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Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 13:49:58 No. 23107 [Reply] >>23310
‘Teen Titans Go!’ Renewed For Season 8 By Cartoon Network; ‘Mayhem In The Multiverse’ TV Movie Gets Trailer & Premiere Date https://archive.md/7Cq5W
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>>23180 >spam the absolute shit out of Oggy and the Cockroaches Huh, now I get why its so popular now.
On one hand, it's shit that needs to be given the Old Yeller treatment a year ago. On the other hand, looking at >>23133, it's not like CN would air anything worthwhile in its place.
>>23107 >‘Teen Titans Go!’ Renewed For Season 8 <There's been 7 seasons of Calarts Titans Go!

Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 23:04:57 No. 23130 [Reply] [Last] >>23272
This isn't a raping, they're violating the corpse and wearing the skin Buffalo Bill style. And to think Darkwing Duck is next.
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>>23223 >>23247 >>23249 Go to bitch on the meta thread, you absolute mongoloids. Stop derailing the thread.
>>23257 Blame Frank.
>>23130 >Buffalo Bill style Buffalo Bill at least turned the skin into clothes first.

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CARTOON TIME, /co/! 02/20/2022 (Sun) 03:36:35 No. 23256 [Reply]
It's that time again. TONIGHT: Pluck It, We’ll Do It Live!: ep 53-54 Princess Sissy Doesn't Like The Look Of That Liveleak Logo As She Tours The Castle: eps 14-16 Dude Looks Like A Lady: eps 1-3 SERIES PREMIER The Turtles Are Concerned April's Definition Of "Topping": eps 64-65 It's the beginning of the end - Kenshin wanders off, and Sailor Stars, the final season of Sailor Moon, makes its way onto the block. Never let it be said that I don't see things through to the end. LET'S GO. Don't forget to vote for next week's bonus episode. https://vaughn.live/starfish_wasteland
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voting Sailor moon,
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Voting Sailor Moon
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voting Moon

Costumes from the poorly thought out design department Anonymous 05/15/2020 (Fri) 02:21:52 No. 877 [Reply] [Last]
Why continue to use something that works, stylish and/or is extremely icon; when you can butcher it and make it look laughably bad.
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>>23101 >>23091 >>23100 It kinda looks like /cyber/'s old tan.
>>23120 did anyone ever hear back from that board?
>>23120 How could anyone think that haircut looks good? It looks like your barber had a stroke and died halfway through your haircut.

