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Peter Robbins, original Charlie Brown voice actor, dead at 65 Anonymous 01/26/2022 (Wed) 18:42:53 No. 22565 [Reply]
>Peter Robbins, who voiced "Charlie Brown" from 1963 to 1969, died from suicide according to Robbins' relatives. >Robbins battled lifelong mental illness, struggled with addiction and had several run-ins with the law as an adult. >Robbins, a California native, began voicing Charlie Brown at just 9 years old. https://archive.ph/9kwPf
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>>31878 There are real tomboys. They're children. Once they realize how easily they can get sex, and how they can use sex to get other things they want, any personality girls had in their youths falls away and is replaced with the generic feminine NPC template.
>>31884 The contradiction its how women so competitive and active would feel interest in a guy with no personality.
>>31890 I don't know, ask the Japanese. Half their media deals with interesting and lively women falling head over heels for for sentient blocks of wood carved to vaguely resemble an East Asian man.

Anonymous 01/25/2023 (Wed) 19:09:08 No. 31816 [Reply] >>31844
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>>31816 >no venture bros season 8 FUCK THEM
>>31844 Let's be fair. Do you really want a Venture Bros 8 after all the shit happening in cartoon studios?
>>31844 Season 7 was pretty shit

Story Time: Man Goat & The Bunny Man Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 08:16:34 No. 31200 [Reply] >>31845
It's not terrible. It comes across like a SyFy television series from the early 2000s.
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Edgy but good art i guess...keep going OP, at least is a storytime, i forgot when was the last time we had one
>>31585 I concurr, thanks for the storytime OP. If it's good we can enjoy it, if it's bad we can laugh at it >>31583 Don't worry, she'll probably die very soon. The rabbit doesn't deserve to be happy or something
>>31200 >>31201 >>31202 pretty sure this is the guy that did the L4D Comics.

Encanto Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 16:21:46 No. 31453 [Reply]
Doesn't this family get too much power? They got a girl who can spy on every conversation that happens in town so they can spot any dissidents, another who acts as their muscle and can shut down any competitor family and threat and a shapeshifter who can be anyone and spy anywhere for assassinations.
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>>31643 You're that mentality retarded autists again with the Lion King shit. https://youtu.be/G5B1mIfQuo4
>>31460 At worst, it was extremely subtle "progressive" pushing, with universal ideals being at the forefront. Starting around the mid teens however, they've completely discarded good writing in favor of doubling down on the same tactics their cultural ancestors used in the golden age of Hollywood.
>>31645 YMS advocates for fucking horses.

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Hello and goodbye from /ac/ Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 01:54:39 No. 26480 [Reply]
Greetings, we are a spanish speaking board for cartoons and comics called /ac/ but now that our site is closing, we come here to say goodbye. This pic is something that we have planed to do for xmass and new year, but we wont have time until that date. If you want to send a message to the anons in our board now is the time, in 2 hours it is going to close for ever.
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>>31446 I'm too tired for lectures.
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>>31449 Common ground it is, then.
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Whodunnit, /co/? Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 23:44:47 No. 31429 [Reply] >>31467
Whose foul deeds gave birth to the Bat?
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>>31429 How I photo shop?
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>>31457 Lage!

Anonymous 12/11/2021 (Sat) 22:34:39 No. 21015 [Reply] [Last]
What's your favorite boomer comic?
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>>31385 I wonder what people's dreams were like before TV.
>>31400 Well, The Vision of Piers Ploughman would be a good start. There are also some fairly detailed dream sequences in the Word of God.
>>31400 Before that people only dreamed in radio.

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2023 is Here! Frank Board owner 01/01/2023 (Sun) 05:06:15 No. 31244 [Reply]
Happy New Year everyone!
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>>31274 Nah, you have to think about it like a newgrounds cartoon with an actual budget on TV.
>>31275 I mean it pretty much is. Almost the entire cast has ties to Newgrounds, Fulp was even in the pilot episode as the voice of Pim's sister's boyfriend "Alpha".
>>31248 Season 2 of Primal was better But yeah, 2 decent adult animated shows, what the fuck.

