/christmas/ - christmas/navidad

Inter-board christmas event / evento de navidad entre-ablones

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8chan Karaoke Night!

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Santa's Thunderdome Anonymous Board owner 11/13/2021 (Sat) 20:37:35 No. 2
This is a dedicated thread for drunkards and troublemakers who need to cool their head, discussion of meta drama, and other ills that come along with the holiday season. The board owner recommends hiding this thread for the duration of /christmas/. Should you wish to ignore the above warning, then please do not complain if things you do not want to see appear here. Rules 1, 4, and 5 still apply here. Remember that it's the holiday season so don't have an aneurism.
Fight me pussies. Your boards are shit and so are you.
>>5 >Digit matches IQ I'm 20% superior.
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Good morning, faggots. Ever seen an umbrella before?
/tg/ here. We're dead as fuck and still the best goddamn board on the webring.
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>>1 >rule 2 fucking gay, how else i'm supposed to have fun then?
>>15 give me the bird its free im poor
Get this hothead outta here
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Wow, OP using warrant canaries. You smart and care. I like you.
Where should OC like art and webms be posted?
>>78 no bird is mine shes cute
>>83 Feel free to make a thread or use the Decorations thread.
>>28 By being drunk without being obnoxious? Or maybe being obnoxious without being drunk? >>15 I'm not poor but I'll take the reindeer over santa. >>18 Hell yeah. >>82 Now he just needs to figure out how to do signed encryption instead of just posting it.
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>>121 good taste
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Well, apparently I am either too stupid or too autistic to post a Christmas invitation to fatchan. All failed attempts (I started screencapping after the 8th failed attempt).
>>139 Several of those look correct not telling which ones :^) so you might just be getting cucked by a jschan bug. I'll try posting I guess.
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>>78 >>84 >>121 >>129 You sure you want her? She's pretty filthy too, even though she's not the one selling kisses. I recommend the superior Christmas bitches instead. Wait, no, I don't recommend them after all. You keep your bird and I'll handle the bats myself.
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>IRC >multiplayer games >music streams >not a single darknet mirror >all of them are exclusively on the clearnet And this is why hapas are superior to whites.
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>>197 Hapas aren't even a real race.
>>197 Go fix boomers lawnmowers you cocksucker.
>>173 I love Hatate!
>>173 dirty birb, needs bath, 4/10
test test
Reminder this thread exists.
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>>1107 Would've been nice if I realized this a half an hour ago.
>>217 bird eat who the FUCK invited nen
>>1123 It's in the rules sticky.
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>>1134 cheers
You'll niggers don't even play video games
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Get the bat.
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I think it's fair to say that /cow/ and /japan/ are similar to eachother and both spawn similar autism/faggotry. I would be fine if everyone else saw this fact and treated kime and his ilk the same way they treat dolphin and hangingforeskin
>>1639 About time you showed up. Merry Christmas, faggot.
>>1650 Weird how my images don't get deleted on this board....maybe your board is bugged, bro?
>>1651 This is the designated shitting street so the only real rules here are don't violate global rules or cause problems outside the thread.
>>1639 you were told you before and will be told again no clock and you will continue to be treated as the esl schizo you appear to be simple as berry christms
>>1653 yeah just like the rules on your board except you've recently decided to enforce a rule of "will delete anything I personally don't like ."
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>>1677 >except you've recently decided to enforce a rule of "will delete anything I personally don't like ." >5) Moderation reserves the right to ban troublemakers. Yes, and? I've been deleting spam and anons causing problems outside the designated two threads for that. If other stuff was deleted it might have been a global. I dunno.
I hate women so much it's unreal
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>inviting cakeniggers >inviting tvch, especially when its obvious most of these faggots are 4cuck crossposters. >going as far as even to invite communist trannies from /leftycucks/, whom were part of what had killed 8chan What's your next move, invite cuckchan aswell?
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>Inviting cakeniggers They behaved themselves. What's the complaint? >Inviting tvchan Again they behaved themselves. What's the complaint? Gahoole's stream was tame and fun. >/leftypol/ They invited themselves but I don't see what the issue is. Even they mostly behaved themselves. What's the issue?
>>1885 >tvchan >behaved themselves Except for spamming every /christmas/ stream they could find? Mostly a minor nuisance but hardly proper /christmas/ behaviour.
>>1893 If they were misbehaving on cytube I was not in charge of cytube events and nobody made mention of it to me. I was fairly busy dealing with various periodic shit storms on the board and spam for most of the evening inbetween helping promote events. Do you have some screenshots as proof of the behavior? I didn't notice anything from my short visits to the cytube channels.
Also merged the thread.
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>>1893 Don't you mean /japan/'s stream? I'm pretty sure they have a raging hate-boner for /japan/'s alleged board owner. The chat had to be locked to account-only on the cytube since it was being flooded by gunstream bots. It would not be surprising if they spilled out from there and started trabbu.
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>>1885 >They behaved themselves. What's the complaint? Oh I don't know. Probably they're not part of the webring anymore and thank goodness for that and quite literally owned by the morbidly obese oven dodger and the faggot who commissioned cuck porn of his waifu. Not to mention the users are cancerous too. I think that itself is enough reason to not invite these niggerfaggots. >They invited themselves I don't believe you, eitherway someone let the trannies know hence letting them waltz in here. > but I don't see what the issue is Are you fucking serious? They openly tried to kill 8chan from within. Fuck this, I'm calling shenanigans.
>>1871 >whom were part of what had killed 8chan ??? 8chan was booted by Cloudflare after 8/pol/ was implicated in multiple mass shootings. I'm not sure why a few people think /leftypol/ was somehow involved, or why they would deplatform themselves. >muh cakeniggers They were chill the whole time, what's up your butthole? Sounds like you're mad about literally nothing but your dramashit.
>>1911 The only cancer is you. Everyone else has been pretty chill. Things have been lots of fun. Just enjoy the party.
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>>1911 Had a tough day at work? Cheer up and join in the fun!