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Comic writers losing control of their creations Anonymous 09/01/2021 (Wed) 02:13:34 No. 17466 [Reply] [Last]
How many instances have you seen of writers getting screwed out of how their series/characters/whatever are portrayed and complain about it later? In a recent DC Black Label book (Suicide Squad: Get Joker), they had Wild Dog in that universe be part of the Jan. 6th Capitol Hill tour insurrection as a right wing fanatic, and his original creators Max Allan Collins and Terry Beatty went bitching to BleedingCool about it, and that made me curious about other incidents. Here's the rant: https://archive.is/9NiSS >My first reaction at discovering Wild Dog had been recruited into the Suicide Squad as the leader of the Jan. 6 Insurrection as a defecating Proud Boy-style seditionist was bewildered shock. Basically, "Huh?" That quickly grew to rage, expressed mostly as, "F-ck DC," and "F-ck the writer." I shared these sentiments with Wild Dog's artist/co-creator, Terry Beatty, and he basically tried to calm me down. But, obviously, it gradually worked him into a rabid lather, too. > For me, it's settled into disappointment and disgust. Wild Dog was conceived as a home-grown costumed hero. No cape, no cowl, just what could be put together out of such items as a hockey mask (with its Jason resonance) and body armor and real-world stuff from a hardware store and a home workshop. The usual "what if" all fiction writers operate from – "what if" somebody decided to actually be a costumed hero? > The results were not always beneficial. When Wild Dog found himself confronted by a would-be Bucky to his Captain America, despite our hero's best efforts to discourage the Pup's participation, the child is nearly killed. Terry and I pursued this with Ms. Tree – she was a vigilante, too, but wound up both in jail and in a mental institution. I might add in the Ms. Tree feature, Terry and I explored such then-current (and still current, unfortunately) topics as date rape, abortion clinic bombings, and gay bashing. > Some defenders of what we see as a perverted use of our creation dismiss it on the grounds that Wild Dog is a minor, forgotten character. Well, tell that to DC, who have used the character in at least three other comics, most recently as a cast member of the Cave Carson comic book, and to the CW network, where Wild Dog was a recurring character on Arrow. > Wild Dog debuted in a four-issue mini-series, had a regular slot in Action Weekly, and a "Special" double-length one-shot. In addition Terry is an Eisner-winning Batman artist, and we were Eisner nominees for our Ms. Tree work at DC. I wrote a year of Batman as well as two Batman graphic novels and was the initial writer of the Tim Burton-era Batman newspaper strip. My graphic novel (with Richard Piers Rayner), Road to Perdition, generated an Academy Award-winning film that is often cited as one of the best comic book movies ever made, and the graphic novel itself appears on many "Best of" lists. As recently as 2011 Terry and I did Return to Perdition for DC. > So what? So Terry and I both have long relationships with DC and might have expected better where one of our creations is concerned. Yes, DC owns the rights to the character, but simple courtesy and common decency might suggest going down this path with Wild Dog was ill-advised – and that at least the creators should be warned. After all, invoking the Jan. 6 riot was bound to attract attention and controversy – shock value was the point, after all. > Of course we weren't informed, just as we were not told about Wild Dog being used on the Arrow TV show. We weren't paid for that (one of the few things our contract gave us) until that fact went public. I have worked with many terrific people at DC, but DC itself remains what it's always been – a corporation built on the bones of two Cleveland teenagers. > As for Brian Azzarello, who I have never met, I have to wonder what kind of writer uses the creation of another writer in such a reckless, disrespectful manner. Azzarello is one of a generation of comics writers who owe a certain debt to our Ms. Tree, the first successful crime comic book in decades when it appeared in 1981. Still the longest running private eye comic book of all time (50 issues plus specials), it paved the way for everything that followed. We might have expected better thanks than this. > DC owning Wild Dog doesn't stop it being characterized as my work – the fame of Road to Perdition guarantees I will be mentioned in the context of a character who is tied to a political movement I abhor. But a modicum of consideration from the publisher, and some respect from the writer, is too much to expect from the company and talent who ignore Bill Finger's Batman in favor of Batman fingering Catwoman.
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>>22487 Honestly I agree with razorfist on unhinged joss Whedon. He calls out Gal Gadot being English second language and Ray cry racism fisher for being a horrible actor. As time goes zack Synder not only proven to be a hack but he far more SJW than joss Whedon.
>>23029 >As time goes zack Synder not only proven to be a hack but he far more SJW than joss Whedon. I don't know what Snyder has said outside the movie itself, but his cut doesn't have the part from the opening where some "innocent muslims" get "hate crimed" by "white supremacists." Whedon just had to add that. I've done my best to forget most of the rest of both cuts, but Whedon's was far more SJW, and his movies in general are more SJW than Snyder's movies.
>>23031 >I don't know what Snyder has said outside the movie itself Zack synder did the whole woke casting long before Disney doing with marvel. Including intentionally casting a faggot to play the flash.

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2000AD thread Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 08:05:54 No. 978 [Reply]
Thread devoted to all things 2000AD (Rebellion Publishing). It can be just the Dreddverse or alternatively any of the myriad other stories published.
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>>23074 Yeah it really is handy.
>>23081 Im surprised more people havent used it especially for the Share Thread.
>>23058 I really enjoyed the crossover with Mars Attacks.

Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 02:08:01 No. 23059 [Reply]
It's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air! Or maybe it's carbon monoxide. Hard to tell. Either way, what better way to spread the love than sit and watch "romantic" movies with strangers over the internet? Cuz that's what we're going to do. Are you a bad enough dude to join us? We're doing a triple feature tonight, starting off with our annual showing of Strange Magic, after which there will be a choice between the Ted Box and the Yaki Box. Ted Box smells like something you couldn't get away with in movies nowadays. Yaki Box smells like the deceptive scent of catfish. Join us! https://vaughn.live/tedfufu
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Voting the Good Dinosaur
Last movie of the night is from the Yaki Box, and it's Cinderella III: A Twist in Time! Lady Tremaine (aka the Wicked Stepmother of Cinderella) obtains the Fairy Godmother's Wand, and decides to use it to her own purposes. Luckily, Cinderella and The Prince aren't putting up with that bullshit.

