/christmas/ - christmas/navidad

Inter-board christmas event / evento de navidad entre-ablones

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/r9k/ /SSG/ - Secret Santa General Embassy Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 05:17:04 No. 3778 >>3792 >>3806 >>3810 >>3835 >>3838 >>4194 >>4651 >>4845 >>5101 >>5139
Round Two Edition >How does it work? People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list, and it is your decision to gift who you want. ------------------- =[FAQ:]= READ THE FUCKING FAQ BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS ------------------- >Does my address get shown? Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want. >How will I know if something has been bought for me? Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased. >Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient? Your first name may be shown. Amazon by default doesn't share but third party items may. >Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return! This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others. >Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us! And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all. >How often should I post my list? Once a day or thread depending on the speed of the general >Can I post multiple lists? No. Only 1. >The threads are too early! SS 2024: Nov 20 SS 2023: Nov 23 SS 2022: Nov 23 SS 2021: Nov 24 SS 2020: Nov 21 SS 2019: Nov 23 SS 2018: Nov 22 SS 2017: Nov 26 Shut the fuck up you gangrenous cunts >I am a Woman/Faggot/Tranny GTFO to /soc/ >But I want stuff!!!! I'm a human too! GTFO to /soc/ it's Christmas every week for you useless holes LORE DUMP: r9k's /SSG/ was a thread where robots came together to hang out and post and gift each other's Amazon wishlists in the festive spirit. This has been a 7-year tradition that sadly has now been forced to stop since 4chan jannies hate Christmas and now consider posting an Amazon link in the name of spreading Christmas cheer, begging.
hi im thankful to be able to particpate in this again. also firsties https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2MMXM09SDCKX2?ref_=wl_share
Merry Christmas Lads!
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>>3780 Merry Christmas to you too! and any other anons who check in our little thread.
>>3781 Don't forget to share this thread on the pastebin thread.
im all for this site as a replacement for this year
>>3782 done >>3784 yeah alittle fun instead of doomering it like before, might setup a new kinoplex for tomorrow
I suppose this will work just fine as a new base of operations at least for the time being, it's like all we're missing now is the kinoplex... Also fuck jannies
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drawfag anon here, if anyone has any festive art requests, send them my way. >chrimbus list https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2LL1SBHXKC6RK?ref_=wl_share >>3788 >all we're missing now is the kinoplex maybe this will be bloomer hope for dilly anon and he will come back, one can hope
>>3789 Drawfag as well! Nice to see the fellow artistnons, also based list. Draw Christmas Link? https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/SDUNLN02UHW2?ref_=wl_share
>>3778 (OP) Howdy fellow rapefugees how are we feeling this morning? I want to bottom out a japanese woman so fucking bad.
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Hello lads. I don't know if this will work, but we can always try. In any case, thank you for still fighting! https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3BW1AMYJN7GN9?ref_=wl_share Some other links, for those that care: Lists & info: https://pastebin.com/brM3CHjh Archive of gifts, collages, art and more: mega.nz/folder/55NUxCgQ#LHS5PkcS5SKP3gMjxwTVwA Kinoplex (sadly defunct, at the moment): s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
Glad to see you around, /r9k/, I read what 4chan mods did to you and it was a fucking travesty. No one deserves to be fucked up like that and worst of all during Christmas season, but I'm glad you found 8chan. I send my regards in the name of 8chan, just a reminder anybody can create an account and make their own board with their independent rules, but there are some global rules (mainly no illegal content) that are enforced by a group of globals. Codexx and Acid are our admins, if you ever have any issues with the site you can contact them via email or >>>/site/ I highly encourage you to invite more people to get into the event, I heard 4chan's /co/ had a similar event which was also banned by the mods, so you can tell them Secret Santa is taking place here. Merry Christmas.
>>3795 Thank you for the warm welcome! Hopefully more regular anons will show up. Merry Christmas!
>>3795 Thank you for welcoming us in these dark times, it was bureaucratic hell to have been serviced like that by 4chan janitors. I have an intense drive to load up buses of refugees, and bring them here. I feel like I have seen the light, and I have to tell everyone else. Anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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Postan' list time. Think I'll try to not be an avatarfag this time. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2VP1GGI97NKCU?ref_=wl_share
Hopefully this can help us return to some sense of normalcy. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/36XUVGFKERA2G
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guten morgen anons just woke up and did this, tho i kinda meant to do it more chibi and fucked up Christmas tree thread closed so if anyone wants to leave any messages and isn't scared of links, here https://decomytree.com/home?hashedId=7jcYAb5jgb0b >>3791 >based list thanks anon, looks like Link is wishing you a Merry Christmas too >>3795 a personal big thanks for creating something like this too, just the festive vibes i needed
>>3795 Hi anon Please is there a way to change this board's style to a darker tone? Call me a fag but I really don't like it being so bright as Yotsuba B, hurts my eyes in this dark bedroom of mine.
>>3803 NTA, obviously, but there is a dropdown menu on the top of the page, left of the boards list. You can select and change to any board theme there.
>>3804 Thanks a lot, anon. So much better now.
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>>3778 (OP) Obligatory fuck jannies for ruining our tradition. But It's great that we are back in some sense! Feel free to utterly eviscerate my normie choices of books. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/22VSO1F7DF1C?ref_=wl_share
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I tried some different varieties of kiwifruit before getting banned from 4chan. The golden and red kiwifruit were both pleasant, but the red one was noticeably worse in taste and smell compared to golden and green kiwifruit. I also immediately noticed a lack of proteolytic enzymes, or at least potent/active ones. Green kiwifruits have a lot of actinidin which has a similar effect to the bromelain in pineapples, but there's very little in these other kiwifruits. These kiwifruits might still be useful to our bodies in some other unique way, but I probably won't be getting them again; especially since they're more expensive. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3NZL6P78KZX1O?ref_=wl_share
is it true? safe haven from the jannies? can we go back to comfy blogposting and watching kino? https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ZT5PMG14P3CM?ref_=wl_share
Morning frens, I realized I forgot to drop my list yesterday, gotten too used to our dark age... Hopefully more of the other rapefugees can find their way here https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17QDBIGX7DH39?ref_=wl_share >>3795 We appreciate the warm welcome, it has been a shitshow to say the least but the Christmas Cheer is eternal >>3807 My mom only buys the golden kiwis ever since she tried them once, they're not bad but I just find them way too sweet and they barely have any actual kiwi flavor that you'd expect
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>>3778 (OP) >Anon i.... i met the Lord, and He sent me back to serve refreshments to all good little bots. The kinoplex is now open WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1IQYFMYIPM38Y?ref_=wl_share
>>3810 does this mean kino is coming back?
>>3810 >>3811 Hell yeah it is. We're so back. What are we watching tonight?
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>>3810 OH LOOK, it's a real Christmas miracle
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>>3812 Christmas vacation!
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I just want to say I am happy we got this rolling again, you better be present for kino tonight.
>>3816 Oh based.
Aww yeah it's good to be back! Hope everyone's still feeling festive and staying comfy. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2LN38M9FV4M5S?ref_=wl_share
was having cookies and milk and putting up christmas decorations with my mom comfy times
>>3809 Green kiwis are the best to me. Recently I've had an incredible urge to eat pineapples and kiwis, even when my mouth is profusely bleeding and painful from doing so. I take it as a sign that I desperately need something from them. It's probably a trace mineral like manganese or something. It sucks living during the one time in history where nearly everyone has been tricked into poisoning their soil and crops
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Thank you for the welcome 8chan, I really don't know what's up with the 4chan jannies this year. Really feels like a personal vendetta from one of the mods more than anything else, hopefully whoever it is is gone by next year. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/UUWWNP3OVB6A?ref_=wl_share
>>3822 would be funny if it was someone we grinched and bullied out over the uears, and then they become a jannie with the sole intent of getting revenge
>>3823 LOL that would be pretty peak. more than likely a tranny tbh
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>>3778 (OP) I'm pretty sure I know the answer already, but are there any giftlets left? I don't want anyone going home empty handed Huaxteca lesser galliwasp (Siderolamprus enneagramus)
Merry Christmas, faggots
>>3835 I don't think any of us few regulars that managed to migrate are giftlets any more. There's plenty of them left back though, most of whom probably don't even know about this place yet. We gotta bring them over.
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>>3778 (OP) I am still around. On 4chan I got banned for a week (the excuse was Global Rule 11) for posting my link before I knew you would be banned for it and I thought you would only be banned for starting a thread, so a ton of others probably got hit the same way. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/78K25BOKV23Z?ref_=wl_share >>3822 >I really don't know what's up with the 4chan jannies this year. Really feels like a personal vendetta from one of the mods more than anything else, hopefully whoever it is is gone by next year. It feels that way to me too, because I have never seen it happen before. >>3823 >>3824 This could be it, but we will most likely never truly know. >>3836 Merry Christmas to you too anon.
>>3837 I thought as much, but worth a try.
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R9K/SSG/'s KINOPLEX PRESENTS; Christmas Vacation! Room will open at 6:30pm EST And Film will begin at 7:00pm EST Don't be late! You will have to create an account and use chrome to watch the stream, and if that doesn't work you will have to download the app. >inb4 muh malware Sucks to suck I guess See you all soon 🙂 https://s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
>>3842 We're so back.
>>3812 Kinoplex is there, but I'm streaming movies too! https://8chan.tv/view/602e4689-b108-4ccd-a6cd-c74cce99c549/ Mostly cartoons, I hope to see you there.
>>3845 open up the chat nigger
I need some giftlets.
why am i muted
>>3857 you aren't
>>3848 >>3857 I blame Codexx, he did something in the backed that made the platform to mute guest by default, but it's working now.
>>3887 gonna go to sleep, nite.
>>3920 Nite, anon, I'm going to stream tomorrow too, I hope I see you there
Merry Christmas Anons! Glad we're somewhat back on track. Thanks to all of you who have fought valiantly to keep /ssg/ going even through the darkest toughest times. Secret santa will never die, fuck trannies, fuck jannies, hope you're all doing well tonight and are in the most comfiest of states Here's to many years of comfort https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1F3UG29Y1YG17?ref_=wl_share
>>3842 Thank you for the kino.
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The jolly is returning to the hearts of men, rejoice A place where jannies can't strike us down https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/33OU562B8NVT3?ref_=wl_share
wont be postin my list again but ill be back in a week to gift another dude
I just saw a video of a lithium e-bike battery malfunctioning and exploding in an elevator. I knew they were powerful, but man they're horrible if something goes wrong.
>>4160 Have a good one anon. See you back soon.
gonna post my potato lists https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2CY592NK72MK0?ref_=wl_share https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561197960458147/ been sleeping way too much lately! atleast i feel better now
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Jannies tried to disrupt the Kinoplex again but they failed
my mom got visited by a relative and their kid and got sick immediately after their visit rip
>>4166 I love it
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The same jar and note 1 year later. That honey was excellent
>>4169 haha honey obsessed dude have you tried beekeeping? a relative of mine was a beekeeper and made his own honey
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The jannies will not win
>>4171 They won, it's dead.
>>4172 it is a bit dead which is shame. Not surprising im sure alot of anons gave up
>>3779 turns out the address was missing in my list this whole time. It is there now.
>>4175 we had days without any thread and then were discord only and now can't post the pastebin or kinoplex links without getting deleted and banned not surprising even when there IS a festive thread up it's hard for people to find amongst all the other crap
>>4170 No, but I would like to. There are important things I want to learn more about, like how some people feed their bees corn syrup and other garbage. Sometimes honey is toxic because the bees pollinate nearby plants that were poisoned with modern farming chemicals, which end up in the bees and their honey
Hope the tranny janny is lurking in the shadows here and eternally seething that our Christmas is happening all the same in spite of his massive niggatry! enjoy the gifts anons, according to amazon they should all arrive in time for Christmas!
>>4179 W Robros, tranny faggot jannies BTFO.
>>4179 Based.
>>4179 Based Santa!
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Are we back? Does christmas rise again?? Anyway's fuck jannie's. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/1FKO7VDGMNWVH?ref_=list_d_wl_lfu_nav_4
Hopefully the thread picks up so more anons get gifted!
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Hello /SSG/! It's good to have a place to post in again without worries of being banned or having the thread deleted. We lost a lot of anons along the way but I'm hoping they can find their way here eventually. To those of you who stuck around through these trying times in /SSG/ history, I'm glad you're still around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOwXRp1JK1A
Merry Christmas anons! >>3778 (OP) Thanks for making the thread! >>3795 Thank you kindly for having us! Merry Christmas! >>3807 I get the golden ones all the time, I prefer them over the green ones. I had no idea there was red ones until now. >>3820 Very comfy! >>3836 Murry Chrismus >>3969 >pic+post ends in 69 Uuuuuh based department? You're gonna want to see this. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2S9TM94UHEO8T?ref_=wl_share
>>4194 Glad to see you're now back home, anon. May what's left of your Sunday be cozy and warm.
