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Proud Family Anonymous 11/13/2021 (Sat) 00:23:40 No. 20054 [Reply]
The trailer for the reboot? continuation? came out. The animation looks more stiff, but also seems edgier and I was worried they were gonna make it more safe and toothless. I guess they're acknowledging the fans have grown while at the same time not making it adult. Probably just to PG.
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>>20135 Well, the OG show was one of those anti-buffoonery black shows. In which they tried to show a healthy spot in which blacks could keep the healthy parts of their own cultures and subcultures distinct from white people's while leaving behind the niggering. Think Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Where Will would still keep aspects like the bright colors, the loudness, humor etc. and contrast with the white culture his rich family had acquired but at the same time call attention against the nigger shit, like abandoning your child, the gangbanging etc. This was kept for some time in media, until (((liberals))) pushed the idea that the issues of black people were not partly society and personal fault, but entirely society's so blacks didn't need to stop niggering themselves or improve in any way, society should do it for them. In fact, some of this anti-buffoonery media is starting to be considered racist because of course it is.
>>20138 You pretty much summed it all up. And also, both Family Matters and Sister Sister refrained painting hood mentality in a a good light.
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>>20117 >But at least that BWC comes with money, a stable job, a nice car, and a big house. >"BWC" >"Leibowitz" >"(((LEIBOWITZ)))" >"(((WHITE)))" I think you mean CJC, for circumcised jew cock.

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Mirage Studios Has Shut Down Anonymous 09/10/2021 (Fri) 01:28:15 No. 17645 [Reply] >>20022
>12 years after selling out to Nickelodeon, Mirage Studios is closing its doors this month, with its website to remain online as an archive only. >Mirage Studios sold the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles intellectual property to Viacom/Nickelodeon in October 2009 and, after winding down business affairs over the last dozen years, the four Mirage corporations were dissolved in 2021. >While Mirage has gone out of existence, but thanks to you, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes will live on forever. Thank you all for your years of support. It has been a pleasure sharing the Turtles' story and universe with you. End of an era. https://archive.is/B3AH9
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>>18483 Probably CBS considering they bought the production company behind the show.
>>18498 Who owns the rights of its videogame?
>>17645 Hey, does anyone know what happened with Mikey's and the Styrachadon Princess's egg?

TOM & JERRY 2021 Anonymous 11/12/2020 (Thu) 02:30:56 No. 7220 [Reply] [Last] >>19886
>teaser finally comes out >its the shittiest cell-shaded cgi since the Gamecube era Fucking hell I thought Peanuts and Captain Underpants fixed the whole 3d into 2d animation technique. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eMy2hjl4HQ
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>>7220 >It's just T&J simple as that literally Cat and Mouse. 10/10
>>19819 >Tried to recreate the cartoons like if they belong to the classic MGM gallery <Budget cuts An attempt was made.
>>19986 the new baby block tom and jerry actually looked decent from the 1 teaser but if its just going to be toddler mindwash then most people wont give it a chance.

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Anonymous 11/26/2020 (Thu) 01:48:53 No. 7550 [Reply]
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>>19574 >that jumbled incoherent mess >OP only guessable through context >bunch of replies to a post that isn't included >out of context pictures Has screencapping really become a lost art on cuckchan? How is that even possible? A child can figure it out.
>>19918 I made the screencap, it became too large to post so I got no feedback to /tv/ . I'm editing the screencap to make it less jumbled
Movie is out.