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Anonymous 02/13/2022 (Sun) 17:56:22 No. 23053 [Reply] >>23054
>>23053 Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiet, who's playing this year?

Anonymous 02/10/2022 (Thu) 02:48:19 No. 22967 [Reply] >>22968
After almost 7 years it looks like this movie is finally happening. https://archive.fo/1tMQH >Paramount Animation has landed the animated feature Blazing Samurai, which has an A-list voice cast led by Michael Cera. The studio acquired the movie from GFM Animation for North America and other key international territories, setting a U.S. release of July 22, 2022. >Along with Cera, the voice cast includes Samuel L. Jackson, Ricky Gervais, Mel Brooks, George Takei, Djimon Hounsou, Michelle Yeoh, Cathy Shim, Kylie Kuioka, Gabriel Iglesias and Aasif Mandvi. >Cera voices Hank, a dog who dreams of becoming a samurai in a land where that privilege is reserved exclusively for cats. He gets his chance when a post opens up in the small town of Kakamucho, but little does Hank know that the local warlord (Gervais) who hired him is bent on destroying the town for his own gain. Seemingly destined to fail, Hank coaxes a reluctant, once great samurai (Jackson) out of retirement to become his mentor, and together they become samurai heroes.
>>22967 Wait, is this movie done or are they just now animating it because I havent heard about it in years.

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QUALITY /co/ Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 21:18:12 No. 14936 [Reply]
It's time for a QUALITY thread
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>>15063 >ywn work for cobra, have dental plan and watch qt cobra dancers
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>>15066 >ywn work for cobra Why do you seek my tears?
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A classic in physics

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Arthur's going off the air soon. Anonymous 07/28/2021 (Wed) 03:34:41 No. 15869 [Reply] [Last]
Arthur's ending sometime in 2022. After 25 season in the winter of 2022, the show will debute it's final season and after that, it'll just be reruns. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XIdwV4MMYmA
https://archive.fo/StRS7 https://archive.fo/dWyfH
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>>21742 Not only mr Ratburns was straight. He was implied to be a womanizer in the 80s.
>>21645 Fun fact, francine said she was a muslim in the Norwegian dub of Arthur. It had me confused for a good few years.
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>>21250 >I'm gonna' eat the DICK out of his cake >>21320 There is an overdubbed clip where they admit they won't pull the plug no matter if the quality decays, just a flex to the other shows that did end when needed.

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Artists Tracing Anonymous 04/21/2021 (Wed) 03:33:35 No. 11968 [Reply]
Just today it came to my attention that the artist for the recent tie-in comic, Godzilla Dominion, has been found to be tracing. Not just Godzilla himself but the fucking Bass Pro Shop logo too. If you try to call him out on twitter, he will immediately block you for it. https://twitter.com/Drew_E_Johnson
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>>12352 >ywn hurt a hero so badly, s/he orgasms Why live?
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>>12029 >>12057 <tracing background and still making it look sketchy and not well defined Pathetic >>14685 <typical realistic art style stiffness - mostly boring static poses, even the action poses are mostly straight looking with minimal tilt. <over-detailing - Red Hood mask with all those straight lines almost looking like greeble, Red Hood' ugly room <bad anatomy - Nightwing got bigger face than his head in profile, Nightwing body is tilting yet his torso is straight and there's no connection between it and the neck, Red Hood looking up with weird looking jaw and his facial features positioned as if he looking straight <bad construction - see above (Nightwing' pose), usually it goes along with bad anatomy <random shading for realistic art - best example would be Red Hood standing the room, he doesn't have a shadow under his feet and nothing in the room is shaded in the same direction <lousy color scheme - all similar (red, yellow and bright brown) warm and bright colors, nothing to compliment or contrast and the ugly bright yellow color is distracting from seeing the big picture <lousy compositions - Damian tilting his head where everything else is centered, Red hood' room- the left side is disgustingly busy and overdecorated while the right side quite empty with noting to parallel or continue as part of something The assumed tracing of Iron Man helmet is the least of the problems that ugly art has. Now let's compare and contrast to an exquisite art. Behold first pic; the page is divided to three segments, with left and the right parts (the horses, the people and rocks) are tilting in opposite direction from each other and then you got one center piece (cactus Plastic Man) although not completely in the center of the picture. In addition to that, Plastic Man' punch being paralleled to the similar angle of the running horse below and the dust is used as filling the gap between the background horse and the stone as well surrounding the main horse in half circle. So as you can see, it's beautifully and perfectly balanced and connected composition. The color scheme is great too; it's colorful in the right amount with cold colors being in the center and warm colors on the left and right sides contrasting each other, furthermore the blue figure is being complemented by the orange stones next to is and green Plastic man cactus is being complemented by the red figure beneath it. Of course, the drawing got good construction of the figures and objects, nice cartoony anatomy and shading and also great cartoony dynamism.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