>>4169 how many honeys have you been gifted throughout ur time, i think i saw someone gift you one this year too? >>4194 >Thanks for making the thread! no prob anon, really didn't wanna make the discord so thought id at least do something for /SSG/, hope was pretty low, and I'm currently trying to see if I can set up an email to auto-reply to help more robots find their way here.
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>>4217 I've been gifted Pure Southern Honey, Wee Bee Honey, and White Gold honey. Last year I got 9 pounds of honey and the bulk of it was Pure Southern Honey. This year I've been gifted 2.4 pounds and I already ate most of it. This was my first time getting White Gold honey and it has become my favorite
>>4179 We're fucking back
not getting brother a thing because this nigger ate like 30 bags of Gushers in a day (i bought a family pack)
>>4264 kek. What a fatass
Traveling right now, I already miss my coldlands, I feel anxious in unfamiliar territory. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/SDUNLN02UHW2?ref_=wl_share
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Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!
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/SSG/ never dies. Hopefully we can go back next year but it's good we got a place to shitpost again. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1RV2BCS90Y16K?ref_=wl_share >>3795 Thanks for hosting us bro. That mod is such a faggot. >>4291 Based jolly roger
anon can u add a throwaway email on ur w!shlist? or a p!sscord username. id like to send you a code for psn. ill send it in the future when i secure 1 from a store myself
>>4291 S-S-S-SAH S-S-S-SAH S-S-SAH
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>>4303 Hey, uh, kid, take it easy.
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>>4194 >>4300 Thanks, Merry Christmas to you too. The weekend is almost over, but the board will stay open for the rest of the month and I'll take care of it, if you need something just yell. 8chan split off from 4chan a decade ago because they considered the place unsalvagable. It does not appear the moderation has improved in any way, but I'm happy to have you here and I hope more people from 4chan's /r9k/ and /co/ would come here and have fun in the next two weeks.
>>4302 wow thanks! :D im kratier on discord this replacement cord will be great i have to sit there fiddling for minutes to try to get sound out to both ears im no longer a giftlet hype hype
It feels weird posting on another imageboard And killing them for "begging" seems like a shitty excuse https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/LE54JVI2MZNH?ref_=wl_share Anon I gifted the router to, if you're here, everything still good? A potential problem of gifting tech is if something goes wrong with it.
>>4313 >>3815 Hey, I'm here! The router so far has been doing great and I really appreciate it!
being a neet sucks. they told me it was gonna get better. didnt believe them then, its apparent now. getting gifted that 1 anime figure (5 yrs ago?) made me reconsider the blackpill. huge moment for my lonely hermit life. i have since then thought of some plans. optimistic plan to go on a fishing trip. its hard to stay positive. i got fired this year so uuhh its kinda over. i know how bad it feels to be in a constant state of over thats why im here
Really hope we get to all my Christmas favourites at the Kinoplex before the big day Though watching Christmas movies up to New Year still feels alright tbh
>>4318 i dont even know the last movie that was shown, theres been a lot of tech issues and stuff happening
Is the collage for gifts in 2024 still going?
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Is this fucking real? I'm still serving a ban on 4chan for calling the mod a tranny. Is this going to be the permanent spot for /SSG/ or just this year? https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/33W4H8ZULA3AQ?ref_=wl_share
>>4313 sure does feel weird, but I like being able to remain anonymous.
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So, sorta feeling like the vibe and audience is all sorta mostly back, just in a small number. Still, best we take what we can get I guess. Merry Christmas anon’s, are ya having a good December?
>>4326 Merry Christmas fren. Only 9 days left. >are ya having a good December? Pretty good, even though I feel off today and my cough persists. I think it's just from my house having really dry air, since it didn't happen when I left.
>>4326 More anons will find the place gradually, you just have to talk about it. >are ya having a good December? So far pretty decent. I'm tired but it's the kind of tired you are comfortable with, the kind you get from working hard on something you love.
>>4323 >Is this fucking real? I'm still serving a ban on 4chan for calling the mod a tranny. I had a week ban for posting my list before it was known that posting your list would result in that. I was like what as soon as I saw it, but then I knew once the threads were being mass deleted that the mods wouldn't stop. >Is this going to be the permanent spot for /SSG/ or just this year? My guess is as long as those specific mods are on 4chan we will never be able to truly return with /SSG/ on /r9k/ without being messed with. >>4326 >Merry Christmas anon’s, are ya having a good December? Merry Christmas anon, but I am doing alright. >>4330 >I'm tired but it's the kind of tired you are comfortable with That's me all of the time.
>>4331 I guess someone next year will have to take the risk and make one and post a list to test the waters on /r9k/. Need to throw the bait out there to see if the mod bites or if he joined the 42%.
It's storming here and in the low 50s. The fuck is this bullshit? It could be a top-tier snow day if the temperature was 30 degrees lower.
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>>4332 Can do it, but I doubt it will work. It's not just /r9k/ now, they are banning and deleting /co/ posts with amazon links too. It's a global thing, they are cracking down on it. It doesn't matter any more if it all started by one single tranny janny; mods all over the site are enforcing the gay "rules" now. The tradition is dead. Except for here, of course, but I don't know if this can last if it's just us few here. This might just be the last year of /SSG/, sadly. So I guess if anyone wants to be a Super Santa and give all your hypothetical future gifts at once this Christmas, go ahead heh.
There could be more of us here if the place is advertised more on the board.
>>4334 Attendance has fallen over the past 2-3 years anyway. We lost nearly all the Euro frens and a lot of the UK frens. Oceania is completely non-existent now. It was a matter of time until it finally died. There's still hope for next year, but very slim.
>>4326 Alright enough despite the janny incident it's r9k /ssg/ is the chaotic light at the end of the tunnel I look forward to every year. I used to have a rough time during holidays, but the first year I found /ssg/ I felt good during them. It's just the way things are internet has gone to shit, I hate this corpo-safe culture the entire internet is adhering to, for fucksake let me be free on my own time.
>>4337 Sadly the tiny hat people need to control and monitor everything on the internet just like they do in almost every country. There's nearly zero places left that let you say whatever you want. My internet usage, outside a small handful of sites, has tanked significantly over the years.
Hold me robros, I think I'm starting to get sick.
>>4339 Sorry to hear that. What are the symptoms? Just an oncoming flu/cold? I took some medicine today, and it knocked out whatever I had.
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>>4339 hope you get better anon
>>4339 Yeah, some shit's going around. Knocked me out for five days. Take some vitamin C, drink a lot of water, and stay away from dairy.
>>4339 Here's to a quick recovery, anon.
>>4339 Sorry to hear that anon, I felt like shit on Saturday, better on Sunday, and still called out of work today to rest up. There's def something going around. I hope you get over the worst of it soon!
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>>4339 Same.
>>4344 Everyone goes out during the holiday season and spread germs like crazy. People just cough & sneeze out in the open and then wipe their hands on everything before washing their hands. It's actually amazing when you think about it. The amount of people that die in the beginning before our immune systems knew how to handle shit must have been massive.
>>4319 Movie last night was Scrooged I think tonight is going to be Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town
>>4347 Scrooged has a good question/message at the end. Why do people only act like better people, give more, help others, etc. during the Christmas season? Why don't they act like that every day of the year?
For anyone wondering, I did watch Red One two days ago. It was good enough. I wouldn't say it's great, more like a 5.5-6/10. Chris Evans outshines The Rock. Has your typical troupes it falls into. Resolution with one of the villains is a bit anticlimactic.
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SSG... home... https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/2IY7AK48TKL0E >>3795 Thank you for having us, anon! It's good to have a home again. >>4339 I hope you feel better soon, anon... ;_;
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>>4340 Just have a cough going on right now and general feeling of malaise. I'll take some medicine when I get home, I still have a few hours of work to get through. I'm hoping it's just the cold at worst, I don't want to deal with the flu reeee. >>4341 >>4342 >>4343 >>4344 >>4351 Thank you anons. >>4345 Kek.
Yesterday I watched The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. If you want a very Jesus/bible focused family Christmas movie, this is it. The entire movie is about an outcast family of kids who are the bullies of everyone in school and town. They join the annual Christmas play about the birth of Jesus.
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R9K/SSG/'s KINOPLEX PRESENTS; Santa clause is coming to town! Room will open at 6:30pm EST And Film will begin at 7:00pm EST Don't be late! You will have to create an account and use chrome to watch the stream, and if that doesn't work you will have to download the app. >inb4 muh malware Sucks to suck I guess See you all soon 🙂 https://s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
>>4339 I was sick last week and still pretty sick, terrible diahhrea and nausea + dizzy feeling. Had to install a whole ac system in 10 degree weather feeling like that last wednsday. it sucked ass
>>4355 Imagine a modern woman getting with the future Santa and going, "is this really the best I can do?" The only part of the movie I don't like is how they wrap up the villain off-screen. It's just such lazy and anticlimactic writing.
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>>4323 Merry Christmas fellow Ohiochad
>>4356 nta, but I never get diarrhea when sick. Usually just get really weak feeling and bouts of nausea. Dry heaving is the absolute worst thing.
>>4355 i wont sleep past today's kino yay ! man ive been out of it lately
>>4360 depends on the sick, some sicks that get spread give you the poops
>>4359 You are a top-tier fren & Chad. Thank you so much. You're really keeping the /SSG/ spirit going. Ohio is great, and I hope everyone else stays the fuck out. Already had an African invasion, don't need that happening again.
I hope Super Santa will be able to find his way to this thread.
>>4363 BASED i encourage and spread anti ohio propaganda specifically for that purpose yes goyim it is all corn do not come here
>>4365 Corn, soybeans, Amish, and chili that everyone hates. Definitely not somewhere anyone would want to move to.
>>4356 >it sucked ass Sounds like it. Hope you recover soon anon, working while sick blows but what can ya do
>>4367 Working while sick is only manageable when you're around a lot of people that you hate. Then you know after you've recovered, a bunch of others will be sick.
>>4367 Yeah its getting better but my guts still hurt a bit and im still shidding i tried to call in sick that day but they literally needed me because im the GOAT then i called off the next day KEK man i dont want to go to work anymore im burnt out i worked like 70 hours 2 weeks in a row
>>3795 >>4311 Based mod (it's hard to say that) thank you for letting us have a home here now. I hope you have a Merry Christmas bro.
>>4356 https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/79773342 Whom posted this? I'm surprised it's lasted that long. The pastebin isn't even the one that anon made.
>>4371 based
>>4356 >>4371 Whoops, didn't mean to reply to you bud. >>4372 Yessir!
>>4339 Take some hot tea and maybe some anti-flu pills and you'll get fine.
Just a heads up, I was browsing plus4chan (basically a /co/ offshoot) and they set their own Secret Santa thread on their /co/ board https://boards.plus4chan.org/co/t472895.html You can drop by and wish them a merry Christmas.
>>4377 oh did they nuke the co christmas threads too?
>>4378 they nuked all of them/ 4chan is dead, owned by israelis now
>>4378 Yes they did, using the same argument as they give to deleting /r9k/ threads. https://desuarchive.org/co/search/text/holiday%20cheer/type/op/ They are purging all the Christmas cheer threads mentioning the Amazon wish lists and apparently they are even deleting the posts mentioning ghost posting (which refers to the posts on desuarchive which talks about the bunkers)
>>4379 >>4380 wow fuck them, yeah i guess they went full jew.
Watch them come after the Steam threads next, we'll find out this Thursday.
>>4380 Fucking jews.
>>4382 /v/ has those when le steam sales go live right?
>>4384 I know /b/ does but I think /v/ does too.
Hello just jumped in from Plus4chan's /co/ I am in a jolly mood I hope to watch some movies in the coming 2 weeks shame what cuck chan is doing to the christmas cheer threads just goes to show that garbage heap became unusable after 2016.
>>4388 Welcome in anon, enjoy your visit! Merry Christmas!
>>4388 Merry Christmas, /co/, glad to see you around, it would be cool if you shared some Christmas comicbooks to cheer up the board. There's another guy on our local >>>/co/ doing the same so you could tell him to join us. >I am in a jolly mood I hope to watch some movies in the coming 2 weeks Welp, Kinoplex is streaming Christmas movies >>4355 and we also have our local clique of streamers on our streaming platform https://8chan.tv/ I also stream but mostly for the hispanic anons, and setting up a bilingual stream is a big chore, but for Christmas sake I might do an effort.
>>4391 No prob I'd be happy too, I might as well start with Superman's Christmas Adventure enjoy the story anons
>>4393 That's the end of Superman's Christmas Adventure I'll be back with another Christmas comic sometime this week
>>4392 >>4393 >>4394 Thank you for sharing this comic with us /co/mrade!
we used to post our lists on /co/ and sandler was faggot enough to make ss threads on /soc/ so we posted there as well. simply bein greedy good times
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I've consumed a tremendous amount of unrefined french sea salt recently and I noticed the packaging had incorrect labelling regarding the weight, so I emailed them about it. I think I actually got them to change it
You guys think maker anon made it in here? I liked his posts.
