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GamerGate Radio

Did the Washington Post Lie About The Michelle Fields Incident? Leader of GamerGate 03/11/2016 (Fri) 17:51:40 Id: d7f1d4 No. 318780
New Jim >inb4 this has nothing to do with gg It's about a journalist potentially lying to get a story.
Unethical journalism is unethical journalism.
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>>318780 Breitbart has a lousy reputation way before GG started. Milo only gave it a boost by covering GG fairly, along with Allum and Charlie Nash who are bretty good reporters. The rest are pleb tier journos.
>>318795 It's not so much that GG made Breitbart look better as it exposed how bad so much of mainstream journalism is.
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>>318795 John Nolte is good and a few others as well. I get the feeling there is a Cruz/Trump schism amongst their staff. Fields's story is falling apart as we speak so it will be interesting if (((Shapiro))) keeps doubling down on her claims.
Well, she just filed assault charges against Lewandowski. So if her story is falling apart, she seems to believe that the American legal system is biased enough in favor of women accusing men of assault that it won't matter.
>IA >No Webm Fuck off Jim. This has nothing to do with GG Saying "inb4" like sperg doesn't change that fact. Take this shit to /pol/ >inb4 "Fuck you I - I mean - Jim BUILT GamerGate!!!!!"
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>>318853 webm delivered
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>>318853 Someone's upset. >sage is a not a downvote
>>318853 I remember people used to have an issue with e-celeb because of the monetization thing (being paid by the view motivates you to fabricate outrage and start being consensual). Now I'm not sure anymore.
This thread is in dire need of context
>>318958 womyn reporter of breitbart with the manierism of a bimbo tried to force herself near the Trump to ask a question, she was swiftly cockblocked by a staff member passing in between. Not willing to take this denial of attention, she went OMG GUYZ! DID YOU SEE HIM SHOVE ME AROUND? LIKE OH MY GAWD! and with the help of Shapiro and all the gullibler idiots, they put out prolly around 100 articles saying how she was assaulted right next to the don, with NO video anywhere to back it up, and a later photo of a bruise that look suspiciously self inflicted. With little to no evidence of anything,t he MSM went on a frenzy demanding apologies and people fired. now they look stupid
>>318958 Breitbart reporter claims that she was grabbed and thrown down by Donald Trump's campaign manager. Evidence shows she's full of shit.
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>>318960 >>318961 Thanks its all so clear to me now
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>>318960 I still see Repub establishment supporters like Dana Loesch still claiming that Trump's campaign manager manhandled the reporter. Makes me scared how much of ingroup bias there is with politics and gender when scandals pop up.
>>318975 That's an odd looking trip
You're right, this has nothing to do with GG. >>>/pol/
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>>318780 Shapiro and Fields resigned. http://archive.is/wd37U
Shapiro and Fields resigned. http://archive.is/wd37U
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>>318986 >It's about a journalist potentially lying to get a story. are you retarded?
>>318960 I would expect better of someone working for Breitbart, but I guess they're just clickbait at heart too.
>>319043 They are, so don't expect too much out of them. End of the day they are Gawker with a supposed right wing flavor.
>>318987 >>318989 >Not Found
We already know the media are a bunch of lazy faggots that don't do research. We could probably make fake statements and "evidence" against Trump or GG, and you can bet your ass most media would publish it without checking. I'd actually like to see it, because Trump would fight back against such lies and he is in position to expose them for the lying shit they are.

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