay was never high enough to make a difference, it still isn't high enough. it's to the point where they are freeing Paki nonces from jail to make room for patriotic Brits, and the masses of people still largely support their own genocide
>>476685 this is top level OC. i kneel b4 whoever made this
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keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's just pure headcanon with him >>destruction of housing >>imported hundreds of thousands of unskilled foreigners >??? don't try to be deliberately obtuse lad that requires a bit more brainpower than you have
>>476714 you just implied that, 'because houses were destroyed, it became logical to import hundreds of thousands of unskilled foreigners'. don't say I'm deliberately obtuse for pointing out how retarded your 'point' was it should go without saying that no people would ever consider it in their best interests to ever import any foreigners. the entire reason why non-whites were brought to Britain was to exterminate the native population from the very beginning
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Oh look he's resporting to arguing semantics and misquoting. It's not just a few houses got bombed you utter jelly brain, it's that areas the size of villages got utterly ruined and infrastructure and agricultural land got utterly ruined and all of that needed to be rebuilt extremely quickly. In Britain this was largely supplemented initially by Irish labour and then from the commonwealth and a similar situation in France led to the construction of the infamous Banlieues which they largely used labourers from Algeria. As well as other services being severely strained e.g. healthcare which then had to be supplemented somehow. Not that you could actually comprehend any of that (even with it being a highly condensed over-simplification) or would even acknowledge actual history when it's much easier for you to go with retarded one-line storybook narratives.
>>476716 >not just a few houses Was watching a video about postwar prefab houses this afternoon. Apparently it was somewhere in the ballpark of 200,000+ houses destroyed by bombing, to say nothing of the damage done to non-residential buildings on top of that.
>>476716 >all of that needed to be rebuilt extremely quickly >In Britain this was largely supplemented initially by Irish labour and then from the commonwealth it NEEDED to get rebuilt so extremely quickly that they NEEDED to redeem street shitters from the Raj and let them settle in old England and bring their families too? pure retardation. Britain was ruled by a (((democratic))) Jevv Rothschild government, they gave the Jevvs Palestine and started bringing in muds to genocide the Brits for being white. the Jevvs decided that they need to exterminate all whites to secure their dominance over the west, which they need to prop up Israel and conquer their 'promised land' from the Nile to the Euphrates. it's that simple like you seem to be implying that 'if not for the Blitz then they never would have brought non-whites to England' and that's not true. US soil was never attacked and they still brought in 100m+ muds, Australia/NZ/Canada were never attacked, Germany had plenty of labor since their territory was shrunk and many Germans fled from East Prussia/Silesia/Sudetenland but the US still insisted that they import Turks. every single European country is importing shitskins, it has nothing to do with the material consequences of a war 80 years ago, it's due to decisions made by those in power and the motive behind that is genocide. do you not understand that it's JEVVS that rule the west, and that their primary agendas are white genocide and Zionism?
Also want to revisit this one: >it should go without saying that no people would ever consider it in their best interests to ever import any foreigners Importing foreigners is literally the basis of the transatlantic slave-trade which your entire country was pretty much built upon as a world power and that you advocate for, and celebrate the confederates for fighting to maintain you utter mong
>>476645 horrific asiatic blood corruption
>>476720 literally 3 seconds in and this is already topkino. shall be opening this in a dedicated tab
>umm but things happened in the US for totally different reasons so those things must have happened in the UK for the same reasons because everywhere is the US such an utter mong
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>>476720 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek one of my favourite videos
>>476719 >Importing foreigners is literally the basis of the transatlantic slave-trade which your entire country was pretty much built upon as a world power it's disingenuous to equate "foreigners", implying immigrants that are given rights, with tarskinned meat bags used for cotton picking. and only the southern economy was based on cash crop agriculture, the north was industrial which is why they easily won the Civil War despite being a bunch of limpwristed pansies with a low K:D ratio >and that you advocate for, and celebrate the confederates for fighting to maintain you utter mong I celebrate the Confederates because they fought against the USA. they also upheld the retarded liberal ideals of the founding fathers, which I don't even agree with but at least they upheld something unlike the north that just became a dystopian mutt empire for no clear reason <ummm no you cannot exercise self-determination, we're gonna come and kill you and burn everything down and also unleash all the niggers to cause chaos t. Ape Linked-in(-ass) >>476723 it's a global/international system run by a global/international elite, so yes the objectives and motives are in fact exactly the same in different countries
The difference between spic and an anti white leftist is that he's even more retarded. Horrific nightmares, lads.
>>476724 >when that based middle aged toilman gets shoved i want to be like that lad in middle age (now)
tropical depression 10 has formed an might cross in to the gulf of mexico this week. will keep you all posted. not yet a named cyclone
>>476645 >>476721 Scoobs tbh. The name "Sharon" and it's derivatives are jewish and are a contraction of the classical hebrew word for a flat, fertile geographic feature mentioned somewhere in the bible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon_plain The name didn't exist in western europe at all prior to the start of 20th century, and it's entirely the work of zionists and pro-jewish identitarian movements gaining enough power that they could shed their medieval yiddish goy names and reach back for random archaic, powerful hebrew words to turn into names and shapeshift into. Always thought it was just an odd convergence that kikes would have a masculine family name that could be romanised the same as a european feminine given name, until I had the urge look it up and make sure the other day. Never a coincidence with these people smh. Scary how quickly it became ubquitous in the English speaking world tbh. Very stereotypical old woman sounding name, most people wouldn't even question it. Had a boom in the 60s here, got me wary of old lasses now smh, just another thing to set off the radar out in normgroidspace.
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They shall be my finest warriors, these geezers who give of themselves to me. Like mashed taters I shall mould them, and in the deep fat fryer of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely gut muscle. In footy shirt armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest pellet guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by fags or beer, no manflu will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and tranny vans so that no paki can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror (not racist, just don't like it tbh). They are the Defenders of ENGLAD. They are my Baz Marines and they shall know no fear.
