/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(1.47 MB 2048x2048 Cheshire5 (1).png)

Vessel Tactics Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 05:28:27 No. 49124
Vessel girls are hot. Im also looking for the discord exclusive emotes if anyone has them.
Chateau best girl!!
(1.27 MB 2244x2244 Chateau8.png)

More characters with weight gain please.
(131.55 KB 450x450 CornWOW.png)

(136.91 KB 450x450 DuskGiggle.png)

(130.22 KB 450x450 GuardGoodJob.png)

(141.05 KB 450x450 GyaruLewd.png)

(131.88 KB 450x450 MaidHappy.png)

By discord emotes, are you referring to something like this?
(151.87 KB 450x450 CatProud.png)

(124.50 KB 450x450 NunHeart.png)

(165.24 KB 450x450 ShiNeBaka.png)

(144.20 KB 450x450 TutorBlush.png)

>>49170 Part 2
(152.56 KB 450x450 UmaSurprised.png)

(116.26 KB 450x450 WildEvil.png)

>>49171 Part 3
>>49171 Yeah, but i also saw some vore stickers drawn by Teradoon too, that are only on Vessel Tactics discord server.
Can anyone share Vessel Tactics+ modpack for the 0.1b update? I beleve it's avilabe in the discord server only.
>>52455 There's a modpack?
just support it on patreon its like 5 bucks or 3 if u just want discord access >>52455 the game is mod friendly encouraged by the dev
anyone else feel like the main menu is better content than the gameplay?
>>52537 nah, i love seeing girls fucking murder each other on the battlefield esp if only one makes it out in the end
>>52537 I completely agree. 99% of my playtime is on the main menu
Could anyone posts the pngs of the new enemies?
>>55600 What is that?
>>55602 I'm a tad hesitant to join the server unknown what it is. If its a scam server that I'll be locked into I'm not going. But if its the official Vessel Tactics server, then I'm wary about going in since its a patreon invite only. So that'd lead to me getting banned if I were to join without becoming a patron
Nvm, don't join the server guys. Its got nothing related to Vessel Tactics or much of anything -.-

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