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ITT Sexual Awakening Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 17:15:45 No. 30375 [Reply] >>31550
You know what I'm talking about, post them.
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Jasmine got progressively more naked as she turned into a snake. This made me love lamias intensely. Thankfully it didn't give me one of those bizarre animal transformation fetishes the furries like.
>>30375 god I wish there was more porn of her

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Anonymous 10/26/2022 (Wed) 14:02:33 No. 30034 [Reply]
What do you think of the comical styling of GPrime85?
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>>30343 Anon, why do you have to be so crubmunkally about things?
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>>30358 terb
>>30343 I might be the harsh reality punchline is what makes it grotesque, not funny just gross.

Anonymous 10/05/2021 (Tue) 23:55:47 No. 18294 [Reply] >>30350
It's Spooky Month! Got any specials you always come back to every year or remember fondly?
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>>18294 The Halloween tree a fever dream. Such a grim ending.
>>29496 >There's also absolutely Sanderson sister rule 34 out there but I'm not looking for it. >not looking for it Why are you lying?

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Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 19:03:56 No. 26786 [Reply] [Last] >>30339
Congratulations to the writers over at Marvel, they've somehow out-/pol/ed /pol/.
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>>27826 >This is even more embarrassing than the "exaggerated swagger" game review. The reaction to that game review was far more embarrassing. The Cancel Cunts were rabidly trying to kill the reviewer's career until they found out he was black. Then it was memory-holed as quickly as possible.
>>26786 I feel bad for Marvel. I dunno why they think this will sell.
>>30339 The problem is you still think this is about selling a product; it isn't, it's about spreading propaganda, using fiction as a soapbox, and taking up a space that could have gone to someone genuinely competent.

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Dragon Prince Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 21:53:47 No. 30317 [Reply] >>30318
S4 is here. Is it any good?
>>30317 No. It's literally an interspecies fart fetish show now too.
Never was.
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>mfw when you have 30 days to live and claudia won't shut up about how her new inter-species wood elf boyfriend's fart smell like rain on dry rock. I think I'm gonna drop this series. It seems to me Aaron Ehasz isn't the one writing the scripts anymore.

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/v/ COMICS - Repost Edition Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 17:42:17 No. 267 [Reply] [Last]
Comics. About vidya. Starting with HUGE GUTS
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>>746 Shame they never did anything else with them.
How good were the Rise of Incarnates comics?
>>30230 https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Rise-of-Incarnates whole thing is there, knock yourself out

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Anonymous 11/18/2021 (Thu) 03:20:57 No. 20228 [Reply] [Last]
>Samurai Jack >Megas XLR >Courage the Cowardly Dog >The Powerpuff Girls >Johnny Bravo >Dexter's Lab >Ed, Edd, n Eddy >Codename: Kids Next Door >The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy >Most iterations of Toonami >Most iterations of Adult Swim Can we all agree that Cartoon Network is generally better than Pedolodean?
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>>30102 Chowder, Flapjack, the first Ben 10, and the early seasons of Adventure Time are what I would consider good CN shows of the late 2000's. With Regular Show and Gumball joining as good shows of the early 2010's. There was also Sym-bionic Titan in 2011, but that got killed before its time because CN execs couldn't figure out a way to merchandise a mecha show.
>>30168 There was also Sheep in the Big City, Time Squad, and Whatever Happened to Robot Jones? of the early 2000s.
>>30147 I don't believe this is real.

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Anonymous 07/11/2022 (Mon) 02:31:45 No. 27447 [Reply] [Last]
Well, it looks like the people who worked on Amphibia are getting eaten alive by their fans. It's always nice to see a flaming dumpster fire. Now does anyone have the uncensored pics? TLDR The production crew drew porn of the characters during the show's creation and were stupid enough to post them on twitter.
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How many people in the industry have been caught drawing smut? It's practically tradition at this point.
I don't know anything about this. But drawing porn of your cast is based as fuck
>>30173 >>30163 Yeah, but it's never been leaked in the past. Osamu Tezuka had his drawer full of smut that no one knew about until after he died and I'm sure some of the "12 old men" of Disney drew some lewds at some point, they just made damn sure Walt himself never saw it. The internet, like with most everything else, makes it very easy for things to leak out there.