>>476730 The Black Pudding Templars
toil soon smh
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pood shnight lads
>>476739 night lad, tomorrow's another day
>>476741 are you spic? i hope not because it would be grim if he's learned to bradleypost....
well?.. identify yourself, gratuitous use of the term "mong" leads me to believe you could be madlad, but i assume he's gone to bed to be well rested for toil as it would be stressful to have 5 pounds a month rent looming over you
listening to spider pig joke again
>das roach >turks run twitter account Europe Invasion to make money https://nitter.poast.org/its_linus/status/1837839273480900842
toil really on the way now
>>476744 you've done him
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Cenk Uyghur kicked off Piers Morgan Uncensored{sic} for talking about AIPAC paying politicians in both parties and US politics being corrupt they even used this old 'broken tv' special effect to maybe convince one retard that a technical difficulty was responsible
then they brought him back on a few minutes later. must have told him AIPAC discussion is forbidden
>>476750 Can imagine a greasy jew in the production room sweating and screaming >cut the fucking feed
smorn lads
>>476753 Ireland?
>>476747 Don't know who I trust between a leftist journalist and a slop ragebait account owner tbf >>476754 Apparently so yes
>>476756 Never a good thing when a politician talks about 'British Values' because it means the exact opposite of what you'd want it to mean.
savings... gone to..... council tax (lump sum) time to be a bennieshog again
>>476759 you still doing a bit of toil these days?
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>>476760 still technically employed just no hours smh
>>476763 worst of both worlds smdh
think I might sign on the dole.
>>476766 Maybe I'd be happier if I was partially lobotomized.
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https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/met-police-race-action-plan-rebuild-trust-black-community-stop-and-search-b1183445.html keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek here we go for the millionth time
>>476769 Rowley will be one of the first to hang in basedworld
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>>476768 based saar goon
>>476771 keeeeeeek
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Where are these memmies originally posted tbh? I tried tiktok but searches gave me nothing
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zyCbTHdHrtQ choon >>476774 would think it would have to be tiktok tbh unless there's some other short form video site that young lads are using
>>476775 Choon that. The Undertaker on bass and synth too.
>>476775 I can detect Italian synthpop stuff just from the sound thanks to extended exposure to imageboards.
>>476775 well multiple sites have videos like this now, instagram etc.
Drumpf copying the Nigger Elf by getting his own paki endorsement! From steinhogs state no less
>>476768 Sickening just how hard these people fight in the twitter streets just to make their own country brown
>>476763 still waiting on my post office part time, luckily my wine warehouse is giving me overtime
>>476782 wine warehouses are still a thing?
>>476783 yes expensive wine for restaurants and hotels
>>476784 Ah winos being left out in the cold again.
>>476781 >paki ‘security’ manlet struggling with lanky English lad Keeeeeeek
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shnaftershnoon lids
>>476781 Labour already losing young leftmongs. Based
>>476771 Hope somebody shoots frank hassle
We need to import the monkeys and unleash them
david davis has been heckled
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>>476792 total jeet death
>>476794 >>476795 >literally no posts about this politics altering event >get david davised anyway you're doing it wrong lad
>>476797 It was linked and replied to less an an hour ago lad. If you can't be arsed to read the the most recent bit of the thread why even newspoost? You just asking to be david davis'd.
>>476798 no it wasn't
WATCH: Shocking moment Gaza protester HECKLES Rachel Reeves before being DRAGGED away by security https://youtu.be/DuBY14SgeJU
>>476800 I'll spoonfeed you just this once lad. >>476781
>476802 >476781 no title or thumbnamil total low effort to the point of keeping people in the dark absolute shitepost
'STOP BOOING!' | Chaos erupts at Labour conference over winter fuel allowance https://youtu.be/9-_hzeWYwYU
Beginning Of The End For Starmer & His Gang https://youtu.be/xc409_f-nPI
>>476781 based any anti-zionism is good anti-semitism >>476787 schaftersnorp liddle
What is English Identity? Does England Exist? https://youtu.be/mY3Oj9ob7mg
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>gets rightfully david davis'd >THAT POST DOESN'T EXIST >Yes,it does >NO, IT NEVER EXISTED >Here's the link lad >ERRR, WELL IT WASN'T DONE TO MY STANDARDS NO (You)s REEE >*Spams links autistically*
>>476808 the only correct response to a David Davis is to make the post again I've always said that
there is no rule here that everything MUST only be posted once not eveyrone is a fatt useless sperg that reads every single post autistically
>>476810 tbh it's fun to point out when someone was late to the party but honestly reposts help more than they hurt t. fatt useless sperg that reads every single post autistically
>>476812 the first post about this important political matter was just a blind url WITH A TRACKER that didn't even say what it was nobody should be clicking links like that all links should say what they are linking to
>>476813 @this is the shitty post I was David Davis'd over >476781
I refuse to even (You) it
>>476816 don't know who these people are but i'm glad they're having fun
>>476816 those children have very dark eyes. Not White.
>>476817 tbh, just seems snobbish to poke fun at them probably a 77th Brigade poster
also upon closer inspection that photo seems edited tbh can tell from the pixels and also from having seen a fair few doctored photos in my time upon this earth
>>476818 tbh judging by the real red flag and faked flag symbol i'm assuming that they're albanian
>>476818 >>476821 Their Americans. I can tell at least one of the wombeem have some weird brown admixture
I just noticed what looks like a Hilary Clinton figurine too. keeeeeeeeeeeeek.
Anyway, they're White enough for Americans. I was just taking the piss a bit because they look the type that would be sperging out in an odysee chat on a purity spiralling rant.
"white enough" jesus
>for americans
too much autism on here. touch grass.
>>476828 tbh, bit of bad weather and all the wrong uns get trapped indoors with nothing to but spoil the comfy neetlads' dayshift smh.
not one drop anyway shneet lids
>>476830 shnila
>>476830 better ban steinzog from here then if you're going to be like that.
Ordered a pack of 10mm syringes from Heebbay. Thought it was just a spelling error and they only did packs of 10, since the suppoosed packs of 100 were the exact same price and used the same picture. Ended up getting a massive box of 100 10mm syringes for about 3 quid. Only sneeded a handful smh. Should I drop care packages of a dozen at a time on the local junkies junkies bastards or am I just set for life?
>>476833 you a smackhead, lad?
>>476834 Unfortunately not la, don't have any sneedles. They're meant for mixing paint.
>>476835 good lad, much more productive than being a smackhead.