Shows for girls? Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 02:08:44 No. 30272 [Reply]
I decided to watch As Told by Ginger since I never watched it as a kid, and I was surprised about how good it actually was. I usually didn't like the Klasky Csupo stuff, I thought Rocket Power to be boring as fuck, even as a kid and Tween Rugrats just good for fap material. But ATbG is genuinely good, like this is The Boondocks for white tween girls, nevertheless I always avoided it since I wouldn't be caught dead watching a show for girls. So I started watching more shows for girls, Pepper Ann, and Braceface (Not as good as ATbG imo), same in manga but that's for /a/, again, it can be recency bias, as well as I'm starting with high regarded stuff, but some of this shit is really good. So I asked some women my age about these shows... and no one watched them, they watched those shitty Dan Schneider series for girls or didn't watch shows at all, rather actually starting their social life. Why are people making kino for girls if girls seem to avoid kino altogether. Are there any good shows/episodes originally ignored for being/being marketed for girls? Also, if someone has the lore on Ginger cause second picrel.
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>>30955 Well that is the standard procedure for Netflix.
>>30315 I remember reading a few of these in grade school and then playing the flash porn parody made by that guy who used Chrono Trigger sprites for everything.
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Comic industry even try a "by women for women" like Josei?

/co/ Christmas card 2022 Anonymous 12/11/2022 (Sun) 19:59:08 No. 30868 [Reply] [Last]
It is once again time for our oldest /co/ tradition, spanning back over half a decade! We're making a Christmas card! Submit (preferably) backgroundless images of /co/ characters referencing big comic and/or cartoon events of the past year. We mash 'em all up in a big collage and send out the result to boards we like on Christmas Day. Suggestions for characters and boards to send to are welcome!
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merry christmas all!!
>>31165 That's great stuff.
>>31165 >Two of my requests made it into the video Bitchin

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MERRY CHRISTMAS Frank Board owner 12/25/2022 (Sun) 13:16:56 No. 31152 [Reply] >>31156
Merry Christmas everyone and I hope everyone has a happy New Year too.
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>>31152 Thank you Frank. I hope you have a great time during this sand-cult holiday.
>>31156 >sand-cult holiday. You could at least take the stick out of your ass and pretend it's "Muh Saturnalia" or "Muh Yule" instead, faggot.

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/co/ for the Infinity Cup 2020! Anonymous 05/12/2020 (Tue) 17:57:53 No. 799 [Reply] [Last]
Salutations, comic book enthusiasts, We're revamping the Infinity Cup 2020 and we'd like to see you join us (if this is your main hub). To join it, please come to https://anon.cafe/icup/ and set up your very own team!
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>>28386 Bump
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Hello, friends of /co/, we're currently trying to get the Winter version of the Infinity Cup up and running, but we sorely need your help to make it happen. Currently we're looking for a host, a co-commentator and some 3D assets/someone capable of making some. Even just cleaning up a bit of the wiki would help us out immensely. Stay tuned for more and keep us posted on https://anon.cafe/icup/res/4864.html
>>30911 Please ban this poster, he's the one responsible for spamming /co/ with fake invitations before: https://anon.cafe/icup/res/4612.html

/co/ Christmas card 2021 Anonymous 12/16/2021 (Thu) 04:55:02 No. 21198 [Reply] [Last] >>30866
Hey Hey Hey, didn't see one this year. I hope the usual Anon is alright, there isn't much left before the big day so I hope enough people submit to fill this year's card. I'm feeling Log Cabin this year. Just submit (preferably backgroundless) pictures of /co/ related material (8moe related events count too) to be put in a collage. The result will be posted on various boards on Christmas Day. Suggestions are welcome, submissions all the more. Last year's thread >>7853
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>>21544 /b/s of any *chan have been light years better that cuckchannel's /b/, for at least a decade now. Happy Heartwarming Gift Day!
>>21198 Is there going to be something for this year? There are only two weeks left.
>>30866 Yeah, chill, the thread'll be up in a moment.

