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GamerGate Radio

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Youtube Killing Monetization for Wrongthink Veteran Leader 09/01/2016 (Thu) 00:43:07 Id: 0a01f4 No. 327450
Looks like GG 2.0 just happened. Of course it did. Of course it fucking did. Kek wills it. Only now, it's even bigger. Whatever you think of Phillip DeFranco, He's earned his place by making regular content with a consistent quality. Sure, he can be toothless, noncommittal, and pandery, but that makes this even worse. Youtube just killed his monetization for posting the video of Annaliese Neilsen, the Hula Girl Lyft chick. This is big. Big big. And very very relevant. I think those emails need revving up. Like him or not, DeFranco deserves some calvalry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbph5or0NuM
I'm wondering were will we go to post our vids? Is there some YT alternative.
>>327451 Liveleak? Vimeo? Neither have the same functionality and community as YT. The answer is for enough people to come together and surge against the YT executives who made this decision. Without those content creators and their fan base, YT is just another place to see the Kanye video that you can see another thousand places. This is GG 2.0. make no mistake.
>>327453 Totally. There's also Dailymotion. Some guy in KiA said that even The Young Turks are getting hit by this. A bit strange since I thought TYT are good white knights and SJW, looks like they're getting devoured.
I heard that the issue was the tags. Just don't tag your videos with rape, and it should be fine, supposedly.
>Youtube Killing Monetization for Wrongthink That is exactly what is going on, phrased exactly as it needs to be. Collect evidence and get the word out.
>>327451 >>327455 Not happening, no SJWs have been hit by this as of yet.
We need to make this big. Find every content creator, and bring up points relevant to them. Do they discuss issues with the modern left and say the right is unfairly demonized? They can't make money. Do they say something that would send an SJW into a rage? They can't make money. Do they discuss uncomfortable topics? They can't make money. Do they swear to make people laugh? They can't make money. That applies to nearly every comedy channel, every political analysis show that isn't ass-licking the left, and every "alt right" account. So go through your subscriptions- dig into their profile and look for contact info. Email them ALL. Tweet them all. Get a # trending over this. They've sung for their supper before against SOPA and broken Fair Use rules. They'll do it again. But only if they know. Here's a bunch of names. Not sure how many are in date- I'm going off an old TPP folder. Twitter is shit to contact people by, but use it as the basis to find actual email addresses: Support@CynicalBrit.com @Totalbiscuit https://forums.pewdiepie.com/ Cr1TiKaL (Big Youtuber, reads emails) Cr1TiKaLContact@gmail.com RoosterTeeth/Achivement Hunter/FunHaus @GavinFree @AdamKovic @GeoffLRamsey @Burnie @brucegreene @JamesWillems @IAmLindsayJones @jack_p @RayNarvaezJr (Former Rooster Teeth, now full time streamer) @SeanPoole @HarmonyGrits @bdunkelman https://roosterteeth.com/about/contact (you want the first two email addresses. The "sponsorship" here means a premium account to get early and exclusive vids) http://business.roosterteeth.com/ (Contact page is at the bottom. Be polite, this is for advertisers to contact them) Angry Video Game Nerd @Cinemassacre Fighting Game Community
[Expand Post]@maximilian_ (Fighting game streamer) Two Best Friends @2BFLiam @MattMcMuscles @AngriestPat @WoolieWoolz Continue? @PaulRitchey @HeyNickMurphy @Henderson1983 Super Bunnyhop & TOVG: @SuperBunnyhop @JKCompletesIt @Kite_Tales Polaris: @ProJared @JonTronShow @didyouknowgamin @dexbonus @JesseCox Gather Your Party: @HyperBitHero @TheGamingBrit @action_pts @GYPOfficial @HarmfulOpinions Tech: @TekSyndicate @LinusTech @JayzTwoCents @paulhardware Wild Cards: @erickain @emptyhero @TheBestGamers @rockCock64 @xboxahoy @AlphaOmegaSin Others to search: ScrewAttack members, Dodger, WowCrendor, Cheshire Cat Studios, Sargon, Thunderfoot, pretty much anyone you've subscribed to on Youtube.