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>>1906 If that was the case, Kimee made no mention of them, so I have nothing to confirm it with. Neither /tv/ nor /japan/ have the best reputations so I can only conclude this is inter-board drama at this time. >>1911 >They're not part of the webring I never made this out to be a webring-exclusive event. If you don't believe me read >>>/meta/15246 >Not to mention the users are cancerous too. So are a lot of anons. I put aside my differences to invite everyone to have fun and enjoy festivities. Festivities were had and enjoyed, anon. >I don't believe you, eitherway someone let the trannies know hence letting them waltz in here. I honestly don't care since they behaved. >Are you fucking serious? They openly tried to kill 8chan from within. A lot of boards tried to kill 8chan from within. I don't have particularly fond memories 8chan between imkampfy co-opting /pol/ with Trumptards and kicking out the original userbase, Ron fucking me over on /n/, giving /fit/ to a redditor, and various other incidents across boards.
>>1913 /leftypol/ did try a few things but they mostly amounted to conspiracies and never came to fruition, in anon's defense. I'm not a huge fan of them but they are no more a boogeyman than /intl/ was.
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>>1913 >I'm not sure why a few people think /leftypol/ was somehow involved. You sound quite awfully defensive of them. The scumfucks were despised for a very good reason even before 8chan's murder by glowniggers. Its pretty obvious you're playing dumb. <unironically going as far to defend cakekikes <i..its okay t..they're not behaving l..like niggers now... Pretty sure cakeniggers along with other ilk (herdniggers, /tvch/fags, /cow/)are the ones who seek to stir drama on the webring. You are either playing dumb as I suspect, or are legitimately retarded. >>1915 >iToddler calling others cancer >everyone wewlad
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>>1919 Also ultimately this.
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>>1921 >Kimee made no mention of them Kimee's no snitch. The bots were no problem anyway. It added to the festivities, I'd say. Like watching a movie in the middle of a trench. Then there was the nuke. I'm pretty sure that one was entirely due to convenience and complete lack of patience. Bastard wanted to have a prize for "the next" tournament, and it just so happened to be on the day of an armistice. Oops.
>>1923 lol chill out schizo, you're quoting things he didn't even say jej
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>>1922 /intl/ manages to be a pain in the ass even to this day and on boards completely unrelated to 8chan, the webring so I'm not sure that's the best comparison
>>1951 The "/intl/" of today (herdniggers) aren't even the same anons as back on 8chan. They're a spinoff created in a Discord by a crossdressing mentally ill male who doesn't understand how anonymous imageboards work.
not surprised to see that john has stooped to vtube simping, so much for le oldfag larp
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Also >inviting /cow/cucks too Oh boy... >>1949 >schizo Shabbat Shalom, Mosheli. Running out of ad nauseam again I see?
>>1981 >doubles down and parrots nu/pol/ If you took into context what the rest of my sentence said, it makes sense. You're putting words he didn't even say into his mouth like a fucking schizo, or someone who's being maliciously ignorant.
all I know is every year or so the BO "anon" is a nigger who pushes the line on who is acceptable to invite to a party, and every year the majority of people who come over to the event are well-behaved. I'm up for doing this again next year and meeting even more new friends, even if Torps is a nigger. he should have more mods next time since it is clear he got overwhelmed this time even if he tried his best
>>1982 <that amout of passive aggressiveness >has the audacity of calling others parrots while he repeats the same buzzwords Fagatha is that you?
>>1988 >passive aggressiveness >passive Nigger I fucking hate your guts I thought that was clear, or do I have to spell it out for a retarded pavement ape like you to understand?
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>>1990 What's wrong? Already losing control of your emotions?
>>1992 Yes. I do not tolerate bad-faith negroids, mutts and lesser-peoples in my thread. Bad-faith divide-and-conquerors such as yourself do not deserve Christmas as you only seek to drive wedges between anons.
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>>1983 The games were dogshit cliques bait where a few college normfags were larping as webring members
>>1997 Damn, now I wish I didn't miss it :( What did they play? inb4 soku
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>>1995 Ironic, since you seem to have no problem with literal commies, and other similar faggots. The very same faggots who employ D&C tactics. Even seemingly whiteknighting for them, because "they're well behaved".
>>2002 >ragefag who says you should divide from entire imageboards complains about "D&C tactics" Lay off the fluoride, you've got feds inside!
>>2002 I'm not the BO/mod, just the angriest fag in the thunderdome here to point out your hypocrisy in trying to cut off people from enjoying Christmas on the internet. ''Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.'' - Matthew 7:5
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>>2003 You're confusing the desire to not associate with previously mentioned niggerfaggots with D&C. I suggest you learn the difference. >>2004 >I'm not the BO/mod Never said that you were. Secondly, quoting the bible doesn't make you remarkable, pseudo-intellectual.
>>2005 It's a passage which you don't seem to grasp the relevance of, midwit. Your clear tribalistic D&C trying to splinter anons apart is the thing you're also accusing other random imageboards of.
hello moe/b/ anon here can I post dead children here? what if they're christmas themed???
>>2009 >if i scream "you're a hypocrite" i'll win Careful you call midwit. >Your clear tribalistic D&C trying to splinter anons apart is the thing Read the first line of >>2005 again. >you're also accusing other random imageboards Yes, those certain imageboards that have been populated by abhorrent users. And their history is I'd say common knowledge.
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>>2010 children can't consent to being dead, so the server host might get in trouble >>2012 >dramafag yelling on a comfy board complains about anyone being abhorrent oh lawdy, the gift keeps on giving!
>>2012 >Read the first line of >>2005 again. >desire to not associate Your goal is to cut them off completely from eachother because you personally dislike them or have an agenda, previously stating 8moe, tvch and/or /cow/. That's D&C. >Yes, those certain imageboards that have been populated by abhorrent users. And their history is I'd say common knowledge. Personal opinion. One rotten apple from some time ago won't spoil the whole bunch.
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>>1871 >going as far as even to invite communist trannies from /leftycucks/, whom were part of what had killed 8chan t.
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>>2012 >And their history is I'd say common knowledge. It is. That's why your bizarre interpretation puzzles us.
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>>2017 Can't you guys(male) celebrate on twitter or reddit or something? Or did you get banned for saying cracker?
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>>2014 Sounds like you have no actual counter-argument. >>2015 >Your goal is to cut them off completely from each other because you personally dislike them >goal I'm pretty sure cancer does eventually find each other like peas in a pod. But yes, I do dislike them hence why I was critical of the half-brained descision to invite them rather than just letting them fester in their own shite, and I'm sure many anons from around the webring share a similar point of view. >One rotten apple from some time ago won't spoil the whole bunch 'cept that apple got turbo AIDS and continuously finds a way to infect the tree. >>2017 Nice self portrait, homo.
