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Xmas Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 20:38:12 No. 42810 [Reply]
Merry Christmas /co/ t./v/

Avatar Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 21:41:01 No. 31664 [Reply] [Last]
Do you think they'll give us a spin off that doesn't suck? Next avatar is Earth so it should be good.
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>>38555 Don't you think they jumped a head a bit too quickly? How long did it take us to discover the radio?
>>42537 >How long did it take us to discover the radio? About a century, from Alessandro Volta producing the first electrical current, to James Maxwell's theories on electromagnetism, to Heinrich Hertz successfully trasmitting electromagnetic waves through the air, to Guglielmo Marconi actually being the one who developed radio transmitters and receivers into a working and viable concept, to Landell de Moura actually being the first person to transmit the "human voice" wirelessly. And it should be mentioned that while these five men are very important, it's excluding all the thousands of other men who tested theories that proved to be wrong or found the discovery even earlier but didn't find a way to further utilize it or were told by other people that they were incorrect in their findings.
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>>42317 Supposed leak of the new Avatar & her twin sister. This confirms they're based on pajeets.

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Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 14:52:10 No. 42255 [Reply]
Teen Titans Go aired a special episode today to celebrate reaching over 400 episodes. >After "Teen Titans Go!" wins the award for being D.C.'s longest running animated series, a jealous Superman banishes the Titans to world of stop-motion in order to get their show cancelled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ULTbMkTd8E
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>>42687 This, kids are watching youtubers and skibidi toilet. Cartoons are being watched by 20-30 year olds and only sustained by merchandise.
>>42682 Loud noises and bright colors. With how low cost it is to profuce, it's effectively CN's spongebob. >is it for toddlers Pretty much, though Im sure grade schoolers get some milage out of it too. >>42687 I know no adult fans of TTG. Im certain its just the kids watching. Who else could be?
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>>42682 Jewtube stole their audience, bear in mind they haven't got rid of the vore and masochist shit but they did purge anything involved with cringe culture.

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Amazing digital circus thread Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 08:57:21 No. 41197 [Reply] [Last]
Suprised 8/co/ didn't have thread about it yet. Despite the annoying and underage fanbase the show ain't that bad. Despite the occasional lore fagging I enjoyed the two episodes. also ragatha is best girl
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>>41214 >What's wrong with it other than that? I was too hard on it back then. It's definitely a series you can tell was made by someone with an interest in 2000s-to-early-2010s internet scene culture but didn't live it and was kept around a lot of Millennial influences, especially in how the show's humor tends to veer into a Late Millennial direction, yet not as obnoxiously as anything made by actual Late Millennials. It's the kind of thing that would be aired on Disney XD if it was still around and would be very popular at Hot Topic if it was still relevant. Unfortunately, this means the characters can be overly childish. However, its writing improves by bounds after the pilot, despite how much the characters change from it and how obvious the creator's femdom and tsundere fetishes are throughout it, especially in how the female characters interact with his retarded submissive golden retriever man self-insert. There are some jokes that give a similar feeling, like how it's mentioned that the drones sweat and how weird that is, something I'm critical of it for more than just this. It's another reason why the drones are inexplicably cyborgs. It's also notable that his late teens self-insert paired with the heroine, who is very obviously in her early teens. Metahumor and tryhard edginess, the latter of which is very pronounced with cut-ins and closeups, are two areas that only mildly improve throughout the series. It can get very in-your-face that the creator is an animation nerd and has interned at many studios and thus wants to point out cliches. Episode 4 is especially notable for this since murder was previously seen as horrific, but comedic murders and murders of side characters become commonplace here. Despite this, my impression of this change is that the creator understood that people were getting sick of the high school backdrop, yet this also cheapens the concept of the series, much like the total abandonment of more drones arriving and the heroine fixing the ship so they can kill humans and the importance of the rail gun to Uzi's character and the purpose of the murder drones being on the planet and what the lights on the tops of the heads of the murder drones meant in the pilot. Like Gooseworx and Vivzie, he uses some biblical references and imagery and is between the two in how much he applies it. The nexus for this is a character called Cyn, pronounced "Sin", who is a GladOS ripoff with HK-47 speech patterns. This tendency for the creator to borderline rip-off things because he thinks they're cool appears regularly. Also like Gooseworx and Vivizie, drama is handled roughly, being a tossup between tonally never leaving sardonics, thus not leaving an impact, and being undercut because the fast plot and even faster jokes demand it to end quickly. Despite this, the rapid pace of the jokes means more opportunities for them to land, and more did with me than they did initially. He also makes occasional references to things like "the void" and "the singularity" and other amateur Millennial nihilistic concepts, which is discouraging. The pacing is all over the place. Characters and concepts appear out of order and aren't given time for the audience to understand them. A particular case of this is when the heroine gains her powers. There's no equivalent to a superhero trying out or training with his powers. She can just use them, presumably because of their source or her focusing intensely. The female murder drones are hot, even if they are Nier ripoffs with exaggerated My Life as a Teenage Robot personalities, and the action sequences are serviceable. >TL;DR You should try it. After the pilot, things like incessant corporate jokes and misandrist commentary go away, and it's only eight episodes long. Nothing in the series is as bad as the pilot.
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>>42573 It's all "I've seen this gag and plot for the millionth time" and yet fails to deliver anything, take away the characters, colorful graphics and smooth animation you'll get an average cartoon at best that attracts churkas for their daily autistic porn slop at jewtube.
>>42581 You may just be too bitter to enjoy anything anymore.

