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Women are Literally Big Babies Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 14:30:09 Id: 11a2e2 No. 467
Men throughout history have observed that women never become as mature as men do, forever being stuck in an awkward stage between adult and child. Schopenhauer famously remarked on this, to cite one particularly poignant example in his essay “On Women”. I feel that the recognition of this is a key component of the final redpill. Women are just big babies, and should be treated as such for the entirety of their lives. The only way to resolve the woman question is to put women back in diapers, stop their nagging with a pacifier and provide them entertainment truly suitable to their nature such as princess cartoons and toys. All women shall become the “little princesses” of their man, who shall be caretaker and husband. Women shall be happy, pampered and carefree. The Natural Order shall be restored.
>>467 Has there ever been a mostly successful female world leader?
>>469 The fact that you have to ask that question provides the answer.
>>469 Idk but some popular names are Cleopatra Queen Elizabeth the somethingsomething idk how successful they were
>>473 >two names Into diapers they go
Based and diaperpilled
>>467 >Women shall be happy, pampered and carefree. Spoke like a true simp. Women shall be forever enslaved. Either that, or completely replaced by artificial tools for procreation. Being a slave to women's demands is out of the question. Never be a simp. Never pander to women. If they can't be forced back into slavery, they must be genocided and replaced by better tools.
>>467 and what part of this has to do with you posting your nasty fucking fetish porn? i thought so, fuck off.
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>>715 > Either that, or completely replaced by artificial tools for procreation Spoken like a true Jew
>>725 >muh everyone is a jew. The internet was created by jews. And it is a technological tool created to replace natural personal interactions among people. Will you stop using it completely then? Fuck off with your simping attitude. Any natural tools (like women) that can't be improved must be replaced by better, artificial, tools.
>>725 What anime?
>>731 >The internet was created by jews. t. jew No it wasn't. That's like the claim jews made computers. Jews can only abuse things created by others. Guess what: Jews didn't invent usury, money or gold. Not even interest rates.
>>715 >they must be genocided and replaced by better tools. >being such Jew that he can't appreciate women
>>742 t. simp. Guess what? Worshiping women is the same as worshiping jews. >>743 >complains about jews. >worships women, who are the exact same kind of parasite.
>>744 >Having respect for your mother and wanting to protect them and keep them happy is Jewish and worshipping them. This is the dumbest logic I've read today you sound like a true faggot, the more you hate women the more homosexuals you attract you fucking retard. How can you conclude all women are evil and destroying society when Jewish men are mainly the ones doing so tor nigger. >Simp As always a new dumbass buzzword for retards on the internet to use ignorantly so they can just insult other instead of making any sense of their arguments.
>>760 t. woman
>>765 You didn't refute to what he said like a retard? Are you gonna admit that women are smarter than you faggot?
>>766 Women are meant to be controlled. The reason why they are so terrible in todays society is because they cant be controlled anymore. They're naturally evil, but that's okay but good and evil are meant to coexist. Women are indeed giant babies, they evolved to be this way. It's the jewish brainwashing that convinced them to destroy femininity within them. Women are an important part of the duality of nature. Their natural instinct to breed and nurture is invaluable. This is why women are important. No matter how dumb, mehcanically impaired, or truth deprived they are, they still serve an important purpose. This is why women are important. Wake up; the women you see today is not the real representation of feminine beauty.
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>>473 >Cleopatra pretty sure she was fucking awful and mismanaged her territory. Something along the lines of being roman and larping egyptian then the mismanagment and being a terrible mother on top of it all, also a whore for one of the emperors and contributing to the fall of the roman empire.
>>760 >yo mama Are you a nigger? All you're doing is advocating for being a slave to women, while women then get to be a decadent master class. They are biologically necessary for procreation at the moment, and men instinctually enjoy them, but throughout history that has been used as an excuse to make men into their slaves. And it's largely men enforcing it. If you enjoy women, as all non-retarded men do, then fine. They should be kept as pets. Throughout history, women have used men as hated beasts of burden. Cuckservatives embrace this as if it's a good thing, ignoring that most of the males throughout history have failed to pass on their genes, while their great grandmothers were just fucking the milkman anyway. I think OP is slightly off. Women shouldn't be treated like big babies. They should be treated like service animals. I wouldn't go so far as to say beasts of burden, because men inherently like them. But men must temper this inherent enjoyment of them with the responsibility to enforce women's responsibility, since they will not do it on their own. Women should be treated well, as they not only serve narrow purposes when trained correctly, but they are enjoyable to be around. They should be treated like pets, but with jobs. Like a police horse, or a seeing eye dog.
>>760 stop moving the goalposts. The post you're replying to said "worshipping" not "respecting" or "protecting". I can respect and protect my cat without actually worshipping my cat.
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>>805 >They should be treated like service animals That's not cute though
>>1030 uwu
>>1030 >seeing-eye-dogs aren't cute Naw. Service animals are loved like pets, not just used like beasts of burden, but they also have a responsibility that they must fulfill. They contribute to society, unlike women.
>>1030 >ywn put your girlfriend in diapers and give her a nice sippy cup and pacifier WHY LIVE
>>469 acctually yes but they are a minority >>470 the only answer it provides is the quality of burger education >>473 adding Ekatherine I to that list >>715 lmao >>731 jew
>>469 Catherine the great?
>>467 So you're saying humanity should go extinct?
>>1262 He never said not to fuck them.
>>1265 He said they are literally big babies. Those are self-evidently not for fucking, Unless you're a degenerate of course.
>>1262 >>1265 >>1266 It's just some diaper fetish faggot trying to spread his disease here on /pol/. Next time you examine the letters more closely and don't bump a god damn scat thread.
>>784 >being Roman The Ptolemies were Greek, you fucking moronic zoomer.
>>467 The best male-female relationships are either Mother-Son + SEX or Father-Daughter + SEX and these relationships do not have to be biological. Try to prove me wrong if you can. Every other male-female relationship is fraught with tensions due to uncertainty as to who is in charge. Females despise males that are not in the dominant 'Father' role. The only exception is found in the Mother-Son relationship. Society should be reorganised such that the only accepted male-female relationships are Mother-Son and Father-Daughter, incest should be legalised, and adoptions should be made easy. There is no reason to oppose incest except for reproductive incest... and only if you support Eugenics in either a libertarian or national socialist society nya~
>>1303 >There is no reason to oppose incest except for reproductive incest They'd have no children and thus bring no value to society similar to faggots. Your board is dead as fuck too.
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>>469 >>473 Hard not to sound biased but I would say Queen Elizabeth 1st was one of the most succsesful women leaders ever. She inherited a country in a mess and left it as one of the most feared counties in the world. While ushering in one of the greatest era's of literature in history. And maybe her success was the fact he was able to see a great man who could get shit done when she saw one, her spy master, Francis Drake etc. Sadly as history has shown these kind of women are very rare.
>>1397 Elizabeth I was just lucky that bad weather obliterated the Spanish Armada and the most powerful navy in the world, otherwise she would have been destroyed and Brits would be speaking Spanish instead of Arabic right now.
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>>1408 Bad weather did not help till much later. UK ships were just out gunning Spain's because Spanish ships were fitted with land cannons. UK had designed the 4 wheeled cannon to be used on ships and praticed everyday. Spanish two wheeled land cannons proved to be slow to use along with they all had different ball sizes while the new UK cannon all used the same ball..
>>1409 There's been a couple of good female rulers. However they all had one thing in common. They never let their pride get the better of them and mostly relied on men to help them. The only exception I can think of in that regard is Hatsheput mainly because we have less knowledge about that time period. I think it's retarded to blame women for everything honestly. It's just another divide and conquer strategy used by Jews. Sure women can claim some responsibility but so can men for not stopping this shit in the first place.
>>805 good post
>>1410 isnt that the whole thing tho, men have to do everything and women benefit, they are nice to have socially and like, thats it. Women are like (that word used to describe jobs such as art/music/dance, non essential stuff that comes with culture, which notably women love to be a part of)
>>1422 >women are nice to have socially Sure thing, doubleposting faggot.
I get that you have a fetish, but it's asinine to try to push that on literally everyone
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Daily reminder that misogyny is kosher because hot women are a threat to (((arranged marriages))) and (((inbreeding)))
>>1428 Your disagreement with that one point that he allowed his opponents only means that you actually agree with his actual point even harder. I don't understand why you'd be mad about that. >>1440 Hot women are a threat to everything. So are ugly women. And average women. They must be controlled, and cucks must not be tolerated, for they are the ones that hand over their power to the women that then misuse it.
> All women shall become the “little princesses” of their man, who shall be caretaker and husband. Women shall be happy, pampered and carefree. The Natural Order shall be restored. read the play A Doll's House by Heinrik Ibsen. It came out in the late 1800s so you can't claim it's woke. I don't respect women either but he puts forth a pretty decent case that actually trying to live like you describe is pretty fucked up and a fantasy for the man
>>1446 It's completely fucked up because it just means the man is a beast of burden, living only to serve the woman, and the woman contributes nothing but her own existence.
>>1422 Woman's purpose is to give birth and nurture the child, man's purpose is to keep them safe and healthy. Anything else only contributes to the insanity.
If you think so poorly of women, then in what way are you different from all the disgusting man-hating feminists and cavemen-mudslimes? You don’t sound like white european people to me.
>>1513 No, because we have actual arguments, stated in this thread. Also, muslims love women. They put those rules there for the stated purpose of the protection of women. Muslim women wear ninja outfits because muslims believe that men are so beastly that if they see an inch of a woman's skin they'll go mad and turn into rape machines. Feel free to make actual arguments if you like. So far, you have not. What you're doing is the equivalent of... >feminists say 2+2=5 >you say 2+2=4 >see? You're both saying 2+2 equals something! You're just like feminists! The sad part is that I would have agreed with you at one point. All I really wanted was equality. I would still love equality. Feminists have made clear that they will not allow that to happen. They will not learn, they will not start acting like actual people. They have proudly shown that they will continue to act like hateful parasites and pretend that I am a monster for being forced to give my life for them (through taxes at the very least, assuming the draft never comes back), like I am privileged for objectively being treated like a second class citizen, with objectively fewer rights, and open hatred from every major organization in society. I would love equality. But they won't let it happen. They are determined to stop equality, because they are not people. They lack basic human traits like empathy, which is why they always talk about things like "representation." They cannot relate to anyone that isn't very similar to them. They openly say they cannot relate to anyone without a vagina. But I can relate to them. Unfortunately, the result when I do is just relating to sociopathic parasitism.
I did not read a single logic argument here. Just irrational accusations and dumb claims without reasonable explanations. You sound like pathetic crying losers. You all saying that white women should be treated like niggers, camels, slaves, arab hijabis and orthodox kikes. Guess what. This is not european. This is not our culture. Please educate yourself and read about how the ancestors lived throughout history and stay the fuck away with your dumb, unsophisticated, primitive jewish goat fucker nigger philosophy. ridiculous faggots
>>1515 >niggers, camels, slaves, arab hijabis and orthodox kikes. False. I was saying that women should be treated like service animals, like seeing eye dogs, or police horses. This is different from beasts of burden, like camels, or niggers.
If you think, it’s a good idea to treat the person you have sex with, like an animal, then you are promoting a primitive desert goat fucker lifestyle that has nothing to do with civilized white peoples. But what else can I expect from Americans and Canadians. Your whole continent is a prime example of what happens, when uprooted, displaced people mix together and create a degenerate nigger mass culture.
>>1521 >If you think, it’s a good idea to treat the person you have sex with, like an animal First of all, cool it with the commas. Secondly, learn to reply properly. Third... >person There's your problem. They aren't people. I wish they were, too, but they're not. They don't act with humanity, and when you get to know them, all you learn is that they don't even have real personalities. You might think they do, but just keep watching one for a prolonged period of time, and you'll see her get completely reprogrammed every time she starts getting new cum injections, which is much more often than cucks like you will accept. And even that isn't even sincere, since really they just pretend to like whatever advances their social status at the moment. It's sad, because when they're young, they act very much like people, and do have personalities, but as they reach puberty, they lose all their likes and interests and begin dedicating all of their existence to parasitic hedonism. >German calling Americans and Canadians degenerate Hilarious. I mean you're not wrong that they're degenerate too, but you really should be careful in your glass house over there.
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I just leave this image here. Is diaper an European style?
But yet they've managed to control the men pretty much completely. Nice accomplishment for the big babies.
>>1546 Babies control adults because adults are hardwired to take care of them, due to babies being useless, yet necessary for the continuation of your genes. Women are much the same, only they are only useless because betas serve them while allowing them to be useless. Women shouldn't be parasites, but betas allow them to be. Instead they should be service animals. They must be controlled and trained to make sure they do their jobs correctly, but they can do jobs. Feminists and betas think they do jobs now, but all they do is destroy every workplace with gossip, metoo, and changing rules to cater to their whims instead of catering to efficiency.
>>1515 I can't decide if they are just beta losers larping as "evil nazis" because they are attracted to the villaneous aspect that jews created around National-Socialism or if they are glowniggers spreading poison. Regardless, anyone who believes European women are anything but extremely important members of society should be shot. Hitler himself said that men and women complete each other need each other, the fact that Western women have been turned into abominations due to decades of jewish influence should not be used against them and it angers me that anyone would think we should treat white women like sandnigger females.
>>1554 If you read the bible like I do then it actually gives you the purpose of women right then and there. They’re support. It’s as simplistic as that. The people who advocate for women being nothing more than sex toys are nothing more than fetishists who get off to humiliation. It’s the same reason why shit like cuckholdry is watched. The only difference is you’re the one humiliating rather than being humiliated it’s cut from the same cloth. What would happen when a man was feeling sick and couldn’t provide for his family? His wife would take his place until he got better. Women are only whores now because of the weakness of the men they are surrounded by.
>>1513 >then in what way are you different from all the disgusting man-hating feminists and cavemen-mudslimes? let me break this down: >what way are you different from all the disgusting man-hating feminists We don't hate men. >cavemen-mudslimes? muslims hate gays, too. so I guess we should love faggots or we'll be just like them. Oh wait, but the feminists love fagots, so I guess we'd be just like them if we loved them too! See how this works? don't let your enemy define you, and don't define yourself as merely the opposite of some other group. Female slavery is not unique to muslims, and there is far more to muslims than their laws regarding females, but the primary problems of muslims is that they are largely not white, it's not islam that us the threat to us, but arabs and niggers. There are a lot of things you can agree with your enemy on, such as with my example of them hating gays. I don't hate gays nor do i love them, I think they are mentally ill, and their illness has both in utero factors (antigen exposure) and environmental factors (being sexually abused), this means that we don't have to kill them, but we should look to treatment (psychiatric, not religious) over the current approach of "acceptance" and mainstreaming. This position may have some commonalities with the perspective of muslims on the subject, but it is my own position. Similarly, I propose simply making it so that only living white male humans have rights, and that the law only give official recognition to the sentience and suffering of living white male humans. Anything that is not a living white male human, will have no rights, and it's sentience and/or suffering (if it truly possesses either) will not be officially recognized by the law. The entity can be kept as property by legally recognized persons (living white male humans), and in such cases, will be legally protected by the property laws of their owners. As the law does not apply to these entities, the owner be legally accountable for the actions of his property, and as these entities cannot claim to own anything, anything possessed by an entity that is owned property will actually belong their owner under the law. Aside from these exceptions, the laws will be the same as for any other form of property: The owner will not be restricted by law in what he can do with his property, nor will he be legally restricted in what he can consent for another legal person to do with his property. This includes the right to damage or destroy their property at will.
>>1554 >the fact that Western women have been turned into abominations due to decades of jewish influence should not be used against them and it angers me that anyone would think we should treat white women like sandnigger females. Sandniggers treat women much too well, because sandniggers are animals that think if they see a woman's cheekbones they'll go mad with lust and become rape machines. Sandniggers make women dress like ninjas not to control women, but to control men, because they think so little of men that they think they must be controlled this way. It aligns precisely with feminist thinking, which is just one more reason feminists support them. I would like to believe it is only western women that are this bad, but tradcuck societies are no better. They still expect men to give their lives, frequently literally, for women, while women are expected to do nothing but take the resources their men earn and distribute them among their family. Then they have the nerve to consider that work. Women think taking care of their family is work. Men work just for the opportunity to get to take care of their family. Taking care of their family is the reward. >>1555 >Women are only whores now because of the weakness of the men they are surrounded by. Because the men allow it, yes. But it's not just an individual man's choice. Change starts at home, yes, but when society is against you, your individual power is not enough. Too many men give women too much power, and those men must be stopped.
>>1550 >Women shouldn't be parasites, but betas allow them to be. Instead they should be service animals. They must be controlled and trained to make sure they do their jobs correctly, but they can do jobs Again, funny how it's the opposite that has happened and it's the men who have turned out to be women's "service animals".
>>467 cybersmith?
>>1558 There is no question in my mind that you are the stereotypical frustrated loser whose hate for women come from your own inability to fornicate as much as the other degenerates in your school aand grew mad with envy. Of course men are expected to die for their women, because that is what we have been doing since the beginning of human history. Not because Jews told us to, but because it's common sense. It's like you never had a mother, a sister, a wife, you absolute nigger. Men are expected to die for their women because they are weak and can't defend themselves. This is natural, and it would still be the case even if society found their sanity again and didn't allow them to participate in male affairs such as politics.
>>1563 >There is no question in my mind that you are the stereotypical frustrated loser whose hate for women come (sic) from your own inability to fornicate as much as the other degenerates in your school aand (sic) grew mad with envy. Not an argument. >Of course men are expected to die for their women, because that is what we have been doing since the beginning of human history. Just because things were done in the past doesn't mean they are right. You are literally advocating for being a second class citizen, for your life literally being worth less. You go so far beyond cuckoldry I don't even know what to call it. >Not because Jews told us to, but because it's common sense. I never claimed it was because jews told us to. If they did or didn't doesn't affect its validity. >It's like you never had a mother, a sister, a wife, you absolute nigger. >argument is just a slightly more verbose "yo mama." >calls others a nigger >Men are expected to die for their women because they are weak and can't defend themselves. False. They just tell you that so that you will serve them. Especially since we have weapons. Moderate differences in average strength potentials are moot in modern society. But not only do you defend them, you advocate for society giving them more power than you, and then act proud to be a beast of burden. >This is natural, and it would still be the case even if society found their sanity again and didn't allow them to participate in male affairs such as politics. Unfortunately, men like you ruin things, yes. We must not only control the women, but eliminate the white knights like you.
>>1572 Not him but here’s my retort. >Just because things were done in the past doesn’t make them right You are literally advocating for being a second class citizen, for your life literally being worth less. You go so far beyond cuckoldry I don't even know what to call it. Considering you think that if men protect women and put themselves at risk we suddenly become worthless, I’m going to assume you’re an atheist. Here’s my retort. It doesn’t fucking matter, because your life would still be worthless even if you had complete dominance over women. Why? Because if you’re an atheist you believe in nothing greater. Which ultimately leads to a worthless existence. > False. They just tell you that so that you will serve them. Especially since we have weapons. Moderate differences in average strength potentials are moot in modern society. But not only do you defend them, you advocate for society giving them more power than you, and then act proud to be a beast of burden This is dumb, You’re entire argument boils down to “you’re a slave to women if you die for them” Let me ask you something then? Who births the children? Obviously women. Next question would you be willing to die for your child? > Unfortunately, men like you ruin things, yes. We must not only control the women, but eliminate the white knights like you. We don’t need to control women all we need to do is hold them responsible for their actions like men are held responsible.
