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GamerGate Radio

Adam Ruins Everything - Why People Think Video Games Are Just for Boys Leader 12/02/2015 (Wed) 21:53:36 Id: cf4385 No. 305933
The bs starts around t=2:40. It is good till then, explains why games were marketed to boys for a long period of time.
>>305933 Weren't games marketed to kids in general and it was just the end result boys got more interested because of the medium/tech?
>>305956 cry more a/GGR/o >>306056 In my personal experience, the greatest barrier to girls playing vidjya are other girls; in their own bitchy snipey herd-behavior where "we girls" (I.E. the alpha bitch) decided "video games are a boy thing" and any girl who plays vidjay, non-casually, is a "nerd" or tomboy, and marketers know this.
>>305933 They play phone games because of how low effort they are. The myth is thinking that games being catered to boys is anything besides market forces. If girls were an equal market for hardcore gaming then we'd see it in the games that are largely marketed in a gender ambiguous manner, like the new Tomb Raiders or Mass Effect. In fact most games aren't marketed to boys, and the huge amount of games where you choose your own gender like the various role-playing games like Bethesda's don't fare any better with women than male driven games like Gears of War. To this day I've never seen a single SJW address the capitalistic factor to games
I hear that if a girl touches a toy on a blue shelf that an evil Republican cop comes and beats her to death. Can anyone confirm?
>>306381 No, come on, comrade! We should make the devs make hardcore games for women! It's not like they won't sell and then let down the minority of female gamers that do like violent games and make studios go out of business, affecting the very women who developed those games.
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>>306381 >If girls were an equal market for hardcore gaming then we'd see it in the games that are largely marketed in a gender ambiguous manner, like the new Tomb Raiders or Mass Effect. Or how about: Fighting Games, where the majority, if not the entire cast, like Skullgirls, are FEMALE. Or MMOs. Or RPGs. Or basically anything from Japan. This SJW shit is forcing a meme, like "there no strong female video game characters", that is, on it's face, demonstratively false if you actually play videogames. The cuck who made this video lays it out https://youtu.be/i08CVkBxvBM?t=3m1s "games are games" and "more adult female players than teenage boys" so… then what's the problem? Well, the "problem" and the real reasoning behind this false-narrative is that there can be no "safe space" for males so vidjya needs to be neutered.
>>306369 This is a great post. Other Women are always their own worst enemy and it's something feminists refuse to acknowledge. >>306388 Your Hitler dubs confirm this.
>>306403 Try using that argument on a feminist the response is hilarious gymnastics blaming everyone and saying that women support and even benefit from patriarchy you know the system by men for men
>>306381 The fact that they play phone games is completely irrelevant It clearly shows that 34% of gamers are female and they are at least happy enough with games to outnumber teenage boys. If anything, a low figure would surely show that women are not interested in video games. Claiming it's an untapped market is stupid. The market is there and it's clearly satisfying enough people. It's not untapped, it's clearly very much tapped. At this point we have 2 conflicting ideas touted by feminists. >Video games are a boys only club >34% of gamers are adult women, a number that outnumbers teenage boys And this is NOT taking into account that the study was comparing 2 demographics one with a MUCH larger age gap than the other. I mean, of course you're stats are gonna be a bit skewed when you compare an age group that has only 18 years within it to another with 50+ in it.
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>>305933 Yes, the whole industry, all of it, is directed at boy. Hence the terrible Barbie video games. Or the dress up games. Or the "take care and ride your poney" games. Or all the really poorly designed video games on gameboy color abusing of pink and pastel tones. We're still talking about the nineties right? Sure, these games are terrible. But they are marketed toward girls, that should be enough. The video never mention quality, only that "hammering the consumer with enough ads will make them buy the product". So it'll do. What about "unisex" games? I'm thinking about Disney-licensed games using animals for main protagonists. I'm not a lion, yet I used to play the Lion King. Watch the Honey Badger's response to that, they also point out that "nobody is forcing women into playing candy crush".