>>4399 Or NyAnon?
>>4398 Nigger dont eat that its satan salt
>>4400 Would be cool if Ny anon made it here too, hard to tell which posts are his without the signature "bud" attached to it
>>4402 That's not really a signature. I could be NY anon and you wouldn't know it, bud.
>>4404 You're not his bud, buddy.
>>4404 Oh my.
>>4404 Could it be?
>>4364 We can only hope
Santa's coming tonight tonight
>looks like someone or some people spitefully grinched one or more lists on /co/ for no reason I'm glad no one who had the sense to migrate here would do that
>>4411 Yeah it sucks anon, you can always add items back though
>>4412 Hopefully they realize that, and soon. For me, the items always stayed, even after they delivered (and few people gift me regardless, and it's good to have lists grinchproofed anyway) so it's never been a personal problem, but still.
If Mr. Full Pockets is in this thread, there will be more pictures coming.
>>4414 He's a bit of a fag with his retarded "no weeb shit".
>>4345 That picture is a resemblance of myself, except he needs to be sleeping. >>4350 >Red One I saw that and I thought about watching it, but I haven't yet. Good to know it's tolerable. >>4358 >Imagine a modern woman getting with the future Santa and going, "is this really the best I can do?" Imagine getting with Mrs. Claus. My Christmas would be complete forever. >>4360 >I never get diarrhea when sick I get that often without being sick. >Dry heaving is the absolute worst thing. I would rather have bad shits than puking all day every single time. Puking is pure misery to me. >>4371 >The pastebin isn't even the one that anon made. I noticed when I use that link a ton of users posts on here are gone, but when I use the other link they're not. Link where I see all posts: https://8chan.moe/christmas/res/3778.html Link where I don't see all posts and a ton are missing: https://8chan.moe/christmas/last/3778.html The difference being "res" or "last" in those links. I could just be retarded though.
>>4417 I have seen random old anime movies and shows (some new, but they don't make the type of stuff I enjoy watching that much anymore) and that comment of his didn't bother me. Everyone's got their preference.
>>4418 Yeah, last only shows the last 50 posts. Res displays all. Some users choose to not load every post in a thread. Theres a button on the OP for last and also full thread. Its mainly useful when a thread hits like 500 replies or more.
howdy anons! have you decided what cookies you are going to make for santa?
>>4392 ty for the comics anon
>>4428 Choccy chip of course!
>>4428 If I make Christmas cookies, it's either the traditional type or sugar cookies.
>>4419 What type do you enjoy watching?
Started playing Duel Links again because it's a good time filler. I just have to remember to only do PvP when it's necessary and not give a fuck when I do.
>>4414 I always thought his posts were funny kek t.weeb
>>4432 Not him but I watched all of Marco and Heidi with my family during pandemic, they are awesome. I think it's quite sad all japanese studios moved away from adaptations of Eurpean books.
>>4437 I liked the ones for Anne, Wizard of Oz, and Little Women II when I was a kid, I'm eyeing an Alice in Wonderland one that seems to have a lot of OC plotlines, I would watch a bunch of western literature anime, albeit maybe not binging 50 of the depressing ones where orphan children lead sad lives and die miserably.
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>>4441 I'd buy those cookies just for the branding.
im in the midst of finishing my game entry
>>4445 Is yuri even on here? Havent seen him post
>>4445 Based. Excited to see what anons did. I thought about making something easy, just for the fuck of it, like modding DOOM and replacing the enemy sprites with jannies and grinches, and the player portrait for a Pepe or maybe Chilly Dilly, but I didn't have enough time to get around to it. >>4446 He's here. The drawing contest just ended the other day and the winners were gifted today.
>r9k janny's face when xhe wakes up in hell >r9k janny's face when xhe gets raped by satan's bleeding dick
>>4441 >>4443 Different anon, but I was going to say those would probably sell quite well.
>>4445 So am I. I'm not computer savvy at all and am learning what I need to know along the way but I'm happy with how it's turning out. I'm too brainlet for coding so this is the first time I've even tried it. I probably won't get to include everything I wanted to.
>>4420 Thanks for that information anon.
>>4446 He's in the discord, don't know about here though.
>>4431 Any time anon
>>4449 Exactly. You can't tell me that kids wouldn't see that at the store, laugh, and then pester their parents to buy it. I also think a lot of guys under 45 would buy that instantly just for the packaging.
>>4448 >xhe Kek
>>4452 >discord gay. someone tell him to stop gooning over there and to come hang with anons
>>4457 I've notified him boss
I'm looking forward to going home soon, hopefully I will feel better and safer and normal at home, seasonal depression is tuff boys, push on. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/SDUNLN02UHW2?ref_=wl_share
>>4459 I'm sorry anon, I hope you feel better soon.
>>4418 I'm making a new stealth advertisement thread, I'll make sure to use the correct link this time.
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>mfw I try out my new pair of Heelys on Christmas Day
>>4462 I need an new pair of shoes. Mine are falling apart. When I threw salt, I got several pieces in my shoes just from walking on it. Lasted me a solid decade of use. I got my money's worth.
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R9K/SSG/'s KINOPLEX PRESENTS; XXXXDOUBLE FEATUREXXXX Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer and FROSTY THE SNOWMAN Room will open at 6:30pm EST And Film will begin at 7:00pm EST Don't be late! You will have to create an account and use chrome to watch the stream, and if that doesn't work you will have to download the app. >inb4 muh malware Sucks to suck I guess See you all soon 🙂 https://s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
>>4464 This bunker also has its own streaming service at 8chan.tv.
>>4465 ok. and?
>>4466 So if this doesn't work, or if in the future you want to try something else. Relax brother. Its Christmas.
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>>4467 >Guards, seize him
>>4464 I'll be missing it tonight, I ended up pretty sick and looking at a screen for too long makes me feel nauseated. Hope you all have a good time
>>4468 Fuck it whatever, go kys i giveup
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>>4470 he's just busting your balls >>4466 calm down spaz
>>4465 thanks anon, merry christmas
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>>4472 no im not its an inferior platform, why change perfection also go back to reddit
>>4465 I think Kinoplex already uses 8tv as platform for streaming, he just has it embedded on a different website (I do that too, 8tv UI kinda sucks and it's quite unstable, but as a bare bones streaming platform is perfect)
>>4478 Dunno what it uses but kast is perfect. high quality screen share, stable servers, no issues, i can run my vintage film intermission ads before the movie, its peak
>chilly sperging out again Two days in a row!
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>>4481 He has bpd
>>4482 Kill all Grinches, Total Christmas war NOW.
>>4482 KEK
are r9k jans manlets?
Where'd you go?
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Finally got the last of my christmas shopping for family done today. How are the rest of y'all keeping up? Geyr's dabb lizard (Uromastyx geyri)
Good mornings lads, my plushies are on the way and likely arrive next week. Hopefully before christmas, will post pics of the 20in furret by then.
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Afternoon anon's, have you all been good this year? I asked this before the /r9k/ genocides, but what are your new years resolutions? Any habits to kill? people to cut out? Hobbies to learn? https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/1FKO7VDGMNWVH?ref_=wl_share
>>4486 estrogen-induced dicklets for sure.
another happy day, its really nice outside and quiet too
>>4392 I'm reading this right now, I think it's quite silly that Superman and Santa exist in the same universe. I know they are both supernatural beings, but it'd hard for my brain to process them in the same setting.
I received a gift today, but won't get to post it until tomorrow.
>>4501 A gift was supposed to arrive here today too, but I guess it's running late.
>>4502 Mail is always slow this time of the year and after Christmas. I usually get things fast since a distro center is close enough.
>>4503 Oh yeah, it's definitely busy this time of year. But I'm used to mail being slow here anyways. It'll probably be here within a couple of days.
>>4489 I have all the presents ready, but still need to finish 2 or 3 art gifts for people
>>4502 mine was supposed to arrive today ill go check again amazon can show up pretty late sometimes
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it just arrived ! thanks a bunch sorry the note was right where I opened it so it's ripped
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a fucking VAN pulls up out of nowhere i thought it was the damn police. i fuckin hate how loud modern ring alarms are. fuckin instant anxiety, and headache. someone got my list right. right? nah some emergency papers for dad via UPS. had me shook but i like being here the the fellow gamers. merry christ >>4510
Came home and started finishing the last bit of work for the day while listening to Modern Baseball and eating some food and getting settled in for kinoplex and gaming. Fuck work, but this is about the coziest life is gonna get at this point so I'll take it Also anon I bought the Star Wars Thrawn Ascendancy book for Amazon is saying they dropped it on/near your front porch yesterday hopefully it didn't get nigged! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17QDBIGX7DH39?ref_=wl_share
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R9K/SSG/'s KINOPLEX PRESENTS; Spongebob christmas/ chowder knishmas Room will open at 6:30pm EST And Film will begin at 7:00pm EST Don't be late! You will have to create an account and use chrome to watch the stream, and if that doesn't work you will have to download the app. >inb4 muh malware Sucks to suck I guess See you all soon 🙂 https://s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
>>4513 Santa's coming, tonight tonight, Santa's coming, tonight.
>>4513 >SpongeBob/Chowder Woot woot. Still under the weather but I can't miss this one, even if I just have to have it as background noise.
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can you believe it guys? christmas! just a week away! my Marisa fumo arrived today that i got from the art competition (thanks yuuki-anon again) still open to any -->> artfag requests <<--, haven't done some in a bit haven't posted my list in a while so reposting https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2LL1SBHXKC6RK
>>4432 >What type do you enjoy watching? I would say mostly action-adventure and some can have some dark comedy elements to it, but I have given other ones a try. What I have seen if you're curious about random stuff that I watch (there are many more for each category, but I used to never write everything down that I have watched, so this is more recent and not throughout my entire life, but maybe one day I will update my list I have to include everything I have ever seen since I do remember it all): ======== Anime: ======== >Movies: - Cowboy Bebop: The Movie - Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Genocidal Organ - Maboroshi - Psycho-Pass: Providence - Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise - The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya - The Garden of Words - The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes - Your Name >I started to watch this, but I wasn't really into it, and it exists as a show and movies: - Neon Genesis Evangelion >Shows (I count OVAs as shows too, even though they're not a full series): - Black Lagoon - Btooom! - Chainsaw Man - Cowboy Bebop - Cyber City Oedo 808 - Erased - Golden Kamuy - Gunsmith Cats - Higehiro - Inuyashiki: Last Hero - Kaiju No.8 - Lookism - Ninja Kamui - Pantheon - Parasyte -the maxim- - RIN: Daughters of Mnemosyne - School Shock also known as Chu Feng: Eden Zhi Zi - Solo Leveling - Summer Time Rendering - Terminator Zero - Vampire in the Garden
[Expand Post]- Welcome to the N.H.K. What anime related things I am waiting on to be released: >Movies: - Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc: - Teaser trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWacdcatC9o
>Shows: - Devil May Cry: - Teaser Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbrfJAAS7Qc
- Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil_May_Cry_(TV_series) - Kaiju No.8: - Waiting on season 2. - Lazarus: - Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdxtg4xyGxg
- Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazarus_(TV_series) - Solo Leveling: - Waiting on season 2. - Terminator Zero: - Waiting on season 2. ======== Animated movies and shows: ======== What animated related things I am waiting on to be released: >Movies: Nothing worthwhile yet. >Shows: - Creature Commandos (I am not getting my hopes up since everything DC Comics related went to pure shit for quite a while now compared to long ago). - Invincible: - Waiting on season 3. ======== Live-action movies and shows ======== >Movies: - The X-Files - The X-Files: I Want to Believe >Shows: - Black Doves - Citadel - From - Halo - Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Stranger Things - The Boys - The Cleaning Lady - The Day of the Jackal - The Last of Us - The Penguin - The Terminal List - The X Files - Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan What live-action related things I am waiting on to be released: Nothing as of now and the next season of From isn't until 2026.
>>4494 No... the thing I want most for Christmas is something I can't buy with money (at least on a genuine level) Also the year is almost over and I didn't accomplish much other than a new job
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>>4518 same here. new job but its trash so life is barely different.wish i had a fightstick for arcade games suppose ill just work for it now lol
>>4518 >>4519 >tfw tried to get a job this year but no one is hiring or responding What are the things you want the most, anons?
>>4521 the most. just a better job so i can give my dad more rent money. since i barely found part time j can barely give my parents any value. i mean this is the most realistic wish. or a fightstick controller
did they arrive fresh? wonder if ur still here
>>4522 I get the warm and filial sentiment, but I hope you and they realize that you are worth more to them than just immediate/recent monetary returns!
>>4524 yeah i know. just wish life were perfect is all. i think i get a bonus at my job this february for lasting a year. gonna buy lotsa beef to throw in the fridge call it a late cmas gift.
reminds me. did anon ever get his witcher figurine? it says it was delivered 3 days ago.