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Could probably become the local smack champion with this many though
>>476769 We have to have nigcel bloodsports on London's streets, because *checks notes* black lives... what? That doesn't make any sense. *Sigh* black lives matter. Open the gates.
>>476839 keeek. This isn't the first time one of these dodgy turkish arse ops has exploded, is it? I seem to recall it happening once before a few years back.
>>476839 >>476840 Bumbumlifts kill more women than incels!
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>>476841 googling this was a mistake smh >Suicide bum-blast KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>476842 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >2009 Vintage bumbum bomb
speaking of bumbums where is tbbk?
>>476845 Dead hopefully.
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Oh, he says sieg heil. I thought he was doing the suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu pig call keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>476848 rare bloodypootribe post any updates on these lads?
quaint and comfy yankery >permanently running livestream of a lightbulb https://www.centennialbulb.org
>getting 22stonian clickbait recommended out of nowhere smh the jewgle gangster computer god is stereotyping autists
>>476853 keeeek
>>476853 >Ian Smith I bought a signed copy of his autobiography not too long ago, looking forward to reading it.
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>>476853 keeeek I already watched that
>>476855 verygoodlad remember to post some choice quotes and analysis >>476856 would you survive now if you went back in time on your kayak?
>>476857 >would you survive now if you went back in time on your kayak? No. Wouldn't matter anyway. Nothing around to breed
>>476858 just started reading a pulp by (((robert silverberg))) about men being sent back in time as a form of inscapable gulag and voring trilobites and such naturally they're all commie dissidents because le evil roight wang dictatorship dystopia (a functioning society) is the yultimate evil
>>476861 goodlad very culchured
>>476790 he's based you fag
kill them, Iran kill them all
>>476865 so they really are doing another yinon plan push smh thought zog fatigue was high enough nobody would bother
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women are such disgusting beasts. they deserve to be raped, and brutally. some guy at the gym tries to have some wholesome fun by making a silly face and going, "coochie-coo!" before fist-bumping and introducing himself to a woman that's new to the gym. of course, all of the comments are saying, "REPORT THE RAPIST! GET HIM CANCELLED, RUIN HIS LIFE, DESTROY HIM!" literally every post on this cunt forum is complaining about men and the comments are always cheering on the worst thing that can be done to him >my bf bought me a dress it doesn't fit I'm sad :( <DUMP HIS ASS GIRLIE! HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU >some guy said hi at work, I'm on my period and feel weird <REPORT HIM TO HUMAN RESOURCES! GET HIM FIRED that's the whole fucking thing, it's just a bunch of bitter old cunts lashing out at men because they didn't get picked
>voluntarily seeking out and consuming demoralisation propaganda
>>476868 it's me trying to understand what's going on in the heads of women. my conclusions so far: >nothing much >nothing good >nothing that makes sense and on the question of 'what do women want?' >nobody knows (especially women themselves) >it doesn't matter like basically we just need to intern women into breeding facilities and induce them into comas and use their bodies as incubators to produce as many Aryan infants as possible. there is no reason to consider the thing that lives inside the woman's body, ever, it is completely irrelevant. we need their eggs, we need their womb. the thing that inhabits the woman brain is not worthy of consideration
>one day toiling over, four to go
>>476871 >full time toil grim tbh lad you getting good tokens out of it at least?
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/meerut/monkey-attack-foils-mans-bid-to-rape-6yo-girl/articleshow/113575059.cms based >>476873 not bad for what it is tbh it's the easiest job going and I pretty much spend all day listening to choons or audiobooks whilst mindlessly doing badscreen
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my work here is done
>>476876 smh the other lad's meltdown over getting DD'd smothered the earlier post
>>476790 I'd totally give a fat Twitch dono to anyone who did.
>>476608 legend of turmoil, hokuriku proxy war and legend of ando family are my favs tbh
>>476766 Fucking amateurs. I had a subarachnoid haemorrhage and never lost any of my brain.
not yakuza but, watched black angel the other day that was good
>>476882 >arachnid haemorrhoid Sounds hellish
>>476887 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek but smh really does look a bit like like poombs
shnig ligs
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literally no point in toil anymore
>>476891 tbh i've lost the motivation
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Oh I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna keeeeeek
>exploring jewgle maps >go to random russian seaside town >visibly far higher standard of living than anywhere in the UK KEEEEEACK travelad should go on holiday to Gelendzhik tbh >>476881 verygoodlad always enjoy your reccs not that I've been able to watch any smh >>476890 muuaaghhh the ethnostate >>476891 >>476892 iktf >>476893 Is that.... FRUTIGER AERO!?!? *cums* >>476894 maybe the retarded bitches should lower their standards and accept that a single income family in current year is not compatible with their decadent hedonistic lifestyles
>>476860 >sending your ideological enemies back in time Cyberpunk Pinochet wouldn't be so retarded. Hovercraft rides for 2077 gommies. The end.
>spic with his consistently terrible takes on everything
>>476896 tbh tbh very shit book so far mostly just an excuse for the standard jewish perversions a dozen pages in and he's just going on about homosex and other mental illness poo
>>476899 based hitler making sure his warriors of the white race are well rested
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>>476792 >>476874 >literal Guardian Ape
>>476895 >>exploring jewgle maps >>go to random russian seaside town >visibly far higher standard of living than anywhere in the UK even my nearest seaside town now has niggers taking a train down from London and having machete wars. shithole.
>sneaky, greedy with that nose, colour me surprised.
another beeb classic
Does anyone have the webm of the nip gameshow where this lad opens his mouth and "IS THAT THE BBC" soundbite plays
>>476905 00:20 If Warwick Davis was nearby I'd have to do this tbh.
Wonder how that multiverse is doing these days.
>>476909 "Oh no why did it have to be brown people."
Lads I think he was addressing women
shnaftershoon lids >>476906 I had the richard stallman one where it becomes a beachmaster earrape at the end. Probably dropped it in bongo years ago and never actually save it though smdh
so many museums in china, smh now i know why i considered them intellectual breedees
>2:47:08 The spic makes a fucking great point/argument here tbh. Joel David and Steve Laws types need to understand this. Just trying to stand up a citizen’s army etc is bound to fail without the intellectual base, influence operations, organisation and infrastructure in place https://rumble.com/v5g3og1-america-first-ep.-1394.html
>>476914 >so many museums in china full of genuine concrete historical artefacts from the early 70s
>>476912 they couldn't have picked another picture of them, he looks like he's just been bawling his eyes out keek
better picture of him smdh
>>476912 >>476917 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's so ogre
>>476921 keeeek, nob nibblers smh
>>476925 many such cases
>>476912 has he started talking about the wall again then? spends most of the time fanning his own balls more than anything else.
