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GamerGate Radio

Cucks Name-Dropping GamerGate on Ghostbusters Reviews Veteran Leader 07/14/2016 (Thu) 06:21:46 Id: cc98bd No. 325802
So now we got cuck reviewers name-dropping GamerGate compare to the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot, or Fembusters for short. Brianna Wu even made a Daily Dot article about "GamerGate's worst nightmare" and it's mostly about himself bitching.
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>salon.com well there's your problem right there. btw, some anon on /co/ posted this edit of Andrew O'cuck's review. thought I'd crosspost it here.
>>325802 didnt EVERYONE shit at this movie trailer? how is that a gamergate nightmare? and how many nightmares is GG having? are those the new "GG is dead"
>>325804 > are those the new "GG is dead" That's exactly what it is. GG is so dead we need to repeat that it's dead every day, or every other day. Funny enough, I've seen a rather large swing on sites that had a strong anti-GG sentiment over the whole FTC/Shadows of Mordor thing, with people going "gee, looks like gamergate was right…"
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>Name dropping gg For what purpose? >Salon Solved that mystery is it still a review when your personal bias clouds your judgement?i think not
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And here's the saviour of feminism on film. The critics might be giving it praise like it's a dying whale that'll only survive if kept moist by their tongues, but financially, it's an imminent failure.
The current strategy is to lean hard on the critical acclaim angle (IIRC they even tweeted a pic bragging that the film managed to score a "fresh" rating from Rotten Tomatoes, even though other recent films like the Purge Anarchy got better number scores than GB 2.0 did. That will probably be the groundwork they lay as the film drops off massively in the next few weeks in terms of box office money. Especially since the film won't get a release in China, a place where even a turd like Warcraft can make big bank and become a huge hit. That said, a greater problem lurks with the fact that stores are already discounting out the toys for the movie and the only ones that actually sold were the original male Ghostbusters, who were originally internet only exclusives, but who were given a retail release to pad out the GB 2.0 line. Feig himself has stated that the film has to make huge bank in order to be deemed profitable by Sony and they don't have China or toy merch to fall back on. At this point, "critical darling" status is the only thing that they can fall back on to get a sequal made and even then, it will probably be years before it gets made due to the film damaging the Ghostbusters brand. The closest they can get to salvaging shit is if they put out a Ghostbusters cartoon for the reboot, with whoever being in charge of the cartoon being instructed to heavily feature the old cast alongside the new cast and basically, giving them card blanch to salvage the reboot to the point of allowing them to outright ignore the movie and make it a direct sequel to the cartoon using the fan pitched "franchise" angle
>>325854 b-b-but its gg worst nigthmare
It's funny and sad at the same time that the #Bankrupt4Bernie people are watching this movie multiple times in their futile attempt to make sure this movie doesn't bomb at the box office.
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>>325856 >Amy Pascal, the producer who wrestled control of the Ghostbusters franchise away from Bill Murray over the corpse of Harold Ramis, used Ghostbusters funding to pay Zoe Quinn(((Chelsea Vanvalkenburg))) a fuckton of feminist buddy money for the movie rights to her life story regarding Gamergate >Zoe Quinn uses this money to move from Seattle to Los Angeles, because how else can a woman with no job or career afford to move to L.A. and sustain themselves >They hope to hook Scarlett Johansen, the highest paid actress in Hollywood to play the role of Zoe in the Hackers-esque biography of her life getting "ruined" by Gamergate >with the star power of Scarlett Johansen, Amy Pascal can request the biggest fucking budget possible for maximum pocketing of Hollywood shekels via the Uwe Boll laundering scheme, and reward Zoe for her brand value yet again, and the movie doesn't even have to be good. It can actually be more profitable to the producers if it's BAD and they're looking to cash out their chips in the industry >yfw Zoe Quinn is actually relevant to Ghostbuster 2016 because she's going to get paid the lottery TWICE for jewish feminist tricks
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That leslie chick is having a twitter meltown she simply does not know how to handle twatter trolls shes responding to every single tweet by randos with meme avatar and obvious bait so obvious only a complete fool would fall for them. Bets on how long she lasts before she just deletes her account and uses facebook or something?
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And shes gone. Predictable end to a twatter meltdown
>>325901 She's unfortunately right. She shouldn't get shat on, Paul Feig and the other hollywood scum should.
The next two weeks we're going to get bombarded with articles about how evil trump supporters drove an innocent wock off of twitter.
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>325904 Just like the good ol days when hacks wrote "articles" about the ebil gromper grimppers
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https://twitter.com/Nephanor/status/755090452525658112 http://archive.is/ALxa3 @Nephanor: "#Ghostbusters is Astroturfing HARD: screenshots a little over 1 day apart, over 3000 10s registered on IMDB" I smell ETHICS
>>325911 Funny thing is, that won't accomplish anything. Money talks, bullshit walks - and the movie has already opened roughly on par with Fury Road on about the same budget, which means it would have to do better than it while competing with stuff like Bourne, Star Trek, Ice Age and Suicide Squad. In other words, it has a snowball's chance in hell of so much as breaking even, let alone making a profit. Good luck to them if they actually believe all the astroturfed reviews and shilling by agenda-pushing fucktards in the media can change that.
>>325854 >The critics might be giving it praise like it's a dying whale that'll only survive if kept moist by their tongues Go home, Yahtzee.
>>325854 Come on anon, there's no way a movie could attract so little people. You sure some of these shots aren't from Brianna Wu's panel on harassment?
>>325912 >Money talks, bullshit walks - and the movie has already opened roughly on par with Fury Road on about the same budget, which means it would have to do better than it while competing with stuff like Bourne, Star Trek, Ice Age and Suicide Squad. The chances of that are looking grim, the domestic numbers at least. It's not getting a theatrical release in china, so it's up to the other overseas release market to pick up the slack. And the dvd and other merch sales. Or trying to bombard it by practically giving it away to tv and cable stations to play it on heavy rotation to 'build' an interest base for a franchise film.
>>325867 Like ScarJo is gonna agree to that. The only shitshows she has been in in the recent years were either Age of Whedon, which she was contractually obligated to, and Lucy, which, hey, Luc Besson. I'd give her enough credit to recognize a stinker when she sees one.
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Well, to be fair r/kotakuinaction was talking nothing but about the reviews for the movie a few days ago.
>>325945 It was, yes, but let's not ignore the timeline of events here. All of these came first. If anyone made this movie Gamergate business it was the agenda-pushing hacks shilling it in the media, not KiA.
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>325945 They will talk about anything thesedays, i saw the poster at the local cinemas and vaguely considered seeing it then i remembered i can just pirate the thing and watch it from the comfort of my own home. Is it one of those its so bad its good movies?
>>326000 No it's so bad it's bad. It's not repulsive bad it's just so lackluster and boring. It's not even something where you can just get drunk and watch.
Bumping. We're getting slid.

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