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Powerpuff Girls’ Live-Action Series in Development at CW Anonymous 08/25/2020 (Tue) 01:50:08 No. 4402 [Reply] [Last]
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>>34312 I think you could make PPG live action and make it work. Have it star actual six year olds (or slightly older kids playing six year olds). They need to actually be tiny. The bit is that they are so tiny and cute that you wouldn't expect them to be superheroes, so you can't have them be older, because that's done commonly. I can't think of any live action things with superheroes under ten years old that are actually treated like superheroes and do action stuff. Play up the cuteness factor, but still make it an action movie. It needs to be a movie because there needs to be action where they fight supervillains and kaiju. A TV show doesn't have the budget for that, and a CW TV show especially doesn't have the budget for that. Mojo Jojo needs to be a CGI Planet of the Apes Andy Serkis thing. If you wanna save money, there are characters that wouldn't need that, like Princess Morebucks, just an evil Powerpuff Girl, but many of the villains people would want to see most would require more special effects than her.
>>34314 PPG don't act like 6 year olds though That's part of the joke, and what inspired stuff like Happy Tree Friends
>>34321 They'll act like whatever you want them to act like. They're actors. You write a script and direct them on how to perform it. Maybe you can age them up to like 9 or something, just because it might be easier to find better actors that can pass for that age, but I wouldn't make them much older than that or it begins to miss the point.

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NON-CAPESHIT comics Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 18:48:46 No. 29352 [Reply] [Last]
Since the retard on /v/ refuses to take any advise, I guess I'll actually follow through on what he can't. Would people mind enlightening me of some of the American comics that are coming out that are NOT and have NOTHING to do with capeshit and superheroes? Could you give me the premise, or even story-time the shorter ones? What are some that you recommend people read?
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>>34306 I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Hundreds of thousands of copies, of various titles, are being ordered and sold each month by shops.
>>34310 The top couple sellers might get into the hundreds of thousands, which is still nothing and enough to get a title cancelled when comics were doing well. The dropoff is steep and you see things that "the industry" pretends are big and successful selling a couple thousand. They're trying to stay profitable by jacking up prices and hiring nobodies that will work for less money, but that's a losing long term strategy that is just costing them more and more readers all the time, and the whales are literally dying off, at least the ones that aren't just getting sick of it and walking away. >>34308 I still go to my local comic shop sometimes, because I used to go weekly. I knew the people who work there, including the owner, and I feel bad that they clearly have fewer people there after people like me and others stopped going because new stuff became so shitty. But I'll go in and buy an old collected edition sometimes. More and more of their store has shifted to Funcopops and statues and things like that, because the comics don't fucking sell. I wish the collected editions were doing better there, because I like many of those, but they've shrunken their shelf space dedicated to that, too.
>>34310 Oh yeah I also forgot to mention that the figures that get released don't say how many are sold each month by shops, they say how many are sold each month TO shops. Upon having this pointed out more often, SJW creators even started bragging about it. As people point out that they are horrible to customers, they start pointing out that readers aren't their customers, shops are. They just need to convince shops to buy them even if they don't sell, which they have been attempting to do by convincing shops to order copies of SJW books just to stick it to regular people who don't buy them, or by saying that if you (the shop owner) don't buy them, you're an istophobe. It works to a degree, many copies definitely sit in shops, never sold to a reader. Of course, again it's only a short term strategy, as hurting your points of sale isn't going to be good for your long term sales.

