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GamerGate Radio

Gamergate Wiki Editing MikiSayaka33 08/26/2016 (Fri) 21:29:10 Id: d6c325 No. 327054
Hi, I'm MikiSayaka33 and new to contributing to the Gamergate wiki. I'm just posting to find the higher up guys who contribute to the wiki. Also, to let them know that one of the pages has been vandalized! It's the OP: Olive Branch page http://archive.is/ni2y6 The worst thing is that guy who did the vandalism is still there and may attack the other pages (There's only so much an under rank contributor can do).
>>327054 Hey i edit the wiki too sometimes im just a noob though and most of the shit i do is trial and error. I have no idea what im doing most of the time,he doesn't seem to have done too much damage. Do you have any skill in editing wiki pages i have some questions i want to ask?
Hi, Veteran Leader. My skills are just beginner level, everything is just trial and error, too. Sometimes the higher ups coach me, but I go to here mostly as a guide: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Contents
Some tips (Not sure if ya know): [[(word)]] for to easily link to another page within the GG wiki. [[Category: (word)]] for to put a page as part of a category. Use these sites to shrink pictures so ya can reupload the files to fit in the infoboxes, Literally Baby Hitler did a lot of good uploading files. But most of them are too huge. https://tinypng.com/ http://resizepic.com/
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Im more interested in how to add more months for 2016 in the time line thingy
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>>327054 The admins can revert any changes made to the wiki once they show up. If you don't manage to get in contact with them I'd recommend saving the full edits of the wiki pages you work on in .txt on your computer if you're not already. That way you can just copy&paste your edits quickly to fix in damage done. Also, check out these pics and faq in case your not familiar with using image boards. https://8ch.net/faq.html >>327058 >most of the shit i do is trial and error. Do that and visit different pages on the wiki. If you find formatting's that you want to mimic, click view source at the top of the page to see the syntax. You can copy&paste their formatting on to your page then delete their info and add your own in. >>327155 It looks like the admins are not allowing new pages to be created. I might be mistaken since I don't have an account to make sure.
>>327168 I didn't get that far in figuring out how to add more stuff for the timeline thingy myself (I never tried, since there's too much stuff to do). Thanks for the 8chan guide, Veteran Leader since I'm still new to posting and such. - I first came here, searching for the admins, because I have a lot of questions about the wiki (and the OP: Olive Branch vandalism).
>>327181 I'm wondering how did the EXTER guy manage to save the day? He/she is a new guy, he/she managed to revert it back (mostly). Though I would still like to find the admins for the GG wiki.
>>327181 You're welcome. "Veteran Leader" is just the default name for everyone on this board. On the rest of the site it's by and large "Anonymous " and everyone usually leaves the name field blank. It's ok you're using the name field in this thread since you want to identify you're a wiki editor but you don't need to use elsewhere if you plan posting more. Last time I recall seeing any admin level person posting on 8chan was when the new wiki was opened so you might be in for a long wait in getting a response from one of them. Acidman, the board owner for here, might know one of them. If he sees this thread maybe he can get you in contact with them. >>327182 I'm guessing he clicked used the "View History"(http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Operation_Olive_Branch&action=history) tab on that page. Clicked "16:06, 4 August 2016"(‎http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Operation_Olive_Branch&oldid=5190‎), Your last edit before the vandalism. Clicked "View Source"(http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Operation_Olive_Branch&action=edit&oldid=5190) Then just copied that and posted it as a new edit.
>>327192 I have to log in to the wiki, since I don't remember these buttons. The button with the huge "A" is for to form a second line, that's how the page gets divided up. I figure that's how ya add years. Since that's how ya divide the article page.
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>>327192 >>327248 Don't have to logged in to see it. Last picture has the text of your last edit that you can copy and paste into a new edit to restore the page in case someone messes with it again.
Oh hey, someone linked me from the /v/ thread. I left my e-mail right on the front page of the wiki, you can reach me at admin@thisisvideogames.com. I'm too busy this past year to be editing but I'll always make time to make sure the wiki is running fine. Don't hesitate to contact me if needed. I confess I didn't know regular users couldn't revert edits or add pages, no one told me that before and those are the standard settings for the wiki. Oops. I just changed them, now every user should be able to create pages and revert edits. I kept page deletion for admins only since it will rarely be used in such a small wiki and has far more abuse potential for a vandal than page creation. And I just blocked that vandal too. He was rather tame for a troll, really.
>>327256 Improvement Gijinka Thread: https://8ch.net/gg/res/641335.html
Your art makes me want to stab myself in the eyes with a screwdriver.
>>327256 Hey, I've been wondering do we need a tan to represent the GG wiki, Just asking? If not, I'll just put my mess in the "articles that needs to be deleted" category and continue contributing to the wiki.
>>327447 Dunno, I personally think the wiki should be kept relatively somber. Of course, I can't stop anyone from playing around with tans on a board or forum, but I'd prefer to keep it out of the wiki itself.
>>327447 It's fine, just need a lot of retooling. As >>327463 said, the wiki is somber, so the -tan should reflect that, not some flashy gaudy thing like the reddit-tan girl. Also, lose the glasses. Even actual librarians nowadays down wear that problematic accessory.
>>327477 Ok, I've alerted the others about this in the wiki talk.
Hey, where can I find the mods/admins if some vandalism happens? I wanna know which social site they hang at so I can alert them at a minute's notice if and when something happens.
>>330981 The e-mail is on the front page. admin@thisisvideogames.com
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I just dug through twelve archives of the /v/ general to find data's package. https://files.catbox.moe/vtstab.zip Quote: > code/dotgenerator.py also includes a search engine. If you give it a word to search for, it will print the data segments containing that word instead of creating a graph file. This will be useful for anybody working on the wiki and any diggers because we may have already dug whatever you are looking into. It works, sorta. You need to be comfortable using a command line and text files, and you will need to do a lot of work to pick out the usable pieces and buff it up to be wiki quality. Preparation: 1. Open data's zip file in a new directory 2. Install python Usage: 1. python code/dotgenerator.py "search term" > search_result.txt 2. open search_result.txt and read through it
There is a Gamergate Research dump on Voat. https://voat.co/v/ictory/2261029 https://archive.is/XpLWN The contents within them need to be added to the Wiki.

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