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Vidya Cartoons Anonymous 06/30/2020 (Tue) 21:02:49 No. 2354 [Reply] [Last]
Mega Hi! Cartoons based off of one or more video games or cartoons with a video game theme.
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>>25751 It seems Nintendo are willing to go full on Disney, the Mario movie is just the beginning. And since Jack Black is voicing Bowser, how come no one made an animation of him getting brutally killed? Like one of those "he could totally work" videos: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WUKN_YF8tjA
That's what it feels like whenever you face Bowser.
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>>29894 That's an anime OVA.

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Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 01:52:14 No. 29872 [Reply] >>29891
First look at the new cast of characters for the return of Total Drama Island.
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>>29872 >makes a nigger the heart throb >way too many niggers >in the trash you go Who even watches that dog shit show? Its repeatedly been rated as the worst show then the fact nobody wants to watch niggers on screen.
No Gwen 0/10.
>Letterkenny MCs are in huh

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Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 10:36:50 No. 29853 [Reply] >>29857
Oh hey /co/ . It's been a while. I haven't been able to enjoy any movies and/or series for the past three years. Nothing to do with health thank the heavens. It's just that I've been away and working hard on my Dad's farm for some time. He's almost 70 years old and we've been renovating it. So, last night I had a spell of free time and I remembered how great Wreck-It-Ralph was. Probably one of the best movies, let alone animated movies, ever made. So I decided to download that one and the second one to see what it was all about. >pic related
>how great Wreck-It-Ralph was That is some shit taste anon
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>>29853 You should take the time to watch more animated movies. Especially since it's October.

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Anonymous 10/05/2022 (Wed) 16:06:39 No. 29455 [Reply] >>29456 >>29457
Ever heard of Faktor 4?
>>29455 The cover has me curious, what's it about?
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>>29455 Why does he have a little twerking man in his chest?
>>29456 Serbian comic taking place in the future

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Villainous Anonymous 07/18/2020 (Sat) 16:06:25 No. 3018 [Reply] >>4393
This Latin American CN miniseries was quite popular on /co/ a couple years back. The creator confirmed last week that the show has now been picked up as an actual series for a first season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRTrEc_CK0c
Get your taco on and brace for a new wave of Demencia porn.
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>>3018 Fuck yes.
So, any word on season two?
>>29428 So it was about a year ago that the 6 episodes aired. In that time, the creator has put out two books only in Spanish and CN last week showed Villinous as part of it's 30th year anniversary. There's no news on a S2, according to the guy who did the subs for the episodes. https://archive.ph/qtQl4

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Ronnie Filyaw Anonymous 03/26/2021 (Fri) 13:31:20 No. 10716 [Reply] >>21654
The author of the online webcomic Whomp! hasn't made an update since the start of February. According to his twitter profile, he has started taking medication for depression as of February 12th, seems his self deprecating humor either got the best of him or was a cry for help all along. As of March 15th he stated: >i still don't know when i'll be ready to make comics again >i'm sorry I hope Ronnie is gonna make it.
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>>21433 He made a comic about getting a girlfriend, then after a long hiatus, a comic about being lonely. That was months ago and is the last comic he's made since. She probably broke up with him.
>>10716 Is he at least DEALING with the source of his depression? Muh chemical imbalance is all fine and dandy, but 99 times out of 100 the root cause of depression is something that's bothering you, or past trauma. Something that you're ignoring and burying deep to never see.
>>21654 Ronnie should vent more, imagine a grimmer serialized version of Ronnie where he's more honest, like giving it a garfield minus feeling.

Ghoul School: New Beginnings Edition Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 20:29:55 No. 187 [Reply] [Last]
New home, new thread same ole name. The ongoing journey of Toonspew as he tries to revive Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Ghouls. Last thread- https://archive.is/LfmVJ
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>>29677 Don't you get snappy with me, mister!
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>>29680 Bratty anon! Needs correction!