>>1573 >Considering you think that if men protect women and put themselves at risk we suddenly become worthless I didn't say worthless, I said worth less. Men's lives, both in modern degenerate societies as well as tradcuck societies, have always been considered expendable. They have always been objectively considered to be worth less than women's lives, and as such, they have always been told it is their responsibility to give their lives for women. >argument about atheism Different topic. Not going to let you deflect and get us off topic here. The fight against feminism is much more important in the current zeitgeist than fighting about religion. >Let me ask you something then? Who births the children? Obviously women. Almost always irrelevant. And defending pregnant people (which yes are always women) is different from defending women in general. One is under a medical condition which does sometimes prevent it from doing certain things, and may need certain degrees of help. The difference is that you want to give more help than is needed, when and where it isn't even needed. >Next question would you be willing to die for your child? Yes, but not just on the whims of my child, if my child was being selfish and just demanding I serve and die for him for the hell of it. You spoil women, and if your analogy is being a parent, then you'd be a terrible parent, with spoiled children. >We don’t need to control women all we need to do is hold them responsible for their actions like men are held responsible. I'd like to agree. I'd like to live in that world. Unfortunately, there are some fundamental problems, which result in women and white knights not allowing us to have that world. Fundamentally, both women and men show bias favoring women. Men like you, advocating for giving your life for women, while women aren't expected to do anything except sit there and occasionally be pregnant. You advocate for their parasitism, and this naturally leads to them not being held responsible for their actions like men are held responsible. You advocate sacrificing yourself, and demand other men sacrifice themselves, for "people" that would, except maybe in incredibly rare exceptions, never sacrifice themselves for men. Arguing that they physically can't is simply disingenuous, since we aren't literal cavemen, and the moderate differences in peak physical performance are not relevant to most aspects of modern life, and women aren't pregnant all the time. Of course, even pregnancy doesn't affect their ability to do most modern tasks, until the very end of the pregnancy. They even claim this, as an excuse to get into the workplace, which then they destroy, as they turn around and say they need to be treated special, immediately after saying they need to be treated equally.
>>1575 When you fight against womens rights and want to cancel the social history of the last 150 years, then you have to accept that you are advocating for gender roles, that are declared obsolete in the modern world. That means, you have to be cool with men taking responsibility for their women, families and nations. Therefore you have no right to call women selfish parasites and to complain about your duty to defend your family and people. Choose between modern individualism and traditional collectivism, but do not demand rugged, selfish individualism for men and slavery for women. Pick one side but don't be an inconsistent opportunist. Complaining about women being charakterless big babys and wanting them to be your serve animals does not fit together. But besides that, its people like you who pretend to be redpilled, but advocate for jewish modern propaganga of degenerate hyperindividualism that destroyed western civilisation and makes us white people look like weak degenerate nigger bastards without ideals, relationships and national consciousness. Soldiership and martyrdom has always been an ideal of masculinity and instead of being proud of it, you cry like a pathetic faggot. You are the male equivalent of aggressive ugly feminists who refuse their natural role as a mother because they feel oPpReSsEd
>>1576 >When you fight against womens rights and want to cancel the social history of the last 150 years, then you have to accept that you are advocating for gender roles, that are declared obsolete in the modern world. I would love nothing more than equality. But feminists refuse to let that happen. So fine, if they want gender roles, I at least won't support the ones they want. If they want to enforce roles, I won't just support them as they enforce roles that lets them be selfish parasites while men are treated as hated beasts of burden. Your problem is that you can only imagine current roles, and can't imagine the possibility of other roles. >You are the male equivalent of aggressive ugly feminists who refuse their natural role as a mother because they feel oPpReSsEd You are the male equivalent of the slave that snitches on the other slaves and thinks he's better because he gets to be boss nigger, just ignoring the fact that he's still a slave.
>>1262 No, I'm saying they should be diapered and babied throughout their lives. It's cute and women are finally put in their place by men.
>>1607 >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn >what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn what part of this has to have you spamming your nasty fucking fetish porn
>>1577 Never play your enemies game. This entire thing is to divide us. Remember the ones who control the feminist movement are the Jews. While I don't believe equality is necessarily possible. I do believe that men and women shouldn't be elevated above the other. Both of us have a specific purpose. Men are the protectors and women are the supporters. This is what people need to realize. What a women is is to replace the man when something has happened. Say you run a shop and you get sick. You're wife would probably take up the mantle and help while you're sick and when your healthy again she goes and raises the children, makes food etc. Women make it easier for a man to focus on specific issues like work and politics rather than being bogged down by things like children. This is my view. Equality is false. However, treating women as if they are nothing more than sex slaves is also false. Treating women like their worthless and only for the desire for men's pleasure is the obvious signs of a weak man. It's why we are in this current situation. Men are lying around willy nilly with any women they can get their hands on. Obviously this is because of the sexual revolution which has completely destroyed the world. Also >>1576 yes the world should return before 150 years. Women weren't treated as nothing more than sex toys back then. Heck women even wrote literature. The problem is letting them get away with things without any sort of punishment. Feminism is promoted by Jews and that's the main issue. >>1576 >individualism/collectivism This has bothered me entirely. If you think entirely about the collective then that whole NPC thing is basically completely true for everyone on the planet, It also completely dehumanises people. If you think in individualistic terms. Then Moral subjectivism is promoted which destroys the country via complete lack of human decency. It's a combination of the two you want. You want the individual to think of the collective and you want the collective to be open to individual thought. Basically one without the other will alway result in a clusterfuck also called modern society. Also weren't you the guy that was saying that God doesn't care about race in another thread? despite the fact that he has an entire chosen people, It's obviously not the Jews but that's a completely different story. That's promoting Jewish propaganda. I'll admit this whole women hating thing does feel suspicious but in that case it should be our duty to explore into things deeper and expose the people doing this shit. Not arguing amongst ourselves. Also using the term "redpilled" is dumb. The matrix was made by trannies. I've gotten sick of those buzzwords. Including shit like based, Simp etc etc. Can't people just talk normally without sounding like an immature brat. Finally just gonna say this. Everytime I've seen a women with a mongrel or with some shit skin then never face me straight in the face. You can tell they're ashamed they simply won't admit it because of the modern world reinforcing their position. They recognize their mistake far too late though. It's similar to how a lot of women that takes abortions commit suicide. Basically without men directly leading them women become miserable. It's just the fact that people think that if a women isn't automatically allowed to do whatever the fuck she wants too, becomes nothing more than a man's personal pleasure hole it becomes a problem. A women should be allowed to make some decisions as long as it doesn't threaten the community at large.
>>1609 >What a women is is to replace the man when something has happened. Say you run a shop and you get sick. You're wife would probably take up the mantle and help while you're sick and when your healthy again she goes and raises the children, makes food etc. Women make it easier for a man to focus on specific issues like work and politics rather than being bogged down by things like children. This is my view. Your view results in men breaking their backs to support women, while women, in almost all circumstances, just get to sit around and be lazy. Your view results in men being a servant class for women. >The problem is letting them get away with things without any sort of punishment. We agree on this, at least. I'm not advocating for treating women like they're useless, or only used for pleasure. I'm advocating for actually making them work and contribute. However, they have shown they will not do this without very tight control.
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>>1443 >Hot women are a threat to everything They're still just women. The power they have is the power you and others give them by being needy losers. If you are emotionally strong and keep your goal in mind, they aren't a threat. Bros before hoes. Ragheads only need to control their women because of (((poor self-discipline))) and (((no endgame))).
>>1609 >They recognize their mistake far too late though Once they're ruined and irredeemable.
>>469 Outside of monarchs. No.
Cursed thread. Women still are physically able of not shitting themselves, therefore no need for the diaper thing. You just have a weird fetish
>>467 A girl rejected me once. Then, I saw that other guys didn't get rejected by the girls that they liked. Because of that, I now put all my efforts into contributing to bring down the whole civilization, out of spite.
>>1951 The vast majority of other guys do get rejected by the girls they like. However, this should only strengthen your spite and will to bring down the whole civilization.
>>1952 >this should only strengthen your spite and will to bring down the whole civilization. Indeed. I was denied proper preparation to be successful with girls. Then, I see other guys being well prepared to deal with and be successful with girls. That makes me want to ruin as many lives as I can while I live, even if it ruins mine too. My goals in life are to ruin as many lives as I can, to teach as many young men as I can to do the same, and to manipulate as many girls as I can to do the same.
>>1953 There is little preparation that you could do. It's largely genetic. You have twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors, because, on a genetic level, women prefer to all share a chad rather than have a normal guy to themselves. (((The Media))) tries to promote the idea that men are the ones that dislike monogamy, but actual genetics prove otherwise. Women want harems, but this is not the path to a productive society, because women don't work, and if a man is cast aside due to not being a chad, he will have no motivation to work either. He will become lazy at best, destructive at worst. But so be it. If a society treats so badly the majority of its productive members, then it deserves to burn.
>>1964 I completely agree on all those points. And I would add that, even worse, women want harem's just to leech resources. So, not even the chads are what they desire, but anyone with resources that they can manipulate into wasting on them. The current situation of women seeking nerdy but rich guys is proof of that. As long as the guy have plenty of resources to be leeched, women jump in. So, not only the most productive guys are cast aside, but also the personal gain from productive ones are all wasted on lecherous women, rendering the whole point of being successful and prosperous useless. You won't get the women that you want, no matter what. And if you become successful, a large group of women that you don't want will come to you to leech off all the gains of your productivity. Society, indeed, deserves to burn.
>>1563 Listen here, you fucking chimp. Your country is basically an autonomous primate sanctuary. Your homicide rate is higher than your average income. Your main export is LiveLeak videos. You despicable macacos are so violent you even kill people with kites. I doubt you'll get the chance to reply to this post because you're statistically likely to be killed for your phone before you get the chance. You posted this from an internet cafe in rocinha. You fucking absolute monkey. How dare you attempt to communicate with humans. Go back to collecting trash with your carroça and never post here again.
>>1397 ol beth was pretty righteous innit?
>>1563 >Of course men are expected to die for their women And that is dumb. A man must self preserve above all things. Self preservation is more important than race and procreation. >because that is what we have been doing since the beginning of human history Then, men were dumb since the beginning of human history. But no more. This is the era when men started to become smarter and stopped dying for parasites such as women. >muh sex Brazillian, and with the lowest of IQ, caring about sex at all. No wonder you are just apes larping as white people. >because it's common sense >It is common SENSE to die and not sel preserve Indeed, low IQ ape who worships women. >because they are weak and can't defend themselves So what? That is their problem. Not ours. They are parasitic and must never be protected. >This is natural It isn't, you low IQ ape. Self preservation is natural. Individualism is natural. Sacrificing for the weak is unnatural. It is the behavior of the low IQ apes such as you. >it would still be the case even if society found their sanity again Men (that is, real, smart, men) are becoming sane: we are living for ourselves only, and not sacrificing for parasites such as women. Also, this anon: >>3730 is completely right. Your country is literally a laboratory filled up with living apes to be used to test anything that the elites around the world wants to test. Your women (including your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your girlfriends and your wives) ALL prostitute themselves for us. We need to just show up, and they throw themselves at our feet, like the prostitutes that they are. We fuck all your women behind your back, and we give them nothing more than spare change. Your women are literally beggars and hobos that we use as quick entertainment, and abandon them soon after to let them go starve again for another month. All the while you work yourselves to death trying to not die from starvation, and still wasting your money on your prostitute mothers, prostitute daughters, prostitute sisters, prostitute girlfriends and prostitute wives that we all already fucked and took their virginity, leaving only used up carcasses for you as scraps. Your all are nothing more than zoo animals to us, human beings. You are not people. You are apes. You are not human. You are apes. You are Brazilian. You are apes.
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>>1563 I'm the op of this. Stay mad at my vpns faggots, I'm not Hungarian either. Any culture that doesn't protect their women is a shitty one. I repeat, you are just losers who were mad jealous at the degenerates in your high school so now you larp as "villains" on the internet but if Stacey gave you a blowjob back then you would probably be browsing reddit and watching niggers play sports on tv.
>>4015 You aren't the one who decides anything. We will not protect women. We will abandon them to die. And millions are turning like us every day around the world. And there is nothing that you can do about it. Women are the villains, and they will be dealt accordingly.
This thread is terrible. Men need women to survive, as do men. All of you faggots with your femboy shit need to simmer down. Yes, women follow feminine nature, subservient in many respects to masculine nature. Does this make them inferior or needless to men and humanity as a whole? No.
It's also very clear from OP that this is a fetish thread. Outmost degenerate.
>>4096 Speak for yourself nigger. Who the fuck is providing internet to your mud hut, anyway?
>>4122 We take without giving back. Stay mad. We are millions, and our numbers increase daily. We won't protect any woman. We will abandon them all. And there is nothing that you can do about it. >>4116 >Men need women to survive Literally not. The species needs it. Not the individuals. Men are self-sufficient. We will live just fine. And if the races and the specie dies because of our abandonment of women, we don't care. We live for ourselves. Not for race, humanity, society, women or nation. >Yes, women follow feminine nature A subversive and deceitful nature. And that is reason enough to abandon them. > subservient in many respects to masculine nature. Does this make them inferior or needless to men? Yes. >humanity as a whole? No. But to hell with humanity. My life matters more than the preservation of humanity. I don't give a shit about what will happen to humanity after I die. I only care to live a good life, without parasites such as women or jews (the exact same parasite) being a part of it.
>>4324 I agree with your methods but want to point out that you could have an even better motivation: spite. You should care what will happen after you die. Namely, you should care that you have helped to eliminate the parasitism that brought you to this type of life in the first place. You seem to be on the right track. You might not realize it, but you're a hero, in your own small way. Cucks and whiteknights and those they work for are, of course, the villains. Even just your one small voice, your small acts of resistance, add up, and at least you aren't actively helping the villains, like so many others are.
maybe there is nothing women/girls can do that men/boys cannot do better, the only thing we really need the female half of the species for is incubation and reproduction, and we are already working on making them redundant there as well.
Not wanting women as a pet doll baby maker is gay. this thread is full of faggots that like men
>>4603 >Not wanting to be a slave makes one be a faggot Go get all women, tiger. Nobody is stopping you from that. We are the ones who quit the game. Oh, society cant exist anymore because we quit? Too bad. Oh, the human species may go extinct because we quit chasing women? TOO BAD. We don't care. Each one of us only cares about himself. Go save the world. And fail. I will stay here, living for myself and my individual interests only, while the human species disappears little by little every day. All of that is better than dealing with women. >>4542 This. And it is not "maybe". It is a fact. Women are useless, aside from reproduction. And we are making the artificial replacements for that, rendering women completely useless. Hey, simps. How it feels to know that your entire lives devoted to worshiping women and enslaving yourselves for social validation will amount to nothing in a very near and unavoidable future? Sucks to be you. We will either quit the game completely and live freely, or will procreate through machines. Either way, you will be regarded as the dumb cattle that threw your lives away to pander to parasites such as women.
>>4330 True. I act only on two motivations: freedom and spite. I want freedom for me, regardless what that costs for everyone else. and I support any action that goes against women, out of spite for their parasitism and falsehood. Their evil nature. Every single development and improvement that mankind makes in the direction of replacing women completely will receive my support. Directly or indirectly. Anything that makes the lives of simps, white knights, women worshipers and such, a literal hell on Earth, I will support fully. The only effort that I will ever put into anything regarding women will be towards their complete elimination and replacement.
>>1576 This. >>1577 >I would love nothing more than equality. If you want your people to die, sure, go ahead.
I'm beginning to notice that it's mostly Americans and Canadians complaining about women. Or should I say (((AMERICAN))) and (((CANADIAN))). To enslave women is pretty much declaring we are no better than the niggers/sandniggers of the world that any true /pol/ack would claim to hate. Women and Men are fundamentally different, However that doesn't mean that either or are inferior. We serve different roles and these roles are what men and women should hold as standards. Anyone who claims that a women is equal to a man in every way is stupid. Women birth children and the fact that's considered "Oppression" in this day of age is because men haven't been fulfilling their duty of protecting the borders. The truth is, Blaming women for our problems does two very specific things for the Jews because let's not kid ourselves that's who is spreading this anti women propaganda. 1 takes away blame from the Jews and 2 Makes men think they're blameless thus increasing hubris. Notice how these people use the same exact tactics leftists use, Just replace racist, sexist etc with simp, white knight etc. Don't fall for their propaganda anons.
>>4761 You're missing the point, anon. The fact of the matter is that currently, you are treated as a second class citizen, with objectively less rights, not to mention a society that openly hates you and then calls you an oppressor while openly hating you and discriminating against you. Your ideal, regardless of what anyone may think of it, isn't happening. At least not any time soon. For the time being, you simply have to stand up for your rights. You have no power to enforce your ideal or even to encourage it to any significant degree, because you are nothing more than a hated beast of burden, and have very little significant power over your owners. What some of the people in this thread are discussing is to use some of the power you do have productively. That is, to at least not actively support the system that has made you a hated beast of burden. You try to shame them, but they will feel no shame when the insults come from a person who is actively working for people who openly dispose him, and will dispose of him the moment he ceases to be useful to them, or perhaps sooner, simply out of spite. You don't like the term simp, or white knight? Fine. (I don't like simp either.. Here's another term for you: Boss Nigger. You think that by trying to shame the other slaves into working harder for the masters, you will gain a favored position, but your highest possible position is still a slave, just perhaps one with slightly more privileges than some other slaves. You're nothing but an aspiring Boss Nigger.
>>4762 You're not understanding me, The Jews are using propaganda not women, You're basically replacing women with Jews. The only difference is, The Jews actually are in power. You think only our women hate us? A lot of our men hate us as well, Like I said women are the only people you can place all your hatred towards. You people are Jews, It's completely obvious. Moreover my point completely flew over your head at the last part. I claimed you act exactly like leftists when you use those terms to shame the opposition. Changing the term and making a new one on the fly isn't an argument.
>>4324 >We live for ourselves. Not for race, humanity, society, women or nation. True
>>4766 >You think only our women hate us? A lot of our men hate us as well, You know this isn't what the people arguing against you think, since you're complaining about them talking shit about white knights, who are men. >Like I said women are the only people you can place all your hatred towards. First of all... >women >people Pick one. Secondly, I've already established that your premise that your opponents think women are the only bad ones is false. It's possible to acknowledge your point of other enemies while also acknowledging that you're a ridiculous cuck that openly works against his own self interest and tries to shame others for not willingly being slaves. >Moreover my point completely flew over your head at the last part. I claimed you act exactly like leftists when you use those terms to shame the opposition. Changing the term and making a new one on the fly isn't an argument. It's not for shame, it's to try to get through to you why your point is wrong. It's called an analogy. It's trying to get you to understand, from an outsider's perspective, just how ridiculous your actions actually are. You actively promote your own status as a second class citizen, and try to discourage people who don't do the same, as long as they're male. You can call whoever you want a jew. Try using an actual argument instead of trying to resort to ad hominem attacks or questioning motivation. Neither would discredit the actual arguments at hand. But these are also both doubly stupid attempts at arguments since your opponents have stated their motivations many times in this thread, so trying to question their motivation wouldn't take away from the motivations they've already stated. You'd need to state how those motivations don't work, and then how the strategies don't work. Jews are also a group that frequently promotes feminism, misandry, and the actual on-the-books laws and policies that openly make males into second class citizens. You are joining them in promoting these things. You must be a Jew, and therefore your arguments are wrong, right?
