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GamerGate Radio

SJWs attacking the source- Leader 06/19/2017 (Mon) 04:49:18 Id: e2a345 No. 330858
Mod edit: A Plan Has Been Formulated. See The following shortcut and do your part after reading! >>331188 ——————————————————————– http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/06/nintendo-localizers-now-work-with-japanese-devs-to-censor-games-for-western-culture/33309/ http://archive.is/Nl9i3 >“When we have costumes or clothes that we have a little concern with, we share it with NoE and NoA and they’ll say, ‘No, no, that’s fine’ or ‘You’re right, that’s an issue.’ If it is an issue, we’ll go back and say we’ll say, ‘We adjusted it this way, what do you think?’ There’s a lot of back and forth in that sense. Rather than compromise, it’s like we’re all aiming for the same goal, of being able to provide a good experience for everybody in all regions. And we’re aiming to have a game that has very little difference between the regions.” The language barrier has been used by SJWeebs and translators to tell Jap devs one thing, while another happens in the west. In fact, a Jap politician had to point out in their parliament that the American MSM called the election so wrong that why should they trust their word on other matters. We know that this is the start of a slow-boil tactic to be applied over generations to Japan (possible combined with Olympics to cuck and de-homogenize them) until they make the same shit western AAA currently do. This isn't like South Korea who got lucky and managed to throw out their leader. This isn't like America where their leader's mere existence is making the mouth-pieces so mad they're destroying 20 years of marxism. This is a nation who aren't prepared for a concentrated effort to undermine them. And being the world is turning away from globalism- they will focus on new foot-holds. What this OP entails or needs is unsure right now.
>>331006 https://twitter.com/mombot/status/892457674717110272 https://medium.com/@mombot/manazashimura-social-justice-in-japan-fcfce2e95de7 > The people who publicly excoriated Vanquish are commonly referred to on the Japanese internet as the “Manazashimura”, a loosely knit group of radical feminists who congregate on social media to denounce “the male gaze”, or the way in which men view women as sexual objects. Looks like we have another word for Japanese SJWs. Might be worth throwing that into the summery.
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>>331006 >The fuck happened? Sorry anon, that was several breads ago, can't recall as much. Well, here we go, attached. I didn't include "Manazashimura" because I felt that that's beyond the scope of the article. I wanna keep it tight and focused. Also, here's the summary in full just in case someone finds a translator. Not trusting Google with it: Summary: 1. Nintendo of America is claiming it will censor content during production itself to fit “cultural standards” that they themselves define. 2. Thus, the game is being created reliant on ideology rather than the creator’s vision for the game. 3. The end result would be a game that is lower in quality because it tries to please everybody.
>>331018 Great, so, All we need to do is get an accurate translation of the summery and edit it in And then we can spread it?
>>331027 I believe so. I already asked someone from KIA who knows their Japanese to help. If that fails, I'll bring it up with Mombot herself. From there, I don't know. Maybe if Nipanon drops by one of the GG breads over at /v/, I can ask him.
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Mombot would like access to the original document of the current PDF. Something she can edit. All I asked her was: > We managed to make this so far. All that's missing is a translation of the summery, and we're working on that. Is the rest of the content/presentation OK? Then showed her the document in PDF, Screencap and Pastebin form. So I dunno if she's working on the Summery, or tweaking other elements.
>>331031 Alright, then it's a matter of waiting. I'll check on this page again and adapt whatever comes out it.
>>330858 >We know that this is the start of a slow-boil tactic to be applied over generations to Japan (possible combined with Olympics to cuck and de-homogenize them) until they make the same shit western AAA currently do. >de-homogenize I guess that you could say that the SJWs are homophobic
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>>331031 Where is that document? We need something easy to edit.
Sent a WordDoc to Mom instead.
>>331031 https://pastebin.com/THbxziYA Can't upload the original file here, the site doesn't accept ODT files, it seems. >>330899 and >>330907 guy here, haven't been able to access 8ch for the last ~2 months. Sorry for that. Also, >mombot >pro-gg >she >Japanese I'd like to believe so. >>330986 The link's dead. Care to tell me what is it about? >>331027 Let me translate this one; Summary / 概要 >1. Nintendo of America is claiming it will censor content during production (process?) itself to fit "cultural standards" that they themselves define. 1. 米国任天堂はゲーム制作うちに自分勝手に定義した「文化基準」とおりゲームを検閲すると宣言した。 >2. Thus, the game is being created reliant on ideology rather than the creator's vision for the game. 2.こうして、制作中ゲームは製作者のビジョンより、他人の主義によって作られる。 >3. The end result would be a game that is lower in quality because it tries to pleasure everybody. 3.「皆の喜び」のための制作したゲームは製作者の理想なゲームに比べて低質ものだ。 The translation for sentence 3 was quite liberal, might need to have mombot or anyone capable enough to correct it too.
>>331077 >The link's dead. Care to tell me what is it about? It was a white girl (I think living in Japan) who gave explanations of western memes like pepe and spread /pol/-tier stuff about the jews. Looks like her account got shoah'd.
>>331077 I am an honest signal. Thanks for the translation, anon. I'm having it validated by mombot. Once done, I'll finish it up and announce it in the GG general over at /v/.
I think we've waited long enough for any feedback. If this checks out >>331077 maybe add the translated summery, then send it out?
>>331131 I wasn't able to get validation done. Do I go with it?
>>331131 >>331133 Scratch that, I'm a little iffy with the translation. It'd be really nice if we can get a validation with it. Know anyone who can do so?
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PAYLOAD COMPLETE An anon was kind enough to translate the summary over the /v/ GG general.
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BONUS ROUND I created Twitter friendly versions as well.
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         ヽ  ゚∀゚丿\| This is SOYMAN, shoryu.
  .r―y―-v-―√ ̄ヽ     I am here to warn you that you are NOT delicious!
  /  |   |   |   |\⌒ヽ:,, You obey the mustard! You hail the mayonesse!
  |   |   |   |   || ̄ ̄ ̄|ヽ-:,, You probably even ketchup your beef!
  |   |   |   |   ||      | | "-:,, Here, have at you!
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>>331157 Fuck off, Gel.
>>331157 >>331178 >Getting raped by a text shitpost
>>331157 >soyman >not kikkoman you disgrace your family
We are NOT linking or posting this OP to other boards This goes for all GG OPs as well Recently shills have been spamming this OP to other boards as a tactic to D&C. That, or some of you are being real fucking stupid. If you're here because someone linked you to us- we didn't do it. Report them on your board, and carry on as normal. If you want to know about us, look into our regular /v/ threads, or this board. We never organize efforts to "recruit" from other boards. Anons should come here because they want to. That- and odds are you all know we're here or at least use /v/ anyway.