>>4526 i believe ur refering to eredin the piss yellow armor with the giant abysswalker sword in the middle. he did confirm getting it
>>4526 I did, thanks anon I posted it on the discord >>4527
friggin neighbors are weed addicts woke up and whole place stunk like paint thinner or something, bleehhh
Hello Robots it's Plus4chan's story timer here again with another comic for you today last time was Superman now its time for The Tangled Web of Spider-Man now just sit back and relax as we see this tale unfold
>>4527 >>4528 nice, looks awesome. enjoy fren.
>>4537 And that's the end of this story tune in next time for another fun filled Christmas tale
>>4521 >What are the things you want the most, anons? A loyal trustworthy cute "ride or die" wife to have a lot of kids with
>>4521 Something from my list :)
>>4521 To die in my sleep.
>>4521 thing im hoping most for is getting selected for a habitat for humanity home so i can finally have my own place they had so many applicants they are taking months to select the winner so its a very slim chance if it happened some time between christmas and new years it would be god tier
>>4521 To win a massive jackpot in the Powerball or Mega Millions lottery.
>>4521 >realistic To hunt animals, raise animals, butcher animals, and eat them raw with my friends >near impossible Be rich enough to never have to work for the rest of my life while paying other people to produce food for me exactly how I want them to >impossible The previous thing plus a girlfriend who is worth having in my life
It's really something how fucked everything got so fast. You used to be guaranteed a lifetime job out of HS, a wife, new house, and kids. Now you're guaranteed a lifetime of debt, no woman unless you want a used up whore covered in tattoos and kids from who knows how many other men, and a job that pays just enough so you don't kill yourself.
>>4556 There's that meme of a three way fork in the road after 30 between forever alone, single mothers, and fat (obese) women. I hope that isn't true
>>4558 Seems to be, unless you're incredibly rich and can nab yourself some 18-20 year-old. If you do that, she'll just want you for your money. I'll gladly take being foreveralone over the other options.
>>4558 its true, im in my mid 30's like this anon said >>4559 theres a forth option of being a sugar daddy simp in this case id rather be alone.
>>4457 >>4446 My bad been away. Been tied up with a lot of shit, but I got some free time now. I can't wait to see how the games are coming out. Speaking of games, anyone planning on getting anything from the steam sale? I thought about grabbing Balatro The massive nukes demotivated me from archiving, but I'm gonna try to comb through it and do the best I can to grab them all. Shout out to cock.li no longer working so whatever ones I had sent there I can't access Minecraft Server: ketsuban.my.pebble.host Art and Gift Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/55NUxCgQ#LHS5PkcS5SKP3gMjxwTVwA https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1Z5G0P9Y3CRR0?ref_=wl_share https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/l-l34l27_4774CK/#sort=price
>>4558 this has been a meme since the bush years "single mom epidemic". once i started working i saw how true it was. literally every woman coworker. even the 19 yos had kids
>>4563 Women are the most irresponsible people. They choose to get pregnant and to whom. It's amazing just how stupid they are. They could have taken one of the 45+ kinds of female birth control, not had vaginal intercourse, or made the dude wear a condom. They instead went, "guess I'll have a kid instead".
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Thank you Lizard Anon! Merry Christmas!
>>4565 Lizard anon seems like a cool guy. Gifts people and post stuff about lizards. Always cool that /ssg/ frens have such knowledge about non-typical things.
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Thank you based Chilly Dilly. You truly are the best pickle around. I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year. Keep spreading the Ohio hate to keep everyone out, unless they're fellow robots.
>>4568 Oh damn based
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Good mornung, 3 days till I get to go home, I yearn for my coldlands and bed I love so much, I'm anxious though in general, I keep forgetting to take my meds. I hate those things anyway. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/SDUNLN02UHW2?ref_=wl_share
>>4570 What meds do you take? Nothing serious, I hope.
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I spent the entire year dreaming of having time off work, but now that I have it I have no idea what to do with my time. It's kind of pissing me off. Namaqua chameleon (Chamaeleo namaquensis) >>4565 Glad to see it got there okay. It had me worried for a moment.
>>4571 Its just anxiety medication for a severe anxiety/ panic disorder. I really don't like being dependent on them and I hope I can come off them eventually and not feel like the world is ending 24/7. For like a whole month I literally couldn't move at night without feeling nauseous it was lame.
>>4573 Sorry to hear that, fren. I hope you can get better somehow without the meds.
>>4574 Everything will all be okay eventually, merry Christmas anon
burgerbros and teacupchads when will the canadians start gifting? when?
>>4576 I'm not sure how many syrup slurpers are on here
>>4576 i saw some lists from other countries no clue how to gift them
>>4578 You gift them like normal. You can log in with your usual amazon account on every amazon site, no matter what country it is (except for Japan). (Sometimes, items might appear as unavailable, but that's usually because your location does not match the giftee's location. You can fix that by entering a random zip code of the giftee's country on the top of the page, left of the search bar.)
>>4579 ill look at it again but every time it would log me out and act like i didnt have an account there
ok i gifted someone something, and its the 29th it says itll arrive, so a little late !
>>4581 Thank you for gifting, anon! But do post a screenshot of the purchase (with the receiver's name censored, of course) so the anon you bought for knows to expect something.
Everyone, don't forget to vote for the Steam Awards.
>>4582 someone gifted me something so im just returning the favor >>4583 chinaman's donkey kong is obviously gonna get botted and win, im amazed they had that many bot accounts with free copies of the game day 1
>>4584 I'm looking forward to the Sit Back And Relax award more than anything else. Those sim style games are fun to watch.
>>4584 We still need a screenshot for the collage, since the gift will arrive after Christmas and the anon will probably not post a pic of the gift by then.
>>4576 >>4577 I'm waiting for something to come in the mail... while Canada Post is working on their backlog from their strike. ;_;
>>4577 Moi >>4578 I did it pretty easy gifting some artfag in uhh Scotland or Sweden or something with an S, it just transfers your currency >>4587 I'm pretty sure they're being forced back to work soon, thats what i've heard anyway
>>4588 Yeah, think they're accepting new mail today, but it's still going to be like, over 2 weeks until I get dollars
>>4587 Mail should be privatized in some way. USPS lost 9.5 billion dollars. Why the fuck does it take weeks to get something from within my state when I can order something from Amazon Japan and get it faster from across the globe?
>>4588 How good is Canadian syrup really? Have you ever done a taste test against others from the US?
>>4590 I swear I was told that either private or public corpos couldn't strike, but I think only the crown corporations kept striking >transit kept striking until it got semi-privatized or something, then there were no strikes but prices kept going up while constructions and delays are worse >province's liquor store monopoly had a strike because the provincial government dared to try allowing small grocery stores to carry alcohol, rather than the currently permitted monopolies >the post is striking because reasons I understand that shitty strikes are the way for unions to put pressure on also worse people but I literally hate everything and everyone involved in anything that makes my life more troublesome. >amazon I remember back when amazon was praised as the fast and free shipping place with better prices than irl stores. But once I got into amazon, around the time when their competitors started to dwindle, they've been price-gouging or had garbage stock on a regular basis. There's just no winning with corpos, especially with monopolies.
>>4576 don't get your hopes up. they usually don't and if they do it's for other leafs lol
>>4593 The last time I had dollars, amazon.com refused to give me any sort of deal on shipping whereas amazon.ca has free shipping to Canadians at $35 CAD or more. That and our garbage dollar usually meant you'd pay 2.5 times the price of the item just so your favourite American anons would get their things. Which if I had income I would, because I want my frens to have a decent Christmas even as things are getting worse.
>>4592 >allowing small grocery stores to carry alcohol Wait, only certain places can sell alcohol in Canada? Pretty much all US stores sell alcohol, from drive-throughs to bulk stores. >they've been price-gouging or had garbage stock on a regular basis They have good prices on some things. Their dry grocery, self-care, etc. pricing is high compared to a regular store. Buying media (CDs, BDs, etc.) through sellers was always cheap when I did it. I could get CDs for super cheap just because the case has a hole punch in it.
>>4588 ya after logging back in it let me
>>4595 Uhhh in 2015 >The Ontario government has chosen the 13 retailers that will be the first grocery stores to sell beer in the province, a move that could happen as early as next month. >The retailers, a mix of large and independent grocers, were chosen via a "competitive bidding process," and must now apply to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for authorization for individual stores. and this year >As of September 5, 2024, all eligible convenience stores are able to sell beer, cider, wine and ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages. As of October 31, 2024, all eligible grocery and big-box grocery stores are able to sell beer, cider, wine and ready-to-drink beverages, including in large pack sizes. Before that, it was the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario), Wine Rack, and The Beer Store. I don't know how the latter two organized their deal. Yeah, I understand (from movies) that you can go to any grocery store and pick up a 6-pack for $6 at like 2am, but unless you wanted to drink just wine, you'd generally be out of luck by 9pm. I'd imagine it's more expensive too. I only know about Ontario (where the capital is) and Toronto (the largest city) though. >grocery and self-care I've never checked for those, but we've always been the sort that like to inspect our foodstuffs in person, instead of risking some bum-rando literally throwing in a damaged vegetable. Only bought one CD and my computer has no CD drive, I have fondly been looking into books on amazon though, some stuff's unexpectedly cheap and available.
takes a lot out of my to go grocery shopping lately, didnt opt to walk a rescue dog because i dont know how well my back holds up any more, last time it was like immediate pain the second i started to walk the doggo shame ill try to walk the doggo next time, was some owner surrendered chunky bulldog
>>4598 I only go shopping at like 8-8:30am as it's not as busy. I already face issues because of social anxiety. During the winter, it's just too cold in the morning, so I rarely go. >how well my back holds up Sounds like you need a breast reduction. I kid, of course. Hope your back feels better. Have you tried some stretching exercises?
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Hey anon’s. After tomorrow I finally finish up with work for this year, and then its two weeks of family and zen time before ‘25 really kicks off. I approach the year with equal bounds of fear and determination.
>>4591 I haven't tasted us but I don't wanna, it looks pretty gross and way too sugary. I don't even like the store shelf maple syrup that much, only the really genuine stuff is good. Perfection.
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>>4600 Damn, every time I comment I forget to post my list in here. Anyway, shoot the Jannies and lunch the Grinch. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/1FKO7VDGMNWVH?ref_=wl_share
>>4599 yeah i got anxiety too but back pain takes priority , all you gotta do is like turn the wrong way or stand up not right and your nerve gets pinched and youre fucked for days im totally out of shape and plan on losing weight after christmas , atm i was just trying to get food because i had literally nothing in the fridge
>>4601 You're thinking of syrup, which is different from maple syrup. Syrup, is just HFCS, flavorings, coloring, etc. It's way cheap in comparison since it's all subsidized shit.
>>4604 Well I still think the fresh stuff is the best. If it needs to be refrigerated to stay good and its local then its probably super tasty and refreshing.
>>4603 >your nerve gets pinched and youre fucked for days I love that as kids you can sleep in a basket and get the best sleep of your life with no problems. You get old and if you sleep wrong you can't move your head to one side without immense pain. If there's a god, I want to file a complaint because he fucked up.
>>4606 ya im just trying to take it easy, im so out of shape i just try to get one thing done a day now,
Watched a video comparing OLED, IPS, and VA panels for PC monitors. IPS didn't stand a chance, although it is the cheapest. Now I have to find a comparison between OLED & Mini LED.
>>4608 theres been a lot of oled shilling, for months now. its weird my oled tv has so much burn in, im never getting oled again
>>4609 Yeah, the burn-in issue is what would keep me from getting one and going MiniLED or QLED. OLED would probably be great if you only watch movies or anything that doesn't have long static images. TV has watermarks, sports have score bugs, gaming has HUD.
Thank you Konatanon! I can't wait to swoosh him around!
>>4610 i got the genshin health bar permanently burnt in the center of the bottom part of my screen never again lol, also i think the colors are fucked now too like its all too yellow now
>>4611 Have you seen Transformers One? I'm curious if it's actually good.
>>4612 OLED might end up going the way of Plasma if they don't fix the burn-in issue. Then again, some people buy a new TV every year or two. Not sure why.
>>4611 Glad to see it actually arrived this time! I checked last night to make sure it shipped and they actually asked me to update/confirm my payment info so maybe that's why it got cancelled the first time? Regardless, Merry Christmas! >>4613 I've heard it's actually pretty good from some Transformers circles I lurk in for news/deals but I have yet to see it myself
>>4613 I've yet to see it due to not going outside or wanting to spend money, then I forgot to watch it with friends! I'll let you know if I watch it this season or by next year! I did hear some good things about it, about how it finally got certain things right... but I forget. I wasn't a gigantic fan of the designs, but I also haven't looked into them closely, due to my initial dislike and distrust. I should give it a fair chance! >>4615 It might have been a fuckup on my part with some issue with the listed address, but thank you! He rolls well as hell and looks just as cool, thank you!
