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GamerGate Radio

(442.71 KB 969x508 adland.png)

Dabitch needs funds. Gawker Media's Creditor 06/18/2016 (Sat) 15:56:52 Id: ce66c0 No. 325207
https://www.gofundme.com/adland Remember when she wrote "#Gamergate - Insulting consumers shrinks the market" in 2014? She has consistently defended gamers and now her site needs help.
Give us some more info, please.
>>325208 Some more info can be found on Adland's twitter They pay a lot every month now and plan to reserve servers for a year in advance to cut costs https://twitter.com/adland/status/744253148127170561 they serve tons of traffic which explains why their bills are so high https://twitter.com/adland/status/744449910498459648
>>325207 >adland This is basically why we didn't get a lot of support back then. Media likes to pretend is unbiased but its a tight club of assholes circlejerking each other and when you go and throw a brick at their bullshit like adland does you get isolated Its like a fucking highschool clique really
>>325244 >Media likes to pretend is unbiased but its a tight club of assholes circlejerking each other and when you go and throw a brick at their bullshit like adland does you get isolated Exactly. People who supported what GG wants are threatened and ruined by the same people who turn around and cry oppression. It's almost Kafkaesque how it goes down, how no one is able to call out the bullshit.
>>325208 Search "adland gamergate" and "adland gawker" on Jewgle, you lazy cunt. Then decide whether or not you want to toss a few bucks their way. I won't, but that's because I'm a stingy fuck. >>325244 And just like highschool, everybody else is too dumb to stand up to them and fight back. Oh well.
>>325246 >And just like highschool, everybody else is too dumb to stand up to them and fight back. It's not that they are dumb enough, it's that the system protects them. Just like in High School, the bully is protected because if the victim fights back, he will be suspended or worse. Just like in high school, the media powers that be will protect these assholes because they use their "progressive" shield to justify ruining lives.
>>325247 Pretty much this. What's more, real life bullies aren't all the "big, brutish dumb bros" like how the stereotype goes, but are more like skinny, two-faced little shits that go in groups, Mean Girls style, and like a pack of hyenas they descend on isolated targets to ruin for their own personal amusement. "Majority wins/ is always right" is pure bullshit when the majority are the bullies.

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