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HAPPY 2024 Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 05:05:08 No. 38036 [Reply]
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Steamboat Willie is officially in the public domain.
Happy New Year!

MEGA CHRISTMAS STORYTIME #3 Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 03:55:49 No. 37593 [Reply] [Last]
HO HO HO! Guess who's back! Yeah, sorry for disappearing last year. I was in the middle of moving and I didn't have the time to storytime last year, but better late than never Had to defrost myself after a near tragic sleigh ride accident last year, lets just say never give a reindeer spiked oats. These next couple of Monday, Wednesday and Fridays will feature some holly jolly Christmas stories for the month of December. SO GET SOME MILK AND COOKIES, LIGHT YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE AND GET COMFY! IT'S TIME FOR SOME JOLLY OLE TALES! Our first tale of the night is- 1999's DCU Holiday Bash! #3
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>>37958 And with that, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I hope to see all of you next year!

/co/ Christmas card 2023 Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 02:54:28 No. 37590 [Reply] [Last]
Can you smell the burning mouse over the crackling fireplace? BECAUSE IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! Spanning back nearly a decade! We're making a Christmas card! Submit (preferably background-less) images of /co/ related material (8moe related events count too) referencing big comic and/or cartoon events of the past year. We mash 'em all up in a big collage and send out the result to boards we like on Christmas Day. Considering how Disney is burning so wonderfully, how about we all take a trip to the rotting corpse of Disneyland this year?
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>>37923 >>37925 Replace the tranny clown shit with the real winner this year, SKIBIDI TOILET
>>37947 Not /co/. Not good. Too late.
Merry Christmas, guys!

Dave Prowse, the man behind the Darth Vader mask, dies aged 85 Anonymous 11/29/2020 (Sun) 15:41:11 No. 7661 [Reply]
>Dave Prowse, the British weightlifter-turned-actor who played Darth Vader in the original "Star Wars" trilogy, has died. He was 85. >Physically, Prowse was perfect for the part. His lilting English West Country accent was considered less ideal, and his lines were dubbed by James Earl Jones >Prowse died Saturday after a short illness, his agent Thomas Bowington said Sunday. https://archive.is/V8qfp#selection-1085.0-1085.83
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RIP, really unfortunate what he had to experience in his career.
Well, this is a shit way to end the worst year ever.

Invincible The Animated Series: Nuclear Fallout Edition Anonymous 05/07/2021 (Fri) 04:08:03 No. 12631 [Reply] [Last]
The show that turns a try-hard high school super hero comic that over stayed its welcome, into a badly animated pandering mess that'll crater in quality as it goes on.
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>>37477 They obviously based on kryptonians because omniman is an evil superman. That said, the powers of superhuman strength and flight were conceived far earlier than both action comics and dragon ball.
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>>37477 >A pozzed DBZ For every plothole they left, DragonBall has that covered?
>>12634 What's even happening in these pages?

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Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 14:10:14 No. 831 [Reply] [Last]
The most poetic thing I've come to notice about this show is Rick's efforts to dismiss the existence of God. He has time and time again tried to proclaim his place as God by emulating what he thinks God is, and continually denounces religion in the face of his own Hubris, the kicker being that he prays to God the moment he's powerless. It suggests to me that he is always going on Atheistic tangents and trying to cement his place as a God among mortals in an effort to win his God's acknowledgement, because his own hubris veils his eyes from seeing the truth about himself. The Ricks Must Be Crazy indicates this with his spite for his universe's creator despite the fact that he was the creator of his battery Universe and the tiny verse's within it. A Rickle in Time indicates it's a facade with his prayers when he thought he was going to die, and his subsequent response after he fixed his collar.Something Ricked This Way Comes validates religion in a sense with the existence of the Devil, though it gets overlooked in later seasons most likely due to continuity errors. Whether intentional or not on Harmon's Part, it makes this show more Christian than it does Nihilist or Atheist in retrospect. Another observation is that without Jerry is far more competent than he's made out to be in the show. Without Rick, Jerry becomes more competent and becomes less dependent on Rick and Beth when he is forced to step up to the plate. With Rick Potion #9, the moment Rick was no longer in the picture, Jerry stepped up and saved Beth despite being willing to commit suicide if he found Beth cheating moments earlier. Despite earlier seasons portraying Jerry as stupid based on his irrational responses, his peeing on the floor schtick in Lawnmower Dog could be seen as a smart move considering snowball and the other dogs didn't act aggressively and dismissed him as a legitimate threat as a result, not to mention the implication of castration Jerry shrugged off as a haircut. Jerry is most likely not a genius, but his antics whether deliberate or not allow him to contest with Rick and Beth married him for a reason despite being the daughter of the Genius. Big Trouble in Little Sanchez speaks for itself. The general idea is that Rick is hailed as a God and Jerry is hailed as retarded, though the show demonstrates the opposite depending on how you look at it. Anyone else notice anything interesting about this show, intentional or unintentional?
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The Devil could very well have beaten Rick and got his soul. The Devil opened up a shop that gave away items which would ave a positive effect and a negative one, the purpose of this was stated to be that the Devil was trying to harvest the souls of the patrons through these items. Never was it established that the negative effects of the items was a necessary component for the soul to be reaped from the person who had taken them, very possibly the Devil was still getting those souls eternally damned to Hell. A clever trick of the Devil would be to move into the town Rick lived in, hire his granddaughter to draw the guy into his shop, and trust in his ego to help him claim the soul of just about every person in town, including the scientist himself. Even if this wasn't the case, the Devil need only claim this was his intention to Rick after he had finished selling the items he removed the curses from and he'd have claimed a victory over Rick by breaking him with the belief that he had damned himself and so many others (which would be a wound upon his ego). Then all the Devil had to do was move shop to the next town and begin again. It's also inconsistent that in this and other episodes Rick, who claims to be a nihilist that believes in nothing, has a problem with nazis and pet abusers. If he is truly above petty morality, he'd not be offended by a swastika-clad skinhead. Furthermore, as someone who claims to hate authority he's pretty chummy with the president of his country, the USA, one of the most corrupt places in the world. He says he appreciates honesty, so why'd he be against a fascist takeover? To him all governments are fascist, but at least actual fascists are honest about their intentions. I hate pseudo-nihilists who act like they don't have principles but then act exactly like they hold the same moral/political sensibilities as the prevailing culture from which their author hailed. Like "this guy is such a cool dude he doesn't care about anything" until he actually has to take a stance where he disregards some topic that mainstream society would actually judge him for not agreeing upon.