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The Show That Keeps on Giving Anonymous 10/23/2021 (Sat) 00:51:57 No. 18705 [Reply]
>Hack of an actress decides to burn down all her connections to Warner and basically call out how shitty of company they are < Peter Roth, the president of Warner Television likes to have women “steam” his crotch while he’s still wearing them. All the while searches for blackmail on everyone <Rose says she suffered injuries while working, such as a broken neck, fractured rib that split in two, and even a tumor <forced her to go back to work 10 days after surgery <Denied her from going to conventions <a crew member got 3rd degree burns across his body including face, apparently people watched his skin fall off <a sex scene was filmed without prep <they lost 2 stunt doubles <Rose was almost blinded <PA was left a quadriplegic and was forced to start a gofundme <Actor Dougray Scott yelled at and mistreated people. <Camrus Johnson a “egomaniac” who apparently blamed her and leaked info. <WB couldnt be bothered to provide a taxi during a night shoot >Warner Bros hits back hours later <Rose’s account “revisionist history” <“multiple complaints about workplace behavior” against the actor. <Rose theirself was the subject of an internal probe into bad behavior allegations by the studio

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>>19156 >The final Resident Evil movie resulted in a stuntwoman having her face "de-gloved." Another crew member actually died, he was crushed by one of props: > A second accident occurred during filming on December 3 when crew member Ricardo Cornelius was crushed to death by one of the film's props, a US Army-issue Hummer, while on set. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil:_The_Final_Chapter#Stuntwoman_injury_and_crew_fatality Imagine going to the movie premiere, seeing that steaming pile of shit and knowing your father, husband, brother, uncle, whatever died for this atrocity. Absolute despicable.
>>19844 (checked) The behind the scenes of this shitpile is sounding more and more like Mad Max.
>>19844 All that for a nugget of turd that is a Resi Evil film. It made about 350 million I reckon you slice that in half and give 175mil a piece to her and his family and pray they don't sue for more.

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Anonymous 10/21/2021 (Thu) 01:37:55 No. 18666 [Reply]
Well would you look who it is, /co/! About time you made it to the Halloween Bash, what exactly are you supposed to be?
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Watched The Halloween Tree and Catalina La Catrina movies, having a comfy time.
I watched Shrek and Paranorman. Good Halloween.
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>>19444 (checked) For the first time in decades, I FORGOT that it was Halloween. The wife had to remind me.

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Final Space 10/17/2021 (Sun) 19:27:33 No. 18573 [Reply]
>horrible disjointed mess of asspulls, coincidences and hammy drama >pace violently jerking from breakneck to glacial >tone also violently jerking, with marvel style quips and family guy style jokes undercutting most scenes >creators hit the gas on power battling and now their lore is hyperinflated to shit and they have to come up with inordinately silly reasons for interpersonal conflict >almost an entire season centers around ashley burch's character, who looks like her and is called "Ash" because the showrunner presumably wants to bust fat loads in her garbage, hasidic hatchet-wound whilst suckling on her crooked nose, she may well have more voice lines in S3 than the MC >also featuring david tennant doing an awful bad guy impression >season 3 turns into Mass Effect 2 style "everyone gets a backstory before we fight the boss" in lieu of content, and everyone gets really angry about nonsense and forgets about their mission to save reality >awful side character dies and characters spend an episode crying about it with totally unearned sincerity >meanwhile other characters have died multiple times and come back through later asspulls What a dumpster fire. Incredible that Netflix pays for this, that it attracted as many notable names as it did and that people seem to be hyped about it.
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>>19424 who happens to be another perfect progressive role model, and also is a cameo from The Good Place. Point being?
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See I parts of Rick and Morty but I imagine it's the Dan Harmon parts. Justin Roiland wrote Solar Opposites and it's abysmal. It's just wacky referential humour and nothing else. Which show started references as jokes? It's literally mentioning things and imagining that's funny. LOL BATMAN!!!
>>19433 I like* parts of