>>4576 a fucking leaf
hello. i am Qanon i plan on gifting someone today
>>4622 based
>>4622 I hope it's me muahahaha
rip woke up around midnight again
>>4629 rip
>54 UIDs That's probably half of what we should have. Hoping next year everyone switches over, or we get it back on 4chan.
>>4631 I'm like 48 of those.
>>4631 we used to have a lot of bumps and posters but now its just ded thred over night
>>4632 >he has 48 different devices he's posting from Anon, you need help. >>4633 Because we had a lot of Euro and Oceania posters in the past. They all left, so there's nobody to fill the overnight hours.
>Covers on >Playing a game >Listening to music Oh yeah, it's comfy time.
>>4631 I think 8chan and 4chan count the posters differently but that's a lot and you should feel proud of it.
>>4634 >Euro I'm still here, it's just that I am wagecucking this time around and I can't be here all day and night like I used to other years.
>>4639 You're one Euro. We used to have enough that they could gift each other more often. Oceania are the backbone during the overnight EST time since it's afternoon for them. WIthout them, it's always incredibly slow during those hours.
Kino today?
>>4602 I am not going to lunch the grinch, I am going to rape the grinch, no lunch or dinner included beforehand.
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R9K/SSG/'s KINOPLEX PRESENTS; KND / BILLY AND MANDY CHRISTMAS AND ANOTHER MYSTERY FILM TO MAKE UP FOR MISSING YESTERDAY Room will open at 6:30pm EST And Film will begin at 7:00pm EST Don't be late! You will have to create an account and use chrome to watch the stream, and if that doesn't work you will have to download the app. >inb4 muh malware Sucks to suck I guess See you all soon 🙂 https://s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
its snowinggg !!!
>>4645 slept past this one rip
>>3778 (OP) Thank you Mr. Full Pockets (MFP) and Merry Christmas. I don't know if you're in this thread, but I'll still post pictures for you either way. >not sure use of this... but enjoy... From mr. full pockets My face peels in random spots pretty bad and nothing I have tried fixes it (moisturizing those areas just makes it worse as weird as that sounds) and I looked around, plus asked, and this stuff supposedly helps. After taking the picture I tried it and it worked perfectly. >prefer other boning... ha ha From MFP I laughed at the gift note comment and it's a nice knife. >>4562 >The massive nukes demotivated me from archiving, but I'm gonna try to comb through it and do the best I can to grab them all. I am not sure if archiving means the 2024 /SSG/ collage, but if it does, then here are two more to add to it.
any giflets left? feels like many abandoned the threads after the tranny fiasco
>>4653 not a giftlet but sadly alot of robros went different ways I guess. another thing destroyed by tranny faggots, 7 years of comfy down the drain by some 41%ers
>>4653 Agreed. I'm grateful for those that managed to stick around though!
>>4653 sonic autism anon is the only reason i even thought to make this thread so could thank him, idk if he was gifted or not tho code 2VP1GGI97NKCU
>>4653 i looked at most the lists and probably the newcomers to the discord are giftlets, my guess
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>>4656 o he was the anon who got that weird tech thing
Everybody have fun tonight Everybody wang chum tonight
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it's getting late, time clean the cat litterbox and have some cold water before bed time. Good night bros
>>4653 >tranny fiasco they shut down /co/'s amazon threads too. they consider it advertising or something. wondering if theyll shut down /b/'s steam begging
>>4658 Ye, I've been gifted, let us gift the giftlets.
>>4614 >Then again, some people buy a new TV every year or two. Not sure why. The only people I have known who do that either want the newest thing out, made the mistake of buying OLED and have burn-in, or they're told to buy it from marketing or a sales person in a store, so they fall for it and buy it. >>4653 I am still here, but I am not a giftlet, and I sleep quite a bit. >>4654 >7 years of comfy down the drain by some 41%ers I didn't expect the mods to nuke it on /r9k/ this year, but when you think about it, anything done by the mods on that board nowadays seems to be only done to make it worse, and never better. >>4657 >probably the newcomers to the discord are giftlets Probably, but I am not in the Discord, because I didn't make a Discord account, so I am not sure. If you guys plan on using Discord for the future I would make one. >>4661 >Good night bros Good night anon. >>4663 >/b/'s steam begging They probably allow that, because it's something they can potentially hide in where with Amazon you could immediately tell if the list belonged to a tranny or a real woman. You could probably tell with steam too (the account, avatar, use of wording, etc), but most currently released AAA games I see talked about, which most are probably wanting you would probably not know if the username or avatar wasn't a dead giveaway.
I am going to gift some of you fags next Thursday, sorry that it'll be after christmas, but I burnt all of this paycheck on fam gifts
>>4666 No worries mate, Ilook forward to it
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Goodnight everyone!
>>4666 Hopefully I'll be one of them muahahaha >>4668 Goodnight
>>4666 Very based. I myself gifted what I could on my birthday on the 2nd of the month, but I'm out of money for any more gifts to frens. If we're still here next year, I'm hoping to do more. I wanted to get a good-paying job, and I need to do that in 2025 because I'm moving.
>>4668 Goodnight Jolly
>>4666 >I am going to gift some of you fags next Thursday, sorry that it'll be after christmas Kind of you, and I am sure the anon's will enjoy it regardless. >>4668 >Sleeping The best time of the day in my opinion. Good night anon.
i got a bone in rib roast pretty cheap dont know how to cook it though gonna try that tomorrow
>>4653 >giftlet Me >>4543 >>4521 I thought of another thing, I want to work with my favorite manga authors/artists, animators, music producers, etc on something.
>>4674 >bone in rib roast Sounds tasty. I would eat it with some mashed potatoes. A vegetable that might be good with it is grilled cauliflower.
>>4676 i dont have any potatoes rip, will see if i can get some tomorrow
>>4666 yaaauuyy orange slices
>>4677 I usually eat the Idahoan box flake kind, but occasionally I have the actual potatoes that you wash, peel, cook, etc.
>>4680 i enjoy cooking so im gonna do all that haha might as well for a christmas dinner
Keep postin in the /r9k/ festive threads too, it might help lead some more robots here
>>4681 >i enjoy cooking so im gonna do all that haha It's a good thing to do. >might as well for a christmas dinner And probably a healthier meal compared to the box flakes I eat if I had to guess. >>4682 I'm wondering if the mods will consider an archive link the same as an Amazon link. If so, that is sad.
>>4666 Based of you anon.
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I've read that unheated honey contains "enzymes" (or something enzyme-like) in the form of carbohydrate structures, which can disassemble pretty much anything you eat; even bones. They're allegedly destroyed above 100°F with some damage occurring at temperatures as low as 93°F. Bees flap their wings to cool down their honey and hives when it gets too hot, and what I've read is that they tend to cool them down to 93°F or less. I've also read that eating unheated honey accelerates healing. I'm very distrustful of "established" science, particularly when it comes to health, but in spite of that I decided to briefly look for answers to questions I had about these claims. The mainstream view is that the only true enzymes in unheated honey are serine proteases, which take apart proteins, but honey's serine proteases are much less active than something like the cysteine proteases in pineapples and kiwifruit. They say carbohydrate structures which act like enzymes don't exist; however, they say there are glycoproteins and enzyme cofactors in unheated honey that can enhance the activity of enzymes in their vicinity. This could be the key to it all. You and your microbes produce tons of enzymes in your digestive tract (and elsewhere), which may have their activity enhanced by the glycoproteins and enzyme cofactors. It's also worth mentioning that raw foods contain digestive enzymes, as they haven't been destroyed by heat. Raw foods digest better than cooked foods except in the case of plants, but unheated honey may even be able to enhance raw plant digestion. Glycoproteins and enzymes can both be fragile enough to be destroyed at relatively low temperatures like 100°F too. This explanation also fits into the idea that eating unheated honey accelerates healing. Enzymes are one of a few ways that your body can dissolve dead cells before replacing them with new cells. Through improved digestion, you also get more nutrients for creating and maintaining cells. For now, these glycoproteins and enzyme cofactors are my accepted explanation for the claims at the top of this post.
>>4685 >honey anon is back at it haha nice
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Only FOUR days left till Christmas! What's your ratio looking like this year, anons? I'm at 4 gifts given and 3 gifts received; much different to previous years. I'm glad I had a bit of money to gift anons this time around.
>>4687 i got 1 gift and sent 1 gift its hard to find people who havent gotten anything yet
>>4687 2 given, 3 received. Mine is a better ratio than last year too, I couldn't do anything last year and felt bad about it. Next year, no matter where we are and if I found a better job, I will outdo my received and do more given
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>>4687 I bought a gift and that's all, I would be lying if I said I don't want something back, but I am glad to gift just the way someone did to me all of those years ago.
>>4660 Not that anon but merry Christmas anon
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>>4662 Not that anon but Merry CHristmas giftlet
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>>4687 14 given 6 recieved. usually i give more but with the whole fiasco this year i didnt do as much as i usually do
>>4692 >>4693 B-b-b-based!
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i gifted 7 anons.i only got gifted by NYgod himself. i barely had 5 items on my list so i wasnt looking for a haul. but those nigger faggots on r9k ruined my plans to host a contest
Merry Xmas fellas!!! Eat well end drink good in these days! https://www.amazon.it/hz/wishlist/ls/1VZKI42QAUIB4?ref_=wl_share
fellas... after having my guts blown out... i have come down with a Christmas cold... man fuck my dog ass immune system
>>4699 ya gotta be careful around this time, my mom had visitors and like within hours she was sick from them, i always put hand sanitizer in my car and wash my hands after touching shit randoms have touched
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>>4687 I gifted 4, received 1 (I don't think my bot has arrived yet btw) but my list is mostly items above $30 so the actual price dif between given/received is prob close to even for me. I'm just glad we managed to save SSG in general this year with the bullshittery the tranny janny put us through earlier this month There's still kino to be seen and cozy to be had!
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Well it's been a week since I last posted this, and since the thread has been more active lately, I'll post my link again: https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3BW1AMYJN7GN9?ref_=wl_share I guess it doesn't really matter, but for the hell of it, just to show I'm still present I guess. I was really looking forward to this year's SSG, but it ended up getting cancelled by trannies. What a fucking travesty. But I can't really say I'm surprised. Disgusted, for sure, but not surprised, seeing how the whole Internet has gone to shit. Here's to hoping next year things will be better. Here's to hoping all sex pests end themselves. Here's to hoping 41% becomes 100%. Keep fighting, brothers, hold back the night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apaJ3A56XbM
The big day is almost here - merry Christmas bros!
Stopped at a gas station, saw a guy park his car, immediately yell out to a woman asking her name, flirted with her even though she said she had a bf, minutes later they were holding hands, and he's definitely gonna smash
>>4687 got 4, gifted 4 I think money wise I gave more than what I got back but it doesn't matter much
tomorrow i'll gift some anons something it's le sleep time now
>>4707 blackpill of the week
>>4709 Have a good night anon. Sleep well.
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>>4707 i must destroy white race, no coping ngl.
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R9K/SSG/'s KINOPLEX PRESENTS; King of the Hill Christmas (The one where Bill troons out) Room will open at 6:30pm EST And Film will begin at 7:00pm EST Don't be late! You will have to create an account and use chrome to watch the stream, and if that doesn't work you will have to download the app. >inb4 muh malware Sucks to suck I guess See you all soon 🙂 https://s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
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>>4693 Wtf, thank you anon and Merry Christmas. I'll post a pic when it arrives.
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Ohh... Santa, Santa, Santa has his jolly little eyes on me!
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Have to make another 12+ hour drive to go visit family tomorrow. Please send prayers and/or energy drinks. Western sandveld lizard (Nucras tessellata) https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/36XUVGFKERA2G
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>>4567 I caved in and bought it. I need to gamble >>4694 I'm sad I've only done 4 given and 4 received so far. I wanted to do more contests, but vet bills killed me. Hopefully next time the jannies will let normal ssg happen and I can run more contests
>>4687 I've given 3 and received 1 (from NYanon).
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>>4721 godspeed yuuri, hope you are not prone to addiction
>>4697 >>4721 I was planning on holding a contest this year too. But with all the confusion amidst the chaos I decided not to so I just bought gifts for giftlets instead. Next year I'm holding it though, I'm hoping things go a lot smoother.
>>4720 gl lizard anon, I get car sick easily so I always dread long car rides >>4724 fingers crossed for smooth sailing next year too
making my Christmas dinner at 1 am like a totally normal person lol didn't want the meat to go bad making prime rib roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy !
>>4720 >>4725 I once drove to Canada for tennocon a video game event . never doing that again lol like 9 hours of driving and once i reached Canada the GPS stopped working
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Goodnight /SSG/!
>>4728 Good night anon.
rip christmas dinner was a disaster im no chef D:
>>4730 Show us anyway
>>4731 ill try to take a pic tomorrow after i fix the gravy
>>4730 You learn and improve for next time. Nothing wrong with failing at the beginning.