>>2022 >Or did you get banned for saying cracker? Yes, and? >>2023 Why, thank you.
>>2022 True Marxists call people jewish niggers. Not sure why you're upset that some retarded libs got banned from fed platforms.
>>2024 not a real one. that would be gross.
>>2027 >True Marxists call people jewish niggers You're absolutely wrong, we call them TIBETAN UYGHUR
>>2027 >True Marxist Just like "it wasn't real communism", eh?
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>>2029 dont you ever call me a uyghur again, cunt
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>>2023 >'cept that apple got turbo AIDS and continuously finds a way to infect the tree. For someone who finds a way to complain about everything being a non-argument, that bit right there sure is a non-argument.
>>2033 >dont you ever call me a uyghur again, cunt Except that it isn't a swear word so we can use it instead of the more racially charged and offensive term "nigger." Kek.
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>>2031 No, I mean it's literally what Marx said. It's indisputable.
>>2023 >'cept that apple got turbo AIDS and continuously finds a way to infect the tree. That includes you and your horribly degenerate gang. Hold yourself accountable of what you have done to /pol/. Had /pol/ been SFW it would fare much better
>>2035 >nigger is more offensive than uyghur American detected.
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>>2034 Way to miss the entire point, chucklenutz. Don't get me started on the walking human feces who run said sites. >>2036 Marx said a lot of different things, doesn't change the fact he's a goddamned kike who made up a gibesmedat political system destined to fail each time.
>>2038 >American detected. >Non-burgers consider "Uyghur" to be much more offensive than "Nigger" Except that it has been recognized globally as an offensive derogatory racially-charged term directed against blacks. Black lives do matter and if you ask me if I'm a liberal, I'm not. Blacks are homo sapiens too. We see people based on their quality rather on their outside aesthetics. t. /leftypol/ack
>>2039 >doesn't change the fact he's a goddamned kike who made up a gibesmedat political system destined to fail each time. Why are you guys so obsessed in hating Jews? They are human too. And their religion is hell-damn harmless.
>>2037 >Hold yourself accountable of what you have done to /pol/ Watched while 4chan crossboarders troll them with low effort shitposts? /leftypol/ came from /lit/, not /pol/. USA garbage is inane.
>>1911 >Are you fucking serious? They openly tried to kill 8chan from within. Except that 8/pol/ is the one who does such. Tarrant, Crusius, Earnest.
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>>2041 >kicked out of 110 nations/empires throughout history. even the moon, where their spacecraft failed epically. >believe that they have done nothing wrong >believe everyone who isn't a kike is less than an animal. Are you trolling or legit retarded?
>>2044 I also need substantial facts not just base arguments. What makes jews so hated???
>>2041 If they are soo harmless why were there soo many people that hated jews with passion. Hitler isn't the first and only person that hated jews, he is AT LEAST the 110th leader that didn't want jews neas him. Their religion considers non-jews as cattle, thats why they constantly kill phalestinians for no reason.
>>2048 >Hitler isn't the first and only person that hated jews, he is AT LEAST the 110th leader that didn't want jews near him. >Hitler = white supremacist If Hitler considers jews to be untermensch then why does South Africa cooperate with them?
>>2049 Holy shit you really can't argue.
>>2039 >destined to fail each time <first in space after uniting a war-torn nation and then single-handedly taking Berlin after a full-scale invasion took out 16% of the entire population, mostly male Seems pretty successful for a first major attempt. Even its oligarchic corpse remains a happier and more stable place to live than USA for the average worker. Even DPRK is doing alright despite major global embargos and USA on its doorstep. >>2046 nice derail faggot
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>>2037 >Had /pol/ been SFW I'm assuming you're lowkey implying some form of censorship when you are saying SFW. >That includes you and your horribly degenerate gang >/pol/ is one person That is where you are wrong, you red scum. Most /pol/acks from my own experience are tradesmen and lead decent lives. You sound like you're projecting your own insecurity. >>2043 >muh /pol/ <ignoring that pre-2nd exodus halfchan had its own shooters See >>1923 Read the second sentence. If you weren't a complete smoothbrained newgroid, you'd have known than 8chan began degrading in quality and rotting from within even before the shootings.
>/leftypol/ came from /lit/, not /pol/ >>2042 strange cope bro
>>2051 >nice derail faggot Why thank you anon >Even DPRK is doing alright despite major global embargos and USA on its doorstep. Its soft power is also worth noting. >I'm assuming you're lowkey implying some form of censorship when you are saying SFW. Yes. Against all rightoids, including intolerant pricks and liberals. That's good because site quality will be improved much. >Read the second sentence. If you weren't a complete smoothbrained newgroid, you'd have known than 8chan began degrading in quality and rotting from within even before the shootings. >becasue of le letfypolack we ca'nt into comfy hgubox!!!111 nice cope bro
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>>2052 >you'd have known than 8chan began degrading in quality and rotting from within even before the shootings. wow couldn't be because Jim was incompetent for over 5 years and only cared about Qanon LARPing. nah better blame some all-powerful boogeyman minority again. >>2053 Strange but literally true. Read sources from the early years.
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>>2051 >first in space Using captured kraut rocket scientists, just like the yanks. Still doesn't change that the USSR was a 2nd world shithole. Should I remind you again who made it to the surface of the Moon? >and then single-handedly taking Berlin Using American and British supplied equipment and even food given to them by the lend lease program. In actuality, those vatniks did more as cannon fodder for the Brits and Yanks. >Even its oligarchic corpse remains a happier and more stable place to live than USA for the average worker. I take it you've never been to Eastern Europe. I'm sure you'll definitely enjoy earning 400 rubles/per month while living in some shoddy kvartira that smells like a dog's ass 24/7. >Even DPRK is doing alright despite major global embargos and USA on its doorstep. >population is malnourished while Kimmy takes more of their pay to flex another flimsy rocket at da ebil west. >alright heh
>>2051 >single-handedly taking Berlin after a full-scale invasion Not single-haldedly, with USA's funding and support >its oligarchic corpse remains a happier and more stable place to life than USA USA is a puppetstate testing ground, "better than USA" isn't a achievent, USA's leaders see americans as cattle and hate them with passion. Right now literally Syria is better to live than America. >Even DPRK is doing alright despite major global embargos and USA at its doorstep We don't know how they are doing And the "leftypol isn't bad, it is teh neonazis that ruin everything" argument falls flat when we can easily see the writing style that is annoying in other threads is used in defending leftypol.