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Night of the Were-Ed: Yearly Boo-ha-ha Were-Ednon 10/28/2021 (Thu) 00:20:33 No. 19036 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome, welcome, phantoms and ghouls, hellhounds and hobgoblins, liches and wights of all ages I see you, /monster/, get your hand out of your pants. Another year has passed, 365 days since last the Ed-ifying tale of the WERE-ED graced this board. Even in this place, traditions must be maintained, and as such I have come to put the curse to rest once more by relaying to you the tale of friendship, love, humanity, and pacts with a pagan deity Without further adieu, /co/ presents A NINTENDO-NUT1 PRODUCTION NIGHT OF THE WERE-ED!
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>>19360 In the afterlife, Double D is confronted by the ominous ravens from before, as well as a great wolf. They tell him that his actions have restored the balance, and that if he chooses to, he and his friends will join the hunt eternal. Huh, ravens and wolves, norse words, I wonder who that could be...
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>>19361 Double D returns to life, and everything returns to normal. Don't miss the one panel that confirms the kids are all fine and the Ed boys did not, in fact, slaughter all their friends (and sister in Ed's case) There's more mushy shipping nonsense, which is far too gay for Eddy's brother so he decides to peace out. Eddy makes the typical shonen statement that he'll be a better hunter than his brother ever was. All in all, Halloween is saved, and the gang is going to the junkyard to have a spooky Org, Orge, n' Orgy Spookyville.
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>>19362 A month later, the Eds are walking the town together, talking about what the future will bring, as Double D monologues about their future as hunters for the All-Father. Yep, I bet you never thought that the goofy DevientArt comic about Ed becoming a were-wolf would end with Double D being a based Asatru Odinist were-vamp hybrid monster hunter. But beyond that, this is it, the end of the Curse of the Were-Ed for another 365 days. It was a wild ride, as it is every year. But to everyone here, I wish you a happy halloween and here's to another year on /co/.

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Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 01:46:21 No. 19050 [Reply]
Back at it anons, another horror themed story time for the scariest month of the year, got this one by suggestion from another anon and it was a fun read two of those character I already said who they are so I'm just ctrl-c ctrl-v from the other thread Freddy Krueger - the spirit of the Springwood Slasher, a serial killer of children who had been burned to death by his victims' parents after evading prison. uses a gloved hand with razors to kill his victims in their dreams, causing their deaths in the real world as well. He is commonly identified by his burned, disfigured face, dirty red-and-green-striped sweater and brown fedora, and trademark metal-clawed brown leather glove only on his right hand.  In the dream world, he is a powerful force and almost completely invulnerable. However, whenever Freddy is pulled into the real world, he has normal human vulnerabilities and can be destroyed. Jason Voorhees - has been depicted as a non-verbal, indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer from Camp Crystal Lake. Jason has superhuman strength, regenerative powers, and near invulnerability. Some interpretations suggest that the audience has empathy for Jason, whose motivation for killing has been cited as being driven by the immoral actions of his victims and his own rage over having drowned as a child. Ashley "Ash" Joanna Williams - Ash is incompetent at everything except fighting the Evil Dead. Ash rarely takes situations seriously and is very incompetent as a hero or protagonist; He's often causing the conflict that drives the story forward rather than solving it while having a selfish, self-serving attitude towards others at the same time has been portrayed as a womanizer while fighting deadite he has grown into a much braver person, and becomes the voice of encouragement and confidence. It is at this point that Ash becomes known for his one-liners, and his personality takes on a more cynical, embittered tone. What's this story about?

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Aaaand this is over. Will post the second round in the same thread in those days I didn't like the art style in the last issue, felt like it was a complete different artist
Im still fucking pissed due to rights bullshit we never actually got a film.

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armpit hair and chest hair are pubes - duplicate jokes in Fox toons SAME NIGHT Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 21:29:11 No. 18948 [Reply] >>18973
It seems very strange that both new episodes Simpsons (33e5 "Lisa's Belly") and Bob's Burgers (12e5 "Seven-tween Again") both used essentially the same joke on the same night (Oct 24). Does this happen often?
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>>18948 So they're now stealing jokes from Bob's Burgers?
Puberty jokes have always been a thing Anon, and animated adult comedies are all just the same raunchy humor no matter what twist each of them adds so of course there's duplicate jokes.
>>18973 OP says they aired on the same night. Both are shit and I'm not sure which would steal from the other. Though The Simpsons has a notoriously long time from writing to airing.