There is a bit of a commotion right now over Joelle Jones. She was caught swiping art from Pepe Larraz. It's odd and refreshing to see people complain about someone other than Land doing it. https://twitter.com/samuli47/status/1489675965533986819?s=20&t=2ydDXYp8wOeU2EWJXx3hdQ

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Scenes/Screenshots Redrawns/Vaporware ShinPepi 01/05/2022 (Wed) 05:09:45 No. 21759 [Reply]
This is something that become a bit quite popular last year but on shitchan threads get shitgnored or drained doined by them mods, (btw i did the spongebob one) Can we make a thread to post decent or interesting artstyle shift redrawns or fake screenshots? (not tumblr redrawns, but good ones)
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>>22757 Nice. Glad to see you're still here.
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Anonymous 02/01/2022 (Tue) 01:17:22 No. 22731 [Reply] >>22773
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Encanto Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 02:47:21 No. 22750 [Reply]
Another musical film by Disney is popular, and unsurprisingly, it's praised for the usual cruft. I doubt that Colombia is like this. It's mediocre, although one or two songs were okay. Bruno did nothing wrong.
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>>22798 Sounds like you just don't like anything, anon.
>>22799 What can I say, I hate shit movies.
>>22791 >and they would say you always need a conflict and a villain or it would be completely non-interesting. But there are things that prove otherwise, like this example, and slice of life anime. The "conflict" in the story is just living life, smart-ass! Simply put, it's just the frustrations an annoyances of everyday life. One easy example to point to is Renkin San-Kyuu Magical Pokaan. In one segment, you have Yuuma putting on a magical show and getting frustrated about how it's turning out. In another segment, Aiko wants to become human, but she only has a day to accomplish it. Pachira and Liru both have a segment about them obsessing over a boy and the troubles that cause. There's another segment where they're all stuck in a elevator. All of that is conflict.