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>>2055 >proceeds to misrepresent the argument and pulls out a strawman Never change, /trannypol/
>>2027 Why are you even here? Isn't Christmas some evil capitalist thing and steeped in white-supremacy or something?
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>>2056 >trannypol discord niggers Nice false flag screencap cor/pol/autist >burger supremacy, again the absolute state of /pol/tards. >Still doesn't change that the USSR was a 2nd world shithole At least it's where people are treated equally based on quality and not some natural biological stuff like skin color. Reflect again. >I'm sure you'll definitely enjoy earning 400 rubles/per month while living in some shoddy kvartira that smells like a dog's ass 24/7. >implying america is better than russia Brugh >>2058 >Never change >o b s e s s e d (trannypol) >TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS TRANSHUMANISTS t.
>>2059 >Isn't Christmas some evil capitalist thing and steeped in white-supremacy or something? It isn't hy/pol/crite. Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ, the greatest Liberator of the human populace. (unironically)
It is kind of funny you ony respond to the faggot that constantly use buzzwords, And you 2 write awfully similar for 2 people with seemingly different ideologies.
>>2057 > we can easily see the writing style that is annoying in other threads is used in defending leftypol Multi-syllabic words are a bit of a give-away now that you mention it. >>2058 There literally wasn't an argument to represent. >>2059 >evil capitalist thing It's not Christmas's fault that porky ruined it. >steeped in Various indigenous traditions from Europe. Celebrating winter is comfy! >>2062 I don't have a fun license. Is this ok?
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>>2060 >i...its a falseflag >has been confirmed over dozens of times wewlad >burger supremacy doesn't exist! >the absolute state of /pol/tards Alright, dipshit. Which country existed in 1992? The USA or the USSR? >he thinks there was actually any equality in the USSR >not some natural biological stuff like skin color What does having to be white, spic or nigger have to do with the argument? >muh race is skeeen deeep Darwin would like a word with you. >>implying america is better than russia Despite their differences, they are both ZOG controlled hellscapes. >>2061 Christ would've beaten you with a whip, triple faggot.
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>>2057 >And the "leftypol isn't bad, it is teh neonazis that ruin everything" argument falls flat when we can easily see the writing style that is annoying in other threads is used in defending leftypol. t. >USA is a puppetstate testing ground, "better than USA" isn't a achievent, USA's leaders see americans as cattle and hate them with passion. Right now literally Syria is better to live than America. sarcasm or what? also marg bar amrika >Not single-haldedly, with USA's funding and support sauce :DDDDD stalin is the one who have done such, just that the burgers are fucking envy of it
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>>2064 >There literally wasn't an argument to represent. Read it again, smoothbrain. Don't try and bullshit your way out of this one. >>2066 >can't make his own memes >proceeds to steal kohlkike's wojak variant lel.
>>2066 >stalin is the one who have done such, just that the burgers are fucking envy of it
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>>2065 >Alright, dipshit. Which country existed in 1992? The USA or the USSR? lame cope bro look who's failing (and falling) right now >What does having to be white, spic or nigger have to do with the argument? are you fucking retarded? like if you see people based on biological differences and not quality it's okay? >Despite their differences, they are both ZOG controlled hellscapes. >soviet union is zog controlled except that it isn't, also it's not a white fucking supremacist state >Christ would've beaten you with a whip, triple faggot. Except that He loves us and He loves you. But He doesn't approve of insane rightoids. Cope harder
>>2064 It is soo weird, people using multisyllabic always answer to each other and ignore normal posts or just post a wojak instead of writing counter argument(he did exacly that while i am writing this post, lmoa).
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>>2052 >Most /pol/acks from my own experience are tradesmen and lead decent lives. Holy shit, do NEETsocs really delude themselves into believing this?
stop whingin and start posting christmas stuff
>>2068 And even if America helped the USSR beat the Nazis, it nevertheless ended up like the United Front scenario, where Mao teamed up with Chiang to beat the Japs. Which culminated into the Chinese Civil War.Except that it's on a far larger scale. Fast forward to 2021. Who wins the great power competition now?
forgot the christmas stuff lol
>>2072 this is thunderdome. if you want christmas stuff, get out of this duel.
>>2065 >>has been confirmed over dozens of times >implying Discord is capitalist AND fed garbage. If it were IRC then I might believe it, but that pic is not even trying. >>2067 >"8chan was rotting" is an argument lmao nah >>2075 You can have christmas fighting. It's a thing.
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>>2052 >Most /pol/acks from my own experience are tradesmen and lead decent lives. How much have you guys invested in properties then? Also anyone of you are CEOs or aspiring ones? Cope and seethe, the mob win again >>2071 I guess so >>2070 >It is soo weird, people using multisyllabic always answer to each other and ignore normal posts or just post a wojak instead of writing counter argument Are you on shrooms or something?
>>2077 bro I think you forgot your meds
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>>2069 >>2077 shut the fuck up indoschizo
>>2079 bro i was like 100% a supporter of global communism but now because of you i hate iot it's your fakking fualt you just should have taken you r meds
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>>2069 >cuckchan buzzwords You're resorting to arguing like a woman and are just repeating yourself like a broken record. Could it be you have no actual counter argument ? Also, >USSR >not controlled by Jews. You are an unbelievably stupid nigger. Kill yourself. >Except that He loves us and He loves you. But He doesn't approve of insane rightoids. Cope harder I love it when you commies pretend to LARP as christfags on the internet. How amusing indeed. >>2071 >everyone must be a NEET like me Typical communist projection. >>2077 Already own a good amount of physical silver and gold. >Also anyone of you are CEOs or aspiring ones Well, I'm a red-seal framing carpenter and have been in the trade for the past 7 years. >cope and seethe Cope and Seethe is all you say, but yet your fake cunt is turning gray.
>>2082 >cuckchan back to 8gag
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>>2083 Ladies first. Though you'll never be one
>>2082 >>>USSR >>not controlled by Jews. ...yeah, it wasn't. They even purged the jewish minority in the higher positions before WWII.
