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GamerGate Radio

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Time traveller from the past President Elect 01/17/2017 (Tue) 05:19:25 Id: 3376ba No. 329557
I stopped modding /v/ and disconnected myself from the whole chan culture gamergate shit around late spring of 2015. what the fuck happened. is this the gg board? the last thing i remember is deleting a lot of intl spam and people hating drybones for some reason. did anything notable happen at all since then or was it just non stop meta "discussion" and namefag drama? also what happened to swami hi acid man i think we talked a few times.
> what the fuck happened. is this the gg board? It's hard to tell these days. > the last thing i remember is deleting a lot of intl spam and people hating drybones for some reason. People blamed him for nuking the board and taking down the GG website. The board wasn't his fault. > did anything notable happen at all since then or was it just non stop meta "discussion" and namefag drama? We've ID'd more of the clique. More digs pointed back to the government. The media blames us for Trump winning. Deepfreeze went up. http://deepfreeze.it/ Someone took Zoe and Anita to the UN. >>298074 We found out that #burgersandfries have been intentionally kneecapping us, leaking info to SRS, and causing infighting since day one. They reported Acid Man to the FBI for his (legal) gun business (which sells to the FBI) and then tried to get Acid removed as a mod for reporting them back for trying and failing to SWAT him. They tried to get us to join the alt-right and "name the Jew" and use (((echoes))), and they convinced /pol/ to renounce us when we didn't fall for it. > also what happened to swami Banned for 29 years or something like that.
>what happened? We won. Gawker is dead. Ever gaming site now has a code of ethics. The literallywhos are fucking off to parasitize other things the batwu running for Congress is particularly amusing Gamergate is being blamed (true or not) for Trump's win. The MSM creating a moral panic over #fakenews to discredit Right-wing news sites like Bretbart and Infowars, backfired beautifully on them, and #Fakenews has become essentially World War GamerGate about ethics in ALL journalism. #Torrentialdownpour (an OP about getting censorious SJW assholes acting a moral gatekeepers out of the games localization industry) is still going. Everything else is just victory laps and shitposting. >swami Since he uses the name "male goddess" unironically, the the kind of gigantic faggot that other ordinary faggots call a gigantic faggot, and unsurprisingly, is also a goon. He literally pisses useless internet drama drama.
>>329558 so basically namefag drama. LMAO at the #burgersandfries shit. I used to lurk that channel in 2014 and even participated in the whole illuminati meme crap because the reaction from /pol/ tier paranoid schizophrenics was super entertaining. Left channel when people I used to think were decent went off the rails. stopped caring about gg when it stopped being about anon and more about e-celeb gossip. the acid man drama is hilarious. >>329560 I'm aware of gawker being bodied by hogan. it doesn't look like a victory to me. gaming journalism is about as shit as it was before, but I'm glad that gg pointed me towards better sites. thanks
>>329558 Furthermore: /v/ is still fine, but /intl/ is gone. We have basically won with the shit /v/ wanted; Gamasutra irrelevant, Polygon sent Kuchera on a vacation, better sites popped up as serious alternaitve. We didn't won the whole battle though, because Internet Atheists and Plebbit got hold of it. Speaking of goons, the one who tried to coopt the Alt Right and tried to make Gamergays join are getting doxed by anons. More on >>>/trs/ . That is all.
>>329562 >>329558 Hi anon. Not sure which mod you were, but welcome back. The old BO of /gamergate/ backstabbed us and nuked the board. This board replaced it, and the clique of namefags/IRC/Twitterfags who staffed /gg/ and /gamergate/ didn't take kindly to my cockblocking them. They eventually started shit over it, got b&, made an alt board and started a board war between our board and theirs resulting in (mostly) mutual destruction. They raided me IRL as part of it and got doxed and BTFO to the Feds in response. That was about a year ago. The board slowly died down month by month after that until it took its current form. We did have a lot of buzz for the anniversary though. I highly suggest you check the catalog for the CON leaks thread - antiGG got BTFO forever and ever. We're slow, but pretty comfy and do our own digs and discussion while serving as a repository for /v/ digging and operations as well. Stick around if you like.
>>329568 >>329562 Sadly, the clique whom we've come to call "revoltards" from /furry/ just couldn't let it go and is still engaging in futile low energy flaming over at /v/ to this day. Rather pathetic that they're guilty of everything they've accused Acid of, very much becoming the antiGG they claim to fight against. I've been lurking on and off since 2014, and of all the things the only one I can guarantee Acid is guilty of is having a shit waifu.
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>>329591 >lmao at the filter for ggr Kekdamnit, Acid, you got me there.
I became a steady lurker at Kiwi Farms because they had a hate boner even stronger than ours for the Literally Whos, but that site just voluntarily shut down because the admin 's family was doxxed hard and people lost jobs. Apparently lots of archives and those users migrated to /cow/. I want Chelsea out of games completely.
>>329596 > I want Chelsea out of games completely. Chelsea, Anita, and Wu work for Sylvia Rivera Law Center Sylvia Rivera Law Center works for Proteus Proteus works for Soros Soros works for Safa Group Safa Group is Saudi intelligence They are a state supported spy ring. You got a lot of work ahead of you.
>>329599 Links? Source? Anything? Over on /v/ we've found some odd connections between the Saudis and the ESA. Show us what you got anon!
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>>329599 >You got a lot of work ahead of you. we meme'd Trump, I think we can handle it
>>329599 If I google search any of those names, my IP's going to be put on a list, won't it?

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