Edited last time by auslad on 09/24/2024 (Tue) 14:07:12.
hey auslad, edit my post so I don't look like a retard. okay, thank you.
>>476925 ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ชี้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่่่่่่่่่่่่่่่่่ัััััั่่่ััััั่ั่ั่่่่ัััััััั่่่่่่่่่ัััััััั่่่่่่่่่่่
sneet lods >>476931 okay lad
>>476928 he's running on mass deportations
>>476938 more like detoilet
>>476938 The venice of the northeast
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUB__7ciPHY please dont talk about prolapses and poo covered penises in the joomer's comments ok thank you
>>476940 it's full of ungrateful wops who built an economy around tourism and then complain about tourists?
>>476938 >the bit at the end where they sneak the boat under the low bridge keeek the h'wite man's adventurous spirit on display
>>476945 Would like to see him turned into sausages in gaza tbh
>Le solemn negro face das rite
>>476948 We PatriQts demand his cock pics!!!
>>476938 can't imagine many niggers live on the canals of detroit, it would be rockfish season in record numbers.
>>476945 bean keeeking hard at this for ages
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h5o0rjXyWo Are Will using bamboo for traps and bows
>>476951 racists are still le bad and indigenous britons don't exist THOUGH t. jewey thepoox https://nitter.poast.org/Muhsoci0factors/status/1837283381991604285#m
>>476938 mummy's latest cope for being too lazy to have put in the work to be a frog citizen is that she's going to come back the UK and live in a canal boat which will somehow be more realistic and cheaper than finding a shitbox to private rent
>she'll be neighbours with dorset's 3ft punt
>>476955 depending on where you live boats aren't even cheap anymore smdh Islington hipsters on Regent's Canal have utterly fucked it for everyone speaking of bargees been looking into learning how to paint roses and castles style to decorate muh rusty old bike, pretty comfy YouTube rabbit hole to delve into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sm6RZW3Z5A
>>476957 yeah that's what I said to her, the licenses and dock fees etc will end up being more expensive than renting a flat, to say nothing of purchase and maintenance costs and lack of amenities based DIY lad make your bicycle nice and gay (not homosexual)
smh unwholesome internet brainrot made me think of the green and brown petals as missing a little 'cado at the top
at least 6 boats have sunk over the past 9 months along my river smh genuinely a bit frightening to think that your entire home could be gone just like that
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRGetdqTAvE genuinely excited for the Uzumaki adaptation tbh looks class
Tommeh bashing keeeeeeeeeeeeek Based https://nitter.poast.org/Steve_Laws_
>>476963 seems to be very faithful, everything I've read since it was announced suggests so
https://youtu.be/7UOPqNOExsA WELL DONE SHERLOCK
>>476965 >oldest president of an erotic game company they could have at least said what company
nice memis wessie steiner will probably like the one with the skyrim tradie
>>476969 yeah its kino makitachads are helping to cleanse skyrim of those filthy imperials
>>476963 >>476965 >>476967 Excellent harvest, lad.
>>476947 The most impassioned speech she's ever given.
>>476968 The one that produces rance quest presumably.
dog shit masques
another steinerian one, maybe don't know about yank clothes tbh or clothes in general due to autcelism
>>476977 >first ACK. >4th JEEJ.
>>476979 Should have been "Cast it into the fryer. Do it!" tbh, closer to the original line.
>>476978 Back when I was doing the fire protection on the student slums for [redacted] Uni, I got saddled with this goofy late 30s mosher labourer with a man bun and tattoos all over his face, who turned up in a wooly flannel jacket and carhartt trousers and would not shut the fuck up about how great they were. We were cutting up packs of 3 dozen 6 foot fibreglass fire batts at a time and ramming them by hand into site fabricated (read as: shit/sharp) I-channel rails around windows and doorframes 3 storeys at a time. After the first week, the mong had snagged and shredded the sleeves of his jacket to ribbons and filled it with so many huge, loose glass fibres that he had to bin it keeeek.
westabookino https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13068309 >>476981 zoggies trying to warm over the deanos again smh apparently the radio stations have been advertising positions for "coders and gamers" here >>476982 should've been smart like smee and worn all heavy corduroy during the hottest part of summer on the south coast >>476983 lots of white traitors standing on equal footing with le international jews too tbh
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fucking stupid global warming bullshit mechanic ruined everything. sea level rise is not even real ffs had these nice cities with ridiculous yields and then randomly "the sea level rises" and they destroy my stuff. it's not even a real thing! and you can't turn it off without disabling the entire dlc that has lots of other features and balance changes. dumb dumb dumb
>>476986 I could just win by buying a ton of ships with that mountain of faith and take all the capital cities but I'm too lazy to do it
>>476985 >3rd one Ohhhhh tranny boy tranny boy tranny boyyy . . .
>>476936 thanks, lid
>>476986 yeah fucked me up too tbh
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>>476981 le dreamworks face
>playing civ 6 even 5 is pushing it tbh
civ 6 was great, so was 5. 7 will be real shit.
for me it's Civ beta.
my first was civ 3. miss building me palace tbh
it's not quite the same but I've been meaning to put more autism into Deity Empires also some more Oriental Empires been forcing myself to play a bit of Age of Wonders Planetfall slop inbetween sessions of Vintage Story recently though
*remembers the early 2010s where everyone was supporting atomised separatist movements to own the niggers*
mutted lad getting an early start on being a citysoy afraid of nature keek he's screeching in the webbum >>476997 for me it's cascadia think harold covington died of obesity or something after writing his kinos The Brigade etc which you can get for free on the northwest movement site or whatever it was called
>>476998 Harold died about 6 years ago I think, probably overdosed on sweet anthro pussy
>>476992 5 with all of the dlc was pretty great. 6 was ok.