>>2086 I've never understood /pol/s fixation on trannies. It's the biggest 'literally what' minority to worry about.
>>2087 >...yeah, it wasn't. They even purged the jewish minority in the higher positions before WWII. >being this severely retarded But the USSR existed before WWII. You've just made a massive logical fallacy there.
>>2089 >everyone I don't like is /pol/
>>2077 >>2056 (badly written stwarman garbage) >>2057(my post) >>2060(completely ignores my post) >>2066(counter argument to my post) >>2070(my post) >>2077(Counter argument) You are cancer, noone wants leftist anywhere near themselves. Somehow infesing every little space is what you fags do. Just go to your containment, simple as that. Every second you write here shows how cancerous leftists are at its core. And nothing you write ever changes anything because if your opponent doesn't use buzzwords and derail you ignore their posts or post that retarded image 100 times which only shows how mentally lacking you are. Communism cancer infested every little space childs have and in 50 year we will most likely live under global communism. Leave the older generations alone atfl
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>>2092 >doesn't know what a strawman actually is >that equally retarded formatting Are you having a stroke, /trannypol/-kun?
>>2080 >shut the fuck up indoschizo okay IP stalker >>2081 >you just should have taken you r meds >>2082 >You are an unbelievably stupid nigger. Kill yourself. Have you realized that the Soviets went against Israel in Yom Kippur and that no Jews have ruled the socialist state over its existence? >I love it when you commies pretend to LARP as christfags on the internet. How amusing indeed. Nice cope. Love to see you guys do that. >Cope and Seethe is all you say, but yet your fake cunt is turning gray. >implying all polacks have the same fates as you Not always, know the simple fact >>2089 Me too. I guess it's because of them being a "le minority" that is "unnatural" and "not trad?" >>2091 Most toxic channers hail from there. /pol/ needs revolutionary changes, only then we can tolerate you guys. It's called perception, and know the fact. >>2092 >noone wants leftist anywhere near themselves Except that it's clearly the opposite.
>>2093 >Are you having a stroke, /trannypol/-kun? >OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED rofl, love to see you rightoids seethe hope y'all have aneurysms death to America
>>2090 >But the USSR existed before WWII. You've just made a massive logical fallacy there. That's not a fallacy, it's a case not covered by your extract of a piece of supporting evidence. Even before WWII, they were, like I said, a minority in every top ruling power structure. >>2092 You're wasting time on the village idiot lmao. Also >leftist directionfags need to read a book.
>>2086 nice projection trannies, make sure to dilate you don't want to end lie this
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>>2092 >Communism cancer infested every little space childs have and in 50 year we will most likely live under global communism. Merry Christmas, comrade.
>>2098 how will you cope when based opportunists (like me) will destroy your shit system from the inside again?
>>2092 >Communism cancer infested every little space childs have and in 50 year we will most likely live under global communism. Yay! Merry Christmas from another leftypolack! >>2097 Why obsessing over transhumanists?
>>2097 why do you have this on your computer?
>>2100 >obsessing I just love genital gore tbh
>>2101 I just happened to answer that question
>>2102 How about ballbusting?
>>2099 >how will you cope when based opportunists (like me) will destroy your shit system from the inside again? We've had already destroyed you even before you beat one of our comrades. Stop "aspiring."
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>>2095 >even more 4um-tier drivel I'm not even American, you hylic moron. >>2096 >its not a fallacy because my mental gymnastics tell me so Are you seriously trying to move goalposts?
>>2099 Based on recent trends, you might get kidnapped by the government and your organs redistrubuted before anyone needs to cope.
>>2106 >I'm not even American, you hylic moron. So that means death to burgerbrainism. That's more accurate. Death To America is not only death to the US state itself, it is also directed against its mental influences.
>>2107 Like the Falun Gong indeed.
>>2106 >there was a jewish minority in the higher positions >that minority got purged That's a literal interpretation of the initial claim. What goalposts were moved?
>>2104 >How about ballbusting? yes >>2105 >We've had already destroyed you even before you beat one of our comrades. Stop "aspiring." but comrade, im already one of you ;) >>2107 >Based on recent trends, you might get kidnapped by the government and your organs redistrubuted before anyone needs to cope. kek you retards will believe anything if it's in the name of communism and if you are talking about the chinks they love working together with rich foreigners if it's in their benefit so i have nothing to worry about
>>2111 >kek you retards will believe anything if it's in the name of communism I can say the same too, except it's for capitalism and/or nazoid retardation.
>>2111 >but comrade, im already one of you ;) off to siberia then
>>2109 >Falun Gong You say that as if they're a meaningful threat to the government. >>2111 >so i have nothing to worry about If you're doing some good ol' mutual benefit rich foreigner shit, then for sure. If you present a threat to the party, that's when you plan an escape. Good luck comrade.
>I can say the same too, except it's for nazoid yes I don't see how that changes anything >for capitalism lol i have never heard anybody say that but im not american so whatever
>>2115 >You say that as if they're a meaningful threat to the government. No, I'm implying the "Falun Gong organs" meme there. >>2116 >capitalism is when american oh my fucking hell, the absolute state of cappiebrains >yes I don't see how that changes anything Me too when I read >kek you retards will believe anything if it's in the name of communism
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>>2118 I meant you guys get tricked really easy by people like me who supposedly act in the name of communism, but not really. >>2115 >If you present a threat to the party I was more thinking about joining the party! >>2114 You'll be one ending in a camp, buddy.
>>2119 >I meant you guys get tricked really easy by people like me who supposedly act in the name of communism, but not really. Except that it won't always succeed. >I was more thinking about joining the party! To destroy it amirite? Or rename it and lead it under a capitaloid direction? >You'll be one ending in a camp, buddy. Even if I don't end up in a camp but I won't wagecuck.
>>2120 >gaining power just to destroy it holy shit that would be retarded
>>2121 >holy shit that would be retarded But that's what you're gonna do.
>>2122 I can't realistically see myself become anything other than a mid level bureaucrat.