>>327467 > Email Protected Fucking really? Search for "Cynical Brit Contact" or "Total Biscuit Contact"- you'll get it.
>>327455 >>327453 Do you guys know these platforms? Or they just poped into your mind?
>>327471 I've heard of some of them, I used to go DM to watch My Little Pony episodes and search for some random amv, but that's just about it.
hickok45 went to full30 because YT is a no-funs zone sometimes
Someone had their Youtube demonetized on acne covering and makeup. If Youtube carry on like this they're going to die. red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/50levg/youtube_disables_monetization_on_youtuber_melanie/
>>327450 In the meantime… Mainstream Media Admits It May "Never Recover" From 2016 Election http://archive.is/l9fB7 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-31/mainstream-media-admits-it-may-never-recover-2016-election
Whelp it looks like it's time for another Email Campaign! Alright everyone gather the same sort as last time, we need the emails to the pr and advertising divisions of anyone who has advertised on YouTube and like OP: Disrespectful Nod We need to compile it into one place. Next, We need everyone to contact all youtubers big and small and request a video spreading this information around. Everyone who is effected or potentially in danger. They include news sites, makeup tutorials, Tons of let's players, reviewers, skeptics and anyone else y'all fancy. Then we email the advertisers. Tell them just how advertiser friendly it is to steal bread from the mouths of content creators.
2016 will go down in history as the year it became controversial to have a different opinion.
>>327482 >If Youtube carry on like this they're going to die. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but from what I understand youtube might not even make a profit, it may barely break even. But it is kept around by google for reasons other than profit. Youtube still has the name recognition. I would not be surprised if they want to become the 'old media', in terms of having a monopoly and a big part of a push to turn the internet in general to become like a cable tv model. >>327481 >hickok45 went to full30 because YT is a no-funs zone sometimes My guess is YT is very anti funs, and they would ban all funs related content if they could get away with it. The only reason I can see that hickok45 returned after that banning attempt by YT was his popularity and other fun channels calling out shenanigans on youtube.
watch this
>>327492 If you want to RT: https://twitter.com/HarmfulOpinions/status/771345587685982208 Also, #YouTubeIsOverParty Perhaps don't focus on the "OMG Youtubers can't make money", but instead on being pro-SJW. Or analyze it to work out what to do. Or both!
>>327493 Some people are saying that "YouTube's I'm gonna become AdvertiserFreindlyTube," somehow ties in with Hillary and the US primaries.
>>327495 Sounds like either shills trying to muddy the issue to drive people away, or useful idiots to make that anti-Youtube side seem bad (or idiots who might as well be working for the other side due to ineptitude).
>>327496 Now it's only "controversial" vids that won't get money. Link: https://twitter.com/Swagkage/status/771043492915216384 Archive: https://archive.is/In39s
Between this shit and the war on comment sections, I see a concerted effort to suppress online discourse of current events. /tinfoilhat
>>327499 Another tin-foil hat tweet claimed FEMA made a rush order on bottled water. I think if anything was gonna happen, it'd be a terrorist attack during the election, and using the chaos to rig the vote. All the fun of vote-rigging, no need to spark civil war via state-of-emergency. I think it's a combination of "future-proofing" Jewtube so if something needed to be suppressed it could (hence why getting an alternative up SOON is essential), and Google not making enough money for shareholders via Youtube ("I don't care how much advertisers pay you, I want some of Pewdiepie's millions!!") thanks to adblock, so they're trying to claw more sheckles. More of the first, some of the second.
Try and get big youtubers to talk to one another to formulate plans and have bunker plans in place so it is not a shit show when it finally happens. While I believe this was an attempt to keep profits the same in a declining advertiser economy and venue, you know damn well enforcement will be selective and skewed.
