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Anonymous 08/03/2022 (Wed) 08:33:24 Id: a4ef7a No. 7812
what kind of job those these men have? do they wear their chastity cage to work? where do they get their money to do this stuff?
>>7812 They are incel neets with no friends or hobbies and little to none responsabilities so they spend most of their time masturbating or playing videogames.
>>7812 >>7860 >that video. femdom and humiliation... just with extra steps? pass.
>>7860 You just described this entire board
>>7812 > chastity cage This isn't crazy expensive stuff. A chastity cage is $150 (just googled it). The wand isn't that expensive. Unless you're always dead broke this is pretty achievable for anyone.
>>7868 And that's for like a top of the line one too, most decent quality ones are like $80-100
They are on benefits for being retarded
>>7812 Most are college students
>>7812 >Useing a white cock for masterbation at all >Not cummin entirely from deep anal and prostate stimulation with a large BBC toy while never ever having the peepee or genital areas touched (not even themselves) This is very disappointing. They shouldn't be focusing on the cock or balls at all (those parts should be treated as if they no longer exist, only for using the toilet. not for pleasure!) caged or not the only stimulation possible should be anal. A white penis getting any use is blasphemy to the worship of BBC and black men everywhere.
>>8066 just admit you are gay
>>7812 I own a store and use a chastity cage all day. I built a goon cave where i usually go wild after a workout and a shower. I probably spend all my free time gooning and making oc related shit
>>8294 based and bbcpilled
>>7870 40 on a discount

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