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Anonymous 11/25/2021 (Thu) 19:06:57 No. 20551 [Reply] >>20586
HAPPY TURKEY DAY! I hope you're all feeling well and well fed.
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>>20563 I know it's a silly thought, but I can't help but picture Coop frequenting /v/.
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>>20551 >tfw leafistani and already pigged out a month ago We have the best Thanksgiving. We just give thanks instead of telling fairy tales about how the chugs helped us survive. We just binge on turkey in early October so that by the time Christmas rolls around, we're ready to do it all over again instead of staring dismally at some salty ham. We save THAT experience for Easter.
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Rick Should Have Died Early Anonymous 05/22/2022 (Sun) 07:04:10 No. 26242 [Reply]
He is the main antagonist up until the governor shows up and Hershel/Dexter should have killed him for screwing them over repeatedly. Dexter didn't even do anything wrong and actually tried to help Rick's group only to get murdered because Rick had to go and simp for his unfaithful wife.
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>>28511 >And when i say shit i dont mean things go badly and theres problems, i mean the comic is shit. nevermind it was what you were thinking, my bad i just skimmed it cause i was too focused on my own reply, but yea now that i've read it and reflected on it i came to the same conclusion, its shit
>>28512 I do recall the part about the cannibals, so the hobo rape must have happened before that. They were neighbours and killed their children and ate them, right? >>28514 Well you start off with a cool premise liek the walking dead did, then slowly get lazier and lazier and start throwing just shock value instead of an actually engaging story. Hell, its why i always hated crossed, it was just edgefest: the comic instead of something with any depth to it.
>>29657 then again name one comic that isnt? i struggle to enjoy anything western, reading a comic and trying to genuinely enjoy it feels like a struggle every single time while i can enjoy manga effortlessly, you can dismiss this as >hurr you're just a weeb but this entire generation of mine watches anime and only a handful of faggots give a fuck about comics, hell not even comics just woke capenigger shit from hollywood >>29658 >They were neighbours and killed their children and ate them, right? yes >slowly get lazier no thinking back on it i never really liked it, i just liked the show so i forced myself to "like" the comic,

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The midnight gospel Anonymous 05/18/2020 (Mon) 01:27:18 No. 1085 [Reply] [Last]
Have any of you seen this thing? I tried watching it a couple of days ago but I just couldn't stand it, it feels so aimless and boring yet it looks like it was made for people with ADD. What are your thoughts on this show?
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>>1187 >If this cartoon is trying to portray the new age cultists as selfish,docile,narcissistic & indolent then it has done a great job. I was thinking that was the intention the whole time, except I found out 95% of the dialogue is from an actual podcast, and I sincerely doubt someone would make a show so clearly derisive towards the subjects of said podcast intentionally. It's like some weird inverse strawman gone wrong, where instead of accidentally portraying what you hate as good, you accidentally portray what you love as bad.
>>1342 >there is some thing wrong with death Yeah, it sucks. >disease Definitely sucks too. >aging The longer it goes on, the suckier it gets. Of all the gripes to have with transhumanism, you chose to complain about things even most non-transhumanists agree on being self-evidently sucky.
>>1939 >My wife and I watched it with my brother and our friends Orgy?

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Black Panther is DEAD Anonymous 08/29/2020 (Sat) 02:30:26 No. 4572 [Reply]
Chadwick Boseman has passed away at 43 from colon cancer. https://archive.md/v1oTK
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>>4685 Not like he had much of a prominent career otherwise. Only thing I remember reading was he played Jackie Robinson once. Even if he lived a full life, a negro fantasy made by jews was all he was going to be remembered for.
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>>29608 You think pac-man recovered to his addiction to crack for smash?

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Cameron Stewart and Warren Ellis accused of sexual misconduct Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 23:46:24 No. 1931 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know /co/ has a contianment thread for this kind of stuff, but seemed to be worth having it's own thread. http://archive.is/0Z1W8 https://archive.is/mdXCR http://archive.md/wZiRO
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>>17443 No, it's a hell of a lot more complicated than he's making it, but I'm a lazy shit and can't be bothered to write an essay. He's only got an aspect down, but there's more to the story, including genetics (as he briefly touched on) and upbringing/culture.
>>3516 >I understand that your entire view of 8chan comes from Law & Order SVU The only cucks I've seen defend this Jew are retards like you from /tv/ and nu/pol/. Fuck it just neck yourself, since you're going to be a literal retard not realizing that feminiss and le SJWs are the same tribe you stupid faggot.
If you try getting with your co-workers then you get what you fucking deserve.