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Webcomics Thread. Anonymous 01/03/2021 (Sun) 15:07:04 No. 8642 [Reply] [Last]
Any interesting webcomics you've been reading lately? Post them here.
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>>42518 Oh, and Bleedman finally stopped being a tease and doing lewds and explicit lewds. There is this one old one from 2009 I just found though. Never knew he did anything explicit that far back.
>>42519 started doing*
>>42518 I never knew Bleedman had a writer, whose idea was to have Mandy causing 9/11?

/co/ is formally invited to the /christmas/ interboard event of 2024 Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 04:15:03 No. 42311 [Reply]
Merry Christmas, anon. You are invited to this year's >>>/christmas/ event. This project aims to gather anons from different board from inside and outside 8chan and hang out together and have fun. The planned date is December 14 and 15, so I hope I'll see you there. If you have any questions about the event, please make me know here or in the organization thread >>>/christmas/3691
Event currently open, you can drop by and watch movies tomorrow, more information here >>>/christmas/3773

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Cartoon Intros Anonymous 09/05/2020 (Sat) 03:47:36 No. 4808 [Reply] [Last]
What are some of your favorite cartoon intros?
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>>41589 Does that include Yvon of the Yukon? Most episodes of that have been lost media for years.
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>>41604 That's strange, considering forgotten leaf cartoons would later get dumped into Youtube now that it has gotten too sterile and safe.

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Arcane Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 16:16:59 No. 20437 [Reply] [Last]
Is it any good? I haven't had any time to watch it but not only the normalfags praise it, but even close friends whose recommendations I trust. It might be because years of /co/ gave me this sixth sense... or turned me into a bitter, distrustful asshole, but I for what I've seen it just looks like some RWBY shit on over budget. Like yeah, it could be good, but it just looks like a fad, not like one of those shows you keep discussing forever. I AM going to watch it myself when I get some free time, but right now, Whad does /co/ thinks?
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One of the first LoL champions getting what he wanted in the end might be the closest that Riot is going to get with honoring their 15-year old game's past (unless the next spinoff cartoon proves otherwise).
>>42215 >Jayce >Bleached

Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 11:54:24 No. 29651 [Reply]
i try but i just cant see the appeal of this shit, its a little girl show centered on ponies with a shit art style and cringeworthy infantile writing, why the fuck do so many people like this shit? all i can fathom is that they were exposed to it at a time when they were vulnerable to sexual imprints, seriously what other explanation is there?
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>>42216 And the uncontrolled autismo, now that was the real deal before politics, too bad Blueyfags and LoudHouse-spergs got it easy now that social media has been censored to hell.
Charles Manson once said, before the internet was widespread being a mentally deranged loony meant something. Now everyone's acting "crazy" and it's become a meaningless performance. Or something like that.
>>42237 >"I was crazy before it was cool" What a faggot

Shrek 5 announced Anonymous 07/09/2024 (Tue) 22:20:07 No. 40539 [Reply]
DreamWorks Animation has announced that “Shrek 5″ is officially in development, with a far, far away release date of July 1, 2026. Original “Shrek” stars Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz are all confirmed to return. Antonio Banderas’ return as the feisty feline Puss in Boots is not yet confirmed. “Shrek 5” will be directed by Walt Dohrn, who served as a writer and artist on “Shrek 2” and “Shrek the Third,” and as head of story on “Shrek Forever After,” in which he also voiced Rumpelstiltskin. “Shrek 5” will be produced by franchise returner Gina Shay and Illumination founder Chris Meledandri; Brad Ableson serves as co-director. Basically kino is back on the menu
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>>42226 >>42234 Ogres wouldn't have human ethnicity, especially not Ogres from shrek.
>>42238 They might not be human, but they are intelligent and sapient enough to mingle in human society, so depending on what type of government the humans have, it can range from ☪☮𝔼✡⚧☯✝ to Ogre Auschwitz.