>Women aren't playing video games because video game ads are directed at men! >More women play games than men! Let's forget that the statistic he's basing this on is bullshit for just a minute, if he's asserting more of them are women, doesn't that mean the entire "problem" doesn't exist? The second, bigger problem is found in the way he phrased it specifically: >More adult women own video game consoles than teen boys. That's a ton of weasel words. Of course any group of adults would be more likely to "own" items that cost hundreds of dollars than teens. The issue is pretending that because more are bought by women (read: moms) more are playing them. It's like arguing that the real market demographic for Disney Princess stuff is middle-aged men because it's primarily dads buying them for their daughters.
>>306436 >that cover art …I'd play it.
Remember Adam sourced a feminist thesis in his employment episode…some of the episodes are decent (the diamond industry) but remember his slant is very very liberal I still prefer P and T BS
>>307554 >I still prefer P and T BS Yeah, about that…
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>>305933 Video games have always been marketed to boys because boys are the target audience and will continue to be the target audience for years to come,just look at the ads that ran in the early days of gaming media this is playboy magazine advertising as none of these girls appear within the game at all. Likely to feed the delusion that if you buy this game hot women will magically appear,it has changed a bit with games like SIMS and MMO'S as well as games like Candy crush that have large number of female players and thus the market recognizes and exploits that fact to make more bucks
>>305933 Nigger just went on an interview to say he has a huge boner for oliver the britcuck and wishes he could suck his tiny dick while oliver in turn sucks Mr.Wu's gigantic feminine phallus No joke, and he also stated that he wont be touching any SJW feefees because he himself is a SJW cuck >>306369 >the greatest barrier to girls playing vidjya are other girls; in their own bitchy snipey herd-behavior Pretty much
>>306369 Going off topic slightly but that's been my most wanted sequel for a long time now. Bully 2 with a girl this time exploring the terrifying social structures of high school girls. I expect it'd give a lot "oh my god that was me" moments to women who played it.
>>307643 Too bad the girls who most need that lesson either don't play games, or aren't self aware enough for that lesson to sink in.
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I've read some articles that pretty much say the same thing. Games were seen as family entertainment early on. Jews being jews started over-saturating the market in the US. Game crash happened. Game devs and publishers focused their marketing on boys in the US and similar markets. Decades later, console and PC games are now seen as boy's entertainment. This is further confirmed by the fact that the video game crash never happened in Japan, games in that side of the world tend to be either genderless like most Nintendo games, or cater to both genders. Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts are games that have huge female following for example, mainly because of all fanservice they get with the bishonen looking male characters.
>>305933 When is he going to do >Adam Ruins Everything - Why People Think Pop Music Is Just For Girls >Adam Ruins Everything - Why People Think Daytime Television Is Just For The Retired >Adam Ruins Everything - Why People Think Synths And Thick Rimmed Glasses Are Just For Hipsters >Adam Ruins Everything - Why People Think Pseudo-Education Youtube Videos Are Just For Armchair Feminists >Adam Ruins Everything - Why People Think Correlation Is Causation Logic Are Just For The Intellectually Dishonest I'll tell you why Adam. When videogames were first released companies didn't know who was going to buy your product. The market had low competition, high barriers to entry and was under-saturated meaning it was tough knowing what marketing decision had impact as pretty much everything worked. Eventually barriers to entry come down, competition increases and the saturation limit is hit. Suddenly, if you weren't making games for the demographic spending the most on videogames, you went bust. Who spent the most on videogames? Boys. That's it! You don't have to justify it, its a fact. Phoning in on a demographic doesn't make them spend more money, there is only ever a fixed pot of money to tap, all you can do is make spend more money on YOUR products by taking your competitors market share. Going after a small pot is bad business unless you know you're going to take a HUGE share.
