Talking about the comics here. Overall it's decent. Depends a lot on your tolerance for pop-culture references.
The characters are decent. No one's annoying or out-of-place, except perhaps Julia, but at the same time no one, is that memorable either. They've got their own ambitions, little character traits, relations, etc etc; all very mundane. I think Brian Malley said he inspired the characters off people he knew irl in the alternative-music scene and I believe him. One exception to the mundanity I mentioned, the seven - really six - antagonists, more off-the-wall than the other characters but not by that much.
I find it odd that the writer put in two gay dudes, this was back when gay rights were the new hot thing I guess.
Setting is urban fantasy, but instead of the usual sword and magic kind of fantasy, it's videogame mechanics. Level-ups, spare lives, character stats, the works. But, and it's a big but, said videogame mechanics
only come into play during fights against the evil exes, outside of that the setting is essentially real life. More specifically, the real life of 00s Toronto. Nothing you'd find unbelievable in the 21st century western world. One thing I do find amusing is how much of pre-smartphone technology is there. MP3s, video stores, flip phones. Quaint. Also lots of video game and music references but I didn't catch any.
Lastly, you got the plot. It's a
romance overdosing on pop-culture references. The romance between Scott and the loose Ramona. Though both being so promiscuous, they're rather fitting for each other. The comics portray the start of a romance between a man-child and a commitment phobe, the antagonists are there to force character development on Scott, though Ramona does get some character development of her own in the end; action scenes, and justify the videogame mechanics. I'd call plot the weakest part of the comic, it starts and goes erratically, often goes on tangents, and then rushes afterwards to make-up for lost time.
Did I regret reading it? No. Would I read it again? Also, no. Alt-scene canuck romance, tastes alright, is easily consumed, and doesn't satiate you.
Also about the empty lines between paragraphs, I put them there to make it easier to read. I know nobody is going to read this, but I want to practice writing and figured to write this mini-mini-review.
Also also, the one who got me into this was a junkie gay dude with commitment issues (redundant I know.) Make of that what you will.