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>>37572 I prefer "cringe edgy" to the "safe edgy" that is so ubiquitous in western media.
>>37573 I wouldn't call it cringe edgy and safe edgy. One is edgy but earnest, the other is obsessed with audience approval, afraid of saying anything meaningful.

Who would win Bueno Excellente or Superman? Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 13:37:16 No. 37484 [Reply] >>37547
Bueno Excellente everyone's favorite perverted vigilante or the one and only Man of Steel: Superman! Personally my bet is on Bueno since he was so powerful he even made Lobo fuck off at one point in time. Although Superman has the power of cosmic plot armor bullshit, so who knows if he can withstand Bueno Excellente at full power.
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Back when they portrayed non-straightness as something evil characters were more interesting, LGTB shit its simply boring
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>>37522 Pandering to idiots that don't even read the comics is the reason why they're all trying to keep their heads out of the water. DC even went as far as to scorch the earth of Dagger Type. But they'll more likely retcon Bueno Excellente into something silly.
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>>37484 Missed opportunity not to have a Section 8 crossover with the Venture Bros, both are owned by TimeWarner right?

AI Art General Anonymous 03/17/2023 (Fri) 16:25:51 No. 33086 [Reply] [Last]
Whether you like it or not, AI is here to stay. Post /co/-related AI artwork and experiments here. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: https://rentry.org/sdamd Onnx: https://rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide >Models, textual inversion & embeddings https://civitai.com/

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>>37415 I'm no expert at all, but would your problem be solved by manually cutting out only the parts of the images you want? You could just cut out the character and leave out other characters and speech bubbles.
>>37480 Would if I could, but the group shots frequently have characters overlap
>>33179 JC Denton shakes hands with his mechanically augmented senior agent Inspector Gadget

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RIP Keith Giffen Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 01:21:15 No. 36855 [Reply] >>36860
>Keith Giffen, a legendary comic creator known for his work on Justice League International and Legion of Super-Heroes, as well as co-creating characters like Rocket Raccoon, Lobo, and Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle, has passed away at the age of 70. Giffen reportedly suffered a stroke on Sunday, October 9th, before passing away one day later on Monday, October 10th. In accordance with his family's wishes, Giffen's Facebook page broke the news, with a statement reading:
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>>36855 was he vaxxed?
What's extra spookey about his death is that he died less than a week before Friday the 13th and less than a month after September 11th
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Voice Actor Segregation has Come for Cartoons Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 01:09:30 No. 2221 [Reply] [Last] >>37449
Now you can't act as a character that doesn't have the same skin color or race or belief as the character you're playing. Also, this only applies to white people since the hypocrites turn a blind eye to the many black people playing non-black characters like Samurai Jack. Let's also forget that there is an industry of foreign voice actors and dubbers who have voiced a lot of characters that didn't represent them personally or came from the same country as them for however many decades that cartoons have been on and nobody found a problem with it until now. Probably one of the most liberating things of being a voice actor is being allowed to play anyone and anything and that looks to be getting shutdown. The latest one right now is The Simpsons. Can the insanity end? Kristen Bell Will No Longer Voice The Mixed Race Molly Tillerman On Apple TV’s ‘Central Park’ http://archive.is/M8ME6 Jenny Slate Quits Netflix’s Big Mouth Citing Animated Character’s Race http://archive.vn/WD41X Simpsons Will No Longer Have White Actors Voice Characters of Color. http://archive.is/iQlM1
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>>2221 So apparently this chubby gook SungWon Cho got segregated for being a gook and not white, not sure if the director is playing his game. Then again what to expect when your big break was in a tumblr vine kissing an amiibo as one of those "awkward manchild moments" >>9784 Then how come Dan Castellaneta remains voicing the blue haired jew lawyer and Krusty the clown?
>>37449 They only cry when it affects them, they can't think about the consequences, even when it affects them. Completely braindead just following an ideology, It's really no wonder Christianity exists, people will just fill that ideological hole with the dumbest shit, like communism.
>>37449 Because John Kassir can only voice so many characters and is of Assyrian descent.