I watched Christmas Vacation, Black Christmas, and all 3 Spongebob specials.
>>4737 ya im gonna try to get my errands done today , hopefully no lines lol
>>4738 Good luck to you anon! I haven't done any gift-buying for the family yet myself. I will do it all tomorrow, but thankfully I won't have to go through any lines or stuff, since I'm just buying everything from the store I work at.
im playing the pokemon game anon made jolly roger keeps kicking my ass lol
>>4740 send some pics i wanna see if its worth downloading myself
>>4740 Wait wtf I must have missed this send a link I wanna play that shit too!
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seems like i got the flu as well. Not feeling tired but snots are plenty, might get some hot milk and honey to cheer up. Stay safe lads, you don't want a leaky nose in those christmas pictures.
>>4741 shit sorry didnt see this and i already finished the game so no pics my review: the beginning is slow cuz it has the fire red fetch quest and u gotta go catch ur team but after that its all good. u fight ssg avatarfags and the fights are kino but tough. I would say the game was a good hour or two of fun >>4742 anon go look at the art section ur in the game art concepts, u almost made it in
>>4740 Guess I'll give it a try too. The art looked bad ass
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finally got regigigas after a long week, should i go for virizion or registeel next?
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>>3793 >>3783 >The default indians cannot disable the option I just spoke with a jeet on the chat and asked him to transfer me to the registies deparment. He told me they will sent me a email. Is this normal? Did he blow me off?
>>4743 I forgot to make a post talking about it. My bad. PRESENTING: POKEMON SSG https://sal-amander.itch.io/ssg2024 SAVE OFTEN/MAKE SAVE STATES OFTEN. It's my first time ever making a ROM hack and while I didn't encounter any issues there could still be something I missed. The game is on the short side and like another anon said, it has a slow start just to get things set up. I had plans to include more recognizable anons but I focused on finishing the meat and potatoes of the game lol. Enjoy! >>4740 I have a tough time beating him too. Don't forget to pick up Max Revives at the Kinoplex! >>4744 Hope you feel better. >>4749 Registeel. Keep the regi hype going. >>4750 He likely blew you off, you have to try again - Posting all of the art I made this year for any anons who didn't make it to the discord server. Spoiling possible game spoiling art for anyone who cares.
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>>4751 >>4752 Last one.
>>4750 amazon hasnt had message/email feature in years......... only way to reach them is by live chat or call
>>4751 >>4754 DAMN that fucker blew me off then... thanks bros, i'd try again, happy christmass
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>>3789 >>4516 Merry Christmas robo sadly ur gift will arrive after Christmas
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>>4758 Maybe supersanta will come around
Any poorfags get something nice/expensive and feel weird having it? Not being to used to it?
>no trannies after the exodus >somehow still a giftlet this is not you right anon? you are not so boring not even supersanta visits you?
>>4760 The most expensive thing I ever got was an SSD last year from techsanta. Do I feel weird for it? Nah, it's just been really helpful because now I don't need to download old games immediately before installing new ones
>>4761 It's me Anon
>>4761 kek
>>4760 never bought more than 1 game every few months so having anons buy me 5 and have them all land on my mailbox same month was a new experience. you just sit there wondering which to play first
>>4740 Now jolly roger is kicking MY ass
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>>4750 >Is this normal? Did he blow me off? Yeah, don't let them email you r call you; they never do. It's just an excuse to blow you off without you realizing they are useless and can not help you, so you won't give them a low rating. Use the chat option again lad.
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What were the rest of y'all settle on for your final teams?
>>4751 I love it so far! I kicked my own ass so hard in the double battle that I got kicked out of the main romhack map, lol! Gonna have to make a new game since I forgot to save, but it's gonna be well worth it! Here's who I caught and my team so far. Will run it back tomorrow! Also my favorite mon!
waking up to a charlie horse AHHHH
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Even though the r9k SSG threads were axed away, I’m sending all my warmest wishes to all the anons this Christmas! I’ve left some cookies for you, hoping you’ll find a little joy in them just as I do in this season of giving. It’s been a year full of ups and downs, but the magic of kindness never fades. Thank you for bringing a little extra light to the world, and I truly hope each of you is surrounded by love, warmth, and all the things that bring you happiness. Merry Christmas to all, and may the holiday season be as special as the spirit of giving itself! https://www.amazon.in/hz/wishlist/ls/1FQ42MWVCZUY9?ref_=list_d_wl_lfu_nav_2
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>>4727 sounds quite painful, was the tennocon fun at least? >>4757 holy based, thanks anon, wayyyy too kind. please have the merriest of Christmases
>>4769 Hackrom?
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>>4775 hype hype ! pretty jazzed it might snow again too
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>>4769 >>4770 Here's mine, I still have a couple trainers to conquer (no spoilers for you!) but the run thus far was pretty smooth and very funny Kinda excited for Christmas just for the coziness
reminder to NOT start the threads on november 18. wait until BLACK FRIDAY though preferably in december 1
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Hello Robots and /co/rades its time for another comic storytime, going back to the DC Universe with Garth Ennis's hidden gem from the late 90s Hitman
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and thats the end of that issue I'll be sure to have another comic ready on Christmas Eve it's a pleasure to do this
>>4781 >>4782 >>4783 >>4784 >>4785 Do you also happen to have the Warrior Christmas comic?
>>4786 I'm afraid I do not have the Warrior Christmas comic, I never got into that era of Guy Gardner
>>4787 >Guy Gardner No not that Warrior. This one.
>>4751 Im curious to know who else you wanted to add
>>4789 Not me mine crumbled on my dick
Baking chocolate chip cookies soon, the dough is chilling.
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Thank you Chilly Dilly kek
>>4789 >gooning with ye merry gentlemen Lmao >>4790 Do spoilers work here? In no particular order: NY anon, Konata, Honey anon, DND anon, Sonic anon, Maker anon, Mr. Full Pockets These are the ones that were either clear cut to me on how to present them or I at least had a vague idea on it. There's more anons that are easy to pinpoint in /SSG/ that I also would have liked to add but I had no clue as to how to present them in game. I also wanted to add more "secret" bosses since the game was supposed to be a bit bigger originally. They likely would have been recognizable posters that have disappeared over the years, or don't make their presence known if they are here. (I.E, elf fucker, secret sandler, puppy-chan, spooky, steamchad, etc.)
>>4794 Based /SSG/ lore-keeper.
>>4794 I have finally achieved avatarfagdom, after all of these years :')
Merry Christmas Eve friends, hope you've all been well https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2C3AWDRCE5VM5
>>4800 are you still sleeping in your car? my neighbor does this for weird reasons, and i imagine its fucking freezing at night
also people been asking about you in the discord wondering how you been
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>>4801 I'm currently at the shelter out of the weather. Luckily kept my upper floor bed so I'm not stuck with the haitians and giant lice downstairs. I've been managing as usual, my phone screen shit out again so I was without that for a week. I'll check on the discord tomorrow when I get some coffee and wifi, signal is too shitty in here to use the app without it constantly loading
merry christmas eve everyone! the thread here was more popular than i thought it would be, brings me much joy >>4794 >Maker anon whos maker anon? >>4800 also hey again homeless anon, glad to see u still kicking
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Christmas is almost upon us. If the guy who was playing Snow is here, I'd like to hear your progress. I haven't been playing my guitar much since the jewish tranny attacked. I was considering making another song or an alternative version of Snow for Christmas but I might not have time for it
>>4806 Any list of all the known avatarfags in game? I would like to track them down.
What is the kinoplex that people are speaking of?
There's 506 posts now! >>4789 I think it was anon
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>>4516 here still taking any artfag requests, again Merry Christmas eve everyone~ >>4808 >what is kinoplex ---->>4716 Chilly Dilly's movie cinema (streaming app) works on chrome and edge too
Merry Christmas Eve Friends
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ok giftlet call for christmas eve, reply with your list and hope for the best, santa is watching.
>>4814 giftlets only?
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>>4815 anon greed is bad
I want to take time off work but don't see that happening >>4814 https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/LE54JVI2MZNH?ref_=wl_share
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IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE MOTHERFUCKERS >>4814 Not a giftlet, but thanks for gifting people, especially this late, lad!
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Merry Christmas Eve lads!
>>4781 >>4782 >>4783 >>4784 >>4785 Didn't expect to see Ennis or Hitman here, thanks anon!
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good pulls
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Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Even if Supersanta doesn't show up for us I'm glad we still all made it work all the way this year. Obligaroni fuck jannies https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17QDBIGX7DH39?ref_=wl_share
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I suppose this will be the last time I post my list for this year. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3BW1AMYJN7GN9 I wanna wish all of you anons that persisted and kept on fighting and stuck around a very merry Christmas, and the happiest of new years! May you find happiness, attain stability, security and good health in 2025. I will still be around till New Years, as is tradition, and I'll try to attend tonight's kino.
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>>4351 enjoy
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Merry Christmas eve /SSG/! >>4796 I try my best! >>4805 Maker anon is a guy who had a bunch of wood working stuff in his list. The year super santa was going around buying people's lists out he got all of the equipment he needed. With this blessing he was able to do what he loves and earn a living with it. A touching story, really. Although I think now he works as an emt. I'm going off memory here so I might have gotten a few details wrong lol. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2S9TM94UHEO8T?ref_=wl_share
Well seems like supersanta isn't coming this year. Well, at least i tried https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1VQYXU0AR82C2?ref_=wl_share Merry Christmas anons
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Merry Christmas eve, anons! It's getting a bit colder and snowier here, hope everyone's staying warm, safe, and cheery! https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/2IY7AK48TKL0E
>>4833 Wait what the fuck, that's me! Thank you!! I'll read it well!
>>4836 >>4837 now its your turn
>>4838 I gotta, I am just waiting for dollars to come in the mail
trying to stay awake long enough for kino time !! we're getting movies until new years right
Homelessanon here, wish I would've found these threads a week ago :( I'll take a pic of my blanket soon. TY for keeping me cozy frens. >I can guarantee you the threads will be back on r9k next year. Love you all frens, really missed you this year. Was sad I might not have been able to catch you all next year. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/25S3020NMNA2M Posting list just in case.
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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, SORRY i havent posted much in threads im still recovering from illness. Ifi dont make a kino post just know we still have it everynight unless something bad happens. Havent posted list in awhile so here you go https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1IQYFMYIPM38Y?ref_=wl_share God bless you all friends
>>4804 are you the anon I got a blanket for? I never saw if it arrived ok or not
Merry Christmas /ssg/!
>>3778 (OP) Thank you for the computer mouse Mr. Full Pockets (MFP). I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
>>4844 Merry Christmas anon.
>>4842 8chan has a streaming service too
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>>4847 YEAH AND IT SUCKS Tomorrow we watch olive the other reindeer on Christmas day. BE THERE OR BE GRINCHED
>>4843 No, that's me >>4841. pic incoming.
>>4841 >>4804 we have two homeless anons? hope your holiday has been alright brothers
>>4850 Yep, was surprised myself. Every day gets better for me, thank you for asking. May your holiday be blessed.
my merriest festivefags, things got better this month! thank you all for keeping these threads alive, they gave me a bit more motivation to follow. these threads are the only festivity i follow this time of year :) https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3VSPY4UUQCWIZ?ref_=wl_share
>>4848 Jeez sorry I was just trying to offer an alternative to your server faggot
>>4854 Ha, you're sorry? You're sorry? You try to kill off my theater, and you say you're sorry? Let me tell you something. The server offer, it didn't upset me. It amused me. Wooo, big job at the illustrious 8chan streaming server. A chance to play at the palace. Who, pickled old me? You have no idea what's going on! You're a teensie tiny man in a teensie weensie little bubble. Ohhh and don't you fucking "Oh Dilly" me. You look down on me? You pity me? Walk away. That's right Serverfag. You know why I didn't host on the 8chan server? Because it was too SMALL. I don't CARE about it! It's NOTHING to me! It's a bacterium! I travel in worlds you can't even imagine! You can't conceive of what I'm capable of! I'm so far beyond you! I'm spiced just right for every bite! I'm like a God in human clothing! LIGHTNING BOLTS SHOOT FROM MY FINGERTIPS!!!
>>4855 I fapped.
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Hello anons its me again coming at you with another story, This time we go back to the Mighty Marvel Universe with this tale from Peter Davids Hulk run with Ads for the full experience!
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>>4855 the scene came to my mind like a long lost cherished memory
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and that's the end of that story thanks for coming by, now if you'll excuse I'm gonna get some hot cocoa
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>>4855 KEK
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Sharing my plushie collection because I haven't done it this year. I will get more soon (fuck customs) so I will post them later, including a 20in furret! Merry christmas!
I'll ask here too. I was gifted some rosé wine and some eggnog liqueur the other day. I've never had either and don't know what they taste like or if I'll like em. Which do you fine people recommend? Which will give me a worse hangover? I usually just have vodka when I drink. I'd open both but I'm pretty sure I can't store them away once I open them
>>4867 How many of those have you cum on?