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The Maus "Ban" Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 01:32:52 No. 22747 [Reply]
This tidbit of news came across to me, and here is probably the only good place to complain about it. I read the transcript of the school board decision. It was laughable. What bothers me about this whole conversation is this: This controversy was fabricated by the MSM to appeal to people's outrage. The MSM, who claims that this is a thing only Fox News does. The actual headline is: "Tennessee school board votes to replace Maus in English curriculum for 8th graders." This was twisted into: "Tennessee school board votes to BAN Maus". Despite the fact that they weren't removing it from the library. Students were now no longer required to read it. Is this content suitable for 13 and 14 year-olds? Probably. And all of these people are just eating this propaganda up.
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>>22758 >Can we solve the hubris of the academics, who hold that to be anti-academic is to be anti-intellectual? Hit them in their wallets. Home school your kids and encourage others to do the same. Note that home school doesn't mean that everyone only teaches their own kids (though I do think that has an appeal). Many home schoolers get together and make their own small classes, with parents each teaching one day every week or two, each able to focus on the subjects that they know best, which they are frequently actually specialists and experts in, since they all have hands-on experience with their varied careers, unlike teachers. Also, many home-schoolers hire independent teachers, but now the teachers work for the students and parents, and not some administration. Even private schools are still corrupted by administration, which is an extra step of separation from the students and parents. And private schools are also still cucked by government rules. Home schools have very few government rules, since technically they're legally classified as daycares, if anything, and the students just need to pass a few standardized tests, like the GED and things like that, in order to get the qualifications. Because go ahead and ask any actual students at any level of education, and they all know school is a waste of time, and they're only going to get qualifications so the government will allow them to have jobs. Anyway, home school and then academics will lose many of their jobs, mostly in administration anyway, since they're all just middle managers who are just more evil versions of the Pointy Haired Boss from Dilbert. At least his evil was simply banal. School administrators are responsible for pushing the SJW shit more than the teachers are. The teachers you see doing it willfully are a minority. Even the ones that are SJW will usually not go out of their way to make things more SJW, because really they're just there to collect a paycheck, and simply reusing textbooks and assignments from 20 years ago is easier. But administration forces them to make things more SJW. So home school, or private school if you can't home school (though that isn't as good), and the few people left in the education industry will be more beholden to students and parents instead of administrators and government. Universities are already losing their power as more and more average people are realizing they're nothing but cults that the government funds and says are the only groups that can give licenses that the government deems are legally required to hold certain jobs. While the latter is still a factor for people, the illusion that they actually teach anything is gone, and their proportional numbers are dropping, especially among people who actually do useful things for society, AKA men. Of course the problem then is that since the jobs that require qualifications are less done by men and more done by the cult-brainwashed women, the jobs end up not getting done at all, or done badly, and then you get engineers trained in how traditional bridge structures are misogynist, and hired because they are women and not because their designs are best, and then our bridges collapse. And for all the liberal arts majors these institutions churn out, who think they are brilliant artists who can see the underlying meanings of everything, none of them will stop to realize that those bridges are microcosms of society. But so be it. Since the government gives the universities so much power, they won't fix themselves. Either the people rise up and fix the government, or society collapses. I'll take either option at this point. It's better to fuck off innawoods and be left alone in hell than to serve in heaven. Pic related. It's George Costanza home schooling, not wasting his time in school with that maniac Mr. Bevilacqua, trying to climb a stupid rope. If only he was able to just stay at home and learn on his own, maybe he wouldn't be so fucking stupid. Maybe he could have ended up like that nice boy, Lloyd Braun. Well maybe not with his parents, but they could have hired somebody.
>>22767 >I know this is a very naive stance to take but I like to think anyone capable and willing to make something worthwhile will do so regardless of labels or cliques. The people capable of building bridges aren't allowed to do so unless they get authorization from a university, which demands that instead of learning how to build bridges, they spend the better part of a decade learning why they are evil for being male and white and not liking penises in their butts. So many people who are capable don't sign up for the training, or stop going because they realize they aren't being trained at all. But oh, wait, many of the people who would be capable aren't even accepted into the training because they are white (or asian) and male, and they don't like penises in their butts, but plenty of unqualified "people" get in literally because they aren't those things. The people who do finish the training haven't learned anything, and their grades are at least partially based on the same factors that got them into the school, instead of how well they can design and build bridges. And the graduates that then get hired aren't hired on their merit anyway, they're hired based on the same factors that got them into the schools. Then