retarded things about civ 6: >can't swap tiles that are over 3 tiles away (ruins national parks mechanic, stupid, annoying)* >global warming sea level co2 bullshit* >cartoon artstyle >kangz, kweenz, empowered wamen >world congress mechanic is retarded (but easy to game) >spy mechanic is retarded >discovering strategic resources prevents you from building on tiles, can't harvest them** *there should be mods to fix these, but I don't think there are...? **I think there is a mod 'Resource Remover' that addresses this but idk if it lets you harvest which would be balanced or if it just edits the map tile
>rotating and cracking my wrists like normal >one of them suddenly sounds duller, wrong and gravelly should have fishoilmaxxed smh
>>477003 been taking fish oil daily for 10+ years
>>477004 good lad smh all the excitement from doing esoteric olive oil earhole flooding made me forget the basics of oil magicks
multivitamin, fish oil, MSM/Glucosamine (good for joints/skin, I take for knees mainly), finasteride, minoxidil
oh it's spic
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>>477007 phew, filtered him early me
>>477009 >he's using lighting tricks to try and make himself look whiter KEEEEEK it's getting to him the dirty niggers knows he's not a trve scotsman
>>477010 smh lad a true scotsman only puts hot sauce on his porridge everyone knows that
>>477007 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>477007 you've been (you)'ing me a lot lately, thought you warmed up a bit smh
probably demoralisation propaganda but wewsmh tbh >>477013 I just wasn't paying attention until the looksautism came out
>>477015 >Height 4'0" - 8'0"
>>477017 *saves in documentaries folder*
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>>477019 good lad
not going to make the seacow.... go on... without me.... *sharts the bed*
>>477021 shnila
>>477006 >the worst stack possible >spic
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>>477015 >exclude obese=No
>>477023 how is that "the worst stack possible"? there's nothing wrong with it, other than that I should add more to it. I also take extra Vitamin D3 and Zinc later in the day, forgot to mention. also typically take Tadalafil to support clamping sessions I should take creatine too, get back into working out, and also get into nootropics. supposedly creatine+caffeine increases your functional IQ by a lot. but I can't stand the taste of creatine
so morning: >multivitamin >fish oil >MSM/Glucosamine >fin >min >caffeine (from coffee) >creatine afternoon: >vitamin D (exclude if exposed to sunlight for 15m) >zinc on clamping days (4h before) >tadalafil on clamping days (1-2h before) >L-citrulline >Horse Chestnut extract >Cistanche >Tongkat ali that's pretty good I think. just need to add a nootropic stack as well, the racetam and the choline or whatever
>spic All opinions and advice discarded.
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>>477027 then you'll be wrong and ill-advised. suit yourself
legitimately don't understand what he meant by "worst stack" though. is he suggesting that fin is bad? if you don't take fin, you will suffer hair loss which is absolute pussy repellant. all men over 25 NEED to take Finasteride, it's mandatory, you're fucked without it
had cheeseburgers with vidalia onions for dindins. have britishers never tasted a vidalia onion? you need to obtain vidalia onions and consume them by any means necessary, they are totally different from regular white onions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vidalia_onion
>>477029 Delusional. Especially since all the men in my family have had a full head of hair into their 80s. Keeeek. Even going bald isn't in itself going to make someone undateable. That's your subhuman genetics, autism and porn addiction.
>>477031 is their hairline in exactly the same place? is the density exactly the same literally everywhere including the vulnerable crown areas? I find that unlikely. when I go outside I see dudes with terrible hair loss all the time and think, 'why didn't this retard take fin?' Finasteride prevents hair loss. it's cheap, and side effects are rare. there's no reason not to take it, and most men realistically need to to prevent hair loss. I don't understand the argument against it, I think you are just making pessimistic assumptions about the side effect profile which would be disproved if you actually took it and realized that there are no perceptible effects other than hair loss mitigation/prevention/reversal
I'll remind you that Finasteride INCREASES Testosterone levels by about 10%. it prevents precious Testosterone, which has all of the androgenic benefits you want, from getting converted into DHT, which is useless in adults and makes you go bald
There's no cure for you, spic. I'm sorry. You belong in the non white cringecel salt mines. Maybe there you'll get a goblina who'll let you lick her manky feet. Vomit.
But-but what about Speegol's preciouses? The finasterideses. Give it. We wants it now. Nooo! Don't hurt us white man! Speegol just offering advice. Hates them. Fucking Anglos. Uurrrgghhhh!
>>477035 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I got blood tests before and after taking Fin for 4 months (one year apart for the tests) and my total testosterone went up (from ~840ng/dL to ~925ng/dL). very high for my age and I strongly suspect red light therapy to be a major reason for that
>>477037 and mind you, I'm not even in good shape. if I had my diet and workout routine dialed-in for years and were lean muscular, it would be even higher
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ywn be an autistic chudlet again eating nothing but potato swazzies and turkey dinosaurs every meal
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idk if these are bots or actual vaginoids but gee whiz Total Female Lobotomy
>>476945 >The return of the sausages <sausages were kidnapped Some people do anything for a full English.
>>477029 you are an insect...crushed beneath the march of the mannarino lions
>spic >>477042 tbf it reads off the teleprompters like such a robot, that might have been an anchorman moment intended as humour by one of its kike handlers
>stingposter its ITT
>>477044 >spic u wot?
>STOP STOP STOP! *hysterical foid noises* keeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/MrNChance/status/1838206295209292163
>>477039 Imagine eating this good
Good morning, lads.
taig supremacy podcast Who Are The Irish? - Interview with Survive the Jive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLd-PL_msCo >>477051 is that alexzoomer the griddy?
>>477052 >s that alexzoomer the griddy?
More uniparty lies and mongery No voting your way out of this. This is the two steps forward method for anyone who knows about sales. They overwhelm you with what you obviously will resist and in doing so get you to accept what they actually want you to accept. In this case ‘legal’ migrants https://nitter.poast.org/RupertLowe10/status/1838285503915003961
toil gloves developing that old socks smell smdh need a new pair >>477051 good morbing (morbius morning) lad >>477054 it's all so tiresome
>>477054 smh thought possibly Rupert was the only one who wasn't a total cuck
>>477054 kek. already long past the stage of have been replaced in certain cities, yet more talk of immigration being the solution to anything.