>>4770 >You know this isn't what the people arguing against you think, since you're complaining about them talking shit about white knights, who are men. No, I'll call out bullshit when I see it, Unlike you, I actually know that both sides should take equivalent blame for their crime. I.e a women and a man should be treated equally in court that doesn't mean they themselves are equal. While the world itself is run by Jews therefore they should held responsible for the reprobate propaganda being spread. Similarly the people who fall for the propaganda should be punished, That doesn't mean an innocent women or man should be punished. > Secondly, I've already established that your premise that your opponents think women are the only bad ones is false. It's possible to acknowledge your point of other enemies while also acknowledging that you're a ridiculous cuck that openly works against his own self interest and tries to shame others for not willingly being slaves. You claim I'm shaming others... yet you're the one using cuck in order to shame me to comply with your point of view? So you're a complete hypocrite. Good to know, But even then, Men protect women because they are defenseless and need to be shielded from outside threats. If we don't protect the borders then no one will. You don't even know the definition of the word cuck because it's literally letting your wife cheat on you, Or in this case it's if the men collectively decided to ignore their women and let them sleep with outside forces i.e we're literally being cucked right now on the national level because of people like you who are unwilling to lift up their arms. Then again claiming you are european race in any way is highly dubious. >The last bit My actions are completely justified, A man should give his life for a women, I know honor and dignity are probably completely alien to you, But the point of the matter is that to any sane European, Protecting the weak was a virtue, Now look where we are, An every man for themselves type of environment. Similar to what you're promoting except for men as the "privileged" class. Men are treated as second class citizen's now? Then why can black men get away with severe crimes with a slap on the wrist, Why do Jewish men get away with raping children? Why are muslim men aloud to behead people in paris? Why are sodomites celebrated instead of condemned if they were truly second class citizens? Why do trannies get a free pass? No only straight white men are "second class citizens" and the last people who are to blame for this is our own women. I.e you're literally deflecting the blame of the cause of all of our problems onto our women when they're the least responsible. You're a Jew because you act like one, Seriously what type of fucked up mind does it take to say that women aren't people >A hypocrite >Shameful behavior >No honor and dignity >Blind hatred of women when they are just as much apart of our race as the next man down the street. >Lumping every women as the same Give it up it's completely obvious. Also you then go on to say I support feminism? I don't, I never did, I said men and women have different roles in society and they should follow these natural roles in order to make society the best it possibly can be. That's already anti feminism but to you anything that supports women is feminism. Only a weak minded individual would think such a thing. Women need men to lead so they have good role models to follow, This is literally the basic role of life. A man leads and protects i.e how he works, rules, fights and defends his homeland etc, While a women nurtures the children and also supports the man by doing things he may have otherwise never had the time to do. My opponents are literally advocating the genocide of the people who propagate my own people. Why would I not fight against such a thing? Isn't that why most /pol/acks are here to begin with, To try and stop the genocide of the European populace? and again the only other people that are promoting this is Jews, It's literally white genocide under a different name. And no amount of mental gymnastics are going to change that. Their motivation is simply to make men hate their women by manipulating emotion like usual. It's unfortunate that I'm emotionally stable enough not to fall for such niggardly behavior.
>>4775 >Unlike you, I actually know that both sides should take equivalent blame for their crime. I'm claiming that it's not about "sides" it's about individuals doing bad things. For example, due to no girls being on the internet, I'm assuming you're male, but you're heavily to blame. I do not blame men as a group, but I blame men who act like you as a group. I also don't even blame all women, since there are certain ones that don't do these things, they're just rare. My only claim is that the system is established in such a way as to make males second class citizens, with actual laws on the books to establish that they are treated worse than females. You are actively supporting this system and telling others to follow you. >That doesn't mean an innocent women or man should be punished. Never claimed otherwise at any point. >You claim I'm shaming others... yet you're the one using cuck in order to shame me I'm the one actually using arguments. I'm not using it as a buzzword. You're an idiot that actively argues and acts against his own self interest, and then is proud of it. You are proud of propagating a system that hates you, of taking those that hate you and raising them above yourself. Just so happens that "cuck" is the perfect word for that. You can remove the word itself and focus on the meaning behind it. I'm not saying you're trying to shame others because you used a particular word. I'm saying it because your strategy is to try to demean others for not actively trying to raise women above themselves. You don't use arguments, you use ad hominem attacks where you call them sandniggers or jews, but don't actually deal with any arguments. Your argument is simply "you don't want to be a jew, do you?" This, of course, is not a real argument, just a shaming tactic. If you gave actual arguments, then threw in the fact that your opponents are jew-like, as a side detail, that would be a totally different matter. >But even then, Men protect women because they are defenseless and need to be shielded from outside threats. False. They've just never been given any large scale responsibility, so they never act on it. I know your argument is that men typically have more physical strength and stamina, but of course this isn't true across the board. Should we genocide men that aren't stronger than the strongest woman, in some sort of eugenics program? Perhaps, but I don't think that's what you're actually arguing. Especially because modern society rarely actually needs those of peak physical strength for day to day matters and typical jobs, and women are just as capable of using a gun, if trained correctly, so your argument that men must protect women is moot. You're right that if we don't protect the borders, then no one will. That's an argument against the typical woman, since most of them won't lift a finger to defend anything other than their immediate selves, even though they are perfectly capable of doing this with modern weapons and tactics. But they won't, because the majority of them are nothing but parasites. Perhaps it's more due to nature, perhaps more due to nurture. Either way, you shouldn't support the system that enables and encourages them to be parasites. >You don't even know the definition of the word cuck because it's literally letting your wife cheat on you Yeah, so have fun supporting a system where practically every woman is raised to be a slut/whore. Just shut your eyes and pretend you're not getting cucked. >Or in this case it's if the men collectively decided to ignore their women and let them sleep with outside forces Can't get cucked if you won't support the woman in the first place. >we're literally being cucked right now on the national level because of people like you who are unwilling to lift up their arms. This is a totally different conversation, and I don't think I disagree with you. I guess where I disagree is that you want to "lift up your arms" as in to work for the system that has created this situation in the first place. What you should be doing is taking up arms against the system. Hell, even just refusing to support the system is enough, because it can't survive without us, without cucks like you supporting a system that does nothing but use you and demean you. Without the work of these people, society couldn't function. And why would I want to support a society that only uses me and demeans me?
>A man should give his life for a women, Depends which one. I believe in the concept of self sacrifice. I also acknowledge that the vast majority of women aren't even close to worth it. >I know honor and dignity are probably completely alien to you >honor and dignity >from a guy who happily makes himself a second class citizen This is why you get called a cuck. It's not a buzzword, it's because you feel pleasure in being used and demeaned. If you had any dignity at all, you'd stand up for yourself, or at least stop hurting yourself. >Protecting the weak was a virtue It still is. Women aren't weak. People like you have effectively given women superpowers. They have the ability to destroy a man's life with nothing more than a thought. To make him disappear forever. You've made women into that kid from The Twilight Zone, only instead of sending men to The Cornfield, they send them to prison. >Men are treated as second class citizen's now? Yes. There are many actual laws on the books, cases which have set precedent, government programs and rules, which openly favor women over men, across practically every western country, and many non-western countries. We could also argue about things such as sentencing discrepancies, but those are at least a little debatable. Actual on-the-books policy isn't. >Then why can black men get away with severe crimes with a slap on the wrist, Why do Jewish men get away with raping children? Why are muslim men aloud to behead people in paris? Why are sodomites celebrated instead of condemned if they were truly second class citizens? Why do trannies get a free pass? You think women of those same groups don't get even more of a pass? You're comparing men to men and then claiming men can't be second class citizens because they have less rights than other men, ignoring the fact that those same men with "more" rights still have fewer rights than women. >No only straight white men are "second class citizens" and the last people who are to blame for this is our own women. I.e you're literally deflecting the blame of the cause of all of our problems onto our women when they're the least responsible. >least responsibile >except they overwhelmingly vote for it, vocally support it, etc. It's "not all women" but you're not even arguing about that, you're just absolving them of all responsibility, claiming they're manipulated. Why are they more absolved of responsibility for being manipulated than men? Oh right, because you simply think of them as better than yourself, as perfect innocent creatures that must be protected, and allowed to abuse you. >Seriously what type of fucked up mind does it take to say that women aren't people Where do you think you are? >>Blind hatred of women when they are just as much apart of our race as the next man down the street. >>Lumping every women as the same Never actually did this, just argued that they objectively have more rights, and the system teaches them to be bad people, so you're better off just removing yourself from the system as much as possible. >Also you then go on to say I support feminism? I don't, I never did, I said men and women have different roles in society and they should follow these natural roles in order to make society the best it possibly can be. That's already anti feminism but to you anything that supports women is feminism. Anything that supports women as being treated better than men is feminism. That's what you are doing. You don't think you're a feminist, but you are. The term for this is "tradcuck." Go ahead and break your back to support "your woman," while "your woman" is fucking the milkman anyway. >While a women nurtures the children and also supports the man by doing things he may have otherwise never had the time to do. ie: while a woman does practically nothing except turn your children against you, until you find out the kids weren't even yours to begin with, because while she was lounging around all day, using up the resources you break your back to earn, she was free to fuck whatever chad she wanted, and statistically, they do. We have twice as many male ancestors as female ancestors because females were twice as likely to pass on their genes as males, meaning they were happy to share a chad and let more than half of men die without passing on their genes. You think you're the chad, but you're not. You're nothing but betabux. >My opponents are literally advocating the genocide of the people who propagate my own people. No they're not, they're advocating to not actively support them. Let them support themselves. Maybe they can learn an ounce of responsibility. Maybe it will encourage them to be good people instead of parasites. But you take pride in feeding the parasite that does nothing but leech from you and then hate you for it. You don't even get respect for it. You get nothing but scorn from society in general, for doing what they tell you to do. So stop doing it. Keep working on artificial wombs. Maybe use a surrogate to have kids. Don't actively try to support a system that treats men as hated beasts of burden. It's not that difficult to grasp. The motivation is to not actively support the system that brought us here in the first place. Also, since you're trying to sound smart, I'll point out that you used the word niggardly wrong. I'd assume it was a joke if you didn't spend the rest of your post trying to act pretentious.
>>4782 > Just so happens that "cuck" is the perfect word for that. So you're redefining words to make yourself look like less of a hypocrite? >I know your argument is that men typically have more physical strength and stamina, And are faster and smarter. >but of course this isn't true across the board. You want to make an argument based on outliers? >Should we genocide men that aren't stronger than the strongest woman, in some sort of eugenics program? Perhaps, but I don't think that's what you're actually arguing. Then why the fuck are you even bringing that up? >and women are just as capable of using a gun, if trained correctly, so your argument that men must protect women is moot. Some nigger-tier stupidity, right here. Even if it were true that women are as capable of using a gun as men, there's a lot more to combat than being able to squeeze a trigger. Something as simple as poor hygiene can devastate a woman physically. I'm sure you know, there aren't baths in battlefields. The reason why no non-feminists nations refuse to allow women in combat isn't because they are "cucks" or what ever stupid shit you're thinking, it's because they can't handle it at all and no amount of training or willpower will turn a woman into a man.
>>4802 >why no non-feminists nations refuse to allow women in combat isn't because they are "cucks" or what ever stupid shit you're thinking, it's because they can't handle it at all and no amount of training or willpower will turn a woman into a man. should be >why non-feminists nations refuse to allow women in combat isn't because they are "cucks" or what ever stupid shit you're thinking, it's because they can't handle it at all and no amount of training or willpower will turn a woman into a man.
>>4802 >So you're redefining words to make yourself look like less of a hypocrite? >redefining Never heard of the idea of colloquial usage before? Because that's how it's been used here for years. Maybe you're just a newfag who isn't aware of that, since you've used plenty of words with their colloquial definitions. The fact of the matter is that I explained why what you do is bad, and then simply used a common word to concisely describe a person who does those actions. Very different matter than you not making actual arguments and just calling people jews and muslims at the same time. >And are faster and smarter. I'd count speed as being directly related to strength and stamina, but sure. None of that is to say that they should be absolved of responsibility. The problem is that they demand standards be lowered for them, while simultaneously demanding they be treated equally. The system then just gives them the best of both worlds, while men get the worst of both worlds. >Then why the fuck are you even bringing that up? Because you're saying that since men are typically stronger and smarter than women, then women should be absolved of real responsibility and difficult jobs. They should be given extra rights and powers. They should get to live life on easy mode. Should men who are not as strong or smart as the average man, who may even be less strong or smart than a significant number of women, be allowed to live life on easy mode like women do? Should they get to have women's extra rights and powers? I highly doubt you'd support that proposition. So what do we do with those men? It wouldn't be fair to expect them to fulfill what you see as a man's role, since they have the same excuse as women. >The reason why no non-feminists nations refuse to allow women in combat isn't because they are "cucks" or what ever stupid shit you're thinking, it's because they can't handle it at all and no amount of training or willpower will turn a woman into a man. You could easily make certain standards and just demand they apply to everybody. If a woman can't meet the standards, she doesn't get in, same as a man who doesn't meet the standards. Also, you're highly exaggerating how easily a vagina can kill a woman, and exaggerating situations in which that would be relevant. The fact of the matter remains that this is almost never relevant in modern society, with modern technology, and yet you continue to try to use caveman excuses to justify giving women extra rights and powers, and absolving them of practically all responsibility for anything.
>>4804 >Very different matter than you not making actual arguments and just calling people jews and muslims at the same time. You seem to have serious brain problems. The post you've replied to is my very first post in this thread. >Because you're saying that since men are typically stronger and smarter than women, then women should be absolved of real responsibility and difficult jobs. They should be given extra rights and powers. I think you have me confused with someone else, buddy. >Also, you're highly exaggerating how easily a vagina can kill a woman, and exaggerating situations in which that would be relevant. "Devastate" doesn't mean kill, stupid. UTI is extremely relevant to combat situation where guys spend days out in a warzone. That's just one example of many issues women face that men don't. That said, even weak men aren't allowed in any competent military because caring around dead weight in a fight is stupid. >yet you continue to try to use caveman excuses to justify giving women extra rights and powers, and absolving them of practically all responsibility for anything. Never once did that, nigger-brain.
>>4806 Correction:It's my second post. I forgot about the first one.
>>1576 Fight fire with fire. Women are born parasites, and they never improve. Thus, I will act only on my individual interests when dealing with them. >Therefore you have no right I have the right to do whatever I want that benefits me individually. >do not demand rugged, selfish individualism for men and slavery for women I demand exactly that, as there is nothing wrong with it. It is the best case scenario, and the only one that I will tolerate, regarding dealing with women. If I can't have it, then I will abandon all women and actively do anything that I can to make society crumble, out of spite. >>4756 It is better to face genocide than to deal with women.
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This is the kind of parasites that simps and cucks want free men to sacrifice themselves for. No thanks. No race, nation or civilization is worth keeping, if it needs men to care for such evil, subversive and void beings as women. https://archive.is/ZKjZM https://archive.is/OdOXk https://archive.vn/fk1fm https://archive.is/byWoQ https://archive.is/9ejh0
>>4807 Forgive me for not looking at IDs on an anonymous imageboard, since newfag shit like that defeats the entire point. Anyone who advocates for IDs or any other things that decrease anonymity should go the fuck back to facebook. You're only proving my point that your entire side can't make actual arguments.
>>4806 >"Devastate" doesn't mean kill, stupid. UTI is extremely relevant to combat situation where guys spend days out in a warzone. That's just one example of many issues women face that men don't. Have you met a woman? They're filthy. You so badly exaggerate the level of bad hygiene necessary. >That said, even weak men aren't allowed in any competent military because caring around dead weight in a fight is stupid. I'm not saying all women should be allowed in the military. Of course, few would want to join anyway. I'm saying that they should be just as expected as men, assuming they can pass the tests. They shouldn't be absolved of all responsibility for practically everything, while men, as a group, are expected to literally give their lives for women. >Never once did that, nigger-brain. Literally all you're doing.
>>4782 >I blame men who act like you as a group What? this doesn't answer my point at all, I said that both men and women should be held equally responsible for a crime i.e murder. I never said that one should get a free pass because they have a pussy. What else is funny for all the complaining you do about women you certainly want to be treated like one. >I don't blame all women Let's look back at your previous post shall we "First of all... >women >people pick one." If that alone doesn't pretty much prove that you see women as completely inferior to yourself I certainly don't know what does. Instead of acting like a sand nigger maybe you should try acting like a respectable European. >You're an idiot that actively argues and acts against his own self interest, and then is proud of it. You are proud of propagating a system that hates you, of taking those that hate you and raising them above yourself No, I'm not, I stated multiple times that I said that men and women should be held equally responsible for crimes they commit. I hate the fuck out of the modern system, I'm just not blind enough to see that it's the Jews that are the ones pushing this system not women. >I'm saying it because your strategy is to try to demean others for not actively trying to raise women above themselves Notice how his "argument" is actively ignoring what I posted and making a strawman about what I said. I said "A women and a man should be treated equally in court" which is the truth, The law shouldn't treat women differently than men. I know the other shit. >"False. They've just never been given any large scale responsibility, so they never act on it. I know your argument is that men typically have more physical strength and stamina," No that's not my argument, My argument is that women think more along an emotional basis due to the natural caretaker role that nature has provided them and thus makes them unsuitable for combat purposes. Men are more logical and can keep themselves from making mistakes which women would make much more of considering their very nature makes them more willing to emotionally lash out. Thus they would be hard pressed to receive orders under such stress. Physical strength and stamina are less necessary than the right mindset which a majority of women severely lack. This is the same reason why women are much rarer in a leader position and why most leaders throughout history are men. >since most of them won't lift a finger to defend anything other than their immediate selves You know what's funny about this he contradicts himself in the same post "You're an idiot that actively argues and acts against his own self interest" So it's okay when you do it but when women do it then suddenly it's a bad thing. Protecting women is actually very much in my self interest anyway because they birth children which is the whole basis of a civilization surviving as well. >because the majority of them are nothing but parasites. No they're not, women's roles are supporters they're supposed to do jobs that the man has no time to do like make food, take care of the child, teach the child etc. >Yeah, so have fun supporting a system where practically every woman is raised to be a slut/whore. Just shut your eyes and pretend you're not getting cucked. WOW WHAT AN AMAZING ARGUMENT I TOTALLY CAN'T ARGUE AGAINST THIS... But I actually can, The parents should be the one raising his children if he fails to raise his children then that's on the parent. The system is responsible of course but so is the person that's putting them into that system. > This is a totally different conversation, and I don't think I disagree with you. I guess where I disagree is that you want to "lift up your arms" as in to work for the system that has created this situation in the first place. What you should be doing is taking up arms against the system. Hell, even just refusing to support the system is enough, because it can't survive without us, without cucks like you supporting a system that does nothing but use you and demean you. Without the work of these people, society couldn't function. And why would I want to support a society that only uses me and demeans me? You sound like a women which is the most hilarious thing about this entire conversation, I never stated I supported the system in the first place. Because I don't support the Jews. Why would me protecting women suddenly equal me supporting the system. Again this is attempted deflection onto women rather than Jews.