bridges fall down. Your only hope is the people who were actually qualified, worked even harder than they should need to so that their grades were so damn high they couldn't be ignored even though they were the wrong race and sex, and they had the wrong opinion on if it feels good to take a penis in the butt. Then those people had to sit through nearly a decade of soul crushing time wasting, being told in every "class" that they are evil for the way they were born, and that their hard work only makes them more evil. Then they have to continue being leagues better, and even then, they'll lose out on many jobs, but they might get some, and those bridges might not fall down. Except bridges take many people, and some of the others might be unqualified hires, and they might fuck things up anyway. Meanwhile if people who are qualified but don't want to put up with all that bullshit try to build a bridge, the government will stop them and put them in jail, or steal enough money that their lives will be ruined. So those people go off to become other things instead. And those things may be useful, but so are bridges, and those aren't gonna get built to as high standards as we had for thousands of years, because the government won't allow them to be. We have bridges from Ancient Rome that are still in use. Meanwhile we have modern bridges where the government is so busy celebrating that they only allowed women to work on their construction that they don't care that the bridges collapse within six months and kill hundreds of people. And again, bridges are just an example, and a microcosm of society. >I'm curious, what kind of rape porn do modern stacy SJW teachers assign? A teenage girl goes to a party and gets drunk, then she fucks chad thundercock, but later decides she doesn't like the realization that she is a slut, so she cries rape, and the guy gets his life ruined. The end. There. I just told 45% of the books that are assigned in Junior High and High Schools. Another 45% is about the holocaust. Maybe 10% is actual stuff that a kid might like, or is at least classic enough that the kid would learn some bit of literary canon and understand cultural references better. But oh wait, I forgot that now everything is about racism. So now it's 33% rape, 33% holocaust, and 33% racism. 1% standards or classics or things kids (or anyone who isn't a 40 year old SJW stacy) might actually like. But note that there is significant crossover between these groups. Many things will have holocaust, racism, and rape, or at least two of the three. In fact I'd say most would have significant crossover of at least two of the three. Rape is usually involved. Racism and holocaust don't cross over much though because jews and blacks both don't want to share the spotlight, but almost every book assigned will be written by a feminist cunt, and have rape in the holocaust, or rape that is somehow based on racism (which makes no fucking sense because, as other boards on this site, and dating site stats, for that matter, will show you, racists don't want to touch, let alone fuck, the races that disgust them). Also there is crossover between what I am counting as a "standard" or "classic" and the other three categories. I'm not going to complain about To Kill A Mockingbird because at least it is a very influential work that is commonly referenced in American society, so reading it will give students an understanding of those ubiquitous references. Also it isn't even really about racism at its core, it's about prejudice in general, as exemplified by Boo Radley being a much more important part of the book than Tom Robinson, but most teachers are too stupid to understand this. Also there are cases like Othello, where dumbass SJWs will try to claim that the moors were black and then make the whole thing about black people, even though A) the moors weren't black and a fucking cursory knowledge or google search of basic history would teach you this, and anyone with this Costanza-esque level of illiteracy of basic history shouldn't be a teacher anyway, and B) Othello's race is a side issue to the story at best. But they make it all about that instead of the themes that are far more prevalent in the play. But still, I'm not going to lump in Othello with all the black supremacist shit they're forcing on children, just because they teach it wrong. Again, Shakespeare is very culturally important, and at the very least, by knowing it, students would be able to interact more with a culture that constantly references it, so it is a much more valid choice to assign in schools than most things. The problem isn't that Othello shouldn't be assigned to students, it's that those teachers who teach it wrong shouldn't be assigned to students. And to answer your spoiler, don't worry, none of the rape porn is explicit. What makes them cum isn't the descriptions of chad cock, it's getting immersed in the feeling of "victimhood." "Ooh, yes, everyone feels bad for me. Ohh, they're all gonna kill that mean boy that I already had my way with before I stopped and thought about how he doesn't have enough money or status to help me monkey-branch up the social ladder. Ugggh, I love convincing myself that not only am I not a slut for cheating on Beta Brad with Chad Thundercock, but actually I'm the victim and therefore everyone else will treat me better. Mmmh, I'm so oppressed. I'm not a rich stacy that's never been told no in her life, and never felt an ounce of true loneliness or want, because not only am I too selfish and uncaring to be thankful for what I have, but my own fucked up worldview relies on convincing myself that all the people I hurt deserve it because they were born more privileged than me, even though my life is objectively better in every conceivable way. Oooh it's so good!." >>22763 You understand everything but you still call everyone who agrees with you Neo-Nazis. You realize that the same people who told you to call us Neo-Nazis think you are too, right? The very views you shared in that post are exactly why they call us Neo-Nazis, and you are no different.
american news is not only a joke when it comes to being informative, it's actually poison being pumped into the veins of the people who watch it.

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