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Anonymous 11/17/2021 (Wed) 11:20:52 No. 20201 [Reply] >>25750 >>25760 >>25766
Are NFTs a legitmate way for webcomic artists to make money?
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>>20201 You're better off if you post a "Your Character Here" template and charge to anyone who wants his waifu in it you're a fetish artist.
>>20201 Where's the amongus?
>>20201 As long as the buyers know that they are gambling on the future popularity of the artist (at best), sure. NFTs are not an investment. Either buy to gamble or buy to support the artist.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Thread. Anonymous 11/14/2021 (Sun) 06:39:30 No. 20127 [Reply] >>25201
In celebration of this show, it's getting a new season for 2022. https://archive.fo/H54dQ I'm not expecting much since Frylock's voice actor got fucked over by CN by underpaying him meaning chances are he's out of the show or got replaced either by another actor that probably wouldn't fit as well.
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>>25343 >I wonder if we'll see some giant retarded social media spergout from it That only happens when it's a man raping a woman. Every other combination is acceptable.
>>25763 Looks like they're going for the nostalgia punch and bringing back everyone. I wonder if they're going to recast Doctor Weird?

More comics like this Anonymous 02/26/2022 (Sat) 17:12:31 No. 23484 [Reply]
Ive been reading recently Patriotika and Valkyrie Saviours by Ron Z. And they were helluva fun. So I've been wondering if there are still good comics out there? with beautiful characters, good designs, great art and that they don't try to push SJW bullshit? Or at least fun stuff like before.
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>>23830 >Im reading Bomb Queen Why would you hurt yourself like that?
>>24454 Anon clearly wants to explode.
>>24460 Blew his brains out after realizing it was officially published and not some shitty fanfiction.

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Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 19:52:50 No. 24998 [Reply] >>25747
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RIP :( >>24999 It's actually incredibly lucky Zach got him for that role, sort of sad too considering he wanted to include Norm who passed away right before they had the chance to contact him.
>>25008 )ouy(
>>24998 >Get Supergirl to shit on my bald spot, then maybe I'll undo your curse SupperMan.

Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 05:02:37 No. 25534 [Reply]
15 posts omitted.
>>25538 > "all animation is for children" mindset. Not necessarily a bad mindset if the alternative is going full on Sausage Party yeah that's 3D but you know what I mean where you have to try so hard to signal as "adult" that you end up becoming more childish than something like The Emoji Movie.
>>25691 >Not necessarily a bad mindset Its the reason why Sausage Party exists. They cant move on from childish crude humor and incapable of thinking about animation as a serious platform for story telling.
>>25537 I think he was referring some cartoonfan sperging about the movie being a worse catastrophe than 9/11.

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Batwoman has a new lead! Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 00:29:27 No. 2697 [Reply] [Last]
Meet your new stunning and brave Batwoman: played by a black bi-sexual woman with an afro! It also looks like they are keeping the terrible Ryan Wilder name and the original batwoman will exist, but will be a mystery in the background that'll never be solved. http://archive.vn/vEPiw I'm expecting a ton of articles of how you're racist, sexist and homophobic if you don't like the new Batwoman Season 2 whenever that is coming out.
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>>25722 The Killing Joke was so well received especially for it's ending. It left an ambiguous impression that maybe Batman might have killed Joker at the very end. Then they made it canon so that ambiguity is all gone. I do find it funny how it fucked with Alan Moore though. Also I'm pretty sure Joker didn't rape Barb in the movie.
>>25723 The movie heavily implies Joker raped Barbara, with additional scenes that weren't in the comic, such as Batman visiting a hooker that Joker apparently always visits when he gets out of Arkham, but she says that he suspiciously didn't visit her this time. It's one thing for people to interpret rape with the nude photos he shows Jim, but the movie went out of its way to reinforce that interpretation, which was weak in the comic, but quite strong in the movie.
>>25724 Fair enough.

>>25675 Ever made it to Chris?

Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 01:57:35 No. 25610 [Reply]
Let's get ready to watch some probably regrettable movies You may vote for one of the following: Gumby The"good" dinosaur The Nut Job OR You can choose between the Ted Box and the Yaki Box The Ted box is a slightly futuristic and incredibly violent child custody battle. The Yaki Box is a barking good time. https://vaughn.live/tedfufu
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Voting the Good Dinosaur
Yaki Box.
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Next movie of the night is from the Yaki Box, and it's Seal Team! What the fin did you just floundering say about me, you little bivalve? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Aquatica, and I have over 300 confirmed family friendly tricks. I am trained in aquatic warfare and I'm the top swimmer in the entire US sea forces. You are nothing to me but just another sardine. I will wipe you the flounder out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my floundering words. You think you can get away with saying that scallop to me over the Internet? Think again, Flipper. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of sharks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, prawn. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're floundering splash-zoned, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kiss you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare flippers. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Atlantis and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little barnacle. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your floundering tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you whale-mouthed idiot. I will splash fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're floundering dead, kiddo.

Learning with Pibby Thread. Anonymous 11/02/2021 (Tue) 00:43:55 No. 19450 [Reply] [Last]
A cartoon crosser show got previewed on adult swim's youtube channel and is potentially on the path to being greenlit due to having gained large traction on youtube and social media. In general it's some creepypasta Esque show where cartoons get corrupted by some invasive strange black mass that turns them into pixellated monstrous parodies of them. It's pretty much a Zalgo stand-in for the show. Normalfags are eating it up despite the whole "cute thing suffers horribly" being done to death with shit like happy tree friends.
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This would have been a good idea if they went the Marvels Zombies route. Making all the characters zombies and have very detailed gore. Making the main cast already established characters would have been better as well.
>>25557 They've already been doing something similar with early Adult Swim shows like Harvey Birdman and Space Ghost.
>>25559 didn't Mike Lazzo retire in 2019? Like they cannot even wait to turn what was once fountainhead of novelty (not even consistently good content) into a creatively bankrupt re-hash mill like the other studios. Everyone hates taking risks so badly. At least being able to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks is how [AS] got to be where they are. It's more risky to change direction like this and nuke your only core competency, imo.

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Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 08:39:54 No. 25540 [Reply]
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I'm a regular in the Questionable Malcontent thread.
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Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 15:14:14 No. 25544 [Reply] >>25554
Behold! The scene that started all cartoon Tearjerkers!
>>25544 >tearjerkers What?

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Anonymous 03/19/2021 (Fri) 04:12:20 No. 10485 [Reply] [Last]
So there's like a first look at the new Harvey Birdman spin-off focusing on Birdgirl, I can't make much out of it other than how painfully unfunny it is, almost as if it was written by women. And clearly everyone is ugly as sin. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vbZzDOgwdfg
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No other adult swim thread I can find or if there is I'm too lazy to find it so I'm posting this here. These shorts are gonna be released every weekday for two weeks on the adult swim site and youtube channel.
>>25198 There's a thread at >>20127 that I made about the reboot that nobody gives a damn about.
>>25201 The problem is nobody ever checks the catalog

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Anonymous 04/17/2022 (Sun) 03:59:56 No. 25165 [Reply]
Man, time sure does fly.

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Justice League Unlimited Animated series Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 11:35:26 No. 24094 [Reply] [Last]
>5 threads for shitting on crap >none for actually good stuff Talk about episodes, characters, side characters, plot holes and girls. Why it can't be replicated again. Why Superman was so underpowered in this. Why Booster Gold is the best character
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>>24987 For some reason my pics weren't posted, so there...
>>24987 No one reads your ramblings.
>>24173 >>24172 Honestly anon despite everything I actually agree with pretty much everything you said. I was never a big fan of JLU as a whole though I do enjoy it, don't get me wrong. I just didn't enjoy it as much as the original JLA. JLU had a few good moments but overalll kind of sucked. One thing you didn't mention that I didn't like was that the overall dynamic between the original 7 was gone which was something I sorely missed from JLU. Another thing I missed was Hawkgirl trying to dive macefirst into something only to get immediately fucked up nearly once per episode which made me laugh every time.

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What happened to the Pineapple Soda Comics by ZachsAnomaly aka Zach anon 04/13/2022 (Wed) 05:55:09 No. 25019 [Reply] >>25047
help me in my investigation 8chan
>>25019 I have no idea what this is.

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Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 15:56:54 No. 24872 [Reply]
Seriously what were they thinking when adopting this?
>>24874 Who is you people? There's like ten active users here at all times.
>>24875 I assumed it was one person, but I figured I 'd go with "you people" to be cautious.
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The page flip idea isn't bad, it just looks weird without the accompanying text. The logos before and after are simpler and more memorable. Whoever approved the 2012 logo clearly didn't give a shit about design clarity or the company's heritage.

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