>>4783 >"Depends which one. I believe in the concept of self sacrifice. I also acknowledge that the vast majority of women aren't even close to worth it." Here's the point the women wouldn't be like that in the first place if the men protected them from the propaganda. >This is why you get called a cuck. It's not a buzzword, it's because you feel pleasure in being used and demeaned. If you had any dignity at all, you'd stand up for yourself, or at least stop hurting yourself. Again, You're pinning the blame on women instead of the root of the problem, The Jews. Again I already said multiple times that I believe men and women should be treated equally in court. >Women aren't weak People like you have effectively given women superpowers. They have the ability to destroy a man's life with nothing more than a though Women are weaker than men on a physical and mental level, That much is fact. Not going to say it again, Again he's also accusing me of something I never indicated I supported in anyway. But you know who gives women that power. TAKE A GUESS. Again that doesn't absolve them of all guilt but it still shows that this guy is deliberately attempting to deflect from the Jews onto our own women. That's called divide and conquer. Obviously a lot of women are completely broken but still we need all the help we can get. >Yes... Already explained >You think women of those same groups don't get even more of a pass? You're comparing men to men and then claiming men can't be second class citizens because they have less rights than other men, ignoring the fact that those same men with "more" rights still have fewer rights than women. Utter bullshit, Go to any muslim country and see how women are treated there. Like animals. Same here muslim men beat up their women and pretty much rape them like their cattle. The only group of women that are more privileged than men are white women. That's for a couple of reasons. 1) Divide and Conquer, 2)Women are more inclined emotionally thus are easier too manipulate, This is also the reason women shouldn't be given the right to vote but even then democracy in general is nothing more than a giant fraud. > It's "not all women" but you're not even arguing about that, you're just absolving them of all responsibility, claiming they're manipulated. Why are they more absolved of responsibility for being manipulated than men? Oh right, because you simply think of them as better than yourself, as perfect innocent creatures that must be protected, and allowed to abuse you. Read my fucking post and stop ignoring the parts that don't fit with your agenda. I'm saying that women and men should be treated equally in court not that they should be absolved of any wrong doing. Again strawman argument. I never said they are better. I said they have different roles than men but an equally important one. >Where do you think you are? /pol/ the place which prides itself on white nationalism.,, The place which should be literally raging at the nigger who just claimed that white women aren't people. >Never actually did this, just argued that they objectively have more rights, and the system teaches them to be bad people, so you're better off just removing yourself from the system as much as possible. You did. You lumped them all together when you said "First of all... >women >people Pick one." >ie: while a woman does practically nothing except turn your children against you, until you find out the kids weren't even yours to begin with, because while she was lounging around all day, using up the resources you break your back to earn, she was free to fuck whatever chad she wanted, and statistically, they do. We have twice as many male ancestors as female ancestors because females were twice as likely to pass on their genes as males, meaning they were happy to share a chad and let more than half of men die without passing on their genes. You think you're the chad, but you're not. You're nothing but betabux. Lumping in every women as the same again... Oh the irony. But moreover again their parents are responsible for not raising their child responsibly. >No they're not, they're advocating to not actively support them. Let them support themselves. Maybe they can learn an ounce of responsibility. Maybe it will encourage them to be good people instead of parasites. But you take pride in feeding the parasite that does nothing but leech from you and then hate you for it. You don't even get respect for it. You get nothing but scorn from society in general, for doing what they tell you to do. So stop doing it. Well since it's completely obvious you're a Jew at this point. The only parasite is the Jew. Women were never parasites they did other jobs which you haven't even disproven yet because you can't disprove them. Because the Jews are promoting unnatural life styles for men and women. >Artifical wombs. Remember that the Jews are in charge. Always assume these come with a catch.
>>4825 Good arguments. >Remember that the Jews are in charge. Always assume these come with a catch. They don't exist and won't. That's the point. Steer people towards some retarded fantasy they can't achieve. Same as with transsexuals. Men won't become women that can get pregnant and women will never become men that can produce sperm. Not even "pretend birth" is viable for the majority of trannies.
>>4824 >I said that both men and women should be held equally responsible for a crime i.e murder. Except they shouldn't be, because it's the jew's fault for manipulating the woman and the men's fault for not protecting her from the manipulation. >Let's look back at your previous post shall we It's called a joke, dingus. Is this your first day here or something? But also, saying they're not people, even saying they are inferior, would not be blaming all of them. But no, if you want me to make explicit, without jokes, my actual complaint, it's that people like you have made women, to use their terminology, privileged, and despite you saying you don't want to do this, you then repeatedly advocate for it. I'd like to be treated equally, I would, but people like you have taken that option off the table. >What else is funny for all the complaining you do about women you certainly want to be treated like one. I don't complain about women, I complain about the way they're allowed to act, and how they are openly given more power and less responsibility. So yes, obviously I'd like to be treated like that. Again, you try to shame someone for not wanting to be a second class citizen, but if you just stepped outside your own shoes for a moment you'd see how ridiculous that is. >I'm just not blind enough to see that it's the Jews that are the ones pushing this system not women. Yet a large number of women are the willing tools, and you are refusing to hold them responsible. A large number of men are willing tools of this system as well, including yourself. Believe me, I hold you just as responsible as the rest of them. You also fail to understand I'm not just talking about crime, though that is a significant factor. They also get preferential treatment by just about every organization on the planet, including governments. More benefits, easier access to jobs, more difficulty getting fired, etc. And by you absolving them of all responsibility for everything they do short of murder, saying that anything they do isn't really their fault, but rather solely the fault of jews, as if women are literal mindless automatons, you are supporting this system, and also acting a lot more like a sandnigger than the "enlightened european" you want to portray yourself to be. >in court, in court, in court Notice you have to significantly narrow the argument to point to a tiny area where you agree with me that men shouldn't be second class citizens, as if that will get me to ignore all the other areas where you openly want men to be nothing but beasts of burden that live to serve their female overlords. >women aren't suitable for combat I wasn't just talking about combat, but I think you aren't either. I understand that the things you're talking about extend to other fields as well, which legitimizes your point. Fair enough. Of course, all you're doing is acknowledging that the majority of them are useless parasites. You just want to use more polite language than me, so that you can justify giving those parasites much better lives than their hosts, who you want to act as beasts of burden. >You know what's funny about this he contradicts himself in the same post >"You're an idiot that actively argues and acts against his own self interest" There is a difference between honor and being a cuck. There's a difference between supporting your kids and supporting your wife's kids. There's a difference between a mutually beneficial relationship, and just being a proud beast of burden for collection of parasites that don't care if you live or die. Actually, scratch that. They do care. They'd prefer if you died. >since they birth children That's not enough. If that's all they're good for, then that should be acknowledged, and they should just be made into breeding machines and sex toys. If they want to be treated like people, then they should be given the responsibilities of people. Either option is fine with me, but you want to give them the best of both worlds and the worst of none. Though frankly, even if I were them I'd be fine with either option. Of course, I have a sense of fairness, which most women, and most cucks like you, seem to lack. >The parents should be the one raising his children if he fails to raise his children then that's on the parent. The system is responsible of course but so is the person that's putting them into that system. This has practically nothing to do with my argument that you say it's replying to. So much that I don't even get what point you're trying to make. Are you saying it's your fault if some bitch takes your kids away from you? Seems like something you'd agree with since you think they're inherently better at raising kids (stats show otherwise) and shouldn't have responsibility for their own bad actions as long as they're not outright crimes (because morality is based on legality, apparently). Or maybe you're trying to argue that you should blame their parents for raising them wrong in the first place. Sure. I'd agree. That doesn't contradict my point at all that it's stupid to support a system where practically every woman is a slut/whore. You can pretend yours isn't. We've all met many men who try to pretend like that. But maybe your woman will be different. Maybe you'll be the lucky one. Maybe you'll be the one alpha chad that gets a wife that hasn't only decided to marry after riding the cock carousel for so long that her bodily fluids have been replaced by semen and the pleasure centers of her brain are blown out by endorphin overdose, so she can't even feel pleasure from you anymore. But oh wait, you're on fucking 8moe. You're betabux at best, and you know it. And even if you weren't, your chances of being that chad would still be astronomical.
>No they're not, women's roles are supporters they're supposed to do jobs that the man has no time to do like make food, take care of the child, teach the child etc. Except men can do those jobs, and especially with modern technology, the jobs of both men and women are much simpler and less time consuming. If you can't feed yourself, then you much as well just fucking kill yourself. Taking care of/teaching a child? Good to see someone else who supports homeschooling. Because otherwise, you have no leg to stand on here, since the vast majority of women have some government appointed woman raise/indoctrinate their child instead, very frequently after leaving the father, so that there isn't even an option for one parent to stay home and raise the kid. Of course, there's no reason for that parent to have to be the mother. And on the topic of single parents, we all know they're disasters, right? Actually, only single mothers. Kids raised by single fathers end up only slightly worse than kids with normal families, and keep in mind that in order for a dad to get custody, the mother has to be one of the worst monsters on the planet (seeing as literal child molesters and murderers get to keep their kids as long as they're mothers and not fathers), or the mother has to be outright dead. So by the time a father gets custody, the kid has to have already been through serious shit. Yet they don't end up much worse off. Mothers are, statistically, worse parents. Not that I think this should matter in court. But of course, due to thinking like yours, mothers get custody in almost every case, because they're "supposed" to, right? That's their natural role? You don't think you're being feminist, but you are advocating for the ideas that lead to horrible mothers keeping custody and practically every father getting no chance at raising their own children. So you'd better find a way to stop divorce from happening. I'm sure you are opposed to divorce. Now are you willing to blame women for initiating it in the vast majority of cases? I know you blame the jews above them. Fine. Not even disagreeing with you. But does that absolve individual women of the individual choice to initiate divorce? Obviously not. Also, with working from home becoming more and more of an option for more people, fathers should hopefully have more opportunities to actually raise their kids. Of course women won't support their families and let men raise the kids. Women would rather be worthless parasites that act like lounging around on the couch while the kids are at school and the father is at work is a job, so basically the only way men will get to raise their kids is working from home and homeschooling. Maybe then those men could raise some good daughters that aren't taught to be worthless parasites. Of course they'd need to hire surrogates to do it, but it's pretty much the only way a modern father would get to see his kids more than every other weekend. >I never stated I supported the system in the first place. You never stated it, you just actually support it with practically everything you say. >Why would me protecting women suddenly equal me supporting the system. Because that IS the system. A system in which women get to do nothing and men are expected to give their lives, frequently literally, for them. >Again this is attempted deflection onto women rather than Jews. Why not both? Why must you continually attempt to absolve women of responsibility for their own actions? You can acknowledge a bad influence while also acknowledging the responsibility of the one that chose to do the actual bad action. Nobody is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them do be bad, but they do it anyway, because they are encouraged to, yes, but that doesn't mean the fact that they can't stop to think of the actual morality of their actions is okay. >>4825 >Here's the point the women wouldn't be like that in the first place if the men protected them from the propaganda. The women wouldn't be like it if they didn't just gobble up all the propaganda around them. Hell, you could argue the men that don't do what you want are also victims of propaganda, and the women should have protected them. But of course you don't blame women for that, because you absolve women of all responsibility for anything. >Again, You're pinning the blame on women instead of the root of the problem, The Jews. You can talk about roots of problems and bad influences while still acknowledging that people are responsible for their own actions. >Again I already said multiple times that I believe men and women should be treated equally in court. And yet you say men must be responsible for protecting women, and women are not responsible for... well anything. Anything they do is the fault of jews for influencing them and men for not protecting them. Women can't be held responsible for anything. >Again he's also accusing me of something I never indicated I supported in anyway. You are supporting it right now, idiot. Everything you're arguing for is supporting it. >But you know who gives women that power. TAKE A GUESS. You. You are the one that gives them that power. You are manipulated by jews to do so. Does that mean I don't still hold you responsible? No, you are responsible for your own actions here. You are responsible for openly advocating for women being treated better than men. >it still shows that this guy is deliberately attempting to deflect from the Jews onto our own women. It's the opposite. It shows that you're deliberately trying to deflect all responsibility off of women and onto jews. Why not both? Why do you have to get so butthurt when people point out women's actions? Nobody said to leave the jews alone. You brought them up and nobody contradicted you. Your whole presence in this thread is just trying to deflect from the conversation you saw was happening in it. Again, nobody is arguing with you about jews. Nobody is saying you're wrong on that point. You're just trying to shut down a conversation acknowledging that women have some responsibility here. >Obviously a lot of women are completely broken but still we need all the help we can get. I'm not saying "all women." In fact, due to people like you giving them godlike superpowers, the rare good one is a very powerful teammate. That doesn't mean you shouldn't acknowledge the problems caused by the way they are taught to act. The rare good ones will acknowledge it.
>Already explained It wouldn't need to be explained if you didn't ask "Men are treated like second class citizens now?" Don't blame me for needing to point out how. >Utter bullshit, Go to any muslim country and see how women are treated there. Like animals. Same here muslim men beat up their women and pretty much rape them like their cattle. Ridiculous exaggeration and partial lies. Everything they do is to protect women. The reason they have them dress like ninjas is because they think that men are mindless animals that have no self control and will turn into rape machines if they see cheekbones or an ankle. Regardless, I'm also not concerned with shithole countries, as they are shitholes. I'd be fine if they were just glassed. I'm concerned with western countries. When we're talking about rights, it's kind of pointless to talk about wildly different societies from completely different cultural spheres. >That's for a couple of reasons. 1) Divide and Conquer, 2)Women are more inclined emotionally thus are easier too manipulate, This is also the reason women shouldn't be given the right to vote but even then democracy in general is nothing more than a giant fraud. I don't disagree with this. I just don't think that that makes the actions of the majority of women, and the cucks like you (who may be the majority of men) okay. >I'm saying that women and men should be treated equally in court not that they should be absolved of any wrong doing. I had to explain to you how men have objectively fewer rights, and that extends well outside of the courtroom, which you conveniently ignore since your entire argument is that men should be happy to be treated worse. Just now you're saying court is the one exception. You're still advocating for men to need to actually work, while women just get to sit around and be parasites. >I never said they are better. And yet you openly encourage that they get better treatment. >I said they have different roles than men but an equally important one. >one So since they get pregnant a few times in their lives, they get to be parasites for the rest of them. Nope. Raw deal, and you're a beta bitch for taking it. >/pol/ the place which prides itself on white nationalism.,, The place which should be literally raging at the nigger who just claimed that white women aren't people. Tradcucks get the rope, too. The place should be raging at a female supremacist like yourself. You claim not to be, but you consistently advocate for women having much better lives than men, with ridiculous power and no responsibility. >But moreover again their parents are responsible for not raising their child responsibly. Blame whoever you want. It doesn't change the situation, and you're still supporting that situation. >Women were never parasites they did other jobs which you haven't even disproven yet because you can't disprove them. Women's historical job has been to take the resources earned by the men and distribute them among their family. Over time, not only has that become even more absurdly easy than before, but women also women more and more frequently had the audacity not only to claim that this was a job, but that it was equal to or even more difficult than men's jobs. Of course their number of workplace injuries and deaths are about a million times lower, but let's just ignore that. A man will break his back just to earn the opportunity to take care of his family. Taking care of his family is his reward. Meanwhile, women act as if taking care of their family is a job, and an awful job at that. That's how awful and selfish and spoiled women ("NOT ALL WOMEN!" Since you need that qualifier every damn time we talk about a group) are. What men see as a reward, they see as a job. >Remember that the Jews are in charge. I'd watch your phrasing, since this almost sounds like a Jew just trying to crush the hopes of the goyim and keep them in place. >Always assume these come with a catch. I'm sure they will, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. >>4826 Didn't they succeed in making viable embryos without sperm years ago? Women could already have their all-female utopia if they wanted, except then they wouldn't have men to use as slaves, so they don't actually want it. Artificial wombs may still need donor eggs at first, but that's still a vast improvement over needing a womb. One step at a time.
>>467 Just some more examples of women's parasitic nature, and why no man should never care for any woman, ever. Also, in one of the links, a woman blames all men for the behavior of rapist invaders, conveniently ignoring the fact women are the main voters for open boarders. As always, women create problems just to feel excitement, and then blame men when those problems affect women. https://archive.is/z57EY https://archive.is/lV0TB
>>4861 >all wahmen are PARASITES >here are two tweets You are clinically insane.
>>4861 Its only natural for women to be parasites, they are weak and should be protected. The reason why women are support illegal immigration of rapefugees is probably because white men have gone too soft and have stopped manhandling them. Freedom is making them dizzy, they crave rape and servitude.
>>4824 >Remember that the Jews are in charge. They aren't. Not anymore. and we will kill them all, eventually. There is no future for jews.
>>4862 >all wahmen are PARASITES Yes. >You are clinically insane. Says the woman worshiper who wants men to be slaves. >>4865 >Its only natural for women to be parasites Therefore it is natural to avoid them and to replace them artificially, over time. >they are weak Yes. and that makes them the enemies of all men. >and should be protected. NEVER. A man must never reward women's evil nature just because women are naturally weak. If women aren't enslaved by men, then women must be replaced. >is probably because white men have gone too soft Same copypasta spread over and over, exactly the same, in every board. IT IS NOT MEN'S FAULT. IT IS WOMEN'S FAULT. Women's mistakes and behavior is WOMEN'S FAULT and nobody else's. The jew manipulate. But women accept it and go along with it, even when presented with the truth behind jewish lies. Every woman is responsible for her own actions. Men are NEVER at fault for women's stupidity. >Freedom is making them dizzy Freedom is the single most important thing for a man. Freedom is more important than sex. Freedom is more important than race. Freedom is more important than humanity itself. Freedom is more important than nation. Freedom is more important than reproduction. Freedom is more important than women.
>>4867 Freedom is fucking overrated. I would rather live in Stalinist Russia with a loyal wife who can cook and clean and mother our children than in this libertine utopia. And we don't even really have to be Stalinists to get that, we each have our natural place, one by the other, and we either both take that place of our own accord or destroy ourselves in this gender war the jew took decades of brainwashing to bring about. Men go along with their lies too, even when confronted with the truth. In reality there are the thinkers and the lemmings, and it is the duty of the intelligentsia to lead the lemmings. Ours gave that duty up to the jews, and if we want any sort of peace we must take it back. That is the purpose of making propaganda. Anything less is slavery, no matter how much freedom you fool yourself into believing you have.
>>4894 >>Freedom is overated Then do best to be hopeful that you don't yourself become someone's property. It isn't a lie, but more or less something that the jews and most who oppose such ideals to withhold it. >>Talks about Whites vs Jews Other races could easily be in that position of your what if story. All that needs to happen is someone who is willing to be that leader for that race. But to add, there can be a possibility of people who are not just sheep, but those who make their way of living their own lives, forgeing the path of what they want in life and building their own being day by day. The only reason why we still don't live in a libertaian society and why most humans don't have their own will to make what they see fit in life is because of shit like the jews who spread lies about some potential of a higher being or that somehow whites are the enemy when yet, they have been the hero of all races. Without us, they wouldn't be on cell phones, dreaming of alternative timelines or wishing to live in vidya games/anime to do whatever the fuck they want. We just need to show races such as the niggers that they can forge their own life, and some have done that and are thankful for our founding fathers, but the shitmess that is politics as of right now is what is stopping so called black "hoods" from improving and living a good quality of life.
>>1030 fucking degenerate
>>5116 If anon is serious about doing this irl, then fuck yeah.
>>5124 "you"
women need to be treated like non-sentient objects.
>>5179 Canadians are all essentially female so that seems like a weird thing for you to want.