>Job offer in NI >Move there >They don't have any work for me >I cripple myself in the gym >when not working im too crippled to join a sports club >I'm now stuck in the office on my personal latop browsing /brit/ with fuck all to do Worst decision of my life was to move to Belfast, im going insane.
>>477058 manx?
>>477058 Join the UVF
>>477058 >do something >punished for it cupcakechads win again smh iktf still no sign of a hernia op for me
>>477060 Well hope things turn around for you de lad
>>477062 Just another bodily dysfunction you can detonate in parliament.
>>477061 Considered it during the riots but I'm English and not one of them, it'd be fraudulent and I don't think they'd even want me. But if I did, I wouldn't know how to join them.
>>477062 Maybe if you ask them to lop your cock off too you can get it done quicker. a 2 for 1.
>>477066 there's a very small chance I might get to use it one day though lad
>>477062 The waiting times in NI for a noncritical surgery like a hernia is over a year. There's a good chance that by the time they want to operate on me I'm back in England.
>>477067 the chance is the size of a 22s micropenis.
>>477063 ty, its not awful, just boring but boredom makes me do really stupid things.
>>477054 That shit comes from the twisted scheme that the GDP must keep growing at all cost. Tell them we'd rather be poorer and have a more sane society with (some of) the people who are already here. See if they don't immediately start shouting you down because you have the truth. And anyways the wogs on average and generationally are always net takers not net givers, so no immigration really means less poor and less ridiculous cowtowing to the corporations who claim to still be of overall benefit to society.
>>477054 Reform has been so fucking shit, do they not realise who their base is? They can't count on their base always voting on them, see the conservatives.
jfc the spic filter had its work cut out for it last night
>>477074 explains why they're all squinting all the time
>>477074 This is good news for 22
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>>476956 I know it was me who killed Dorset but I kind of miss him a lot now
>>477079 what happened to Dorse? Did he leave Discord too?
>>477078 wew fucking grim They've finally taken down the Israel flag in front of my local migrant hotel kek. Always make sure to gob a phlegmy one on one of the cars parked outside when i walk past
>>477074 definitely because of the coof and those darned kids with their mobile telephones tbh couldn't possibly be because their societies demand that every child spend fourteen hours a day everyday with his nose in a book until adulthood not like the stereotype of the jap with big round glasses predates goodscreen altogether >>477076 keeeeeeeeeek
>>477080 He doesn't chat to non.troons now
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>>477080 Dorset started "dating" Jocko, a severely mentally ill man who believes he's a woman. Dorset proudly bragged about the fantasitc sex life he was now having, regularly posting pictures of the two of them in various states of undress on discord, as well as pictures of his penis. The last I heard they have moved in together He has broken off all contact with any based lads and only talks to troons and their enablers. His pretences of being christian have now been entirely dropped too He's living his best life
>>477084 I remember Jocko but holy wew how did that come about? What happened to Sperg?
>>477085 >What happened to Sperg? Sperg had some sort of mental breakdown after drunkenly hooking up with Dorset once. She called it an "ego death". She left bongo, and doesn't talk to any of us based lads anymore, but she is still posting on instagram
>>477086 she is a troon creator
>>477087 she told us her best friend trooned out I partly wonder if he fancied her, but knew he could never have her, so tried to become her... sad
It's really sad, a lad practically trooned and abandoned his friends and faith
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>>477089 a sad warning to us all
Beijing has a museum of Tibetan culture, i want to go tbqh
>>477091 >Beijing has a museum of Tibetan culture, i want to go tbqh ironic since they destroyed the actual country
>>477092 t. sassanach
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Brokenomics | The Witan >Dan & Carl attended the annual council of wise men. Dan spoke to several interesting characters whilst on location. https://youtu.be/pMK2p3Fm1j0
>>477095 Ive seen some of their stuff about five years back, are they cuckservatives
when I was a zoomer I really liked 40k shite now I am starting to view it as extremely autistic
>>477096 >are they cuckservatives Morgoth is there so no
I sort of dislike how they made like femoid version of space marines ngl. it ruined the whole grim dark aesthetic for smee
>>477098 Did they agree with him at all or is it the case of "Oh, that's interesting, please tell me more what you think."
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Say his name; Thomas Roberts. Murdered by an illegal immigrant who got into the country pretending to be a child. Placed in a school at 19, talking sexually to children in class. He'd already murdered two people in Serbia, and the terror squad say they were "watching him"
>>477101 look at woes go.
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shnaftershnoon lids, no chance of getting out of bed early anymore it's over
>>477105 just embrace the night and become dracula, lad.
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>>477106 No other way it seems smh
>>477103 Matt Goodwin is a spy
snorebius lads >>477100 smh many such cases >>477101 impressive tbh
>>477111 shmortism la
>>477111 good shite
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ZAMN those braps are lookin THICC >sam is stuck in prison with nothing to do but get swole >the whole time his wife is hogging out since he's not around to stop her smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1qqBbg0Acc
>mark physically can't raise his head higher >he is ensnared by the milkers
>>477118 She's pure architect material.
>>477084 He was always a self-indulgent faggot. Reminded me of that cunt waifu posters. >>477086 >she
>laura's audio is really shit because of how far away the mic is from her mouth on her milkers >she prioritised the cleavage over the message women in politics smh
didn't sid the sloth fuck over her viewerbase and become a retarded feminist type who seethed about gookime and polcels years ago already tbh
>>477124 Dunno, she's a nigster who should be battered by my massive English COCK! (not bred thougherino)
>>477125 think it is so, her kiwishart thread is still going strong https://kiwifarms.st/threads/brittany-venti-brittany-dier.9831/page-262
keeeeek they're architectposting
. . . yikes . . .
You just know her tits be saggy and she has huge areolas.
Just had one of those farts you think is going to be a whisper but it turns out to be a VERY loud shout! I'm at a funeral!
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>>477130 keeeeek good lad
>>477119 haven't been on odysee in a while but i assume mark is still wasting time by streaming PUBG weekly
>>477132 They're putting electoral politics on the backburner apparently. Focusing on "community building". He's a retard and PA will acomplish nothing.