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Adult Swim "retire" episodes due to culutral sensitivity Anonymous 09/29/2020 (Tue) 21:20:43 No. 5607 [Reply]
You knew this was coming when Toonami went full BLM, rooster teeth purging insensitive older content and Warner being all trigger warning happy on their movies. Seems like the neutering is continuing for Adult Swim with Aqua Teen Hunger Force "Shake Like Me" and Boondocks "The Story of Jimmy Rebel" episodes "rested" permanently from their streaming site. Another reason why an all digital future and relying on streaming is bad. What could be okay now could be seen as bad or "culturally insensitive" in the future and removed. Buy physical and save everything that you like on a your hard drive. archive today has been very slow for the last couple of days so here are archive links instead. https://web.archive.org/web/20200929205412if_/https://tvline.com/2020/09/29/adult-swim-episodes-pulled-aqua-teen-hunger-force-boondocks-controversy/ https://web.archive.org/web/20200929154032/https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/adult-swim-episodes-retired-cultural-sensitivities-1234786221/
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>>32479 He definitely became the black-black sheep, benched with Sam Hyde despite being leftwing.
>>34200 Sam has never really surrendered his comedy to the demands of reality so he'll always be beyond the traditional scope of defined cultural reactions. He demands people actually think for themselves, which probably makes him and other's like him far more revolutionary than anyone else in this age.
>>34215 He's definitely the modern Andy Kaufman Kaufman being a wrestler, while Hyde became a boxer. TimeWarner didn't know what they had, their loss.

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American Born Chinese Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 21:49:22 No. 33935 [Reply] [Last]
Due to a mixture of demand in the Pain thread and wanting to share this story so other people can get why the Disney Plus adaptation clearly has no respect for the source material and will just water it down immensely I'm gonna storytime American Born Chinese.
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>>33999 >mulan i remember a bootleg movie in which she tries to do some archery as a kid and fails, then later there on in the movie there is something about a dragon or something, im not even sure if it was actually mulan due to the bootleg nature of it
>>34010 I think maybe his point is that Disney already doesn't respect myth stories or maybe that Disney had the ability to make good movies based on myths. The latter can't be right though because anon used the remake Mulan poster.
Thank you OP... liked the story, the deep message of love yourself is deep Suzy is the best girl And holy donkey fucking shit the trailer is pure generic cancer that you might find on dinsey XD or any other shitty channel. >from the creators of bing bong and the 10 ding dogs This explains a lot of stuff.....

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Illustrator/Designer/Artist Recommendation thread Anonymous 08/17/2022 (Wed) 18:57:18 No. 28377 [Reply]
Hi, /co/. I consumed more Japanese cartoons than Western ones at this point, but I'm getting more Western oriented lately. Came here looking for a general recommendation thread to ask for what Western-style artists I should be aware of but couldn't find such a thread. I'm aware of names such as Hergé and Moebius from the Japanese interest on them and I recognize designs from Bruce Timm and Don Bluth cartoons as I was found for cartoons with them growing up. Bonus if you guys got artbooks on them as I am practicing drawing myself and I could use some good artists drawings to learn good stylistic choices.
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>>34101 Not that anon but to my knowledge alot of famous comic artists in the 90s started doing the business side of stuff and were absolutely shitty at it. Image for example was founded by these superstar artists, and was originally heavily mismanaged.
>>34101 In the late '80s and early '90s a lot of comic book artists started to get very popular. People were buying books because they were drawn by Todd McFarlane or Rob Liefeld, rather than because they were drawing Spider-Man or X-Men. Many of these artists realized they were getting fucked by working for the big companies instead of working for themselves, so they quit and formed their own company, Image Comics, where the creators of each individual work would actually own that work, but they would still work together for the business side of stuff, and also for crossover autism. It was big for a while. Spawn would be their biggest property, but you might have heard of others like Savage Dragon, and for a few years there they sold very well. But the comic book investment bubble burst and the whole industry crashed and never recovered. Image Comics is still around, and there were some other smaller but still significant (in terms of the tiny comic book industry) companies that popped up and are still around, but most of the original creators who started Image Comics gave up and went back to DC and Marvel. Jim Lee, whose work on X-Men got him to be big enough to become one of the Image Founders, is now one of the top guys at DC Comics, having sold his own creator owned stuff to DC years ago, and the stuff he quit Marvel to make independently is now part of the DCU. Rob Liefeld's reputation went down the drain as his extremely stylized influence got too popular and then backlash made it extremely unpopular, but he now gets regular work for DC. Todd McFarlane is too busy with toys and cards to still write Spawn on a regular basis, as far as I know, but Spawn does still come out every month, and McFarlane is still in charge, but he delegates to other writers and artists a lot. Savage Dragon still comes out every month too, but absolutely nobody reads it, even compared to other comic books. Its creator is a major SJW who just uses his comic that nobody reads to rant about Trump and insert his weird fetishes, then he gets mad about the fact that people think Dragon is a cop, and tries to tell people he was only a cop for like the first year of the series, and hasn't been for like 30 years, but nobody has read it in 30 years, so nobody knows that. But the thing that's probably most relevant to this conversation that I should make more clear is that a lot of these artists got huge egos and stopped working at the same rate as before. Rob Liefeld was extremely popular, but not only did his style become unpopular, but his professional reputation was hurt badly by a bad habit of working slowly and not meeting deadlines. He's been open about how he had to realize that and get used to actually having to work properly and not rely on his inflated reputation. And of course, as mentioned, none of these nerds who drew musclemen for a living really knew how to manage the business side of things terribly well.
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>>34103 Manga isn't in that place 90s stuff sold over inflated and self propped rarity, Mangs is just selling well internationally because the other options don't have mass appeal or in the American alternative, are downright shit that subsidize on movie income that's dwindling everyday as capeshit movies die out and Disney gets fucked up the ass with bad decisions. People pretend like physical media is dying due to the internet completely ignoring that physical media has been stagnant for fucking years and nobody makes an effort to produce quality or induce change. If it truly was that dead, why does Manga keep selling millions? Not only that but nobody really makes an effort to sell stuff over the internet, to the point webcomics start selling more nowadays via ads and centralization.