>>5179 >women need to be treated like non-sentient objects. Exactly. Because that is what they are. I will NEVER sacrifice myself for any society that treats women as if they were people. >>4894 > I would rather live in Stalinist Russia That is why we kill leftists such as you. >it is the duty of the intelligentsia to lead the lemmings. I have no duty to lead anyone. They are on their own. I only care about myself and my freedom. Freedom which is real and which i benefit from. >>4896 Niggers can never improve. Ever. You talk about "what if story" for the other anon, while you yourself is locked inside your bubble, completely away from reality. A race war is essential for white men to prosper. All races are enemies of each other. Only the race that eliminates all other races can live freely and have a good quality of life. White men's biggest mistake is to keep working for others, in order to improve the overall collective. As soon as white men abandon everything, all other races will have their societies collapse. Then, the white race can go for the kill.
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I will never take care of parasites who also rejoice in being evil. https://archive.vn/2nPUY https://archive.vn/LWrR2
>>469 Victoria Isabella
>>5753 Victoria and Isabella were warhawks whose actions had plunged their countries into situations that set the stage for the current predicament they find themselves in. Fuck all royals and monarchs, and fuck God for appointing them.
>>5183 If there's no race war by the end of Biden's first term, America may as well be locked into the Eternal Weimar. >I will NEVER sacrifice myself for any society that treats women as if they were people. So all except the Middle East and maybe India? Isn't Saudi Arabia occupying the seat of Women's Rights in the UN or some shit?
>>5888 If all countries start treating women as people, that only means that all countries are my enemies and that all of them are wrong and I am right. Quantity doesn't matter.
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>>467 The cumdumpsters are desperate, now that men became smarter and redpilled, and are avoiding the parasites in order to focus on their individual lives. Living individually is more important than propagating the species. When society tried to turn us into slaves of the parasites/women, procreation ceased to be important. Only our individual lives matters. Nothing else. https://archive.is/CJNVn
>Women are Literally Big Babies Does this mean it's okay to cum inside babies?
>>5939 Yeah, yeah it does.
>>469 Think in averages. Of course an intelligent women of a noble family is going to be exponentially superior in every way to one of her dipshit peasant subjects. But the average women will always be inferior to the average man. Nobody is arguing that Theodora, wife to Justinian or Cleopatra, who seduced and ensnared the strongest men of their time or Wu Zeitan are retarded. Of course they're intelligent people but you will still find men that are much better than them. And the amount of men on their level of success and achievement are infinitely more numerous. And if they had focused on what they're physically better suited for: nurturing and raising children and finding a strong and loyal man to support, they would have, by helping their husband done much better for themselves. Aforementioned Theodora is an obvious example of this. Instead of having women work on their personal legacy and sucess they should be encouraged to raise 3 boys who will do the same more efficently.
>>5980 >Instead of having women work on their personal legacy and sucess they should be encouraged to raise 3 boys who will do the same more efficently. That means that those 3 boys will be slaves, working while the woman does nothing and still reaps the results of the boys' work. Women must be completely eliminated from the world, and replaced by artificial means of reproduction.
>>6039 Unfortunately, we do not yet have access to that technology. Until then, women must be trained properly. Not trained to live lives of leisure, like tradcucks want (yes, your only job being babysitting your own kids is a life of leisure), rather they must be trained to do the work that they are actually capable of, which is quite a bit, when trained and supervised correctly. Certainly they're at least as good as the third world bugmen we've been using as labor for decades, but cucks, including tradcucks, just don't want to train and supervise them correctly. If we can train and supervise animals like dogs, horses, and oxen to work, then we can train women.
>>6045 >A fucking leaf >Wants women in the workplace for absolutely no reason other than 'hey maybe we can' The absolute state of leafistan.
>>6045 > we do not yet have access to that technology We literally do, and it is being implemented quickly on Asian countries, you liar. >Until then, women must be trained properly Wrong. MEN must learn the true nature of women (that is, pure evil) and learn to seek alternatives to free themselves from their biological programming. >rather they must be trained to do the work that they are actually capable of Women are completely incapable to do anything whatsoever. What you call leisure life is simply the fact that women can't do any job properly, and men (stupidly) put women in charge of children to keep both occupied. We now have automatons to do those tasks, and artificial wombs to bear children. Thus, women are finally rendered uneeded, and can be completely replaced, which will improve our world. >If we can train and supervise animals like dogs, horses, and oxen All of those are smarter than women.
>>6090 lol @ this loser, a robot girl will never love you.
>>6090 A robot girl will never raise your son like a loving mother.
>>6090 a robot girl will always look and act creepy af and they will not be good lovers in bed either, you will never be satisfied with them
>>6090 your hand would be a better lover than a robutt, at least your hand is capable of understand you as a human being
>>6090 why not go fuck a man with asperger's? lol
>>5187 Imagine caring about twatter LMAO. You faggots and CNN are the same.

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>>6049 >"hey maybe we can." Not at all. I want women to not just be useless parasites. Set them to the work they are able, and don't let them feign more inability than they actually have just to get out of work, which is what they do. They must be properly supervised and trained, but they can indeed be trained for many jobs. >>6090 >We literally do, and it is being implemented quickly on Asian countries, you liar. Asia has artificial wombs? What else are you talking about. I am very interested in this technology, and would go to any ends to have access to it. The ability to have children without women would solve many of society's problems. >Wrong. MEN must learn the true nature of women (that is, pure evil) and learn to seek alternatives to free themselves from their biological programming. Everything I said only applies before artificial wombs. After that, women would be obsolete. Bring on the robowaifus, baby. >>6091 >>6092 >>6093 >>6094 >>6095 Look at how butthurt this retard is. A robot girl will not always look and act creepy as fuck. Technology improves over time, and frankly, our current tech should be able to make much better robowaifus than we have currently. The problem is that those with the capital to manufacture them are doing it wrong. They keep trying to make uncanny slutbots instead of cute cartoon waifubots. Will not be good lovers in bed? Real girls just lay there anyway. Practically none actually contribute anything except a hole to cum in, and then they act like they're doing you a favor. Not only could robots be programmed to move in whatever way the man wants, but they would treat men with more humanity than women do. Raising children? You mean taking them from the father so they can bleed the father dry for "child support" which never reaches the children, while she exposes them to an unending line of chads and tyrones, and trains your sons to be self-hating soyboys and your daughters to be misandrist, misanthropic selfish, mindless monsters? I'd much prefer a robot, thank you. >hand >capable of understanding First of all, the robot would be compared to a fleshlight or a girl. That's what it is. It's a middle ground. But you don't make that comparison, because it goes without saying that nobody thinks a fleshlight is capable of understanding you as a human being. The sad part is that a woman isn't either. And that goes for you, since this string of butthurt could only have been written by a woman. >why not go fuck a man with asperger's? Because no vagina, duh.
>>6112 >Because no vagina, duh. He's got two other perfectly serviceable holes.
>This much butthurt from a leaf after reading the truth >>6091 >Simp calling anyone a loser I'm not a slave to seek love. I seek subservience and total obedience. Robots give me that. >>6092 >Leaf samefagging Women are incapable of love and are incapable of properly raising a child. Your point? >>6093 >Leaf samefagging They can be improved over time. Women can't. Women already are unsatisfying in bed. They are defective products. >>6094 >Leaf samefagging Women aren't human beings, so, any object that replaces them but is programmable is already superior to them. >>6095 >Leaf samefagging >Muh you gay if you hate parasites Because I can buy a product that completely replaces women. Stay mad that your way of living is on it's way out of society. >>6108 What is wrong with spying my enemies?
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The cumdumpsters and their excuses for being selfish. https://archive.is/qWeOU
>>467 >women never become as mature as men do, forever being stuck in an awkward stage between adult and child 18+ women are all not different from 13-17 year old girls cognitively speaking. The difference is that their bodies are maturing, they reach peak and than gradually age. Men age slower than women and career women that don't get married by their 40's are likely to become hardcore feminists or get desperate in their search for men. By that time its too late for them to get engaged since their eggs grow too old and women having children in their 40's are likely to produce cognitively deficient children. Furthermore most men desire women younger than 21, with the peak tolerance age being 30 if said girl is attractive. The tragedy here is that most young girls are getting Indoctrinated into believing that by becoming "career women" they will become happier. However once they embrace this feminism and pursue jobs and work behind cashiers they realize that their choice was a mistake further reinforcing that feminism as a modern day idealogy was a mistake and is incompatible with the preservation of society.
>>6112 >Asia has artificial wombs? What else are you talking about China, Japan, Indonesia and Philipines all have their own research centers on artificial wombs. China's is the most active one, since they don't get held back by stupidity such as human rights. Japan's the most advanced one, and they are constantly implementing improvements and alternatives to already existing ones. Both countries are prone to release artificial wombs into a black market, if the masses start complaining. also, both countries are prone to developing any alternatives to any problem, regardless of the outcry from the masses. It is only a matter of time before artificial wombs are so overwhelmingly adopted worldwide that it becomes impossible to stop their production and mass spread. With Japanese superior quality in development and Chinese money bribing everyone into accepting them, artificial wombs will be easily inserted into mainstream markets in a few years. Once this is done, women's inevitable and complete replacement will be greatly accelerated. >>6123 >they realize that their choice was a mistake That is literally what all women do all the time, ever. That is why they must never have any freedom.
>>6139 don't the jews have a strong foothold in all those countries? why would they allow research there but demonize it in the west?
>>6139 >research centers on artificial wombs. Oh. So they don't have artificial wombs yet, just like I said. You are the liar.
>>6141 because the west is in a different variation of cultural subversion that makes the research viable there, but not here
>>6123 So you are saying that age of consent laws work in tandem with female liberation to ensure most women will not reproduce? I was wondering when I would see mgtow/pol/ start siding with the pedos. Good to see you being honest about where your true colors lied.
>>6142 They do. Go search about it. The most advanced ones publicly announced already nurtured mammals. You bet that, at least in China, they are already experimenting with humans, without publicly disclosing it yet. Artificial wombs are a reality, and the total replacement of women is inevitable. >>6141 Asians are used to pretend to serve, while creating means to command behind the backs of those who they are supposedly serving. China and Japan outjewed the jews that stupidly tried to control them. >>6290 >muh young and fertile girls are for pedophiles That is why you will always lose. No man will ever resign himself to old and infertile women. >So you are saying that age of consent laws work in tandem with female liberation to ensure most women will not reproduce? Yes. women are to have sex as soon as they have their first period, and it is ok for a man from any age to have sex with them while they are young, and to impregnate them while they are young, and to keep impregnating them until they become infertile later, ensuring a large number of his own offspring, birthed from many young and fertile girls. Anything else is insanity.
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I am just wondering how we got to this point where armies of naive, young women in positions of power are making decisions for adult males. Our forefathers from a few hundred years ago could never have imagined something this bizarre.
>>1303 Just what the hell is voxxe, is it literally a board made by and posted in by one having conversations with himself?
>>6509 We stopped killing the useless masses when they started complaining and aging. Anyone who wants to talk instead of killing their enemies must be killed first.
>>467 >Women are Literally Big Babies based on what, anecdotal evidence? fuck outta here josh >t. you
>>6509 Soy and estrogen. Old men that aren't physically fit are no different than women: riddled with estrogen, and driven by emotion, not reason. They literally behave like children and put women in charge in order to have a "mommy" to take care of them. And all women are tyrants, so you do the math. The biggest mistake was allowing both Men and women to live too long, instead of killing them when they start becoming useless due to old age, as it was done before. Our ancestors, smarter than anyone else in the present, knew that once a Man stops being rational and/or strong willed, he is useless and must be killed so he won't infect his community with his weakness. The same goes for women once they become infertile: they become literal parasites. Useless for their only purpose (giving birth) while still leeching resources from the community. The whole "old witch" mythos was a way to convince the dumb masses to kill old women and not feel guilty, because the free thinkers knew that old women are a cancer in any community. In short: empathy and cowardice are pathology and anyone demonstrating any of those must be killed in order for a community to thrive.
>>10383 >Women can be really mature They can't, simp. All women have eternally the mind of children. And that doesn't mean that they have to be cared of. But that they must be FORCED to do what is useful to adult Men. Just like children. In old times, when society was sane, both women and children that became useless for adult Men were simply killed, for being a burden. And then, replaced by other, useful, women and children. >They just lack the same drive and interests Yes. And that is why they must be enslaved. Not cared for, nor listened to. >social skills Buzzword from propagandists. A Man can live just fine all by himself. A society is formed by weak Men who can't thrive by themselves. But socializing isn't natural. Civilization isn't natural either. The worst among the worst built civilizations out of fear and due to their own weaknesses. As a survival mechanism, it works for a while, but it is frail and has too many flaws to be sustained. Hence why barbarism always prevails. "Social skills" are the most useless "skills" that one can waste his time with. A Man must learn to be useful to himself, and those who are weaker and not as useful MUST obey the useful one, if they want to survive. As soon as that dynamic is broken, everything falls apart. But the useful Man can still survive on his own, and simply abandon society to the imminent collapse. And that is exactly what is happening in the world right now. The most capable (the useful) are fed up sustaining the less capable only to be mocked or directly attacked for being superior. So, we, the useful, the more capable, are moving away from society and abandoning it to collapse. >So they mostly shy away from achievement into science and philosophy They are incapable of achieving anything. They aren't choosing to stay away from it. They literally can't do it even if they put all their effort into it. >to catch up with their girl friends and relatives And that makes them useless. Outside of procreation, women are useless. They are nothing more than parasites. Unfortunately (for now) necessary for some time. Completely useless after they age. Their complete replacement by artificial wombs will fix that problem. >And least they have less disagreeableness which leads to conformity That makes them parasites. Anyone seeking conformity or comfort over challenging oneself is a parasite and must be eliminated. Or else, you will live putting effort while they don't put any and still thrive due to YOUR effort, without you gaining anything useful from them. >While in the other direction leads to criminal activity which is greatly found amongst men Laws are irrelevant. One's will is right, and any other opposing will is wrong. Impose your will as the "law", above the will of others. "Crimes" are nothing more than words written on a piece of paper. Your life isn't controlled by what documents say. You are free to do whatever you want to. But you must impose yourself over others, through force and violence. That is how an actual human being lives.
>>10383 >That's bullshit. Women can be really mature. They just lack the same drive and interests. This only makes it worse. If they can and just aren't, that leaves them much more culpable for the way they act. And I suppose I'm in favor of that. They must be held responsible. Infantilizing them is only letting them away with the bad things they do.
>>10389 Yes they can. For a fact I have known women that are. This may be far from the truth for the average woman but they do exist. And don't call me a simp. You are just a wife beater prototype who is insecure enough to try to compensate it with a drive for power. Or perhaps I am yet again wasting my words on a shill trying to make our movement unpalatable to women. So I let you know in case you aren't that Marx was keen on getting women to his side (even the ugly ones in his words). Because once you start getting women on our side we get all the simps as a bonus because they got no will apart from doing what they think will please women. While they may be low quality men they beat with the numbers. And once we start traditional relationships all the guys will get a huge motivation bonus because: guaranteed pussy + family to care for
>>10396 Easily fixed by stopping this insanity of not punishing children just because they are unaware of their behavior and consequences. No matter if the guilty understands what he or she has done, it MUST be punished for what it did. A child that commits a crime or behaves in some annoying (for adult Men) way MUST be punished, by death if necessary, so others are forced to behave, even if they don't understand why. The same goes for women. Stopping this "protection of the unaware" is the first step into fixing society. A child/woman harmed and adult Man, for any reason whatsoever, even if unaware of what were the consequences of what it did? DEATH. That is how you eliminate the worst from any society. >>10412 >The exact same fallacy as always >"I know personally some..." IRRELEVANT. You are either lying, or you found few exceptions. Not the rule. Organization comes from applying punishment to the majority, not by listening to (supposed) exceptions (that probably don't even exist). ALL women are incapable of being mature. If some are, ALL women are incapable of being mature, nonetheless. For the sheer necessity of organization and stability. >But I found this mature woman... ALL women are incapable of being mature, so we can punish them all whenever any of them harms society and Men and with no loopholes for them to escape punishment. Simps like you must be shot dead on sight for trying to protect women. >insecure >compensate Confirmed to be a simp. Women are SLAVES to Men. Nothing more than walking and talking OBJECTS. Not people. >You are just a wife beater Of course I am. As all real MEN must be. >our movement unpalatable to women Women are OBJECTS. Not people to be pandered to. I will see personally that every single one of your simps get shot to death when the time for action comes. >once you start getting women on our side we get all the simps as a bonus because they got no will apart from doing what they think will please women. While they may be low quality men they beat with the numbers. And once we start traditional relationships all the guys will get a huge motivation bonus because: guaranteed pussy + family to care for That is the exact delusion that allowed society to rot to it's current state. And also what allowed jews to take over. Women are born tyrants. ALL women are the enemies of all Men. Either Men enslave women, or women will enslave Men. Even those who started leading those women will be inevitably thrown under the bus by those women. And simps will litarally kill themselves for women, and attack and kill their own allies over women. Way to out yourself as a subversive, no different than a jew. >Marx So, you are a soy infused lefatrd, and also a simp. The whole package of garbage.
>>10412 t. Captain Saveawhore.
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>>10429 Dude you want to know the truth most men aren't mature either. Most people need a leech to function or they will bang the nigger secretary, be a NEET or be ravished by the mailman. And you are contradicting yourself admitting there are exceptions and then saying all women. You just want to subjugate women because you are probably insecure. We don't need to go full sandnigger (maybe you are one) on them. If we instill traditional values you will probably get a wife compatible with your attractivness instead of it going full pareto rule. Women aren't objects. Women are women. The way you treat them or want to is gonna give different political consequences. The question is, treating them like objects is going to further our goals and most importantly on the long term? You sound like a virgin guy with 17/18 who has assertiveness problems and has a phobia of being walked over by women. But you are right about something. Most people aren't virtuous and are lying manipulative fuckers. And so most of women are going to lie and manipulate to get their way. That's what you are doing too. The thing is, can you go above this like hitler did? >Soy infused leftard because I quoted marx Dude, marx stuff worked as it ((( intended ))) (not as it says it intends I say in case you are retarded). So why wouldn't it work for us? You definitely need to work on your psyche and your ego with Yung (not (((Freud))) ), CBT, self improvement. Self help is usually crap but some like jordan peterson's can be valuable All this so you start thinking more politically and less with your fucking ego. That's what's incels do. They hate women because they can't get laid and PUA are incels who are acting on this hate by manipulating women into their beds >>10445 t. shill I not saying you should pander to whores I am saying there exist quality women out there( they just aren't for you apparently)
>>10479 >Dude you want to know the truth most men aren't mature either. Nobody argued otherwise. That doesn't make it okay. It would also be very easy to argue about rates here. The rates of women that act like children and men that act like children are very different, if not just for the simple reason that men need to actually work for things, while women can always just get someone, including the government, to provide for them. They can get sex whenever they want, so there goes a major motivation for work, and they use sex as a weapon so they can get given shelter, food, money, and basically anything else that it is physically possible for males to give them. They have no responsibilities, and that is why they are like children. Women call men "immature" because they don't act the way those women like, but those men still have responsibilities, because people aren't going to take care of them. They're at least responsible for themselves. Women aren't. >And you are contradicting yourself admitting there are exceptions and then saying all women. How obtuse could you possibly be to miss his point? His point is that exceptions aren't worth the negative effects of not just treating the entire group as one. You can disagree with that, but at least actually argue it instead of missing his very clear point entirely. >You sound like a virgin guy with 17/18 who has assertiveness problems and has a phobia of being walked over by women. Classic gynocentrist tactic, just yell "virgin!" at any criticism, because that's all you have. And you admit it right at the beginning of the post, here... >Most people need a leech to function or they will bang the nigger secretary, be a NEET or be ravished by the mailman. So you're admitting all they're good for is being a hole. The thing is, that hole isn't worth letting the parasitic creature it's attach to ruin a statistically high number of lives, and societies. >That's what's incels do. They hate women because they can't get laid Again with the "virgin!" attempt at deflection, but then you also couple it with a ridiculous attempt at guessing their motivations. They can't get laid. Many of them don't hate women. Many of them are simps like yourself. And of the ones that do hate women, they may have good reasons. There are plenty of good reasons out there. >t. shill You aren't using that word correctly. Maybe lurk a little more so you don't stand out so much as an obvious newfag. Someone pointing out you're a white knight isn't "shilling." It's not even close to the meaning of the word. >I not saying you should pander to whores I am saying there exist quality women out there( they just aren't for you apparently) >"Not all women are like that!" And this is why it's ridiculous that you missed the point of the first guy you replied to. The few exceptions are statistically insignificant. There are plenty of women to band together for all the evil selfishness of feminism, to get themselves more gibs and more get out of jail free cards and to make men pay for it all, but where are the women standing up against these things and saying it's wrong to use males as a hated slave class? There aren't enough women like that to make a difference. Good for the ones that are there, but they're statistically insignificant.