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Cartoon Network to make Action Shows and Anime Anonymous 08/12/2021 (Thu) 18:02:16 No. 16703 [Reply]
https://web.archive.org/web/20210811212218if_/https://deadline.com/2021/08/jason-demarco-named-svp-anime-action-series-longform-for-warner-bros-animation-cartoon-network-studios-1234812006/ >Adult Swim’s Jason DeMarco has taken on a newly expanded role at Warner Bros. The veteran creative executive has been named SVP Anime & Action Series/Longform for Warner Bros Animation and Cartoon Network Studios. >In his newly created dual role, DeMarco will spearhead WBA and CNS’ expansion into producing anime content. He also will be responsible for identifying and developing projects in the animated action genre to develop and produce series and longform programming for all audiences. Among his first projects, DeMarco will serve as the lead creative executive on The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, the upcoming original anime feature film directed by Kenji Kamiyama and produced by New Line Cinema and WBA. >DeMarco also will continue his role as SVP, Head of Anime and Action Series, at Adult Swim. He will report to Sam Register, President of Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios, and Michael Ouweleen, President of Adult Swim. >DeMarco has been with Adult Swim and Cartoon Network for more than 20 years, beginning as a senior writer-producer and rising through the ranks of the on-air, marketing and promotions teams. He co-created the Toonami programming block and has managed the brand throughout its nearly 25-year history. >“I got into this business because I love action cartoons and storytelling,” DeMarco said. “Being able to work in anime and action development, two areas of animation I care about deeply, is a dream come true.” Look like cartoon network is dipping their toes into making action shows again, can't wait for them to fuck it up with schedule shifts and no advertising. What really concerns me is that they say they're making anime which pisses me off since I hate when netflix claims their 20fps woke cartoon series they made in america is anime and now CN is doing it too.
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nothing good can come out of this.
>>16875 And fucking Calliou got a new season.
>>18981 I thought it was canceled.

Raya and the Last Dragon Anonymous 03/07/2021 (Sun) 15:05:08 No. 10143 [Reply]
Disney panders to China / SEA with its alta rip off.
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>>18853 Way to overreact to a simple joke.
I hated everyone except for Sisu, her human form was shit thought, and also the kid was alright I guess.
>>18857 Kid was honestly annoying, talking way to fast. If I were in Raya's place, I wouldn't hesitate to cut him down.

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>mutants in mcu Anonymous 10/26/2020 (Mon) 19:12:35 No. 6626 [Reply]
Well it was only a matter of time. Have to move onto another phase.
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The ultimate point is that these scenarios are written by shitlibs or faggots or Jews. They do not write with actual reality in mind. They write Mutants or psychics or whatever as more or less faggots/Kikes shitlibs/Muslims/Joggers except with extra Globohomo. How normies act towards Mutants is more or less how Jews see their history in Europe ("we dindu muffin and the goyim suddenly do pogroms against us") with extra faggot. The old arc with Senator Kelly was even supposed to be an attack on McCarthy even.
>>6701 >doc ock is a Muti What the fuck?
>>18941 But Lee and Kirby were jews and didn't do that. They made the regular people seem quite justified in not liking mutants, given the constant terrorist attacks by The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Not that there was much social commentary in there at all. That started with Claremont.