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>>2002 Anon it's a Christmas event. I'm not asking anyone to sit down and share their board with people they don't like, I just asked anons to be civil for the Christmas party. It's like asking the wine aunt and uncle /pol/ not to get into a shouting match at Christmas dinner. (Almost) Everyone yesterday was civil, and I only had to issue one ban that lasted for more than an hour (a slap on the wrist/timeout). If the issue is being exposed to people you don't like, the option to be blacklisted from the event (so as not to be seen by other boards) was present, and some boards opted to do that. The equivalent of not attending the party. So yes, while I went to bed after posting >>1924 I am satisfied with "they were well behaved." >>2010 No. That falls under "Do not advocate or assist real paedophilia or child abuse" of which your post would be child abuse. Apologies for being asleep when you posted them. I assumed ignorance of the rules and deleted the image rather than malicious intent. If you want to remake your thread without pictures of dead babies you may.
>>2153 nah I don't want to post on this ruelcucked shithole anymore
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>>2046 >What makes Jews so hated? Historically currency and market manipulation that tends to negatively affect others at the benefit of Jews. The reason coins have ridges on them around the world is because of Jews skimming them, to name just one example. Since the forming of Israel, mostly exporting Jewish nationalism while being everything they hate about European nationalism (disenfranchising Palestinians, closed borders to keep out black Jews, etc. to name a few) and using money and crony law to keep others from becoming judges, doctors, etc. All nepotistic endeavors, largely run by Jews to keep out non-Jews. Jews didn't bring slavery to the Americas (black did, ironically enough), however Jews were largely in charge of America's slave trade after its formation. Jewish Bolsheviks in positions of power are also largely responsible for the rampant pedophilia and later famines under the USSR, and Jews have had a heavy hand in crackpot theories like CRT. You don't have to be /pol/ or /leftypol/ to dislike Jews, anon.
>>2154 Have a merry Christmas, anon.
Neutral ground is neutral ground. The reason we fight each other at all is thanks to our earthly Lords and Masters. For just a week, I don't think it too difficult to not scream at each other.
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>>2155 >The reason coins have ridges on them around the world is because of Jews skimming them, to name just one example You fucking liar. Isaac Newton, a British Jew, was the first person to propose and implement the use of reeded coins in the late 1600s. Why would a Jew implement reeding in coins and screw over other Jews? No one should bother acknowledging the rest of your post, it's only full of lies.
>>2159 nah I fight because I enjoy conflict
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>>2161 Why would a Jew implement reeding in coins and screw over other Jews? The answer is in the question, the only thing a jew hates almost as much as the white man is another jew competing for the same resources.
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>>2161 By that logic, the Jews who worked for the National Socialists also exonerate the Nazis from allegedly gassing the Jews! Ironically enough I have a couple Jewish acquaintances IRL that I dislike significantly less, and the Jewish scene is a massive shit show from everything they've told me. A lot of the shit that happens to the Jews is self-fulfilling prophecy after they do something or another to prevent violence against Jews and it backfires. Thanks for reminding me to go wish him and his sister a happy Hanukah.
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>>2046 Jews have traditionally seen non-Jews as basically subhuman and have had an absolutely massive chip on their shoulders toward the West since at least late antiquity. Pick related is worth a read. It's written by a leftist Jew, but at least he's a consistent one. Even secular Jews tend to carry just as much of a grudge, although they put it in different terms ("flyover country hicks," "heartland bigots," etc.). Instead of basis their hatred on traditional Jewish religion, it's all about being unable to move on from the Holocaust and scratching open old wounds in the form of other past incidents of oppression by gentiles all while pretending that they're not arguably the most privileged race of people on the planet. Almost all of them (supposed conservatives included) oppose the preservation of European cultures, even if they support the idea that their own culture should be able to steamroll anything in its path if it'll benefit them in even the smallest way. To sum it up, Jewish behavior is why so many people don't like Jews.
>>1639 It's been a whole year and those two boards are still beaming autism at each other? How could a board possibly hate another that much?
>>18 whatchall playin' this week? cant find your board.
>>2153 I haven't much of what you've had to delete but the board's been going really well. The D&C douches started a few pushes and politibants here but even that mess was surprisingly calm.
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>Remember that it's the holiday season so don't have an aneurism. its what i want for christmas!
>>2196 It's pretty much one-sided at this point. Jawwwwn more or less got bored, took his ball and went home and now only surfaces for shit he actually cares about, like the TDKR stream or the sokunigger tournaments. Meanwhile /cow/ is still continuously vomiting cancer at the rest of the webring, even if the volume is less than it was when they were doxing admins and getting sites shut down.
>>2093 My wife /monster/anon is arguing with the internet celibates again! She is so cute when she pouts over the /leftypol/ mutants =-_^=
>>2202 >literal tvch internet defense force Absolutely pathetic.
>>2207 What? My love for you knows no boundaries, honeybun. tvch has nothing to do with it, ignore those incels.
>>2196 >How could a board possibly hate another that much? Because "one is leftoid and the other is le saen!!!" (actually the opposite). >>2202 >She is so cute when she pouts over the /leftypol/ mutants =-_^= rofl would like to make her seethe
>>1124 me hatate a qt
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>>2 nigger, fix your captchas. Its asking me for 50 of them every time I post.
>>2239 If you're phoneposting you must use the top reply box, not the quick reply box. Try refreshing your cache as well since that can cause that error. If you are referring to the fact that everything requires a captcha, BO mentioned it's an automated system and once it switches on it can take several days to turn off.
>>1987 aren't you the fednigger from /k/?
>>2281 Well, one out of three ain't bad. He failed. It failed. Both are scourges of all mankind, yes.
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>>2069 ur american >>2077 ur american >>2079 ur american
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>>2289 Hitlerbros uber alles!
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>>2292 >ur american ur american
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>>2056 >trannypol.png Fixed
>>2315 >dedicating entire life to larping as the opposite gender because of a sexual fetish >sane
>>2317 >thinks all leftists are larpers Another episode indeed of rightoids mistaking leftists as liberals.
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>>2328 Same shit, different pile. Your red-herrings are getting a wee bit too obvious.
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>>2349 >Same shit, different pile. Your red-herrings are getting a wee bit too obvious. t.
>>2451 >t. has no actual rebuttal Sweet self portrait.
>>2465 Do not reply to the meme automaton
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George Double Wee Bush is actually pretty based if you ask me. Why? It's because he killed a lot of filthy rag heads back during Operation Desert Storm. And it's a pity that George Double Wee Bush did not got voted again so that he can give those filthy goat fuckers more ass whoppin'.