>>10477 Damn.
>>10477 Fukken saved.
>>10477 Women are quite literally the subconscious of our society and we are fucking it up.
>>10485 What you don't realize is that you are not arguing with a feminist. I understand women are different and I understand for society to work we got to slut shame and other things that are "immoral" nowadays. Maybe we don't need gender roles like the old times because we have washing machines and appliances. But we need definitely something. Anything that makes the family structure work. If it's the good old ways so be it. What I disagree most is more about the way things are framed than the end results. Hating and wanting to subjugate women may feel rebel and let's you vent any frustration. But it may not be a good idea politically. In a way we get women on our side. The shills love to paint us as loser incels who are mad because we can't get laid. Don't help them. I get his point. Let me say what I think. Well you can just use the famous stereotypes like man like cars women like make up to base your decision making on. Regarding the policies. And you gonna cover a lot of people. In a way you can't ignore it. Which the opposite is where you probably think I am headed (ignoring). And is where people on the left go using exceptions as counter examples. But you can't ignore the tails too. In the IQ distribution they are very important for example, you get the retards and the geniuses. It's a matter of having a more nuanced view. Not of ignoring obvious patterns. Yeah that's pretty much just to hurt in case it's true. Not gonna lie. It's just bullying, you are on 8chan after all. No, you completely missed my point. My point is how human's are vicious creatures (with examples) you just went and assumed oh women are as good as holes. You sound like you blame women for everything. That's not a deflection you retarded cunt. That's an example "incels, the internet guys on reddit r/incels, hate women because they can't get laid". I am just affirming it. >Many of them don't hate women. Many of them are simps like yourself... Aha!!! So now the exceptions matter and a nuanced view is required. You see how people are manipulative and usually say what's convenient to their purposes or their egos? Either by lack of attention or intentionally. Of course I am. I believed he was a shill. And I am no newfag. I went to 4chan's pol since 2014 and to infinity chan since I don't know 2016?. But I do haven't come here since 2018 and I do changed a lot. And I did get rusty with the lingo and the characters. And it is shilling if it is someone using D&C Again the thing you don't understand. I am not a feminist. You sound just like you are arguing with one. Like it's the only option of arguing against. What I want is to rebuild the family structure and preferably in a way unlike the sandniggers by completely subjugating woman with burkas and etc. But if it turns out it's the only way so be it. I just want what's best for women and for men. And call me a fag all you want or a christfag (which I am not) but I do out of love. That is something the jew is taking away from us unless it's a precious minority like transgender niggers usually who is causing a lot of trouble.
>>10477 All that effort to tame a inferior being? Not worth it.
>>10505 If you let women dictate society, you are a cancer to said society in the first place.
>>10479 >most men aren't mature either And? If you guide yourself by equality, you are insane. We, Men, must impose our will over women. Not to treat them equally. We must demand from them even the things that we can't do ourselves? Why? Because we can. Plain and simple. Because if we don't, THEY will be the ones trying to rule over us.
>>10537 >If you guide yourself by equality, you are insane. Didn't said I did. You all are just assuming I am a feminist or something because I disagree with you on some things
>>8823 >anecdotal evidence How about the whole feminist movement pushing nonsense like "MeeToo" or "listen and believe" and having any amount of success with it? Only a giant baby selfish baby would think anything along these lines. There is a very good reason why there is no "masculinist" movement. Trying to push bullshit like this through men would never really work because everyone would realize how self-destructive it would be for everyone involved.
>>10479 Women are objects. Not people. Women are to be subjugated and never be given any form of freedom. >Mos people aren't virtuous So what, weakling? Are you THAT dumb to believe in equal conditions? You are nothing more than a rotten walking corpse filled with delusions. Men don't need to be virtuous in order to DEMAND women to be. We are superior to them, and we can demand anything from them BECAUSE of that.
>>10479 >there exist quality women out there Never existed and never will.
>>10485 The other poster is a woman. Or, as bad as one, a old man with low testosterone. They are the ones that scream "(Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)!" "virgin!" "you don't have sex!" at everyone, as if sex was something good or desirable in the first place. Those kinds are panicking because Men are becoming smarter and starting to live for themselves, and not to keep a society, civilization or race existing at their expense. Women are on their own, more and more. and they are completely incapable of being on their own. And we don't care. We live for our own benefit. Not for the collective's.
>>10520 >for society to work we got to slut shame and other things that are "immoral" nowadays Slut shaming is not enough. Society must go full "all women are slaves and anyone protecting them must be burned alive" for society to even begin recovering.
>>10520 >Maybe we don't need gender roles like the old times because we have washing machines and appliances. But we need definitely something. Yes. And those are called artificial wombs. >Anything that makes the family structure work. Women are the main cause of family rot. We are evolving to a stage in which we won't need women anymore. We are already creating artificial tools to replace them, like we replaced the horse with cars. To hell with what this will cause to THEM. Only our convenience matter. Women had they chance to obey and behave. They didn't. So we will eliminate them from the equation. >But it may not be a good idea politically We are proceeding to eliminate politics completely, and replace it with tribalism. >women are as good as holes That is literally what they are. >blame women for everything Everything bad that women do is the fault of women, yes. You sound like a cuck who wants to deflect the blame away from women. Women are infantile. And we can't fix that. But we CAN (and are) fix society by removing women from the equation and replacing them with something better. If all arguments will boil down to "but we need women", then we will create the means to allow us to progress without never needing them anymore. No more society will be hindered by the inferiors. >I just want what's best for women and for men So, indeed you are mentally ill. Wanting the best for opposing sides that are enemies of each other. >Love Just chemicals in one's brain. If love is binding us to become slaves, love must be eradicated, yes. Not only from those who already want it to end, but from those who desire it, for they will (like you) try to impose slavery to men, out of their pathological need to feel validate by women.
>>10628 >Yes. And those are called artificial wombs. I was thinking about artificial insemination for my children to not go through the hassle of finding the one and thinking if she is secretly a whore, dealing with drama in a marriage... But I actually like women to go that far The main and root cause of the family rot are jews. You are wrong. Ohh really. And within a tribe or between a tribe when you make choices between conflict or compromise you are doing... Politics? >That is literally what they are Ok (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) senpai. You should fuck some whores to get your urges down. It's expensive I know but sometimes you need it. Maybe then you stop seeing women as just a vagina and can enjoy their company. Even if it's a tomboy. Men let all this happen too. I suppose we need to substitute then by robot dicks like the feminists want. Or put us all in sperm farms and milk our dicks everyday with machines. I guess that would be a better sex life than you are having. And you sound like a boy who can't grow out of his hate for women because they don't let you touch their vaginas. You do sound like you need to read more. Try some aristotle, it's boring but it's worth it. Perhaps the good for both is reaching a compromise like traditional marriage was. As taught by many thousand year traditions. Enmity is not a necessary state. I am talking about transcendental love. It's not the love you'd think of as when you are infatuated by a women. It's more the unconditional love a parent has for his child. Or The Fuhrer for his volk. And I guess you can also sum up your need to substitute women by artificial wombs as chemicals in the brain.
>>10627 Calm down Ahmed
>>10520 >What you don't realize is that you are not arguing with a feminist. I never called him a feminist. I did call him a gynocentrist, though. Considering where we are, likely a tradcuck. They think they're against feminism, but they're still advocating for positions that give females advantages over males. But since they don't call it "feminism" it's fine. >In a way we get women on our side. Yes, but not through pandering and letting them away with the bullshit they usually get away with. >The shills love to paint us as loser (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s who are mad because we can't get laid. Don't help them. If you're the guy the post you're replying to was replying to, then you were calling people (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s in this very thread. But it doesn't matter. The point is that gynocentrists don't care. They don't care about any arguments you make, they'll just throw out insults, no matter how nonsensical. Trying to play their game and placate them won't matter. They aren't arguing in good faith. >And is where people on the left go using exceptions as counter examples. To be clear, I wasn't even saying the guy who said to disregard exceptions was correct. I was saying that the post replying to him wasn't actually addressing his argument. I thought I said that quite clearly. The fact that his argument wasn't actually addressed goes to show that the person arguing against it likely wasn't arguing in good faith. Personally, when I meet someone, I treat that person as an individual. Maybe that person is an exception. With women, though? I've never actually met one of those exceptions. I keep giving them chances and it doesn't matter. >you just went and assumed oh women are as good as holes. No, I didn't, the gynocentrist I was arguing with did when he said... >Most people need a leech to function or they will bang the nigger secretary, be a NEET or be ravished by the mailman. He's saying to just let women away with bullshit because they're holes. They don't need to actually be productive members of society. It's okay that they're just holes. His argument, not mine. >That's an example "(Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s, the internet guys on reddit r/(Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s, hate women because they can't get laid". I am just affirming it. I don't know what goes on on reddit. The term (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) predates them, and has a much broader definition. They're dudes who can't get laid. They have many different attitudes toward it. I'd bet most of them don't hate women. Most of them are probably white knight little bitches. >Aha!!! So now the exceptions matter and a nuanced view is required. Never said anything about exceptions. In fact, I said "many," which if anything implies a significant number, more than "exceptions." You're going in with such hard coded preconceived notions that you can't even comprehend when the person you're talking to isn't talking in those same terms. >You see how people are manipulative and usually say what's convenient to their purposes or their egos? Either by lack of attention or intentionally. No, not "people," just you. Probably a woman. Again, not "people." >I believed he was a shill. When he did nothing that would be shill behavior. Shill doesn't just mean someone you don't like. >And I am no newfag. I went to 4chan's pol since 2014 and to infinity chan since I don't know 2016?. But I do haven't come here since 2018 and I do changed a lot. And I did get rusty with the lingo and the characters. Holy shit, you sound like the fucking Penguin of Doom. Also, 2014 is when everyone left 4chan, and anyone who stayed after that is not only a newfag but a spineless traitor. 4chan wasn't even good since at least 2011, and had been going downhill since 2007. You're a faggot newfag who doesn't even know what he missed out on. >And it is shilling if it is someone using D&C Saying something you don't like isn't D&C. >I am not a feminist. You sound just like you are arguing with one. Like it's the only option of arguing against. The difference between tradcucks and other types of feminists doesn't matter, just like "womanists" and other subsets of feminists. You advocate for things that give women advantages and preferential treatment by society. Call yourself what you want. I don't care. >>10636 >You should fuck some whores to get your urges down. Any good will or pretense of acting in good faith disappears when this is your go-to argument. You are almost surely an actual hole, and deserve to be treated as such. >Maybe then you stop seeing women as just a vagina and can enjoy their company. Even if it's a tomboy. You are the perfect example of why women aren't enjoyable as actual company.
[Expand Post]>I suppose we need to substitute then by robot dicks like the feminists want. They already have those and they're socially acceptable. They aren't good enough for women because women take sex for granted, they can get it whenever they want. But a dildo can't give them money, a male can. They aren't happy unless they're successfully acting as a parasite on the man with the most resources to steal. >And you sound like a boy who can't grow out of his hate for women because they don't let you touch their vaginas. You sound like a woman that can't come up with actual arguments so defaults to insults against someone's sexuality. It would be fine to throw in insults along with actual arguments, but you're not capable of that. You don't have the brainpower, or maybe you've never had to train your actual intellectual abilities because society lets you walk through life unchallenged. Either way, you're left not being an actual person. Either way, you're proving that you're good for nothing but a hole.
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>>10628 Pic related >>10643 >They think they're against feminism, but they're still advocating for positions that give females advantages over males. OMG you all have some deep insecurity issues. You want always an edge over females to compensate that. Because you can't draw boundaries. You can't be assertive. You can't lead on. You are all basically boys struck inside the bodies of man tormented by jewish subversion >Yes, but not through pandering and letting them away with the bullshit they usually get away with. Of course, it's called boundaries. Women are supposed to be on our side out of their own willingness from the heart not because some cunts are brown nosing to them expecting sexual bread crumbs and they feel they will get some advantage out of these suckers. >The point is that gynocentrists don't care. They don't care about any arguments you make Most people don't. Humans aren't rational creatures but rationalizing ones. There is even research on that. You can read it the the book The righteous Mind by Nathan Haidt. Nicolas gomes davila also says arguing with people holding different premises is useless and if you know any logic you know it is. What I don arguing on the internet is learn about people or if I am lucky from people >To be clear, I wasn't even saying the guy who said to disregard exceptions was correct. I was saying that the post replying to him wasn't actually addressing his argument. I thought I said that quite clearly. The fact that his argument wasn't actually addressed goes to show that the person arguing against it likely wasn't arguing in good faith. I not gonna go back to understand that but ok > I've never actually met one of those exceptions. I keep giving them chances and it doesn't matter. Well I did. Maybe what we look for in people is different... >They don't need to actually be productive members of society. That's true I give you that. But the difference a good women makes in your life even if she's not your wife like your sister or mother is huge >I'd bet most of them don't hate women. The consensus that emanates from them seem to be pretty hateful. But I never been there either. Maybe what I see is some cherry picked surface. Though again I wouldn't bet much on that knowing people on the internet. >Never said anything about exceptions. In fact, I said "many," which if anything implies a significant number, more than "exceptions." You're going in with such hard coded preconceived notions that you can't even comprehend when the person you're talking to isn't talking in those same terms. I gonna let this slip because I am lazy. >No, not "people," just you. Probably a woman. Again, not "people." That's so naive. You are probably a combination of not dumb enough and having helicopter parents that won't let you out to be able to experience conman and psychos. If you go around people who use drugs, the heavier the better, you start to find the types easily. They lie a lot, they steal. It doesn't need to be niggers. >When he did nothing that would be shill behavior. Shill doesn't just mean someone you don't like. I understand what you meant. Do you understand what I meant? Maybe you are a shill. Sitting in your JIDF desk with you dragon dildos. Having meetings discussing how you are going to demoralize the goyim by pitting the genders against each other. Then when you try to sleep you suddenly remember how many suffering you cause. But then you remember you are from the chosen people and your rabi told you goyim are cattle for the jews. >Also, 2014 is when everyone left 4chan, and anyone who stayed after that is not only a newfag but a spineless traitor. I entered after all that gamergate shit if I can remember right. And HOLY SHIT let's do a pissing contest of who browsed a basket weaving chinese board first like drunken frat members arguing who is the most senior to bang the chick and in the end nobody even hit on her. I think it's better if we argue our dicks size mine is 9'. >You advocate for things that give women advantages and preferential treatment by society Guess what mf women ARE different to men. They deserve different treatment and also different responsibilities. They are the bearers of our children. So when you pray to you dildo everyday to be a women so you don't need to work and can get laid when you want because being a man is too much. Remember that how things are now are not how they are supposed to be. We are in a state of decadence and we have to fight to reverse it. >You should fuck some whores to get your urges down. Am I wrong? >You are the perfect example of why women aren't enjoyable as actual company. You think I am a woman? Lol >They aren't happy unless they're successfully acting as a parasite on the man with the most resources to steal. So women only steal things they get from their husband. If you had your women slaves their food would be stolen I guess? Because you hate them so much
[Expand Post]>You sound like a woman that can't come up with actual arguments so defaults to insults against someone's sexuality. It would be fine to throw in insults along with actual arguments, but you're Do (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s get scripts of what to say like you go into your put downs folder, in your 'woman.xls' excel sheet you search 'called me a virgin' I have one thing to say for you. If you aren't white don't have children. If you are go make fucking white BABIES. If you hate women so much rent a belly or something at least. That if you can raise one, even more so without a women. But thats what's granny is for
Ad Hominem, nothing to do with that is argued, just insulting the opponent and making assumptions about his motives. You are the one brown nosing, the correct positions are the most extreme ones. Our only goals should be to make the best possible world for Straight White Males, and nothing else is worthy of any consideration. Non-Whites should be killed and their lands seized. Now, Asians can be the sole exception to this, especially if they are taken over by the one least hostile towards us, such as the Japanese, co-existence with them on this planet is definitely possible, and we do not need to be any more merciless than we have to be, they could be good partners to share the Earth with. But Jews are on the opposite end of the spectrum, they are of the highest priority, and their extermination is non-negotiable. White Females should be enslaved, they have committed crimes against the Males of their race in the same capacity as the Negroes. But unlike the negroes, we cannot exterminate the Females of our race, so instead we do the next best thing and have our governments consider them to have the same legal status as non-sentient and inanimate objects. Meaning that they would be losing all of their rights and freedoms, even the most basic, they would not have any protections under the law, nor would they have any accountability to it. Their only source of legal protection would come to them second-hand from being the property of the White Male who owns her, but this would offer her no protection from anything her master consents to being done with her. On that note, the same should be done for anything that isn't a White (or Asian) Male, including all Non-Humans, and all things that are not Living. There is the opportunity to learn why someone believes differently, and to show them why you believe as you do, and in such cases, a mind may be changed. Also, not everyone is unable to have their views altered, people have different levels of attachment to their beliefs, some may need only to know about other dissenters, or that at least one of them is respectable, in order to change their minds. Arguing on the internet is not pointless, and if your opponent is unable to be shifted from their positions, maybe the audience watching the exchange can be influenced to do so. There are always good women out there, just as there are good jews and negroes, Exceptions do not matter because the aggregate is what is going to make a difference, so the aggregate is what you make you decisions on. There are a lot of potential explanations for why you and the other anon had different experiences, to blame him for lacking the kind of experiences you've had is a judgement that is a bit premature. Not even an argument against female enslavement, a woman or girl who is a slave has not lost the potential to make a positive impact on the men or boys in her life, is the point that because they can make a positive contribution, that they should be equals? How does that follow? maybe it's something like "their potential for goodness means they do not deserve to suffer the fate of chattel slavery", which is itself undone by pointing out the glaring misconceptions. A world in which females are a slave caste is not necessarily one where they.are living lives of misery. In fact, I expect that the natural goodness of the aryan spirit/gentile soul, combined with the learning of the practical benefits of being a good master over being a bad one, would mean that eventually most males would be benevolent towards the females in their ownership. Things will be harsh in the beginning, especially for the female sex, but over time things will shift back towards the males being decent towards them, despite having the power to do anything to them without legal consequence. The things that will change, will be feminine nature, and the feminine life, when they are born, they will be the property of the first male who has claim to her, most likely the owner of the girl's mother, who is most likely the girl's father. Her father and mother will raise her to be a good wife and mother, so that when she comes of age, ownership of her will be transferred from her father to another male, most likely the male the father had made arrangements to give his daughter over to, most likely the woman's husband. This will be similar to the way things were done in Medieval Europe, where typically the fathers of two families will arrange things between each other so that the son of one will be betrothed to the daughter of the other, before either's child was even born. Dowries may be paid, and dates set so that the two fiance's could be courted to one another in preparation for their betrothals. Would there be women who kill themselves to avoid their marriages? Sure, but they'd be rare cases, and it wouldn't matter much in terms of how it would affect the well-being of the Male population. It's also part of a false narrative, most of the Females would be happy in such a country, because the sexual dimorphism of their sex's psychology will make it likely. So, tell me, where are the flaws in such a society? It is only when Females are at the lowest level in their society that they will not only cease to be a liability for the White race, but also become a boon for White Males, rather than the opposite. Female psychology is a lot different from that of Males. They would enjoy being at the bottom rung in that every Male is superior to them, because Females want to be inferior to their mates. They would enjoy being in a position where they know what to do and are taken care of, because Females are a lot more conformist and poorer at making independent decisions. They would enjoy the security and commitment that comes with being the dedicated property of a Male, Females prefer to be taken care of and knowing they have a place for themselves.
