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By posting here, you hereby agree to denounce the Talmud and all of its reptilian adherents

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Whitepill, building morale and remoralisation Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 13:46:11 Id: 1b9e69 No. 2160 [Reply]
Collecting, spreading and aggregating information is a wonderful thing, however alone it is meaningless. These are merely informational tools, what is necessary is to have something that drives you, gives you hope and keeps you from straying from the path you have set out. A man without morals is aimless. A man without drive is at best hopelessly passive and at worst paralysed by fear, thus dooming himself to failure regardless of whether or not his fears are justified. The war on your mind is not simply limited to getting you to be brainwashed, very rarely are they ever actually capable of converting people. Their system operates on consent from a small few and striking fear into the rest: fear of being ousted, fear of being vilified, fear of losing their freedom, fear of losing their job and fear of losing their life. Post motivational content and content showing that it is exactly these fears that are keeping themselves from aspiring to something greater and why they should dispel these thoughts from their mind. Post what it is exactly that are fighting for. Niggerpilling is not welcome. What is welcome is strong conviction and a view of a better future, not depression and the illusions of people seeking victims to join their pity party. Content celebrating your people is welcome as well. Not the worship of governments or elected bureaucrats, but the celebration of your own people and your history.
Edited last time by idonothingharm on 04/23/2022 (Sat) 13:57:57.
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lots of reading material . . RIGHT WING BASICS http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pi20Rr9_BxBbMIfcZUTTGslfZTifEiCm google drive easy to use interface download the whole blob or pick and choose . . INFOBLOB MEGA PACK http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13gNcyzC7QvfTbXcVSqorj1pZmFb-csP6 google drive easy to use interface
>>2941 What's a supraphysiological penis?

It's the Jews Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 13:59:56 Id: 4bec1b No. 2163 [Reply] [Last]
Does anything more really need to be said? Post content pertaining to the cube worshippers and their practices.
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Look at this lying kike
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Lost civilisations, mythology and the erasure of history Anonymous 08/16/2022 (Tue) 13:15:09 Id: dc1299 No. 2620 [Reply]
Post content pertaining to archaelogy, ancient history and attempts at obscuring and replacing the past. The thread relates to both the actual historical chain of events and the lies put in its place. Although the thread goes into ancient civilisations, the memoryholing extends into the erasure of modern events as well.
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fate of empires self destruct melting pot mistake rising tide of poo

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Anti-natalism, demographics and the engineered fertility crisis Anonymous 03/28/2021 (Sun) 10:10:27 No. 257 [Reply] [Last]
Post content relating to genetic warfare, dysgenics whether intentional or unintentional, demographic trends and white genocide. This includes the groups that are instrumental in these population trends and their methods. Welcome also is information on how one may overcome these hurdles. Content relating to child trafficking and abuse is also relevant to the topic.
Edited last time by idonothingharm on 03/28/2021 (Sun) 10:27:23.
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too many people massive die off incoming we tried to warn you............

Coronavirus, "vaccines", the Great Reset and you (will own nothing) #2 Anonymous 07/25/2022 (Mon) 20:14:56 Id: 8e9db6 No. 2502 [Reply] [Last]
Continued from >>64 Previous thread was getting far too bloated (4705 files), a new thread was well in order. Should have been made a lot longer ago but better late than never. Post content relating to >the coronavirus scamdemic >vaccine deaths and vaccine-induced infertility >the world economic forum and Klaus Schwab's great reset >genetically modified mosquitos and the conveniently resulting epidemics that arise in the locations where they are released >mask cuckoldry and lockdowns >TikTok nurses >Bill Gates and his pedophile empire >the current permanent state of emergency and its effects on civil rights >and other events that have relevance to the above
Edited last time by idonothingharm on 07/25/2022 (Mon) 20:29:46.
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What do the numbers mean, Mason? Anonymous 07/25/2022 (Mon) 16:25:54 Id: b4d4c7 No. 2408 [Reply] [Last]
Post content pertaining to number-related symbolism, Gematria, cohencidental use of digits in articles, veiled numerical magicks. numerology and the meaning behind it all. The thread is exactly aimed at checking the digits of other people's posts, but it's not strictly prohibited either.
Edited last time by idonothingharm on 07/25/2022 (Mon) 17:32:35.
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Tech-giants, tech-priests and technotyranny Anonymous 03/29/2021 (Mon) 17:00:55 No. 306 [Reply] [Last]
Post content related to the overarching surveillance network, digital censorship, the cult of "science", transhumanism and the technological oligarchy. It does have pretty notable overlap with the Great Reset but it a much broader range of topics. It pertains to the tools of your enslavement but also to means by which to maintain your privacy and to strike back, it also encompasses alternatives and solutions to the centralisation of all aspects of life by Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Facebook, Huawei and Tencent. Along with their plans and past misdeeds. This includes smaller ones as well, ones such as Reddit and Wikipedia, even if those may not be comparable in size. Also friendly reminder that Kaczynski was right about everything.
Edited last time by idonothingharm on 03/29/2021 (Mon) 17:19:27.
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DIY, guides, instruction manuals and self-improvement Anonymous 03/19/2021 (Fri) 21:00:24 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Post all the information you have on self-improvement, guides, instruction manuals and even some useful information for a SHTF scenario. If you refuse to adapt and improve upon yourself, you will see yourself subjugated by those that will.
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>>3036 I have been inactive on the board for a while but I'll get to dumping what I have collected in that time in not too long.

