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GamerGate Radio

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Getting ready to avoid appropriation of GamerGate by new audiences Val 11/14/2016 (Mon) 22:31:51 Id: a29c8c No. 328750
>all these people blaming trump on gamergate in articles everywhere >breitbart getting a top-spot in trump's government, very likely Milo will somehow mention us GET FUCKING READY Gamergate autocompletes again on twitter, which means that the very second trump or any of his very close advisors starts even MENTIONING us, you have be ready as shitIF IT HAPPENS YOU HAVE TO MAKE GAMERGATE TREND AGAIN WITH VIDEOS, GRAPHICS AND SCREENCAPS TO TEACH EVERYONE WHAT IT IS ABOUT, JUST LIKE THE GOOD OL' DAYS >Get your GG folder ready anon, you will possibly need it VERY soon The purpose of this thread is to gather and plan ahead the very high possibility that Gamergate becomes an actual, heavy, present matter in the soon-to-be American government, and to ensure it doesn't get turned into another loud and ridiculous shouting match. Collections of facts, screencaps, graphics, videos, etc. are necessary for easy and quick sharing. Statistics about political affiliations of the GG population, wikis, history articles, anti-gamergate exactions, etc. will always be useful. The point isn't "PR". The media is at an all-time low in terms of trust from the general population, which implies people will seek information and knowledge from social media first and foremost; spreading gamergate's victories, goals and supports will ensure we get fresh blood, sure, but also that it isn't driven away from its actual purpose. For example, here's a list of important outlets which have openly supported Gamergate : - Wikileaks - the SPJ - the FTC… A list of developers : - Mark Kern - Ethan James Petty (not officially I believe, touchy then, but eh) - Gilles Matouba - Huniedev - Denis Dyack… Again, the point of this thread is to make sure we have enough material for a POSSIBILITY. If Trump or his team never once mention us, it might probably be for the best.
Meh, the title should've read "misappropriation", fuck me
>>328750 >If Trump or his team never once mention us, it might probably be for the best. Don't you want senpai to notice us?
>>328760 Oh it'd be a fuckton of fun I'm sure, but to be honest it'd also be a lot of trouble… Except if wikileaks starts defending us again perhaps
I guess for gamers still in the dark about gg promoting stuff like alternative sites and League for Gamers would be worth it too. Anyone got updated versions of alt gaming sites? Infographs I've got are all old ones.
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>>328770 Here ya go anon two versions got made for some reason, pick your poison
>>328771 Thanks! That was quick - even on a slow board with low pph, responses to requests are surprisingly swift. 1000s of lurkers? Guessing there's more infographs - just noticed there's no Based Gamer or Gameranx on these?

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>>328774 Gameranx is Cheong's site, right ? Most people are still very, very wary of the guy and his past, and I don't blame them; it took the escapist a very long while before it got everyone's trust back again, so it'd take even more from gameranx AND cheong to get it as well. Regarding basedgamer, I like the place, even use it (haven't written shit in a long time), but anons tend to really dislike kickstarter shit (not that I blame them) and treat it as an automatic scam; thus, nobody is really willing to push for its inclusion. regarding graphs, here are a few more. Careful, some of them are super old and might not be entirely up to date.
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>>328777 Trips 7s. Yeh Gameranx is Cheongs site. I get why people are still wary - personally, I think a combination of factors - sjws getting more extreme and he sort of stopped and went 'Hold on a minute'. Add that with his site - site traffic down (self-survival if you like) and just mellowing with age. His comments on the Witcher 3, at the time he became neutral, pretty much show he's a genuine fan too - he likes games - not just in it to push some agenda. I quite like the stuff on Based Gamer too - it's not politically moderated so people can share their views on games and gaming in general. It's kind of wait-and-see how it grows, and which direction it takes into the future. pic = start of #NotYourShield
>>328774 >1000s of lurkers? This board is treated more like a repository for GG stuff than a single community by itself, as everyone comes from somewhere else like /v/, /pol/, /co/ or what have you. >Based Gamer It's a good site, unfortunately the lack of transparency with its founding and the irregularities with its Kickstarter made everyone extra-leery, so it and Gameranx is virtually on probation until it earns everyone's trust.
>>328778 Impressive charity donations. And to think there are still people who think GamerGate is 30 guys with their sockpuppets.
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>>328750 Some charts showing game demographics by sex.
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>>328796 >And to think there are still people who think GamerGate is 30 guys with their sockpuppets. Which spawned the idea for OpSockPuppet - A Crowdrise campaign from August 2015 to fund socks for the homeless.
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>>328783 Really slow board. >1000s of lurkers? I wasn't being serious. I get the deal with Based Gamer - had some 'alt-sites' infographs with BG on - can't find the damn things now. ← Pic is an indie dev's viewpoint.
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Another example of media spin: 2nd pic refers to a BBC documentary 'The Dark Side OF Gaming'. Basically edit out the positives and push the 'it's all bad' misogyny angle.
That one >>328829 was from a while back - and more recently? BBC still playing the same tune. This time it's e-sports (not something I know much about) - the BBC interviewed Counter Strike player Julia Kiran, then twisted what she said via some fancy editing. twtr comment: http://archive.is/o7koT No doubt MSM are still wondering why people don't trust them anymore.
>>328750 >avoid appropriation you mean the ethics cucks are going to get cucked? Good.
>>328877 >Using drybones-chan's "ethicscucks" unironically >still being an assmad a/GGR/o >shameful waste of dubs May kek smite you
>>331298 So how long until the Trump family are officially outed as GamerGaters?

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