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>>307770 >When videogames were first released companies didn't know who was going to buy your product. You're quite wrong. From the early to mid 70's video games were marketed as 'electronic entertainment' for the whole family, not just boys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MnRkPvIjKE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhGd7flWSF4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJNbhekKShI http://imgur.com/a/yvPQv Everything shifted in the late 70's and early 80's though, when Atari started jewing out and oversaturating the market with consoles, movie games and shovelware trash. Nintendo quite literally saved the industry in the US. It was then when they decided to follow what Lego did, focus efforts on one demographic until you're out of financial danger, which from a marketing standpoint it is much safer. And it wasn't just video games, computers as well started heavily marketing towards males too around that time, which partially explains why women were dropping from tech related fields around the mid 80's.
>be young >would love to have a gf who plays vidya, seems like a great way to bond >girls tell me that vidya is for losers, etc. >o-okay >after 2007 >lots of girls start gaining interest in vidya, but now according to them I'm a loser for having "wrong" vidya related opinions and interests instead of for just liking vidya in general, and even though they like vidya now they still insist that its a horrible thing that needs to be changed or something >o-okay
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Always humorous (and somewhat sad) when critics argue that the hardcore video game industry must cater to more women while ignoring that there already is a whole game industry that caters specially to women. And it's not just mobile games. There's also a lot of casual, puzzle-oriented games on the PC, as well. My mom plays a lot of such games that I never would've known existed. Have you ever heard of hidden object games? Or the developer Big Fish? I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't. These are the things that been successfully tapping into the "untapped market" of women for years, but if you try searching for those terms on Kotaku, you'll wind up with zero results. I just checked myself. Polygon is only slightly better than nothing in mentions of these, but not within the past couple of years. This is rather blatant hypocritical posturing in which these game journos will constantly lament over the male dominance of core game development and audience, yet refuse to cover the games that women actually do flock towards. And the reason for that, of course, is because they're very aware that their own audience is male-dominated with no interest in hidden object games. Here's a good article on the matter from our favorite dev Adrian Chmielarz: https://medium.com/@adrianchm/women-and-video-games-f0eb7a7d75fa#.qjzuppsv3
>>307843 Oh yeah, I've heard of those. My big brother and his girlfriend played those games a lot in the past. I can honestly see the appeal, they seem like comfy as fuck games.
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I posted this on /v/ once before. Here, have a blast from the past. This is from PSM 17 years ago. I don't think I'll post it all here, but what struck me about it then was that the rest of the book was flooded with ads that featured strong female protagonists, and men who were wither body builders or in a submissive pose. Women were always shown as sexually dominant. Virtually every ad or preview contained some version of the line "She may look cute, but she'll kick your ass!"
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>>307854 I played a couple of Nancy Drew ones on the recommendation of my mother. They're not something I'd normally play, but I kind of want more. Honestly, I think a lot of the more traditional twitch-action games have more male appeal by default. No idea how I'd phrase it properly, but that sort of entertainment generally "clicks" with men better; similar to how action films have a predominantly male target audience. You can argue that developers would have a better success rate at appealing to women by making more games that aren't action-focused for console, and there probably would be some women who'd do so, but a big factor of the whole thing is convenience - a HOG will run on essentially any toaster computer, occasionally it'll even run in your browser. There are also a shitload of these games on mobile app stores, and they'll run on any shitty Chinese Android tablet with a fairly recent Android version. I'm sure there are people within this market who, without the convenience factor of games they're fairly certain they can play without requiring an expensive "extra" device, just wouldn't play games at all. In other words the console manufacturers realise how suicidal appealing to this market is and just won't do it.
>>307564 Actually, a lot of early game ads were parodies of other ad's going on at the time. Fuck, the Size Does Matter one is literally a remake of an old fishing ad. Also, since when is a Game Boy SP "the early days". Not that I'm arguing the point.