>>4855 Wow, you're really showing how threatened you are to lose your "status." What the fuck dude.
>>4869 Answer me robots while the night is young
>>4869 If you don't like alcohol > eggnog tastes better and will get you sneaky drunk If you like alcohol > wine drunk is best drunk >Note: I've only had non-alcoholic eggnog
>>4870 NONE, they are my friends and I would never defile them.
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I hope everybody has a warm and enjoyable Christmas! https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3M9RQ64LKBAZ3/
>>4804 >discord How do I join?
>>4874 Thanks anon, I'm gonna go get tipsy now >>4876 AYYY ya made it! I recognize this list
>>4874 I'm late but I vote wine!! It's what I'm having. >>4878 Cheers!!
>>4874 >non-alcoholic eggnog Wait, is it supposed to be alcoholic?
>>4880 Yes. It is.
>>4881 Who the heck thought it was a good idea to mix alcohol with egg liquid? Also, is it good?
>>4882 Non alcoholic eggnog exists but generally it's supposed to be alcoholic. I mix mine with brandy/whiskey/rum or vodka if I want it stronger. It's pretty good! And sweet. Don't let the egg in eggnog scare ya
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Merry Christmas /SSG/ and I hope you all have a Happy New Year too. I'll be around until New Year's like the past years, but probably sleeping. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/78K25BOKV23Z?ref_=wl_share >>4882 >Eggnog >Is it good? Different anon, but I have always wondered the same thing. >>4887 >It's pretty good! And sweet. Good to know, thank you anon.
Merry Christmas guys. Anybody have any steam wishlists?
>>4889 Merry Christmas! >steam All I have is Amazon. But I'll link you the steam ones I saw in the thread. >>4562 >>4163
>>4889 merry christmas to you, anon https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/cattosarefrens/ i like dumb indie games
MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS, I hope you guys have a good Christmas morning, I hope santa will visit tonight!! https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/SDUNLN02UHW2?ref_=wl_share
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Merry christmas lads, glad to have you around this year.
>>4889 can we just be steam friends? https://s.team/p/ckfv-tkdf/brfpjnfw
I am so tired. Good night anon's time for me to sleep. Merry Christmas everyone.
merry christmas all ! i hope you have a nice happy day :D
Merry Christmas Everyone. Hope you all have a good New year aswell.
>>4889 merry christmas to you as well bro. here's my wishlist of games https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198152547070/
>>4889 ya im here >>4163
>>4889 https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/SpookyTortoise/ Here you go boss MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
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Well boys, we made it. Thanks to everyone for keeping the spirit alive, despite everything. Have a very merry Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you all next year on our home board where we belong! Emerald tree monitor (Varanus prasinus) An arboreal (tree-dwelling) lizard found on New Guinea and surrounding islands. Coloration ranges from bright green to turquoise.
>>4818 Got you something. Merry Christmas!
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Here's my rushed Christmas Gondola drawing for the other day btw, forgot to post in the thread. >>4911 Based Santa!
>mfw giftlet I blame the janny
One final post, hoo-rah anon’s, hoo-rah and merry Christmas https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/1FKO7VDGMNWVH?ref_=wl_share
heading out soon to go play with a doggo for christmas and get paid for it lol
I have a confession I was partially responsible for the jewish pickled incident, and kinoplex slander. You see I made a shitpost about thr kinoplex being a seedy place where chilly dilly engages in a gift 4 gift scam, wasn't based on reality sounded like a made up runescape scam to me. Then someone latched onto my shitpost and skizzed the fuck out, spammed that shit, and made their own kinoplex.
>>4911 Thank you, I keep trying to grow plants and I kill a lot of them but I keep trying
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I hope you have a good Christmas despite what you've had to endure in real life and on 4chan
if we cant return to r9k i guess im done with amazon gifting. the pozcord was cool but it aint the same
>>4920 there is a thread alive atm anon, tho im sure once the janny gets home from his BBC appointment it'll get nuked
>>4920 Haven't seen the pozcord linked yet. BTW, I know there's a staff member at 4chan who will be pissed when he finds out this is happening. Expect it to be back on r9k next year.
>>4920 I'm not huge on discord either We could try posting the Amazon codes as image file names next year
>>4923 It doesn't matter what you try, the tranny will find an excuse to ban you. Stop thinking the rules mean anything.
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>>4925 >Any US anons IT'S NOT FAIR
>>4925 Posted mine here >>4841 TY for nothing, or anything. Merry Christmas.
Every keyboard I get is a piece of shit no matter how much it costs. Does anyone have any recommendations for a new mechanical keyboard? I was thinking about getting an old PS/2 keyboard since older hardware in my experience was actually built to last instead of built to break. I used to have a cheap Gateway keyboard from like 2002 that I used until 2014, and the only reason I got rid of it was because it got incredibly dirty and I didn't want to clean it. In other words, I was fucking retarded and ended up throwing away the last good keyboard I would ever use for no good reason. Since then, every new keyboard I tried became dysfunctional with its inputs or keycaps in less than a year of usage; an actual problem unlike what I had with that Gateway keyboard.
>>4925 super santa? can i has shirt protectors? ----->>3789 i swear this will be my last beg
>>4925 >>4194 Here's mine. If this is NY anon, you already got me this year fyi
>>4936 based!
>>4932 Honestly the keyboard I put on my list I only picked cause it's wireless, mechanical, and rechargeable, and under 100. if you have a "they don't make em like they used to" attitude, buy a model M. They're still making them, built like tanks (supposedly, haven't used them).

>>4925 shieeee ive already been gifted but since you are offering https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1IQYFMYIPM38Y?ref_=wl_share merry Christmas to all, God bless us everyone
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Thank you, bud looks great. For all those anons I hope you had a great Christmas. Don't worry if I gifted you already, one more gift can't hurt.
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>>4942 Holy shit thank you for the gifts NYanon, Merry Christmas.
>>4941 >>4943 Post it, bud.
>>4925 You got me already once before NYanon (unless you're someone different), but here's my list if you're still going for one more blowout: >>3819
>>4942 im fucking shaking, thank you anon ur too kind imma have an anxiety attack, very merry christmas
>>4945 >>4562 thank you NY chad. your second appearance has truly foiled the jannies plans of cancelling Christmas
>>4942 Homeless anon here: THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
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>tfw Euro and will never ever get gifted by NYbro in a million years
>>4942 Thank you so much. I feel a lot better now than I did earlier. You saved my Christmas
>>4946 Don't worry about it, have another.
>>4925 Wow, didn’t think we’d see you again. Thanks for stopping bu! In case you’re still here: >>4720
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>>4942 WOOOOOOOOO KINO IS ON THE MENU SOON, THANK YOU! I'm glad you liked the art too :D
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>>4953 Thank you VERY much NYanon! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
>NYanon found his way to 8chan Based!
>replies giga slow because jans killed the spirit trump NEEDS to draft these faggot jans straight into the fuckin middle east
Christmas is saved for US anons... Although I'm not included I love you, supermegasanta
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Merry Christmas everyone! I've been sick as heck since last night but thankfully medicine exists! Can't wait for kinoplex tonight! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17QDBIGX7DH39?ref_=wl_share
>>4961 ya kino will be comfy tonight everyone better be there !
>>4941 what movie is on for tonight chilly?
>>4942 Thank you for the gifts, I really appreciate it, also welcome to 8chan lol!
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>>4966 woaaaahhhh! holy shit i did not expect that, thanks so much!
>>4954 Sorry, missed you the first time.
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>>4841 Merry Christmas! take care friend
Not requesting anything but I do appreciate ya
>>4562 >>4972 If it isn't too late
>>4968 Enjoy, bud.
>>4966 >>4971 >>4972 >>4975 holy shit thanks for gifting !
>>4974 oh im not NYanon, just some random gifter
>>4975 HOLY SHIT Thanks new york bro Fucking nuts
>>4977 My mistake anon >>4925 >>4562 If it isn't too late, thank you for giving to anons!
>>4979 Nah, still here.
>>4980 Woot woot! Thank you for the generosity! Merry Christmas!
can NYgod get us alkikes with pretty feet
>autocorrect turns g!rIfriend into "kikes" funny
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Since it looks like there are Santas gifting ITT, I would like to bring your attention to my list, if possible >>4830 If not, thanks anyways! Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
kino starts soon ! get in there for christmas kino
>>4925 >Any US anons hit me with your lists pls. That is my list here: >>4888 If you left already, then it's all good. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well.
>>4987 Beezelbub from Helltaker wearing a santa hat
>>4971 You are, as always, extremely based. Merry Christmas!
Blessed are the Bud posters
>>4972 Thank you fren. Merry Christmas to you. If you'd like a tarot reading, please ask. In fact, if anyone wants a tarot reading, please ask and I will provide. May the Lord God bless you all.
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>>4989 imma piss now I AM SDORRY NAON tho it was fun
>>4994 i frogot the hat sorry
>>4988 Here ya go, bud. Have a Merry Christmas.
>>4996 Thank you Nyanon (I am pretty sure it is you) and Merry Christmas to you as well. I'll attach a picture with the gift note to the top of this thread when it arrives.
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Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8UmqvOqB1A
>>4996 Thanks once again for the gifts bro, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
>>4562 >got gifted tank BASED. is it a display piece or do the wheels actually move
any wishlists from outside the US?
>>5001 >any wishlists from outside the US? Here are some Canadian lists (according to .ca): >>4351 >>4893
>>5001 Also, here is the pastebin, which supposedly contains every Amazon wish list and other information: https://pastebin.com/brM3CHjh
>>4876 >>5001 Here you go!!
>>5002 >>4351 i could just afford the one, i hope the rest of you get stuff too, i'm not like the megasanta i hope i get chosen by a santa too
>>4351 now it is your turn
>>5007 What happened to all the bing bing wahoo's
>>5008 I went on ahead and bought the Mario and Luigi game.
another happy day ! hope everyone had a great christmas
>>5001 Here's one! >>4985
>>5001 Am i too late? (>>4756)
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I'm awake way too late playing my guitar https://vocaroo.com/1oSNyoZFi40h
>>4751 What type is jewish dilly? And what beats it? I keep losing to him
anyone else didn't get anything? can't get you things but i hope you had a jolly christmas regardless
>>5015 i think uk anons and others not in usa maybe?
>>5016 yeah i'm UK anon, i bought someone for a canadanon earlier i hope he likes it
Collabanon, please wait until new years before making the collab. I think multiple people will still post pics
>went to bed early because I didn't get any sleep, and there was nothing to do At least it's not abysmally cold anymore, and the snow outside looks nice. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/2IY7AK48TKL0E
>live refreshing doesn't refresh the page >>5005 Oh shit, thank you! I'm looking forward to this read, thank you so much! >>5006 Still waiting for mail for my promised funds
>>5020 It works most of the time but sometimes the disclaimer cookie expires and then your web browser can't auto update. Just F5 if you haven't used it for a long time.
>missed supersanta twice This is it, I am shooting a mall next year.
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>>5021 All I get is that weird pop-up asking for notifications whenever my computer wakes up, but that must have been it I guess
>>5014 He's Grass/Dark. Moves that are super affective against him are Bug, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Fire, Ice and Fairy moves.
>>5022 make sure you get the mall santa
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>>5001 >>5011 >tfw missed non-US Santa Feelbadman. Anyways, how are you all, robots? How was your Christmas? Mine was nice and quiet, small family gathering and all that.
>>5028 >Anyways, how are you all, robots? I still feel alittle sick from getting drunk yesterday, and alittle lonely but that’s how it always is >How was your Christmas? i enjoyed it, tho i really wish I had a girl who wanted to spend it with me too >Mine was nice and quiet, small family gathering and all that. my family’s Christmas was nice, quiet and chill too
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>>5029 >I still feel alittle sick from getting drunk yesterday Hope you feel better soon lad. >i really wish I had a girl who wanted to spend it with me too IKTF
what happened to the ER anon who would post his horror stories from work
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R9K/SSG/'s KINOPLEX PRESENTS; MUPPETS CHRISTMAS CAROL! Room will open at 6:30pm EST And Film will begin at 7:00pm EST Don't be late! You will have to create an account and use chrome to watch the stream, and if that doesn't work you will have to download the app. >inb4 muh malware Sucks to suck I guess See you all soon 🙂 https://s.kast.live/g/d49qiqgvuus
>>5032 nice will be comfy kino
>>5032 peak I tell you, PEAK
>>4751 >>5026 is it possible that u could make a boss rush of the game? i wanna face the bosses without having to go through the extra
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>>5035 Sure, it could be possible. I'll give it a try friend.
>>5031 Hopefully gone that guy was a faggot
>>5031 i don't know if he made it over here or not but looks like he didn't, i thought he was cool >>5037 hey don't say that. baka
>>5037 Really? Why is that? I mean, I didn't exactly like hearing about who died on his operating table or ambulance in a comfy cheer thread, but I didn't hate the guy or anything. I figured he was just trying to get the horrible visions of his job off his chest by talking about it.