>>2613 I want to vote for a president that purges the jews now.
I vote for the cp to be deleted
I'm a few beers past sobriety :3 I love you all
Have a cartoon. I know the video quality's not the best, but I'm not a compression pro.
>>2860 /k/ would enjoy this tbh.
>>2872 It was one I really liked as a kid and just thought it would be appropriate to post.
>>2873 Nice. Do you have any more /christmas/ ones? If not, then maybe /film/ or /retro/ would like them?
>>2874 I can try a couple more Disney ones.
(17.15 MB 854x480 Santa's Workshop.mp4)

I think this one turned out the worst.
>>2876 >>2877 That was charming Anon, thanks! >I think this one turned out the worst. Maybe you can encode better-fidelity ones and push them up to anonfiles.com ?
>>2874 >>2879 I have the original files I can try posting. Maybe I can give it a shot tomorrow. They're still not exactly high fidelity though.
>>2886 Got 'em both. Yep, nice improvement. Thanks Anon, Merry Christmas!
>>2887 Merry Christmas to you too. Enjoy.
Merry Christmas to everyone unless you dont celebrate Christmas. Because if you don't celebrate Christmas, die.
>>2898 Hilarious. Sauce on video content pls? >reminds me a bit of Robot Santa Claus
>>2900 Santa's Slay (2005)
im jeff and this is my thread also i cant believe yall mf had the gall to spam this gay event on my board but not directly on my thread smh
>>3144 Hi Jeff, Merry Christmas! >also i cant believe yall mf had the gall to spam this gay event on my board but not directly on my thread smh Heh, sorry about that. Probably didn't know. :P
im jeff and i just fixed my watch it had a shitty rubber bracelet that got dry and brittle over time and then finally broke i just replaced it with a piece of fabric and velcro for fastening >Hi Jeff, Merry Christmas! christmas is next week asshat >Heh, sorry about that. Probably didn't know. :P its ok ik lurking for 5 seconds is too much to ask from shills whats the point of this event btw im too busy doing research on 10 different topics simultaneously to read all that shit
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>>3151 Lol. >whats the point of this event btw This little thing we like to call 'Christmas'. You know Christmas cheer, saying hi to old frens, things like that. Do they not do Christmas where you're from Jeff?
go back junku troll loser!
>This little thing we like to call 'Christmas'. ofc ik wtf xmas is i have suffered enough westoid braindamage tyvm i meant this place specifically wtf is the point of /christmas/ looks like its just a bunch of livestreams nobody is gonna watch and if im gonna waste my my time id much rather waste do it with my friends irl yk real friends? do they have those where you are from or are you a total nolifer like the average ib user? >go back junku troll that graveyard? fuck no literally only 3 active weekly posters and thats counting me idk what this gay board is but i might as well ride the wave so i can get some more clout and then scorch the earth like that time i killed kind.moe >loser! sage negated whos the loser now?
>>3176 Kek. I like /kind/ a lot, but they need better moderation against worthless tramps like you.
>I like /kind/ a lot whats to like about it? looked like a p bland tranny hugbox no drama allowed or anything how boring whats even the point of going online if i cant fight strangers? made it feels p soulless tbh just be kind and kind and kind ik ibs usually have a hivemind vibe, but thats just ridiculous i have been to another tranny hugbox, except we were allowed to flingshit at each other and indeed we fucking did every bloody day it was awesome the metadrama threads towered over all others by a huge margin too bad the admin was a faggot and disappeared without a trace >they need better moderation against worthless tramps like you yea it was p fun to bully the jannies and admin then watch him meltdown and pull the plug shit like that is what i live for feels good to be evil not that i expect a little bitch like you to understand
>>3197 >feels good to be evil Heh, won't be so fun when you die though?
>Heh, won't be so fun when you die though? is anything fun when you die?
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>>3213 Heaven will be more 'fun' than any of us here can possibly imagine. Hell? Ehh, not so much.
>christcuck propaganda sage
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>>3223 >posts this on /christmas/ , of all places. Heh.
>>3225 What established the "Common Era," indeed.
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>>3247 Indeed. Or, 'Who', say rather.
May the Holy Spirit bless Christmas with black triangles.
Fed cars are always near for support ;)
>>3225 You could use the same logic to say that the pagan gods are still relevant by pointing to where the English names of the days of the week came from.
>>3253 That's more of a linguistics issue than one to do with thought. And foreigners have different names for days of the week. The Gregorian Calendar has gone out over all the Earth. >muh arguments Is funny, though.
>>3254 >The Gregorian Calendar has gone out over all the Earth. Yeah, but the story that Gregorian year notation system uses as its basis is becoming increasingly irrelevant outside the Third World.
>>3255 >irrelevant Even at its most degenerate, Western culture is not becoming any less based on "that story." Even I wish it was becoming "more pagan." That's not the event happening. It merely becomes a more deranged distortion of it and its teachings and the misinterpretations thereof. Anything touched by that overculture is therefore affected by that origin point. That means you, too. You can't escape the water in which you swim. https://nicholassorokin.substack.com/p/on-converts-long-marches-and-counter
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>>3258 NTA. I get you Anon. > But the simple fact is that the gospel message of the Christian Bible is the only one that holds any true hope of redemption for any man. Naked you came into this world, and naked shall you leave. Receiving the gift of the clothing of righteousness by God's grace alone is the only way any of us will make it in the end. >tl;dr Biblical Christianity is the only game in town, bro. :)
>>3262 Redeemed from what, exactly?
>>3263 Why eternal death in the lake of fire, ofc. Why do you ask? :^)
>>3264 >Why eternal death in the lake of fire, ofc That's begging the question. It's like saying we all need to revere Thor because he fights the evil joetnar.
>>3144 This thread will move soon into the Thunderdome, OP.
>>3268 Ehh, I understand the point. Since there's ample, objective evidence that the Christian Bible is the inspired Word of God, I think we can safely trust what it has to say about such an important topic it referred to literally hundreds of times, Anon.
>>3270 >Since there's ample, objective evidence that the Christian Bible is the inspired Word of God I don't think so.
>>3272 It is. Literally the very first page of the book is well-established by modern scientific observations. There are hundreds (thousands?) of other validations through the remaining pages through numerous disciplines. It's certainly the most-studied document in all human history, so it's no surprise tbh.
