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GamerGate Radio

Conflicts of Interest at IGN Leader 11/30/2015 (Mon) 11:42:41 Id: 7e0f51 No. 304174
So, There is an Associate Editor at IGN by the name of Brendan Graeber, who uses the Handle "RaggaFragga" This is his Twitter Handle - https://twitter.com/Ragga_Fragga Here you can see him touting "5 awesome Metroid Levels in Mario Maker" www.ign.com/videos/2015/09/17/5-awesome-metroid-levels-in-super-mario-maker-made-in-mario and he's also done a 5 awesome Zelda videos. Brendan is also responsible for most of the Wiki's on the website. This all seems nice and innocent, but in these videos, The people that made the "awesome Zelda/Metroid" levels are all made from users of a streaming website that Brendan visits called "Vidya Shorts", where he is a well respected member of their Autismo community. Brendan doesn't hide this on his twitter page, but fails to mention that his friends made the levels. He's basically whoring out his friends streams and not disclosing it. On top of that, if you spend a short amount of time on VidyaShorts you can see "RaggaFragga" offering early copies of games/press swag to users, if they write his wiki/faq's for him, and he does not disclose this either. You can't spell IGN without Ignorant.
Send this to Bonegolem, Anon. stat.
>>304183 I've emailed him.
>>304174 >>304189 Not to be rude, but you need WAY more evidence than this. You should start by compiling all the evidence first, THEN post it here.
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>>304174 This is some golden shit. Well done, friend.
Aside from the early game copies thing, none of this is worth mentioning. The guy is posting about free levels his friends made in a game on his personal twatter. IGN has nothing to do with this. Giving away early game copies is hardly something that needs disclosing either, as it's not him who is getting benefits for the twatter advertising, he's merely using "alternative payments" for people to do work for him. Dishonest payments that he should't do, true, and he should be called out on that, but don't go and sperg all over this because it's honestly not that gigantic a deal.
>>304357 He should still disclose that he has a working relationship with these people, and he should disclose that he did not write the articles, and that he was "hiring" third parties to do it. It's still a shitty move. I've been mining their chat but it doesn't save more than a day, Will have to monitor their website and wait for something to crop up I guess.
>>304357 Bribing people to do your work with items that were given to you by the publisher with the direct intent of having you use that to do your own job.. and then passing it off as your own work? That's unethical as fuck. In what way is that NOT something worth noting, if only to force IGN to stick to their own ethics guidelines.
I should mention how I found this out. I was lurking the website looking for some streams to watch, when a member of the chat by the name Caleb, and another named "Mishaisaqt" were complaining about not meeting their "deadline" and then Ragga came online to ask them how it was going, and Ragga mentioned he could get them pre-release copies of Just Cause 3 ( i think it was? ) if they did this Wiki on Fallout 4. He also gave Caleb a 3DS and a copy of Xenoblade so that he could write the Wiki. Also, members of that site record gameplay footage and send it to him so that he can use it on IGN (not unethical I guess…but shady)
>>304368 From there, I just dug around some more and found out what I know. I got banned for questioning Ragga himself on if he thought it was ethical, and the Mods deleted my posts before I could screencap them.
I'm not seeing any evidence that there isn't an understanding here. If he regularly takes footage from the same group of people, and gives people games so that they can shoot footage or do other stuff, that makes it sound like these people all have an understanding of what's going on.
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Here he is mocking Kotaku, but every one does that.
>>304371 He's an Admin on Vidyashorts, a shitty streaming site for autistic neets. He repeated promotes his friends streams/content without disclosing that he's friends with said people. This is no different to Kotaku writing articles about their friends games and not disclosing it. Theyre both trying to push their friends into the spotlight and boost them into E-Celeb status to control the gaming narrative.
>>304174 This is shifty as fuck. No doubt he'd have to request so many copies of a game to press people to even get them. Ask the publisher of that title if they knew what was going on and see where they go. Dig hard guys, question everyone and everything.
>>304374 So, about as shifty as a clique of middle school girls liking each other's Instagram posts? Actual corruption requires significant (not large, just significant based on context) amounts of money to be involved. Me wanting my friends to get up in the world, and them wanting me to get up in the world is just… that's just "having friends"
>>304374 If you think a videogame "narrative" is a real thing, you need to get woke.
you faglords are now just being made fun of.
lmao is this for real Mineya are you just salty that you got called out
lmfao he gives early copies of games to users that WORK FOR IGN are you actually retarded he is giving them those copies so they can DO THEIR JOBS
>>309184 Also he isn't claiming their work as their own, he credits them for the work they do.
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>>304374 yeah but the question is who the fuck cares? it's just an IGN guy who is getting people who play video games paid to play video games and write wikis about them. have you possibly considered that you're the sperglord? how else can they work on a game wiki on IGN if they don't have the game? >2011+4 >trying to false flag minor shit seriously hope etc
>>304174 Vidyashorts person here. Raggas never given me shit, the only people he given stuff to are for the people that also work for IGN freelance. If you look at the levels they are actually well done, he chose not just because it was his friends but because they are actual good levels. >>304370 You are lying, There is no such ban on file.
I can't even believe that someone would do something like that I can't even believe this shit.
Someone else who's on vidya shorts here. Your acting like jackasses. And thus justifying the asshattery they are doing as well. Diggur tho. Your kinda a jackass.
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>>309190 your're an jackass you jackasshattery faggot
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Dude I love memes
>>309192 git shitter shattered.
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>>309193 >>309194 come say it to my face fucker not online see what happens
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If anyone thinks this is worth investigating despite OP providing zero proof you can ask the man himself as he's watching a charity marathon there right now http://www.vidyashorts.com/charity/ This thread is being bumped because someone from there found it, recognized the name, and allowed the beams of autism to cross by linking it there And help some kids while you're at it
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>>304373 Mocking Kotaku should be declared an official internet pass-time
>>304374 This sounds more like the jewtube clique (Biscuit, Sargon, Vee) going to bat for AngryJoe when people tried to call out his shitlording and lying in his xbox reviews than shitaku shenanigans. Still unethical, but not full-website-compromise or even civil courts tier. This is more something that runs afoul of their updated policies but ought be handled internally by an arbcom sitdown and a newspaper smacking.

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