Cartoons that don't deserve a thread Anonymous 09/20/2020 (Sun) 21:00:41 No. 5165 [Reply] [Last]
So, I'm watching through this early-2000's series called Alienators: Evolution Continues, and the entire show just feels...off for some reason. I cannot put my finger on why. The show comes across as generic in every way, but even saying that doesn't seem to classify the show properly. You can watch it here to see what I'm talking about: https://invidio.us/playlist?list=PLkLimRXN6NKyhCEvWdWl0Kmab6YefDh6h Has anyone else had this feeling about other series?
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Did anyone watch this? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dKS7hGrxFCk
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>>34012 It's like a ripoff of every 2000s glorified ad cartoon like Winx and Pokemon. National toy producer trying to push their products maybe? Or trying to ripoff pic related maybe
>>34058 Huntik had toys, Beast keeper i think not. Also Angel Friends was based on an Italian comic. But All of Mondo TV productions are kind off low quality

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LGBT pandering in cartoons. Anonymous 10/25/2020 (Sun) 15:54:44 No. 6572 [Reply] [Last]
There's been a lot more pandering towards LGBT groups in cartoons these past few years and so far for the sake of "representation" but more often than not I've noticed that most people in favor of this tend to be shippers or at least have some sort of zealous fascination to the point of being fetishistic. They don't seem to be all too concerned with how the dynamics of how the two characters work together in a relationship or care about build up all that much and just introduce them for the sake of appeal rather than work up the relationship between the two characters. It makes gay characters in general seem like a gimmick meant rather than any meaningful development. Older cartoons like South Park with Mr. Slave and Big gay Al had more going to them than just being gay even if being gay was a big part of their character since their introduction.
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>>33859 What qualifies as vanilla if you're gonna ignore Japan?
>>33860 This is vanilla: >sole male >sole female >virginity for both sexes >impregnation is optional And avoid all of the following: <NTR/cucking <pegging <interracial <homo, pan, nonbinary, or any other alphabet sexuality <scat/fart <cheating <bestiality <harem <incest <rape

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>>33856 Are you the fag that literally outed himself as a faggot on /v/?