Hackerteen storytime Anonymous 10/06/2022 (Thu) 16:30:39 No. 29474 [Reply]
Script kiddie edition Writer: Marcelo Marques, Hugo Moss Artist: Joao Felipe Munhoz, Fabio Pontes Ramon Felin, Rafael Kirschner, Ricardo Bomfim
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There's a certain charm to that sort of fictional hacking and programming that is hilariously off to anyone with even basic understanding of computers and networking. Even big budget Hollywood movies do this.
>>29505 Don’t nation state actors have more fancy means of hacking?
>>29505 They could just show an attractive woman asking nicely for passwords. That would be visually interesting.

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Anonymous 09/29/2022 (Thu) 02:51:19 No. 29344 [Reply] >>29419
Some material from the upcoming new SpongeBob movie leaked. Seems like this one has a big focus on Sandy. https://files.catbox.moe/nx18hw.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/1xs5rk.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/wk0f7k.pdf
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Im not against having more stuff with sandy, but just let spongebob die.
>>29344 The cat aliens plot was a much more interesting premise.
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Wow. I did not think they'd get worse on the whole human front, but they did it, spongebob has never had a real villain since the first movie but it had a level of care that allowed the goofy bits to be taken seriously (dennis, shell city guy) without a second thought, this though, the "pr0Ud inDuhPe1nt V1ll4ain Wo0ymN" is so grating, it clashes so hard against the spongebob theme that I wouldn't be surprised if this gets scrapped soon, if it hasn't already. I'm sick of these generic spongebob idiosynchrasies, "oh no, I gotta get gary" like come on man, there's no engaging writing here, it's all a visual spectacle, probably because it's storyboard driven (iirc), but I'd really like to be into the plot for once, it's like they dumbed down spongebob and the shlw couldn't recover from such a drastic shift. It's fucked.

/co/ Pain Thread 4: You go girl! Anonymous 07/27/2022 (Wed) 03:51:49 No. 27852 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the next thread for any & all /co/ related pain in comics, movies, or TV. Somehow the MCU's 4th phase is now over with a whole lot of nothing happening with a point to build up to. But hey now you're getting... Aztec Namor & Ironheart in Wakanda. I got a question. Wakanda niggas wear white & do dumb dances at a funeral for their king? Why do the buildings look like sand castle buildings you find in the middle east? I though Wakanda was super advanced. Next we got.... She-Hulk without the sex appeal & way less clever comedy. Fun. Least they're really determined to flanderize Daredevil now. Speaking of which, there's also 2 new animated shows coming to Disney+. The first, a continuation of the 90s X-men cartoon. Assuredly they won't ruin them like they have in movies & comics, right? Then the next is a prequel Spider-man show that makes literally no sense in the established MCU.
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NEW THREAD >>>/co/29567
>>29565 You are in a cult.
>>29524 This looks exactly like Rick & Morty.

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Story Time: Robins 07/06/2022 (Wed) 06:41:08 No. 27350 [Reply] [Last]
This was suggested to me at work and I'm bored. Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Baldemar Rivas Publication date: November 14 2021
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>>29200 The final panel shows a European robin. Earlier, Tim said that her pet was a European with an American robin song, and that's how he knew he was being tricked. But in every other panel, it shows an American robin. The authors clearly know the difference, so what the heck?
>>29199 I can't stop focusing on this badly drawn tower and the barbed wire that seems to have been set to Multiply or another blending layer.
>>29205 The author knew the difference. That doesn't mean the artist did. I've heard comics have had massive disconnect between writer, artist and colorist to the point things come out the wrong color.

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