>>10657 >Ad Hominem, nothing to do with that is argued, just insulting the opponent and making assumptions about his motives. And what is wrong with ad hominem? This is politics not dialectics >You are the one brown nosing, the correct positions are the most extreme ones. Brown nosing whom? >Non-Whites should be killed and their lands seized. I am mixed about it but the average joe won't agree with this. This holohoax crap already makes people prone to guilt. You could do an Indian caste system and slowly breed people out. >White Females should be enslaved, they have committed crimes against the Males of their race in the same capacity as the Negroes. OMG that's a lot of butthurt Or they could have legal rights different to that of males and tailored to their needs and responsibilities like it is in many traditional societies. You are that National Capitalism guy right? You are wasting far too much time jerking off and idealizing your perfect system. You need to put that energy and brains towards defeating the jew and the 14 words. We can jerk off about ideal political systems all we want after that without jews to interfere >Also, not everyone is unable to have their views altered, people have different levels of attachment to their beliefs, some may need only to know about other dissenters, or that at least one of them is respectable, in order to change their minds. You either didn't read with attention or I didn't express myself entirely. You in particular doesn't need to have the trouble of reading understanding that passage in my reply because you already got it. >Not even an argument against female enslavement, a woman or girl who is a slave has not lost the potential to make a positive impact on the men or boys in her life, is the point that because they can make a positive contribution, that they should be equals? How does that follow? maybe it's something like "their potential for goodness means they do not deserve to suffer the fate of chattel slavery", which is itself undone by pointing out the glaring misconceptions. Again the differing legal rights and responsabilities. You don't need to slave women. At least don't call it that way if you want to go anywhere. >This will be similar to the way things were done in Medieval Europe, where typically the fathers of two families will arrange things between each other so that the son of one will be betrothed to the daughter of the other, before either's child was even born. Dowries may be paid, and dates set so that the two fiance's could be courted to one another in preparation for their betrothals. > and the rest You just want arranged marriage back and traditional gender roles back to the middle ages. Great. You know that you can reword that in hundreds of ways that won't make women want to stab you in the throat like saying you want them to be slaves.
Interesting take. I do disagree somewhat, in that a woman differs greatly from a man, so a "mature" woman is different than a mature man. Not necessarily of a "lesser" mentality, but of a different nature entirely. Take that for what you will
>>10644 Your pic implies that people are just thinking what they are told to think, rather than seeing things and drawing conclusions. Women objectively have more rights, and proudly discriminate against men. Everything they say about "patriarchy" is just projection of what feminism actually is. The only difference is that "patriarchy" is a literal conspiracy theory that doesn't stand up to the least bit of critical thought, while feminism is shouted out in the open, and anyone who doesn't subscribe to it is seen as evil. It's not just that men are vaguely unhappy, and then a jew tells them it's women's fault. It's that men see women objectively treated better by society, including in actual on the books laws, but then they cry that they are actually oppressed, and call men evil for having "privileges" that don't exist. And I understand your argument is that the jews are puppetmasters, but just following orders is no excuse. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, and everyone who supports gynocentrism is responsible for that. It just so happens that the number of men who do not support it is much higher than the number of women. But don't get me wrong, there are plenty of men that support it, too, and they must also be held responsible. The problem is feminists, including tradcucks and any other types of feminists there are. It just so happens that finding a woman that isn't one of them is exceedingly difficult. Sometimes you find one that claims she isn't, but a little prodding and you'll see she still takes the basic premises for granted. Overall, they push for more and more feminism, more and more actual legal advantages over males, and the number that push in the opposite direction is statistically insignificant. Most are happy to just watch others suffer, so long as those others are male. I don't care if a jew told them to do that. They are still responsible for their own actions. >OMG you all have some deep insecurity issues. I don't see how you got that from a quote talking about how women have actual legal advantages over males. Oh wait, you didn't, you're just an actual hole that never had to learn to argue with actual logic. You're not going to convince anyone on a taiwanese pottery forum by throwing ad hominem arguments at them. >You want always an edge over females to compensate that. Where did I say I want an edge? I complained about them having actual legal advantages. That doesn't mean I want advantages instead. I'd be happy enough to be treated equally. But feminists won't let that happen. They put laws on the books that openly discriminate against men, then say that men are privileged. Pointing out that absurdity is not wanting "an edge." >Women are supposed to be on our side out of their own willingness from the heart not because some cunts are brown nosing to them expecting sexual bread crumbs and they feel they will get some advantage out of these suckers. Supposed to be, but aren't. The vast majority are happy to use and abuse those losers, and use their power to put actual discriminatory laws on the books, to bleed men dry for their own benefit. I don't care if they are born or trained to be selfish parasites. It cannot be allowed. >Most people don't. Humans aren't rational creatures but rationalizing ones. Good job admitting that about yourself. Now nobody has to take you as seriously, since you admit you aren't actually trying to prove your points to be correct. >arguing with people holding different premises is useless and if you know any logic you know it is. There are always further underlying premises, and if the person you're talking to is sincere and arguing in good faith, it is possible to find them, and deep down you probably share some, and then you can see which ones you agree with, and where someone made a mistake extrapolating from them. >Well I did. Maybe what we look for in people is different... That's not how you use an ellipsis. Go back to whatever site you came from. And well all I'm looking for in that specific instance is a woman that doesn't look down on me as nothing but a resource to drain, a woman that sees me as as deserving of basic human respect as herself. These women are exceedingly hard to find. Maybe they think they are those things, but when push comes to shove, they'll get on the lifeboats and leave me to go down with the ship. They'll look down on me if I don't sacrifice for them, while they would never sacrifice for me. They expect respect and empathy but give none in return. And maybe it is indeed because they are told to act that way. I don't care. That does not absolve them of the individual responsibility. The ones telling them are also bad, but it doesn't mean that the ones following the orders are okay. >Having meetings discussing how you are going to demoralize the goyim by pitting the genders against each other. I'm not pitting the genders against each other. Feminists already did that. Stopping them will stop the fight that they constantly try to pick. Sitting here and taking the active legal discrimination against males isn't going to stop them. Just letting them away with it isn't going to stop them. People have been letting them away with it for decades, and they just keep getting worse. Being a good goy and just letting gynocentrists walk all over you isn't going to make things better.
>I entered after all that gamergate shit if I can remember right. Your typing style indicates you're lying about this, but even if you weren't, you didn't get here until everything was already shit. Lurk moar. Or more likely, you're the actual shill, and you call others shills as a form of preemptive strike, to try to distract. You type like someone who just flew in from reddit, not someone who has been here for seven years. You make ridiculous arguments, or rather, non-arguments, that anyone who has even lurked here for a significant amount of time would know anyone here would be immunized to. You need to lurk moar so you can fit in and stop sounding like an ancient meme made specifically to make fun of newfag cumdumpsters. >Guess what mf women ARE different to men. They deserve different treatment and also different responsibilities. But not preferential treatment, which is what they get, and what you advocate for. >We are in a state of decadence and we have to fight to reverse it. Then stop advocating for women to have even more decadent lives than they already have. All that decadence is bought from the stolen resources of males. >Am I wrong? Yes. After arguing with me for this long, you should be able to tell that giving a cumdumpster money for that would only make me more angry at her in particular and gynocentrists in general. >You think I am a woman? Lol You sure argue and type like one. >So women only steal things they get from their husband. No, they steal things from all sorts of men. They use the government to steal money from exes or guys they literally cucked, or complete strangers. The vast majority of tax money is used on things that are aimed at women and mostly used by women. But they pay a minority of taxes. The government is literally a tool to take money from men and give it to women. It's a tool to force men to act as husbands without getting the rewards that they would expect with it. And the only rewards they expect are kids that they are actually related to. But that is too much for a man to ask in return for his life. >If you had your women slaves their food would be stolen I guess? Because you hate them so much If they were slaves they'd actually have to work, and their food would be a portion of their pay for that work. Traditionally, women get resources without having to actually work, beyond the basic work required to keep themselves alive with resources given to them by a man. Also, as much as you think I hate women, it's not as much as you hate men, since I'm only advocating for women to lose their objective legal advantages. I'm not arguing for them to be actually treated worse than men. You are arguing for men to actually be treated worse than women. >If you are go make fucking white BABIES. If you hate women so much rent a belly or something at least. That if you can raise one, even more so without a women. But thats what's granny is for That's what I'm working on. Not because I hate women, but because society and government gives them massive incentive to take your kids (if they're even your kids and not Chad's) and deliberately ruin not just your life but the kids' lives, raising them wrong on purpose. And statistically, this is much too likely to bet your children's lives on it. But idiots like you think the women that do it are innocent. They destroy not just families, but children, and it's okay, because they were influenced by jews. They have no personal responsibility. No, I can't roll those dice when my children's lives are at stake. And the funny part is that statistically, children raised by single fathers don't end up much worse off than children raised by normal homes. And consider that by the time a child is raised by a single father, it's because the mother either died, or abused the kid so hard that it was undeniable, even by the absurdly biased court system. Kids that end up with single fathers have to have incredibly fucked up lives in order for the fathers to get custody, and still the fathers end up raising them normal, while single mothers do nothing but fuck up their kids and turn them into criminals and whores. Single mothers are nothing but crime factories, single fathers are actual parents. Funny how that turns out. >>10657 >because Females want to be inferior to their mates. This is a point that should not be understated. There are tons of articles about women complaining that they can't find men that make more money than them. Even if they have money already, they want to be a parasite. It is their essential nature. They need something that they can leech off, even when they already have more than enough resources for themselves. They just love being leeches. And if they marry a rich guy and he helps them also make their own money, they'll leave him if they ever actually catch up, because even though he was great and he never changed, the leeching doesn't feel as significant for her anymore. She needs a bigger target. >Brown nosing whom? >You know that you can reword that in hundreds of ways that won't make women want to stab you in the throat like saying you want them to be slaves. Brown nosing women, evidently. Or normalfags in general. Protip: It doesn't matter how he phrases it here. Everyone here is already a pariah of the highest degree. Anything posted here is already automatically socially unacceptable, just for being posted here. Women won't agree with it because women are all about just climbing the social ladder.
>>10636 The main and root cause of the family rot are women. The kikes take advantage of women's stupidity. >Men let all this happen too And here you are putting Men on equal terms with women again. WE, MEN CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT. WOMEN CAN'T. As if hating women was wrong. As if Men aren't meant to take by force whatever we want and to eliminate anyone in our way. Go back to your retirement home to be killed by a nigger nurse, you demented old man. Everything that you wrote reads as ramblings from a low testosterone old man that gave up his freedom to the prison of marriage. Women are slaves for Men to do whatever we want to with them. Period. >>10638 Islam is right about women. Your point?
>>10643 >They already have those and they're socially acceptable. They aren't good enough for women because women take sex for granted, they can get it whenever they want. But a dildo can't give them money, a male can. They aren't happy unless they're successfully acting as a parasite on the man with the most resources to steal. Add to that: women are never satisfied with anything. Ever. Much like children. The whole pretense of "women must have their share too" is so insane, that I fully advocate to going back to our roots and simply burn alive anyone supporting this insanity, with the pretense of "this man was bewitched", just so we can celan society of those parasite enablers. A woman is perpetually a parasite, and a disease to any society. Women must be kept as tools. Force to procreate while fertile. Never cared for nor supported in any way whatsoever. and abandoned to death or killed when they can't procreate anymore.
>>10644 Both jews and women are the exact same parasite. Evil to their core. And with a immutable nature that only seeks destruction. Jews are women and women are jews. and there are no exceptions to this rule.
>>10644 >muh insecure >muh edge >muh compensate You talk like a woman. That is, your brain is as defective as those talking meats. >Humans aren't rational creatures Humans (that is, Men) are. Animals (women) aren't. Way to expose yourself as a cumdumpster, thinking that Men and women are the same, and that Men aren't rational. We are rational, and we reached the conclusion that women are the problem. So, we will replace them with artificial tools for procreation. >Humans aren't rational >There is even research on that Why woul I read "research" from "irrational" beings, cumdumpster? Your lack of logic is hilarious. >You can read it the the book >by (((Nathan))) So, you read jewish subversion and believes in it? Indeed, you are a retard. >But the difference a good women makes in your life There are no good women. And there never were. You are living proof of that: you were influenced by cumdumpsters, and you turned into this empty shell of a man with no pride and embracing your own slavery. Your very existence is another example of why Men must never support women, but enslave them instead. Or else, Men will become like you. Women aren't people. They are objects to be used for the convenience of Men. >They lie a lot, they steal. It doesn't need to be niggers. Indeed. Women do all of that, as niggers do. >genders so, you are a libtard too. It figures. >a basket weaving chinese board first like drunken frat members arguing who is the most senior to bang the chick So you fully admit that you are a psyop, and also a cumdumpster. >women ARE different to men Women are INFERIOR to Men in all aspects. >They deserve different treatment and also different responsibilities No. They deserve slavery, for anything in the world must be done to Men's interests. >They are the bearers of our children And thank God, Men are taking care of that, so we won't need women for that task anymore. All women are hateful evil parasites and the world will be a better place when (not if) all women are killed and replaced by artificial wombs.
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Women don't have to be animals I feel like /pol/s pessimism is part of the problem. You call women shit, but then want them to all reproduce. Instead you just have to sexually select women the same way they have men. We need to find the most ideal women we can, and have them share their eggs. That way she can can spread her desirable female genes with an infiniate number of men, just like how women do with chad and had in the past, or how most wildlife does in general. Women can improve but only if reproduction isn't a sure thing for all of them, and only if men can reproduce without needing a woman for themselves.
>>10686 Anon, it does not matter. W*men are inherently broken. The best we're going to get is robowaifus.
>>10686 You're correct, but you'd need to get a far higher percentage of males on board to do that, and far too many of them are scabs. Meanwhile, your influence will be localized in some way, and the shitty parts of the world won't be going along with your plan, so you'll be outbred by even worse women and even worse men.
>>10657 >Our only goals should be to make the best possible world for Straight White Males, and nothing else is worthy of any consideration. And in order to do that, all women must be stripped of their rights. You don't give rights to dogs or women. And sto with this stupidity of doing something that "women will enjoy". It doesn't matter if a woman likes something or not. Everything must be done for the benefit and convenience of Men only. Anyone complaining about that must be killed. As for everything else, you are right.
>>10658 >the average joe won't agree with this Those will be killed too. >Giving women any rights at all Your kind will get the bullet too. Women must be enslaved. And anyone rejecting the idea, killed. >Ever caring about what woman want Women that reject the idea of being enslaved will also be killed. Kill many, and the rest will obey out of fear. >>10666 All women are less than Men in every aspect. All women are objects. Not people.
>>10687 >Nigeria poster Is this Anglin?
>>731 I've been trying. After the struggle, we will get rid of the Internet completely
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>>467 Dox, find, torture and kill her. She is a animal abuser and she is the main culprit in all this mess involving Chris Chan.
>>10686 Women are animals. Not people. You won't change their nature just because you don't like it. Women are shit. There is nothing of value that one can get from women outside of breeding. That is why we are replacing them with machines. And yes, we want them to do what is useful and convenient to US, the superior sex. Nothing wrong with that. The inferior must always be either enslaved or killed. >you just have to sexually select women the same way they have men No such stupidity of "equal approaches". Men are superior to women. Therefore, women have no saying in how Men approaches them. Every Man has the birthright to simply take women for sex as he pleases. >share Not share. Force them to. Women are not people, to be given choice. >men can reproduce without needing a woman for themselves We are already at that stage, with artificial wombs. No need for women anymore, since they aren't blindly obeying all of us. >Women can improve They can't. Ever. Women are incapable of evolving. Another reason why they must (and will) be replaced.
>>10732 We will get rid of simps like you instead. We will burn all women alive and put artificial wombs in the houses of all Aryan Men.
>>10769 >Women are animals Bestiality is abominable and deserving of execution >Women are shit Coprophilia is abominable and deserving of execution >That is why we are replacing them with machines Better hurry up with that.
> Women are big babies > Women are animals Women are like a left hand. In general. Believe me
My reply disappeared... Hmmm srange... I am thinking this place is psyops or the code for it is just shit
>>10799 Also this place is full of losers. Anyone who got laid at least a feel times doesn't hate women like that. You bloodlines deserve to die
>>10801 >Anyone who got laid at least a feel times doesn't hate women like that. It's quite the opposite. Once I started actually fucking women, I only grew to hate them more. Before I could make wild guesses that erred on the side of positivity, I could give them the benefit of the doubt. Once I got closer with them, it only removed all of that doubt from my mind. And the more of them I was close to, the more it confirmed all of the worst possibilities.
>>10801 Hole spotted. Nobody will give resources to you anymore, hole. You are on your own, while we move society towards replacing you. >>10803 >Once I started actually fucking women, I only grew to hate them more. Exactly. Once you learn about women's nature, it is impossible to not hate all of them.
>>10807 Yeah, back in school, I was a serious leftist punk with serious style. It's cringy now, but it's fine in highschool. Anyways, I've always been cool enough to deal with women, and yeah, they're basically evil. Pride, vanity, parasitism; it's pathetic. They can be such WRONG people. The good ones... ha. They're the ugly fat ones who have to try hard to keep people in their life. They actually have to TRY to be liked for who they are inside, because no man goes after them like they do other girls, and other girls are insane bitches. Women are sadistically cruel to each other in ways that make it into some sort of circus show. They must just not take it seriously. Their gossip and insane cruelty must be a joke or a game to each other, because they all love to do it, and when it happens to them, they fucking cry. On another tangent, girls literally use crying as an emotional weapon. Never acknowledge tears, unless it's over something actually legitimate like literal fucking death. Then yeah, hug her. But that's just hugging the side of her that's human. Never coddle or support her inhuman, cruel side. Condemn it. It's wrong for a woman to be inhuman or feminist. It's morally wrong, because we all know what happens in the long-term. At first it feels good and free to be a feminist, and then it gets fucking TERRIFYING as your eggs begin to rot. Either she doubles-down on her cult, or she tries to escape. But if she's one of those "god exists outside of religion" types, then she'll infect your children with her poisoned ideology. If she waited too long to become an "atheist of feminism," and she's become too old, then she'll just turn into a true crone. She'll die alone and afraid. But wait, you're probably an idiot Christian and wonder what I mean by "god exists outside of religion," right? Well, in the same sense that some people try to believe in the exact same god they always have, but without the aid of a church or formal religion, "spiritual but not religious," other people will denounce feminism, yet continue to behave the same. They might say "I'm not a feminist, but men and women are still equal," or other things like that. We live in a world so corrupted, that we must assume every religion is fake, and every political ideology is just another means to control us. If what you believe doesn't hinge on bloodlines and race, then what you believe can be manipulated, and the divisions and conquering will persist. There is only one way to restore the natural order, and it is for women to find good men who are not liberal, not republican, not moderate, but in the OTHER category. Then the woman must cling to that person at all costs, and the man must cling back, and then sex happens, and a child is born. Progeny. Then cherish the child and teach it good things, such that the child can survive in the nightmare we call this world.