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Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 12:09:15 No. 18865 [Reply]
hello anons, Here's another horror themed story time, and by special request it's a crossover story Jason Voorhees - has been depicted as a non-verbal, indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer from Camp Crystal Lake. Jason has superhuman strength, regenerative powers, and near invulnerability. Some interpretations suggest that the audience has empathy for Jason, whose motivation for killing has been cited as being driven by the immoral actions of his victims and his own rage over having drowned as a child. Leatherface - has been portraied as a cannibalistic and mentally unstable mass murderer who, alongside his family, kidnaps, kills, and cooks unsuspecting travellers who venture near their ranch in an unidentified part of Texas, They process the victims' flesh into barbecue and chili, which then they sell at the restaurant/gas station, "Last Chance Gas." The character's name comes from the human skin masks he always wears, which hide his deformed face. Leatherface's signature weapon is the chainsaw, though he has also used other tools, such as cleavers and hammers, to kill his victims. Leatherface is depicted as a "big baby" who is under the complete control of his family and kills because he is scared of the outside world, What's this comic about? The Linhart Amalgmated company is dumping thier toxic waste into Crystal Lake. Scooping up some of the waste they pick up the lakes unstoppable killing machine Jason. After loading the waste and Jason onto a train, Jason breaks free and crashes the train ending up in Texas, where he befriends Leatherface and his family...For now. Artist: NANCY A. COLLINS Artist: JEFF BUTLER
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And that's it folks..... hope you liked this slasher of family life, watch out where you camp or stop to gas up Will catch you in the next storytime
>>18880 Thanks op, in the right hands this could make for a great short film.
>>18889 In the wrong hands, it will be a "cinematic universe."

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Anonymous 01/11/2021 (Mon) 18:42:53 No. 8793 [Reply]
Meanwhile, on Bizarro /co/…
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>>11011 >Either a benign retard like Koko Say that again, nigger. Koko was far more intelligent and based than any of her so-called more evolved cousins running around Detroit.
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>>18833 Sir, this isn't Bizarro /co/.
Who would want to look at Katie and Julie Power naked?

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Anonymous 10/23/2021 (Sat) 15:07:04 No. 18745 [Reply] >>18779
Well anons, happy spooktober. Here's a horror themed story time Cassandra "Cassie" Hack – A young woman who had to gun down her own mother who, after committing suicide rather than face justice for murdering a group of young boys who were bullying her daughter, returned to life as a slasher called "The Lunch Lady". Cassie now drifts around the United States in an old van, hunting slashers with her partner, Vlad. Vlad - The enigmatic partner of Cassie, Vlad is a big, muscular and disfigured man, who wears a gas mask and brandishes two big meat cleavers. Met by Cassie when they were both stalking the "Meatman Killer", Cassie soon befriended him. There's not much known about Vlad, not even his full name, but he seems very aware of his unconventional looks, which prompts him to wear the gas mask Vlad's relationship with Cassie is quite paternal, as Vlad seems utterly concerned with his "little one's" well-being. Quite naive, but well-versed in strategy and battle skills Ashley "Ash" Joanna Williams - Ash is incompetent at everything except fighting the Evil Dead. Ash rarely takes situations seriously and is very incompetent as a hero or protagonist; He's often causing the conflict that drives the story forward rather than solving it while having a selfish, self-serving attitude towards others at the same time has been portrayed as a womanizer while fighting deadite he has grown into a much braver person, and becomes the voice of encouragement and confidence. It is at this point that Ash becomes known for his one-liners, and his personality takes on a more cynical, embittered tone. What's this comic about? Cassie Hack is doing her best to live a normal life. But a Deadite attack forces Cassie back into action and this time, she's not alone! Meet Cassie's new partner: Ashley J. Williams! Can the pair keep from killing each other long enough to quest for the stolen pages from the Book of the Dead? Will Ash get some sugar? Or will Cassie make him kiss it? Writer: Tim Seeley Artist:  Daniel Leister
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>>18775 Thanks op, do you have plans for another storytime? So while we mention slashers, how about Freddy vs Jason vs Ash?
>>18745 I'm trying to find a specific Evil Dead comic where it goes over how Ash across all realities is destined to fight the armies of hell at the end of the world. Anyone know which one I mean?
>>18776 Yeah I was checking out an horror thriller about vampire, until now it's OK and will see if it gets better. Gonna see if there are other crossover and post those too

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