>>5039 >the horrible visions of his job off his chest by talking about it. I figured the same. I also work in a job that revolves around death (although mine isn't exactly the same) and some people just need to talk about it. People cope in different ways and all.
Do any of y'all have new years traditions?
>>4953 Woa I think the book is from my list, very pleasant surprise, I didn't think I'd get anything this year. THANK YOU SANTA!!
>>4932 The best keyboard I have ever used was made by Topre. They're expensive, but I have used mine for 13 years without any problems and it still looks and functions exactly like it did the day I bought it, even though I clean it often with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. I use an air compressor on it occasionally for any dust (once or twice a year), but I keep a full size keyboard dust cover over it when it is not in use, plus clean regularly, so extreme amounts of dust is not a problem for me. >Keycaps: You want PBT plastic and dye sublimation legends, but if possible to buy (they're not always available) you want thick PBT plastic with double-shot PBT plastic legends. If you're wanting RGB lighting (backlit keycaps), then you want thick PBT plastic with double-shot PBT plastic legends with a shine through ability (the double-shot legends allow light to pass through). Also, for keycaps it's always best to have a high contrast set of keycaps if you ever need to look at them to find a particular character. >Links: Master series for Windows: Full Keyboard (similar to the size of mine, except mine is a very old model now): Black: https://www.realforce.co.jp/en/products/R3HB11/ White: https://www.realforce.co.jp/en/products/R3HB21/ Tenkeyless Keyboard: Black: https://www.realforce.co.jp/en/products/R3HD11/ White: https://www.realforce.co.jp/en/products/R3HD21/ Gaming series: Their new gaming edition tenkeyless keyboard (this is probably what you want, because it has MX style stems, so you can use MX keycaps on a Topre switch and the other keyboards above are not using the MX style stem yet from what I can tell, so you would be stuck with the keycaps they come with, and it has a steel frame): https://www.realforce.co.jp/en/products/X1UD11/ https://mechanicalkeyboards.com/products/topre-realforce-gx1-black-tkl-rgb >Other information: You have the option for most of their keyboards to choose between 45g or 30g (grams) for key weight, which means the actuation force required when you press a key down. My 13 year old keyboard is a 55g model, which to me is fine, but some may like a lighter key press, so if you actually end up wanting one of these, then consider what you like on a keyboard before purchasing to not waste your time. Also, none of this stuff is ever cheap, and new keycap sets depending on what you get can get expensive. I have tried Cherry MX switches and I didn't like any of them, but then I went fuck it long ago and I tried a Topre keyboard. It solved all of my problems with keyboards. If you hate Topre, then nevermind, but if you have never tried one, then try it. There is also a clone (budget Topre), which some say is good, but not exact, and I have never tried the clone myself, but it could be good: https://www.nizkeyboard.com/collections/all There could also be something new that is actually good, which I have not seen, because I have not needed to purchase a new keyboard in 13 years, so I haven't heavily looked at the most recent stuff available in 2024. >>4938 >if you have a "they don't make em like they used to" attitude, buy a model M. They're still making them, built like tanks (supposedly, haven't used them). There is also this option, but I haven't used a Model M either. This is where I have seen new Model M's still being made: https://www.pckeyboard.com/page/product/NEW_M I have seen people say the Model F is superior to the Model M, but I haven't used one, so I have no idea. I found this website selling Model F's and a video explaining the differences between a Model F and a Model M keyboard. From the looks of it, these are very expensive: https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUo7Uj3hfTM
Good luck on your search for a quality keyboard anon.
>tfw chilly dilly didn't fly over my house this year It's over
Got Lizardanons gift today! My titan Fortress Maximus has been lonely without having his little buddy Cog till now haha! Thank you very much man!
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>>5045 Hey guys, chilly here. Work just got me fucked up by sending me more calls after i just got home, as a result, kino will be delayed. As consolation at 6:30 i will play the prince of egypt before i go out, and by the time i get back it should be about finished. So double feature for you all tonight.After that we will watch violent night. Thanks
>>5046 Will Roberts do a gift wheel spin since it's Friday?
>>5047 yes, last one of the year
>>5048 Based.
prince of egypt, kek
when you fart and it feels like some poop flew out but you don't care to go check so you just deal with it but no poop smell so probably fine
Double feature of kino tonight was, well, KINO
Kinoplex was super fun tonight, I tried so hard to not like Violent Night but Supersanta was just too powerful to let the movie fail. Amazing action scenes
>>5039 Trauma dumping in a cheer thread is infinitely gay, those professions are for psychos not bleeding hearts.
did the archive guy just give up? he posted once and dipped
>>5055 He said he lost motivation to do it since threads were getting nuked.
>>5056 we have this thread though but okay
>>5051 no sharts I checked scared me
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Some of you have packages coming in today. Keep an eye out.
Thank you kinou, hope you have a meri crumbbus as well, I'll enjoy the cozy read!
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>>5061 >chrimbus
>>5062 I don't think I've seen these guys yet
>>5060 Thank you for the plant cover!
another happy day https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2CY592NK72MK0?ref_=wl_share my potato list also a uk anon missed a package, wanted it to be a surprise but wasnt around for delivery lol
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>>5060 I got my pizza warmer bag, thank you very much LizardAnon! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
>>5069 Congrats! You've had those on your list for a while if I'm not mistaken?
>>5070 Indeed for a couple of years now. I'll put it to the test soon, once I have some lunch. It's really wide too, this is perfect!
the days after christmas are so relaxing its so quiet and peaceful here
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Thanks again, NY Anon. I made some art in commemoration of your kindness. My shirt protections have arrived, and I look forward to my future gift of the Korotor figure. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, all once again.
Will the big man from Brooklyn return for New Years?
>>5074 Not him but christmas is over anon, now it's the "after party." Just a time to hang out
>>5075 >christmas is over Advent is over, anon. Christmastide is literally happening now.
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>>5035 >>5036 Okay I got around to making the "boss rush" today. Enjoy! https://sal-amander.itch.io/pokemon-ssg-boss-battles-only Please make sure to save before every battle. Read the text file for more info on any hiccups that are there. Encounter rates the same as before. You still have to set up your team and after that you can go battle in the SSG building. TMs now available! >>4925 My gift (Blu-ray) arrived safe and sound, I'll be picking it up and posting a picture tomorrow. Thanks!
thread is so dead since christmas everyone gave up
>>5079 plannin to do one more thread on 4chan at least for new years eve and new years as a sendoff, but yeah we got a nice setoff at least, now just more comfy vibes till the last few presents come.
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Thank you once more, NYanon! What an awesome Christmas gift this is. The Christmas spirit couldn't be extinguished after all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, /SSG/!
>>5066 You're very welcome! Did you get a picture?
>>5083 anon for the love of god, u should really consider adding less expensive items next year
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hobo anon here, the body spray arrived earlier today Thank you to the anon that bought it! hope everyone had a good holiday
>>5083 >3 items >Switch, PSVita, and a $50 game Lad I understand having expensive interests or throwing a few insane things at the bottom of a list in case SuperSanta shows up but I think I'm gonna need to give the 3 spirits of Christmas a ring and see if they've got some time before the New Year to teach you the true meaning of Christmas
The package arrived. They unfortunately crumpled the gift note somewhat. Thank you again for the gifts, I really appreciate it. I'll be fixing up that acoustic guitar soon
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thanks /ssg/ uve really made this year's Christmas something special for me, i hope to repay the kindness next year, im still waiting on one last gift but its gonna be a late delivery since its expected to come by April. hopefully by next year ill have other things to offer besides artfagging >thanks fagging big thanks to kinoplex for hosting comfy movies all month long and not fully doomer-ing out after the 4chan nuking and big thanks to the board owner for hosting us this chiristmas, you really did save Christmas for me. and love and kindness to /co/ as well, hopefully, next year we can have more wholesome inactions and lastly thanks to the Discord fags for helping organize thoughts and helping us know what the fucking is going on, many many anons would've been lost without it im sure. >shitty demo for the Ocarina https://voca.ro/13crZHjFoKQ2 merry Christmas and happy new years to all
>>5078 Requesting art of yuuri and the dill running away from null and then null reveals that it wasn't him but instead it was my wife puppy chan
>>5089 I wasn't taking art requests but sure I'll take a crack at it. It sounds like a fun idea.
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>>5089 >>5090 Here you go, hope you like it.
>>5088 You are welcome for the kino anon, i love doing it every year. We are watching edward scissorhands rn and after we will watch lars and the real girl, honestly the most literally me movie ive ever seen, you should stop by
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I got both registeel and articuno today. Now i have all the regis, I will transfer them to SWSH later for a picture of the whole team.
>>5092 BASED ! I didnt think you would do my request
>>5093 sorry chilly, was playin Minecraft with fwends this time tho I’ll try and make it for any for eve, and new years, gnight gang
>>4925 Thank you again! Happy new year! >>5095 No problem friend.
>>5092 That's amazing.
>>5083 Yeahh, ssg was kinda fucked over this year, my first year participating too. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/SDUNLN02UHW2?ref_=wl_share
>>5092 YES! I LOVE THIS!
>>3778 (OP) >>4996 Thank you for the computer mouse NY anon. Happy New Year!
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>>5102 happy new years eve
>>5101 >>5102 >LAST DAY BROS WHERE YOU AT I fell asleep with my laptop sitting on me and I woke up with a slight headache and feeling dizzy / spaced out (the usual). I really need to stop doing that, because one day I'll probably accidentally drop it (thankfully, it hasn't happened yet, and I usually make sure to move it before I pass out). Good night /SSG/, and if this thread is gone or something by the time I wake up, then thanks for the good times on /r9k/ all of these years before the mods were lame, and thanks for the good times on 8chan this year. I will be back again as always next year. Take care everyone. I will leave this thread auto updating while I sleep. >>5104 >>5106 Happy New Year's Eve to you too.
>>5088 >Damn thats a lot of shit >Got nothing
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>>5109 It's your own damn fault for not answering one of the 4-5 calls for giftlet lists in this thread.
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i may not have a job by january 15th, they don't want people working remote anymore.
Happy new years eve. A quick heads up, as per tradition /christmas/ is going to get locked tomorrow >>5107 (3691) and it's going to be opened again on November 15th of the next year. As I pointed out before I highly encourage you to set up your own /r9k/ board here on 8chanmoe so you can keep with your board's business freely without having abusive jannies messing up with you. Just create and account and register an email (preferable protonmail, since I heard about people having a lot of issues with Gmail in the past), you can talk to me if you have any issues and I can let /christmas/ open for a couple extra days if one is not enough for you to set up your board.
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>>5110 >Was ignored multiple times
>>5113 Are you that annoying canadian gothfag? Otherwise I call bullshit
>>5112 Thank you for your service and for having us here, brother.
>>5111 sorry to hear that anon, hopefully you don't, or you find something better for next year
>>5113 ya bro people like sat around for days asking repeatedly whos a giftlet
>>5111 apparently the case for gov workers, they canceling wfh shit and they will all be forced to move or fuck off
>>5092 Did Null even make his way here? I already know my wife puppy-chan didn't ;_;
>>5119 prob too busy being plapped this year by chad, sorry anon
>>5119 i think null was shitposting a bit at the beginning and might have been the sperg who posted gore and shit
>>5005 Censored the nipple, but I'll enjoy Orlandolando furiosiosiosioso!!
ITS ALMOST OVER BROS !!! new years soon
another year without my puppy wife...
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got virizion today, so all the swords of justice have been caught. All my targets have been hunted, guess it is fitting the last day has the last shiny.
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Forgot to post these, thank you NYanon! Happy New Years Eve everybody!
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happy new year anons !
Best wishes for this 2025 anons. Have a great time with your family and friends.
ok stayed up way too late good luck anons in the year to come
Happy New Year everyone! Finally 2025 for me... Always a bittersweet occasion ever since I started doing SSG because it means it's pretty much joever until next year... Stay safe frens, I look forward to this all year long!
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Happy New Year lads, I hope 2025 goes great for you and we all get to watch kino and chill at the same time after Thanksgiving God bless, stay safe, and don't lose hope
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happy new year lads, I will miss you.
Happy New Years!
Happy New Years, /SSG/! And to the board owner: Thank you again for giving us a home for the holidays. Truly you are based! Have a great 2025, everyone.
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HAPPY NEW YEAR /SSG/! I hope to see you all again next year! I always feel a bit melancholy once /SSG/ ends. A special thank you to the board owner for having us in our time of need and a thanks to (You) for sticking along even when things seemed hopeless. I hope you all have a good year. Don't give up on yourself! And be proud of your accomplishments, no matter how small! WAGMI friends. Goodbye /SSG/! Until next time.
>>5114 I didn't get anything either but what're you all so obsessed over hating candles on my list lmao
happy new years bros hope yall have a good one until next time lets hope janny is gone and we can chill in peace

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