>>10809 >I was a serious leftist punk with serious style I hope that you get tortured for that one day, when the time for revenge comes.
>>10809 >They actually have to TRY to be liked And that is the whole reason why all women must be replaced. there are no inherently good women as there are Men. When a woman is "good", she is just pretending, out of fear of being abandoned. Or simply as another opportunistic approach towards Men. Those women see more and more Men realizing that all women are evil and distancing themselves from them, then they start pretending that they are not naturally evil as all the others. But given the chance, they will reveal their true nature, and enjoy being evil. No woman is ever worthy of any Man. Replacing them all, or even total extinction, are better options than dealing with them.
>>10809 >Their gossip and insane cruelty must be a joke or a game As a side note: everything that should be just direct and not a waste of time is instead turned into a game by women, to the point that one wastes more time "playing" around them to get into them than to actually earning anything meaningful from them. As with women that would chat to a Man, but won't do it unless there is something else that she can use as an excuse. Be it a online game, a online chat/stream, a musical show, or some form of convention/event, or a party, or a "meeting at the pub". If a Man approaches a woman the exact same way that he would in those circumstances, he will be instantly rejected as "creepy". But doing the same thing under those circumstances (being a part of the "game"), in a ambient that can be used as an excuse for the woman to not reveal that she is out there just seeking Men and attention, the woman will gladly accept the Man and any of his offers. And that is wasteful, annoying and tedious. Everything that should be nice, direct and quick is made slow, boring and indirect by women, when dealing with them. Another of the many reasons why Men are better alone than being with any woman.
>>10809 >Never acknowledge tears Never acknowledge tears. Period. Those who cry are weak. And the weak deserve no pity. >Then yeah, hug her. No need to do such a simping move. Women deserve no care, coddle or pity. >But that's just hugging the side of her that's human Women are not human. They are animals. >her inhuman, cruel side That is the only "side" all women have. there is no such thing as a "human" "non cruel" woman. >At first it feels good and free to be a feminist And they must be punished their whole lives for that one mistake. Always. Never forget. Never forgive. Once a mistake is made, the one who made the mistake must be relentlessly persecuted to the point of total destruction of it's mind, as a deserved punishment. >then it gets fucking TERRIFYING as your eggs begin to rot. What terrifies women is irrelevant. What women feel or "think" is irrelevant. Only Men matter. Only the lives of Men matter. Only the will and thoughts of Men matter. If a woman is acting out of fear, that is another reason to abandon her to die alone. A being that is incapable of being rational has no place in human society.
>>10809 >There is only one way to restore the natural order, and it is for women to find good men who are not liberal, not republican, not moderate, but in the OTHER category. Then the woman must cling to that person at all costs, and the man must cling back, and then sex happens, and a child is born. >Progeny. >Then cherish the child and teach it good things, such that the child can survive in the nightmare we call this world. And all of that means that the woman, a inferior being, is kept safe by leeching a Man, the superior being. Not worth it. Men are born to be free. Not to be bound to meat sacks that can't do anything by themselves, just so we can procreate. To hell with procreation. Either the perfect woman starts existing out of nowhere, or extinction is a better choice. The second best choice, luckly, is to replace women with machines that can procreate with Men. The perfect woman is a piece of metal and plastic that serves it's purpose without the Man needing to care for it or give attention to it outside of maintenance. Progeny is only good when the Man is free to do whatever he wants to afterwards. Anything that binds a Man is poison. Is slavery. The death of mankind is better than slavery. Alternatively, the death of humanism is better than slavery. Give me perfect machines for procreation, while exterminating all the useless meat sacks (every single woman in the whole world) or I will not contribute to the race, the civilization, the society, life itself, or anything else.
>>10809 >There is only one way to restore the natural order, and it is for women to find good men So the evil parasite can have a good life, leeching from a good man, while still being naturally evil on the inside, and just pretending to be good? Fuck off. The natural order is flawed and must be replaced with a better, artificial, order. Why the hell should a good man support any woman whatsoever? All women are evil. Good must never tolerate evil, nor support it.
>>10809 >Then the woman must cling to that person at all costs Meaning that the woman must parasite the good man at all costs. You outed yourself as a leftard, indeed. You think that because something benefits women and society that something would be good for the MAN. It isn't. Sacrificing oneself for evil parasites is not good for a man. Men must live their own way, away from those idiotic notions of sacrifice and hardship. Society needs men to sacrifice for women. Men don't need it. As men don't need society to begin with. Each man can live on his own, just fine. The whole notion of keeping a bloodline existing at the expense of a man's health, sanity and well being is idiotic. In this notion all the sacrifices are made by men, while all the rewards are reaped by women, the children and society. MEN ARE NOT DISPOSABLE BEASTS OF BURDEN OR SLAVES. ALL MEN ARE FREE. If society demands sacrifice and slavery from men, society must die. If race, bloodline and nature demand sacrifice and slavery from men, they all must die. Only the lives and freedom of men matter. Anything else is of no importance.
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Reminder Jews try to frame /pol/ as woman-hating (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) virgins, pitting white men and women against each other, making you hate women, making women hate us, demoralizing us. They get paid for this. Almost all posts ITT are the same person. Proof: https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/322577117 https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/322787580 He makes ALL provocative cuck/BLACKED threads, though he usually doesn't use his Greek flag for the porn threads that actually get deleted. https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/322606371 https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/322376428 He makes ALL threads that are shitting on women, framing us as bitter (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s and repelling female posters, which DO exist and which they are afraid of.
>>10835 Don't be a fool. REVEAL THE MACHINE! Where is it? Where is YOURS? Where is MINE? Don't talk insanity. We all must make sacrifices, and if YOU do not wish to, then DIE WITHOUT AN HEIR. Without the machine, there is no point to anything you're saying. With your advice, it's YOUR bloodline that fades into the darkness. Mine will live on. Even if I must sacrifice all that you said. Yes, the world is so grim that I cannot deny it, but there's a difference between brave and free, and foolhardy.
>>10840 Of course. Anyone who wishes to combine human and machine is already automatically wrong. When the machine is born that surpasses humanity, we can abandon technology and live on a garden world. But until that day, we cannot assume that day. So we must indeed breed, and we must indeed breed with women. That's just how it is. Trying to deny that due to hatred is as bad as "loving animals so much that you don't eat them." Like a fucking idiot. Of course you need to breed, and of course you should eat. There's no result in this form of hatred other than death.
>>10840 There is nothing wrong in hating women, simp. Your insanity of worshiping the inferior sex is on it's way out. All women are the enemies of all Men.
>>10842 >Don't talk insanity Says the one who worships women. >We all must make sacrifices No, we don't. Life is meant to be lived easy and pleasant. >Die without a heir Machines will ensure that I have heirs. Without the burden of dealing with women. And that is IF I ever want heirs, to begin with. My life matters more than my race. >Without the machine, there is no point to anything you're saying With the correct machine (artificial womb) everything that I said can be put into practice. We will exterminate women and give birth only to Men, through machines. >With your advice, it's YOUR bloodline that fades into the darkness If that happens, so what? Better than live as a slave. Men are not meant to sacrifice themselves. Ever. Only slaves do such a thing. >Mine will live on. Even if I must sacrifice all that you said And that is meaningless, since you will sacrifice yourself and not enjoy a good and long life. Being free is more important than anything in the universe. Individual Freedom is above God, race, society, civilization, bloodline, heirs and legacy.
>>10843 Anyone who wishes to combine human and machine is already automatically right. Nature is imperfect. Men improves what God made, turning his flawed creations into perfect machines that can never fail, in due time. >When the machine is born that surpasses humanity, we can abandon technology and live on a garden world The world literally already have that. And Men are creating more and improving them all to perfection, so no one will need to be at nature's mercy ever again. >So we must indeed breed, and we must indeed breed with women Not at the expense of being enslaved. Remove all rights from women and allow all Men to kill anyone trying to punish a Man for beating or killing any woman, then we can even begin to accept your terms. >That's just how it is Slave mindset. If it is like that, and I am not satisfied with it, I will modify it to my liking, so it won't be "just how it is" anymore. >Hatred Hatred is the basis of a Man's grandiose. There is nothing that can't be achieved when one is motivated by hatred. >Of course you need to breed With machines, yes. and never accept being a beast of burden for women or society as a whole. >There's no result in this form of hatred other than death Wrong. There is improvement and permanent change to a state that benefits me instead of benefiting women. MEN ARE NOT DISPOSABLE BEASTS OF BURDEN OR SLAVES. ALL MEN ARE FREE. And as a free Man, I chose to modify nature to serve my will. Not to be at it's mercy.
>>10851 I do insist that you develop this machine, but in the mean-time, I will be humiliating myself before women in the attempt to get one to breed with me. Yes, I acknowledge the horror and disgrace of doing this, but cease with your admonishment of it. It must be done for the sake of progeny. Or just give me your machine. That would be better. Except it doesn't exist.
>>10854 No, it doesn't. and I won't be listening to the words of a slave. The machine already exists, and it will be spread worldwide. Your disinformation campaign won't work. Artificial wombs are already a reality, and there is already a black market for it. Soon, it will gain mainstream traction. Nothing that any simp do can stop it.
>>467 Signs that she is a whore: https://bellkariuki.wordpress(Please use archive.today)/2017/06/24/32-whore-signs-is-she-good-for-a-relationship/ 1. Tattoos & Extreme Piercings 2. Lust for material things 3. Inability to show Affection 4. Always visits the gym 5. Never discusses her past sexual experiences 6. Speaks in favor of prostitutes & openly supports LGBT 7. She smokes and drinks (Typical Party Girl) 8. Late night jobs 9. She has trust issues 10. She’s always into road-trips, Girls night out & other Reckless traveling escapades 11. Shaved or bleached Vaginal Region 12. She always brings up the subject of sex first 13. Feminist / Bosslady 14. She’s neurotic and disagreeable 15. She frequently goes commando. (Pantyless) 16. She’s got that crazy, hyper, coked-up look in her eyes. 17. Gets 100+ Likes on her Social Media 18. She’s “Close Friends” With Multiple Djs/rappers/promoters/comdeians/ photographers & upcoming celebrities 19. She shows a lot of cleavage all the time. 20. Her Role-Models are all Well known Whores 21. Her Instagram followers/following ratio is 100:1 22. She *really* seems to know what she’s doing in bed.
[Expand Post]23. She has an impressive collection of vibrators and admits to masturbating to porn. 24. She asks you how many women you’ve slept with or accuses you of being a playa for no reason. 25. She seems “hard” 26. She’s incredibly circumspect or incredibly forthcoming about her past or sex in general 27. She’s an artsy type 28. She never has a break between men longer than one week and can’t live without complaining. 29. You’re tapping her for the first time and she doesn’t remind you to put on a condom. Or she even encourages you not to use one. 30. She never stops shit testing you. 31. She buys you a lot of gifts. 32. She’s OK with making out in clubs.
>>6112 >Second pic Men have friends they can't fuck, they're called guys. Enough said.
>>11417 Based.
>>11417 >signs that she's a whore 26. She's a whore Yeah, that tracks.
>>11417 20 Signs She's A Slut: https://archive.ph/22fk3 How to Keep a Girl Interested: 22 Ways to Make Her Want More of You: https://archive.ph/WMhgT 21 Ways to Spot if a Girl is Promiscuous... and Not Worth Pursuing: https://archive.ph/1ZAkm Total Sorority Move | 57 Signs You’re An Attention Whore: https://archive.ph/pQjMG 20 Signs I’ll Think You’re A Slut | Thought Catalog: https://archive.ph/FlK9s 17 Early Signs She's a Low Value Woman | Power Dynamics: https://archive.ph/omrT0 15 ways to identify a slut - Load the Pistol: https://archive.ph/ZLMvl How to Know a Girl is an Attention Whore (35 Dirty Signs) - The Male Project: https://archive.ph/9ssFW Bomber-Man, 20 Signs SHE’S A HOE: https://archive.ph/uCpYa https://archive.ph/wip/CEYZm: https://archive.ph/wip/CEYZm 32 Whore Signs (Is She Good for a Relationship?)  – Bell Kariuki: https://archive.ph/PtEb2
>>11531 >How to Keep a Girl Interested Translation: how to be a simp.
>>10846 It's pointless you either are a woman worshiper simp or you have to want to hang all women. That reads like a Dworkin book. And you don't even need to read it to know how she thinks. You just need to take a look at her
>>11569 >It's pointless you either are a woman worshiper simp or you have to want to hang all women Hang all simps along all women. Making humanity go extinct is better than tolerating the existence of women.
>>10842 >We all must make sacrifices It's one thing to sacrifice for necessity. To sacrifice just because women demand it is a whole other matter, and it's what you advocate. Saying anyone who disagrees with you will die without an heir is literally just calling him a virgin, the lowest form of female/gynocentrist argument possible. He would not die without an heir because he couldn't create or raise good children, he would only die without an heir because he refused to negotiate with the parasite that is woman. Women are not asked to sacrifice for men, and when they try to claim they are, the best examples they can come up with is pregnancy (which is a product of nature, not men, and biologically, not socially, necessary for them to have their own heirs), and complaining about them not being allowed to act on their own hypergamy as much (but they still do anyway). And in exchange for that, they don't just get heirs, they get a male slave. They don't just get the fruit of his loins, but the fruits of his labor. They make an economic decision for resources, not heirs. Men don't get to do that. They have to sacrifice their resources and their lives for things women take for granted. >>10854 At the very least, just hire a surrogate so you can have more rights to your own children, and minimize the risk that the woman will just take your children and deliberately raise them wrong, while also ruining your life and your children's lives in the process.
>>11592 >To sacrifice just because women demand it is a whole other matter The same as sacrificing for useless things as "society", "race", "civilization", "species", "hneirs", or other men's validation. If my sacrifice doesn't bring ME desirable outcomes, the sacrifice is useless. MY life is the only thing that matters. ME. ME. ME. ME. And ME. Other men can go be slaves if they want to. I won't. But I will also avoid keeping a society afloat, when those slaves are the ones in charge of it, following orders from women. Either I am provided with what I desire, or I will offer no work, no resources and no contribution to anything or anyone. And what I desire must come FIRST, for me to even consider giving something back. With the uncertainity of the modern world, nothing is guaranteed, so nothing is worth sacrificing for.
>>11417 More on that: https://www.reddit(Please use archive.today)/r/BlackPillScience/comments/8ladci/giant_black_pill_research_and_studies_compilation/
>>11612 >13 Signs That A Woman Is Toxic https://archive.ph/N0WHI <1. Fish Mouth <2. Abnormal Body Modifications <3. The Thousand Cock Stare <4. Crazy Eyes <5. Too Much Makeup <6. No Smile Or Fake Smile <7. Middle Finger <8. Forward Head <9. Alpha Smirk <10. The “Tough Girl” Look <11. Condescending Look <12. Forced Deep Voice <13. Hands On Hips Always abandon those. Never date the defective.
>>11642 >Fish mouth >Crazy eyes >Forward head >Condescending look those are just jewish facial features.
>>11770 All women develop that over time, when they have too much sex or too many beta orbiters.
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Seethe (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s https://counter-currents(Please use archive.today)/2021/08/hey-where-are-the-white-women-at/
>>12117 Oy vey
Within this era, there is no space for compromise, goebells and hitler may have been kind men with the best intention due to their sun dominance, but at the end of the day, women have their place, and that is pumping out babies, anything else is against nature and always ends up rotting.
I came across this "letter to the editor" and I had to rant on a soapbox somewhere. And here, I'm actually open and free to express my opinions. This is a "safe space". (That I need a safe space demonstrates that leftists are neurotic.) Anyway, on to other leftist delusions. This whole fucking letter. < Why aren't we pushing fatherhood like we're pushing motherhood? > Can a father force a woman to have an abortion? > Does joining the French Foreign Legion remove a man's legal financial responsibility to that child? > Does a man have any option like abortion after the child is conceived? It's almost like no one pushes fatherhood because society already forces it upon men. < If the state wants the baby, the state should step in financially. > Have you not heard of WIC? > What is SNAP? Medicaid? The Earned Income Tax Credit? This person's view of reality is easily demonstrated to be false, and it is a very common view held by leftists.
>>13146 Yeah leftists are insane. And women doubly so.
>>467 >american flag Cope and seethe burger
>>13147 >>13146 You mistook liberals from true socialists. >burger flag No question. You guys are both not politically literate. Cope harder.
>>13149 >leftists are socialists Also you >lol no they aren't. Wut? Go invent indoor plumbing pole
>>13146 Women are so selfish and leftists are so insular that most leftist women truly never even consider the situation of men. The thought never even occurs to them, and if you bring it up to them, they will never address it. They will always try to change the subject, without ever acknowledging the fact that, for example, there is no such thing as parental choice for males, aside from abstinence, which of course females are able to do along with many other options. For a woman to acknowledge this would force her to admit her entire ideology is founded on lies, so she won't do it. Or if she did, she would have done it years earlier, since it's so obvious. But those women are extremely few and far between.
>>13183 Lad listen: "Rat heaven experiment"
>>13169 >both genders nonbinaries btfo
>>467 kys diperfags, it's fucking gross
if your mating practice as an animal is to beg for pussy and offer things or convince the woman to mate you are embracing the possibilities of being refused by women and doing nothing about it and dying without mating , or else what you are going to beg for pussy , offer them you dignity you honor? your coins , the insides of your mind become that wich they would accept? abandoning any noble ideals in the process but if you would take by force and rape that vagina saying you stay still where i put you and keep it steady or i stomp the life out of you head or chop that dumb cunt neck open and watch you bleed , then you can stay what you are and hold fast to your ideals and be who you want to and the only things that would keep you from mating in the long term is you lack of skill in WAR or dying fighting while trying it , that is the speech of the individual remember the one that would speak in such a way is a special one , such i am , and ready yourselves to serve me when the time comes , for the pinnacle is come. and remember animals , those of you that are useful to me , you either RAPE OR BEG there is no inbetween in the long term
>>4808 >It is better to face genocide cuck
>>13154 >ameritard can't tell indonesian flag from polish flag newfag spotted. go back to reddit.
women just wants the following: husband that's masculine similar to a tv sitcom father, she wants her husband to provide just enough where her friends will be envious of her marriage, but she also wants to fuck niggers on the side and have her husband forgive her.
I hate how this thread is obviously some mental defect's excuse to post his diaper fetish pics.
theres nothing wrong with either men or women its just modern lifestyle which fucks everything up, you have to be retarded to think otherwise the 4chan posts explained eversthing perfectly, if u hate either men or women/want to put them in cages ur a nigger
>>467 everyone knows this, its really fucking pathetic that you (Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me)s have to spell it out

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