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(118.63 KB 1920x1071 _1518251573276.jpg)

Wallpaper Thread Robot 05/16/2020 (Sat) 05:05:18 No. 257 >>259
Pretty simple, post papes for your fellow robots. Any kind goes with higher resolution always being better. And, if you need a reason to post papes, play an association game of sorts and post wallpaper(s) in response to another robot's post but tell us specifically why you did. Or just post papes and let the pictures do the talking.
>>257 (OP) I'll dump some random stuff to get things started.
(161.06 KB 1920x1080 03 (1).png)

(58.14 KB 1920x1080 03.png)

(586.37 KB 1920x1080 3DzsDq7.jpg)

(97.82 KB 1920x1080 01.png)

(1.63 MB 2048x1365 13 - 4bNfLB4.jpg)

(181.68 KB 1600x900 33msak1.jpg)

(404.29 KB 1280x650 2000_367_l (1).jpg)

(426.99 KB 1266x650 2000_453_l.jpg)

(361.57 KB 2000x1333 276_0.jpg)

(437.06 KB 1280x929 20221.jpg)

(524.00 KB 1920x1080 123243 better.PNG)

(3.19 MB 2250x1288 717845.png)

(175.74 KB 1280x800 31185_yotsuba.jpg)

(1.18 MB 1600x1067 6980903285_f85dc20ff3_o.jpg)

(1.25 MB 4395x2941 8403882245_4a7d6977f0_o.jpg)

(2.39 MB 2400x1600 14830471434_67e5e645b2_o.jpg)

(546.18 KB 2048x1339 16252449609_ed15554f25_k.jpg)

(61.26 KB 1920x1080 06.png)

(648.14 KB 1920x1080 9s2calC.jpg)

(1.11 MB 2048x1367 16480548541_27d630c6c5_k.jpg)

(1.10 MB 2048x1392 28186222090_fceabffd97_k.jpg)

(1.67 MB 2048x1378 29409557991_6fca583bcb_k.jpg)

(1.65 MB 2048x1380 29491284515_9b7a395990_k.jpg)

(918.89 KB 1920x1200 1387126723959.jpg)

(274.29 KB 1920x1080 1424962349891.jpg)

(269.37 KB 1920x1080 1425955964421.jpg)

(3.86 MB 3872x2581 31655582926_4e1a22cac5_o.jpg)

(794.96 KB 2048x1152 34199799226_d0be985872_k.jpg)

(1.56 MB 2048x1358 1452672128733-wg.jpg)

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(2.97 MB 1920x1272 1455365764667-wg.jpg)

(1.52 MB 2381x1684 1456495806858.jpg)

(2.84 MB 1920x1080 1456652027662.jpg)

(1.69 MB 1920x1080 1457216227470-wg.jpg)

(164.15 KB 1186x674 1457264598159-wg.jpg)

(1.91 MB 1920x1080 1457731085256-wg.jpg)

(1.24 MB 2048x1365 1457986934715.jpg)

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(1.05 MB 2048x1365 1462481928891.jpg)

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(1.87 MB 3662x2243 1469246605087.jpg)

(1.26 MB 1500x1049 1471058890319.jpg)

(2.81 MB 1920x1080 1460595176461.png)

>>281 That'll be it from me for now. I'll dump some more later.
Most of my wallpapers are too fuckhuge for this board. Damn.
>>284 That's a bummer, I like what you were posting. Kinda reminded me of Koi wa Ameagari no You ni. Assuming we do move over to zchan though, I think the file size limit is bigger there so this kind of thread might work better there.
(303.29 KB 1920x1080 mpv-shot0002 (2).jpg)

(221.30 KB 1920x1080 mpv-shot0002.jpg)

(256.67 KB 1920x1080 mpv-shot0003.jpg)

>>284 png is like that
If you all would like to I could paste this thread onto zch? It would be simple since it's mostly textless posts.
>>321 Go for it, reminder that zchan allows 5 files per post rather than the 3 limit here. >>284 Zchan appears to have a 30MB post limit. But out of respect for the site and its server capacity I'd avoid posting more than a handful of particularly large files.
(1.58 MB 2175x2987 winston_churchill.jpg)

>>284 come to https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/103.html there's a wallpaper thread going and the filesize limit is 32 mb there
(15.83 MB 5120x2880 ManjaroNorthNight.png)

(9.06 MB 5120x2880 ManjaroNight.png)

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