Happy Thanksgiving Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 13:31:11 No. 42239 [Reply]
Happy Turkey Day everyone, enjoy the festivities and some good delicious food to eat.

Andy Paley RIP Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 11:41:35 No. 42183 [Reply] >>42196 >>42205
>The man behind the iconic music of “SpongeBob SquarePants” has died. >Andy Paley passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 20, after a brief battle with cancer, a representative for his band, Tom Kenny & the Hi-Seas, confirmed to Variety and Deadline. >He was 72. https://nypost.com/2024/11/21/entertainment/andy-paley-spongebob-squarepants-songwriter-dead-at-72/ archive is down at the moment
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>>42183 Now it's the turn for Spongebob's crew to deal with life itself, but Viacom would definitely use AI or another replacement, they just won't let the cartoon die.
>>42183 Rest in peace, Mr. Paley. >>42196 You know, it actually took me a bit to realize this image was fake, especially since it sounds like the exact kind of shit the Canadian or UK government would pull.
>>42205 Change the years to weeks or days and it'd be impossible to tell it's a fake.

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DuckTales Rumored To Be Cancelled by Disney Anonymous 12/02/2020 (Wed) 20:39:43 No. 7730 [Reply] >>42178
>Disney’s DuckTales reboot is rumored to have been quietly cancelled, according to Collider associate editor Drew Taylor >When pressed as to how he knew DuckTales season 3 would be the end of the series, Taylor said most of the crew have already moved on to new projects. >Disney is severely cash strapped right now, and despite animation being a key focus for other streaming services during the pandemic, it doesn’t appear to be a major focus for Disney+. <DuckTales is an incredibly expensive show to produce, and it might have been a casualty of The Mouse House’s dwindling fortunes. Other than hearing decent things about it I'm honestly shocked its getting axed. Of all the shows the Mouse still has they kill one of the few things that can pump out new episodes for a sizable fanbase. https://archive.is/gtftj
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>>34231 QQ moar faggot
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>>7730 Sad part is Disney's still going to keep butchering old franchises and push flops out the door with no recourse.

/co/ Pain Thread 8: Superslop at the end of the rainbow! Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 23:43:36 No. 38885 [Reply] [Last]
The world's on fire but the slop doesn't stop getting churned! Your thread for venting all your frustrations on various /co/ related movies, books, games, & shows is back! Feeling lucky? You shouldn't! The first tease of James Gunn's Superman has been revealed. Calling back to Kingdom Come but with a gold sigil & 50% less crappy textures. Will James Gunn save DC & Warner Bros.? Probably not but they're too far along to stop. On the animated side we're still getting not one but two more Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths parts to the Tomorrowverse. A disaster of an animated universe somehow worse than the New 52 based one previously. But they're bringing back Will Friedle as Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond & Kevin Conroy's real last performance along for the ride. Also still getting the Suicide Squad Isekai anime. Something no one asked for that's clearly gotten too much yet not enough effort put into it. If you weren't sick of Harley already, now you're getting ANOTHER live action take on her in the sequel to Joker. An upcoming musical drama about Arthur finding love in the craziest of places. Arkham Asylum. But wait! There's more! Hollywood isn't just regurgitating Marvel & DC slop anymore! We're getting a reboot of The Crow. A film infamously starring Brandon Lee as the titular Crow that led to his untimely accidental death due to incompetence on set. Now The Crow/Eric Draven is being reimagined for a.... modern... audience. None of that comic book accuracy in looks though. No no. They've Jared Leto'd him for a new generation. It's a bold strategy, anons. Let's see how it plays out.
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>>42022 fucking this. its the major aspect of the entire issue which they'll all ignore despite how telling it is. it's not about "real art" dying, real art has been dead for a long time, it's about their power being taken from them. after intentionally ruining everything, laughing about it, and spitting in the faces of their would be audiences they genuinely expected sympathy from the masses they so callously abused. what difference is there between the likes of and "Ice Age Collision Course" or an "Incredibles 2" and whatever the AI generated equivalent will inevitably be? We live in a world where they'll soon be making both 5th Shrek and Toy Story installments. Having a robot spit that out would be no different from having some communist so-cal retard doing the same.
>>41809 we are truly just here to suffer >>41798 WB animation released nothing of note past 2015. 2015 marks the point where absolutely everything they made be it batman or scooby doo became total shit 9 times out of 10. Even for as bizarre and unnecessary as the WWE crosaovers were, we still got occasional kino like Gods and Monsters or Scooby meets KISS. It still baffles me how terrible the Maxwell Atoms Scooby stuff turned out, how much he wasted Elvira, how he just recycled the premise from the jack o'lantern episode of B&M, and how fucking forgettable Guess Who ended up being despite getting so many big names. Maybe Atoms just lost his touch along the way. >>41793 >criticize the O.K.K.O. crossover for being a hollow and heartless attempt by Igbo to garner internet good boy points on vanilla /co/ >get called a joyless faggot im so tired of the slop defense force faggots online.
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>>41808 i like scrappy