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Clone High Reboot Anonymous 12/05/2022 (Mon) 03:24:04 No. 30767 [Reply] >>30774 >>30775
So, a Clone High Reboot is happening next year and while most of the OG directors and writers are coming back along with some new talented people, like artists for the most recent Mickey Mouse cartoons, I have several issues with this. -Are there any teen drama shows on TV anymore, and do teens actually even watch TV? Where are they going to get most of their influence? -They're being produced by HBO, so they won't get most of their musical licenses or focus I believe, and even if that's the case what are they going to put as music? Nigger trap and shit? -A ton of humour simply can't be broadcast today, they do something wrong, like portraying Ghandi or some shit wrong or criticize feminist pretensious bullshit and they'll get a shitton of Twitter fags and other leeches on their back. I just don't see how can they make this work
Forgot the archive https://archive.ph/j1NO7
>>30767 You'd have to be an idiot to expect any modern product to be anything but SJW, until the creators come out and say otherwise. These creators will not.
>>30767 >Are there any teen drama shows on TV anymore, and do teens actually even watch TV? Where are they going to get most of their influence? There are trashy teen shows like Euphoria, Gossip Girl reboot, Sex Ed, The End of the F** World, 13 Reasons Why, and Riverdale. They are far more grim and racy than anything from late 90s and early 2000s. If Clone high will go for these, it will be a very different show, unless they will completely lampoon these. >They're being produced by HBO, so they won't get most of their musical licenses or focus I believe, and even if that's the case what are they going to put as music? Nigger trap and shit? Unobtrusive R&B - trap mix and bland instrumentals are in nowadays from what I know. Besides, it's Warner Music is still a thing and it is owned by Discovery Warner just like HBO is. Licensing music will be the least of their problems. >A ton of humour simply can't be broadcast today, they do something wrong, like portraying Ghandi or some shit wrong or criticize feminist pretensious bullshit and they'll get a shitton of Twitter fags and other leeches on their back. They might simply sidestep most of these topics or go for the Kobra Kai route and give every side a gentle ribbing. More recent projects Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, and Bill Lawrence were involved in were not too horrid or politicized. They went for the juxtaposition of old notions of high school with the modern ones in 21 Jump Street. It would be easy to repeat this in the Clone High reboot without making it bad. On the other hand, they do have ties to Seth Rogen's clique. Almost everything he touches is trash.

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Anonymous 05/08/2020 (Fri) 15:29:38 No. 654 [Reply] [Last]
So how long does the mouse have before he drowns to death from debt?
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>>30701 Hue hue hue
>>30695 People stopped giving a shit about Marvel after Endgame. Look how hard it's been to fill theaters for any other MCU movie after. Bar a few outliers like Wokeanda Forever which might make money just off of the blind racial loyalty of Nigger Nationalists and white guilt faggots. >Star Wars Again, poisoned the well with TLJ and RoS, won back a modicum of fan interest with the Mandolorean, then pissed that away with Kenobi (aka, the Loli Leia and token negress show)
>>30708 >People stopped giving a shit about Marvel after Endgame. Look how hard it's been to fill theaters for any other MCU movie after. Bar a few outliers like Wokeanda Forever which might make money just off of the blind racial loyalty of Nigger Nationalists and white guilt faggots. The latter cried over pancake syrup and rice. Fuck em. >Again, poisoned the well with TLJ and RoS, won back a modicum of fan interest with the Mandolorean, then pissed that away with Kenobi (aka, the Loli Leia and token negress show). Firing Carano for freely voicing her personal opinions, while allowing Hidalgo to get away with shitting on fans, is what fucked them over.

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Foreign Works Translations and Foreign Translations Anonymous 01/16/2022 (Sun) 09:54:12 No. 22222 [Reply] >>30706
Is there anything of these two or other good older European/Euro-Japanese shows with English subs? I know they both have an English dub but not only do the dubs tend to be subpar, they also censor somethings, as far as I know (at least with Clémentine). I've come across a fansub of Mysterious Cities Of Gold on YouTube but it's unfinished. Also, if there's any foreign translations of Anglophone series, feel free to mention them. For instance, I think I prefer the Russian voice actress for Gadget Hackwrench over Tress MacNeille, simply because she sounds a bit cuter.
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>>22223 I mean it isn't unheard of, a couple translation projects were completed. Though I doubt anyone here actually knows any Japanese.
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>>22222 I remember Saban's Tom Sawyer and Swiss Family Robinson. There used to be full episodes on Dailymotion along with Pinocchio. But that site is garbage now.

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