>>3273 >It is. Literally the very first page of the book is well-established by modern scientific observations. That's not true. It has the universe being created in six days, plant life predating the stars, birds existing before land animals, and relies on ancient flat-earth cosmology (hence the "lights in the firmament"). >There are hundreds (thousands?) of other validations through the remaining pages through numerous disciplines. I doubt it. It's filled with inaccuracies and contradictions. It doesn't even have a consistent conception of God. >It's certainly the most-studied document in all human history, so it's no surprise tbh. People study all sorts of influential pieces of literature, whether it's The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Canterbury Tales, or the works of Shakespeare. That doesn't mean any of these should be taken as literally accurate depictions of historical events.
>jeffthread devolved into religious kvetching my job here is done too bad the admin had to be a faggot and obliterate my thread just bc it was doing ironman numbers
>>3282 God "makes" things conceptually first not physically. The first one with light and dark is a metaphor for "1" and "0" or "is/is not". The order can afford to be disjointed using this explanation. The inconsistency in the manner of God's character I'd best explain as ancient primitive tribes being told lessons in a manner they were able to "get" properly. The lessons change radically once those tribes become orderly and not a bunch of club wielding shit eaters. It's why I don't get the concept of original sin the way I'm supposed to. Man's fall from Eden is a negotiation in my mind between man and God, rather than a great shaming in which God punishes children for the sins of their ancestors. It's a radical departure from scripture which Jesus did not change/alter/promote/mention/support. But it's the only way I have grasped at it that makes sense to me. Both the Old and New Testament have things in them that align with historical evidence; major floods, downfalls of civs, etc. I believe Jesus was a real man who came to save us. From what I haven't established cause I'm funny like that but I hold it dear because the peak works of our own civ were accomplished when this set of beliefs and ideals were held dear to people. The conceptual idea of God is a good one and I'm glad to be a weirdo in modern history by maintaining it.
>I believe Jesus was a real man who came to save us. i wanna believe this too can you imagine? some actual dude from 2000 years ago deadass managed to psyop a whole population into thinking he is a demigod and mfs were so impressed they kept parroting his delusions forever after? truly peak jewness literally stuff for the history books
>>3298 But what happened if the 21st century le funni dissident view of history is wrong, it actually happened, and all this anger is just directed at a world too deranged to interpret anything correctly anymore? What makes the man living in the most blinkered era of modern history a good judge of history at a glance?
>>3289 Sorry, Jeff. >>3291 >The inconsistency in the manner of God's character I'd best explain as ancient primitive tribes being told lessons in a manner they were able to "get" properly. The lessons change radically once those tribes become orderly and not a bunch of club wielding shit eaters. It's why I don't get the concept of original sin the way I'm supposed to. Man's fall from Eden is a negotiation in my mind between man and God, rather than a great shaming in which God punishes children for the sins of their ancestors. It's a radical departure from scripture which Jesus did not change/alter/promote/mention/support. But it's the only way I have grasped at it that makes sense to me. I don't think that there weren't people smart enough to have a deeper understanding of theology. Even then, why couldn't an omnipotent being find a way to explain concepts to people in a way they can wrap their heads around? It just looks like the idea of an ancient, more anthropomorphic Canaanite god colliding with a more abstract, Hellenistically inspired idea of an ultimate god. >Both the Old and New Testament have things in them that align with historical evidence; major floods, downfalls of civs, etc. The historicity of much of the Old Testament is pretty questionable. The existence of the Patriarchs and the Exodus story are pretty dubious. There's also a curious lack of mentions of the usual Biblical figures in the Elephantine papyri. The Tel-Dan stele seemingly points to the existence of a King David though, or at least a house attributed to him. I'm actually open to the possibility of a catastrophic flood happening many thousands of years ago, but I'm not scientist and don't know what to think of what people like Randall Carlson claim. I also find it suspicious that there are all kinds of obscure county histories and so on that mention people digging up the bones of giants. But these are pretty speculative and also not ideas unique to the Bible. >I believe Jesus was a real man who came to save us. I lean toward there being a historical Jesus, but I think if he existed he was pretty different from how people later began to think of him. I'm definitely not allergic to considering the arguments of the smarter mythicists out there though. >From what I haven't established cause I'm funny like that but I hold it dear because the peak works of our own civ were accomplished when this set of beliefs and ideals were held dear to people. I don't think the central claims of Christianity are true, don't like Christianity as a value system, and never felt much of a connection to the figure of Jesus even when I was religious and thought he was the Son of God.
>I lean toward there being a historical Jesus, but I think if he existed he was pretty different from how people later began to think of him. yea obviously his myth would change over the course of 2 millennia first of all, jesus was black
>I don't think that there weren't people smart enough to have a deeper understanding of theology. Even then, why couldn't an omnipotent being find a way to explain concepts to people in a way they can wrap their heads around? Problem of evil was contemporaneous with yeezy boy and nobody even tried to solve it until the 18th century (Théodicée) Christ wasn't the first and he wasn't the last to do that kind of illithid culture jamming but he did do a good job though, and the better christian texts echo his rhetoric. It's a pretty interesting writing style but I think that the legalism of the jews is still a lot more fun to put to pen.
A cosmology of thumbtacks and strings that exist only in my mind have lead me to the opinion that Jesus probably didn't exist. The jews actually got their warrior/prophet/king in the first century but he got crushed so hard by the Romans that no one remembers his name. Then the heretical remnants that survived the purge ret-conned him into a god of love and redemption that conquered the Romans in turn by appealing to the women and slaves.
I am annoyed. I remembered the /christmas/ board from previous years, but didn't think to look this year. If it got advertised, I didn't see it. It wasn't a big deal, but I'm still annoyed because I got have gotten in on some festivities.
>>3444 *I could have gotten in on some festivities.
>>3444 >digits Our apologies, Anon. What board are you from? We can try to make a point of not missing it in the future hopefully.
>>3449 Mostly /k/. To be fair, my personal life has been hectic anyway, and I was mostly just venting.
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>>3450 If it's anon/k/, I'm pretty sure we left an invite in their /meta/ thread? My apologies if we missed you anons, that was an oversight. >and I was mostly just venting. Hehe, no worries. Glad you're here now Anon! Merry Christmas Cheers. :)

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