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Shills are already starting to try to stop the bleeding. There seems to be a shitton of interest in trying to make this blow over. Also seeing this is suspiciously timed in terms of rule enforcement as the election cycle is hitting it's climax. http://archive.is/nl0wr
More vids appearing on this topic. ~1.10 'YouTube has apparently become a safe space'
abandon ship, use new website
>>327506 Not as bad as this one, he thinks we are just making mountains out of molehills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGgCxmxVwqg Yes, I do find it suspicious that Youtube decided to do this when the election is going full force as well. Though at least, this smaller YT is doing something and speaking out against censorship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2qMhBu2vB0
Philip DeFranco is back, saying that YT responded (I don't know if the title is clickbaity, people accuse him of doing click bait titles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJKfe4jjUdg
>>327450 Hypothesis; YT is smashing "controversial" topics to control the narrative for the election. Clinton already controls mainstream media. Trump gets his bump from alternative media, in large part a lot of YTers. So, with this scorched earth, the collateral damage is worth it because while it might cut off some people supportive of Clinton, it shuts up nearly everyone critical of her and/or supportive of Trump.
>>327512 I won't be surprise, VL, if ya hypothesis is true. Also, heard that 500 channels or vids got adblock. Well, Laci Green got caught in the blanket fire (I don't like her or The Young Turks). Wanting the higher ups to response and communicate? Seems that Deviantart users and Youtubers can find common ground now.
>>327513 This is all a part of the blanding of society for the purpose of creating more mealleable, controllable, and reliable consumers. The left doesn't understand that their hard on for censorship is playing right into the hands of people who want to stay rich by selling us sub par products and shit we don't need.
>>327513 >Also, heard that 500 channels or vids got adblock. Well, Laci Green got caught in the blanket fire (I don't like her or The Young Turks). She got re-monetized no problem. It kinda looks like automated mass de-monetization, selective manual re-monetization for those who are approved goodthink.
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Content creators know they can monetize their vids - if they can't do it on youtube they'll go somewhere else -and take their audience with them. Certainly the successful ones will always have a following where ever they go. They can no doubt attract subscribers, and even if their earnings are from ad revenue, the advertisers will follow them too cos they know they can get their products to an audience. That's less money for youtube.
The mafia takes care of its own.
>>327518 Any word about The Young Turks? They were also hit.
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Youtube has lost their goddamn mind.
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>>327523 >If something went wrong our system made a mistake, we have a dispute process. Only use it if you're confident you have the rights to take legal action against for your video. >The Youtube Team Whoever or whatever wrote that form letter sounds real cunty.
>>327527 And >Video title: Why Sonic Adventure 2 is a Good Game >Reason: Controversial Topics Really?
>>327527 I feel this is just a copout similar to twitter to just pull the ads from videos someone on youtube or someone with friends in you tube the youtube staff do not particularly care for. It also seems broken as fuck since anyone can spam report any video to get it demonitized i wonder if those big corpoprate brand youtube accounts are exempt from this rule would be a shame if justin bieber's videos all got demonetized for sexual content.
So I bought it for her. And put lots of nice things about her on it…
By that I mean AnnalieseNielsen.com
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>>327538 Literally who?
some cunty bitch who complained about a Lyft driver's hawaii dancer girl figure and filmed the whole thing, the guy got fired but then got REINSTATED because of said dumb cunt's vid what this has to do with this thread… who knows
Problem is there is no other streaming service as reliable, and no other service that monetizes videos like youtube. Major streamers will just dumb down their media at the risk of being spam reported by competitors because they will still make some money.
>>327538 Absolutely Hallal.
>>327540 The guy should sue both Lyft and her. Rehiring him proves wrongful firing. It would be an open and shut case.
Some weird drama that I'm sure ya guys would find interesting: https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/50q8wo/mundanematt_the_youtube_apologist/
>>327572 Sithspit, the link is acting weird. Hope it's not bad at your end.
People… now we know what's up. Youtube is trying to get people to get on to "Youtube Red".
>>327575 Aren't Youtube Red subscribers the ones getting demonitized though?
>>327586 No, the point is that the videos being "demonitized" are only losing ad revenue. They still get YTR Shekels.
>>327627 Judging from what I know, it looks like Youtube is trying to force everyone into YTR. Meanwhile, Vidme pull a crazy yet awesome stunt: https://vid.me/KEnH
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← Have some wrongthink. Also you can report something for being 'potentially objectionable'? That covers just about everything then.
>>328429 YouTube did the same stupidity on PragU (Sorry, I know I spelled the name wrong).
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Yeah this needs to be back on page 1, at least. Youtube is one of our alt media platforms ffs.
>>328467 Do we have alternatives set up, like Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc.?

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