Happy Thanksgiving Anonymous 11/26/2020 (Thu) 14:34:17 No. 7581 [Reply]
Happy Turkey Day everyone, I hope everyone gets to enjoy a good meal today. https://youtu.be/e_tFjWf3rjQ
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Most shows have Christmas specials, but how many cartoons have Thanksgiving specials?
>>30605 Time to get even more out.
Happy Colonization Day burgerbros!

Sploot lost media threat 11/14/2023 (Tue) 04:26:58 No. 37327 [Reply]
This cute alien had some lewd arts on the artist social media, but unfortunately, that artist decided to stop doing lewd art, and then, she change their most lewd videos to private. I just ask for some media content that you all may saved from Sploot, specifically videos from youtube or tiktok
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>>37331 Inb4 >no shit sherlock
UnknownSpy is the artist
>>37336 Yeah I know. She if it is a she like you said. Used to post on /monster/

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Night of the Were-Ed Storytime 2023 Were-Ednon 10/28/2023 (Sat) 00:06:04 No. 37067 [Reply] [Last]
Well well well, it's been quite a year, hasn't it? The Slavs are still slaughtering each other, Burgerland is about to catch fire from another election year, and Der Judenreich is about to enact the final solution to the Musselman problem. But all that doesn't matter, because for the next five nights at Freddy's, the only thing you have to worry about is the yearly curse. A tradition upheld, a promise honored. That's right, it's once again the Night of the Were-Ed
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>>37192 The weather changes, autumn fades to winter, and the boys embark on their new journey as wolves of Odin, the curse is over, but it never truly dies. Thank you once again, I'm sorry I'm late and was a little listless, but it truly was an honor being with you for another year. Here's to many more.
Always a pleasure to read each year.
What a weird story. The author was obviously a fan of the source material, but many of the character design choices separate it from the show. The four year time skip between the first and second stories is interesting, but I think the mythological elements of the third story bring down the experience overall, regardless of whether they were alluded to by Eddy's brother's outfit in the second story. I didn't enjoy the sudden shipping either. Overall, it was a good read.

Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 20:47:01 No. 37239 [Reply]
Anybody else watching Powerpuff Girls live? Did anybody go to the Houston Collect A Con. Tara Strong was there! I even got her autograph and a selfie. My Mom wondered why she was so expensive and I told her it was because Tara is Jewish.
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Keith Giffen RIP Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 21:28:37 No. 37133 [Reply] >>37145 >>37198
>Keith Giffen, Comic Book Maverick for DC and Marvel, Dies at 70 >Keith Giffen, a celebrated comic book artist and writer who began his career when comics were still on the fringes of popular culture, in the 1970s, but who rode the superhero wave toward the mainstream with DC Comics’ Justice League and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, popular franchises that became Hollywood films, died on Oct. 9 in Tampa, Fla. He was 70. >Mr. Giffen said he never sought such approbation. “I’ve no need to see my name splashed across the covers,” he said in a 1989 interview. “It’s very rare you’ll see me at a convention. I cringe when I hear anybody referred to as a superstar in comics. I think ‘comic book superstar’ is kind of an oxymoron.” https://archive.md/DrrqQ
>>37133 >"It’s very rare you’ll see me at a convention. I cringe when I hear anybody referred to as a superstar in comics. I think ‘comic book superstar’ is kind of an oxymoron.” Reminds me of Leonard Nimoy swearing off the Star Trek conventions (until he heard he could get $200 per autograph and his jewishness won out)

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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Comic Autism But Where Afraid To Ask Anonymous 10/08/2023 (Sun) 01:21:00 No. 36812 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to discussing the absolute autism regarding the history of comic book characters and events.
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If my only exposure to comics was stuff up to the 70's-80's I absolutely understand where the practice bullying nerds came from. On a tangential note, I despise mainstream comic media with a passion.

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