What if Spongebob never existed? Anonymous 09/04/2021 (Sat) 10:26:49 No. 17549 [Reply]
What if Stephen Hillenburg never had created Spongebob? what if he died early in the 80's or 90s before he starting creating the show? what will be it's impact on the Media industry in an alternate universe with Spongebob never happened?
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>>30036 The Mother's Day special is pretty much the last really good episode. And that's surprising, because it's the third of three holiday specials they used to bring back the series, and the other two aren't good. Nothing else after the series came back is very good (season 4 is watchable, I guess). But that Mother's Day special is great. Because that guy above who said the show is lame because it's about babies doesn't get it. It's about babies but it isn't aimed at babies. Young children can watch it, but it's very much aimed at the same all-ages, "your parents can actually enjoy this, too" audience that Ren & Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life appealed to. The Mother's Day special isn't really about Chuckie, it's about his dad. And a lot of the earlier episodes work like that. The parents are frequently almost half of the actual story, and the remainder is still basically about seeing the world through the eyes of a child, and seeing how confusing and bizarre it is, seeing them try to act grown up despite missing some key bits of info and context. It's honestly a pretty realistic take on how kids see things and how they act, compared to other shows where they're just short adults, or shows where they're just mindless animals. Also, Klasky-Csupo's bizarre, frankly ugly animation style worked well here, because the show was supposed to be about how weird the world is when looking at things for the first time. It works here and it works in things like Ahh! Real Monsters! and a few others. Not so much in As Told By Ginger. Which is why it's so bizarre that they thought it would work in All Grown Up. What a horrible show that was. On every level.
>>30043 >All Grown Up I don't remember much about that show, but tell me more, anon. What'd you think of the special that acted as the pilot?
>>30088 >What'd you think of the special that acted as the pilot? Rugrats was already very shitty by that point. >Seasons 1-3 Excellent. One of the best cartoons ever. >Season 4 Came back after a long haitus and not all of the people involved returned. Producers brought it back after realizing it was a cash cow, and thus put more of their influence on it, watering it down. But they seemed to have some scripts, and at least some creators, left over from the previous seasons, so it's still pretty good. >The Movie and episodes after it I hear that the wiki separates episodes into "Pre-Dil" and "Post-Dil." They are right to do so, mostly. But Dil is a symptom, not a cause. Really it was the same trends that started with season four that simply continued here, and the inclusion of a new main character made it easier to identify. I do still think there are watchable episodes here, but each season is worse than the last starting with Season 4. >Second movie and stuff after it It's all just been getting worse, but the second movie adds like four new regularly recurring characters, making it very easy to recognize. And even moreso than Dil, they throw off the character dynamics. Not that any of the writers left seemed to care about the character dynamics by the time Rugrats was on the air for nine years. The original All Growed Up special was for the 10th anniversary, and it's a clever idea for a special, imagining what it would be like if the characters actually aged. The framing device of it being imaginary also helps, because so much of the series was already imaginary. Also, note the difference in the title here and the title of the eventual spinoff.

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Anonymous 09/26/2022 (Mon) 06:20:58 No. 29326 [Reply]
while waiting for the Wakanda Forever movie i got around to find all the times shuri was or wore black panther's suit https://anonfiles.com/Ob2fPd9by7/Shuri_7z
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>>30059 >MCU anything Hollywood is garbage, Hollywood post MeToo is a septic tank. Stop giving it even the slightest of attention.
>>30061 Don't worry, it's gonna bomb. Already been confirmed Doctor Doom isn't in it whatsoever.
>"right-wing trolls" make hate drawings of empowered african women and spit on chadwick's grave

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Anonymous 05/02/2020 (Sat) 03:28:04 No. 473 [Reply]
MegasXLR premiered 16 years ago today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QEo5MI0nqM
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>Megas will never, ever be in a SRW game
>>30044 Might as well wait for it to enter the public domain at this rate.
>>30057 It probably won't happen if the (((IRS))) has anything to say about that.

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Anonymous 08/28/2020 (Fri) 04:58:38 No. 4531 [Reply] [Last]
It's Halloween, how did your decorations come out, /co/?
Edited last time by Frank on 10/31/2020 (Sat) 14:53:24.
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>>6378 I don't see Severed ties on that list. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oktf7V-HLyE
Alright, figured I’d ask since today’s the day I usually start. Would you guys like me to post Night of the Were-Ed this year? I know last year’s thread is still on the catalog, but hey, tis the season.
>>30037 I mean it is tradition.

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Anonymous 10/29/2020 (Thu) 01:54:50 No. 6773 [Reply] [Last] >>29862
Another reboot is getting woke. How I know? Erin Gibson is the show runner behind the new Tiny tunes.
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>>8262 >>8551 Holy shit, it's the lowercase pedonigger
>>6773 Don't you wish the stalking furfag was real forcing WB to bury this shit and never brought it back?
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>>8266 >>LGBTHIV+

Calvin y Hobbes es arte Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 02:32:56 No. 29986 [Reply] >>29987
Me quedare para siempre con las ganas de una animación oficial de calvin y hobbes, o mercaderia oficial, la razon es que Bill Watterson se negó a expandir la franquicia para evitar trastornarla ¿que otra declaracion de arte nos puede ofrecer un producto asi?
>>29986 Wrong board, amigo.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY 8CHAN Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 04:39:47 No. 29989 [Reply]
Its been a rough few years but everyone is still chugging along.

Vidya Cartoons Anonymous 06/30/2020 (Tue) 21:02:49 No. 2354 [Reply] [Last]
Mega Hi! Cartoons based off of one or more video games or cartoons with a video game theme.
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>>25751 It seems Nintendo are willing to go full on Disney, the Mario movie is just the beginning. And since Jack Black is voicing Bowser, how come no one made an animation of him getting brutally killed? Like one of those "he could totally work" videos: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WUKN_YF8tjA
That's what it feels like whenever you face Bowser.
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>>29894 That's an anime OVA.

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