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The Barbarian and the Troll Anonymous 04/09/2021 (Fri) 00:27:42 No. 11560 [Reply]
This show is pretty damn good. Better than any other animated show on the US airwaves today. It gets away with more 'adult' humor, and by adult I mean something more along the lines of early Spongebob/Simpsons jokes. It's surprising that Nick picked it up out of all networks, but then I remembered Cartoon Network is trying to appeal to an infant audience since 6-12 year olds don't watch TV anymore. The second episode airs tomorrow but I know this site is too slow to have a live reaction thread. If you happen to catch it on TV or on the Nick website & want to describe your viewing experience, this thread is for you
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>>11563 Bring back Mr. Meaty!
>>12548 Same, Crank Yankers was hit, but FurTV was alright despite too much focus on gross out and vulgarity.
>>12548 My favorites were Kevin Nealon and Adam Carolla. Especially the time Birchum got abducted by aliens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzOkh16YD1s

X-Men comics: Apocalypse edition Anonymous 01/13/2022 (Thu) 07:16:43 No. 22095 [Reply]
Recommendations, starting points and ongoing storylines No matter how bad it gets Also /v/ wants to know where to start if they wanna read Cable and Deadpool.
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>>22097 Im a shit OP. No argument here. >>22100 This was for you Frank.
>>22410 Oh right the tooth. Yeah that sucked, and by the time I felt myself again I had forgotten about this thread. Again I suck.
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>>22359 >"Nathaniel Christopher Summers, named for his grandfathers" >Huh. I have all those comics, but I never really thought about that line before right this minute. >Well, let's see, now... >Christopher would be Corsair, and... >wait, Maddie was a clone of Jean >made by Mr. Sinister >whose real name was Nathaniel Essex Fucking hell! Cable is named for Mr. Sinister?

Thea White, Voice of Muriel Bagge on ‘Courage the Cowardly Dog,’ Dies at 81 Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 02:16:24 No. 16168 [Reply]
>Thea White, an actor best known for voicing the sweet-natured Scotswoman Muriel Bagge on Cartoon Network’s “Courage the Cowardly Dog,” died on July 30. She was 81. >Born on June 16, 1940 in Newark, N.J., White began acting professionally on stage in her 20s, according to Zitzner’s post. She also held jobs as a librarian and the personal assistant to Marlene Dietrich. White was married to Andy White, who drummed on several the Beatles songs including “Love Me Do” and “P.S. I Love You,” from 1983 until his death in 2015. >In his post, Zitzner wrote that White was “looking forward to seeing” her latest project voicing Muriel, the film “Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby Doo Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog,” which is set to come out this year. https://archive.is/YBAr5
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/co/, wtf Is there really nothing more notable happening in the world of /co/?
>>33756 It's obviously one guy spamming by reviving old threads, though this time with a theme, perhaps with one or two more copying him as a joke.

RIP Tony Eastman Anonymous 11/05/2020 (Thu) 17:35:00 No. 7048 [Reply] >>33750
Didn't see a thread. >An industry artist since the 1970s, Eastman enjoyed a prolific career working in series and commercials. At various times, he was an animator, storyboard artist, and director >He was the director of the pilot for Nickelodeon’s Doug (pictured at top) and went on to become the supervising director of the show’s first season. Other series he worked on include Codename: Kids Next Door, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Daria, Beavis and Butt-head, Sheep in the Big City, and Kablam! https://archive.md/fyhnL
>>7048 Yeah F. This guy was responsible on working on alot of shows that got CN to be the place to watch as a kid.