A point that always seems to be overlooked in this discussion is the fact that this new female market has appeared on PHONES specifically. Now, the important thing to remember about phones is that MOST PEOPLE ALREADY OWN ONE, and they don't own one for the sole purpose of playing video games either. Most phone games will also work on any phone, provided it's in their respective app store. Those are very different circumstances to PC and console gaming. If you want to game on console or PC you're going to be spending a lot of money on just the equipment required to run the games, equipment you likely won't have if you aren't already interested in games. Not to mention you're looking at games going for $60-70 compared to games going for 99c. The point I'm trying to make is that it's assumed that the large number of women playing Candy Crush aren't interested in the AAA market because of the AAA market seems to be "aimed at boys", when in reality it's far more likely that what's pushing them away is the price of entry. They just aren't interested enough in games to spend $400 (and far more for PC) on something dedicated to playing $60 games designed for long play sessions when they've already got a smart phone and can play 99c games while waiting for the bus. They're completely different and incomparable markets.
>>307643 I never knew I wanted this until now, Bully was incredible, but from the girl perspective that would be great.
>>307863 >This is from PSM 17 years ago. you had good taste, PS1 era PSM was a god-tier magazine, they had amazing JRPG coverage and guides.
>>307558 Maddox said that's over and done now, though. As soon as it was shown to Penn on twitter he folded and said something like "Yeah, that was probably our bad. Sorry." Penn has said had the show gone on for another season they wanted to do a Bullshit episode specifically about previous Bullshit episodes they'd gotten things wrong in. >>307780 I don't buy the idea that if you only market to one gender, the other will ignore it. NERF recently took a hit trying to market their products exclusively to girls with the Rebelle line.
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>>307937 Yeah, I loved it. It was 12 bucks a year, made me feel grown up having a magazine subscription. They employed some of the absolute best artists for the covers, and had a pretty stylish aesthetic all throughout the book. I miss gaming media being this laid back.
>>307991 I want to see SJWs try to attack soccer. Just try it. Try to take on the world's biggest religion.
>>307999 They are trying… in America. But yeah, it would be funny to see try to pull the same shit in any european or south american country.
>>307991 >NERF recently took a hit trying to market their products exclusively to girls with the Rebelle line. haha, what made them think girls played rough in public with any measurable numbers? The fucking Hunger Games? Nerf toys are non-gendered to begin with, and the vastly larger boy market likes seeing boys on the packaging occasionally. But boys won't buy pick plastic crossbows, and even the girls don't want them. WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN Nerf had just bounced back recently too in the 00's
>>307991 >>308018 >NERF recently took a hit trying to market their products exclusively to girls with the Rebelle line. Also, most of the people buying those products were guys who played with NERF, because some of the nerf guns released were not released with a male equivalent, and had some interesting properties, such as a tiny crossbow that fired COMPLETELY SILENTLY. As someone who played at Uni with friends, this was amazing for stealth. NERF is learning very well. They realize what is going on and only pushed that girl line for a little bit, because most of their market now is college aged who play in places where airsoft and paintball isn't allowed (college campuses). They know most people who buy their products crack them open and modify them to shoot foam darts with a muzzle velocity of 200fps. Yes, I was one of those people. Don't worry about them, they haven't fallen into the SJW ruse just yet, since the college aged buyers don't give a shit if the toy is blue or purple as long as it shoots straight enough and can be modified.
>>307999 The best way to discredit football/soccer in the west is to have people actually pay attention to FIFA's management shenanigans. Or vid related. >>308018 >>308026 Actually, because of the Hunger Games and Brave, there's been renaissance of sorts for archery which I liked because I did archery when I was still in school and Nerf was trying to tap into that. The popularity of just those two franchises turned archery into a "girl thing" that was "safe" for girls to get into with getting mocked for being a tomboy or whatever. Movies still have a powerful influence on the Western psyche.
>>308029 >Actually, because of the Hunger Games and Brave, there's been renaissance of sorts for archery Yep. Even the nerf line video showed girls jumping through woods with the product which made us laugh our asses off since you don't need a pink toy to do that, and because most of us had been doing it for years already regardless of gender or color of the toy
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>>308029 >"safe" for girls to get into with getting mocked ugh >without (polite sage)
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>>308029 >Actually, because of the Hunger Games and Brave I bet Inu-Yasha had something to do with it too, now that I see you phrase it like that. Kagome was all about that fucking bow and shooting jewel shards and shit. That anime had deep market penetration
>>308032 It's been like that for way longer. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe series had the girl with a bow. This is just a common theme.