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Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 21:43:25 No. 12129 [Reply] [Last] >>42105
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>>41608 >disgusting Would though
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>>12129 So the moral of the story is to just copy anime but draw it bad and with minorities?

ReBoot ReWind Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 17:58:10 No. 41826 [Reply] >>41956
Does anyone here remember ReBoot? One of my favorite shows of all time. Lately Shout Factory's Youtube channels have had livestreams of it going 24/7, and I've just been leaving it on in the background whenever I have nothing else to watch. It holds up tremendously. The early episodes do have animation that shows its age a bit, but by the end of Season 1, it's already noticeably better, and I'll go out on a limb and argue that by Season 3, it holds up favorably against modern CGI cartoons. Recently some fans got together and made a very in-depth and professional 8 part documentary series about the making of the show. It is basically all made of interviews with the creators. They got basically all the creators and animators and directors who are still alive (including one of the top guys who tragically passed away before the documentary was released), and get tons of good information out of them. Of interest to /co/ is that one of these people is Dan DiDio, former EiC of DC Comics. He sometimes gets some hate from comics fans, as all EiCs do, but I liked most of his era, and I love his work on ReBoot and other Mainframe series. While making the documentary, the crew also found the original tapes of the series. It apparently took them months to then source the obscure and outdated machines required to run this particular kind of tape, and then they had to repair the machines, and I guess there is more work required to transfer all the material, but they uploaded the first episode in high quality to the Mainframe Youtube channel, and it does look markedly better than the already good DVDs. They even did a theatrical showing of the series and included one of the two IMAX rides from the '90s. There are some recordings of the first ride, but only partial recordings of the second, and of course they aren't in good quality. Some clips in the documentary show that they have access to the uncompressed versions of the cutscenes from the PS1 game. Hopefully they just release both the IMAX rides (and pre-ride material, and the uncompressed PS1 cutscenes, onto Youtube. The documentary also discussses how in Season 1, they were so behind on the animation that they couldn't deliver episodes on time, and instead made a series of commercials that tied together into a little story (called "The Trias Effect") to keep kids watching for a month. Most of these are on Youtube from the original airings, recorded onto home VHS, so not great quality. One seems to be lost, though. But these people seem to have found the tapes, so hopefully that gets released, too. I mean this is a series that is officially uploaded onto Youtube on several official channels, along with official livestreams. Hopefully nobody involved would be opposed to just also uploading higher quality versions of the episodes, along with some otherwise lost-media spinoff bits. Anyway, this documentary is excellent, and if you haven't watched the original series, you should. It starts off as episodic comedy, but the way it transitions into a much more adult continuing storyline is very cool. The animation was groundbreaking, pre-dating Toy Story, and once they got the ball rolling, it really holds up even today. Also, they hilariously go on and on about how they would all like to bring the series back, but they never once directly refer to "The Guardian Code." Such an abomination that they pretend it doesn't exist. Except when most of them do mention that they'd like to come back, they always say "but only if (creators) Gavin (Blair) and Ian (Pearson) were involved." Seems like they were swiping at The Guardian Code. Unfortunately, one episode is dedicated to Ian Pearson, who apparently died after all the interviews they got with him, but Gavin Blair seems to still have all the ideas. Part of me still has hope that he'll get to put those final episodes out there some day. At the very least, I wish he would just be a bit more specific about what the last episodes were supposed to be. He does talk about it a little bit, though, including clearing up the cliffhanger... They don't go into extreme detail, but since it's the main thing fans probably want to know, I'll give a very condensed version of their condensed version. Season 4 was supposed to be three four episode arcs. It then ends on a cliffhanger at the end of the second arc. Creator Gavin Blair mentions, however, that actually that cliffhanger wasn't intended to lead into the third arc. Actually they intended to release extended-edition DVDs, so all the episodes were supposed to be longer. When Cartoon Network reneged on their contract and fucked them over, the third arc and the extended edition DVDs were both cancelled. This then resulted in their merchandising deals getting cancelled, and toy company Irwin going out of business. Mainframe then scrambled just to try to finish what episodes they could get what they had out the door before they completely ran out of money. So the first two arcs of Season 4 are actually very condensed compared to what was originally intended, as they tried to keep certain things from the extended DVDs by cutting and trimming other bits. One bit that got trimmed was the last act of the last episode of the second arc. They figured it would be better to keep more of the rest of the episode/arc, and then hope that maybe the cliffhanger ending would be cool enough to work as an ending, and hopefully let them come back. But actually "The Hunt" that Megabyte refers to in the last line of the series was actually just going to be the final act of the episode. That's only about seven minutes. Then "there would be another double-cross" (referring to the previous time he was defeated) and the episode and arc would end. They don't mention what the third arc of the season would have been, but it wouldn't have been Megabyte hunting down all the protagonists, which is what fans assumed for the last 23 years. It would have been a new story after Megabyte was defeated. They do imply it was still gonna be part of a larger season arc, but they don't say what it would be, just that it wasn't gonna be Megabyte. PS: AndrAIa is best waifu. A Mouse is fine, too. Dot's a fucking cunt, though.

