To be blunt it is a stupid ideology for people who are too delusional or lazy to put in the rigorous thinking to understand reality, or who want to justify their selfishness to themselves.
It is a transitory state which always yields to another ideology.For the only formal example of an anarchist state in the modern era one only has to look at the Spanish Civil War. Between the Communists, Monarchists, Fascists and Anarchists, the anarchists were the least successful, ultimately destroyed, and only managed to survive as long as they did by immediately abandoning anarchist "practices" in order to get any output at all from the industries under their control. One might also consider the Russian Revolution which had some anarchist involvement, also quickly stamped out in favour of communism.
Today, anarchists might be considered as a parasite group which has completely abandoned whatever vestiges of true community responsibility remain- placing themselves and their fellow cultists first above all others, hyper-individualism and selfishness where the community spirit ends outside of the immediate group. Despite that the de facto beliefs of modern anarchists (progressive liberal) are intensely pro-state, contributing to the continued collapse through rot of a (formerly) cohesive, homogenous organised society- which in real terms makes life worse for everyone including the anarchists, with the only benefit being temporary through their already having formed in-groups... But because of the de facto demographics and beliefs of the group this is no defence against the collapse brought on by that selfish behaviour and will result in the destruction of the community by outsiders through violence. Even in the best of circumstances "anarchy", whether practiced by individual groups within a wider context or within a totally anarchic environment (both essentially already yielding to a tribal hierarchical society), is only a weakness. See the British tribes and the Roman invasion, or Africa. "true anarchism", like communism, cannot exist.