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>>308032 >>308033 And if you want to look further back, just look at that ABSOLUTELY SEXIST GREEK MYTHOLOGY Pic related, on the right.
>>308033 Lets just face it, a bow is an elegant looking weapon that weighs nothing, drawing a bow is more about technique than raw strength and can still kill an armored man at a thousand paces. A bow is an efficient killing machine and manages it with an ease and grace that no blunt or bladed weapon could. That's why people think bows are just for girls.
I know this is an old thread, but I found some videos taking on Adam's claims that I haven't seen anybody post here.
Here's another.
Last video.
>>316156 >>316155 >>316154 thanks Anon, these videos were awsome, I wonder if Adam saw any of theses.
>>316203 So what if he did? He's another hipster pushing a narrative. He shows a poor grasp of demographics (Saying "GAME UR GAMES holds up as strong as saying BOOKS UR Books'' if you point out that Twilight has a different demographic than the Old Man and the Sea). He has Polygon as a source. He's silent on JRPGs (see Final Fantasy or Pokemon) which are a "core" genre with a noticeable female playerbase, as do western RPG series like Dragon Age. And MMORPGS. And Rhythm games. And Life Simulators (see the Sims). Hell, he doesn't even tackle any Seventh Generation Nintendo properties which would show that there are serious devs who've already noticed that not everybody who plays vidya are teenage boys. Even Call of Duty included women (see Coco) as players in advertisements. Either women just don't lean towards console and PC gaming in the way men do (In which case why bother changing what works in AAA titles to pander to a smaller audience?), or they're already a significant amount of gamers (in which case we don't really need any changes to get more women). Adam seems to be trying to have it both ways. It's odd how he apparently thinks that "core" games need to cater more to women, but I've yet to see him or any other SJWs say mobile games should pander to more men.
>>308039 Meanwhile IRL bows require the most strength to handle out of all traditional weapons.
>>308039 So guns are the girliest of weapons then? >>316235 I once saw a dog push a button that turned on a light. DOGS ARE NOW A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF GAMERS!
>>316269 >So guns are the girliest of weapons then? Probably tanks or some kind of mounted gun.
>>308039 >Lets just face it, a bow is an elegant looking weapon that weighs nothing, drawing a bow is more about technique than raw strength and can still kill an armored man at a thousand paces. > An English longbow can have a draw of over 200lbs. They were designed to be used by stocky ox like men who worked every day ploughing the fields sun up till sun down. Not pathetic modern women who go on social media all day.
>>316269 >So guns are the girliest of weapons then? Nope. It's white knights. They require no physical or mental effort to use.
>>306422 Not to mention that under 18 are only going to be playing after age four or so, making that number even smaller, and adults are more likely to have disposable income with which to buy more games.
>>316347 As I said, Adam seems to be trying to have it both ways. Somehow the vidya industry both has women as a significant audience, yet there's also an untapped market of gurl gamers that Nintendo and other companies aren't pandering to.
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>>316273 Tanks are definitely the girliest of weapons.
>>316554 What about staffs?
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>>305933 >Anyone who questions me is a screaming violent lunatic! Don't you think thought criminals should be suppressed, dear viewer? Adam isn't just a stupid lying SJW, he's every political cartoon ever.
>>316654 Yeah, spiracy (the man who did the video in post #316156) called out how the video had the black boy say strawman junk like women having no place in gaming.
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>>316885 And did this lying SJW fuck just claim that Nintendo has only ever advertised to boys? When the wii was specifically marketed to old ladies? Not that the millennial scum who make up his audience remember those commercials from 10 years ago. And pretending that Roberta Williams, who famously said that she has never experienced sexism in the video games industry, is a strong independent woman who don't need no man? Is implicitly on his side and proves him right? The same woman whose very existence refutes so many SJW myths about vidya? Vox Day was right about one thing for sure: SJWs always lie.

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