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GamerGate Radio

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Shillery is to speak on a certian "videogame contriversy" Thursday Veteran Leader 08/24/2016 (Wed) 08:02:14 Id: 5babb3 No. 326933
https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/768277642281877504 http://archive.is/uqAAp It's not much to go on, but a certain Vice Journalist Blogger received word that: >HRC is set to deliver remarks Thursday condemning a nebulous group that traces its origins to a video game controversy nobody understands. NGee, whatever "videogame controversy" could this possibly mean? It may mean nothing, or GG may be alluded to, or not even mentioned at all, but it would be wise to brace for impact if a bunch of shills and normies come here based on what Shillery says on Thursday.
I can't believe I'm going to be voting for her in November…
>>326938 I can't believe you said that with a straight face are you a long time democrat?
>>326933 > a video game controversy nobody understands. Sjws started indulging in cronyism and pushing politics in gaming. When they got called out on it, they called gamers sexist. Not that hard to understand - they got rumbled. > nobody understands Is this what they're going with now? That's like - 'there's no time to explain it (now)' or the ever popular 'it's complicated'. This is just the sjw/media's way of muddying the waters to make it seem more complicated than it is and to deflect the focus, and any responsibility, away from themselves.
>>326938 You're early. Come back tomorrow.
It's legit, kids. MSNBC: "What does white nationalism have to do with the terrorists of GAMERGATE and the hacker known as 4 chan?" Buckle up buckaroos. We're going to be in for a hell of a ride…
Be aware, if you are reading this, you are part of a: VAST ALT-RIGHT CONSPIRACY
>>326938 That "Her" better be Dr. Jill Stein, Blanco Nino, or you're gonna have a BAD day.
>>326956 Do you think this has anything to do with the recent chat logs or Hillary's alt-right speech? Because either way, it feels good to be a villain again.
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>>326933 Just like her other speech was going to completely decimate the alt-right. You know, you fags certainly put a lot of stock into the words of someone who has no chance of ever being president
>>327097 They put so much stock into someone who could be indicted at any moment.
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>check board for first time in months >see "thing is going to happen on Thursday" thread >it's Saturday So did it happen? I haven't been following this stuff closely but I'm surprised to hear that the mainstream media is still bringing it up. I thought only the most butthurt anti-GG autists were still going around trying to demonize GG at every opportunity nearly two years after GG was officially declared dead by gaming journalists. Speaking of which, I paid a visit to cuckchan's /v/ today and saw this. GG is now responsible for every post about bad indie developers. And they're still doing that cringe-worthy [random word starting with G][random word starting with G] thing instead of just writing the name or the abbreviation.
>>327066 Stein's a tinfoil-clad antivaxxer. Like it or not, Clinton's it this time around. No shame in recognizing the winning team and joining up.
>>327101 >So did it happen? She didn't mention GG, which is good because it would have given the anti narratives more oxygen.
>>327101 >So did it happen? It was her "Alt Right are all racist meanies" speech, GG wasn't mentioned specifically, but apparently we're ALL alt-right …because …reasons. Also some fag shouted Pepe at shillery before being frogmarched out of the Public Community College speaking venue.

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