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>>41843 >Transformers Wild Animals Do you mean Beast Wars? That isn't forgotten. It's the best Transformers series by far, and largely because it was made by the same people who made ReBoot. It was practically the sequel to ReBoot. I still remember when Beast Wars was coming out, and YTV marketed it as "from the makers of ReBoot" rather than "the sequel to Transformers." And that's what got me to watch. And it's awesome and holds up to this day. Season 1 has its share of one-off episodes that can sometimes be forgettable, but the characters are the best Transformers characters ever, Dinobot is the best individual Transformer character ever, and the story that develops throughout Seasons 2 and 3 is so cool. The sequel series, Beast Machines, gets a bad rep sometimes, but I think it holds up very well. Maybe not quite as well as Beast Wars Seasons 2 and 3, but I actually like the more spiritual angle that Optimus takes on, as it allows both him and Cheetor to develop in very interesting ways. And yes, Beast Wars was called "Beasties" in Canada, which is where it was actually made. For some reason the Canadian censors demanded they censor that title, even though on ReBoot, it was the American network, ABC, which was heavily censoring the entire show, while YTV gave them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted, to the degree that you can identify the specific episode that ABC cancelled the show, since it immediately becomes suddenly dark and edgy. They go from characters not being allowed to break glass, or have boobs (the modellers were forced to give them all strange "monoboobs"), to an X-Files episode (actually guest starring Gillian Anderson) where a monster is running around killing recurring characters. And anyone who knows how ReBoot Season 2 ends knows it gets extremely dark. Insektors is an actually obscure series, even moreso than ReBoot. ReBoot's creators and fans always claim to be the first fully CGI TV series, but according to some sources, Insektors premiered first, at least in France. This results in ReBoot sometimes being referred to as "the first fully CGI half-hour TV series," since Insektors episodes were only 11 minutes. Honestly I do think the animation in that show is still pretty cool, I have a massive soft spot for early CGI, but it's not as good as ReBoot, in animation, and especially not in story. I also loved the Incredible Crash Dummies TV show as a kid, and that technically came out before ReBoot. I had one episode on tape, and was always looking for others. It was only many years later that I learned that it was a standalone "TV special," clearly actually a failed pilot that never got picked up. So I guess that is how ReBoot can still market itself as the first CGI "series," since Crash Dummies was just one episode. It was a cool one, though. Also, when ReBoot came out, YTV would air random CGI shorts during commercials and between shows, packaging them as "Short Circuitz." I loved these so much, but for a long time there was no documentation of the series. Eventually I learned they were all just repackaged older CGI shorts from the '80s, including some very famous ones, like Andre and Wally B.. But now you can find a lot of them on Youtube, though usually mixed with a lot of other similar '80s CGI stuff, sometimes from the same collections that Short Circuitz got a lot of its material from. I swear there are still some I vaguely remember from the mid '90s that I can't find online though. Also, people love Animusic, but nobody talks about the earlier (and therefore more groundbreaking and impressive) similar animation from the same guy, "More Bells and Whistles." That short is awesome. It makes me wonder if there is a regular "Bells and Whistles," but I can't find that one. I love early CGI, but ReBoot is the coolest because it also had awesome story and characters. Beast Wars comes close. Shadow Raiders is cool too. And so was Weird-Os, and Scary Godmother, and that weird MTV Spider-Man series. Mainframe was awesome because they had cool animation and good writers.
>>41826 Ah, that finally came out. Been meaning to see it.
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>>41840 >Tripping the Rift was the superior CGI animated series

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