>>477132 I think once a week is fine tbf more egregious is his constant blackpill content better to focus on positives if you really want to community build but the lure of the doomer clicks is too strong for most ecelebs
warren balough on at 7 forgot anything about this guy tbh no idea what his lore is https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR281:0
>the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) have recently tried to rebrand their shitty spy O9A poo so this is why that atomwaffentard has posted here https://kiwifarms.st/threads/john-cameron-denton-atomwaffen-division-siegeculture.38120/page-114
Are there any labour MPs not indebted to this gay muzzie goblin?
>>477128 Hammerhead has some nice chebs >>477129 cor
LIVE EL MARKO and BRAPHOG it seems that he has permanently disabled dislikes on his channel keeeeeeeek must have been getting a lot of flack https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR281:0
Are they doing it on purpose? Being so shite that the Tories can worm themselves back in as a two party system, with Nigger Elf doing his part to tank Reform.
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>cripplekike got cobbed
>>477140 We need to reward all those that rape this country with capital punishment. There's is so much incompetence and malice.
>>477147 tbh imagine being in a position of power and thinking you can just say "oops" to something like that
>moly linked up with pozhyp to try and slapfight with JF sneed it or feed it? disappointing tbh had hoped althyp had fucked off and moly was content with his philosogrift
Can't get over Robert F Kennedy's voice every time I hear him speak, feels like I'm watching a skit. Cool to see he is taking on Big Slop though tbf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_OjKe4BuDE
>>477091 >>477092 Tibet was nonce lamas having 99% of the population as chattel slaves that were treated super brutally. when the PRC went in they were welcomed as liberators
22 lad do you talk like this with your breedee(s)?
>>477151 Fuck off Chairman Chink.
lovely bit of Stratford Blue added to tonights selection of cheeses
>>477154 good lad
>>477136 based but i don't think it has anything to do with the other post
>>477152 >my ovaries are fuzzy Keek are these two virgin lads talking?
shneet leeds
>>477159 night
>>477158 probably true tbh
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>>477162 I had no idea that cormorants had acidic liquid shits that can corrode bridges. Sounds like an exaggeration, but it isn't.
>adult spot the difference "games" have become popular >this one is set in 19th century england >AI generated nigger stealing valour makes it impossible to progress since it is clearly an anomaly but the makers of the game don't consider it so >>477162 >>477164 impressive tbh >>477163 the last thing a palestinian child sees
Good morning, lids.
>>477166 Splendid sunrise, scally
>>477167 keeek
> "I stand here also as a black man... whose ancestors rose up and fought in a great rebellion of the enslaved. Imperialism. I know it when I see it." >DavidLammy accuses Isreal of being a mafia state in unbelievable speech at the UN. https://nitter.poast.org/PoliticsJOE_UK/status/1838890883221000508
>>477170 He has Hiatian ancestors?
>>477170 His ancestors did what? What the fuck is he talking about? >>477169 Kek
>>477171 >>477172 They’re all insane tbh
>>477173 This really does engender a sence of compitance.
>>477174 Getting ‘down with the kids’ has always been a retarded strategy
>British Defence League >English blood Oy!
>>477177 sick and tired of jews tbqh
>>477158 Some famous twitch streamer and a harlot who cheated on her husband jej
good shmorn all I hate bossman
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>>477181 >almost time for toil
>>477149 moly didn't even appear.
>>477183 >he actually watched it instead of just assooming
>>477180 keeeeeeeeek
The bumbum blasts are ramping up
>>477186 keeeeeek
>>477186 whole new meaning for bootyblasted
>>477186 BUMBUM WENT BOOMBOOM many such cases.
>>477184 akshually saw it the other day.
Women risking death to look like Hottentot Venus. Negrification complete.
>Mossad is planting IEDs in slags' arse implants to take out based Deanos
>>477191 they'd rather risk their life for ridiculous coomer "beauty" standards than develop a personality or some practical quality that would attract decent lads smh
>>477193 >attract decent lads they worry about that post wall.
>>477191 Most of these women have children too. Total vanity, not even about looksmaxxing to secure a mate like the humble incel.
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reminds me there's a lad in JF's shitcord who has dedicated his time to posting cherrypicked asian photographs in an attempt to get people to take the muttpill smh
Based chud hacktivism
>>477201 Inb4 Queer has them hunted down for VILE hatefacts and they get thrown in pen.
>>477200 >me on my first night in japan
>>477203 is that Eddie Gizzard?
>>477206 he's identifying as a tranny sonic now. let's fucking goooooooooo
I picked up another 4-pack of Monster Ultra Energy Zero Lewis Hamilton flavour at tesco just there. down to £4.75 with the clubcard which is pretty good. It tastes nice but the cans aren't textured like normal Ultra Energy Zero cans so it doesn't quite feel like a premium product but still, it is nice to drink.
driving after 4 in this country is like surviving Mogadishu.
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/30657247/madeleine-mccann-brueckner-admitted-snatched-girl/ >Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘confessed to taking a child in Portugal’ as cellmate drops court bombshell
>>477210 >a criminal says When they never find her body let us know.
>few things on sale at boomer hobby for cheap >didn't have any money >get given some joinery and carving books and a few scraps of mystery hardwood because the seller "didn't want to take them home"
>>477213 based
fresh moggers and clownworld NIGGER goes to the UN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCnkZLxYQ_Y
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >when diversity porn goes too far Keep seeing this dating for single parents spammed on the telly lately. Every single ‘actor’ in it the ad is black. Can’t stop laughing tbh but Wdhmbt?
why are hezbollah cupcakes still asleep lads..the jews are bullyciding them
the diversity awards are being held in Liverpool again this year next friday.
>>477219 I will be there. But not before taking the missus to Turkey for a bumbum bomb install.
>>477218 they'd better GO OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING before the zogbot legions descend upon them
joker 2 out in eight days
>>477222 checked
Game of Thrones is shit. Couldn't get passed the first episode. It's a cringe imitation of European dynastic history by some brain dead American. Utter shit. Degenerate shit too.
>>477225 tbh felt the same way when it came out though I stuck with it until the second season. didn't seem much different from the other shartican fantasy works I was exposed to
>>477225 It starts getting good in season 3
yellow frens being frenly again
>>477228 I bet Kim enjoys being able to condemn a state so overtly despicable as Israel. Relative moral high ground for a pariah state. Very funny.