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Hitler and WWII Revisionism Anonymous 11/18/2022 (Fri) 08:45:33 Id: 8aa0e1 No. 2784 [Reply]
Post content pertaining to Adolf Hitler, the National Socialists, and World War II Revisionism.
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The wars aren't real but the genocides of your people are Anonymous 03/28/2022 (Mon) 19:30:06 Id: 2af7c3 No. 1919 [Reply] [Last]
Post content relating to war along with the faces and noses behind it. There is no set-in-stone side that this thread stands with and there is no specific conflict that it focuses on. It sides only with the truth and the regular people who end up in the middle of these conflicts. Can be current war footage, statistics, military documents, historical data from past conflicts, war attrocities, trails of blood money, quotes from politicians, propaganda used to justify these conflicts and can even be war songs. That being said, this thread is not intended as a news bulletin for war updates, news updates may be posted but should be limited to lasting events rather than a swarm of infinitesimal piece-wise progress reports. War is, of course, not restricted to just guns and bombs, psychological warfare is just as important, so it too belongs in this thread. "In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
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Statistics, experiments, funny graphs and data anal Anonymous 04/11/2021 (Sun) 08:23:26 No. 356 [Reply] [Last]
Post studies, government statistics, graphs, data analysis, derivations and any possible critiques regarding any of the former. This thread isn't dedicated to any specific topic, it exists to be a dumping ground for data. Shit that would belong in other threads is still welcome in this one. This is a place where the numbers do most of the talking.
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Climate Fraud Anonymous 08/07/2021 (Sat) 23:03:54 Id: 166663 No. 749 [Reply] [Last]
Post content pertaining to the climate change scam, the elites pushing the agenda, and information debunking it.
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Burn the coal, pay the toll Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 19:47:25 Id: 4050fd No. 618 [Reply]
Post examples of people paying the price for flushing their own genetic heritage down the drain. Whatever the reason - wanting to rebel against their parents, doing it for the virtue signal points, being guilted into it as a result of their weak will or just unironically being attracted to them - post the consequences of their choices.
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Moving pictures and sounds Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 12:48:21 Id: b53baf No. 1106 [Reply] [Last]
As the title suggests, post the following >GIFs >WebMs >MP4s >OGG files >and others if more formats are implemented at a later point Can be music, inspirational videos, political speeches, CCTV footage, meme edits, interviews and whatever else comes to mind. If it can reasonably be posted in webm thread on /pol/, it can be posted here as well.
89 posts and 425 images omitted.
Don't have the original, this is a youtube rip of a reupload.

Lazy dump thread Anonymous 09/20/2021 (Mon) 21:43:35 Id: f464af No. 1090 [Reply] [Last]
The thread is for fucking anything. Within reason and roughly within the bounds broadly set by the rules, of course. Maybe you have a shitload of nameless images that are relevant to a topic or two here but you can't be bothered to sift through whatever chaotic and disorganised sorting system you previously thought was a good idea. Maybe you think something is worth posting but still don't think it's worth its own thread. Maybe you're too much of a fag to create a thread yourself and need a thread already made for you before you are willing to drop your folder contents. This thread will remain unanchored due to this thread being specifically for people that probably just don't have enough time in their day to waste time very neatly sorting and organising every single little bit of information and insignificant detail. There is no shame in posting here: there is shame in being lazy by choice, but there is none in being forced to dedicate your precious time to much more important things.
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Glow-in-the-dark cianiggers, Freemasonry, the Moon landing, sacred geometry and esotericism Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 08:53:27 Id: 5e7687 No. 1268 [Reply] [Last]
A bit broader than the rest but what can you do when the elites communicate in symbols and coded language? It includes satanism, Saturn worship and the religion of new world order.
Edited last time by idonothingharm on 10/15/2021 (Fri) 14:46:52.
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