Scot Rienecker, voice of Mega XLR's (etc.) Goat dies in building fire Anonymous 02/25/2023 (Sat) 06:59:36 No. 32584 [Reply] >>33704
https://archive.ph/TynwB >Scot Rienecker died on Monday, Feb. 20 — a day after the blaze at his 10th Street apartment, Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez said. Rienecker was found unresponsive by firefighters as smoke billowed from the home at 309 10th St., around 12:10 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19 Suarez said. He was taken to Jersey City Medical Center and later transferred to the Burn Unit at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, where he died. https://archive.ph/wip/gQXbQ >Goat was a dear friend of Titmouse & a singular human being. He was an inspiration for so many of the characters in the shows we've produced spanning 2 decades. #MegasXLR, #MotorCity, #TURBO, #Downtown #Metalocalypse + more. We were lucky to have known him. He will be missed. xo A really shitty way to die.
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Fucking ouch. RIP.
>>33681 Have you been bumping all RIP threads? That's a lot of deaths, wew.
>>32584 How many cartoons did he appear? I only recognize Downtown and MegaXLR. >>33687 And now one of MAD's magazine employees also kicked the bucket.

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George Perez RIP Anonymous 05/07/2022 (Sat) 21:40:21 No. 25861 [Reply] >>25872
>George Perez, Legendary ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths,’ ‘Wonder Woman’ Comic Book Artist, Dies at 67 >The famed artist, who also worked on The New Teen Titans and Superman during his decades-long career, passed away on Friday peacefully at his home with his wife, Carol Flynn, and family by his side, according to a statement posted to his official Facebook page. His passing followed a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. https://archive.ph/mgRDY
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>>25867 Damn that's a lotta credits. Dude was busy.
>>25861 Was he vaxxed?

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Artist Jean-Claude Mézières Passes Away Anonymous 01/28/2022 (Fri) 04:16:43 No. 22635 [Reply]
Didn't see a thread >The French newspaper Le Monde reported on Sunday that artist Jean-Claude Mézières passed away on Sunday. He was 83. >The duo would go on to publish many other graphic novels together, including: La Cité des Eaux Mouvantes, L'Empire des Mille Planètes, Lady Polaris, and Atlas Cosmique: les Habitants du Ciel. >Mézières won the Grand Prize at the Angoulême International Comics Festival in 1984. https://archive.is/hX8hF
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I have to allow myself to be compassionate and comfortable when I think about my death, kindness makes your internal self critic much more reasonable. It's what keeps me from quitting drawfagging, rest in peace.

RIP Derrick J. Wyatt Anonymous 12/27/2021 (Mon) 22:10:19 No. 21583 [Reply]
>Derrick J. Wyatt – Transformers Animated Director Unexpectedly Passes Away <fan-favorite Transformers creative, Derrick J. Wyatt, unexpectedly passed away earlier this month. He was informed by Derrick’s sister and says that there will be more information from his family in the future. HOLY SHIT https://archive.is/l7z2B
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>>21592 >Youd be surprised how much influence a character designer has a upon a series. Hell, Sari is practically his OC. Thanks anon. This makes me feel less sad about his passing. That and realizing he's the guy who cast Jay Leno as Optimus Prime.
>>21638 Metal chin Optimus was great, fuck you.

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Comic Artist Tim Sale Has Died Anonymous 06/17/2022 (Fri) 02:46:38 No. 26868 [Reply]
>“It’s with a heavy sadness that I must announce that Tim Sale passed away today,” said a message from Sale’s Twitter account. “He passed with the love of his life beside him, and loves all of you very much.” The cause of death has not yet been revealed. DC Comics also confirmed his passing with this post and tribute. >Some of Sale’s other unforgettable Batman work came in Legends of the Dark Knight and Dark Victory, and for his work on Superman in the “Year One” style series Superman for All Seasons, while over at Marvel he helped shape the definitive early years of several heroes with the color themed origins like Hulk: Grey, Daredevil: Yellow, Spider-Man: Blue, and Captain America: White, all of which were also with Loeb. The pair also worked on the hit NBC show Heroes, another bridge between comic book culture and mainstream popularity. RIP https://archive.ph/y8Qfa
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>>26989 >Jurassic league is pretty decent so far. Even if I didn't find the whole idea poorly executed, Superbrontobrachowhatever has a short neck. That's retarded and offensive to the eye.
>>27122 He's an alien dinosaur, anon.

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