Redownloaded the classic Touhou games. Realised I'm still incredibly bad at them but still like the music.
>>477225 tbh, I stopped watching shortly into the first episode. It was clear enough that it was going to be a shitty Rome knock-off. <muh gritty violence and secks Nothing but pollution for the soul. It has no doubt degraded the morality of our nation even further, and was intended as such.
>>477229 the Kims read Mein Kampf and North Korea consistently supports anti-Zionist rogue states like the Houthis. they are genuinely based
Keir Starmer has already been PM longer than Liz Truss. No great feat, but still somewhat surprising to me.
>>477225 GRRM is an unabashed scat fetishist and a narcisistic piece of shit who thinks he's the equal of Tolkien, no media he's ever touched is worth entertaining. >>477230 Very good lad, Touhou games are extremely based, each one a labour love from one man who just wants to share his talent for cinematic music, pattern recognition and cute/funny lasses in traditional clothes.
>>477232 If by based you mean good, no. Literal commie, murdering dictator is projecting, while also telling the truth tbf.
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snite lads
>>477236 shnila
>>477236 Horrific nightmares, lad.
>>477239 He is, like almost all world leaders. Mong.
>>477240 the leaders in the west aren't dictators, they are heads in suits performing an acting role as a cog in the democracy machine. they don't have any power as an individual because if they tried to do anything at odds with the state agenda, they would be unable to affect any change because of the overwhelming resistance from every other cog in the machine, and could also be removed from power as punishment if the (((elite))) so desire
words have meaning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTWDzMjgsEY >Britain's support for Ukraine broke its economy >Sanctions caused the energy crisis >The central banks hiked up interest rates >Highest debt interest bill in the developed world >First country to deindustrialise back into third world Smh
>>477232 tbh east asians are the future of high civilization, they are all aware of jewry and they have all the manufacturing.
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>>477247 jeeeeek
shnight lids
>>477247 >educated >dedicated >vaccinated
toil week over >>477249 shnight lad
>>477251 hello saar
>Haiti's Transitional Presidential Council Chief was straight-up thirsty during his UN General Assembly speech – now just imagine what the Haiti President would do if he’s hungry! unsatisfied with lacking the ability to swim, niggers are now forgetting how to drink
>>477253 the concept of pouring it into a cup is completely alien.
>A Paki I work with told me he dreamt of me >He dreamt I was surrounded by 6 women who were all over me I think thats the strangest thing someone has said to me
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£7 for that tiny whippy tray
>>477258 they're just being tsundere, if an Aryan Chad hit on them they would melt
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>>477257 Still remember Graham Phillips visiting then mogging him when he was held captive. keeeeeeeek.
>>477252 good morning sir >>477256 keeeeeeeeeek very odd tbh
>>477258 >>477261 both would spread 'em for the nerdiest White bro about as fast as you can say kimchee.
>>477254 Horrible people. See plenty here they are here to make money just take it off you and don’t even interact with you if possible smell a bit nicer than jeets probably that is all
shmernobyl lods
>>477266 smorbius lad
>impending toil
Mayor of New York strayed off the plantation giving this anti migrants speech. They’ve done him https://nitter.poast.org/TomiLahren/status/1839142440743109108
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A BASED NIGGER in JEW YORK USA said something negative about MIGRANTS? Can God Emperor Drumpf get him over here, make him an honourary member of Reform, let us take turns suckling on his BASED BBC perhaps?
>>477268 Dangerously based
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I tell you what, any day I'm not in a trench worrying about drones is a good fucking day.
thinking about what film i'll nudge bins into watching tonight
>>477274 >zelensky poosting
>>477275 Bindependents Day
>>477274 tbh toil's not so bad when you frame it like that
>anti Islam message days before amping up trouble in Lebanon ? Yes. I think I can guess who was behind that Will be proven when again they catch no one
Paki Zia Yusuf dodges the questions people want answered how surprising https://nitter.poast.org/implausibleblog/status/1839429552977625294
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OxpaFXxhysI?feature=share Life's not so bad when u realise luke littler exists and he's buying his pals £7 ice creams
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>>477203 Has Izzard had the lop yet?
Is Reform Abandoning its Base? Is it U-Turning on Deportations? https://youtu.be/GfRafSKYP1Q
That annoying beady eyed toff bint got locked up. If only i was a prison officer
>>477287 look like men
maybe it's just the photo
Tell me that is not Adam Wallace and Gary Numan
>>477290 First time seeing the one of the right before but keeeeek
>>477293 >even retards breed There is hope for us all
UK’s youngest murderers since Bulger killers, 12, locked up for stabbing https://youtu.be/FPXxCpB6rrM
>>477241 The west =/= most world leaders, but you're right. We live under gay anarcho tyranny with no singular strongman. Queer certainly wishes he could be one.
@wesskeek if you're reading @THIS drop in to bongo to discuss this weekends fims
>>477296 > gay anarcho tyranny read this as "gay anarcho tranny"
>>477299 Marginal difference tbph.
>>477274 Britain hasn't been invaded by military force since 1066, fat chance of us fighting in trenches. Russia has no designs on western Europe, so no need for us to defend France either.
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>>477254 this is how they will sell pod living to foids
>>477301 tbh, no brit will ever get sent to fight in a trench somewhere ever again
tell me where is wessex for I've much desire to speak with him.
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>>477304 I also seek his counsel
Labour’s Plot to Ban Fun https://youtu.be/vw3HURPOL_w
https://youtu.be/YR_ShEfqYOQ Kier Starmer livestream!
>>477294 Keeeeeeeek
>>477308 B A S E D B A S E D B A S E D
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Here is the video for lads that don't click blind nitter links
nige will deal with those obvious BNP infiltrators
>>477312 Nige will probably quietly sideline these people or remove them from the party altogether
>>477313 he's been behind the curve for about 10 years now
>>477314 >Nige will probably quietly sideline these people or remove them from the party altogether yeah, if he can, but he's democratised the party now, so it won't be as easy also conner arguably has a bigger reach than Nige at this point, and the idea is clearly popular judging by the applause
is the 2019 hellboy movie any good?
>>477317 It's ok, but mostly spectacle. It doesn't have the emotional weight or practical effects that the Del Toro ones do.
hezbollah bros...the jews have killed nasrallah

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