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>>331186 You're not referring to a specific post with those links- and even if you were, that does not change what was stated: > Recently shills have been spamming this OP to other boards as a tactic to D&C. That, or some of you are being real fucking stupid. > We never organize efforts to "recruit" from other boards. (1) does not equal all, nor approval. We will not apologize for morons not affiliated with us. And we will not go off topic: >>331150 >>331149 1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo. 2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc. 3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this. 4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: http://roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged. Other than that, follow the first pic related- and treat it like a DisNod. Do it every day
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>>331189 >>331186 >>331199 >>331205 Enough. I'm a fat hungry viking and I haven't had any Hot Pockets in ages. I don't know who was posting this OP on your favorite board or why your man-panties are in such a twist about it, but continued dramafagging about it will not be tolerated.
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>>331214 >Acidman faces Hubris
>>331214 Thanks man. Gonna delete my older posts so it's just the info one.
NIS America Apologies for Localization Job on Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, Fix Coming in November 2017 https://archive.is/japtm I'd recommend checking out the article without the archive to see the comments- a few hit the nail on the head. - Go over the localizers head to complain about bad localization- since Japan is clueless what the west likes/wants. - Emails work!! With enough autists at once doing it- progress is made (Kadokawa is having talks with Tanoshi of Animal Friends for example thanks to outcry over his firing). Therefore- along with OP Timber- should future anti-localization/pro-translation OPs be DisNod based? > I am a loyal customer, and am disappointed in the quality of the product due to what the localizer did. Also, Acid, I deleted the posts before I read the edited OP. >>331188 Please don't report me to your Fed friends.
>>331223 Reposting from Previous bread: > The NIS apology/firings is fantastic news and may be listed as yet another GG Victory for 2017… but don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. > Anti-GG are going to be furious. They're already on social media insisting the old localizers were GOOD BOYS WHO DIDN DU NUFFIN WENT TO CHURCH ERRYDAY. > Send emails of support and gratitude for the decision. POSITIVE FEEDBACK IS RARE AS GOLD AND ALWAYS SHARED/REMEMBERED. Retail & waiting staff know this. > The GildaFag did something exceptional, despite the mockery. Please, please, please do not sit like Hillary did in her hotel room and DO NOTHING, smugly comfortable in assumed victory. Don't let NIS pull an Intel, by performing an action that's good for GG, only to fully reverse it because SJW's complained en masse. > Send an email. Just one. A short one. 15 godamn seconds of your life. Just say you appreciate what they're doing, it was the right thing to do, and you look forward to their new, better version. It's anonymous, satisfying, is the literal opposite of doing NOTHING, smugly guffawing that nothing could possibly take this vicroty away. NOTHING! > One thank you email. Please. Just one. CLICK SEND. Now here's the issue. Some anons claim nihon@falcom.co.jp doesn't work. We need anons to confirm support@falcom.co.jp works. So I'd say send them to wherever you sent your complaint last time- or open a support ticket on their website. Unfortunately- I can't make sense of their support tickets either. Perhaps thanks via social media to both the company and the people in it?
>>331225 > [email protected] T-Thanks HQ. The two email address that don't work are: https://hastebin.com/ivapewubiy.scala
Remember some Japanese people can be as bad as SJWs. Pic related- but verify. If true, the Japs working against that dev could be the sort of people we'd want to work with on other matters.
Minor note, apparently Nintendo told Wall Street Journal they want to bring more violent/risque content to Switch. https://twitter.com/ObsidianWasp/status/919257221141286913 So I guess either WSJ is lying (twisting words) or Nintendo is (covering for censorship). Need source on what WSJ claims.
>>331269 >Minor note, apparently Nintendo told Wall Street Journal they want to bring more violent/risque content to Switch. Perhaps they just mean that they WANT more violent/risque content on the platform, not that they're MAKING more violent/risque games. Look at the shit they've been putting out lately, shit like DOOM or Payday 2, or hell, even xenoblade and Gal Gun.
>>331269 Then maybe they should not have censored xenoblade 2 dialog, So no i don't believe them.
>>330858 this was insightful. also, friendly reminder that Japanese media is the last bastion holding out against the SJW horde. even so, they've made initial attempts at subversion, as seen in the OP and the crunchyroll debacle. inoculating Japan against the Social Justice virus is a worthy endeavor.

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